Breaking Minecraft with your Dumb Ideas

Make Minecraft tiny. Oh boy, here we go. Welcome to a tiny Minecraft world where I’m really tall and everything around me is really tiny. This is done with a combination of the Pehkui and Nvidium mods. Everything in here still works. Each of these are individual blocks that I can break.

And as you can see, there’s like tiny little mobs. There’s a chicken down there. Check this out. Look at this, this is so cool. They don’t like me. They’re looking at me. Hey man, how’s it going down there? But the coolest thing about this is that you can just

See so much of the world. You can see for ages, you can see exactly how everything is generating. So like check this out over there. You can see like some snowy mountains. Whoa, over there, there’s like some ice biome. There’s some of this stuff. There’s a cherry grove way out there.

The craziest thing is finding these little spots of like big mountain with giant waterfall or whatever the heck this thing is. Look, there’s a tree up here. There’s a sign up here. What does that say? Oh, today I’m breaking Minecraft with your dumb ideas and today it’s a return to form.

I asked you on my community tab for the dumbest idea you could give me and to see if you could beat the hour and 45 minute feature film video we did last time. You guys didn’t disappoint and that’s how we got this tiny Minecraft. If you guys managed to break my game

Or render it unplayable, then you as the audience get one point. If my game manages to survive, then I get a point. And whoever wins today’s video will be happy about it. So that being said, this first one didn’t break my game. In fact, it’s just fascinating to look at.

It’s the opposite of breaking my game. This is really cool. Instead of breaking Minecraft, we’re just breaking reality, which I’m also a fan of. Big fan of breaking reality. It’s so cool seeing how tall I am next to these mountains. Also, I can just walk right up this mountain. That’s kind of wild.

So this is very cool, but unfortunately I get the point for this one. Actually, not unfortunately. Fortunately. I’m against you. I will win this and I’ll be happy about it. And you won’t be, probably. Maybe you will be. Maybe you’re rooting for me. Who knows? I’m sure there’s someone out there

Who’s all in on me winning and not at all on the audience winning, which is like the ultimate form of betrayal. Anyways, let’s do this. Who’s first? Tick freeze and then throw thousands of wind charges under your feet. See if you can break the game by either height or length,

Depending on if you go up or sideways when you unfreeze. Hmm, interesting. You know what’s funny is I actually did this a little bit on Twitter already. I won’t call it X, you can’t make me. But I managed to get 2,000 wind charges done, 5,000 wind charges, and even 10,000 wind charges.

If you haven’t followed me over there, you should do that. That’d be great. So we know a little bit about how high I can go. And I also know that because of how many wind charges were there, it won’t break the game. But I’ve actually gone ahead and done one thing

That’s a little bit different from the other one. I’ve installed a mod that adds wind charge game rules. So if I set the wind charge knock back to 100 and just boop! I haven’t tested this yet, so that’s awesome. Now I wanna try it at 1,000, just see what happens. 30,000 blocks, let’s go. And 10,000. This is getting better. 366,000 blocks, oh my gosh. So then in theory, if I did 100,000, this might crash it. We’re just gonna see what happens, ready? Hup! What happened? Where are we, what’s going on? Uhhh… Oh! I heard the sound and my game froze. Ummmm… This might be a

Problem, I’m not gonna lie. We might’ve figured it out. Oh no. Oh, oh, oh, I’m in the air. It’s still frozen, but I’m in the air. I wanna see what happens when I unfreeze though, because we might be, oh, something moved. We might be just like a billion blocks in the air.

Oh, oh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, how many blocks is that? What the heck, three million, is that what that is? 3.4 million blocks and still going? Okay, that’s pretty awesome. But you know what that means, we need to do it again. We’re going to a million.

This might take ages to calculate, but, well, let’s find out. Editor, when this goes, I want you to put the amount of time that it took on the screen. Here we go, ready? All right, start the timer there. And we’re just gonna wait. We’re just gonna find out what happens.

And I’m just gonna scroll Instagram. I hope there’s elevator music or something playing, you know, hanging out. Oh, we got a sound. And my game froze, so. We got a sound and my game froze. So we’re gonna find out if this actually goes or not. – 72 hours later. – Oh man, it’s been a while.

It is, it is just, it’s just frozen. I’m just gonna sit down over here. Watch from a distance. – Approximately 10. – Oh my gosh, look at the number. That Y value, what is that? That’s, oh my gosh, seven million blocks. That’s just absurd. And it’s still frozen.

I don’t even know how long that took. We’re still not unfrozen though. It’s still frozen. The timer’s still going. I’m waiting till I have a consistent frame rate. That still hasn’t happened yet, so. We’re just waiting, I guess. – Six and a half. – Oh, the number went up. 12.7 million blocks. Uhhhh…

– 10 seconds later. Long time… I don’t even know how long this has been going, but I’ve been just sitting here doing nothing. Gotta chill out for hours, you know? This one probably isn’t gonna take hours, but sometimes, sometimes it’s never taken hours, but sometimes it could, you know?

It might do that, you know? – Hours later. Take a nap. Right here. At 12.7 million blocks in the air. – Three days. – Oh, oh, it updated again. Oh my gosh, it updated again. 17 million. Is that 17 million blocks? Dude, okay, it’s slowing down a little bit. We’re not stopping the timer until we get that

Consistent frame rate back, though, so we’re chilling. – Two very boring minutes later. – Oh gosh, we’ve officially broken 20 million blocks. It’s just so absurd. Oh my word. – Many unbearable hours. – Oh, oh, we got frames. Oh, we got frames. Oh my gosh, is that 35 million blocks? 36 million blocks?

Dude, we’re killing it. 37 million blocks. That is absurd. What was the time? Put the time on screen. That’s how long that took me. Well, I sat there. My game wasn’t playable. I couldn’t do anything about it. I would consider that a win on your end. So, point goes to you. Well done.

Let’s move on to the next one. Create a super flat world made out of campfires. Oh boy, this could only go well, right? Nothing could possibly go wrong here, right? Oh jeez. Oh man, okay. Well, this is, oh wow. I have particles on, so I don’t know.

I don’t know what’s going on there. Oh, they don’t just emit particles by default? Bruh, I want them to all emit particles. Hold on. Boom, there we go. There we go. Here we go. Oh, well you’ll notice that there’s only so many that can last out here, it looks like.

Yeah, we’ve met this particle limit in the past and it kind of makes things a little difficult because anytime we want to do anything with particles, it just kind of limits it. It says, nah, I don’t want to do particles anymore. So unfortunately, this isn’t going to crash my game

And it’s also not really rendering it unplayable unless I’m in survival mode. So, and even then I can just, you can just, you can just break a little. Unfortunately, since this is completely playable and the frame rates are fine, then I get a point. But man, does this look cool. These poor villagers.

I’m sorry guys, I know you’re stuck out here in the middle of nowhere surrounded by fire, but you’ll make it. You can make it. Oh no. Rest in peace. He will be missed. Let’s move on to the next comment. A giant red button that says subscribe. Okay, listen, I see

What you’re trying to do and I get it. I think it’s funny. I think it’s nice, but I’m not shameless enough to do that in the video. That’s there’s, there’s no way. They’re like, there’s no way I would do that. Like, like there’s, I would never, I would, I can’t.

In fact, I’m not shameless enough to even give a point for this bit because, because it’s just, it’s just dumb. So neither of us get a point for this. In fact, both of us are losing a point. Everyone, everyone’s losing in this scenario. All right, that’s enough of the shameless promotion.

We’re moving on. Use the shrieking potion from last video and don’t stop throwing them. You can also use a dispenser or change your keyboard to a keyboard key. Oh boy. If you haven’t watched that video already, this is the splash potion of shrieking. This is what happens.

If you affect a mob with it, a skulk shriek happens. And I’m sure you can guess what happens when three of them happen. Two and three. Oh, there he goes. Can this iron golem defeat the warden? The answer is a firm no. But also in that video, I showcased that it also works

On wardens and the more you spam it, the more wardens that spawn. So that’s what we’re going to do. I rebinded my mouse to a key bind. It is so loud and I’m just going to hold it. We’re just going to find out what happens if we just keep doing this.

Man, it’s hard to hear. I can’t, I don’t really know. It’s what, oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh no. Look at in the doorway. Look at how many are in there. We’re still going. This is, oh geez. Can I move at all? Oh, the frames, dude. The frames are rough.

Oh, the frames. Oh look, I’ve got frames over here. We still haven’t crashed yet. We’re still going. I feel like it’s inevitable. I feel like we’re going to hit that limit at some point. There’s only so many wardens that can exist in one world. I mean, technically you could do infinite

If you had the resources. There’s only so many wardens that my computer can handle. This is with me looking away from them. This is me holding down the mouse button, but it’s still throwing them in bursts. Oh my gosh. Some of them got way over here.

How did they get all the way over there? I can’t, I can’t do anything. This is my actual frame rate. What do I, I don’t even know what to do. What do I even do? This is just insanity. Just constant heartbeats. That’s all there is. Oh, I splashed myself.

It looks like I just splashed myself. Awesome. Oh, oh, I can see my lack of frames though. Oh, that’s more than when I looked away. Oh my gosh. Okay. All right. Fine. You did it. This is, this is unplayable. This is just it. This is, and all it’s going to do

Is just keep spawning more. So with that, I guess, I guess you get the point. You get it. It’s yours. Fine. Oh boy. Oh my gosh. It’s doing them in waves. Oh, oh my gosh. I killed the wardens and it’s spawning more. That was 4900 entities. It just spawned more.

It just, It wasn’t done. Get out of here. Let’s move on. Make a sign that says Minecraft and break it. All righty. Minecraft and… Huh. Nothing happened. I guess we’re fine. Use the new scale attribute to make the Ender Dragon 16 times bigger. It sure broke my game.

Well, we’re going to test that. I’ll just jump through my tiny little Ender portal here and let’s see. Slash attribute at E. Type equals Ender Dragon. Limit is one. Scale. Base. Set 16, they said. 16. Oh, immediately just stopped working. So it says it was set to 16, but the Ender Dragon is

Pretty clearly still not size 16. It looks like he’s just normal sized, but everything’s just laggy. Can I set it to two? It looks like the Ender Dragon doesn’t change. What happens if I set it to like 40? Oh. Uhh… Oh no. It’s not crashing per se, but it is slow.

I don’t know, man. Does it count? I can’t decide if it counts because it’s kind of sad that I didn’t like scale it up like crazy. What happens if I do it with Pehkui instead of the vanilla version? Okay, here we go. Boom. 16. Oh, oh! Oh, yeah. See, that’s

What it’s supposed to do. What about 160 here? Yeah, that’s supposed to happen. That’s, yep. Well, unfortunately it didn’t quite work, but I will say because of the lag on the vanilla version, it was unplayable. So I’ll sneak you this point. Why not? You can have it. You can have it. Definitely not for any specific reason

That I might be reading next or anything. Not at all. No, not at all. Here, Knarfy, it’s a free point. Also like and sub or else. You are making good content. Free point for Knarfy! Have a free point. You deserve it, heart. Oh man, how kind of all of you.

How kind of all three of you to each give me a point. Look, man, I just want to make this a challenge for you because otherwise this is too easy. Oh, look, tiny ender portal. I wonder where this leads. No way. Oh no, big ender dragon. Anyways, it’s a challenge now.

Hopefully you’re up for it. Name a pickaxe Minecraft. Use it until it breaks. Minecraft. Something better happen. Something better happen with this. Halfway down, this better be worth it. This better not be a ploy to try to get a free point because you’re not going to get a point from this one.

You’re not going to get it. Almost there. Huh. I guess we’re all right then. Power two command blocks or more at the same time, executing the same commands, but in different locations like to TP all entities to one area then another. To be honest, I’m not sure if this works immediately. So I set up a couple of commands here to see if this actually works

And power them at the same time. Yeah, so okay. All right, okay. A lot of things are dying. Oh geez, what is? Oh no. Okay, that’s kind of what I expected. Only one of the commands works. So instead of powering them at the same time, we’re going to use observers.

One like this and one like this. And then this is what happens. So this isn’t as good. And in fact, we’ve actually done this in a previous video before. So I decided let’s do this in the newest snapshot where I can up the tick speed. Currently the tick rate is 20.

Let’s double it, 40. Oh, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh my gosh, the number of items. Do you see that? That’s insane. I think let’s just add a few more villagers in the mix. You know, I think that’s a good idea, right? All right, so we just got them teleporting between these two locations.

It’s absolutely insane looking right now. These bats don’t know what’s going on. But that means I’m going to up the tick rate to 100. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. The number of things that are just dying. I think I need to start spawning stuff. Here we go. So now we’re just

Spawning villagers into the mix. Oh boy, I upped the entity cramming limit. I love that they all just appear there for a second. They’re all there. And then they’re gone. And they’re there! And they’re gone! Except for the bats. The bats are just always there for some reason. We really, we really slowed this down. What about the tick rate of 200? Yeah, nothing changed.

It’s just limiting our ability to do anything. There’s things that still die immediately every time. What if I summon TNT? Cause this is an entity, right? So it’ll teleport to them all? Oh, oh, it’s because I… What about TNT minecart? Okay, so that, that helped. Oh no. What happens if I do it again? Oh my gosh. So anytime I summon them in, it just immediately kills everything. Oh, there’s a slime in there. Oh, the sound. Yeah, this is nice. This is real nice. Oh, I just picked up all the stuff. Okay, entity tick speed 500. Yeah, this is, this is… So this is obviously

Just two locations, right? Like we, we couldn’t do them at the same time cause it would just constantly teleport them to one spot. So upping the tick speed kind of made it so it’s happening at the same time, but it’s not quite there. But I also feel like this

Is the best that we could do because you can’t do two commands at the same time. It’s just not how computers work. So unfortunately, since this didn’t crash, I’m going to go ahead and give myself the point on this one. I can’t remember if I did that for the other one or not,

But I’ve taken the point for this one. Thank you. Nice. Okay. Um. All right. Summon a bunch of boats and minecarts in a single block and then give it a little push. All right. This will be our block of choice. Boom. Okay. So that’s where the boat’s going to be and also where the minecarts are going to be. So we’re going to try to

Put them all here in one spot. And just for good measure, I think we put TNT minecarts in there too. Can I just like, oh, oh, okay. Okay. So, okay. Note to self, we’re not going to do that. All right. So here we go. This is just going to spawn these continually

For a little bit and then we’re going to push it and we’re going to see what happens. Because what’s better than spawning a billion entities and just seeing what happens to them because anything can happen. We’re definitely, we’re losing some frames here. I can feel some frames being lost

And there are 800 entities in here now. I kind of want to let this get up to like 2000, you know? Look at the shadow. Like that’s, that’s crazy. It’s just a black hole underneath the gold block. All right. Okay. I think 1500 entities is probably enough.

So I’m going to leave it at that. And I’m going to turn this off. We’re at a nice 14 frames per second right now. So now Mr. Horse, are you ready for this? Are you ready to see what happens? Huh? Huh? All right. Here we go. Oh, I’m over here now. Okay.

So that pushes you really, really far. What happens if I try to push this horse into it? All right. Come with me. Come with me. It couldn’t possibly, nothing could possibly go wrong. Come on. Oh, it just looks like I teleport but I actually just run into the things. Come on.

It’s for science. Oh, oh, oh no. It’s going. It’s going. Where is it going? It’s just, it’s traveling. It’s traveling. I’m… okay… Where is it going? It’s on an adventure. What is this sound? The sound is awful. Can I get in? I’m in. We’re going on a journey. Where we’re headed?

I don’t know. Horse, horse, save me. Please. Please save me horse. I don’t know where we’re going. It could be anywhere. It’s taking me away. I mean, I voluntarily got into this, this situation, but it’s taking me away. Help me horse. Also side note. I think that’s the horse

That we, yeah, that’s the, there’s the lead on the ground. That’s the horse that we ran into all the boats. I’m so curious now what happens when I hit the water. Oh my gosh. Look at the dolphin in the back there. Slowly jumping. Here it goes off the ledge.

Oh, oh, oh, they’re going. They’re going faster. Oh, into the water, into the water we go. Oh, so many particles. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I’m drowning. Oh my gosh. It’s just dragging me to the bottom of the ocean. No, we’re just still going. This is not at all what I

Thought was going to happen. This is absolutely ridiculous. And there’s a wall. Oh, and we’ve changed direction. Oh, but we’re going to land in this corner. And corner. That’s it. Well, they’re all still stuck together. And if I touch it, I disappear. Do, do do. Oh my word. You’ve successfully created an abomination.

Would I consider this unplayable though? Would I consider this a crash? Well, not really. Cause I think all we succeeded in doing is combining vehicles and transportation methods into something that didn’t quite work as effectively. So I’m going to take this point. Thank you. I feel like I’m winning

A lot of these points. So I’m here for it. You know, I’m not complaining. Chicken nugget. Chicken nugget, huh? Well, I don’t really see any chickens around here anywhere. What? What the heck Jacob? Hello, Jacob. I’ll just take that. Thanks. Okay. All right. I don’t know what that was

All about, but here we go. I’m going to take some raw chicken. Gonna grab a knife and put some, put this all in a carton. Raw nuggets. Perfect. And then we’re just gonna, we’re just gonna butter up those nuggets. And we just need a furnace to cook them all up.

And now we’ve got nuggets. Incredible. Truly, truly amazing. Truly breaking Minecraft for sure. Truly the culmination of so many years of research. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, Jacob, Jacob, listen, listen, man. Listen, I can, we can talk about this. Okay. We can talk– Here! Here, take the nuggets. I’ll give you, I’ll

Give you two, two points because there’s nugget two points for you. Two points. Okay. Stop. There’s so many. Oh, there’s so many. Run away. Run away. Run away! AHHH There’s more. What are we– Is that a nugget tree? Make a summoned fireball max power. Make as many as you can,

Then fire them at once. All right. Well, this is the tiebreaker. Let’s find out what happens. Let’s just start with one. I set it to a thousand power. See if it actually does anything. All right, cool. So the thousand power does not work. About a hundred. Does a hundred work? Oh yeah.

Oh, it does. All right, sick. Okay. This could be interesting. Here’s my thought. I can run /tick freeze. And now the game is frozen. As you can see, this fire is no longer moving. Okay, a bunch of fireballs. And then I’m going to punch each one of them. There we go. I stepped it forward one

Tick so I could find them all. Just give them all a little bit of a boost. So they all go at the same time. All right. Now I just run tick unfreeze and there they go. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Okay. So it didn’t quite fully work the way I thought it would. That’s a lot of fire. Okay. I’m, I’m, I’m going to try this again. Oh yeah. This could be fun. So I’ve summoned a line of them and I’m going to go through and punch all of these again

And give them all some, some momentum. Cause at the moment, if I just unfreeze it, they’re all just sitting here. They all got a thousand power though. Make sure I’m hitting the hit boxes correctly. Beautiful. Now just run it one more time. Oh boy. Oh, something exploded. They might be hitting each other.

Okay. That’s fine. Tick unfreeze. Oh no. Some of them exploded already. Oh, they’re not all hitting the ground. Oh my gosh. Wow. We have ravaged this. This area is just completely destroyed. All right. I have a plan. I have this repeating command block. That’s just summoning fireballs. And every time it summons one,

I’m just punching it in another direction. I’m curious to see if this does anything different. Oh, oh, oh, hopefully that’s not going to affect too much. Oh man. Some of them are exploding already. Okay. This is a good few. Go, go fireballs, go. Oh my gosh. Oh shoot. Wait.

Oh, I didn’t mean to do that. Oh, what’s going on? Oh no. I didn’t mean to do this. I didn’t mean to. Okay. Well, wow. You know, I think we’ve pushed that to its limit. That’s absurd. So I guess that means I get this point. Does that mean I win? Oh my gosh.

I think I might win. Alert. Alert! Don’t move! This is the points police. We’ve heard reports that you’ve taken three free points from the audience in order to make things more competitive, and we’ve come to set the record straight. Three points is far too absurd of a number of free points

For one person to get, so we’ve decided to remove those three points from your score. Oh, oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- You have the right to remain silent. This is of course your first warning, but we’re still going to bring you to jail anyways because I feel like it.

Wha- How does that make any s- See you later, nerd. [Sigh] Well, you win. So I hope you’re happy about it. I’ll just be in here. [Sigh] [Breaking Block] Aha! I can escape! I can get out! I can Hey! Get back here! get myself all the free points I want! [Alarm]

All units, we have an escaping polar bear in sector 37! FIRE AT WILL!! Thanks for watching with subtitles :3 You’re still my favorite viewers. But don’t tell Knarfy. – Subtitle Knarfy <3

Today I’m breaking Minecraft with your dumb ideas, and this video is a return to the normal format! No modifiers, no speed, just classic breaking the game! Let me know in the comments what you think would break the game next!

Mods used in this video:
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The Breaking Minecraft 1:45 Movie we referenced:

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Edited by Eddie
Finalized by Knarfy

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  1. I have an idea

    Get a circle mod to make everything look like a circle

    Become tiny

    See how playable it is going so slow with horrible looking blocks

  2. I think the bats didn't teleport because they're counted as particles instead of entities, but I'm not too familiar with Minecraft's code.

  3. Funny idea if you see this knarfy: make a superflat world and make every block a copper rod, then make a thunderstorm happen with commands.

  4. Make it so the saw insta kills u in creative from ur video and then make it so u can’t get killed in creative but die in survival. If u fail comment gets 2 points if knarfy wins he gets 3

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