Why is Roblox Terraria surprisingly fun???

I’ve made a video about a Terraria game on Roblox before but I’ve never seen this game everybody welcome back to another YouTube video today we are playing Terraria RPG Jesus Christ this game is all about killing Terraria bosses for coins which you can upgrade your items armor and weapons if you like

To play the game will be linked in the description it looks like it’s your first time playing do you want to play the tutorial no I’m good all right so I guess I think I I think I like fight with these people um oh yeah Al ignore the um Avatar

Ignore it but yeah uh skeleton will be summoned and fought in the dungeon okay right so I got I got zero coins right now I think we get like sent into the into the lobby when I’m holding all place to the map oh that’s cool damn hold up let me turn

My Graphics quality up jeez it’s so dark in here you have released the curse okay the oh this like a sick ass animation holy I got a copper sword I don’t think I’m going to be able to do anything okay it’s already hit me for 42 oh this looks so

Up oh damn like the head spins too okay it’s it’s literally getting obliterated and I got one shot okay gatekeeper reward I I don’t think I I don’t think it’s meant to one hit you cuz that’s not really what the um gatron does but unless that was like the skeleton

God skeleton has run away okay all right I I’m I’m pretty sure I just one hit us oh he is the store okay it’s like weapons melee oh okay all right damn I I can buy coins with with Robux they’re not going to be doing that

I got W of sparking I’ll equip that it’s probably better than the cob broadsword time to vote for a map and a boss okay um I’m probably going to go for the uh the iula cuz it seems a little bit easier but we’ll see what gets voted on

Yeah the brain of CA will be summoned and for in the Crimson all right hopefully that’s a little bit easier oh damn this guy’s got the shield of C so this guy’s stacked is it going to be like in the Crimson or just on the outside Crimson let’s see this animation

Oh damn bro whoever made this animation is like they made them really good oh yeah so the Mana bar is getting used oh damn all right it’s going to be a little bit hard to hard to um eliminate this quite fast yeah I’m doing some damage I’m assuming the hit box is a

Little bit bigger I I don’t think I’m doing all this damage I think it’s like my teammates too but my Mana bar goes down really slowly cuz I guess I have full Mana go first person sit like bro the brain looks so weird we have to get rid of these tissue samples

All right now we’ve damn damn damn holy crap Jesus why is the guy over there it’s almost dead already bro it’s in me what the hell is that not the real one where is it no all right I got the brain game award the brain has been defeated nice

How much uh coins would I get from that one holding all players trip back to the lobby right I got 39 coins weapons melee okay so the enchanted swords 300 gold okay so I guess I got to be doing um a bit of grinding here what’s the cheapest

Upgrade uh yeah it’s 300 gold okay well I guess we’ll just grind for that then uh let’s do the King Slime how much is 250 coins okay 75 Robux how much is 7,500 Jesus okay time is falling from the guy are we going to do the this the event or oh

Damn I don’t think couple slimes make a massive ass slime like that but where’s the crown oh okay it spawned out in like the last second I think I’m doing the one tick of damage from like the burning effect Andy the animations aren’t even that bad they kind of look really cool I

Don’t think we need to really kill these slimes cuz I haven’t haven’t been how is that guy almost dead that that guy died wait no yeah how the hell do you die from this guess if you’re melee but like you wouldn’t die that fast we’re doing

So much damage to it as like a team that guy was only like 45 damage 48 oh do we still have to kill these oh no no it’s fine and that guy’s nearly dead yep he just died and that guy is almost dead too but

We’ll be fine I think I’m going to grind for the Water Bolt first it’s only 500 gold I’m going to grind to 500 coins and um yeah I’ll see you guys then I am two coins off are you joking me I just finished killing the queen bear oh damn

I’ I have a teamed the brain of confusion oh damn finally I have 500 coins you do not want to know how long that took bro yeah let’s go to the shop also the brain of confusion I want to see if I can equip that or something maybe like accessories no oh yeah

Accessories expert items oh okay obtained so is it like equipped a chunk of the brainer that has a chance to confuse enemies on contact okay well I’m going to get that Water Bolt weapon uh Magic Water about fire nice okay so now I only have 25 coins I was thinking

About getting like an accessory like the band of regeneration so that’s only 175 gold uh an abandoned bracelet F the depth so that Grant uh a slight boost in life regeneration that’s fine I I’ll get that um we do King Slime hold up weapons equipped okay all right thank God the

Last minute okay that’s actually kind of cool it uses a lot more Mana now okay all right so I might have to be a little bit more conservative for my Mana also uh while playing I played like I think all of like the preh hard mode bosses

You can pick the animations like these animations are so sick like they’re really really cool especially the deerclops one one thing about this game is it’s really really easy to to it’s like really hard to like die because like the bosses don’t really do that much damage and like it’s it’s really

Easy to like avoid all of the shots it might be a little bit harder when it gets into like hard mode or something but for the most part now it’s pretty easy is there anything up here I wish it was like some like free coins up there or something free gold oh

Wait I might have to equip that um yeah equip all right I’ll equip that now too I do I want to do the IU I haven’t done the Ia yeah hopefully my my my team votes for it too okay so it’s like pretty dark actually you feel an evil presence

Watching you so we got the moon where’s the where’s the AR killer damn he’s massive he’s massive Jesus oh I mean I guess all of these guys are just AFK here so we just Target those people but still it’s not really that wasn’t really good AI I don’t know

Who this guy is is meant to be like the the shopkeeper I don’t know who he is he doesn’t look like a an NPC out or oh damn this guy’s like Speedy has like Hermes boots or something yeah this animation’s sick you like see it over here and then it just like

Appears yeah this boss is really easy cuz it has like a where it like doesn’t move I think these guys are like too good and they just absolutely obliterated before I get a chance to do like good damage to or Something whoops I died I did not mean that to happen I was changing the audio because I looked at my OBS and I’m like hold up the desktop audio is way too loud that was definitely a mistake I’ll get back to you guys when I have

175 I should be able to buy that um Banner regeneration now oh and I can buy some armor too all accessories combat wait what else can we buy I don’t think we can buy anything else yeah okay we’ll buy the banner regeneration first all right then my last goal for the today’s

Video is to get full gold armor so that is uh 300 400 525 coins all right 525 coins shouldn’t be too hard to get but yeah I’ll meet you guys when I can afford my first gold armor piece all right so I already have 100 61 uh so

That’s enough to buy the leggings I’m pretty sure all right let’s go to um Gym’s store I’m sure that guy is definitely okay the looks of it uh wooden Greaves defense four okay let’s buy that and now what we got to do is buy the gold helmet and golden chain

Mail and then we got a full golden setup uh armor equip oh nice let’s go now I got leggings damn actually kind of looks really cool it’s got like all the red too like the Ruby okay that’s nice added Target locking I I’ll try try that see if that

Does anything what the hold up I’m hacking what the hell that was that was the auto locking that’s so op yeah I’m going to use that next round all right I finally have 206 coins that’s enough for the helmet helmets all right 150 coins now all I got to do is

Get around 200 more coins and then I finally have uh a full gold setup oh I’ve got to equip it um better do that now damn bro the armor looks so sick in this game like I look like a badass especially with the especially with the Avatar fit yeah we’re

Definitely beating the moon Lord with this one guys all right I finally have enough gold and I got 351 gold now and that should be enough go chain mail let’s go all right let’s equip that nice bro I got a full golden armor set up man yeah that’s going to be it for

Today’s video it was very very fun to record again if you want to play the game it will be linked in the description make sure to like And subscribe it helps out the video and apart from that I’ll see you in the next one

Thanks so much for watching 😀


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discord: diperloser_youtube#1430

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