Weird Terraria Troll Glitch “Torch Storage” Tutorial

Hello there people i am grooming 999 and i want to show you a glitch that we have dubbed torch storage now this glitch does not work in single player it only works in multiplayer you can start your own multiplayer server by using host and play and then just going into a world

All right we’re in the world now this glitch involves the floating furniture glitch that you can create with teleporters i can place a chair in the air by placing two teleporters set a chain on top and breaking the bottom of the teleporter anyways we dubbed this glitch torch

Storage because it all revolves around torches here we have some furniture i’m gonna make it float real quick by removing the teleporters underneath and then i’m just gonna flick this lever that is hooked up to the torch to turn it off and the furniture will seemingly disappear

Cannot mine it can stand on it cannot interact with it at all it’s gone from existence except if i am to update the nearby area it appears again destroy the teleporters and then update the torch i can try and update the torch again and nothing will happen

Uh if i do click the torch off the trail chair will appear back again this has some weird use cases for example we can try with boulders let’s make a little tower here and remove there we go click the bottom teleporter to remove it and then we’ll store them inside the torch

They’re gone i can’t mine them seemingly disappeared um but now it actually kind of works like a trap if i were to build here suddenly all the boulders fall down all right what else can we do with this well we can use another teleporter glitch to make certain statues invisible so

I need to move this torch actually move it down here okay so we got one floating teleport now we’re using it just specifically because it’ll uh keep this teleporter load we’ll place a bullet statue underneath we can now move chest away now to make the bullets that you float on its own we’re

Gonna need an ice rod and we’re just gonna tap the top of the teleporter it’s gonna pop off and we now got a floating statue statue is still usable actually um but that’s not the important thing we’re gonna hook up the torch here and we’re going to make it disappear

And if we also hook up the now invisible unbreakable statue we can make it a emitted boulders so invisible traps now before i continue i do want to say this is a client-side book if i were to re-log right now let’s try that right have now reload

You can now see it’s visible again this means for example if i were to make it invisible now and some other player joined the world they would actually be able to see the now invisible thing here whatever it would be they could also interact with

It i can interact with them but they can and they can also go click the torch and have it invisible for them this works weirdly with beds for example if i am to set my spawn i’ll make it a way there my spawn is now at this bed you can see

By itself pointing to it if i make it go into torch storage my spawn is no longer there but if i relock it should appear again right what happens then let’s try it out as you can see i spawned back at the bed that was gone

This kind of gives me two spawn points in a sense uh one use case i could see for this is for example if you always want to spawn at a particular house but you want your cell phone to take you to original spawn then this is a way of doing it because

You can spawn you can log in turn off the bed and then use your cell phone to come back to the normal place all right here we have another weird thing torch storage interacts widely with mobs let’s try and for example create a wall here of boulders let’s make this

A little slope here so we’ll make it disappear and look at that they react really weirdly let me take off guard mode there you go this is what we call a force field mobs can for the most part not go through it sort of can but not

Really to the mobs it still exists halfway either of souls for example have a really hard time going through them most flying mobs do walking mobs can mostly go through the force field mostly other use cases for example geysers normally triggered by walking into them or with wire

If we are to put them into torch storage we can now trigger them and they’re basically also like an invisible trap and invisible and they also lose the ability to trigger by you touching them because you’re technically not touching them anymore um fireworks yes we got invisible fireworks oh invisible firing launchers

Fog machines work a bit weirdly i noticed that i don’t have a charge here this is just connected to them and by flicking the lever it goes into torch storage as well it kind of like turns itself into a torch storage is a weird invisible mobs bonus uh that’s interesting it didn’t actually

Go through to the others but it’s gonna sometimes it doesn’t transfer the like torch storage through the objects it’s a bit inconsistent in that case but you can make invisible statues with this uh target dummies let’s try and make this target on here and when i remove this here

The hitbox of the tag dummy actually is not up here anymore it’s fallen down to this area this is a known bug not super important but if you put it into storage storage it’s still here i also cannot break the original target dummy anymore now we just have an invisible target dummy here

That is just chilling anyways this concludes the basics of torch storage there’s probably a lot more uses and there’s a few more things we’ve experimented with but uh yeah it’s weird

I discovered this glitch by accident a long time ago, so here we are.

Now public access because season 3 episode 16 where I discover it has been released.


  1. 3:38 Setup a timer. That way you don't need to manually turn it invisible. Though having a torch turn on and off regularly would be a give away, so maybe make it look like it's in a torch god arena or something?

  2. I like how you guys just randomly find these. Like ethereal found the item transmutation thing and then now you guys found this, lol. So many trolling opportunities with this. 😀

  3. The was recorded so long ago that the shellphone wasnt a thing yet so you couldnt just use that for the bed part altho this would still be nice if you dont have shellphone bc half of the terraria players dont go for it purly because of angler quests

  4. I thought I already commented here months ago. Oh well.
    Torch storage is fun! In fact there are other methods that can not only be performed much earlier than this can, but also activate immediately on entering a world, making its potential uses comparatively even more powerful!
    On a related note many months ago I discovered things that could tie for the highest score on Ethyriel's cursed meter, but for now you'll have to take my (and his) his word for it 😉

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