EASY Plantera & EPIC Ranger Upgrades! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.12)

Hey hey welcome back my friends to another episode here of the Terraria Master Ranger playthrough quite a strange start to the episode isn’t it my friends we’ve actually got a Pirate Invasion going on and I kind of discovered I could semi cheese this by just letting my crystal do all of the

Damage I mean just look at them all trying to jump in the nrab over towards me and for any of you folks wondering yes we did end the last episode by having a solar eclipse begin but I decided to go ahead and just sort of grind that between episodes I’ve not got

Too much from it I got myself a few death sickles which we’re not allowed to use obviously the only thing of worth really is this moon stone but yeah we’re starting off today with a Pirate Invasion the only ranged weapon we can get from this event is indeed the

Almighty Rare Coin gun what’s the actual chances of getting it uh negligible probably and our good times were brought to an end by a flaming arrow a stray Arrow n you hate to see it I’ll tell you something though as much as all these deaths are happening this flamethrower

Is actually turning out to be rather amazing like seriously amazing in fact I’m very very much a fan of it in terms of crowd control here so yeah let’s see what we can do all right the captain taking down got a whole bunch of dudes dropping down from the oh good grief got

A whole bunch of dudes dropping down from the old Dutchman there uh oh okay that’s another death that’s that’s fine well I guess the good news is as much as we’re dropping coins all of these guys are picking them up and that means we have a chance of getting it all back so

You know it’s just one of those things isn’t it you have to go through some hardship to have some good times in this game it seems and hardship is exactly what we’re going through right now but hey we’re 91% of the way through the invasion folks sooner or later oh the

Event should end and maybe we’ll be able to actually get some stuff done all right so we could just take out all these folks the Pirate Invasion is technically over but now we have the goal of taking down the Dutchman so let’s see what we can do shall we oh my

Good grief look at the damage though wow that is remarkable well there you go my friend you saw it here the flamethrower a beautiful Weapon by every stretch of the imagination so let’s go and grab our bits back from the sky island and then we shall begin on today’s goals yeah all

The coins now belong to me now we got all of these bad boys as well no sign of a coin gun though but let’s be honest the chances of actually getting that we weren’t going to do it where like literally it’s to the point where if I

Ever get a coin gun I’m going to have to buy a lottery ticket because truly my luck on that day would have been insane to get the coin gun so here we go what do we got we’ve actually got ourselves a few coin rings and that means we can

Transmute some of them maybe we get ourselves a discount card maybe a lucky coin e some of you guys may be wondering why I’ve got life roots in my inventory and I’ll get to that in just a minute here but first I want to go ahead and do

A little bit of Inventory management so with all that done and dusted I think the next goal is to go ahead and see about transmuting a bunch of stuff if we were to Chuck both of these things in the Shimmer there we go we got ourselves

The discount card and if we do that once more we should get ourselves a lucky coin and then we can make the ultimate in coin saving accessories so here we go the coin ring increases coin pickup range and then we can go even further with that with the beautiful greedy Ring

Hey increases coin pickup range and Shop prices are lowered by 20% hitting enemies would sometimes drop extra coins yeah now then in terms of our life fruits I have been a busy bee my friends in that what I decided to do was actually add a couple of jungle grass

Growing layers beneath our planta Arena so hopefully we can get planta bulb spaw in nice and quick like however with that all said and done check it out down here just beneath the jungle temple there is indeed a planta bulb and that is mighty dang useful and yeah while we were

Digging out those layers I found a couple of Life fruits not too bad so we’re now up to 445 life but here’s the thing before I try planta again I think it would be a good idea for us to create a jungle pylon down here so we got easy

Teleportation not only to the planta Arena but also the jungle temple so while we make our way over to the jungle biome I just want to say of course a huge thank you for all of your lovely support throughout this series of course keep those likes rolling in if you want

To continue supporting this series and this channel here it helps these videos get out there on YouTube and i’ very much appreciate it hit the Subscribe button if you don’t want to miss out on my future content and if you do want to go one further with your support you can

Head on over to pyth gb.com PC to check out my range of gaming PCs or you can head on over to Terraria shop and use code P over there for whopping 15% off your order ah look at that we’ve already got some good stuff growing here there’s a life Fruit excellent

455 life love to see it all right very very simple shape here all we have to do is get these background walls in maybe get a few bits of furniture and then we should just about be good to go with this thing folks all right here we go

And there it is jingle pylon the only thing is I’m pretty sure that I yed the dry away from another pylon so I just need to figure that out real quick ah we now no longer have access to the hall pylon I’m thinking the steampunker why not all right so we just

Go away we come back and there we have it a another pylon has been fulfilled Cav Pilon full access Jungle full access Forest full access and ocean full access all right so that’s now what five Pilots so then with that done and dusted ladies and gentlemen I do believe it is time to

Get back to our massive goal of hopefully trying to take down planta now here’s something interesting it wasn’t necessarily pla herself who wound up killing me in the last episode some of you guys correctly pointed out that actually there was an angry Trapper within the arena here and that did a

Whole ton of damage to to me I mean obviously you know all the hits that I took from planta wouldn’t have helped but I took like 150 plus damage from one of those angry Trappers so yeah that definitely didn’t help so yeah basically what I’m saying is we need to make

Double double doubly sure that there’s no regular dudes in here no regular mobs that will kill us you know all righty coffee medium improvements TOS start regen potions a little bit of shine anything else maybe some knockback maybe that would be a good idea keep all the little Grabber dudes at Bay hopefully

Okay we got a lure planta over to the arena and her spawning on the bottom right is absolutely ideal there we are as long as she’s on the screen she shouldn’t wind up despawning come on Lassie Come on Lassie and the other good news of course is we

Removed all of the background WS in the last episode didn’t we come on now ah okay already taking a tiny bit of damage but here we are let’s buff on up and ladies and gentlemen it begins and I’m already having to use a potion that’s actually kind of concerning I definitely

Could have done a better job in terms of you know flying around trying to avoid everything a little bit better but hey ho we’re not doing too bad so far look at all those little damage numbers coming out all right here we go any second now

Second phase all right here we go my friends this is where things start getting interesting uh does having no background walls make a big difference hell yeah it does oh my God it’s literally night and bleeding day folks all right 12,000 Health h i mean I don’t want to get

Ahead of myself here but this is actually turning out to be easy street oh my word this is just stupid that was so easy what wow that was incredibly easy holy crap holy man seriously holy crap holy what a turnaround oh beautiful absolutely beautiful I mean come on you guys can’t

Possibly deny that that was beautiful that was like a textbook takedown not quite Flawless but we did a good bleeding job come on check this out as well we got ourselves the planta trophy which is very very nice I think that’s going to reside right in here because I

Mean well why wouldn’t I I would like to be able to display my achievements at the jungle so yeah and what’s better than taken down the almighty unfortunately we didn’t get any ranged Weaponry from planta as far as I can remember I think the only ranged weapon

You can get from planta is the Venus Magnum and to be honest there’s a lot of other weapons I would rather have because I don’t recall that weapon being all that great if I’m being honest I just realized something my friends we could potentially go for the master ninja gear if we wanted

Oo that wouldn’t be a bad idea if we had Master ninja gear we’d finally be rid of the whole you know bouncing off of stuff so yeah Master ninja gear as a goal for today’s episode that could be a good idea what Ranger weapons can we get from

The dungeon the sniper rifle ooh that’s the only one I could think of the rifle scope right ah okay okay what do we think should we just sort of head down here and see what we can find I mean it really doesn’t take long to get yourself

A whole bunch of loot from the dungeon these days so yeah let’s see what we can do ah we got a bonely already flamethrower keeping him at Bay with absolute ease ah do you know what this flamethrower just keeps getting better and better I don’t know

What what else to say folks it’s just so good I’ve slept on it for so so long the unfortunate thing is we don’t have infinite ammo we don’t have like a gel Farm set up or anything like that so I don’t know might be something to considered doing in the near future

Because yeah I genuinely am enjoying this weapon I don’t want to have to put it away ha spec to stuff it’s nice but we’re not allowed to use it oh Rocket Launcher yo that’s something else we could try and get my friends we haven’t used any explosive rang weapons in this series at

All so far I think we need to change that I mean at the end of the day there is a rocket related rocket buffing shite helmet that exists right so yeah ah that’ll be such a cool idea what do you guys think hey got him rocket launcher and

D yeah man I was just in the process of killing a paladin and then uh yeah on another note I think we’re in the wrong section of the dungeon to have skeleton snipers spawning because I mean well I haven’t killed a single one so far which

Kind of sucks in the meantime we do have ourselves something pretty cool right here the rocket launcher ah this is going to be so cool I think we need what is it rocket 3es or rocket fours the ones that do the most damage but don’t destroy tiles basically I’ve just

Realized something it’s the cyborg who sells Rockets right we have no cyborg do we get that when we take down Golem I’d like to think so I could be wrong with that I’m not 100% sure anyway ladies and gentlemen back to the dungeon we’re going to keep on with our grinding

Master ninja gear and the sniper rifle and the sniper scope all of those would be amazing to have in fact our about we up the anti just a little bit I’m sure you guys know where we’re going with this water candle we’re going to have ourselves a battle potion or two and

Then yeah maximize spawn rate as a result I just remembered something else my friends we could get ourselves the nail gun from the solar eclipse we could also go for the goal of getting shite armor finally because as far as I remember you need to have taken down

Planta to unlock the ability to buy the auto hammer from the Truffle MPC so actually when it comes down to it when you take down planta the game opens up a ridiculous amount like seriously a ridiculous amount I can’t wait to get to all this stuff but yeah in the next

Episode I think what we need to do is we need to make ourselves a surface mushroom biome I think getting the Truffle and shw my armor should be a priority goal oh yeah we can also open up the biome chests now we need to try and get ourselves a jungle key folks oh

There’s so much stuff that you can do when you’ve taken down planta all right here we go folks we are going to buff ourselves up to the nines in terms of Spawn rates bada bing bada boom all right and now we play the waning game oh

Look at that it’s a casual little Bon Le trying to roll up he’s dead hey the black belt all right we just need the Tabby now skeleton sniper hey all right so that confirms it we are now in the correct area of the dungeon to have snipers spawn in excellent just got to

Make sure we kill them before they kill us because they will onot you like literally you want since we’re actually looking for the sniper rifle now the game probably isn’t going to give it to me for like the next 3 hours or something stupid the only reason I bring that up is because

Usually in my previous Let’s Plays I feel like I wind up with 67,000 sniper rifles like it’s actually kind of crazy just how often I wind up getting them oh was that it yeah the Tabby has been obtained I love to see it folks yes walking into my flame stream there skeleton sniper

come on come on buddy come into the Hot Zone get sizzled come on now and he’s done ha good Lord 16,000 different things going on at once there we got ourselves a shadow jousting Lance on the floor again one of those things it’s kind of nice but you know we can’t use

It so what ifs all right let’s find out once and for all whether we can do this hey we do have armored tiger climbing gear all right hi ladies and gentlemen finally we can Sunset The Shield of cthulu yeah I do there son I’ve also realized a

Couple other things I can actually make myself the charm of myths if I wanted to so if we do get ourselves into a bit of a bind and we need ourselves some more health regen and the ability to heal more often then that would be quite

Handy dandy to have we also have the ability to make ourselves the star Veil another good defense defensive SL offensive accessory simultaneously love it love everything about it ooh blooming death read I should probably make the most out of this there we go all right back to the

Grind folks we will get this done today sniper rifle sniper scope both of them it’s going to happen if we believe something will happen it will happen and if we put the time into it it will happen and if we don’t die it’ll probably happen a bit quicker

Ah I do love the magnet sphere like truly I do I just wish we could use it hey we got the rifle scope that’s one out of two things we were looking for very good yet another Spectre staff that’s our third one holy crap now to

Try and get the weapon the scope is meant to be attached to oh there’s a sniper rifle but there’s like 1,600 things going on right now if I could just have a second to think and no I I I I don’t get that I don’t get to

Have a second to think in this game and I’m thinking about bringing back the Calamity mod as well oh that’s going to be fun times isn’t it no I’m kidding it will be fun times it’ll be a decreased difficulty for crying out loud folks death Master mode was just too much Master

Revengeance though ah ah see I’m excited for that all right let’s pick up our goodies and let’s get the heck out of here where’s my sniper rifle there it is oh it’s Godly already yo that’s not bad going that’s not bad going so then quickly sell all the bits and Bobs we

Don’t need Shadow beam staff Shadow jaring Lance and look at this our repertoire of ranged Weaponry is really starting to get somewhere Now isn’t it holy crap holy and would you look at this 310 range damage a whopping 53% crit chance this probably isn’t even scratching the

Surface in terms of how much true potential power there is to this weapon 310 that’s probably quite low in comparison to some other people’s load outs that I’ve seen across the years but anyways ladies and gentlemen we will wrap up the episode right there we’ve not done too bad planta is down easily

Might I add we also got ourselves the greedy ring that’s not too bad we’ve got ourselves the master ninja gear we’ve got ourselves a sniper rifle rocket launcher rifle scope ah so much good stuff and we’ve still got so much good stuff to come my friends yes we are very

Slowly but surely starting to approach the end of the game progression wise but there’s still plenty of stuffs that I want to do shrew my armor that’ll be something I want to do Vortex armor that’s something I want to do maybe I try out some other weapons I.E the

Sniper rifle when was the last time I used the bleen sniper rifle eh a long time that’s when So yeah thank you so much for watching if you guys have enjoyed today’s episode of course you’re excited to see more and you haven’t already I’d really appreciate it if you

Head down beneath the video and spend a second to drop a like hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now thanks for watching have a great rest of your day

Folks and I’ll see you guys in the next episode bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – The difference in our ability to beat Plantera thanks to removing the walls in the arena is stunning! We then head to the Dungeon in search of goodies!
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This is Episode 12 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariaplaythrough


  1. Hi Python, I’m loving this series at the moment, along with the new ark play-through👌. Turns out the Cyborg should appear after plantera has been defeated. Additionally, the Rocket III is the one you mentioned (high damage without destroying tiles). Note he only sells them at night or during a solar eclipse. Absolutely loving both the series- hope ur doing well Python. ❤

  2. I used the Venus Magnum in my gun playthrough and took me ages to put it away, it's actually really good. Even compared to some other endgame weapons, it holds up well. The default bullet type also has some piercing!

  3. Not sure if you forgot or just don't want it – but the tactical shotgun with chlorophyte bullets and shroomite armour is my go-to for duke fishron so maybe that's something to consider

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