Terraria Ep2 || Mine O’Clock 2024-02-27

W Good morning friends how do you do I’m here on stream number two of the day on three hours of sleep just returning from Magic Con Chicago and you know what I’m actually really happy to be here how you doing everybody I missed you welcome back to surge

Guides James and Uno through the world of Terraria so gentle reminder that this is a first blind playthrough for James and Uno I am I’m trying not to be too heavy-handed in how I guide them we are setting things up in such a way that they get to experience things for the

First time but have like a little bit of a a nudge in the correct direction of where to go uh I also want to say thank you very much the reception to episode one was tremendously positive so thank you so much for that that’s so flattering that’s so humbling a reminder

That everything we do here is brought to you by you your supportive of the patreon over at patreon.com loon ready run you can also support us by buying our sweet merch over at store. loading run.com supporting us here on Twitch and also on the YouTubes what up the YouTubes let’s say

Hello to the boys good morning good afternoon good even evening good evening how are you un more minutes we’ll go we’ll go with Uno first and we’ll let James win how are you know I’m I’m good I’m good it’s it’s Tuesday it’s nearly Friday all you know all got

To get down on Friday you’ve got to I mean you you just have to it’s it’s the law it would be irresponsible for you not to yeah I mean if if you didn’t then you’d be up all Friday yeah it’s like it’s like a physical requirement that you have to

Get down the air gets very thin up there on a Friday that’s why you have to get down how are you James I’m freaking tired yeah so what time did you get in last night out of curiosity uh 1:30 1:30 okay yeah okay uh guess what I

Had for the first time ever this was this was new to me uh I had the first time a plane had to turn around due to a medical emergency yeah I was uh I was going to ask you about that how far did you get so we hadn’t taken

Off but oh okay so you you weren’t in the air no no no no no but we were already on the it was a it was an extra hour we we returned to the gate we dropped a person off everything seemed to be fine like they walked off but then

They also had to refuel yeah and uh that was a lot yeah I mean it was just like I already I was already getting in late I was already scheduled to get in at 11: uh and then add an extra uh anyways tldr I got home I got

To bed probably about 3:00 a.m. last night yeah see why didn’t you just not why did you not take the day off I like you could have just done that it would have been fine I like streaming I don’t know yeah but like sleep is good I’m that that would

Just you wanted the day off I see how it is no I I I’m fine it’s cool it’s cool you know like I here’s the thing I knew that I would be okay for this stream I wasn’t concerned about me for this stream I wasn’t even concerned about you

For this stream but when I saw that you got I saw when I saw you got your your flight delayed last night I was pretty close to just like I don’t know pulling rank I guess and being like no Serge I’m canceling your goddamn Morning Show take sleep the hell

You monster all right that’s that’s flattering you know what chat sometimes I worry but uh apparently James does care about me that’s sweet I do love you Serge but don’t tell anybody I said that okay deal you know what wow you heard it here first and never again correct Uno I

Have absolutely no feelings for you whatsoever sorry I had I had to make sure to slip that in so that people didn’t think I was going sof or anything yeah James get in this game uh oh okay yeah we gaming we gaming uh uh play game all right so here’s the plan here

UNO let’s uh let’s start by uh chop chopping a couple trees here we know I’m jimothy we’re going to need to get we’re need to get the logs going uh are there no saplings there they are so today my friends our goal is bosses we’re going to slay ourselves

Some bosses I’m not feeling uh 100% super strong right now but there’s also three of us which is not nothing AOSS so what we’re going to do is we’re going to start the day with a little bit of a mining session so we can also remind ourselves how the how you know

The game plays um and I had no set there we go well that’s that feels loud uh by the way chat as always please let me know how our volume levels can you hear the boys can you hear everything can you feel everything let me

Know um I was going to say uh I did come home by by oh that poor bunny via Calgary last night um it’s cold there e oh my what with that minus 20 and the blizzard it was freaking cold when I got there last what going on man like and

Then well and then I got home to to Victoria and there was snow on the ground at the airport I was like what the hell yeah yeah Chicago for the people who didn’t know was actually like really warm and really Pleasant like Ben wore shorts well to be fair it was

Really warm and really Pleasant on the like Thursday Friday and like Monday but it was kind of miserable on the Saturday Sunday it was pretty cold like there was a there was snow we had everything in so that snow day was actually like really Pleasant it was yeah I kind of love that

Snow day I I very much enjoyed it Chicago’s by the lake yeah right on right on the old Lakey Lake which lake James here here’s a test for you which Lake Michigan all right you like Chicago very good Uno I’m right right it is Michigan right

It is Michigan yeah yeah that’s what I thought um okay so we’re doing a you said we’re doing a mining session yes I am are we doing that like on the big on the big thing that we’ve already yeah I thought we could go down to the elevator

And then we could pick a depth and we could even try going a little bit deeper if we want I was going to say is there is there bedrock in this game like presumably there’s a point where you can’t go lower right there there is a point that you cannot go lower correct

Uh just real quick have we chopped all the trees and replanted them all is yeah we’re going to need a lot of wood just as heads up we’re going to need a lot of wood today all right uh let’s head down now I can’t remember if we have a water at the

Bottom so I’m going to take the stairs I feel like the water moved I also feel like I remember that the water moved I mean we could crack open some more but I’m I’m a coward so I’m going to just go down hello I can’t help but notice there’s uh

Oh rebellious you know invented gravity I’m so proud of you you know oh did I I didn’t you get that literally the inventor of gravity all right so let’s let’s actually start by extending this down a little bit more if you’re all if yall are okay with that ow what the

Heck so yeah could you uh extend down the old du uh I don’t have any dirt with me so oh I got it okay uh can none of you can reach up and place anything beneath me that’s correct hold on we’ll have some dirt in in a minute

Yeah so the start goal today is we’re going to do a little bit of mining we’re going to get a little bit of resource Gathering uh and then and this is for the benefit of chat we’re going for the eye which which I think is I think is pretty classic

Right ow please don’t die James remember if you’re getting low you can hit H and you can use a health potion that’s in your inventory stun lock baby okay so Uh grab all this I remember on um when we saw each other uh on Thursday Ser you asked me about how I how I was overall feeling about this game uh and I think my biggest feedback so far was was it just felt kind of fiddly didn’t feel

Very like the controls feel a little fiddly and uh yep that’s still true yeah I just it feel feels just doesn’t feel very solid I don’t know how to explain it I can’t reach that high so many bad people I’m out of dirt y’all are both

Out of dirt all right well this is this is I have I have I have dirt I just can’t oh uh you should kill that salamander I believe salamanders have good drops is that right chat this is a well oh what the hell I mean you had none

Health oh I wasn’t paying enough attention ow I got like 50 silver and then James’s gold wow nice got rock sword all right uh who had 1114 chat who had 1114 I just got absolutely rocks sword uh can you grab some more dirt before you come down help I I have a lot

Of dirt I have over 200 oh do you dirt yeah I just need to not die that a weird I can’t remember if the I can’t remember if the um salamanders have a totally sweet drop or not I like legitimately cannot remember that all right so we’re about to get

Into a new cave system and then what we’re going to do once we’ve extended this elevator down into that we’re going to kind of just run around and do a bit a spelunking how’s that Gap I feel like that’s one two high oh I’m on where am I

On that’s one too low oh there it is uh didn’t we want that water ah it’s fine all right you know what actually just stay right there on that level let me get down to you and then we’ll we’re going to go out to the side in a second

Here and you know what actually why don’t you open up that left side and get some water in the bottom of this we can just drop down next time all right uh we Splunk we splunking oh is that another heart no so yeah reminder that we are looking

For ores we’re looking for chests we’re looking for uh keep your eyes peeled for traps uh have you guys seen a um a boulder trap yet or no no I don’t think so okay so something to look for in the ceiling is you’re looking for like a 2x two

Gap do we care about lead at this point or no uh lead is good yeah lead is iron equivalent and you can build handy stuff like chests out of lead uh the one thing we don’t care about anymore is I think it was Zinc okay I mean like grab it if you

Want to but oh actually that’s so funny uh look where I am right now guys yeah I can’t believe I just talked about the boulder trap and then we found one oh yeah I can see it right above you there so somewhere near nearby there’s a pressure plate and that will straight up

One-Shot you so what you want to do when you see them is you can just click on it and break them there you go it’s now been disarmed wow that’s so funny I thought you were talking that MD so where’s the pressure plate for that weird we got some spider web here

BL looks like we’re just getting into a pool here here not much hey this pool is shaped like Australia wow Funko we found home Funko it’s it’s your pool it’s you uh I think there might be or under us I’m not entirely certain oh my

God what is this silt no so uh kind of like Minecraft as well it is good to be aware that there are some blocks that are affected by gravity and I can’t give you an exhaustive list so all right uh I’m going to start mining up and to the

Left kind of back towards where we started makes sense uh just it’s faster to Cave than just a randomly mine but obviously if you see the ore ooh actually hey hold up uh down to the left you you see some glow glow stuff yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah uh can

You two want to start mining towards that let’s go ow I believe that’s our first case of is that uh diamondite chat what is that again diamite oh God that’s just water Demonite whatever Demonite yeah yeah yeah oh uh you know what have a little bit more water gentlemen you you look

Thirsty uh but oh actually this could be good no oh God how what oh it’s very dark in there now God ah they’re fine they’re fine hold on hold on going to go here oh oh oh oh follow that fairy follow that fairy follow that fairy okay uh don’t

Die though don’t don’t die for it all right hold on hold on hold on all right we need to start digging ourselves air holes so when you’re underwater you can oh look at that fairy brought us to a little uh little heart there we got a bat here

Careful all right uh what do everybody so James is our tank James first one is for you bud what do you do again so break it with your pickaxe yeah pick it up and then uh drop it into your uh drop it into yourself got it there you go there you

Go what’s the cross down here in this little there are different statues you can find in the world that sometimes do cool things um there’s a health potion down there probably in that in that chest you just smashed uh the one that you really care about potion button again sorry

What’s that what was the health potion button again H okay H for potion H for health H for health H for health got it uh this what do you do with the um cross do you just smash it or it doesn’t it it’s just decorative oh right

Okay uh it it’s so the the problem with Terraria is every rule has an exception keep everything until you unless you don’t uh things are useless until suddenly it’s very very important oh there’s good stuff above you there hold on uh head down to where Uno is

Here what is that noise me killing a spider oh you’re fighting a spider neat so that Platinum is a very good get there’s a light source over to our right oh oh we want to go kill that zombie uh actually really really quickly how do you um gentlemen how do you join

A team again I can’t remember oh there’s another heart above us let’s go what do you mean a team I’m going to need oh we found a spider area that’s why James is fighting so many spiders uh Uno how many hearts do you have uh six normally so you’re at

120 behind you behind you uh if one if if it’s uh 20 per o a recoil potion uh I’m going to I’m going to eat this one and a heart reach potion hold on real quick how do we do team uh I mean I assume it’s somewhere in here Right ow get P inside your menu colored Shield okay uh hit Escape yeah uh over by your armor you’ll see there’s like six little Shields click on the red one ah so all that does is it lets us spread out a little bit more it makes things a

Little bit busier but it can be helpful at times there’s another heart over here by the way okay that one’s for Uno nice honestly all of us getting a heart before we go into a boss fight is huge uh where’d you see it uh it’s just

Across it’s like yeah if you bridge over there topaz God I’m such a good Bridger here uh Uno no come grab this uh did we lose that um that zombie with the thing oh no no no no no sorry I’m I’m turning this off sorry team’s got to go I’m

Out the like giant number count thing beside you so visually busy GH [Laughter] sorry spider no you idiot spiders don’t belong in water except what Boatman true I suppose they’re on water so oh here we go the mother load is that a another heart James oh careful careful keler so uh just a

Little Pro tip this is a game that really rewards kind of slow play so like before you just start mining into something if there’s a cave on the other side try and reach through and hit a um like drop a torch so big slimes will give babies so careful about that there

We go all right man getting four Hearts has been huge for us so far this mining session has been great and then a little tip too if you’re mining in a water area and you want to see oh what is down there what is that chat looks like there’s a cave

On the right there oh hey you should recognize what’s over to our right here so hold on is that anything what is that oh those are rubies so those are rubies those are topaz over there down below yeah all right uh there’s an interesting biome over to our

Right I’m not 100% what it is um but give me a second here I’m going to try and I’m going to try and um drain this cuz there’s some really good gems down there think we’re just near a desert okay that’s fair uh I don’t think I got anywhere with that so next

Plan give ourselves a little air hole here uh come over to me or you’re going to die and we just have to keep jumping here until this drains it’s not going to drain enough that’s fine so if you don’t panic in water stuff like com stand where we are

See this oh you need to come back to me you’re going to you’re going to drown James not no no no don’t mind that out don’t mind that we need that air hole you need to preserve those air holes yeah you’re fine over here oh

God all right uh so what we want to try and do is get a bunch of the stuff out of here we want to go back and grab all those gems uh that’s not as exciting as I was hoping it would be not going this way anymore well I’m

Trying to find a place to drain this water so we can grab all these gems uh looks like we oh God I didn’t want to oh dear oh god um dig to the side dig to the side make an arrow hole y so over over three and then you need a

Two high to go up so go over one more over one more and then up nope nope NOP this is not going to work come on what the heck so you need to go over three over three and then up two yeah I I’m going to die nice triod

Sorry oh I was watching you and I almost died so yeah you always need to give yourself one extra block for air I mean you may as well grab all that stuff um you’re welcome to head back down or we could just come to you pretty quick here James to be honest we’re

Probably at about the 30 minute point for our mining session anyways I am I am back down but actually go and check out over to the left here real quick yeah totally fine yeah I guess Uno like wrap up what you’re working on and then we’ll uh

We’ll get out of here pretty quick yeah if there was any more around here I care about that down there maybe just a little uh water can also be a very profitable place to explore uh cuz there’s something called water chests basically everywhere you go has like cool unique

Spawns hey James are you watching the stream at all yeah so if you get over and you make a lip you just need a two high that you can jump into that’s sort of the that’s sort of a shape to memorize actually you know what UNO let’s go explore that lava just very

Quickly here so let’s can I build on that at all a little ladder yep I got a bat incoming there we go all right and exactly like Minecraft we want to get above it uh can we make anything fun if we pour the lava into the water or vice

There is absolutely obsidian there I can’t remember if we care about obsidian at this point though oh so you look behind us soon you can see that that silt that salt or whatever fell yeah silt yeah Water Management learning not to panic and like understanding how to

Make an air hole is a huge part of this game there’s lava above us and below us now very interesting I don’t see any above us uh my screen might be slightly larger than yours I guess yeah I zoomed I did do Zoom last week cuz a

Little biton far too tiny you it’s weird this is a game that rewards uh Vision oh there it is right we do want we do want lava eventually or obsidian rather so sand is another block that’s going to fall so we want to be careful actually let’s go

Sorry uh let’s not go that way cuz we don’t want to cause that lava to fall on us doesn’t look like there’s a good amount of stone though between us uh the sand will collapse so if you look to the right of I mean if you’re super zoomed out you

Won’t be able to see it but to the right of the Z the the lava is all uh sand right how much coffee I’ve had this morning this is just my second my talking super going to go back up top okay uh I want to mine towards this

Demonite and then and then we’ll probably uh head back and join you water duping is gone Amazing actually give me a second here incoming worm oh desert worm careful that’s a bigger worm got it nice it’s a DEA worm o yeah we want all this stuff you

Know so again if you’re about to break into a cave always torch the other side oh hey finally oh my God we found a structure is this what i is this the is this what I think it is all right Sapphire here ah man I don’t want to do this without

James I will come back down uh well hold on it is right under the desert yeah yeah yeah can you if you hit map you should be able to see Uno uh yep oh God you guys are always away from yeah yeah yeah it shouldn’t be too hard to get to us

But so another really exciting thing about this game is there are massive amounts of pregenerated structures that exist in the world and you get some very cool very very very cool loot from them all right go down uh let’s go to the right here we’ll kind of zigzag we’ll uh

Do a switch back towards that uh that Demonite above us you know up up all right uh directly above us do you want to grab whatever that Bluey metal is and I’ll keep going this way yep worm watch out do know you doing okay James where is it

Yeah I’m just trying to I don’t know but I heard it so oh James got here fast all right careful there’s a uh there’s directly beneath me there’s a a spooky slime see it you clip into the wall yep all right so what are we doing all right uh look to our

Left we got ourselves a structure all right luno whenever you’re ready to come join us it’s time to explore now if I may I’d like you two to go first using torches and stuff like that and exploring this now slow to slow down no I will go fast all

Right what’s the Worst That Could Happen uh you die there’s weird visual oh my God this is like really uh God we really that deep no this is this is like hurting my eyes to watch what is happening here hey I found a chest weather [Applause]

Yay what I got money oh okay all right uh what do we get in the chest oo oh my God all right hold on all right between the two of you who wants to look pretty I mean always yeah oh we got the vendor trash it’s we’re so unlucky on

The seed all right so James grab that grab all the items did you do it uh from the chest yeah we got the literal worst drops let’s go Cur seed all right and now if you look at your armor there’s the right beside it there’s a fancy hat you can wear a

Cosmetic over the armor you have so you could keep your your stats and look pretty it’s like a transmog or Glam yeah look at you so now I look like so I look like this but I still have the effects of the actual the other one yes

And if we want to we could also grab the banners and I guess that’s are we literally that unlucky do the manners give us anything these ones no no that’s incredible starting to think that uh this world sucks ooh there’s a sandstorm above us uh we just just want to do two don’t

Do three please all right I get it cuz it’s a sandstorm yeah Mighty wins all right let’s head back to the base let’s turn all the stuff that we have into other stuff and then uh mighty winds not affecting arrows but it does affect your own movement which is interesting

Yep I can’t believe we got nothing again we didn’t get nothing we got we got less than nothing right pardon me of course of course of course all right so we were that’s all fine so reminder that you can use the uh sort quick stack chest function so you don’t have to open

Anything well you still have to open the chest though right nope you can literally without clicking on a chest at all if you just click quit sort anything that matches will be automatically put away oh yeah yeah oh uh this is kind of funny was it goldfish uh so one of

These neither James or Uno would know that we had low roll if we didn’t tell them I I think you tell them you know just be like hey normally the game would be FAS faster than this normally we’d have movement items normally we’d have any [Laughter] items what are you worth no value

Sick I mean how much money do y’all have uh 12 copper 50 silver uh any gold or no no no gold I have two gold and 55 silver okay I think I’m just going to buy us all mining hats this is our first play through Leo you think I should just get

Everybody mining helmets I think so uh the set bonus is actually worse for me uh Maybe not maybe not all right so our next plan here is we’re going to start setting up for our first boss fight uh so what we want to do is we

Want to go out and we’re going to need hundreds of wood just hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of wood uh so let’s go chop down all the trees that are here right now so basically once we have chop Chopped all the trees and replanted them let me

Know I’m going to do a little bit of work over on this side in the meantime IE you get saplings sorry what that oh it’s the acorns acorns yes that’s how you replant them now if you’ve never played Terraria before uh something that you might not expect is the massive tremendous

Importance in designing uh boss Arenas and so we’re going to build our first ever Boss Arena uh movement is the most important way to defeat bosses in this game and so what we want to do is we want to create an area that favors the type of movement that the player in Terraria

Has in comparison to the boss fight on your terms exactly now you don’t always get to do that but for a bunch you do oh it’s eyeball time oh yes uh if you can kill as many eyeballs as possible we really want to start collecting their their eyeball

Lenses which is maybe a weird thing to say but you know it is what it is everything’s a weird thing to say in this game that’s fair and they don’t care I think we discussed last week that things don’t care about light yeah light level does not change

Spawns it was just whether you’re in a house or not yeah and house specifically is if it has a back in yeah uh also a reminder grab all of the uh shooting stars that you see as well those will as Uno is want to say those will come in later they will they’ll

Come in they’ll come in it’s a very uh astronomically active uh World okay how much wood do we need uh whatever we can grab we’re probably pretty close to having enough now I’ve got in the region of 400 on Amazing okay good stuff good stuff good

Stuff all right uh please join me over on the left side of the base please I’ve just got this old man to kill glow sticks thank you thank you old old fisherman thank you for your torch come in all right so the way we build boss Arenas in this game is what

You want to do is you want to create just a tremendous amount of platforms like in the in the realm of you probably want a couple hundred Platforms in your hand and what we’re going to do and actually can some of you chop chop those three trees to our left

Got to love the rain proof torches yep true though all right Uno uh please keep going to the left with this platform so I think Uno was asking before we started uh which is how are you supposed to know what you to do here I I definitely feel like this

Is another uh this is another Wiki game unfortunately is it yeah like that’s fine it’s just like yeah I don’t know would would y’all like some bosses you just stumble across like you go to an area and you hit it um some stumble upon you like you’ll just be mining your own

Business and events happen and I think the nice thing about Terraria and actually sorry James I’ll give you a job here do you want to count the distance and make another platform above where I am you can see over to the left I’ve got counters how how far left do you want me

To go uh stop at the cliff okay so I think I’m nearly there but this is this is a Wiki game ey Ball please I’m crafting here God all right we’ll stop about here so James if you want to go one level higher as well so this is going to

Be this is going to be a a starter one I need to make more oh thank you yeah yes yes kill kill Uno don’t kill Uno I need that to live all right the last thing that we’re going to do and uh Uno and James you can

Kind of decide it amongst yourselves uh we want a uh we want campfires please are we doing another platform here one more yeah okay we’ll do that all right I’ll go left if you want to go right perfect so what we’re doing is we’re creating an arena to fight in and the

Other thing we’re going to start to do especially as we get further and further into the game is we’re going to start filling this arena with passive bonuses as well so campfires will give us passive regen uh later on there are other items that will give us passive

Regen and you know those banners that that we’re getting mhm uh they won’t help us kill the boss but they will help us kill ads so if we have a slime Banner if we have a zombie Banner if we have uh an eyeball Banner all that sort of stuff

We do have a zombie Banner all right so what I’m going to do here is I’m going to make like six campfires all right uh James would you be so kind as to go back into the base and to grab uh six of the ey lenses it’ll be in the mob drop

Chest I got an annoying zombie arm fancy uh how many lenses do we have six yeah we do six I’m sick all right uh now do you want you want to take those six lenses and go over to the crafting bench and you should be able to craft

Something that looks an awful lot like a suspicious eye actually one other thing we could do hold on just to make our life a little bit easier for us to uh we can just put a crafting bench down here as well all right how am I doing for torches like

30 uh this is an excellent opportunity to top back up wait what did I just do I have no slime I have slime in Wood I should be able to torch yeah there we go uh wait oh I made tiki torches surge I did that before how do you make

The eye I have oh it’s on a crafting V recipe sorry sorry sorry uh we’ll keep those onest for now how do I make arrows again uh arrow is wood and stone I believe uh did somebody take all of the stone yeah cuz I can’t I can’t work out

How to uh hold down right click hold down right click uh there we go uh let me put the stone away in oh just buy arrows that’s a better call yeah uh if you go up to the old man in the Hat you can just buy arrows oh that’s participating in a society

Which one’s the mob drop see that one there we go oh by the way if you’re ever placing items and you don’t want them to get Auto sorted uh something that you can do is you can um click all and then left click on it and it’ll lock that

Slot okay yeah and that allows you to uh make things a lot easier for yourself there we go all right so James has got the six lenses on him right yeah so the other thing is with the oh can also rename chest good call how do you pick which arrow you’re going

To I think it always uses the best right okay so they don’t have properties other than oh it’s the top topmost uh okay it’s so much calmer in the day yep all right wait we some went into desert right there upset surge can I sell them oh yeah I can there we go

All right um so real quick checklist everybody has torches does everybody have healing potions uh I have three yes all right if you don’t have healing potions you can also go up to the old man and buy a bunch but I have more than three uh I’d have about 10 on

You if you have a bow make sure you have a couple hundred arrows make sure you have a couple hundred um uh what are the we looking for platforms and torches and all your stuff oh so apparently they go down in order so top top consumable and then on the way

Down yep all right when you’re ready follow me over to the left oh never mind the traveling Merchant is here so let’s check what they have to offer what do we got wasn’t that other guy a traveling Merchant yes they’ll show up randomly and they always have different things that they offer summons

The pet butterfly One Platinum all right we got o a brick clayer nothing exciting which is too bad so the ey is only at night this is fine so follow me over to the left what we need to do is we need to do a little bit

More prep before we do the boss fight okay so the plan is we’re going to go into the scary biome and with this particular boss we have until the night to defeat it but we have to summon it in the scary area which is all the way over here so

What’s going to happen is we’re going to go in we’re going to press we’re going to explore some area and when the time actually H comes to have the fight we’re going to book it back to our traveler region our travel Arena so last time we went up this time

We’re going in we’re going deep that doesn’t sound deadly okay there you go now you’ll notice there’s these weird structures everywhere right yeah that is a special kind of crafting table uh if you got special arrows I would save them for now you’re going to want them later for the boss

Fight so there’s two things here one one of the things that we’re looking at oh this is a biome that you can place on the back and we’re going to want an easy way out so these things that we’re looking at beside us these are called demon altars and this is what we’re

Going to be using to summon the boss in a second uh and by in a second I mean when nightfalls but in the meantime we can actually explore this area what’s the ball down here so the ball is actually how we summon the next boss we’re going to fight after this

So the balls are uh they’re loot drops basically and actually some we could we can do a little bit now who has any rockets on them Rockets pardon me who has any uh bombs on them uh I’ve just picked up a load amazing all right so

Here’s what we’re going to do um I’m going to put a little a little just a little catchy thing right here and we want to destroy two of these once three are destroyed we’re going to summon a boss so we only want to blow up two so um basically drop bombs down towards

That towards that little sphere thing yes try and blow up that sphere and try not to blow us up fire in the hole yep all right again fire in the hole all right and again fire in the hole nice all right so it dropped a gun guns

Oh a musket all right what are the stats uh 31 range damage 11% crit slow speed average knock back I have to be ready said the minute man it’s even got flavor text do you have any bullets on you no all right do you want to be the gunman

So you can you can run back H hold on James do you have any bombs on you uh no I don’t all right well then before we leave Uno directly beneath us there’s another there’s another one would you be so kind as to bomb bomb that way down

There please yep I have two more bombs you only have two oh do we want to just dig in there uh I don’t believe we can dig in right now oh we can’t right yeah yeah we don’t have a material that’s strong enough for this yeah that’s not going

To that’s that yeah it’s not going to cut it all right give me a second here you said you found more bombs let’s explore this area maybe we can get lucky oh no I’m dead crap uh we might be able to find one that’s easier to get to yep uh but yeah

Uno really quickly run back to the base and and buy bullet or maybe I’ll just do that for you I’ll do that for you you say you sell bullets I believe I anything about bullets no they don’t sell bullet how you craft bullet arms dealer has bullet not yet right we found

Our first gun and now we get bullet uh give me a second here while while the gentlemen explore and try and find basically just keep doing what you’re doing look for more bomb oh we’re out of the uh this area actually yeah up down uh you want to go

Left and down you should be able to find some more oh there’s so many dragon flies right now hold on the Fisher and me there’s a sword sword and a stone here what did that get me actually don’t know I got an enchanted sword oh my God

There’s so many bugs there’s so many bugs is any he good for bait ah they’re fine who this thing is way better than my spear whoa what the hell that shot some sparkly bits oh is it though is it shooting uh shooting stars shoots an enchanted sword beam dude you got I

Think we finally our luck is turning around chat yo this sword looks cool as hell okay this game is dope I take it back every bad thing I’ve said about this game all it took was a magic sword hi Uno hi all right so please as you explore

Feel free to blow up one more thing do not blow up three that’s that’s the only thing I say do not blow up three oh oh you nearly CAU wreck then oh that I just who hit the the where was the pressure plate I don’t know I wasn’t me I’m

Like did you die Miss no I didn’t die the boulder hit me but didn’t I have half a heart left oh my God uh yeah I just saw the boulder drop on you yeah I don’t understand how I survived that I thought it was like an insta kill

I also I honestly also thought it was an instant kill all right uh we’re getting very close to night time here haven’t had enough hearts are you ready for a boss fight my friends uh yes one second all right here’s the very important thing everything you’ve been

Doing up until now make sure you have an easy way out oh you don’t have to use it there never mind uh go to one of those tables go to one of those altars and craft that eye please you just use it like a regular item right

Chat it’s not like the worms where it happens immediately correct all right so quickly go to that thing craft an eye of cthulu with the six lenses James and then James and Uno run back to me uh and pretty quickly actually it’s almost night time okay hold on so Juno what have you

Done I was going down uh you can only reach so far down okay so sorry what am I you’re going to stand on top of the Altar and you’re going to it’s going to look like one of those flying eyeballs uh okay and then so I’m going to Craft a looking eye you said uh it should be called supicious looking eye yeah so I’ve crafted one of those amazing now both of you book it back to the base as quickly as possible please and thank you okay I don’t need to do anything with the eye just just not please no

Sorry I was just dealing with this Devourer un are you underground nope I’m above I’m just ahead of you ow what the hell okay I I left that green slime for you thanks oh Romeo the traveling Merchant departed all right so um let me know when youall are back here we’re here

Okay amazing so as soon as it becomes n time you want to use that item uh Uno I need you to [Laughter] heal and you’re probably going to die now when you die in a boss fight just run back as quickly as possible we only

Lose when all three of us are dead as long as one of us are fighting even if we keep dying over over and over and over we can keep fighting cool do you want to go into this fight blind or not uh yeah you don’t want me to explain

The mechanics all right so I’m I am going to play the part of the Observer and I’m just going to try and watch and do a little bit of damage but I’m mostly going to let you just fight okay and then what’s going to happen again as soon as you die run back

As quickly as possible James oh we got the nurse too actually when you run back stop by the nurse and she’ll full heal you oh okay all right uh very quickly uh consume the eye I don’t want to consume it but all right the Hellen so what you want to do you want

Mobility you really want Mobility you want to you want to keep moving when one of you has aggro the other DPS is so much help I mean you’re doing pretty good damage so far no not me not me I’m not hurting you get wrecked so remember that your healing has a

Debuff so you want to you want to heal early and often simply no don’t get hit just yeah I’m just not getting hit easy game for babies you doing great look at this look at this look at you look at you beating up this eye I’m proud of you oh wait what’s happening

A second phasee it’s not really an eye now It’s yo let’s go let’s go first time easy game for babies honestly uh I would have died if I hadn’t literally found that sword that like it feels like it’s just easy mode with this sword yeah I mean it AOE so it goes through the uh it goes

Through all the ads as well now real quick who picked up all the boss drops I picked up some I got I think the only thing I picked up is corrupted seeds so I got some Unholy arrows I think there was yeah I think that was all that was it wasn’t

It was there no yeah you don’t get boss bags in this difficulty eh was there any Demonite does anybody have any Demonite or no oh I’ve got a ton of Demonite there you go there you go all right toss me all the Demonite please and thank

You but what do we get 55 wow hey James how many more of those eyes uh those lenses do we have I don’t know they’d be in the chest I think okay cuz we can literally just keep farming this boss now oh I got some musket balls there you go

A all right okay I guess we’re uh we’re we have six we have exactly enough for one more all right I’m going to go really quick all right uh I’m going to summon another one so gentlemen get ready to do the exact same thing again and I’m going to help this

Time she can’t do anymore without plastic surgery jeez it’s harsh but you know what do I have I have like 12 gold or something Funko all right gentlemen hope you’re ready oh I I wasn’t but all right well now we have uh now we have a timeline a time

Limit remember we got to beat it before night changes so you can see how important it is to uh have an arena to fight this in can you imagine just fighting this on the ground I mean this is the I mean it’s not the equivalent but this is just like

Trapping the freaking Wither in the Bedrock you know like yeah this is obviously not how it’s designed to be fought maybe more like trapping the Wither in uh in deep slate let’s go all right um 51 Demonite uh toss it to me please and thank

You so the goal here is going to be to upgrade everybody I believe it’s a Demonite uh pick maybe we got this we got a little bit more and yeah yeah that was about half my balls I beg your pardon from the musket oh I need uh I need a

Special no I should be able to do something with this can I oh it’s not a pick no I deserve something nice chat I deserve something nice nice hey check this out I am yo-yo man let’s go I’m not near you I cannot see you wait where are you what do you

Got whoa cool the coolest weapon in the game and it’s very unique to it so check this out so like if an enem is behind me where James is I could hit you down there that’s cool all right uh we’re not quite able to do that yet is my dagger an upgrade

To anybody or no which what were you using I had a platinum short sword yeah that’s what I’ve got uh mine is the nasty modifier let’s see if this is an upgrade for you know uh have a look more damage same speed CRP chance yeah that is a a slight

Upgrade all right so here’s a quick question um this isn’t a question uh let’s just get ready for the next boss that went way smoother than I thought it was I think I’m remembering like soloing bosses in master mode and being like like oh man we are just going to

Die where are the falling stars going um that’s a good question I thought we had a bunch and I don’t oh I found them they’re in the animal probably don’t should they be in the Richies box they’re definitely not rich is all right I’ll just leave them there um where do

You want this ebbon stone block presumably in I just threw it in the in the trash one woooy there’s an owl out here hi owl do I care about anything else right now I think we just sell these Hook is fine there we go what is what is this one

We can keep this we can keep this spear for Old Time sake all right uh so once again we want to plant stuff we want to head back into that area uh and we want to basically explore the whole thing and get some bombs and we’re going to make an even trickier combat

Area so follow me over to the left uh we’re going to go back into the cave there’s no rush take your time I’ll just start prepping some stuff as well oh you’re just so much faster than me I did kind of monopolize the only movement item we found so

Far that’s fine I got a sparkly sword you really do I got a I got a musket you know 100es funko’s playing Terraria we got him we got him okay so the next boss that we’re going to fight is going to be a pretty substantial Step Up in

Difficulty you say that but we’ll just one shot it all right we’ll see stop that so what we want to do is we want to make a combat arena in here we have to fight this one in here oh that sounds fun or various definitions of in

Here did we get more bombs do we want to blow up more of these things uh we do but again we want to wait until we are ready to fight there’s another one down here uh worm worm worm worm all right so without saying too

Much keep in mind what we just did for that worm fight all right mhm uh whoever has a bunch of platforms on you uh can I have a couple hundred so yeah go ahead and uh scut around kill anything that you see that’s running around too much um let’s go up

Let’s go down and let’s see if we can’t find more oh sorry uh specific quickly going down let’s see if we can’t find more um of those of those pearls I mean I can see a bunch over here uh ideally ones that are really easy and accessible like if we go down

Lower it should be oh this is how I also fell to my death so be careful oh I don’t have you and I just gave you all my like that one is also in a thing okay so I don’t know if that one helps us uh that one looks like it’s two bombs

Away all right let’s keep going over to the right here man that is that sword was such a clutch get that sword oh all right it’s good this is why we talked about luck and unlock you know oh how did I even find those bombs uh

There are little jars in here that are a little bit invisible so we want to do you want me to go back and get bombs we have some at the base oh please yeah yeah yeah grab grab them all that’d be amazing we should have just brought them

With us sorry I assumed we didn’t have any I I think we have some let me go back and a look oh this leads back into the other cave please jump please jump Uno thank you I kind of legit is there a way I kind of wish you could turn off the

Ability to kill the passive animals does this make you sad it it’s I mean it’s s it’s kind of sad but also just like I think they’re kind of neat to the environment and like it kind of adds something there so like the fact you can

Just blow them a hell up is just kind of funny yeah we had 35 Bombs all right amazing coming back there’s an item that blocks killing passive items oh that’s cute I like that that’s a thing in the game that’s kind of cute uh chat real quick double check there’s

No time restriction for worm is that correct perfect okay oh hey there you go you can buy bullets at will now Uno so it’s interesting some Traders require a very specific like World condition to be met so like as soon as you get your first gun then the gun trader shows up

I’m going to go and buy buy some bullet off Tony okay uh I just want to confirm we’ve only destroyed one orb right correct okay I’m good to destroy another you’re good to destroy that one screams Echo around you that that’s not good uh Uno before you leave could I

Have um lots of your wood uh yes here’s platforms and here’s amazing thank you thank you thank you what did you get from that orb oh yeah what did you I don’t me hold on uh I got a shadow orb uhhuh and Ean Block Stone I don’t think I got anything

Else all right chunk I also appear to be trapped so for the shadow orb hit escape and then you equip it as an accessory where does it go you should be able to do you eat it I can’t remember yeah drag it into accessory oh

Yes yes yes yes yes drag it over and it’ll change uh you can get pets in this game you got a very lucky very very very lucky uh drop there wait so I put it where so grab it and then drag it over towards your accessories and it’ll automatically change yeah but like

There’s I don’t know where it’s supposed to go I’m confused the bottom right corner you should just be able to put it into one of those slots oh God that just there you go now look at this you have a portable light source that follows you around

Oh oh nice Tony please please platform Tony selling a mini shark uh your gun is better than that 32 gold 20 silver thank you yeah no no no no no this musket is 31 damage but this orb is just going to hang out now that is your your BRB your bro

Orb cool all right uh can you be so kind as to uh there’s one more orb there don’t destroy it yet but let’s let’s get ready uh and then Uno uh will come back any second now and then we will fight the next boss yeah I have loaded up on musket bits

Uh I am probably going to help with this one CU I don’t think I can just be an observer for it yeah it it’s a boss mosy a boss a boss SA okay so don’t blow this up yeah not yet not yet wait for Uno I hear him I’m

Here all right three two one if you miss wait all right three two one hello now look at the life total compared to what we had before now 15 the way that this boss works is if you have piercing things line it up in such a way that uh it hits

As many as possible cuz if you break it like this oh no oh no it has two heads now now it has two hell yeah so James your weapon is amazing because it pierces through uh the spear is also really strong in this fight it might it doesn’t give me any

Like oh maybe it does ow ow ah remember your healing potions yeah another thing you can do as you kill the bosses they’ll drop Hearts so just like keep an eye on your health and on those on the ground and remember Mobility is the name of the game keep moving always

Move Health has got to cool down I was like yeah healing healing has a cool down look at that first try and it only cost us UNO let’s go okay yeah moving is so important in every boss fight in this game I I disagree did you just not move no I just

Stuck myself here and just like my way through it well apparently James is a natural uh so I got I think having a big sword is uh is key I have picked up the Eater of Worlds Trophy and 25 shadow scales and I think that’s about it all

Right let’s head back to the house this a lot more Demonite or yeah oh yeah uh now the important thing isn’t just the Demonite Ore it’s actually the shadow scale as well so something that’s probably worth doing as well is exploring this area and seeing if we can fight it one more time

Oh by just doing a few more of the orbs yeah yeah yeah uh every boss is worth farming especially when there’s three of us well I can come back yeah feel like there there’s one orb over here that I V Thorn ooh vilethorn Who Wants to be a wizard maybe maybe I’ll be

Wizard V man that would have just laid that boss a horrible chill all right so that’s one that’s my old body uh all right so I got another Shadow orb what really yeah do I equip it uh no give it to Uno I’m right here oh that’s you okay

Hold on yeah there you go oh hey a chest finally what’ you get oh you got the same thing as I did yeah it’s just this floating ball yeah it’s a little floaty ball I Nam mine I got another Mobility item chat damn it how fast can surge

V uh all right so we’ve hit oh uh come all the way down to me I’ve got a second one here uh where are you uh the the big deep hole love a big deep hole now come on no no no no oh okay we’re good well done

Done uh where is it just straight below oh I uh should probably put a platform here so that’s number two correct this will be number two yeah okay yep so Uno uh equip that pet oh you did all right yeah it’s equipped and then hopefully we get a third one for surge dang

It nope what is that the fleeting band of star power what’s that one do again oh I’m going to be the wizard oh my God I have all the move speed so check this out who who uh shoot all right we didn’t want to just leave here

But can you I can’t get out with you mushroom biome all right we’re going to explore this really quickly we’re going to get distracted this is actually a very high value area uh can you come back give me some extra platform yes cuz I can’t get out of

That oh my God I can’t get into you oh there we go there we go thank you all right so we’re going to explore this mushroom biome over here now as it heads up this this this biome can dangerous one of the nice things about it is it is

Bioluminescent and it’s full of chests so we want to basically grab everything ooh more bombs I don’t know what’s good in chest so I’m going to obviously let sure you open those surge oh we got another cloud in the bottle nice uh what is this this is lead all right

Give me one second here uh James because you’re our tank uh come back for a second I have an item for you oh Fairy Oh fairy nice all right Uno you keep your eye on that James I want you to equip this please and then Uno come to me I’d like you to

Equip this please uh Hard Cloud in the bottle yes that allows you to double jump where does it uh in the accessories in the lower right corner uh okay I’ve got some quick shoe spikes yes and so that’ll allow you to jump into walls and like grind your way

Down this is an excellent biome for like accelerating us can I put stuff on the back wall here no worm so something to keep your eye on Friends is you want to be on the lookout for a heart statue heart statue is good stuff what’s

This fairy doing why is it not oh it’s it’s waiting for you to follow it so yeah uh just go straight down Uno anytime you’re in water just a just a 2 by two there you go brought us to a heart all right I’m at 140 I believe James at

The last one so I think it’s Uno’s turn sharang which one’s the Shang again shroom rang uh where is the H there it is I think shimmering is going to be better than everything nope I just threw it did I pick it back up I think you picked it up you go

Now uh how do I eat it again left hold it in your hand and left click to the side oh water chest water chest finally is this uh good stuff I think it is here Uno do you want to grab all this silver or platinum whatever it is I’m going to grab this

Chest Platinum nice there we go all right we found such a good density of both Loot and good um goodu Stu Loot and good stuff my favorite things so yeah uh all the statues that are in the water keep your eyes peeled for one that’s a heart

Please this is how Terraria is supposed to feel yeah I know uh careful behind you you know yeah couple of invisible slimes all right I’m going to flood you a little just to heads up inner tube you know what love to see it oh I full wait oh I got another suspicious

Looking eye incredible uh what do I not care about I guess I could put gel here all right uh down to your left yeah you see it James can I yeah I can chop this mushroom D oh my God hey chat hey chat lower left actually James anuno lower left corner

Oh that’s peculiar a meteorite has landed wait I don’t hold on it it’s been and gone the message there was a there was a back in the B down in the lower left corner very important thing just happened all right um that is a big enough deal that I’m actually going to

Recommend we all use a wormhole potion right now okay so here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to we’re going to wait never mind fairy fairy first pink fairy okay uh we’re going to follow this Fair all right and then we’re going to get out of

Here oh was I covering the text I’m sorry oh my God look at this Platinum never mind that’s what it led us to let’s go right chat couldn’t see it I am covering the lower left apologies oh wow there’s some Demonite here too all right we’re going to mine all of

This out then we’re going to use a wormhole potion then we’re going to take a break and then then it’s going to be time for a little bit of hunting for meteorites oh all right I’m going to go to the Demonite while you two uh mine that out wait are we

Wormhole or recall I’m sorry uh recall potion home yes yeah sorry yes watch out for uh enemies coming up behind y’all yeah okay well I can’t just leave I see platinum and Demonite here hold hold hold please yeah uh can you go straight right from where you are Uno uh

I’ll grab this Demonite but there’s um platinum or something to your right as well I think that must be platinum so Uno is about to be our Uno is our Gunner right we all agree on that y all right so Uno is uh is for

Chat Uno is going to be our laser man if you know you know pew pew pew it is M Platinum ow oh careful so remember I was telling you that some blocks uh I don’t know what that is it’s a cenal beetle interesting some blocks drop and you’ll just have to learn which

Is which so you you uh you walked into much like much like in Minecraft you walked into a a falling thing red husk used to make red Dy oh I think I see I mean that makes sense I think I see a uh a heart sure sure

Didn’t all right let’s um let’s get back he says continuing to explore all right let’s head back let’s head back all right everybody all right so Wormhole uh not Wormhole recall pardon me does everybody have one before I leave yes okay you know yep I’ve already gone amazing oh amazing all

Right so very very quick now uh y’all are welcome like Chop Chop some trees do all that sort of stuff in the meantime uh you’ll notice that I actually labeled the chests as well yeah hope that helps a little animal plants there we go that’s the one I

Want we’re going to have to get some different armor at some point Serge as well cuz or cuz I look at you and I think it’s me uh we are about to gear you out UNO don’t don’t you worry you are going to look very different

Shortly where should I put this Eater of world trophy uh hold that on you for now all right I need to take a very quick break take a second organize your inventories and then um after this it’s time for meteorite all right stick around and we are back how you doing

What what button have I hit that has highlighted all these chests ah it’s probably fine hello hello oh control highlights chests neat all right um let’s extend this room a little bit maybe I had another rad to it h oops do we have another wooden one no but we have another

Gold you know let’s put this let’s put this water chest here uh really quickly can one of you grab everything from the fish chest and put it in this this water one okay and then uh uh we need a we need a potions chest which we don’t have yet I’m back uh I

Had to uh go and rescue the remote from under the sofa okay uh which one of you is the most afraid of water in real life or uh sure are you yes uh I’m not oh God I almost fell in a hole uh I’m not particularly I mean I’m the only one

Who’s died from it so I suppose me it will it will kill you all right great I’m going to give you a fancy thing here Mr Turner uh please come to me there put that put that on uh I don’t didn’t get anything come come down to where and you’ll see a pink

Thing or oh you’re right there flower lady so how do we do we ended up with 25 shadow scales all right give me a second here let’s uh let’s get us let’s get us some better stuff um do you want some more shadow scales cuz they yes yes yes all the

Shadow scales and all the Demonite you have please and thank you we already have an extraction Gator I believe uh yes we already have an extractinator so take this and this and this oh three that’s better than nothing and 14 more Demonite Arrow all right so it’s time for the next tier of

Gear my friends gear tier the gear tier so um we all want we all want this pick right uh so this is this is a little bit spoilery uh does meteorite also give you a new pickaxe tier I can’t remember chat none from that it’s just it’s just a new

Armor set right and the ham ax yes okay so we’re going to get three of these unless we roll really poorly nice nice all right James and Uno pick a number between one and 10 closest gets the good pick two five the answer is seven all right Uno where are you you’re

Right there there Uno this is for you uh James nightmare pick James come over here grab that one and then once again this is going to replace your pick so what you can do now is go to any of the shopkeepers and just sell your old one can you yeah

Tony so pick your favorite vendor sell just drag it into their inventory yeah crit stke crit strike chance um 20 25 no we’d have to farm another boss if we wanted a full set here pretty close I don’t know about y’all friends but I don’t normally like to make a new

Armor set unless I could do the full thing you are you are you with me or not I I don’t know I’m curious about that I’m good I mean I’m a monster so pardon me I mean I look like an idiot but uh it’s fine yeah all right next question

Uh James you lost so you get to pick left or right which side do you think the meteorite fell on right it’s always right it’s always right all right we’re going to the right so we got a brand new thing now once again before we leave make sure

You’ve got lots of wood lots of torches lots of platforms I yeah I gave you all of my that’s fine all right wood platforms earlier uh do you top up your healing potions apparently I have 31 lesser healing potions so yes I think I’m okay So eventually we’re going to want to

Upgrade but for now that’s pretty good go we have completely deforested this place well you got to replant it’s true got to be sustainable that seems very sus hilarious oh I’m hungry Joe ordered me pizza and I love her so much you have no idea I’m going

To I’m going to have to order something cuz I don’t normally eat much in the morning but when I go away to conventions well we are on you’re on like a 2hour time change too so you’re like you’re missing your lunch right now you know yeah so like I got used to

Eating breakfast and it’s my body my stomach thinks it’s uh yeah great to meet you in Chicago hope you enjoy the coffee yo thank you so much hey just a general shout out thank you everybody who made our our magic Fest Chicago so well Chicago was Unreal yeah

There were so many people I I truly have never had that many people come up and say hi it was wild my M my mother must have paid a fortune for all those people to say hi to me all right please uh please please clear the way Mr

Turner I assume we want to stay up to find the meteor yes so normally what happens is it’s well it falls from the sky and then falls down so what we’re doing is we are we are I never wait are we going through uh I’m just checking for chests oh right

Okay any plans to come over to Amsterdam I it it would I would think there’s a very good chance we will be at amst I mean I’ll be at Amsterdam um there is a very very good chance that we will be at Amsterdam there’s nothing official yet

Still have to figure all that out but I was going to say you did say on Twitter that you were going to be at Amsterdam I I will be well I’m going to Europe regardless doesn’t so I I will be an amstron I’ll probably be helping out with game nights again as well

So oh well we found the jungle welcome to the next biome uh and this is you miss the opportunity for Welcome to the Jungle pardon me uh this is the sort of area that it is worth to sort of poke our heads in but not go deep this is not

The this is I I’m going to say one step past where we would want to be actually right now can you not get this oh right okay let pick oh yes jungle chest God you know what I’ll take jungle chest lock never mind derp nothing in there there I mean there’s stuff but

Yeah oh that just counts as a top chest okay o jungle slime at what point do you turn around and go the other direction for the uh you will quickly find out trust me you you’ll know you’ll know is there just going to be a big flashing sign that’s like meteorite other

Way your meteorite is in the other Castle yeah exactly oh that was a top okay biome loot occurs when the chests aren’t wood but gold or Ivy ah thank you I did not actually know that uh General reminder slap down some torches when you go to it is going to be nighttime soon

All right so that is another non biome chest then is what you’re telling me meteor right to your meteor left boo o dead deadly blowpipe ooh seems deadly 10 range damage six crit it’s got a lot of plus death on too oh you got to you got a chest as well huh yeah

Oh don’t hit the WASP nests uh they contain enemies uh also uh bring that chest with you uh once you fully looted it uh use your pickaxe and break it a pickaxe yeah I’m a little floaty boy water can’t hurt me stupid Serge is still so much faster than me damn it

Serge sorry did somebody say anything I’m going too fast to hear no I want to hey another spear all right you said you we’d find out we haven’t yet okay you let us astray James I swear to God what it a 50/50 chance right wow how can you be that unlucky with those

Odds extra disappointed in you Godly wooden boomerang man what an incredible roll on what an incredibly bad one Godly one God I love the yo-yo pickaxe oh a world tree cool so we just found another very cool structure over here uh let’s head down uh let’s wait

For Uno to catch up and then uh time for a little exploration neat where is uno uno I’m far back I got stuck on terrain I think all right I’m I’m I’mma explore this a little bit with James then I assume you carried on going over

The top yeah oh wait yes is that boo all right we’re back to being [Laughter] unlucky ow wow really can you break this tree yep ow ow ow you get just a bunch of you just get wood uh normally they’re larger and thicker just how I like them your trees yeah

All right so James yeah we’ve reached uh an end haven’t we oh is this the ocean yep [Laughter] goodbye I’m off to the to a new world is people need them this is like the end of Lord of the Rings here damn yeah this is me sailing off with the elves

I can’t see anything no I I actually don’t want to do this is scary it’s dark and it’s very lonely out here wait for me oh no we lost our Uno we lost our Uno we’ll head back pretty quick we hit the we hit the edge of the world here

Now very quickly before we head there uh James I know you’ve been looting some chests check your inventory and tell me did you find a water breathing potion uh no I don’t believe so you did not devastating ooh I finally got a shackle my God why

Well like every other biome oh yo you see that dolphin do that sick kick flip yeah like in every other biome in the game there are oh there’s a chest all right uh we are going to die if we go for that though you just killed James you just

Murdered a dolphin my dude sleeping angler here what’s that there’s a sleeping there’s Nathan’s here oh you found the fisherman hey what’s up buddy West he’s got a quest for you cool uh my favorite NPC right chat all right here’s what we’re going to do hold

On hold on hold on all right I got a plan James uh-huh uh do you do you have any glow sticks on you yep can you throw some straight down was it about here all right stop about there all right I’m going to need you to take off your water

Fear okay why well I’m going to send you down Into the Depths but I mean I can you can go down with it you don’t need to take it off oh really you want me to go get the chest good luck in God speed oh there’s another

One jump jump jump jump jump jump okay there we go anything C anything cool uh so I got the water chest nine silver bars a sand castle bucket a flipper flipper is good flipper is very good you’re going to want to equip the flipper when we send you back in again

Grant the ability to swim I can swim baby uh that lets you jump up so that you you don’t have to worry about drowning but anyways down you go oh actually really quickly Easter egg oh never mind oh it’s gone a turtle did y all see the uh little eye boss in the

Background hello wow oh another shooting there stars out here wow that shot me up okay yeah I got to take this off going back down flipper a good G don’t die please James please what’d you get uh so I’ve got two archery potions another sand castle bucket shark bait another

Flipper oh I didn’t get the chest shoot uh that’s fine that’s fine don’t worry about it all right let’s worm let’s recall back to Uno okay and I was heading back off to the right so oh no no we we made it to the end there’s no reason to go to the right

Sorry uh there’s my coins but whatever so the meteor definitely landed to left all right let’s uh really quickly once again sort of like reset put everything away whoa why do you get that cool animation I didn’t think I’ve seen that before oh there it goes wow that’s cool but there’s another

Fishing another pair of flippers or whatever yeah uh Tony uh illegal gun parts oh grenades yeah whatever so we want to start grabbing we want to start grabbing these banners and um putting them in our combat Arena kind of near the middle it’s not a huge deal but you

Know all right what else we doing here uh potions need to go away no put this bait away uh how do I make chat how do I make um Mana potions it’s shooting star and What oh my God and water bottle just buy them from the seller it’s so cheap what is sorry I don’t actually remember what the item is not Mana potion uh the thing that you use the star in it increases your max Mana what’s that again that’s what I’m

Saying yeah what do I how do I how do I do that right I guess I’ll use you oh buckets I just Wast it all right um no no time ha D it’s just three fallen stars oh right it’s just this yes oh it’s five dang all

Right um because I’ve been nominated as the Mage I’m using all the Mana is it maximum 100 or 200 for Mana chat this guy sells a drumstick uh drum kit now there’s some pretty fun items in this game thank you everybody all right so real

Quick uh do we want to do more base stuff let’s get the meteor let’s do the meteor before we do anything else for the house all right let me know when y’all are ready it’s time to head left and do the exact same thing we were doing before left yep wait for

Me okay uh James you have a good ranged weapon yeah your sword is a good ranged weapon you sure do all right so two very interesting things we learned there chat one the ocean is to the right just the ocean is to the right winky face that’s good to know right I don’t

Think you’re supposed to say winky face what what do you mean like you’re the one on camera you you could have like made the winky face you could have just won yeah but what about the people who have me on the second Monitor and and they don’t know they don’t know anything about

Subtlety that’s fair that is I me there are people who’ve got you on the first monitor that don’t know about subtlety that’s fair right so yes the ocean was to the right winky face all right uh so that’s kind of cool so I mean if we’re on an island the

Ocean could also be to the left we’re on an island so are you uh yeah yeah hot take everybody’s on an island it’s just some of your islands are bigger and called continents well we finally found the James Turner cancelable take everything’s an island get this man out of

Here what is the phrase a man is an island yeah that that is what they say actually yes or every man’s an island speaking of water oh what a segue I watched snow I watched snow biome I watched uh Aquaman oh I’m very sorry on the on the

Plane I thought first one pardon me the first one yeah yeah it was it was on a plane on a plane is probably the best way to enjoy that film exactly I I I laugh so hard at the guy who I was sitting next to who uh on our I don’t

Know 2our and 10 minute flight decided to try and watch Oppenheimer oh dear um and he just kep f for through Parts which I thought was hilarious oh my God maybe that’s what you need to do be able to put like films on planes on at like one and a half times

Speed that was very funny oh there’s a chest right here uh it’s not a very good one sick chest winky face what’ you call me nothing don’t worry about it ooh now James and looking into the biome or right now do you notice anything no hamburger what should I notice so you

Should notice that instead of trees in the background that it’s a desert okay and the implication here is that the corruption infects biomes it’s not its own unique biome oh oh no oh look what we found what did we find we found the we found the meteorite now couple things to know very

Very very quickly the floor is literally lava so be very careful uh what we want to do is we want to mine this whole thing now there are little me enemies yep I’ve noticed and they are spawned by they are spawned by the uh the meteorite so basically when Uno gets

Here we’re going to split into two teams team Mining and team defense I’m on team defense awesome kicking these things asses now another really fun thing you can do uhhuh is is you can use the sand to your advantage because sand falls so you can do is you can you can

Have a protective layer of sand sort of between you and the bur how you doing no no yeah I’m just getting through these eers they are everywhere uh I just run if you can yeah I’m just trying to bridge my way across a hole oh is that another structure over

Here some of us don’t have a a big Mobility thing uh there might be another structure over here interesting oh God there’s another hole here uh I think we I think we did Uno dirty James no okay okay going to go back and help uh that’s a very good idea yeah

Actually who know where are you know I’m in a hole I’m not very far oh you’re right there you’re right there you’re right there you’re do you can you get out yeah yeah I’ve got got some platforms if I don’t fall so it is borderline worth it for

One of us to Wormhole back and check out the traveling Merchant why uh traveling Merchant always has like top tier stuff but like also all of us just mining this out and being on the side of the map is I think a lot more interesting you should probably heal there Uno

Yep yeah you see you’ve got that double jump jump yeah just get good like me there you go all right so Uno you’re going to be on team mining while James is on team defense the floor is lava we want to mine every single block of this

Meteorite uh grabs the floor is lava Uno the floor is lava I didn’t know what you meant by floor ah the meteorite uh so go grab a bunch of sand and then what you can do is you can you can place the sand beneath

You and then let it fall down on top of it oh yeah there is definitely a structure here all right let’s actually take a quick second and go look at that big old purple Temple big old purple Temple a all right I’m going to let us know right now very gently

That you don’t want to run into it I’m just going to just going to say right now old man go talk to the old man go talk to the old man do not enter the temp my master can not be summoned under the light of day oh

Okay ah come back at night if you wish to enter okay sure sure the heck is oh is this the banner yes all right I set up a defense my man Uno we’re about to turn you from a man into a God I mean I can get behind

That I do have delusions of grandeur ow can’t penetrate that wall all wait can I just do this oh that’s way clever uh Uno Pro tip uh have the sand block in your hand and hold down shift no just hold the sand block in your hand and left click with the sand

Block oh you don’t need a pick to it’ll just yeah the game is the game is kind enough that it’ll just like let you use the pick cheese we love cheese around here Hosk what are you trying what are you insinuating I just ate three baby bells yep I babies that’s what I

Said wow James that’s messed up dude yeah I’m a baby eater that’s uh that’s James Turner so a neat thing is as we mine more and more of this we’re going to have um fewer that we have to worry about which is kind of cool it’s like a neat little indication

Of how close to done you are how many of those heads there are do these things stop spawning once uh they are spawned by the meteor yeah but once you’ve uh gotten all the meteor do they stop spawning yeah yeah they’re spawned by the meteor

Yeah ah so not only the floor is lava but the walls of lava it is a fire fire block if you touch the fire block you will be burned I threw that a campfire to get some uh regen down for us a gentle reminder chat that I have

Played this game many many many times but this is a first time playthrough for James and Uno uh so stop it if it helps I’m barely reading chat perfect I’m hardly reading it as well it’s hard to look at chat and see what you’re doing goodbye traveling Merchant we hardly knew

You ow think I keep getting damag by Falling Sand yeah Falling Sand will also hurt you hey it’s night time let’s go back to that cool James James you have a very important job James I’m coming look I can only I was doing the other side

All right chat do we do the smart thing which is we um we turn Uno into a God and then we come back or do we do the fun thing which is we uh we turn Uno into a God after oh well I mean into a God as soon as possible yeah

Yeah I mean everybody’s going to vote fun all right James you can probably you can probably start helping us mine at this point the vast majority of them are going to be gone because again they spawn based on the number of meteorite blocks that are in the area oh God

What huh okay apparently my health was much lower than I thought it was really don’t like my health in the top right corner well that does change things what what do you want me to do well you died so we should ow oh you want me to just bolt it I could

Cuz I could uh Wormhole to you you could worm Hold Us certainly uh how many wormholes do you have back I have two Wormhole potions ow ow that’s a meteor why is a meteor just hanging around there all right my team is dropping like flies here my team is dropping like flies all

Right I tell you what I tell you what uh stay at the base wow five silver fine I’m going to finish this in just a second so we stay here I mean yeah cuz it’s going to be daytime soon anyways uh Uno you should have all the meteorite on you I have

168 uh take it to the Anvil and start uh checking out the uh there’s an entire armor set and the other thing you want to look for is you want to look for a laser Blaster gun so make the entire set of armor uh if there’s multiple hammers par

Me if there’s multiple helmets check in before you make them uh so everything into meteorite bars first yeah yes yes every single one into meteorite bar is correct I got something that might be good what’ you get uh uh I got a legendary tentacle Spike tentacle

Spike is there a fast way for me to come back here chat or no okay so that’s all the metal armor yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah know I know what you’re saying that look at that owl just kind of viant all right I shouldn’t have pushed up on my arm like that yikes

All right uh so Uno what have you made so far I’ve made the armor I couldn’t afford the gun well that’s fine I’m here to back you up so I need I need more more meteor junk okay so you made the full set

Already let’s see how do I do I got oh I got a good roll as well nice all right so this is really cool so what we just crafted for Uno is a set of armor and a laser gun so the laser gun turns mana and shoots out bullets it’s basically a

Gun that has infinite ammo but uses your Mana instead but what it also has is a set bonus that makes that laser gun shoot for free and that is going to have you cooking for a long time here just start shooting why did you kill the bunny why did you kill the

Bunny Uno I needed something to shoot what the crap you look so cool I look like an idiot what that’s what I told you we turned him into a god of death James we’ve turned him into a god of death you don’t want to be a God that

Mushroom I just got to big spiky club now that is a big spiky Club is it better than your other weapon now hold on how much more of this we have oh my God we have just enough incredible one two keeping that for me chat three

Well so that works as both a hammer and an axe right yes it does amazing all right uh James Uno pick a number between 1 and 10 10 two it’s always two whoo seven all right uh this time James when the number was three James this one is for

You the who know this one is for you ooh a hammer heavy meteor ham axe love a ham axe what you can do now is you can take the axe and the hammer that you had previously and sell them yeah sell them both for cash money

Unless you like really want to hold on to them just for you know Nostalgia or whatever goodbye wooden I got 11 meteorite by the way should I uh we can just throw that all into the uh the box down here if you’d like which box uh there is the money

Box oh yeah there’s one there PE Pew oh you you you broke the thing James yeah I noticed that uh I mean yeah this this thing seems pretty good oh it’s not as cool as the sword but what the ham ax no my my uh tentacle Spike it’s definitely got better stats

How much time do we have left you know what all right time to DPS check DPS check DPS check okay we have to kill it before the sun rises DPS is good excellent DP DS everybody excellent DPS good deeps good deeps more dots pew pew pew I feel like I’m on

Fire that’s cuz you are yeah it’s good my everything hurts all right what time is it 12:30 we got time for one more boss okay so as always before we leave deposit all of your money it’s an important first step and uh we are going to and actually

You know what I am ah we got the we got the whole night it doesn’t matter too much but I’m the fast let’s just start making our way over to the left and we have the whole day cycle now in order to in order to basically convert uh that into a battle

Arena so Uno if you’d like you can just Wormhole potion tus I don’t know or I don’t know if you want to walk across or what or whatever how how do you so a wor with a wormhole potion uh you need to be in a team with

A person and you just teleport to them when you say Wormhole potion do you mean mean the recall Potion No recall potion returns you to spawn Wormhole potion teleports you to a teammate oh I don’t have any of those oh why not I never heard of them before Oh I

Would have assumed you would have maybe looted one by now just kind of accidentally no huh did someone sell one uh no no no I got I got one I think James has one as well so I will run back to you unless we’ve got any in the chest uh

We’re going we’re going to that Temple James we’re going to go to that Temple we’re going to set up outside where are you you’re there I’m down with the chests ooh traveling Merchant oh sick actually where are they hello they’re out here star princess crown wow tiger skin exotic

Toy oh we got a pet uh well this is unfortunate all right uh o no there you go Bud wh hle potion yeah so just let me know when you’re there and I’ll yep guess I think it’s becoming day yes well we need to make the battle the Rena first so we

Don’t want to fight it right away right as always okay never fight a boss without prep and like number one rule in Terraria never fight a boss without prep first so and and the only way to know that would be Wiki or YouTube or whatever yes cuz like yeah oh or trial

And error like there’s there’s not unless you’re playing in hardcore there’s no real oh Jesus there’s no real downside to dying so like you get to an area you stum into a boss you’re like oh there’s a boss there neat uh and then you go basically right to the Giant

Where you died and you make a Boss Arena and you try again but like theoretically these bosses are all extremely doable without an arena right no well then this is a terrible game design yeah I don’t think I would fight any boss without preparing how how far are you off uh

Join a team with James is James there is what I mean join a team with James you can see him on the map Oh I thought it wasn’t a team with James uh hold on there might be in your team now yeah maybe if I zoom right out

You play the game blind and building Arena wasn’t something you recognize to do no that’s fair enough I mean there would be no way to know if to build an AR like build those kind of Arenas without some sort of prior knowledge yeah like I definitely built Arenas

Without knowing I like needed to build Arenas quote unquote and I think I just kind of intuited into it I don’t know interesting bird killer Turner so we’ve already got a couple platforms there and we can make another one about the same Gap up uh you can teleport to us now

Know so what to do that just go on the map and I believe all you have to do is uh left click on James and you should automatically use the worm potion going across here y okay you’re definitely more on team carve an arena than construct Arena I

Mean it’s kind of kind of same same at that one shoot how do I move the map cuz I can’t see you should be able to use your mouse to so if you hit M use the mouse to right click out and then left click to drag it around oh

Hello I didn’t know there was a map on M oh pardon me there you go yeah yeah yeah there’s a there’s a map uh can we clear those trees to the left as well that’ll give us some extra materials to work with I was I was doing the map with um

Like trying to do it with tab oh I’m so sorry you know I’m so sorry that’s on me Bud there are some Stars down here are they things uh what do you mean by stars in the these blue stars oh the blue stars are you know how

The hearts drop from enemies oh right what those are those refill your your Mana ah the Mana Stars okay old man oh man look at my life uh if you’re not building platforms if you want to do uh torch duty light it up but the Only Rule is they have to be

Symmetrical vertically and approximately symmetrical horizontally so in line beautiful you can probably space out just a little bit more uh just to be more resource kind to yourself doesn’t really matter though so like there is man what’s up that gun’s cool it makes a good noise we’ll get you

A cool thing too James you can also be cool all right can you though I hope so or is that just you know wishful thinking All right this is another boss that I’m going to let you experience on your own I see we just pew pew on him until he dies I mean yeah yeah the arena being on the uh border is kind of visually interesting but that’s fine it’s like Forest oh you like walk back

And forth yeah and you’re like and I’m in the desert and it’s fine it’s fine Birds behind there Pew PE PE Pew hey in the meantime you have your fishing rod on you yeah sick Uno yeah all right where’s where are we fishing right here

No I don’t have any bait on me oh I don’t have any bait on me either maybe we can get some bait careful I found a worm another chest grenade hell yeah Grenade Baby why no worms there’s also no water oh no that what do you mean there’s no water found it no you didn’t what do you mean does this not work now we found it look at the ocean yay ocean man pressure isn’t the thing oh is this the ocean yes all right

Um let’s see I caught there you go Uno there’s two worms for you James here’s one Worm for you love a worm bro where is my fishing rod gone there it is tuna you got a box how long are the day night cycles in this game I mean I don’t actually know

Actually know the time but it’s getting pretty close yeah an hour a minute so about 24 minutes for full day night cycle hello why am I not catching anything hello hello all right it’s about time one more each one more each and let’s get out of here I’m not catching

Anything do you have any bait left oh no it already used that worm oh unlucky all right back we go is the health youi in the base game yes excellent fishing Adventure everybody all right so once again we are about to spoilers fight a boss that you have to

Defeat before daytime so there’s a bit of a DPS check and the DPS check is can you do it um Before Sunrise I I I don’t know why I had to say that twice but I did unconscious man wake up wait you found another you found another

NPC yeah where shop just lying on the ground right here back you ran over them ale atoria crystals cool you found the bartender Al some Rod some some big rods all right the time the clock is ticking my friend clock is ticking we coming we

Coming I got I got a bunch of grenades so I’m just going to try to grenade this boss down what could possibly well careful with the grenades cuz you don’t want to blow up the platforms oh damn it I just want to blow up stuff all right so my goal here is I

Don’t want to fight I just want to watch so let me know when you’re ready let me know when you’re ready yep I’m right well I’m ready all right go go talk to the old man yeah okay I’m going to go talk to the old man hi old

Man my master cannot be summoned under the light okay it’s not quite time yet it’s concerning that he’s uh calling him his master you know it’s a little worrying a what are you worried about Uno well oh no no James James James careful careful careful careful you do not want to explore

Early is he is he ready yet no he’s still cooking yeah I’m assuming that now that the sun is actually out of frame we’re probably not quite wait wait hold I my mana and now nope now no now no now no keep going maybe maybe it’s changed

Is it when the mobs start showing up when the music changes there it goes all right please no stranger you’ll only get yourself killed curse skeleton all right so there are three enemies you’re fighting here just as a heads up you got the hands James you’re

Going to need to heal you need you going need to move on this fight uh I’m going to just give you a little hint aim for the hands ow ow oh look at them go they’re gaming how long until your heals up James you got a little debuff counter in the top left

Corner 14 seconds 13 seconds can they do it can they do it in one without any deaths it’s looking good don’t jinx it let’s go let’s go hilarious bone well done anything cool get dropped okay um skeleton mask a lens uh I got normal healing potions it looks like

Now yeah I don’t think I got anything from that so I’d like you to know that that is a huge milestone uh I’d say there’s one more there’s one more normal boss but yeah all right now there is a very real chance that every single one of us dies

Is in here oh we’re going in now this is a first time playr elk so um be careful so there’s a switch there uh this is the sort of thing now here’s kind of cool does it work with this here come to me really quickly

I want to I want to teach you both a little a little mechanic I don’t see the switch so I picked it up so this is like really difficult to see you see that I dropped that that switches on the ground go pick that up yeah and now in your

Inventory left click on it on your hand uh you should see a red wire appear when you do that yes here Uno so if you hold that so basically the equivalent is if you like if you hold a redstone component in this game it’ll illuminate it and it’s something that you can

Do to uh basically like Scout ahead and see if there’s any traps or stuff that’s coming so this area is neat because it’s the first area that there’s like a lot of dedicated traps uh there’s new Mobs specific to the structure and you can’t really get in and out of it all that

Easily so we want to go slowly we want to take our time oh and if you break the uh the potions on the wall uh they end up becoming things that you can loot similarly you can break and you can loot the um the bookshelves as well I don’t really think it’s worth

Your time but you can do it so there’s a trap up ahead there you go yeah you see it right there right there’s two of them in fact Well normally there’s a start and an end point no just just a bad oh okay now something else to be careful

About see those spikes on the roof we’re going to start seeing those all over the place oh there you go we have a new enemy behind us angry bones oh hey another NPC what do we got the bound Merchant mechanics Rod better fishing rod uh this is I don’t know if this

Person existed last time I played cool uh she’s also sells junk wrenches so basically next time we go back to our base we want to expand the house we have a couple more people that are going to want to move in and join us oh golden key let’s go really

Wow mechanic was before expert mode ah so for these spikes you can also mind them if you’re a little bit worried about being able to get in and get out there we go there’s a switch uh you’re going to want to give a quick heal Uno you’re getting

Low so Uno while you drag down the wall can you drop platforms for us you got a little bit more Mobility than we do you’re on spikes James oh yep there are like I think there are platforms here anyway it’s just really difficult to see

Wait do we seriously end up in this huge dead end oh wait here we go so there’s a secret passage here you could see that these bricks were crumbly so look over to oh uh wizard wizard is must killed sorry so uh look over to the right here you see this yeah

You got crumbly walls and there are some false walls that you could find in in different different um structures in the game so wizard is terrifying because wizard can shoot you through walls uh incoming oh there’s a mimic above us I got a gold key wait what in the this

Is new to me as well shus what gug glug pet pet I can’t do anything I have never seen this before what what what uh this is new to me this is new to a lot of people in chat apparently uh something else to can we actually mine this stuff no

No ow he found the pressure plate there there’s right there yeah those are not easy to see well again if you go really slow with what you can do I’m going to take this painting home wizard wizard wizard um you can use the stuff to spot it make it easier to

Spot all right so things that we’re looking for uh we’re looking for a blue chest we’re looking for blue chest we’re looking for gold chest looking for keys there is a chest down here on spikes ow it takes a key to open this chest yes I

Believe Uno got a key already as well I used one on the NPC dungeon Heist I got an armored Cobalt careful James careful fight fight fight time fight time died I’m a died oh Lord I have an hit point left I need you to protect me for 30 seconds

Zuno yep yep yep uh so feel free to Wormhole back to us James I need to turn Uno down God that laser did you fully loot that chest or not James I don’t know if I got everything now a wizard please wizard yep got him

Okay that is going to give us a passive regen as well all right J for the way all right let’s keep going careful behind us and under us with those spikes trying to see how we’re supposed to get over there to the left oh uh something else to know these

Little blue candles if you ever see a blue candle on the wall uh break those as well those are called water candles and they are used to uh they basically increase the amount of hostile spawns in an area uh and a cool thing that you can do

Is you can break those and you can take them back to your base so you can make Farms oh ni whoa ow no oh God oh God I’m going to die y I died that was a very big Dr can your thing shoot through walls yes ah the range is shorter the Mana

Cost is higher but it can shoot through walls oh James no no everything is fine oh not not no it’s not no it’s not it’s fine James we need you to survive whatever you do don’t die James mob sync uh hold on one second okay I am I am safe no God careful

Careful let’s go oh Jesus oh God oh God uno uno no yeah don’t go in there that that thing is lined with spikes I mean I didn’t want to go in there I fell in there actually wait hold on a second grenade oh this is big too right yeah

The alchemy table is one of the big gets that we want to get here I am out of Wormhole okay all right we will we’ve only got a few minutes left in the show anyways oh really oh my God 3 hours flew by so remember how we said sometimes

Tiles are destructive that time they used it as a way to trap us uh feeling Petty deliver head pets to the town pet Sheamus is um is is in our face oh I died again dang it all right James you’re on your own Bud you’re on your

Own you want me to what do you want me to do do you want me to you know what uh go ahead and TP back we can full explore it next time holy moly friends all right so this is big we have an alchemy table now uh

Which as you can imagine can be used like any other crafting table to build potion stuff huh oh could it make Wormhole potions probably oh we have a traveling Merchant that just showed up as well uh flaming arrows oh finally man this is the first time we’ve

Gotten one of these items all right uh it’s time to teach you kind of a ridiculous thing do all of you have you know what I’m the I’m the richest I’m going to bank roll I’m going to get three of these all right welcome to here

Uno uh I just bought you something come to me please welcome to another interesting part of this game James grab this ring okay uh where are you you’re over here got it y so I believe this is one of the ones that you don’t even have to have

Equipped right yeah so uh there are items that basically make you stronger or give you stats of the world time height movement speed elevation and stuff like that and you could see if you just go into the default game mode directly under your mini Map There’s a little na yep that’s your

DPS now follow me up to the guide come talk to Colin now what you want to do is you want to right click on Colin you want to click on on Crafting and then you want to take that DPS meter and you want to place it into uh right by the crafting

You’ll see like a little slot you want to put it there and he’s going to show you recipes this is another thing that’s kind of closest to the tutorial that you could be using I don’t oh so you can make use it to make a me a goblin

Tech I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing so right click on click on Crafting yeah and now in the lower left corner you’ll see like the normal stuff that you can build like in your build menu drag the DPS meter and there’s a block that says place a material here

Yeah where’s the D oh like the that DPS ring put it there okay and it shows you that if you take a DPS meter a stopwatch and a metal detector you can build the goblin Tech yeah so what this implies what this starts hinting towards is the fact that

A lot of the things that we are starting to collect and find can later be combined into more powerful items and there’s a whole part of this game of basically grabbing stuff Uno please as as The Decorator that this is not going to [Laughter] fly uh basically as the game continues

You can start to upcycle all of the items you get into more and more powerful ones so another thing you know that um you know that that bottle that you have that lets you double jump yep you can also talk the Colin and now some of the accessories that we’re

Starting to get can also be upgraded can also be combined so you only have four slots but if you start to or pardon me five slots but as you start to get more and more accessories you can actually merge them together and the thing that you want to look for

Is as you hover over an item it’ll say if it’s equipable and it might also say that it’s a material and it’ll teach you if the item you have is if it’s a standalone if it’s an upgradeable one if it’s something you have to hold on to

And it opens up basically welcome to what is the uh the end game of Terraria is just collecting more and more and more of this stuff so yeah cool huh yeah and uh with that I think we’re going to call it for the day any question friends so he’s he’s basically your

Crafting book yeah Colin helps you out yeah what do I do with this what is this all that fun stuff there you go that was day two we got way more bosses wow we got a bunch of NPCs we got Uno an entirely new tier we’ve opened up

A new biome to explore which is that dungeon and then uh after this we’re going to level up James as well beans all right James Uno thank you very much friends this has been a blast I’ll talk to you next time yeah just a quick heads up uh that I got a message

From Corey like 20 minutes ago that’s uh looking like they’re not going to be doing talking soon today oh thank you very much for the heads up yeah no stream coming up in half an hour but I believe let sope is still happening so that’s just uh heads up to you chat all

Right thanks James thanks Uno bye Friends by bye thank you so much for watching part two of Moc clock explores Terraria I hope you’ve been enjoying this new change right all we played was Minecraft on the show for eight years and hope you’ve been enjoying watching

Us dip our toes into the survival game it’s been it’s been fun I hope I haven’t been too heavy-handed and how I’ve been exploring the game to them I’ve been trying to allow uh equal amounts of exploration and a little bit of like pointing Direction on what to do yeah we

Cleared all the easy mode bosses now that the boys are gone uh the only sort of like starter boss that’s left is the Slime boss and I think it’s time for us either to push down into hell or to push to the east over there and EXP explore

The jungle biome so yeah look forward to probably slime boss Wall of Flesh and or the bees next you know how it goes uh we’re going to check out some other games as well yeah I mean uh games that we might play after this might include

Enshrouded and or valheim so you know no there’s been no Goblin there’s been no blood moon yet either so the sort of the the the world events that the boys haven’t seen yet are bees go goblins and blood moon so yeah we’ll see we’ll see but friends thank you so much for watching

I’m going to I haven’t had lunch yet so I’m going to dip out here but look forward to it all um reminder that everything we do is brought to you by you patreon over patreon.com loadingreadyrun you can also check out our sweet merch over at store. loading run.com

Thank you as well for all the support here at twitch as well as over with YouTube what up YouTubes I want to give a shout out to YouTube in particular uh episode one of this got like thousands of views which for stream vods that’s outstanding and also really really

Really positive comments of people being stoked to look into this so thank you for that too really appreciate that kind words all the support all the things that you do um you’re great appreciate you we couldn’t do it without you and we will see you next time bye

Broadcast 2024-02-27

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#LRRStreams #Minecraft

1 Comment

  1. Hell yes! I've really been enjoying watching you guys play Terraria. Serge is such a delightful fellow, and I can't wait to see James and Uno see the hellelator live up to its name!

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