BEST Minecraft Build Tips & Tricks For Minecraft 1.20.4

Build tips and tricks for Minecraft 1.2.4 now this won’t be easy and that’s not just because I’ve broken my elbow in two places meaning I only have one hand to make this video but also because if I’m perfectly honest there’s not that many new blocks before you call me crazy

My last video of this style was 3 years ago and since then we’ve had this many new blocks added to the game not including the new snapshot blocks but for 3 years worth it’s really not that much considering most of the new blocks just feature some new colors and

Textures now don’t get me wrong it’s always great to see some more block variations but what I’m always most interested in are blocks that offer new mechanics as well as some interesting new shapes so realistically we’ve only got a small handful of new blocks to work with before we begin I’m going to

Try and capitalize on my injury and ask you to please like this video using your non-dominant hand and please press that subscribe button so starting with one of my favorite new blocks the decorated pot which obviously is going to be great for just some general decorating but what’s

Even more interesting is the fact you can pretty much combine the pots with almost any other block making this my absolute favorite new way of creating flower pots so just by placing a smaller pot on top you can make tons of different combinations now some of these designs do require commands because

Obviously you can’t just place a full-sized aelia on top of a pot but either way it’s still possible in Creative modes and they’re just perfect for decorating of course you can also hang the pots with chains which does give us some extra options when decorating a

Ceiling you can even add a flower po pot or even use them as some kind of larger sized Lantern another thing you can do is connect the pot to some light blue stained glass to create a water forer which also looks quite good and there are many different ways of putting this

Together you can either use bamboo or make it seem like this Barrel is being emptied but my absolute favorite design has to be this beautiful water fountain it honestly took me such a long time to do with a broken arm it has I mean a lot of detail just Place some stair blocks

Following this shape and the rest should pretty much be easy to follow you could also potentially use a pot as guidance for a small storage unit not the best idea in the world but you can store gems weapons potions and so on using the corresponding pot design and speaking of designs here’s an

Interesting one using the pot with the flame pattern to create a campfire lamp post of course you could use a redstone lamp but I much prefer the fire animation for a more medieval fantasy style and here we have another really simple design that just works a small

Medieval well tied up using leads on both sides and you know just scatter a couple of pot shards for detail and you’re pretty much good to go now then there are also a bunch of other ways you can use the pot for building I’ve just been doing as much

Experimenting as I could manage and you could potentially use the pot to create all kinds of fencing strange wall designs and even pillars I found that Mangrove wood seems to be the best pick it just matches perfectly with the pots so much so that we can now finally

Create a fancy looking totem pole gone are the days of uh well whoever attempted this monstrosity then we have someone in the comments complaining about waste of shulka boxes I’m getting off track but here’s the main issue we are now reaching my area of concern and

As much as I would love to use the pot for exterior builds potentially creating something like a chimney or I don’t know other fancy builds unfortunately the pot works just like an entity which means that just after a short distance the pots start to disappear making your build look like absolute trash and

Considering the scale of some of my projects I highly doubt I’ll be using them for anything other than just some standard decorating now I totally understand that this was mainly done for performance reasons but that does not mean I’m not allowed to hate it because I very much

Do especially considering the pot is such a versatile block but either way there’s not much we can do about it other than increase the simulation render distance as much as possible so next up we have the new hanging sign I don’t think I need to State the

Obvious but this is just going to be perfect for the entrance of any kind of shop or Tavern a better version of this would be to build a wooden directions pole which I think is actually called a finger post sign but regardless it’s a very simple build that might just help

Players explore your Minecraft world Another Not So practical use is to build a ladder here’s one just hanging from a hot air balloon but if you’re on creative mode I would still recommend using barrier blocks to place a real ladder instead or just use some trap doors you could even create a broken

Down suspension bridge which is a really cool idea this design was actually based on this redit post so credit goes to Chop Top 84 another really simple design is to build a very teeny bridge to help cross a small pond just Place some stair blocks side by side and make sure to

Push a grass block into the armor stand to attach it to the bridge for some extra detail now this next design is one of my favorites but be warned it is a a pretty gruesome one that brings us all the way back to the days of that torture dungeon

We built a few years ago to put it simply I built a guillotine I just had a bit of a random big brain moment and decided to use random symbols on my keyboard to create what looks like blood dripping all over the place I don’t think you need a tutorial to build this

But just in case here’s a quick time lapse for you to Follow so next up we have another really simple design just a bench hanging from a tree not much else to say about this but it’s definitely much better than some of the older designs we’ve used in the past now of course I’m sure there are plenty of other interesting ways of

Using the new sign with plenty of different designs to come up with but I don’t want to you know bore you with the obvious stuff like fencing or I don’t know a simple table I’m trying to find the best designs possible and you know I’m really trying here please subscribe

So with that out the way I don’t think any of these other designs are really going to blow your mind so I think it’s time we take a look at some of the other blocks on this list one new addition which I found quite interesting was the

Pitcher plant at first you know I thought it was just this flower but apparently if you plant the seed on some Farmland you also get this weird block so what you could do is use them to elaborate on some of your Farmland all you have to do is prevent them from

Growing by either using commands barrier blocks or maybe just some string cuz honestly they do look like a bunch of giant turnips and yeah they just look really interesting here we have another very simple design that honestly looks pretty good just some bamboo tiki torches using

Candles you can also attach a lead for some extra detail I’ve also seen a few people using you know the new bamboo raft as some kind of storage unit not sure if I like the idea but if it Sparks your interest I guess you can now make stacks of

Bamboo now the skul vein is also quite interesting you could potentially use them as a new kind of carpet design all you have to do is mix and match the different blocks underneath to create all kinds of different designs honestly just the different combinations of textures are going to be pretty crazy

For all kinds of build combinations they especially look quite interesting on blocks that glow now as for the new chiseled bookshelf I couldn’t really come up with any genius designs aside from the obvious secret Redstone entrance or just some basic decorating you could use them as a new floor design and potentially

Make some interesting War combinations but aside from that it’s just a new textured block but at the very least here’s a simple bookshelf design to help you fill up those empty looking Interiors by the way I came across this by complete accident but apparently if you place a piglin head on some Redstone

The ears start to Flap uh yeah I did not know about this but guys at this point it’s about as much as I could handle with a broken arm I hope you enjoyed this video don’t forget to like And subscribe and I’ll catch you guys in the next one is

The Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.4 Build Tips & Tricks!

Exploring all the latest Minecraft blocks from Decorated pots, Hanging signs, Sculk Blocks, Chiselled Bookshelf, bamboo blocks, etc. Attempting to discover some of the best build tips & ideas for your Minecraft World!

This video took an entire month to make with a broken elbow, put my pain at ease and SUBSCRIBE 💪😅 Sorry for the long wait!
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  1. Sorry for the long wait, the video got easier to make over the course of the month, once the pain settled. my cast was removed a few days ago & I'm back to it, just a bit bruised up. also sorry for the bad audio, it was tough editing with one hand. 💪

  2. There is one build hack I found in the new update I haven't seen anyone else use so I am just gonna comment it in case someone wants to use it.
    –> it's an improvement of the old glas fog trick. By scaling block displays I to big planes you can have the effect without optifine and also have fog that is the player can walk through

  3. You've always been my biggest inspiration. Your content always amazed and Inspiried me and I can't agree with you more when its about adding more blocks. Personally I'd love more colored Stair and Slab variants because I love building detail with them! Having so little color variations for those blocks kinda limits my imagination on building more fantasy themed stuff.

  4. Yeah, you would expect more blocks to be available since last time… I'm surprised Microsoft/Mojang doesn't have any more of a fire under their collective butts because of Hytale.
    No no, don't laugh, it will come out, sooner or later. And when it does, I still expect a large chunk of MC players to leave for Hytale.

  5. Jera, your audio seems to only come through on the right headphone, is your audio set up correctly? May have reset in your recording program <3 Hope your elbow heals well and soon! Been there done that.

  6. I don’t know if I come up with this myself or I saw it somewhere, but every time I make any kind of kitchen I use the chiselled bookshelves as shelving for either bottles or just jars of stuff and ingredients works kind of well since you can choose where in the block you put the book and can have them filled up in different ways

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