100 Days In The Better End In Hardcore Minecraft

I’m going to survive 100 days in the end but not that end this one the glow up is real I’ve added a ton of mods adding a whole bunch of new biomes new bosses new challenges and an upgraded ender dragon fight to cap off everything and hey if

You like this adventure then you’ll probably like my new series The Ultimate Survival Adventure it’s a new hardcore series where I’m taking out different bosses trying to find a bunch of hidden eyes and doing my best to survive in a world filled with dragons it’s not going

Well so let’s see if I’ll survive thrive or fall into the void day one just start on an outer end Island and hope for the best I need to be very careful cuz of a single oh okay there’s already mutants so you know how I said that this was a modded

End it’s because there’s all sorts of additional stuff including mutant Enderman and these big mouth Enderman that will just attack no no eye contact necessary they’re just straight up stalkers flanked by dangerous mobs on both sides I made my way through the endstone spikes directly in front of me

Hoping that it would be far enough that I wasn’t targeted but there was one waiting here thankfully there was water directly in front of me and just like with a redditor it’s enough to keep the Enderman away God that took so long but lucky for me there’s enough life out

Here that I was able to get a few pieces of wood convert that into some wooden tools and start mining away looking for food which is going to be one of the biggest problems I have this Tower right here didn’t have an entrance so I used

All of my planks to try to build my way up to the top of that having to use all of the endstone and Mining up block by block finding a bunch of diamonds and some Diamond gear I’ll take it I’m going to be Ked out right away this is endgame

Loot even though it’s day one and if I’m going to be sitting here mining endstone all the time a wooden pick is not going to cover it converting three of those diamonds into a diamond pickaxe I started looking around on the mini map to see where I should go being

Distracted by all sorts of shiny blocks I held one in my offhand so the ground would be a little bit more glowy having to rely on chorus fruit to eat and getting a random teleport as a little side dish there are more of those big mouth Enderman that I was able to kill

This time a little bit faster thanks to a wooden axe in my inventory but I’m just trying to make my way off of this first island towards anything really any sort of structure or anywhere that I can find food and I found a bunch of pedestals that I’m able to put items on

Top of Mining and grabbing a little bit of endstone I can actually make that into a smelter as well but this is going to be a battle of attrition right as it rolled over to day two I found a crashed Airship of some kind here going in and

Digging my way inside finding it completely filled with endstone I was able to mind my way along the outer wall seeing that the chests were unfortunately completely empty but there were some things like glowing blocks and some Brewing stands that I figured could come in handy they also held potions so

That’s probably the only way I’m going to be able to heal grabbing some of the anvils that were around here and other blocks that just might be useful for a potential base in the future there’s a dragon head we got to take that look at me look at me I’m the

Dragon now we’ll fight the dragon probably as an end boss because the dragon is way tougher than it is in vanilla Minecraft but I’m seeing things like giant spheres with ancient debris embedded in the walls of in the distance and using the healing potions to recover just the tiniest bit of Health I’m

Mining up some theaumes as much of that as I possibly could I’m seeing just random things floating off in the distance which I won’t be able to get to until I have wings and the big mouth Endermen are my biggest problem right now as even just one hit from them would be basically

Death considering I have such little armor but the problem I have is is actually one of just base survival right now my Hunger is continuing to tick down and you can starve to death in hardcore so I need to find a way to fill my stomach not just recover my hearts I

Tried breaking basically any plant that I could find bridging my way over towards a nearby Island where in one of the Lakes there was a few iridescent Signs of Life please be edible I was able to kill both of those fish putting down the furnace and using my wooden

Tools to hook them up to the point where I could actually survive it wasn’t up to full saturation but at least I was no longer at risk of starving and knew how to get food in the future as I was breaking down this tree right here

Though to replenish on all of my planks I found out that it was partially occupied wait is this just somebody’s house it’s just a library in the middle of a tree is this one too no why is that one a library oh no I found out that the big

Mouths don’t actually teleport at all which is a little weird but maybe it’s because their neck is snapped they do still take damage in water though so I’m able to just lure them in and let them basically kill themselves I was wondering what that library was about so

I marked it for now doing a little bit of pickaxe fishing in the lake right here cooking up all of the fish as well as killing a few jellyfish to get some gelatin that could be used for some more complex meals down the road I also started smelting up all of the theum

Which is really good cuz that’s basically an iron replacement which is going to be essential since I have no chance of getting iron here in the end the only trick is crafting weapons with it is a far more intensive process than just sticking two ingots and a stick

Together oh I’m going to need a lot of it first I had to smel up basically everything that I had I spent the time while that was cooking doing a little bit more fishing and getting a bit more food and blocks oh hello are you friendly hello Friend Hello friends no I’m going to leave you be once I started getting ingots I made myself a bucket so I could have a bucket of water as a basic defense against generic Enderman potentially then starting to look into how I can actually craft weapons first I made myself a

Smithing table using two of the ingots then I needed to make myself an anvil then I needed to make a hammer and other tools that I could take the ingots and smash those into plates and then I was able to use those plates to craft up to

Finally make a sword that is uh way harder than just crafting an iron sword why is that so difficult and the complexity continued as I made myself a full set of theasian tools which did allow me to do things like kill fish a little bit more efficiently but it

Really going to take some time to pay off as I left the lake I found an ender pearl just sitting on a column right here and a slime which was a nice new friend Hello friends these end islands are far more live L and it’s got to take

Some getting used to day four I was doing just a bit of additional fishing in the lake right here getting myself up to just a few snacks that I’d be able to survive mining all the way up through a tree to get to one of the upper end

Islands finding some purple ruins just embedded into the ground and a whole bunch more which led me towards my first n city I need a shield thankfully crafting a shield is just one toone replacement for iron so that’s really great heading into the very lower areas shulkers are

Going to be a problem without real good armor here without feather falling without even a full set of armor a Shuler shot actually does a decent bit of damage damage you wouldn’t know it cuz you only ever interact with them in endgame and getting myself trapped in the corner here constantly pelted by

Those little spheres was a bit of a problem it cost me a few of my potions just to stay at full health and add to time my attack to when the levitation would inevitably disappear for a few seconds before I was almost immediately hit again and it was tricky these cities

Too are a lot better better is kind of the keyword of this 100 days adventure and when I got to the very top well the rewards are a bit better too hold up is this just this is just these are just shulker boxes oh this is awesome so with four

Shulker boxes in my inventory on day five I can actually organize a little bit you’re not going to see the chest monster that you almost always see here I can be organized from day one that’s really the only only chance once a monster starts there’s nothing you can

Do to stop it the tricky part of it though was clearing the side Towers I still had to deal with a whole bunch of shulker enemies and blocking all of those bursts with just one shield and half armor put me down to about three hearts a couple times that was pretty

Dangerous the tricky part here is just clearing the room once I was able to do that I was able to loot the chest in here getting an iron advancement even though I’m in half diamond right now but I can’t take the ender chest cuz I don’t

Have silk touch so that’s just going to have to sit here waiting for me I rode the water back down as I can’t take that fall without feather falling seeing another crashed airship in the distance making my way inside and getting a whole bunch of healing potions which I

Immediately organized into a little medkit box for myself leaving and marking that location I’m stumbled onto something a little bit interesting okay on ET Turnal portal lost for eternity k u g k patreon did someone say patreon DH I okay right behind that portal actually

Was a house with a whole bunch of stuff in here so I just kept looking around grabbing an enchanting table all of the books the lanterns barels anything that wasn’t nailed down and I thought could potentially be useful in decorating a base at some point in the future there

Were more lakes here populated with more fish which was about to turn into more snacks doing a bit of fishing and cooking so that I wouldn’t starve to death I grabbed a whole bunch of blocks and started converting some of that into charcoal which I could use to have a

More efficient fuel source I also started digging my way up one of these trees using a bucket of water to do the vertical Ascension and the blocks at the top having instamine getting onto the cap of the mushroom tree right here which was right underneath the end ship

Corresponding with this City a quick little bit of pillaring up dealing with quite a few shulkers in the condensed area and I finally had access to some good loot yes pantsy 4 but here’s the good thing wait yes here we go I spent some time organizing everything getting the wings

On and feeling a little bit more confident to deal with the shulkers on the deck of the ship and that was not going well I was absolutely sent flying time to leave once the levitation wore off I took that altitude and started gliding flying out of that area

Marking the ship location and then just continuing to Glide from biome to biome next up was this area with just these awesome bsmith kind of looking crystals and then a red tinged area with a bunch of scrub land and plants all around there’s another crashed Airship right

Here so I went inside to check it out finding a whole bunch more of the healing potions which is one of the only ways I can really recover efficiently right now but there is also a whole bunch of blocks and you know me I see pretty blocks I start dismantling

Whatever structure I’m looking at that I could turn that into a home at some point in the future I sailed over towards a more orangey yellow biome that was filled with these kind of exhaust lost Vents and sulfur crystals that were glowing on the blocks underneath the

Water I broke a few because I thought they’d be important pocketing them not realizing how critical they would be stay tuned for that I took a detour around some jellyfish finding a third crashed Airship here mining through the front of the ship and not finding any additional treasure grabbing the potions

And some Aurora crystals from those glowing blocks I realized you could dry the end Lily leaves and thankfully to the jei interface I realized that was one of the only ways that you could make paper and it was right here see I told you it wouldn’t take long that I

Realized that sulfur was essential to crafting Gunpowder the other things I needed for that was charcoal and bone meal charcoal would be easy enough you just cook some logs bone meal took a little bit of research and trying to find out what would be any potential way

To get it once I had 2/3 of the gunpowder recipe in my inventory I just started running off in the area going from vent to vent trying to use those to give myself a little bit of altitude that I could fly realizing that if I

Caught the smoke from the top of them it gave me a little vertical boost on its own I flew over to the next adjacent set of islands which was this amber colored biome that had a ton of plants right here on the ground they could theoretically be crafted into sugar as

Well which would be great for some of the better recipes that I could use in this this pack but just over the sand dunes that were right here was a bunch of vioc site which was another just awesome looking block that I could use for construction oh that’s satisfying

But it does make the advancements come in kind of a weird [Laughter] order I have an elytra I have a diamond helmet and pants diamond pickaxe I don’t have shoes yet but uh hey Stone Age I spent a bit of time harvesting the Via site before checking out the neon cacti

That was right here over the hill and they break in the most satisfying way but I spent some time mining out and leveling a space that I’m thinking might work as a potential base location we’re going to need a spot to call our own and just store everything cuz my inventory

Even with three shoger boxes is pretty it’s a mess already this location was pretty flat it was well illuminated from all of the neon cacti and I didn’t see any mobs spawn spawning here when I flew up which made me think it’s pretty Central to the area I’m going to be able

To explore in the near future let’s set up shop here first thing I did was plant all of those Amber plants that I had just collected thinking hoping that I’d be able to harvest them in some way to be able to get bone meal after that I

Dropped down all of the shulkers picked up a few of the blocks and then just started building a bit of a wall I’m going to go for a bit of a larger compound feel here instead of just one tiny little starter house I want to make

A castle with a courtyard out in front of it mainly out of endstone I don’t know if I’m going to be able to build up something that is of the same scale of these massive end structures that are part of this mod pack but a little place

That I could hang my head and store my loot after setting up a decently ambitious plot of land and Walling that off to make it my own I took to the hill directly in front of this house using that enchanted diamond shovel that I had gotten from the very first first end

Ship that I had looted and just devastating the Sand Mountain directly in front of where I was planning to set down this allow me to access the Amber biome directly in front of me a little bit easier and I mind until that broke and here’s where the chest monster kind

Of starts I I know I promised that it wasn’t going to happen I know I promised this wasn’t going to be the case but in necessity begets organization I dropped everything off in the barrels directly here just trying to empty a few of the shulker boxes that I could use that for

Remote looting trying to see how I can make athasian shovel and as always it’s a pretty complex process but in the middle of that I was visited by a new friend oh my God hello friend what do you have haste blind that doesn’t help night vision slow falling a knockback

Stick opal infused totem of and dying how would I even get a totem well that’s a new goal bye friends that end Goblin is going to get me into some trouble just wait and see but once I made myself my new tools I harvested up all of my shulker boxes

Dealt with another big mouth Enderman and found out a very terrifying fact of their attack pattern oh they teleport you oh that’s terrifying but with that handled step one was to just get more wood so I could start building house while I was mining that up though I did

Make a stunning realization and you have to deal with it too oh that doesn’t Decay does it that doesn’t Decay I’m not fixing that that can be a problem that you all can deal with when you get the World download I am not I refuse to fix that I don’t want to hear

Anything about floating trees in the comments okay I’m just no not allowed I’ll I’ll delete it but I spent some time cooking a lot of that up into more charcoal crafting some of the wood into slabs into composters which I could then take and take all of the Amber root

Seeds that I had collected and turning that into some bone meal via composting I had hoped that the neon cacti would also be composable since regular Cactus is but turns out that’s not the case so I dropped everything that I could in and I got a whole three pieces of bone meal

To my name so I crafted myself up shears thinking if I could take some of the other plants that were around here and compose them they’d be a little bit more effective thankfully they were so I went and I grabbed all of the grass that I

Had from around here all of the Helix trees replanted whatever I got as far as seeds and then took all of the actual plants themselves dumping them into a composter to get myself whatever additional bone meal I could and the rates were not very forgiving but thankfully after about 2 days worth of

Work I had something to show for it okay so what we can do with this is paper gunpowder Rockets you love to see it so we can fly have to be very careful with that cuz none of that’s renewable let’s go here and hope that there is fish so yeah

I don’t know if you noticed that but I was actually on half hunger and had no way of refreshing it thankfully the lake that was directly south of my home not only had these very interesting manger sponges which looked like something out of you know non Lial

Space but it was also filled with a bunch of fish that I was able to sord up and be able to convert that into food I made myself an extra smelter and got that started cooking or was about to when I noticed the house right here oh

Hello inside was some beetroot seeds and some iron pickaxes it’s the only time I’m going to be excited about beetroot okay seeing two floating platforms nearby I mainly focused on just trying to secure the bag when it came to food there was this one giant Enderman with a

Big purple beard that showed up it looked like it was kind of crossed with an axel not sure but it turns out it’s not very friendly once I had figured out the food situation and I was no longer starving I thought I needed a more reliable way to catch fish that didn’t

Rely on them spawning thankfully the house that I had just seen had three cobwebs inside which was just enough to be able to craft up a fishing rod you see I’m a simple farmer over here in the outer end Islands we just keep things quiet I just stand here and I go ahead

And catch myself any of them little glowy buggers that I could turn into food it might not be the most exciting footage that you’re going to be able to see in this whole here 100 days but it’s honest work just making sure that I’m going to be able to put food on the

Table make sure I’m going to be able to get through this whole thing without starving okay I’m sorry but I just had that bit in my head and I couldn’t get rid of it once the food situation had been taken care of though it was time to check out what these floating platforms

Were about I flew up to one and saw a whole bunch of ancient debris and Vex once I had done a loop that all of the Vex despawned I went and I grabbed all of the debris from both platforms each of these was enough for a single

Netherite Ingot and that’s going to come in handy because I do need netherite in some of the upgrade paths for aerum in the better end mod and I’m pretty sure that’s why they’re here I spent more of day 14 just finishing collecting all of the inch debris doing a bit more sword

Fishing whenever anything was actually spawned into the world but I made myself a few sets of shears and then just started giving the tree right here in the middle of the lake a bit of a crop top and just harvesting off the top few layers of leaves I’m hoping all of this

Would be compostable so I can turn it into a whole bunch more bone meal so I could be able to get more Rockets as bone meal is the thing that I am most throttled on right now as the sulfur crystals grow naturally and charcoal is

A dime a dozen I flew back home with about eight stacks of leaves which is all I got from a single set of shears converting absolutely all of that into bone meal while using some of the charcoal to dry up some of those sponges because I don’t know I just think it

Would be cool to have a sponge with a hole in the middle of it but I was able to craft myself up hold three extra gunpowder which yeah it’s not great so I’m going to need to automate this whole process I made a couple Hoppers using the

Theaumes on the top and bottom and I automated the whole process with the leaves so I can just dump everything in the top and it’ll eventually convert and autocollect into bone meal so I don’t need to just stand here all the time to get that working while that was just

Cooking away I crafted myself up a pair of diamond boots so that I was at least fully armed armored if not Enchanted whatever base protection that will give me flying off to the east to see what I could find in the biomes local to my home base I’m trying to make every

Rocket count for as long as possible so I’m allowing myself to descend pretty low accelerating and gaining altitude only when I’m starting to come up on a set of islands hoping that I’m not going to get stuck underneath one of them I flew through a couple different biomes

Before seeing this abandoned house right on the border of this dark shadowlands area flying in right through the window I was able to deal with some Shadows of server’s past while finding a motherload of loot in the chest I like that I do like that there were n

Crystals ender eyes some ruined Flavor flavorite Flav flavy flavorite some runed flavor blocks Flav flavy I I genuinely don’t know how to pronounce it cuz I’ve only seen it written anyway I think it’s funny I jumped all of that into a shulker box heading to to the bottom floor finding

An endstone smelter which allows you to smelt two things together it’s basically an alloy Forge of some kind flying off from there I continued over a couple different biomes turning a bit more North so I had more of a circular area that was fully explored finding a stray

End ship there was a lot of shulkers in here and it took some doing to work my way down to the bottom and kill everything sitting on half Health where I was able to finally get myself some additional tools and a backup elytra there’s a lot of Tools in here that came

Pre- Enchanted some things that I could combine to get myself up to protection for armor and shulkers that were randomly teleporting in and out whenever they felt like it oh hello goodbye I headed out of here with a little shot in the butt from one of the shulkers to just remind me to

Leave sailing over towards this Tower structure over in the distance I Min in about halfway since I had levitation kind of a tradition here in the end the chest at the very top had a bunch of cob webs around them which was useful for string a lot of end tier kind of loot

The stuff that you find in end cities the roof was also partially made out of wool so it allowed me to finally get another resource that I didn’t know if I’d be able to find here in the end but I’m running low on Rockets I only have

Three in my inventory at the time so I flew back towards home hoping I’d be able to convert a lot of the resources that I had into another round of rockets for another flight out but also knowing that I’m going to have to do more building here to set up the

Infrastructure structure to support these excursions I tested a few of the different blocks that I had collected seeing what was and what wasn’t compostable from the trees around here in the better end and organized all of the loot that I had collected trying to just keep my head around what was good

What was bad and what was just comical negative attack damage what but I finally had enough endstone to fully complete the wall around the outer area it did require a bit of terraforming in the back corner throwing down a bunch of sand just to make a little bit of a hill

Instead of a hole don’t make a joke about my house being built on pillars of sand that no no I use that to not only fill that one corner but all of the other gaps around the area leveling out the floor inside of the base build

Location so that I’d be able to put up a house here pretty easily breaking the Neon Cactus is always satisfying but I figured they’re a pretty good barrier so I planted a ton of them around my home in every side hoping that it would keep Enderman away I also used a bunch of

Trap doors to to bring some purple accents into the walls throwing down slabs on top of it to get this nice crenellation pattern while still feeling pretty open to the overall terrain that I’m living in it was by now that the composter was done and 21 pieces of bone

Meal very quickly became 21 pieces of gunpowder and a whole load of rockets since Mobility had now been solved I thought let’s kind of investigate food a little bit better making myself a cutting board and seeing what opportunities I had with n’s Delight to be able to get better food from coarse

Fruit or the occasional bit of fish the only problem was these recipes basically relied on a lot of things that were from the Overworld as Main Ingredients or at least components of almost every recipe meaning that I had very limited options and food is basically always going to be

A problem here in the end so I thought let’s venture out maybe we can find some other things that would be useful I started flying through to the southeast of where I was stationed seeing a larger nend City off in the distance approaching from the top this time

Breaking my way through the windows here and getting to a two- tiered main top loot room there’s a ton of shulker spawners around here in a very confined space that once you have levitation really annoying to navigate so running around and breaking all of these is

Essential as I’m kind of relying on the levitation to get up to the top level to be able to then block off the hole underneath me breaking the spawner and then securing the top loot room to be able to actually collect and it didn’t really go well it took a few tries of

Killing all of the shulkers around here mining down to the lower level to be able to collect the gold and other resources that were in those chests including getting a few emeralds and other things that are a bit on the rarer side there’s this bright blue block

Right in the middle of this Central pillar of the city and I wanted to go down and get it but not before I finished looting once I had packed basically everything collecting all of the shulker boxes from around all of the spots I did luck out into a looting fire

Sword so that will help me collect food a lot more efficiently there’s quite a few times that I was actually levitated away from what I was trying to collect where I kind of just had to hold my position for a few minutes but once I

Went down to try to grab that block in the bottom of the tower things got complicated first I was just levitated up away from it that I was just it was completely a bust then I thought why don’t I Pearl down trying to break the spawner that are at the bottom of the

Shoot here so we’re not getting infinite Shuler boxes the problem there was I was at half health and I’m taking a lot of hits and I’m getting hit before I can mine any of these spawners away so I just kind of mined through the wall

Tried to avoid getting hit by any of the levitation blasts whenever I could pearling down to the roof of one of the nearby areas I was really careful here trying to not take fall damage as I don’t have feather falling I would go C Splat so I down a health potion and just

Flew away trying to to get enough distance that I wouldn’t be attacked by an errant blast seriously once that resolved I continued on land seeing what else was on this island connecting into a lake biome right nearby and thankfully I had a fire aspect sword so all the

Fish was cooking as soon as I killed it I didn’t realize that in the moment it was a little late at that night of recording so I kept trying to cook the fish in the furnace having no idea why it wasn’t progressing until I realized it was pre-cooked on dunk kill I even

Thought maybe it was the jadeite furnace so I flew all the way back home before I realized wait oh I’m an idiot I forgot I had fire aspect I just cooked it I don’t need to well you know what I’m just going to leave that right

There I I’m a dummy with that brain fart basically behind me I spent a little bit of time just organizing and depotting a lot of things I had been collecting into chests here so I can have things organized and have the space in my somewhat limited shulker Box Storage

Especially for non-stackable items which is the main treasure that I get out of n cities and I have a lot of treasure just no food it is very cool and very interesting to have a row of shulker boxes and only 20 fish to my name continuing this playthrough of

Basically contradictions I need a lot more wood if I’m going to start building out my house I broke one of the trap doors to figure out what it was as I don’t have these all named and flew off to one of the more purple biomes to

Collect a lot of the wood that I could turn into more elements for my base I had to craft up another axe as I had left all of the other axes back at home and I just didn’t have anything with me chopping down most of a tree there was a

Little bit of a floating tree situation here as well but trees in this mod are just massive like genuinely far too massive for just one sapling it does not make sense but I’m not going to complain at the ability to get a whole bunch of resources pretty quickly I harvested up

Some chorus fruit that I was able to have just a little bit of an alternative food source converting a lot of the purple wood into planks into trap doors which I was able to complete the decorations of the crenellations surrounding the overall compound that I

Want to live in once that was done I spent a little bit of time moving chests around and organizing because it was time to get ready for construction proper the next day I’m still on terraforming Duty getting the last little bit in in place and then taking

Some of the vioc site bricks to get a basic kind of footprint for the interior building or at least the first of many that I’d like to build I started to set up a little bit of a frame before very quickly running out of materials instead

Taking the time since it was a little late at night at this point to just spend some time demolishing the mountain in front of my house with unenchanted tools I mean the shovel is working really well but when I go to mine anything with a pickaxe it is slow and

It’s starting to get really annoying so I’m thinking I should probably head out to try to find some Enchanted tools I flew over towards the nend city that I had kned out on a couple days earlier digging into the central tower at one of the midpoints trying to very first get

To that large Blue Diamond looking Block in the middle getting levitated all the way back up to the top of the tower doing a second pass getting hit just as it was about to break thinking let me try swimming down water counteracts levitation you could swim down it which

Allowed me to get get to the bottom of the Tower and start breaking a few spawners this started to clear up the situation well kept it from getting worse but still there are a ton of shulkers around here and I’m constantly being pushed against the ceiling this is frustrating I broke the

Very top spawner just stayed in a corner pinned up in the ceiling stuck there for a while mining through the roof and then levitating and flying away hoping that a lot of the shulkers will despawn while I have a few seconds to recoup and get a

Little bit more water so I’d be able to counteract the levitation that I’m being affected with once I had flown in I actually got into the mid level of that top section realizing that there were yet another four more spawners that needed to be broken these larger more

Complex entities are a lot more of a challenge to be able to clear instead of just having to kill about 5 or 10 and owning the building but my persistence was definitely rewarded that’s what I needed with a silk touch pickaxe now I could use things like ender chests I

Could collect some of the overgrown kind of biome specific versions of endstone thinking that that would allow me to plant crops and be able to harvest a lot more of these plants and that wasn’t the only really awesome find that I had ooh sure that swort has knockback

But a lot of the mobs that I’m fighting are kind of rooted in place so it’s not really a problem plus additional looting means I’m getting shells more of and ender pearls and any other Treasures I did another run at the diamond block getting levitated away I tried again

While underwater I broke it but was unable to pick it up it fell down to the bottom of the tower where I had to break a whole bunch more spawners when I was looking around for that block I have no idea where it had gone I rode the water

All the way out to the very bottom of the Tower and just didn’t find it it either disappeared or got hit by an errant shulker blast and was killed I flew over to another nearby n city breaking a few spawners right away making sure to really hit those getting

Some additional loot an Ender Chest off of a pedestal another set of wings and a perfect pair of pants I was collecting all of the potions that I have almost a full shulker worth that’ll come in handy whenever I get into a little bit more of an intense combat situation at this

Point it’s really just trying to get the resources that I want I flew over to the top of this Tower digging in Breaking the spawners right away and then breaking blocks from the outer columns to be able to block the interior 3×3 space so I could loot this area

Uninterrupted I was able to get an efficiency 4 pickaxe with Fortune so ores are going to be a lot more useful an efficiency 4 shovel which meaning sand will insta mine a lot of gold a lot of diamonds and some boots that have depth Strider considering I’m in water

Pretty often those are all immediate upgrades as I was flying home I passed another one of those weird runic portals still wondering what I’m supposed to do with all of these I’m putting random items on the pedestals but nothing seems to work maybe it’s some sort of combination lock I found another crashed

Airship nearby nothing in the chests to report there seeing another one of those sulphurous biomes but stopping for a smaller thing that you wouldn’t expect Overworld tree and that tree was actually a harbinger of things to come because as I continued flying I saw a fountain with a

Few different flowers aelia bushes loot in the chest in the fountain yes but the thing that I was actually most excited about here was the dirt I didn’t think have a route to dirt at all in this playthrough so that’s why even though I was getting things like beetroot seeds I

Didn’t try farming them I literally couldn’t plant them but with a couple stacks of dirt some aelia bushes and other decorative blocks from the Overworld that I can’t get any other way I have a route to renewable farming now which was not something I expected to be

Able to do that could potentially solve my bone meal problem and as I was flying home luck would have it things come in threes I found yet another small patch of Overworld grabbing all of the treasure out of the chest inside there are some efficiency tools that are

Definitely nice and harvesting all the dirt up from here as well I even got some seeds from some of the grass blocks so I can grow wheat which would be way more efficient than beet rout I flew home overpassing the lake and just checking that I hadn’t left any loot

Behind the last time I was here combining a few of the swords to get a pretty near perfect it’s not the best sword that I could have but it works and it’s going to survive me the 100 days and now that I could do some farming I

Thought I should really get set up into that making a little perer and endstone area getting some water by flying to and from the lake making a water source and then starting to set up a bit of a crop area right here I only add three wheat

Seeds to my name but I had done far more with far less go watch my one chunk video if you want to see that one but this was the start of a crop that could lead me to bone meal and 23 days in to plant my first seeds in the end and

That’s weird but now that I had a silk touch pickaxe a good portion of day 25 was just organization I can now drop off a bunch of shulkers into an Ender Chest which was the first thing that I did emptying them out of my inventory to

Free up a whole bunch of slots I made sure to name the silk touch pickaxe so I would know to use that stashing the fortune one away that I could use that only really when I needed ores I tried to combine chest plates but I didn’t

Have the levels to do so I’d have to go do some farming thankfully some of the farming came to me but as long as I’m farming experience do more with plants maybe I tried to plant some of the end Lily seeds that I had collected but they

Just wouldn’t plant under the water here I’m not sure why I did a little bit more decorating around the house mounting a few of the dragon heads harvesting up some viite Stone to be able to complete the bricks to be able to complete the frame I’m using some of the florite

Flavorite I I still don’t know what it’s called I still don’t know how to pronounce it but I finished the first floor and then used the Deep Purple Woods to really give it that end vibe to start working on a porch and a main floor entrance way and I went through a

Couple different iterations of this I wasn’t sure how exactly I wanted it to go but I did that I did the first floor and then I dug a hole through the wall to be able to move all of my storage into the basement area which is where I

Thought I’d actually keep everything and I did a couple different tastes of this it honestly took me the whole day and it was fun to be able to flex my building in one of these Adventures instead of only focusing on combat but I was short on anything except that very purple wood

And I didn’t want the whole house to just be the inside of Grimace so I flew over towards the lake biome where the trees that were here were actually that nice kind of pale off-white off yellow wood that would really helped give me a nice little bit of contrast think

Endstone and purple just in Wood form I’m using the woods with vioc site for the trims I’m using a lot of the purple logs to do some of the outer wood elements using trap doors to give myself nice windows that won’t allow me to trigger Enderman even inadvertently and

It’s coming along it’s getting there I went out mining a little bit more of that flavorite combining with Aurora crystals to make a few lanterns that would allow me to illuminate the space setting up a few fence gates and harvesting my very first piece of wheat

Here’s time to do a little bit of organizing I moved the Ender Chest my anvils enchanting tables and other things into the house itself setting up a few pedestals to kind of just maintain whatever I have my de ation options are limited so I have to play around with

This a little bit more but another thing that I had to worry about was food I was down to only three fish to my name and I’ve been doing a whole bunch of building so I figured let me sail South and it’s time for some more simple

Fishing okay I promise I’m not going to do that accent every time that we’re here at the lake and we are at the lake moderately often but consider this 100 Days with a hobby I just had to go fishing occasionally it’s weird that I have a hobby in one of these I fished

Into the new day and it was not a good day for it the first thing I C was a plant that would give me cyan dye but eventually I got to the point where I had about a half dozen fish and that would give me something to eat I flew

Back towards the house getting the fish cooking in one of the smelteries and then just moving a few things I wasn’t ready to fully commit to organization I’m doing a little bit peace meal one thing that was bothering me is that I only had one dragon head on the Gate of

My complex so I flew off in another random Direction flying past a few POI that were clearly cut off by chunks from the very bright crystalline biomes through something that I can only describe as looking the end meet Avatar I really love this biome if I had found

It earlier I might have based here instead but I found another errant end ship grabbing the dragon head from its bow I heard a sound that I was not expecting to hear Phantoms respawning in this Dimension now Phantoms are actually really useful for me here granted all of

The elytra that I’m getting are pre- enchanted with Unbreaking and mending thank you better end that is just such a good quality of life update but getting Phantom membrane is useful for some potion ingredients and I think can probably be used in some of the recipes

For better foods that I could get it all depends on whether or not they depend on Overworld ingredients as well but I looted everything out of the cargo hold of the ship including the bookcases from the walls heading over to an end city that was just at the edge of my render

Distance and fighting off a few shulkers while trying to work my way up through one of the towers here this was one of the smaller entrance ways so I didn’t have to worry about two tiers with four spawners on each level it’s just a single one a lot of purple bookshelves

Which I was able to silk touch but the moment I made a hole in the roof to be able to just consider leaving I immediately got hit with multiple levitation bullets which just pulled me up into the sky and made me just give up and start sailing back I only had four

Rockets in my inventory so I had to take each of them for as long as possible riding that sine wave of just accelerating upward and coasting on whatever small slow angle I could manage and I landed in the lake with one rocket to my name and a few Big Mouth Enderman

Trying to attack me considering I would need more bone meal for more gunpowder I spiraled my way up to the top of one of the trees and used a few pairs of shears that I crafted up to Lop off several additional layers of leaves with my very

Last rocket I flew over dropped all the leaves into the composting machine and then went inside to do a bit more decorating the next morning I’m really short on gunpowder and Rockets So I crafted a few of goes up in the early day getting only nine it’s not a lot but

It can get me flying where I can head out to get more of the ingredients I mainly short on sulfur right now so I sailed over to one of those kind of geyser sulfurous biomes I’m still not sure what any of these are called I’m just going with my versions of the names

Because I think it’s funny like that I broke silver crystals for a majority of the day fighting the odd stray Big Mouth Enderman I really their head is just snapped back that does not feel comfortable but in searching around I found an island that had a bunch of dirt and

Vines on the roof of it and I wasn’t expecting to be able to see yet another instance of the Overworld leaking into the end in minding that back there was a chest inside with some pretty good loot oh oh yes okay I’ll take this some free efficiency 5 tools is nothing that I

Could complain about I actually switched to those temporarily while mining up the rest of the sulfur crystals getting everything I could from the area and then looking around for where I should head next with the day rolling over as I’m just sailing around from Lake to

Lake right now fighting a few of the Endermen that shower but still take damage from that I did try to see if the larger leaves on the surface of the water actually can be converted into lies but that just doesn’t work I also figured out that yes you have to plant

The lies in one of these biomes if you want them to actually grow it’s very weird that that is biome specific but okay we’ll make it work well I was back home drying out and trying to craft that into paper I did do another pass just

Trying to plant the end lies here and when it didn’t work okay I’m pretty sure it’s biome specific at this point so I spent some time moving chests inside both organizing shulker boxes crafting up a whole over a stack of rockets which is the most I’ve had to this point

Finishing organizing and flying south to the lake closest to the home where I was able to plant all of them on the morning of day 33 while those would start to grow because figure I needed to be in range for them to receive random ticks I

Checked out all of the ores at the bottom of the lake breaking whatever lies had already been grown here and then looking around to see kind of what’s the minimum viable distance I can be while going out and exploring I saw this perple structure off in the distance which was pretty exciting there

Was some diamond armor in the chest right here but diamond armor is cheap especially in the end I’m actually kind of excited about getting the candles and the Lecter more blocks that I just can’t craft any the other way there’s another one of those houses as well this one

Partially flooded with some beetroot seeds and a lot of gold in its chest but I flew from that off in a direction to yet another the real estate market here is a little bit weird but we’re going to try to make it work while trying to maintain in render distance of the lake

So those plants would grow I checked out one of those spheres there’s kind of an obsidian cage in the middle which I think would potentially surround a spawner and a bunch of ancient debris hidden inside the walls behind all of those chiseled endstone now knowing that

That was a good loot Source I’ll keep those in mind for the future I flew over to a nearby n city breaking all of the spawners here and grabbing all of the loot from the top of the building struggling as usual with getting pinned up against the ceiling by levitation

Darts once I was in the top of this one though I grabbed all of the blocks and did my patented block off most of the floor unfortunately I missed one gap which was just enough for a lot of shulker bullets to make their way upstairs and keep me on the ceiling for

A little bit I eventually fell down looted all of the chests that were here and went down trying to get that Blue Block in the middle of all of these n cities which is definitely important and I still haven’t gotten one and I’m not going to lie it’s a little bit

Frustrating shulkers are the final boss here I thought that would be the dragon on like day 99 but no shulkers are the ones holding me back from getting the treasure I want giving up on that though for a little bit I figured go get the

Treasure I can get finding a few more of those spars that had been cut off by terrain generation grabbing the ancient debris out of their walls checking another one of those towers that doesn’t have a door or an inside really grabbing the treasure from on top of there and

Then sailing through all of the biomes returning back home near the end of the day I have a significant number of shulker boxes now they’re mostly categorized but the chest outside is still just kind of dropping whatever armor I can out here I mined up all of

The ores with Fortune to get the Ender shards That was supposed to be there crafting up a few bookcases of different variants that I could use to hide the staircase inside the home to make it just a little bit more decorative it means the front windows are a little

Kind of superola but it makes it so I don’t have to decorate underneath the stairs or have these weird gaps whereever the slabs don’t work I threw some lighting down in the basement and now that I had an Eye of Ender I crafted myself up an infusion pedestal this

Would allow me to do some basic enchanting here in the end and it also allows me to craft some upgraded armors that are exclusive to this Dimension I set up the little 3×3 square of pedestals where you have to put the right items in each location but I don’t

Have all the materials to use that yet but instead I refocus my efforts to organizing and moving all of my storage into the basement of the house so that it’s not visible along the grounds once I had a whole bunch of chests crafted up inside I was just grabbing everything

From the barrels and starting to try to categorize that building up the outer shell of the third floor when when I had somebody come soliciting at my doorstep hello potion of haste how do we get instant Health three oh that doesn’t that’s such a tease that’s such a tease I could oh I

Do want the haste potion though oh yeah I could afford it yeah let’s do let’s get haste I don’t know when I’m going to need that when I’m going to need it I’m really going to need it and I’m going to want it really bad a potion of haste is

Something you can’t get in vanilla that’s one of the reasons I love modded they take vanilla features and kind of reintegrate them back into the game in an interesting way I needed to go get a lot more vioc site I wasn’t going to use that haste right away though an

Efficiency 5 pickaxe makes pretty good work of collecting these blocks Day 36 I’m making really good time in building this base out I completed the frame on the Upper Floor moving a lot of these smelters down to the very basement and then working working on breaking out all

Of the floor right here replacing it with raw vioc site so it kind of carries the color and tone of everything else that I have the basement is very purple but it has a lot of different textures that are really unique from there it was time to finally start breaking barrels

Moving some of them onto the main floor to keep things like records in place but I knew I had more than what I could fit in the single chest so I flew over grabbed a few extra logs that I could turn all the chests into doubles also grabbing some cool jelly shroom wood

Which would allow me to make these nice blue trapo Windows which gave me yet another way where everything just kind of plays nicely I extended the staircase up to the third floor working on the floor there so my bottom two are fully enclosed even if the structure isn’t

Fully done and while combining the bookcase with the second floor was a little bit difficult the structure is coming together it’s not perfect it needs a lot more decoration but in doing this all just seat of my pants no pre-planning I’m happy that I’m at least using things effectively the following

Day it was just a little bit more detail work I threw some buttons down to kind of simulate mushrooms growing on the side of a house putting some planters down in front of the front windows and some plants in top of all of those all of the purple candles I had been

Collecting from all of these random structures ended up on the posts to my entrance walkway and I ran around grabbing a few more plants and Greenery that I could immediately replant around the house on my way home I saw another one of those spheres this one with way

More ancient debris down in the base and on the walls and I figured out what that spawner was for so that spawns evokers which actually goes nicely with these smaller pedestals that also seem to have ancient debris where Vex are spawned and now I’m seeing a bit of a pattern

Between these additional structures flying back home I put down all of the greenery that I had collected making a few other patches of this blue overgrown endstone where I could put down more plants on there they’re all bioluminescent so it helps light up the structure as well did a little bit of

Farming getting to the point where I have at least a full row of seeds growing but I am out of food yet again so I sailed back down to the lake on day 38 doing a little bit of Sword fishing and then it’s honest work it’s not too

Interesting or amazing but I just did some good oldfashioned fishing all day I promised you I wasn’t going to do that voice and I lied but I am going to promise you that I won’t do it again but yeah day 38 was just all fishing and then whenever the lies would grow I

Would break those replant the seeds and have more growing thankfully they grow pretty fast so I was getting a good repository of both food and potential paper sailing my way back up home the following day cooking both in all of the furnaces fer ey furnes I’m not 100%

Certain but I properly doubled up on the bone meal production in the composters directly in front of the base switching everything to double chests double furnaces double composters you know doubled up and then I had another Goblin Trader visit me hello oh my God that requires 20 I got

So excited until I real it 24 netherite 48 96 ancient debris 96 ancient debris and I have 16 oh that’s such a bummer you are such a tease do you know that killing me really wish I fig fig out how to get instant Health three how do I get instant Health 3 I

Can’t nope I can’t all right let’s just go get leaves needing some bone meal I sailed South lopped off the top of a tree again returning back the following morning throwing in a couple rows worth of leaves into the shulker box as the composters did their job I started

Moving items down into the inventory in the basement I don’t have a lot of item frames the only way I can get those is from the front of end ships so labeling things is kind of out of the question I kind of have to do this by memory I’m

Basically making a chest of end colored blocks a chest of all of the modded blocks that have all sorts of different colors moving all of the armor into one all of the weapons into another and organizing all of my treasures right dead and Center I’m hoping that I can

Kind of just memorize this placement spoiler alert I don’t because Without Really labeling it’s going to be difficult spoiler alert it is I actually dug a hole in the wall right here so I didn’t have to walk up to the first floor and then walk down to the basement

Every time I wanted to put things in which definitely made it a lot faster but is making me question this placement for long-term use of this base getting to the storage room is taking a few extra steps but it it’s function form form over function but with everything

Done I had a few extra pieces of armor with extra enchants on them and I spent some time combining those all on the Anvil to get my gear a little bit closer to complete day 41 I sailed out for another round of exploration around the end this time mainly heading north to

See what I could find around the circle of the central island I’ll probably go explore there at some point but I do want to hit everything in the outer end islands and have it all explored I found my way to a crashed ship absolutely nailing the entrance through the door

While still in Flight grabbing the podiums and pedestals from there heading over to a perfectly functional flying ship having to take a couple passes to be able to really attack this thing before getting the elytra and kind of importantly the item frame at the front

Of the ship for my storage system so if I want to do that lap I figure now is as good a time as any I’m pretty stocked on Rockets I have well over a stack so I could theoretically make a full loop around the central island and know what

Everything looks like at least the beginning of the outer end I passed by a couple more end cities finding another Airship that was populated with far too many shulkers grabbing all of the loot from here and continuing to hoard it away in my little dragon cave that I

Would have had eventually turn into a base at some point in the future I also grabbed the shulkers from the top of the tower here to just make sure I would have the capacity to continue carrying more loot right around the meaning of life I started making my way to the

Northernmost point of that Central ring curving along to the South now having the void to my left as I’m working my way around the circle of the central island there’s more towers and treasures waiting for me along the way including a few stray end ships that didn’t have an

Associated City attached but still had wings item frames and a whole lot of treasure and I was making pretty good time I had almost connected up all of these new chunks with everything that I had ventured out from the base in the original exploration just kind of clockwise instead of counterclockwise I

Made to another one of those small little perple and endstone temples and with that I had hit the point where all the chunks had rendered in and I had completed the loop so now being a little bit closer towards home I just continued around counterclockwise having to stop

At one point to craft C up some additional Rockets cuz I was at bingo fuel seeing another one of those airships grabbing wool from the top just so I could do some decorative things in my house like adding a bed even though I can’t sleep in it or I will explode and

It was here that I found out that these airships actually have Phantom spawners as well which that’s just terrifying I’m not going to lie at first I was a little confused as to how they were spawning I’m thinking maybe something to do with this Shadow biome that I’m in but no

There’s actually the spawners embedded in the front and the back of the Airship derable kind of balloon and that was what was causing all of these Sky rats to be around and then the shulker bullets started coming in so I’m levitating up in the sky being attacked

By Phantoms I took a dive off in the distance flying away to try to give myself as much space as I could returning home after a little 3-day trip around the dimension day 43 it was time to get to work first I was putting up all of those item frames that I had

Collected in my trip storing off all of the treasures in the corresponding box boxes before going out to do a bit of terraforming I had now three more perple pedestals so my crafting and enchanting infusion setup was finally complete and with the structure coming along I needed

To do a bit more terraforming now is it still Terra if it’s not earth I’m not 100% sure end forming might be the word here but I just demolished and continued working on getting that Island flattened out finally getting it to the point where it’s a nice easy entrance way even

Though the cacti are a bit of a disc bright mode flashbang I cleared a few of those out dropping off all of the blocks having to split my endstone colored blocks into multiple chests dropping off an additional few plants and then doing some investigation into if I can craft

Leather in only this Dimension spoilers the answer is unfortunately no and there aren’t easy ways to be able to get it but that did lead me into investigating other crafting opportunities including this really awesome looking crystalline armor that required terminite night which I wasn’t sure exactly how to get

So I did some investigating there which also led me to look into different and better food options a lot of them required Overworld ingredients as a contribution to the recipe but not all of them so I sailed South and went to replenish on my food stores because you

Guessed it I had been out of food after my trip around the world I collected some fish some slime and some other friendly mob drops chucking from Lake to Lake because I didn’t really want to do fishing right now and instead I just wanted to seek out the ones that were

Actually visible in the dimension and stab them to turn them into food I did that all the way through day 45 finding a few odd ore chunks here and there and some neon yellowfish in the sulfurous biomes which kind of complement nicely to the ones that I found in The Lakes so

Far returning back home with about 20 pieces of food throwing down the ore and storing my fishing sword on a pedestal right here I really should have kept that with me you’ll see why later but it just kind of waited at home I had found a pair of feather falling shoes along

Along my trip but I didn’t have the levels needed to enchant them I could however fully complete my diamond chest plate getting me protection Unbreaking and mending which means it will last through the rest of this adventure I wanted to see how I could get infusion to be able to actually do some

Enchanting on the pedestals but it wasn’t really giving me a good idea and a lot of it required lapis which was really unfortunate I was lucky that Eyes of Ender are craftable without blaze powder in this mod pack so I can make those here exclusively in the end but it

Was another instance of the dimension lock that I’m putting myself in this challenge kind of isolates me from enchanting now I could have added lapis to the end it was possible it’s super easy actually with the modpacks but I like having that restriction having to approach the game in a different way

That’s what makes these fun if you just add Overworld ores to this Dimension which you totally can and I’ll link an extra mod that you can turn on in the pack but if for me it removes part of it it makes it you’re surviving in the Overworld with a different coat of paint

And I don’t want to do that this way as I was talking about though it’s a really nice b-roll of building the house behind me so at least you’re getting some construction complete the following day I was looking around on my map trying to see any structures that were on the very

Border of rendered chunks that I hadn’t potentially yet explored seeing a city off in the distance and starting to fly over that direction as I landed right next to the kind of Shadow Forest there were the umth arches that were there and these red streaks in the stone which

Made me think that it was a new kind of ore once I clear the mobs nearby I found out that wasn’t exactly the case Okay so that’s not an ore that’s such a tease that’s probably an ore though so I flew over towards the edge of that

Island it was another one of the Amber biomes and if you mine these up you get raw Amber which you can then craft into the full Amber gems this is another way to get those without having only loot structures but sometimes they would just fall over to the void oh come

On after collecting a little bit of that I continued off towards my initial goal finding a few more of those Aurora crystals and harvesting them up they turn purple when you turn them into block form landing at the shadow house and realizing I was retracing my steps

Oh this is the one I’ve been to I’ve been here thankfully there was a few other POI nearby that were unlooted first was another one of those little Perle dases with one of the Lecter on top of it and then a little bit further out still is another Shadow house

Containing another Amber Gem and another Eye of Ender which would be very useful as I had used my only one to craft up that infusion pedestal I grabbed a few of the mushrooms around the walls that were here as nice decoration blocks picked up the end smelter and then

Started flying landing at a nearby Airship and n city breaking the spawners in here and dealing with the shulkers while grabbing all the loot mainly collecting emeralds in case the next end Goblin would spawn with something that I could potentially trade for now knowing that Phantoms spawn on these airships I

Made it very quick to get in looted and get out heading over towards the city proper breaking into one of the smaller Towers breaking the spawner and getting a few shulker boxes and other pieces of loot then heading down to one of the lower areas to try to get to the loot

Chest there and pick up another Ender Chest along away and shulkers are definitely the final boss of this adventure I had to deal with quite a few hits and without really a good fly path out of here I just kept my chest plate on and was taking the damage okay come

No dang it come on stop it stop it stop it stop it put me down put me down oh I hate it I hate it so much oh put me down I could out heal it with food and wouldn’t you know it a goblin Trader actually popped in as I

Was attacking the tower it’s almost like they were watching the commentary it’s I love it when things like that happen they’re getting overed away too but I eventually got into the room blocking off the door and thinking I’ve got this covered yeah sure it was okay I I only

Had to deal with the ones that were inside this space still but that’s only about four four shulkers and they were able to get killed relatively quickly getting me to some finally solid ground and the honestly underwhelming loot inside of the chest and the second I opened the door now come

On that’s so annoying I hate it so much I need a bow fighting shers and looting n cities is kind of the main way I’m getting anything right now if you really think about it there’s no mining for diamond or anything else that you can really convert into tools there’s the

Fium equivalents but I can’t enchant those without lapis to power the infusion pedestals so getting the highroll enchanted gear that you can get from an entity is the only way that I’m actually able to get anything that is worthwhile that doesn’t stop it from being frustrating as hell sometimes

Though I do hate this they are annoying no no no every time I’m done they hit me it drives me crazy are you kidding me are you kidding me without that one straight bullet just finally wearing off yeah I’m I’m annoyed I’m even annoyed now I fle flew back towards home landing

At the lake collecting a whole bunch of end llies and fish as I had spent about half of my food supplies to this point just recovering from the damage from multiple different shulker blasts I had also forgotten my quote unquote fishing sword and while I was getting really

Good rates as far as the mobs dropping none of them were cooked so I’m going to have to fly back home to be able to actually complete that process the flight back took a good portion of day 49 landing and heading straight down to the basement converting a lot of the

Lies into their dried form which would become paper and starting to do a little bit of farming to try to get a bit more bone meal I spent some time organizing all of the inventory and the treasure that I collected in this loot run heading up to see if I could combine my

Boots to be able to get a repaired version that also had a higher tier of feather falling and I was a few levels off once all the food had finished completing I dropped down all of the ores mining that up with my fortune pickaxe thinking that that might help me

With a little bit of levels and it was now that it was actually confirmed to me that that that’s how you get the Amber gems but I needed levels at this point so I headed out made a little too high Hut that would make me safe from any

Enderman attack and then just made eye contact and then proceeded to unmake eye contact with several different Endermen some of my gear has mending on it so that’s got to get repaired first which means it’s going to chew up a bit of the experience but I got to the point where

I had all of it repaired and I was still gaining very slowly so I thought let’s go to a place spawns are a little bit more efficient flying out towards the end Islands the really tiny ones that are right near the void right around the central island from here I blocked up

The area I made another little Hut that would protect me from Enderman and rates here were better they were better there was two islands that I could fly back and forth to that were both inside of the spawning radius of the other I would basically clear one island of its

Population and then go fly over to the other one to get a bit of experience once I had two levels I flew home to combine my boots so that any future experience gains would be at a higher rate since lower levels are a lot easier to upgrade to but since this was going

To be slow going I did a little bit more research into those infusion pedestals to see if there’s anything I could get out of there something that I found was a crystallized elytra which would give me both armor about an iron chest plates worth while also having wings and my

Only hope was if I used to of my enchanted elytras that would carry over too but I’m just going to let you all see my frustration with trying to make this work before I tell you how it all works okay okay watch this okay how it has to face North North North oh um okay I’m 75 I don’t know what this is supposed to do is there supposed to be an animation is maybe I need a button do I need a button maybe I need a button come here button infusion pedestal Aurora Crystal Shard North they’re all facing

North how do I make this work magic how how does it work I don’t know do I I don’t want to look it up but I want to make it work time 75 75 seconds I’ll just wait I’ll wait let’s see let’s see what happens okay I want you to pause and

Leave a comment right now with what you think I’m doing wrong okay okay don’t worry we’ll get back to it in a couple days anyway I did now have proper mushrooms so I was able to replace the buttons on the walls of the house with actual bioluminescent mushrooms I also

Went and crafted up a lot more viite bricks that I could use to start working on an upper trim for around the house using a combination of endstone walls and the lacu Grove fences to be able to set a nice little bit of crenellation surrounding the place I broke down a few

Of a cacti as it was starting to get a little too bright honestly in this area I’m working on this mainly at night I’m not going to lie but I ran out of materials about halfway through the project and decided to return back to enchanting and have you left your

Comment yet yet I’m bet you’re not going to guess this is why is it this maybe it’s this circles oh yeah it’s this okay circles in Minecraft who knew oh okay so 75 is not very long I don’t know what that means but it’s not very long okay that’s those Oh this is cool it takes a little longer though oh this looks fun oh I look cool this is a chest plate plus oh but the Cape is it doesn’t know how to handle the cap but you know what I don’t care this is so cool so with now

Armed and armored versions of my wings I flew out and just did a little bit of resource collection to end the day that felt like a pretty good success day 53 I’m working on finalizing up the roof getting that all enclosed in and getting the different fence gates in place to

Make sure that that all works I also finished the bookcase wall on the main floor up to the second floor did make for some weird colorization changes but I’ll make it work throwing some basic decorations up on the top floor checking in on my farming and trying to make some

Ender dust that I could start making some tassium plates that crystalline armor would be a really nice endgame set I just need to figure out how to enchant it but we’re far enough into the video that everybody who stopped watching probably wouldn’t see this I actually

Went and I grabbed some shears and I went and harvested all of the leaves from that Amber root just cuz it was bothering me okay you’re welcome but unfortunately those leaves didn’t give me anything that I could bone meal so I flew back over towards the lake to just

Continue lopping off the top of the the tree layer by layer slicing that down into a bunch of logs that I could turn into sticks Fuel and crafting materials and a bunch of leaves that I could eventually compost down into bone meal which would allow me to get a lot more

Rockets once my pockets were full the leaves went into the composter the logs went into the furnace to get myself some more charcoal so I could continue crafting up I started also smelting some sand into glass just so I’d be able to use that for a later date and it was

Mainly just inventory organization quietly plowing through everything to get it ready to go the following morning I collected and combined everything finding out that I’m once again bottlenecked on sulfur so I had to sail over towards another one of the brimstone biomes to search for more crystals and get those all broken down

And you can probably tell this adventure in the end Falls more into something like a one chunk video where it’s about accomplishing everything with super limited resources than say a skull video where it’s all combat oriented that being said I love a good boss fight as

Much as the next person so I flew over to a nearby pedestal and let’s get into some trouble you know uh we haven’t had a lot of combat challenges this 100 days it’s been more about building stuff so let’s go ahead and give ourselves a nice little combat challenge what do you say

Oh okay well I can fly so that’s not a problem ow Ow Oh bomb that does damage come on come on come on who come on let’s go what is up here oh obsidian heart art nice that looks fun what do what do you make wait yeah it looks sick 64 blocks cannot stack explosion power interesting this looks fun though

Ancient Ena oh I need to kill this thing I need to kill this thing wait how do I kill that thing contemplating future murder aside I sailed off continuing in the same direction that I had been going finding another one of those Shadow mansions with a bunch of cool loot what

Are you a eternium I researched what that could be turned into and it’s kind of the other endgame armor set like the dark and broody Moody version of the armor I spent some time collecting up a bunch of blocks there that I could also use as decorations back home fighting a few Big

Mouth Enderman getting teleported around randomly and flying over to a jelly shroom biome where I collected the entire top of one of these trees these semi-translucent purple blocks are awesome I want to build something with them I just don’t know what just yet and on the way home I thought maybe let’s

Get into some more trouble not yet not yet we’ll deal with big boy in a little bit but I checked in on one of those towers with no entrances is basically just a really tall really fancy pedestal crafting up Rockets checking in on one of those spheres that

Was sliced in half and then taking my sweet time flying back home taking the scenic route and checking out a few end chips along the way but it was while I was exploring around in the kind of Southwestern area of my base that I found this very cool purple structur

It’s a larger version of those dases that we have seen the LEC turns on and it’s full of shulkers as almost everything in the end is and it’s funny cuz there’s also shulker boxes that I would try to swing at and turns out they’re actually just a chest the loot

In here is nice but it’s actually something inside that I got super excited about oh the mother load that’s a lot of diamonds o respiration oh wait wait Black Stone okay yes okay so I based this pack off of the nether pack uh cuz originally I was

Going to do both together but then I decided to make in two videos and uh this blackstone’s going to be really really really important and I’m not kidding that Blackstone is key to my victory believe it or not on the way home I saw another one of those Mutant

Endermen down on one of the tiny little islands and I thought okay let’s get into some trouble okay I want to do this just because I don’t know when I’m going to get another chance ow wa this is trippy goodbye well you use the tools you got

Right but I sailed all the way back home Landing in and being super excited for what I can do next okay this is huge genuinely huge thank goodness okay okay okay so this is why this is important you can take where’s something to here’s something to

Disenchant with the with one of the mods in here you can take this and you lose the item right you lose the item but you get the book but it costs a ton of levels to do so I can disenchant the elytra oh you do you

Get to keep it I didn’t realize you get to keep it but now I can put this on here so now my elytra can actually be good again and I can have the armored one now the trick is this is going to cost a whole lot of levels like a lot of

Levels I have some work to do 25 levels okay okay we’re going to need levels we have a lot of work to do but first things first let’s get these Wings repaired now that they have mending I can wear them while going and killing Enderman by the hundreds and I basically

Did that for a majority of the day until the their grownup their their daddy [Laughter] spawned it makes me nervous once I knew I was a little bit safe I kept killing Enderman until I started seeing my level rising which told me that my wings were

Fully repaired and it was time to fly home and see what the minimum level I needed for some of these other enchantment transitions that I wanted to do would be and it turns out they’re all super expensive so we have some building to do to be able to get a really

Reliable source of experience thankfully we’re in a dimension where one of the best XP sources can be found I started collecting all of the different blocks using those purple jelly blocks and a ton of endstone grabbing everything organizing it putting it into a shulker box preparing for what will be a

Multi-day build that will be something I’ve never done in 100 days before and hopefully unlock a lot of really cool Tech but I need more blocks for that so I flew over towards a nearby end City one specifically that I had cleared mostly of shulkers getting a lot of the

Columns and other blocks from around here the glowy blocks from inside of the column and then getting hit by shulkers oh come on my dealings with gravity not withstanding this is a really great place to collect a lot of the resources I just need to make sure

That every single Gap in the walls is closed at all times because those little buggers will constantly find me but once I was done I started sailing off and it’s time to find a build site I want to find a place that is at least 128 blocks

From anything as low as I possibly can manage and you’re probably guessing what I’m doing by now but I’m finding weirdness along the way is this Snow it is but as I sailed out to the void I saw one of those platforms that the Vex normally spawn on and it was at pretty much a great position and it’s for free ancient debris so once that was clear it was time to start clearing the

Area and build an Enderman farm and that started with Excavating down this island that I’m standing on it’s actually at a pretty good height U maybe a little bit higher than what would be optimal spawn rates but still pretty good considering it’s out in the middle of the void and

There’s no potential spawning area close by I’m going to do this though without any tutorials or anything else like that I’m just going to try to build this from memory so I’m trying to make sure that I’m setting up a nice optimal spawning space in the middle of the island with a

Few different columns and everything around there getting down as low as I possibly can to increase the spawn rates as much as possible and then starting to build up an area where I would be safe from Enderman teleporting having it be less than three blocks tall so they

Can’t get to me once that was done I started using those jelly shroom blocks to start making the drop shoot Enderman need to drop 43 blocks in order to be down to a on hit kill which is what you want them to be cuz if you damage them

And you don’t kill them they might teleport away which makes the farm really inefficient and the downside was is I didn’t have anywhere near enough blocks I barely had enough to make the vertical distance lead alone building all the Rings so I just mapped out exactly where that needed to go and then

As soon as I was out dropped some water rode that down and started making as many rings as I possibly could given the limited supplies that I had I got about a third of the way up so I’m going to have to go get some more supplies I then

Started making the bottom platform out of perple and endstone with these nice blue lights surrounded by trap doors on each end to light up the bottom and give it a little bit more of a nice aesthetic Vibe as I was working on that and yes

We’ve been at this for 2 days straight I did see a mutant Enderman just absolutely freak out against the void which was very interesting getting to the point where I was completely out of supplies banking a few things marking the location and then flying off to

Where I needed to go the closer jelly shroom trees were the wrong color I want to make sure everything is going to be consistent and this doesn’t look Patchwork so I flew off towards through the lakes and over towards a different capped glow shroom biome where I was

Able to find a lot of the purple blocks which thankfully are insta bre which is awesome but somehow and I mean somehow the shulker found me wait where did I just get hit from are you kidding me but once I stop my pockets with enough purple blocks

Throwing that into a shulker box I flew over towards that NCD to just take out some of my aggression immediately being levitated into the sky I also came here for perp blocks I could craft them theoretically by setting up a big coarse Fruit Farm or I could just loot end

Cities for as many of these column blocks as I possibly can considering they are are what I started making the decorations out of I was at that for a while on one of the side Towers until you saw that mess of course bullets right in front of me and decided maybe

It’s time to leave heading to another city and then just mining my way down the central shaft of that one grabbing as many columns as I could I worked my way up to the top room of that I say worked my way I was forced up by levitation grabbing all of the columns

From the upper room making sure to block the floor so I wouldn’t be bothered by anything there grabbing a few of the other decorative blocks while I was at it and I thought yeah maybe let’s go get some food cuz I only had two fish to my

Name doing a little bit of fishing in the lakes nearby I mainly do it via swordfish but I didn’t have my good fire aspect sword I only had my nice looting one which meant I’d have to fly back home to get everything cooked so that it was actually useful as food while back

At the house it’s day 65 I’m just doing a little bit of random chores the fish are cooking the wheat is growing the things are being turned into bone meal and that’s kind of it by the time everything was done and I flew back over towards the spawning platform it was

Already day kill all the Jedi and once I flew back towards there let’s start a little bit of a building Montage but I’m going to do things out of order later in the day I did get a visit from an end Goblin Trader and check that out hello a wait I can get

Wood opal sword chest Oh Come come on how do I get opal how do I even get opal I want that how do I get opal tell me how I get opal tell me goodbye okay now let’s do the Montage Okay that’s Annoying okay so now I need more perer because of course we do running out of blocks is going to be a bit of a theme for the next couple days but I flew my way back over towards one of the nearby end cities this one being one that I hadn’t broken any

Spawners in so it’s a bit more of a chaotic battle to try to get the resources with infinite shulker boxes constantly appearing on my head woo boy that was potential really bad I looked away for one second I wouldn’t let that deter me though flying back to grab any of the perple columns

From some of the smaller buildings the more isolated ones and occasionally having to go into the more populated buildings but fighting my way through all of the shulkers to break them down to be able to collect all of the blocks and plunder their resources like I was that dude from Frozen Who everybody

Thought would be the villain in one of the chests I did end up getting a silk touch pickaxe which actually felt pretty good I’d be able to use that to be able to migrate the enchants to something else if I can finally get the resources

And XP I need to do it I continued grabbing all of the blocks into day 68 finally flying away and back over to the Tower with enough purple columns to complete the final details of the top of the roof I actually had to use chorus fruit to heal myself up because there’s

A few Big Mouth Enderman over there and that just cancels your flight which is terrifying to really think about but I was able to finally recover and get myself back over towards the lake to do a bit more fishing so without access to Flint there’s no way to get an arrow

That I can currently figure out which would enable to actually allow me to fight at range you’re probably asking yourself why hasn’t he used a bow I have nothing to shoot with it and that is one of the main challenges of this mod pack how how can you enable ranged combat but

As I stopped over at home to get that all cooked up I pondered what I had to do looking through all of my inventory just trying to find a route to a single piece of flint a single feather a single Arrow to enable me to be able to fight

At range but with that still undone I’m flying back over towards the Enderman Farm trying to get it done so I could start using those levels but the big mouth Enderman are actually a bit of a problem for me right now keeping me below half health and constantly

Teleporting me around that I can’t get this Farm finished oh my God but I’m nothing if not stubborn even if it took me another 20 minutes to get the thing done I did finally get all of the outer trim done the detail work inside of the platforms and the spawning area is

Complete but it’s now time for one of the hardest parts of the whole thing getting myself an endermite I set up the spawning chamber in the center building up a few blocks putting down an iron bar getting ready to be able to put down a mine cart with an endermite inside which

There’s only one real way to spawn them and anybody who’s ever made an Enderman Farm knows how annoying this process is okay so that cost me all of my food and a good chunk of my health and I didn’t even go through all of my pearls

So I had to fly all the way back over towards the lake to do some good oldfashioned fishing and try to heal myself up and get some food that I wouldn’t you know die all I was getting was algae so I flew over towards one of the other end biomes grabbing myself a

Whole bunch of chorus fruit just to be able to heal temporarily mining up a lot of theum ore and just trying to figure out what I’m going to do next I also picked up some Ender Shard ore which I’d be able to Fortune back home which will

Be useful for something that we’ll get into crafting in just a little bit but I flew over towards a new Lake biome finding a few free floating fish that I was able to turn into food and then try to see what I could craft from the gelatin that I was getting from the

Jellyfish around here turns out there’s something that I can oh shadowberry so now with a hint on a new food source one that I can actually make kind of in bulk considering I’ve been stockpiling gelatin for 71 days I flew over towards the nearest Shadow biome trying to

Figure out where I could get Shadow berries from the ground here now some of the plants will wither you some will blind you so I have to be careful walking around but I did eventually figure out what exactly those look like and I grabbed a bit of the corrupted

Earth here thinking hopefully I can grow them back at home with a little bit of luck and this one not being biome locked once I had what felt like enough I did a a bit more sword fishing in The Lakes closer to my house rolling over into Day

72 completing that because I saw a ton of fish here so I’m going to have a good supply of food which is good cuz I’m going to be intentionally damaging myself for a little while until I get an endermite eventually I stopped over at another Amber biome breaking a lot of

The grass here because I need to find some Amber root which can be crafted down into sugar the only problem was I was breaking all of the different plants that I could find in in this biome and I’m not getting much luck it’s just Amber grass or these spiral root trees

I’m thinking maybe it’s the stuff that’s hanging off of the bottom of the islands but I can’t find a spot where I actually have an accessible entry point to be able to get in Via a cave or something where there’s a ledge that I can stand

On so for now I just flew back home cooking up the shadow berries and the fish in the different smelters so they could all get into useful forms going through my chests thinking I had some Amber root but it was just some more of that Amber grass I did a bit of farming

The next day just trying to get up some more bone meal so I could craft some more gunpowder for more rockets for more transport letting all of the food get down to a good cooked State I was checking around some of the other Amber biomes directly around my house going

Down to some of the lower Islands here thinking that maybe I could get to these hanging plants underneath and then realizing that these different plants very low down in the biomes are actually the Amber root that I was looking look for turns out it just grows at a much

Lower altitude and requires a very nice specific Island setup so with enough of that I flew back home crafted a lot of that up into sugar and I was able to craft up all of the cooked Shadow berries into Shadow Berry gelatin squares I basically made Jell-O I made

Darkness Jell-O Darkness edgy Jell-O nice nutrition I I don’t know I’m doing a Lego Batman thing I don’t know if that works they might just don’t at me leave it in the video okay please please but as the day rolled over I crafted up a whole bunch more rockets and I finally have

What I need to be able to fly back towards the Enderman Farm to try to get this thing running I have a whole ton of fish and a whole bunch of pearls and I’m working my way through all of those pearls and they all disappeared and oh

Wait I’m thinking this is not how this is supposed to go but yeah I was fully out of pearls within a few minutes flying over to one of the other low islands that I had built the lowii version of the farms on and then just making eye contact and stabbing in the

Thighs all of the Endermen that were around here collect a whole bunch more pearls flying back over towards the ideal Farm design and attempting to spawn an endermite I went through three stacks of Ender Pearls and got nothing so guess what I worked my way back down

Over towards the islands and stab some more Enderman into the thighs grabbing a whole bunch of more pearls working my way back over and thankfully so thankfully within two pearls an endermite finally spawned I trapped them in a mine cart here and if you’re seeing what I’m missing don’t worry I’ll figure

It out soon breaking down all of the different blocks and getting the endermite in place on top of the trapo here letting all of the Endermen be very upset God this is terrifying why are you attacking me once I dealt with those couple aggressive outliers I went over towards the center

Opening up all of the trap doors to allow the Ender to fall down into the killing chamber below once they’re all down there I accidentally looked into the crowd which absolutely upset everybody carefully flying my way spiraling around the outer edge of the platform making it underneath the roof

And clearing up all of the stragglers once that was all done I’m thinking why isn’t this working this should be working this should just be a constant scream of Enderman in pain oh I don’t like this I really don’t like the sound of this so that was disappointing I thought

Minecarts did the same thing that boats do which would prevent mobs from despawning and that the name tag that was always recommended when building an Enderman Farm was just for Security’s sake but it turns out nope I’m an idiot I’m wrong and the only way to get a name

Tag is going to be some very difficult options fishing I don’t want to spend fishing I just did a video all about fishing and or I’m about to do a video all about fishing because I’m not sure which order these videos are releasing in and I’ve already done enough fishing

In this 100 days so I went through everything I could find in this base and I even did a little bit of investigating into what I could disenchant with the little bit of levels that I had if there’s anything valuable that I could use I was able to get that silk touch

Book off of something but I don’t know what to put it on so I’m not really going to jump on that opportunity just yet instead I made myself some shears and took up my aggression by lopping off the top of a nearby tree I did that going into day 76 breaking through an

Entire four sets of shears dropping off all of those leaves into the composter while taking some of the logs that I had collected and smelting those up into some more charcoal and you can see where I’m going with this it’s time for another gunpowder run once I collected

All of those Resources with the remaining sulfur crystals that I had left over from the last time I had went to the brimstone biomes I was finally restocked up in rockets that I could fly around wherever I wanted basically grabbing all of the end Lily seeds and heading over towards the lake nearby

Planting all of that down and swimming from basically three different patches of Lies which would grow as soon as I did that Loop which are thankfully forgivingly fast allowing me to craft up a whole bunch more paper to be able to be set for more Rockets but while the

Furnaces went and a few other things were just processing the lies were drying I figured let’s do some work here around the house I put down some additional stairs as chairs some barrels some different trap doors as tables and setting up some different decorations from all the plants that I’ve been

Collecting that are both natural and unnatural to the end here thanks to all of the mods that I’ve done I also set up some nice tables on the upper area a nice light putting in some boxing around the fences just to give it some more bulk and putting in the trap doors so

That the windows on the second floor were actually sealed once all of my supplies were done I figured let’s go get some more of those Amber gems that I need for some of the endgame gear that I want to get before this 100 days is over

There is a nearby Shadow biome I mean not exactly nearby but considering I have an elytra and Rockets everything’s nearby with you’re willing to spend a little bit of time it was right on the edge of my render distance I just barely noticed it on the map and the little bit

Of treasure that I was able ble to get from those chests there was definitely a nice bonus no gems though so I had to do a bit more exploring and in heading North I found something brand new ooh what are You a hard Castle diamonds bones melons oh that’s wait that’s an arrow if I can make an infinity book I can I can have a bow and arrow so now that I was closer towards range combat I did want to check out this dungeon in front of me I broke

One of the spawners getting randomly teleported around by a big mouth Enderman so I didn’t know what they actually spawned I cleared the roof of the enemies that I know starting to dig my way down finding another spawner up in the roof here and another in the

Middle of what looked like like a very big portal and it turns out it’s wither skeletons and the loot here was definitely not from the end Apple a golden apple what so I worked my way down to the lower levels grabbing all of the blue concrete as it is an unnatural

Block in this Dimension and continuing to find some really Unique Treasures in these chests there’s a lot here there’s potential sry worked my way around through all of them making sure to check every barrel getting a whole lot of stuff that I would not have expected to

Have seen at all finding a wither skeleton spawner that was blocked by a only two high door which means wither skeletons can’t walk through it and I decided W I can make the other side a two high door this is Minecraft after all so I made the very most basic of

Rudimentary Wither Skeleton Farms considering it’s powered by a spawn ER it’s a lot more efficient I just really need to stand in place and it’s a decent way to get some XP but honestly the most interesting part about this is the bone drops I mean the Overworld drops are

Definitely nice and getting things like a golden apple means I’m have some combat healing if I happen to go into another boss battle or something else unexpected but being able to kill wither skeletons to be able to get bones for bone meal is infinitely faster than

Being able to having to chop down a tree to be able to get leaves to be able to compost that meaning that I’m a lot closer to being able to produce gunpowder at a much more industrial rate and that wasn’t the only thing that dropped well okay and I don’t know

Believe It or Not shortly after that first skull dropped a second one also plonked down on the ground in front of me I got to say I was not expecting wither skulls now I don’t know if there’s any way to be able to get Soul

Sand or if I’m going to want to farm for a third skull can I even fight the Wither in this mod pack that’s wild I honestly wild but I flew over to a nearby end ship fighting a whole lot of shulkers which is something that I

Definitely expected to fight a lot of in this mod pack grabbing all of the loot from the lower chests picking up one more elytra for the road and tried to turn a bit of their floor into a crafting table oh come on why would you do that whoever made this ship have dark

Oak double slabs instead of planks in the floor I hate you it’s evil I respect it but I hate you but once I was out of there I flew over towards one of the sulfur biomes spending a good chunk of the day just harvesting up more sulfur crystals

Finding a more vanilla and biome nearby and grabbing a few coar fruit along the way that once I got home I could turn into a few crates of coar fruit that I could use mainly for decoration throwing down some of the ores and other things around the area using my fortune pick to

Be able to mine those up to be able to convert them into resources that I’m going to need very soon and then you know what time it is it’s time for the inventory Montage Trader where are you there you are you have anything I can

Buy ah I genuinely don’t know how to get a healing potion three to be able to trade with that Trader to be able to get Opals to be able to then get that opal sword I have no idea but I did trade in a whole bunch of Ender Pearls for some

Potions of slow falling so I will fall slowly now but now that I had a whole bunch of bone meal that I could get from the wither skeletons which is just a few Rockets away I could actually invest some of that bone meal into growing

Wheat to be able to get some hay bales that I think I could turn into some really cool additional decorations for the base crafting up a whole bunch more gunpowder and then a whole bunch more Rockets than thanks to all of my supplies it was time to do some more

Work on some additional decoration but also some Next Level infusions first things first I crafted myself up a few different Perle pedestals and try saying that three times fast looking to make myself some terminite plates that I could turn into some terminite armor but to do that I needed to upgrade my Anvil

To terminite as well which required several blocks of the stuff which required a whole bunch of smelting which required converting a lot of my Roth alium into ingots which then meant that I need to smelt that together with Ender dust which you get from smashing the Ender shards with a hammer but that

Actually required coal blocks to do and I had no idea how to fuel that what am I supposed to use as fuel it’s blocked that’s annoying and all of that all of that work got me one one terminite Ingot this is going to be so expensive

Thankfully I had a few other ingots that I had collected from a few different end cities as well as a couple rare blocks once I had all of that I was able to take a singular block thankfully it only cost one and upgrade my theasian Anvil

Into a terminite one which once I went back down to the basement realized that my theasian hammer wouldn’t count and I needed to make another block of it which I could then turn into a terminite smithing Hammer which I could then finally turn terminite into Forge plates

Smashing up some more ender shards for more ender dust so I could smelt up more of the alloy which I could then convert into a whole bunch of pieces of armor putting down the four pedestals I threw down the helmet legs and Boots respectively going into the next day and

Cleaning up after myself as I worked finally being able to craft the chest plate to complete the set this is leading towards what I want for endgame but I’m not quite there yet I need a whole bunch more of those Amber crystals which means I have to fly out to more of

Those Shadow mansions to hopefully get them in the loot chests in the roof there and along the way I buzzed a mutant Enderman ow oh no I think I accidentally looked at the mutant I went to check out an En City along my path getting constantly pinned

In the corner by endless shulker bullets floating my way with my head on the ceiling trying to fight my way through everything I could to be able to get the loot here once I kind of just gave up on that area I flew my way over towards a

Nearby Airship heading into the lower level dealing with a few much more manageable amount of sh ERS grabbing another Ender Chest a bunch of iron diamond gold all of the resources valuables and shinies that I love to collect in these hundred days I continued sailing out in a New Direction

Going into unexplored chunks seeing more Shadow biomes unfortunately no more houses but another one of those towers that had a chest plate and a saddle inside I’ll take that and I’m basically doing a counterclockwise Loop expanding the area that I rendered in all of the outer end Islands to be able to better

Know everything that’s around here and in one of the end cities I finally found what I was looking for got one having a name tag means that now I can finally go back and activate that Enderman farm that I had been creating and it was one of the main

Reasons that I was out looking for loot in the first place I want all of those Amber gems but being able to have experience and being able to then disenchant and reenchant my armor is huge huge oh I got two oh and by the way you know those

Shadowberry jellies that I cook for myself I didn’t know this at the time but they give you night vision and I play this late at night in a pretty dark space So I flashbanged myself with the additional brightness I mean this mod is already pretty bright in interesting

Ways but that was just unexpected and very funny I flew my way back over towards the Enderman Farm passing that heading back towards home where I can convert a lot of my resources down into blocks and then sort of consolidate things and prepare for what I believe is

The end game of this adventure I have a ton of almost everything the thing I want to do is be thematically appropriate for this adventure when it comes to my armor just wearing basic Diamond while you get it from the nend cities isn’t fun I want to make this fun

So I named one of the name tags but then did a little bit of work at home moving aside all of those chorus crates that I had made and planting down the melons that I had found at the end Hard Castle which would allow me to have another

Source of bone meal and even just food being visited by a goblin Trader and very much wishing I had more netherite oh my God another tease 24 netherite I can’t make that can I make that no I can make five so with a really awesome weapon

Teased out in front of me I flew away before I started getting ideas of looting all of the ancient debris in this Dimension heading over to one of the low islands near my Enderman Farm doing a whole bunch of stabbing to get a few stacks of pearls to theoretically

Spawn in the endermite which would enable my dreams once I had done enough of that I flew over towards the Enderman Farm realizing that I had actually left a lot of my supplies back at the base as far as the building supplies so I crafted up some additional rails using

The iron that I had then I used the iron blocks in my inventory in the my like treasure box as building blocks to get the chamber for the endermite actually built up and ready to go this way I could spawn the endermite in and thankfully it only popped up after like

Two or three pearls okay all right Greg you’re going to help me Greg here is going to help me enable Infinite Experience so that I can finally transfer all the enchantments from my diamond armor onto the terminite armor that I can upgrade to a crystalline version to have a very inappropriate

Armor set I’m so excited to have this all work so Well Guardian down oh are you kidding me ah a Greg no Greg you killed Greg and then they left that’s genuinely upsetting throwing this all into the void that too all this work and the mutant just messed it up I have to go kill one I

Have to go kill one as soon as humanly possible the next one I see I’m going to go kill it’s up it’s so upsetting all right let’s let’s go find one to kill I’m just upset now I really wanted that to work now I definitely need to go kill

One but you know the rule I have for myself if you’re about to go get into a fight that potentially puts your world at risk make sure that you have something to lose so I spent some time putting down some additional decorations all around the house including a bed

Which is very dangerous cuz if I click that I’ll explode I crafted up some of the wool that I had dying that to make some nice red carpets putting down some flower pots Brewing stands and other decorations from the Overworld here in the end I crafted up a few hay bales

Thinking I can make some Target dummies that would be fun but yeah that requires armor stands so this end Adventure has been one of how do I navigate everything with limited resources that’s kind of one of three flavors of 100 days that I do I really like this kind of version

Because it makes me think outside the box and look into what’s available in the mods and what I can really get at but I know that sometimes this one’s a little bit different than say the nether or something else like that but with all of that done thinking about these mods

I’m looking into the Eternal crystals which appear to be kind of the end game as far as the infusion pedestals for the better end mod they require things like n crystals to craft up and I’m looking into other things that I can make they all require Aurora Crystal Shards but unfortunately

The infinity book requires lapis which I don’t have a way to get what I was working on though was smelting up all of that ancient debris that I had finally cooking it all up into netherite scrap and crafting some of that down into ingots so that way if I ever got a

Goblin Trader and eventually had enough of this I could trade for that opal sword or something something else really awesome I also did some work up on the roof finishing all of the walls of the endstone walls and the lau Grove gates to make sure that was all set up putting

Some other small decorations and details up on the roof of the building so that it finally looked complete and with all of that done it was time to sail out and get into a fight I first stopped by another one of those platforms that had Vex on it fighting a big mouth Enderman

Swinging my way around and picking up all of the ancient debris in here once that was done I found another one of those large sphere structures that was generated up this time sliced in a way that there was a decent amount of floor that could be stood on which allowed me

To fight a few of the Endermen that were around here and then let some of the evokers spawn hopefully trying to get them to land on the ground where I could kill one of them while I picked up the ancient debris from the floor the only problem here being is that those evokers

Were spawning Vex nor Vex mind you not just the ones holding end rods the ones with like sharpness five swords but I’m not going to give up I’m nothing if not stubborn that’s a problem that’s never mind I learned when to give up but I flew all the way back home

Smelting up the engent debris that I collected just from those two small dungeons crafting up some additional gunpowder and Rockets making that into a few more netherite ingots and now I have seven it’s not enough for the opal sword on its own but but it’s enough that when

You get the World download you could potentially work your way up towards that but I needed a few more ender pearls to be able to convert that to craft up some end crystals and some other things just to finish out and round out my gear so I just flew over to

One of the nearby Islands considering that farm has been an absolute bust and a waste of time I just set up a little low-fi low ceiling area and tried making eye contact with all sorts of Endermen and once I felt like I had enough pearls I flew over towards one of the brimstone

Biomes mainly looking for a fight with a mutant Enderman but instead only found one of the very tall purple mouth Axel looking ones and got into a little bit of a fight there this is fun ah so many so many they are so angry friendly Enderman to fight for

Me that’s fun let’s fly away so they all despawn oh that’s a oneoff okay well and the timing couldn’t have been better because as I continued to fly I saw a mutant Enderman I was ready to have my new friend help me fight the mutant Enderman was teleporting everywhere

Constantly blinding me so I really didn’t have a beat on it it was also summoning these kind of fantasmal versions of Enderman that would die in one hit but swarmed by the dozens which was a big problem especially since they could get into the water

No Gary too no once I cleared all of them out I was able to finally lock eyes on my Target and get a few solid hits in but what one punch from the Enderman set me back only by a couple Hearts but the thing I’m most scared about is it’s

Summoning more and more ads oh no oh God oh God oh so with my pet Enderman dead I wanted Revenge you the Suffer [Applause] City Oh my god oh that’s some kind of ultimate Attack no no come on let me go let me go let me go no no no let me go Wait oh they’re dead yeah yes we did Ito that was intense so with the battle done as we fought our way through I flew back home figuring out what I could craft with the treasure from that fight my first thought was more end crystals which I would need for the Eternal

Crystals I don’t know exactly how much of those I would need but I’m going to craft up a couple of them at least also now that I had all of the a crystals and the gems necessary I spent time infusing all of the terminite armor to upgrade that to the crystalline variants now

Each piece of this gives me a passive buff the pants give me extra Hearts the helmet makes me immune to blindness the boots give me walking speed and when you have the full set on you have constant regeneration absolutely always on health boosts that is really huge the only

Problem is without any sort of enchantments the amount of damage that I’d be taking is extremely increased from all of my protection for near perfect rolled diamond armor and as you’ve seen with all of these mobs that’s a twoh hit kill if I’m not careful but to transfer the enchantments

Is insanely expensive 25 levels for the most basic of just stripping the enchants off of the one helmet that has the least on it but with only one level again figured I’d fly over to that little lowii area that I had set up the farm for throw my elytra back on fly

Over and strip the enchantments off of the helmet thinking I’d lose the helmet thankfully I retain it oh boy is this expensive that’s all my levels this disenchanting is a racket I’m not going to lie so this is mending I need protection six armor eight armor ah this is rough

So theoretically given enough time I could earn all the levels to be able to transfer all of my enchants from my diamond armor onto the crystalline variant the only problem is I only have eight days left in this world and I’m not sure that that’s possible I do have

Just a book with protection 4 and Unbreaking 3 which I could throw onto the pants they would definitely survive the next8 days so I figured I only need seven levels for that let me head over back to that little low five farm and just gain seven levels what could possibly go

Wrong what the heck was that oh that’s what that [Applause] Was oh that was very very close oh my heart just went into my throat I cannot believe I pulled that Off oh I need a second wow go me that felt amazing that was intense okay maybe the wings stay on for now so yeah the elytra probably is going to stay on for the rest of this adventure as the Mutant Endermen are not quite happy with me having killed one of

Their kin so instead I headed over to the lake biome to the south of the house being able to sit in water or in small little 2×3 Chambers running around grabbing the Seven Levels by killing a few Enderman at a time most of my gear had mending so that needed to get

Repaired first so it took most of the day but once I had these Seven Levels necessary I flew back towards home and using my Anvil was able to throw protection four and Unbreaking three on the crystalline leggings meaning I get my two extra hearts and a little bit of

Knockback resistance and I’m halfway towards having a good crystalline armor set day 93 we’re coming up on the end game of this entire adventure and I need to start prepping for the dragon fight I’ve really only been surviving on the outer end Islands the dragon itself is

Way upgraded from what you see in a vanilla world meaning that it is a proper boss fight meaningful for the end of this challenge I grabbed myself a whole bunch of chorus succulents which are just sitting on the ground here that’s free food but the Ender ore is

What I was really looking for as I could turn that into more ender dust and use that in enchanting and infusion I also found these pink berries which were another nice food boost another really good accessible High saturation food that I could get unfortunately it is also biome locked which means that you

Can only grow it where it is you can’t really make a farm for for it back at home but I returned back home making a big tower out of all of the ores that I had collected using my fortune pick to mine my way down and collect all of it

And then it was time to do a final bit of really exciting infusion right after making the first Eternal Crystal I actually ran out of the Aurora crystals which is very easy I just flew over to one of the crystalline biomes nearby with a fortune pick in hand and in

Breaking just a few dozen blocks well that’s a way to find a little you know I think I have just a couple now I only really needed like half a dozen so having six Stacks yeah Overkill is underrated okay I spent a little bit more time getting the remaining end

Crystals infused into their Eternal Crystal form once I had six of them I stored off the rest of the Aurora crystals did a little bit more farming around the base and then just thought about what I do if I could potentially get some more experience to siphon off

The enchants from my diamond gear to the crystalline gear and I thought fighting another obsid alith would potentially yield the experience needed to be able to really upgrade myself again wait does it still have a question mark after dealing with my commitment issues I went over to the lake nearby

Harvesting up all of the lies that had currently grown so I could make enough Rockets to be able to go to the obsid alth and back towards the central island fighting a few Enderman here and there before popping my way back home and setting my final round resources to dry

So that I could do a little bit more flying and with everything collected and crafted I thought the obsid lith would take too long and I know how intensive the dragon fight is so let’s fly off towards the central island and get ready for the Battle of my life oh boy here we

Go oh Boy oh that’s epic looking that just made a whole Tower Oh this is going to hurt let’s try this oh no that’s even worse okay that Works oh that’s terrifying that’s a massive lightning attack back okay what do I do here is that a blaze oh my God there’s blazes okay so there’s a spot up here I don’t have a sword so nope come on dissipate are you kidding me I missed a

Whole damage cycle because of with the dragon breath bombing the top of the tower meaning that I skipped another damage cycle and then a crystal spawning in it felt like everything was going to recover and heal and that just wasn’t going to work okay here it comes oh my

God come on there’s got to be a way in there come on come on get in here there’s another Crystal this is so dangerous come on come on Jasmine get in here here this would have been way easier with a bow oh my God that’s about to break I only had

A few berries to my name my elytra had a whole 26 durability on it it was time to go I think I made the end dragon fight too hard oh my God that was so close the problem I think I have is that I don’t have a bow I can’t deal with those

Crystals at range I have to go up and punch them and you know they explode in my face so this might not be possible given the restrictions I put on myself I spent some time at my base just trying to figure out how can I make more arrows

How can I take down the dragon then I looked at the Eternal crystals and thought maybe there’s another way what do I do what do I do there’s one other shot okay oh my God I I didn’t think it was going to do anything oh that’s terrifying oh portals why is it always

Portals okay it turns off and back on good good to know is it worth it but no I’ve used a portal at the end of 100 days for an easy way out of this challenge far too often it’s time to return back to the main island and finish

This oh it’s back to full health that’s upsetting I don’t even know how I damaged it so much the first time Oh by breaking the crystals okay okay okay here we go oh my God that’s tons of damage come on I got you now ow oh my god that hurt a lot

That hurt a lot a lot I see it so very very loud okay here we go here we go this could be it come on come on oh my God that was so close come come on ow this is not looking promising come on come on perch this is so loud

Oh they’re recovering way tooo much health way too much health no I lost so much Progress yes there we Go and an egg with the Dragon Slain I collected all of the experience from around the island which would all come in very handy in transferring my enchants I also put the work in to make to try to get the torch which I had to make a slab in

Order to drop it on so that it would actually be available for my inventory I flew my way home back through all of the different biomes passing over right where I had started this 100 days Adventure into the Neon Cactus surrounded castle that I had made for

Myself with all of those levels I was able to strip the enchants off of my boots and put them on my crystalline boots wow oh this is way too expensive I hate it but with all of that done I put down the egg and then there

Was just one last idea to do so I crafted up just a few more rockets and flew my way back over towards that Eternal portal to see what was on the other side does it not work wait does it not work hold on let let’s go to another let’s do another portal

Oh we’re lagging five minutes later oh we’re laging I lagged back but the world didn’t so I have another dragon egg you know what this is awesome let’s just put that right there I love I love it when I get to break the game oh wait oh my pant okay let’s reenchant the

Shoes Again oh it’s all sorts of screwed up while my little travel backward in time had duplicated the dragon egg it cost me my boots but don’t worry I’ll fix that for the World download so now trying this again I threw the crystal into the portal and with one of those

Large Axel Enderman running my way I thought once more into the Bree thank you all so much for watching the video if you want to join the amazing people that you see on screen go hit up my patreon at patreon.com there you can get the World download and Early Access into my new

Game mode extraction which is launching very very soon thank you so much take care of yourselves be good to each other goodbye

I Survived 100 Days in the most difficult version of the End in Hardcore Minecraft

The End is normally a barren wasteland, but this modpack brings new life and new danger to the void world! Whether that’s the new species of Enderman, the Better End mod biomes, or the upgraded Dragon Fight, Obsidialith, and Mutant Endermand bosses – this place isn’t safe.

Combine that with more difficult ways to gather resources and find supplies, and you have a whole new adventure in just one dimension!

Check out the Ultimate Survival Adventure: https://youtu.be/rSHIUi-RkK4

If you like the video, leave a comment or a like! It helps a TON!

Download the modpack here:

Edited by @MUDCAT and @S1erra107, ReplayMod by @becrockroll.

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#MinecraftHardcore #Minecraft #100days


  1. a suggestion to make it a little bit easy for future videos regarding collecting trees a mod called tree harvester you crouch and mine the bottom log and it insta mines the entire tree with the leaves so no more floating leaves oh and it also replants the exact tree. Keep up with the good work and hope to see the vampire scenario soon am 50% sure you went goth/emo aka became a vamp kid since you were a vamp hunter in the DnD scenario also regarding the USA series hmm maybe add Shadow and Kiply and Sneve to it or if Shadow is busy with the plague series with Sean then Kippers and Sneve should be enough to keep the series wacky and amusing

  2. I have to say, I'm expected to see this theme after 100 days of hell.. but I was expecting it it far more easier than this, because this is a lot of challenge..

    Theoretically, you could set up the XP farm of that Wither Skeleton, if you have the time to reconfigure it to its proper farm setup

    So glad that you could kill the dragon, even tho not using bow just makes it hard on yourself (and the lack of lapis, honestly)

    Live the good life, Legs.. and we'll see you in the next adventure.. and considering so many obsidians.. Decem is surely watching close..

  3. Two years ago I was really depressed and suicidal because my grandma passed away. I binged your videos throughout my entire depressive episode. today I’m sick in bed and I’m watching your new content. It really made me think about how even though im doing much better, when I have these low days I always look for your channel. Youve become my comfort YouTuber. Thanks for all that you do, Legs!

  4. 25:59
    Literally no one:
    Normal people: I build the pillars for my house out of stone or terraform with dirt and grass blocks
    Legundo: Say your prayers, little one, don't forget, my son (heavy metal music intensifies)

  5. I’m wondering what time stamp he found out about infusions because that’s my favorite part of better end. Whoever submits the correct information wins a thumbs up 😀

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