I secretly used XRAY in Minecraft Manhunt…

I secretly started using x-ray in this video i’m trying to beat minecraft whilst my friend hunts me down and tries to stop me the catch is that i’m gonna be using x-ray without telling him oh i’m such a good person i love my life the question is whether i can beat the

Game and defeat the enderdragon without him noticing that i am cheating can i do it stay tuned to find out and apparently only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed to the channel so if that’s the case and you’re not subscribed then

Please be sure to subscribe because it really does help me out it’s free and you can always unsubscribe later all right enjoy the video okay one sec i think yeah very good what do you mean one second i think you go one second i think you know i was

Waiting for you to be ready to record and then you just hit me okay i see this i see we gotta we got a nice little village over here hey take some full damage take some fall damage take some full damage get out of here yes good oh oh that’s huge that’s huge

Hey hey oh my goodness no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh oh henry no no no no no no no no i’m trying to craft a car i can’t do one of these what are these

What are these no no no no no no i’m just gonna make your guess okay This should be yes oh that’s big brain okay oh no no i don’t like that you’re getting that already stone you don’t like that i’m getting stuck i don’t like that no no no you know stone’s like one of the easiest things to get right no i’m feeling vulnerable

Ah no no no no no no yes come on so much food give me that give me that how much food oh thank you oh no okay okay get out get up oh what the heck i suck come here emery you can’t no i will keep responding to that bed wait

Where am i oh my goodness okay good one i gotta find something oh that’s big where oh what are you doing yo come on oh yes are you yes yes yes where are you nowhere i’m upset you know i’m gonna find you okay what if i find

You first you’re not gonna you’re not the one with the coppers man you don’t have a compass that points to me right so like i wish i wish there we are yep okay i’m good do you mean you’re good what changed from then now that you’re just all of a sudden you’re fine

Come here come here come here no no no no no no no no no no no no how am i messing up so bad come on no okay you were so low two axe hits i messed up my parkour oh my of course you are

Of course the story of my life story of my life oh boy okay i was like wait a second i hear a furnace and then my company started going out of the circle oh no oh boom yep oh oh no rng yes boom henry hello hey you wanna do this

You wanna do this come on i don’t wanna fight you here come here okay okay that was a lot of damage that was a lot of damage from no reason i found your portal kit i found your portal no i mean you’re gonna sleep you into the lava kit i’m

Not afraid i’m not afraid to speed through to the left wait it’s lit did you light it oh it’s because this would come see ya come here oh no um no come on memory come on oh my goodness why would you come through i was going

To bed bomb you but i didn’t have time i find it i planned it out it’s fine you know there’s no plan it was all just strategized it’s fine okay that’s fine now come on i’ve got to find are you kidding me what is this yeah my compass might know what but hey

This one’s definitely oh no no no yes oh my god food food yes no free food free food this is so bad this is so good so good so good oh oh what are you oh oh my goodness no no there’s some good oats and some battles

Ooh yes that sounded like a guru if i’ve ever heard before no no that was a terrible terrible terrible one oh wait oh yes okay that’s oh that’s what i’m talking about okay wait oh that’s a good point wait can i yes maybe oh that’ll sort me oh yeah i mean thank you

Oh wait henry what this has to get better than this please i need one thing no okay good no don’t don’t okay thank you come on you know what to give me you know what to do yes are you kidding me are you kidding me luckiest man alive right here look it’s

My life crying i’m sitting what are you gonna do with crown obsidian idiots yeah that’s it that’s what i was looking for crying obsidian perfect oh my oh my are you i’m living the dream dream he’s smart boom boom yes let’s go henry come here you’ve got so much fun henry

Why have you got so much stuff do what you want you’re doomed you’re actually doomed easy oh my oh yes okay i’m gone how much what oh you’ve got to be joking you’ve got to be nice ridiculous oh my another oh hello this one i’m talking about right here boom

Go on yes oh what oh i need that yes henry huh what’s up man i can hear you you can’t hear me i can hear you henry you’re full gold you’re full gold look you’re not doing this you’re not doing this to me you’re not stealing myself

You’re not stealing my gold you’re not sitting in my garage oh watch out your pigeons are yes you know i can definitely i can definitely come back from this i think yeah sure you can sure you can well hey i’m back in the overwatch just stuck in the nether

That’s okay i’m very much okay with that and from what i remember you did not have the lion that’s okay that is okay trust me well i’m the best in the game okay okay oh get out get out of here with that get out get out that is good

Might as well go boom saw ourselves out a bit definitely yes yes yes oh actually wait check on the other boys oh yep that’s it that’s it question yeah how long do you burn in the nether for very good that’s a good question it’s not it’s not good for me how many

Oh my okay that’s what i’m talking about where are you at Mr whisk nothing matters okay i feel like things probably do matter henry get back don’t you even think about it why not oh what oh my okay oh trading emery congrats a little bit late but okay congrats just doing some late trades as well you know oh yes yes yes

Yes living that easy life boom oh boy oh boy oh yes very good henry very good hello boys thank you wait what what how are you here oh yes oh that’s not good that’s very good actually no i disagree completely yes worried about my oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i don’t like

That i don’t like that come on yes that’s it that’s it okay perfect perfect perfect perfect ah no no no henry get back get back back come here don’t come don’t even think about it don’t think about it don’t think about it See ya no you made another point no no no no no yes see ya goodbye henry oh no no you are the weakest link okay get what you want from that i don’t even care i’m leaving uh i’m leaving what even are my quartz oh my goodness we are so far out

See how oh my goodness we were in the nether for so long i’m not gonna lose i’m not gonna lose i’ve got 30. oh my you’ve got 30 eyes of ender you’ve got it’s the eyes of ender [Applause] Oh no you’re horsing it i’m hosting it boy that’s fine that’s fine oh my god this horse is so slow yeah it’s good very good it’s still faster than your run what oh i’m useless but oh yes that’s what i was looking for that was literally it are you kidding me

That’s the dream that is the dream right there that’s literally it that is the dream okay hey no no no no come on yes come here come here no yes get out of here come here come here come here come here let’s go don’t oh yeah that’s huge yes what the

What do you mean why does this always happen to me every time come on come on no no no yes yes what i didn’t see you i’ve taken all the dolphins come on oh henry you’re fighting no come on come here ah come on the hunter becomes auntie

Where’d you go where’d you go what’s this why did you just leave i was waiting for you for a quarter see ya not worth it henry i see you there no you don’t you’re so close i am extremely close it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter it really doesn’t sit oh

Oh oh no time to wait for that i have enjoyed no time to wait for the oh come here come here yes no no okay okay so my respawn point is kind of nest that might respond to this gonna be fine it’s gonna be fine what’s this you got one diamond that was

What you were raging about oh no oh no you took my diamond oh i didn’t burn your stuff that’s what i’m saying kit you’re an idiot you know what i’m okay with that no no oh shot the front door shots the front door oh henry i heard that whoa

No no i’m not there’s nothing that’s like like big run more importantly henry i heard you come hey come here henry come here oh my that is a big drop that is a big drop that’s a big drop oh that was close that was so close whatever you say doesn’t even matter oh

Yeah thank you why not again yep great why not what do i need henry henry oh henry henry come here dax hold up hold up hold up hold up what is this good luck into the photo dude oh boy oh boy oh boy see ya no no no no no no

Yes i’m awake i’ve trapped myself i’ve only tried myself it doesn’t even matter doesn’t even matter oh my goodness uh boom yes actually that’s Ah what oh yes no wait this is the last caged one already yes oh henry i see you down there what are you doing oh oh my gosh dude you’re gonna die wait did you just build a bomb yes bob the dragon breath you’re done dude you’re done oh i got him

Come on oh my god oh my god everyone come on you wanna do this no no no no no no no diamonds oh my goodness oh no oh no i don’t have many things left power for henry i found the second library and i didn’t have any levels come on

Bertha let’s do this you and me come on come on that’s it come here okay come on bertha power four baby you have power four yes you gave it to me I love you i love you come on yes that’s it bertha okay no everybody come on i just wanna stop stop no no no no no yes Yes

I secretly used XRAY in Minecraft Manhunt… (Speedrunner VS Hunter)

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This is a Minecraft (1.16) challenge in which I am trying to speedrun Minecraft and beat the enderdragon, however, my friend is hunting me down and trying to stop me… The twist is that I am secretly using XRAY! This one was hilarious. This was originally created by @dream.



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