Let’s play Stardew Valley EXPANDED for the first time! (ep 1)

For [Laughter] [Applause] W [Laughter] [Applause] Hello H I don’t why I always have to cut it so close I was sitting here watching the timer tick down for like five full minutes and then when there were like 40 seconds left it’s like I’m out of water humiliating I know um there is a the Red Sox are playing

Right now one of their spring training games but unfortunately it’s not being televised so I guess this stream will receive my full attention I suppose hi I’m excited I don’t know what to expect I have a um my like relationship status with stard Valley I think can be summed up as it’s

Complicated because obviously this is one of my favorite games of all time and that will never change it is by far the game I have the most hours into my life steam only has me clocked in at um let’s see Steam only has me clocked in at

1,092 hours of stard valley that number is in actuality much higher because I know like with full confidence in high school alone how much I played this game with my computer in offline mode and steam does not log hours while you’re playing in offline mode so realistically it’s probably closer to,

1500 so I love this game and I’ve played it quite a bit in my day um that being said I played it like those of you who are longtime Watchers um it’s been long enough that now there are plenty who don’t know which actually makes me happy because it

Was always my dream to make variety content on YouTube for a while that was not my choice and for a while I was basically relegated to a stardo valley channel uh at least that’s how I got my start um 100% what what is Twitch trying to

Tell me oh hype Yo cool um but yeah I um basically started out as a stard valley Channel and I like getting to a point where I can make variety content was a war for a while I’m finally at the point where I can do that and that’s so makes me so

Happy that I can now play like whatever and people will will stick around but this game was basically my job for like a year so I got so burnt out on it especially when I finished Perfection it was like that series was so fun cuz it was something I’d always wanted to do

But once I finished it it’s like okay I have now quite literally experienced everything this game has to offer and I just I don’t know I can’t really have fun with it anymore so then I didn’t play it for like 2 years and it used to

Be that I would take like a yearl break and then all a sudden I’d be really eager to play starter value again but it just wasn’t really happening and I was like am I just like permanently done with this game um but what kind of reinvigorated me is that I

Think it it’s so like narratively satisfying the second uh the final Perfection part is finished I’m just waiting on um one thing before being able to upload it so it’s done the moment I finished editing the final part of that Perfection series I was like I think I’m ready to play again it

Was like it was like a an infection and once I finally got it out it’s like all right I’m ready to give it a go and modded starter Valley is something I’ve largely never touched so this is going to be really interesting especially starter Valley expanded which is is like the most

Iconic one I I don’t know I’ve never even seen somebody play it I don’t know a single thing about this mod literally not a thing other than that a lot of people have played it what mod we playing with King well let me let me hit you up with

The info boo boo boo bear um let me get my list here if and if you have any recommendations for cuz like this is this will be a long series and I’m happy to add mods as we go um but right now I I basically just combed through Salman’s

Full videography and uh kept ones that I thought looked nice I’ve got one mod that is so minor it literally just makes the little wormy dig spots look like the Animal Crossing dig spots which I think is cute I got dialogue expansion I’ve read all the characters dialogue and I’m

Excited to finally have some new ones I’ll finally talk to folks again um I’m also eating a sandwich sorry L’s seasonal buildings as far as I know it just makes buildings look look different um L’s seasonal paths I think it’s that but for paths ones just called

Hats won’t mess up hair so my hats won’t mess up my hair aridium recolor just makes the aridium stuff look prettier um star Blue Valley which is a recolor that just makes all the starter Valley stuff look different like the whole game looks different color grading wise um let’s see Dynamic Reflections

Literally all it does just make your character have a reflection in water which I think is so amazing and I’m shocked that it’s just isn’t in the game um sorry about expanded of course with grandpa’s farm which the website told me to do so I just did

It and then um winter grass makes there be grass in Winter and also I had two other mods that add more hairstyles and and make hats look different but they um they were the kind that you just install straight into the game files so they’re not on my list um

And that’s that’s really it I recommend visual fish what is that okay timeout I’m looking that up I’m sorry most of you are like play the [ __ ] game but I want I want to make sure I have all the mods that I want uh okay visual fish visible fish see catchable fish in

The water oh that is Handy that’s really handy I don’t know how much I enjoy it from an aesthetic standpoint but that’s fine yeah yeah I’ll get that I think I I’ll take the hit on the Aesthetics for the sake of convenience um download visible

Fish it’s going to take me a little bit to to do this whole process visible fish extract extract file uh visible fish copy paste visible fish All Right Bingo all right and I also have UI info sweet I should say Okay gang who’s ready for some who’s ready for some oh

Wait one more thing we need to touch on this is something that I gave a lot of thought my Perfection series something that I think set it apart from most started Valley stuff you see on YouTube is that I was playing my own [ __ ] in the background like I had starter Valley

Music turned off and then and I was playing like little Nintendo music compilations on YouTube in the background I have a question I think we should do a poll would you guys rather I do something like that again where the in-game music is turned off and there’s

Just kind of other [ __ ] playing in the background all the time or should we have in-game music off and I’m going to make an argument for for both um obviously I’m not saying like I prefer one but like I’m just going to say like here is an argument for both

Sides if you’re confused what that means the reason in the Perfection series I was playing the other music the whole time is because as previously stated I have like 1,500 hours in this game and the soundtrack as soundtracks go pretty small so there are not that many songs

In this game and given how much I’ve played stardew Valley I’m I’m just kind of really sick of that music but obviously if you guys want to hear it that’s totally fine um but and then an argument for playing the in-game music is it’s more authentic it’s more

Atmospheric and uh it allows moments of Silence which I think are a huge comedic tool cuz a lot of times in the game there’s no music playing you just listen to nature sounds and fishing and I feel like that’s kind of intended but when I

Play my own music it it it just plays other [ __ ] um so let’s make a poll I don’t know how if a moderator could do that I’m so sorry oh there already is one sorry everybody okay background is uh is um clapping so I guess I’ll just pull up my own

[ __ ] uh well we got some going right now I guess I’ll just keep it keep it going um yeah let me let’s see I’m going to make a playlist of uh like Nintendo music compilations that I can play in the background of these streams what is this one oh that’s pretty

Good yeah this can be added this can be added okay now I have a playlist it’s privated haha I’m gonna name you oh shut up I hate hear my own voice just kidding I don’t I hate it when it’s a surprise obviously I don’t hate hearing my own

Voice I’m fully desensitized to it at this point um although I will say occasionally there will be like a vowel in a word I say like I’ll be editing something and it’ll be totally fine and then one word I say will have a vowel in

It and I’m like God gross why did I say it like that sound like I’m idiot [ __ ] all right I just hit go on this playlist and it’s going to play music while we play stard Valley all right I’m booing up the game y’all this is so

Exciting holy holy smokes okay let me switch over got music going I got my stuff going game audio should be coming in eventually you my homies ha owls dude Same all right well let’s go to work you can update four mods I don’t I don’t care are they all working yes yes oh my God okay wait hold on come on there it is we’re in you can already see the colors in the menu are a little bit

Different and as anticipated this is already I think the most people have ever had a twitch stream at least to my knowledge moderators if you know better you can correct me on that okay uh get into it all right um grandpa’s farm of course I’m going to pick grandpa’s

Farm cuz that was a mod I downloaded what do you think I’m stupid this hair is really ugly by the way this mod I added uh that gives new hairstyles some of it I really hate including this one some of it’s cute though I’m going find one that I like yo

Tough that kind of looks like almost like my hair what was that 17 okay 17 is the front runner that does not look that’s too much hair to be me okay now we’re back to just the video game okay Um I guess 17 is the best it’s getting yeah that’s the closest we’re going to get to my actual hair in real life my hair does not have that much like movement to it um I kind of hate my hair in real life it’s just very straight and I can’t do

Anything fun with it it’s very sad um but that’s okay uh yeah this is good um what color hair cuz like we always go purple or pink but I’m tempted to just do like dark brown like my hair is in real life cuz I never do that apparently it is not

An option oh this is eye color hey so these are the sliders for eyes stupid okay hold on do I try to make it actually look like me texture spray bro it doesn’t work I’m telling you nothing literally nothing works you ever bleach or diee your hair

Well I’m going to dye my hair uh purple as I promised when I hit 500k other than that no uh my favorite dog is this one um yeah I guess we’re just going to make this look like me my hair is let’s see how do you get like a good Hazel cuz

That’s kind of what my eyes are this is hair color you stupid idiot oh my God they’re labeled that’s really embarrassing um I would like a little more yeah that’s kind of the color of my hair my eyes are like a Hazel so maybe closer to that’s like

Really uh whatever we’ll just go Brown for Simplicity there we go you curly you went longer no it’s the worst it just keeps going straight and flat no matter what I do so if I if I try to grow out my hair it’s a bull cut and then if I

Keep growing out a longer bow cut it is a bump okay let me try some different hair colors cuz we are doing brown but we could also like really spice it up here cuz of course we have like the the purple which is kind of like my whole

Deal what do we think gang for hair color I’m going to take another B my sandwich this is a big decision this is the whole series right here and obviously I’m skipping the intro see a million times pull again go for it just put like a bunch of different colors on

There brown white pink purple blue Tyler ninja bevens I think You’ I do think you’d absolutely slay long hair something like what Brian MCO has I’ve never heard of of that man it’s my only point of reference Brian okay well now I got to Google Brian

MCO I’ll be the judge of if this man is attractive oh yeah you really think I’d be able to rock a hair like that I’m really like honored that you say that cuz I disagree but yeah man damn literally everybody all right it’s purple it’s purple it’s purple purple is

Drop kicking the whole pole okay a darker purple it won’t let me just like see the the chat there we go specifically hair from the latest tour okay well now I’m going to look at Brian M latest tour I will say I do I have always loved like a man

Bun okay well not it I’ll keep that in my bra back pocket all right well we’re going to go a little darker with the purple like that is that good you rock a half up half down man bun that has always been my favorite hairstyle I just like I’m too scared to

Grow my hair out really long because of how long I’d be in the awkward stage of having a bull cut like it just wouldn’t work for me I don’t know I’ll consult the people in my life all right shirt another big Choice um I [ __ ] with the Charlie Brown a

Little bit uh but we’re going to keep going let’s actually start from the back I never Do I mean we’re going to get our own outfit eventually I’m sure there are mods I can install later in life that add a bunch of fun outfits what the hell am I looking at here Jesus Uh this is going to be the whole stream by the way I do love the suspenders always oh that’s pretty fun that’s kind of like an interesting look I’ll keep that one on my mind what was it 86 wa was that popped collar a little bit okay feel myself a little

Bit uh okay now we’re getting into the Dark Ages where they’re all ugly okay well uh let’s go back up cuz we were we were on the right track up here this one’s pretty cute um and then I also like suspenders as well I always put my guy

In jeans what if I like did some obviously black does not work what if I like did something silly you know what I mean like really silly uh lot of love for the suspenders so we’re going to keep the suspenders um yeah what if I make my pants purple

Like the color of the suspenders are see I’m not very good at color matching yeah immediately it needs to be a warmer Purple well now I look like Waluigi I regret to inform uh the jury but I don’t know it’s a little much for me it’s a little much it’s a little Much uh I don’t know if I I don’t know if I rock with the the purple pants as much let me try some other ones um I want to try like like a a kind of a okay that’s like a green brown that’s ugly as Sin I’m talking like

A yeah and then I can I can put myself in some like can you change your shoe color oh no cuz you there are shoes in the game you stupid [ __ ] I was going to say I want to make them white so I could give myself the like Nike Air

Force Ones I wear literally every day mustache that’s true I literally never give my guy like facial hair or like any kind of accent because in real life I literally can’t grow facial hair and I usually just try to make them look like me

But I kind of like these brown pants I I can’t lie I might keep it let me look through some accessories this beard I’ve always disliked I think this little like lip shape is awkward I’ve always thought that this was the superior of the facial hair

Options um let’s see it’s mustache but I want to steal Sha’s Thunder um handlebar looking this is the worst actually facial hair option definitely absolutely um this at least is funny I don’t even know what this one did oh oh it’s like earrings cute glasses lipstick Eyeballs are those like bushy eyebrows that’s kind of Funny okay do we have any thoughts Team do we just keep it clean or do we do something else if there was like a bandana I could change the color of I would do that keep it clean love it looking snatched King thanks keep it clean love it swag sunglasses Fair sunglasses doing a pull again

I for me the Front Runners are clean uh seven beard number seven uh earrings is kind of a fun look and uh that’s literally it I guess is this a bandana the blue bandana I guess is up there too cuz it kind of looks like a bandana and I could get used to

That sorry I didn’t finish before you pull I’m so sorry uh but yeah those three are all intriguing to Me wow beard is getting its [ __ ] kicked in you guys have a type you guys just want me to look the same like I do in all my playthroughs you Haggard [ __ ] facial hair for real for real ass cheeks that’s not very nice all right I’m just going to work on

Name in the meantime there’s a lot of [ __ ] going on um I’ll name myself let’s see I’m going to reiterate that I hate all of your name suggestions always so I’m ignoring you all Chad has never named anything well yeah I can get down with that cuz like I

Have a type personally in terms of names um and I know that’s not always the funniest thing but I like my people to be named like what I would consider my type like how people have a type like visually I have a type uh in in terms of name

Um I’m going to go with probably ichel mutz CU that’s kind of like to me that seems awesome and I know that like everything is subjective but I think kl’s Good I could also just name him mckel and then have it be called like mutz farm and the mutz is implied I kind of like the that more so we’re just going to name him ickle uh and name him a Crut Farm actually I’m going to I’m going to

Have it be like like mac ichel mutz and my favorite thing my favorite thing in the world this hair needs to be a little uh that’s a little better um my favorite thing in the world probably man rank one thing in the whole world your smile I’ll let y’all figure out who

That’s directed toward okay um okay looks good to me now do we want to remix the community center bundles I never do because it overwhelms me but also like everything’s about to overwhelm me cuz it’s a whole new experience so maybe I should cuz it’s kind of lame to just get

Rhythm so we’re going to remix it guarantee one year completable would be ideal thank you um mine rewards of course we’re going to remix those as well um and the rest is good all right folks are we ready to go probably we’re playing starter Valley locked in that’s right my game

Froze oh no oh maybe it’s just cuz everyone bunch of mods and they got a load oh [ __ ] we’re in oh oh oh okay audio comes first music off uh sound ambient footstep all all on good all right let’s let’s get out there and have fun how’s

That uh I haven’t played in a while so I like don’t really remember how oh Jesus okay we’re going to let’s let’s do some setting things always show toolet location it’s on um what is this item stowing what does that even mean uh I like I’ll do 90 and 90 for zoom and

Uh UI scale or I’ll do I’ll do 85 and 85 there we go that’s good uh this is too much this is too much let’s let’s go we’re playing the feud I love this recolor yeah I mean I’m going to have to get used to it but hey when life gives you lemons Right do as the Romans do okay this Farm is enormous like there’s already a lot more going on I will say I know one thing about start Valley expanded I don’t ask me why this is the one thing I know but the one thing I know about start Valley expanded

Well let me test if it’s true before I say it is yep you can H grass and water it which I didn’t mean to do you can hug grass this has opened so many doors can I still animation cancel no that’s fine I don’t want to it’s too

Much well I’m going to want to when I’m watering my plants every other time I feel like it’s better to take it slow to make this like a this playthrough a lot more accessible to everybody oops oops we’ll get there why am I getting XP why am I getting like a little XP

Thing what my does that is that UI info site that’s pretty Cool I dig it okay well um I guess I’ll go ahead and get my uh well let’s go to the store let’s go to the store nope let’s build a chest let’s build a chest I like forgot how to play stard new Val this is

Awful I got to get my sea legs get my farm legs it’s fine you can turn that off if you start to not dig it for now I dig it look at that I just got 12 XP I would have never known literally never there would have been no timeline

Where I knew how much xp I got by cutting down that tree excite by music yeah I’m a fan all right are we good that was a really pretty tree and it’s gone now am I dropping frames on this cast I don’t think I am I might be though I might

Have to change it to um yeah you know what I’m going to go ahead and do uh first of all I’m going to zoom in a tick cuz I feel like I want yeah that feels better to me and I’m also going to go window 1920 x 1080 and

I’m just going to full screen on my okay well now it’s doing this which is the worst thing I’ve ever seen and I hate it the capture just does better if it’s in Window mode but okay how about I how about this what if I do that this is

Awful okay hold on I want to be able to play this not in full screen mode CU I think the capture might be dropping frames on the on the occasion Okay well it’s it’s really eagerly trying to cut off this uh energy bar over here okay um ideally the capture will run smoother if I do this so we’re just going to play start it by like this I guess for the whole series whoa what the hell oh it’s a community center

Thing oh my God okay is going to be a lot to get used to here let’s just go get our crops and now we’re going to the north I I don’t know why okay this is so overwhelming for me there’s so many new things to explore ooh yes please I like

That the bus is red that’s the sleeper best part of this mod so far everything also looks a lot more lived in yeah like there’s just like more things you know what I mean like there’s like more Flora about which I like there’s a little garden now back here and whatever It’s uh okay already new characters we’ve got Morris Morris is is coming up um Olivia and uh lar the Cable Guy Andy cool what is that that is new it’s like a rug right guys okay I guess I’ll just grow some like 40 parsnips I think

That’s what I usually do right I don’t know how advisable it is probably not at all cuz it’ll tank my energy every day we’re going to do some no no no let’s do it f it whatever right uh I don’t have a goal in this play through with the Perfection one I

Had a goal so I was kind of like playing every day there’s a dog it’s dusty it was this traced from a Pixar thing cuz it certainly feels that way I give Dusty many pets all right man keep champing I guess I’m going to

Go plant my stuff yeah I had a goal last time and I don’t at all this time around so um yeah nothing’s going to get done really at all ever this is more just kind of let’s explore start Val expanded and we’ll do what we’re going to

Do oh I muscle memory I don’t even know where I am right now what the hell oh okay there’s just like two exits to the farm noted can forge spawn on these spots who’s to say really all right let’s go to work 8×5 is what I’m after two three

Four five the house is cute yeah it matches me I’m matching with my house Bingo I’m going to pass out all right parsnips in the ground it’s official and uh I’m going to heel over and die I think if I try to water them all so we’re going to go on a little

Forging Loop which gives us an awesome excuse to explore a little bit so we’re going to do that I should I should not be cuz I don’t I want to get all the forgea bles but also I don’t want to strain myself so let’s just play it safe uh yeah let’s go

Exploring how do I go like up around to the like Northern Area this is so huge dude this is going to get so over whelming really really fast there’s just like a lot of [ __ ] going on everywhere okay this I recognize uh though they have placed a

Lot more grass this is something that I think is is huge um and and that I always wondered why it was not in the game it’s just like grass like there’s like trees and bushes everywhere in the overw world but there’s no grass the grass makes it look so much more vibrant

And fun and caring and loving I did it wrong there you go and more pine trees this is huge for the community yeah dude I’m like quivering gross sorry lonus how are we doing stranger hello no mind me I just live out here alone take this take this with you to

Bed and think of me lonus love the foliage yeah it definitely is a lot more more it’s pumping me up where are the mines I assume they’re just farther to the right well that’s fine I think the music is a little loud I’m going turn it down like

A a tick look at all the visible fish swim around there’s the legend there’s the legend right there but that shouldn’t be catchable it’s not raining misinformation I love that oh wait check out the reflection check out the reflection thing this is the best part look at that that’s

Me it is such a subtle thing that I’m so confused why it’s not in the game because how simple it is to code I love it Demetrius how are you let me talk to him let me talk to him greetings I’m all right brother I accidentally skipped your thing so know

Local plans and animals from my home laboratory you met my daughter Maru she’s interested to meet you she is probably the one I forget the most in this game literally I always forget she’s in the game this is new okay let’s we have a lot of exploring to

Do let me make my little loop around this area first I want to make sure I’m not missing any forgeable goodies how sad would that be for everybody especially me see look here’s a flower imagine if I didn’t have that right now where would I

Be who would I be can I ride this is that can sit on it you should be able to waggle the AR keys and rock back and forth if we’re being honest with ourselves I like that they finally actually done something with this little Fen in area that’s

Good that gets a good rating from me I guess let’s check out this um this is a new house um who are you it’s Victor oh hey there you’re the new owner of mutz farm I’m Victor it’s a pleasure to meet you ickle is it yep just thought yeah okay I thought

We’d exchange uh looks for a little bit um what did you just get off off of your shift shift at gustos what the what are we wearing Victor what are we wearing how’s it gone Shane Charming as ever well anyway go meet his mom now okay is

This is this she oh boy Olivia oh my God aren’t you a cutie welcome to the valley dear so exciting when someone new moves in I have some things to think about I hope that I hope that’s the kind of thing that’s said with an earshot of

Her like as I’m leaving well it was great meeting you just like take four steps around the corner oh my god oh this is adorable there’s even some honey that’s not being harvested less adorable care for your bees whatever those are oops okay game didn’t love that this is a

Whole new area like completely this Garden space hasn’t been used in a long time well I hope I get it eventually well I guess I’m just going to keep it moving whoa new fish they’re so funny looking too I like those ones I’m a huge fan of these guys cutie

Pi amount of garbage yeah that is very sad no no not yet he inst stall the grampleton fields add-on oh [ __ ] guys should I add the grampleton fields should I add the grampleton fields add-on what do you guys think I’m missing the grampleton fields add-on it’s getting dark I did nothing

Today yes okay I’ll do that before next stream if I remember which I won’t all right well let me do my little uh Southern Forest Loop we we got plenty of time have I up like leveled up in a skill yet today that is an awful

Shame cuz if you this is something that I learned uh shockingly late in my starter Valley Career um if you what what the hell Blue Moon Vineyard okay we’re going to go to the beach first whoa is that a Hermit Krab scch he gained some forging XP there in

The bottom left why is that only just now showing up that wasn’t there before was it when I was like cutting down trees and whatnot and the like okay well if I look at that Animal Crossing dig spot two rocks this looks cuter everything looks

Cuter this is how much is it again 300 Wood um it was there okay I’ll just check myself into a hospital I suppose uh this is new the Blue Moon Vineyard but yeah I I if you if you level up one of your skills then you can pass out with no uh consequence Blue Moon Vineyard yeah I figured

Thanks well this is pretty no I literally missed it by 10 minutes there is without a doubt a a sugar mommy SL daddy inside that building and I cannot access that sucks what is uh where am I Falcon Town Fair Haven Farm Blue Moon Vineyard Lord

Help me this place is huge my little forging Loops are now going to take like three full days never mind this is the same area it’s just I leveled up it’s just shared by a few things um so now I can pass out and it’s fine oh there’s trash star drop oh it’s

It’s uh Shane’s hangout spot um is this where I just was yeah so up is Pelican Town that’s fine I yeah this place is beautiful oh you can see the like stars reflecting off the water how cute there’s Mary which looks much cuter by the way yeah this lower area needed a makeover

Did they change what the map itself looks like no and feels like an oversight mcut Farm Pelican Town Marty’s Ranch fairen Farm Blue Moon Vineyard there’s a lot going on it’s also very dark you know what uh Destiny waits for no man horseradish what is this okay

Um yeah looks pretty good the wizard has some [ __ ] in his yard finally including a giant cauliflower it’s just kind of easier to see everybody’s personality with how they decorate their lawn in this one wow oops how adorable this place is C ating and yes I mean scintilating

Okay those just bushes look at all the fish swimming around on the Stars my oh my it is so dark my eyes are actually starting to like get confused that is not what I wanted to do I didn’t get to water on my plants not going to me

Ready oh [ __ ] that was like the whole reason I was I’m I’m just like Lolly gagging down here thinking it’s fine if I pass out the whole reason I wanted to do this so I could get on my plants watered in time oh nards all right let

Me okay no I shouldn’t eat them cuz I don’t want to eat them and not even get there in time I shouldn’t eat them unless I’m there hold on that I need oh my God okay that’s huge all right come on please please please Chop Chop

Brother got places to be a fence are we kidding oh son of a [ __ ] I’m not going to make especially I don’t know how big this damn farm is I don’t know how long it’s going to take me to get back up to

Where my stuff is when I am I I can pass out oh my God I’m I’m literally already back here that’s crazy okay let’s do it come on we’re going to do it we’re going to get it done that’s insane I’m insane all right so already I was

Planning on making this a really casual play through and then I I just learned how much new stuff there is so we are truly just not going to be getting anything done oh my God are you pulling my leg and the water Pond is so far away where is

It where did the water go I need to refill one of them isn’t ready it’s so annoying oh okay um it’s it’s there will be rain tomorrow and the day is in my hands yeah shut your trap dude eckl someone dropped off to the clinic you passed out since you have no money

Provided your medical care fore of charge did they change it about being able to pass out without oh it’s just like a money thing it just means you won’t lose like energy I see okay there’s the water it’s up and to the left now instead of down to the right uh there we

Go if only you hadn’t watered that tilted grass in the beginning that’s right that’s what cost me it’s a great Point okay well today is a good day to go fishing as the second always is um I also kind of want to get an idea of

What my farm looks like so I might like I did say this was going to be a casual play through uh I’m not going to be like trying to minmax everything I will still be trying to a reasonable extent because that’s how I have fun with this game um

But since I have no concrete goal I’m not going to bust my ass trying to do it all every day yeah nice job dude I just like to get to know this uh Farm a little more so we’re going to we’re going to investigate a little

Bit um I will say I like how much closer you are are to like going straight South in this one like it’s not that long of a run to get down here um take apple or orange juice more I’ve answered this before uh if you prefer

Orange juice it’s time to grow up and admit that that you’re a child um I think we can all kind of be adults about this and and uh say apple apple juice is like infinitely better okay same could be said about apple juice I’m not really following

Your logic if you want to Illuminate Me on that cuz uh little lost over here this is a great spot for animals to live this is a stupendous little area for animals to live how perfect is this as a little animal area oh wow there’s a little cut through right there

Never mind might not be as perfect for Animals I guess if you just put like a fence over there it’s fine um yeah I like that I wish you could build a bridge so I could have like a diagonal one right there well I don’t really need it cuz

There’s not that much going on um they also build some fences for you so there’s some fences that are just on your farm no matter what which I guess is good to O that’s fine all the mods we playing with these frame drops are going to be a uh pretty consistent feature most Likely yeah what’s over here oh my God there’s like hardwood it’s like a forest Farm that’s stupendous and there’s like a little river for fishing it’s like all the Farms whoa is that my Greenhouse that’s really cute that this is the path to the greenhouse can’t get there quite yet

But keep that in mind um yeah well ain’t this is the most precious thing you’ve ever seen yes Thomas they all said in Unis I meant Unison I’ve had a terrible habit since babyhood of saying unision instead of Unison because when I was little I

Read it as s i o n instead of s o n and I always thought it was unision so that’s what I always said in in my head and then I started going to school and then I said um I said oh my God something something unision and then a

Bunch of kids were like did you just say unision and then they took turns kicking me and beating me to a bloody pulp so um old habits die hard I’m going take another B my where did my sandwich even go a ghost I should pause I’m wasting time okay Let’s uh let’s go

Fishing whoops just make it happen captain is it bad that I don’t have a preference either way between apple and orange juice yeah that’s actually really terrible I’m pretty sure that’s a sign of a of a um what’s the opposite of a benign tumor maligant is that it a malignant tumor shut

Up all right and now I can go fishing let’s go fishing yay it is malignant thank you and no thank you to the person who immediately said I’m malevolent well there goes my fish I’m playing on of spirit far where you can be like barely conscious and still fish pretty

Easily all right I’m out of practice here this with the start yep see see blew it immediately no perfect catch for Papa hering for me all right and now we’re going to go fishing hustle please you need pulp you need a reality check speaking of needs well there it

Goes oh I was looking at chat apologies greatest I like grape juice grape juice is great I do love grape juice I love how much we’re learning about each other no I knew it was going to pull out some wacky [ __ ] around I was about to get a perfect catch

Yeah telling my therapist about you hering I keep losing frames man I keep doing those big like frame skips this game sucks okay that flounder was looked upside down and stopped moving for a little and I thought it had died and I was like I don’t want to play with visible Fish Mod

Anymore it’s too real God damn it that’s fine we can eat it it’s whatever damn come on lemonade even if it isn’t really considered juice it’s good enough you lemonade is baffling to me our lemonade is always fizzy huh I didn’t know that I don’t like fizzy but I’m sure

It’s good if you like fizzy whoops wow what a terrible showing so far perfect catches are just a thing of antiquity now I I frame skip I was ordering something on Amazon today and Amazon I don’t know if it’s a new feature if I just never saw it and

Now it’s happened to me like three times I think it’s a newer feature where It’ll like Auto recommend you sure it’s always been a feature but now it does it like automatically for a lot of stuff uh you can like schedule them to like to like purchase and and resend you

Something every month which is helpful for me because I like have to order some of my more Niche my more Niche and underground vitamins and supplements uh I have to order through Amazon and it’s cool to have that on a timer so I never run out but they do it

For like a lot of stuff and now they’ve started doing it like I earlier today I was buying my eyes were closed I’m sure a fish just bit um I think I got to turn my music down for me and then just turn it up in OBS

Cuz I like can’t hear the game very well I’m like jamming too much whoops not going to selling my fish should have been paying attention um I’m going do that right now there we go that’s better okay [ __ ] uh but I was trying to music is headlight on stream

Too thanks for letting me know oh I tried to click back in the window and it did that but yeah I was trying to order this specific kind of Jesus I’m like trying to look too many places at once here I was trying to order this like specific kind of ramen

Nole noodle like dry ramen noodle that I like and Amazon was like hey do you want us to send you some more uh every 6 months like no what are you talking about I’m not getting a subscription for my ramen noodles what is wrong with you you can make lasagna with it what

With my ramen noodles probably not no if I had to guess come on come on now damn it you trickster I haven’t got a single perfect catch am I even playing this stupid game wasting everybody’s time I think it died I think the fish died right off the rip nope it’s cuz

It’s not even a fish it is dul seaweed that’s not on my visible Fish Mod got one true thank you you guys for always Lifting me up when I’m down in the dumps appreciate you give me some magic man okay guess I was naughty for Christmas actually could I reach those bubbles if

I like say please and thank you hold on nope just barely know that’s a little cruel perfect score much Munch much I’m about to make extreme amounts of money I’m going to fish next to you Willie how was your day at the store I’ve been out here all day and I didn’t

See anyone go in so um I’m sure the bills are pretty rough you having some Financial hardships why aren’t you uh talking why so Hush Hush freak damn it I bangled it immediately take me up back and shoot me will he cast me into the ocean Jesus hering he’s embarrassed about his

Failing fish shop yeah talk about failing not a single person walked in you’ve been open all day just you and the fish do you talk to them do you pass the time by talking to them actually don’t answer that pretty confident you do you gave you the rod for free hell

Yeah whoa stars are out out that was sudden Jesus oh they’re little shooting stars how precious I’m going to be doing a lot more night fishing now that I have this mod oh is this an eel I didn’t perfect it I’m a dumb idiot it’s not even an eel yeah at least some

Seaweed oh God damn well I’m proud of how this is going hold on I should have waited a bit I got greedy but it’s fine nice this is this needs to stop I think um pretty sure this needs to stop this gives you a ton of energy oh

My God okay that’s actually really helpful I don’t know how much it sells for I’m have to compare to the other fish odds are that we’re just going to keep that for energy that is uh that is good value as we say I um have some classes with people

Who are like business like the like classic like frat business Bros it does sell for a little more than like a herring but with how much energy it gives we should probably just hold on to it um now it’s really dark yeah okay Willie all right you’re being weird I

Like can’t even see my anything anymore can’t see anything anyway I’ve had some classes with some like Finance Bros um and oh man it is awesome there’s one of them in my intro to physics lab that I have to take to take uh physical chemistry uh [ __ ] and um

Fart um and we were just like making conversation so I was like or someone else was like what do you guys think you might want to do after college and some people were like and obviously I’m not dunking on this person for not having a plan cuz it’s totally freaking normal

And fine we’re going you know that’s right I can I can pass out it’s fine um it’s totally fine and normal to not have a plan of what you’re going to do right after college physical chemistry sounds really fun uh everybody I know is taking it said they wanted to

Die while taking it so I I can’t necessarily agree with you on that front uh apparently it’s butt punishingly hard but you should try it and uh let me know what you think going to eat this seaweed um I haven’t taken it yet though so who’s to say it does sound pretty cool

How biocam it’s my least favorite class I’ve ever taken but yeah like obviously it’s fine and not know what you’re going to do after college but oh my God it was this one like Finance bro who of course had like the the the like backwards hat but it’s just like gently placed onto

His head like it’s not actually on his head you know what I mean um and he’s and and he’s got like the the huge cross necklace and he was like I was like what uh everyone was talking about what they’re going to think about doing after college and obviously I deflected I’m

Not saying YouTube because there’s such a stigma around that I absolutely refuse to at a table of people I don’t know be like yeah I’m just going to keep on being a famous YouTuber like I can’t do that I can’t take that so I was just

Like I don’t know Pharmacy which I will never do um and then this dude it gets to this dude um and and and someone’s like what is going on someone was like what uh what kind of stuff like what are you studying and do you have any things you

Might want to do after college and um he was like yeah um I’m I’m really into Finance I’m I’m studying Finance at the moment and I I’d probably go into like you know like CEO it’s like what are you talking about you don’t go into CEO it’s not like grad

School school where you can graduate from college and then apply to the CEO field it’s like seriously and I’m sure you loved Wolf of Wall Street but unfortunately the world is a little different anyway sounds like a solid plan I mean if he makes it happen I’m all for it

Dude if you if you can make that happen just by sheer willpower alone then gray work but I don’t see it God damn it I’m just going to keep subbing out the weaker of the fish hit oh [ __ ] God damn it another uh seaweed can I do this only works

Sometimes yep sometimes you can toss and it won’t go in the water but I guess if you do it here it will go in the water for some reason I don’t know what makes this different than the lake the lake if you throw something even if you’re right

Up against the water it won’t go in that’s fine it was it was but one fish sending my job application to CEO yeah man he was like yeah like I don’t know it it looks really rewarding and it it pays well obviously it’s like you are so out of touch it’s

Crazy um yeah we’re just going to leave well I guess I might as well we’re going to pass out anyway let’s just get some a little bit more XP in a lot of drop out of high school ASAP kids and they be billionaires running their own company because others have done it

Oh I passed uh yeah pretty funny stuff if you drop out of school go for it if if you got a plan but like people who do it like I remember there’s this one dude who did it to start like an nft collection and then he was like yeah no one’s biting like

Really oh no this is not even a crow it was just a silent crime ickle you’re lucky I found you last night uh someone was searching your pockets I IDE how much money they took I have I have a guess okay um yeah uh and there are puddles when it

Rains you can play in why is this the height of my um reflection that’s not right that’s fine um it’s fine okay I guess it would probably be smartest to do some more fishing today wouldn’t it let’s go to the lake let’s um well let’s do some wood cutting make

Another chest to bring up there so we can put all our fish in there until we can get a uh s sail bonus we’re going to have fun you guys you you and me we’re going to have fun here all right okay okay I feel bad couldn’t know these pink

Trees cuz they are pretty cute I’m convinced nice you rothgar 72 there’s one tiny fish in there all right let’s go to work oh God am I even going to be able to get up I think so I trust in the heart of the cards yep told you told

You look to have a good time here we’re kind of like a little family ooh ooh can I be the Dad I’m so sorry oh I like that they added this like screen fade up north when it’s raining you know what I mean like there’s kind of like that Misty

Look that’s really nice touch were yall big into um playing house as a kid how much how much house did y’all play did y’all play a lot of house please let me know at your earliest convenience whoops all right let’s go to work um unfortunately yes and I was always the

Dad I am trans now oopsie oopsie is right I um did not play much house at all um though when I did it was with my like older sister and older cousins so I was always the youngest one there and I was always the dog we got our first aridium

Fish that’s pretty awesome uh yeah I was always the dog and they made me pretend to be a dog I was never too into the house not the baby nope no the dog I could see that don’t say that don’t say those things don’t say things

Like that think about how I feel when you say that don’t say that yeah I was not especially into here let me put on a hoodie I was not especially into house after that as you could probably guess um I do love city city is my

Jam um if you are unfamiliar or just didn’t play we played a lot of city where everyone just kind of had creates their own job and like I don’t know place of work so like like I usually did a pet store and we just gather like stuffed animals and I loved playing City

Specifically at my cousin’s house because he had that like Monopoly game that had the credit cards so we could actually use credit cards to exchange like make like as legal tender instead of having to use like paper money got an achievement uh that was Elite I always did a pet store occasionally something

Else um my cousin would always do even at from from an early age would always do something a little bit kind of On The Fringe of the city like he’d do like it was always a vice he would be like a bartender or like run a lottery or something it was always a

Vice um we had this one guy who’ always be a criminal and I hated it everyone thought it was so funny cuz he was stealing stuff but I was really upset because I was like you’re not doing it right and he’s like and everyone’s like what

It’s not that not that big of a deal and I was like he stole my caterpillar I like took it way too hard he like steal my stuff I didn’t like it cuz and I legit believed he was a werewolf and I was a vampire when we were

Little uh are you or did or is that information in need of an update cuz I am eager to find out if you are if there’s a real vampire in my chat Spotify rap says I’m a vampire vampire phas is real I leveled up in fishing my friend and I played cars and

Ran into each other do you need extra help with homework in your modern day-to-day life oh an emerald very nice you let me drop off the Goods try to convince everyone that I was part dog I’m going to keep reading against my better judgment and I would say no you don’t get it my great-grandfather was actually a dog dude that is actually awesome you believed me too oh man well that’s an awful

Shame me and my friends would role play as wolves in Primary School while Twilight was a mess massive thing yeah I mean Whatever Gets you going right one of my friends would always be a wolf named Jacob isn’t that like an actual just character in the movie I don’t know I’ve never

SE vampire f is real terrified of I have never in my life felt anything about vampires positive or negative literally since conception my my my uh thoughts on vampires has been who cares that sounds harsh but for some reason I just never cared even an ounce about vampires to any

Degree never watch Twilight I think I watched the first one but it was like the day after I had a migraine so I didn’t really take in any of it but I I have I haven’t seen any of the rest of them I don’t really know what was

Happening okay I’m getting my ankle snapped my ankle snapped off and eating right now You call me weak for being scared of no Fatu when I was eight yeah cuz that’s embarrassing I’m surprised you can type that into a public live chat andit send without immediately feeling humiliated thanks for tuning I’m almost out of energy it’s not just me oh I’m sure was

It from the SpongeBob episode or or a separate no Fatu Cameo so I know that SpongeBob episode The Hash Slinging Slasher one uh put a lot of kids on on uh on watch for nose Fatu why am I bringing up an emoe wheel this is not fortnite Battle Royale

Of course this SM episode yeah that’s what I figured the best episode insane claim for me like nothing comes particularly close to bang Geeks in terms of just comedic writing that episode is so well written it’s crazy perfect score I’m popping off here a little bit y’all

Look at all the fish just kind of Milling about what a beautiful world we live In I’m going to you H for starter value 1.6 when does that come out is there a day yet I don’t know anything about it I’ve haven’t been following it all I don’t know what’s getting added I don’t know how big it’s going to be I mean the number sounds big March

19th oh that’s soon um I’ll look into that and we’ll see how I feel about it nice crunch what is the stream snack today um that was my teeth the stream snack today is teeth helpful were you scared of nose ferazzi from SpongeBob no takes it with 71% of

The vote I’m in the no Club too I I was scared of a lot of stuff I wouldn’t say a lot but I was scared of a reasonable amount of stuff as a kid but for some reason those Fatu never really even unsettled me I was

Just kind of confused when I start the first time I was just like what the hell is that never would have guessed perfect score I got to I got to D my fish off hold on um yeah I guess the plan is to hope to hit level five fishing by

Like the fifth or so so I can well no let’s just hope to hit level five fishing by the 13th which we’ll totally be able to do if we get enough rainy days cuz rainy days were made for fishing rainy days were made for fishing that’s what God made him for I’m eating

Funions all right [ __ ] for starters sorry I got to call my local paramedics really fast how the hell did I miss both of those what was going on what is that eating sound now I’m chumpy I was eating cuz I’m hungry now something I want to focus on this time

Around I feel like I always kind of end up falling into the same rhythm with this game when I’m in Max it because like most of the farm machines are just not very like profitable at all compared to just growing enormous fields of crops and making a bunch of

Kegs um something I’d like to focus on this time around is uh trying to use some stuff I usually don’t like bee houses I almost never use preserves jars I almost never use um and now that I don’t have like a timed goal I’m trying to get to there’s

No excuse for me not to just try something new am I white am I white am I white yes yes yes they all said in unison Bing Bong something awesome that is actually pretty great okay you’re whining okay one more cast and I die so whoops sorry T STK on the

Keys I’d like to imagine you’re talking about like playing the piano like somebody is like tearing off this beautiful jazz piano riff and then has a stroke damn it okay one more cast then I’ll eat my algae we’re about to get to pretty star time of day I

Think maybe not maybe it doesn’t do when it rains might not do it when it rains I feel like it would already happened a I guess the Stars don’t come out when it’s raining side well then I guess maybe rainy days are not for fishing cuz I love when it rain or when

This uh star when the wi you love it love it when whoops all right we’re kind of close maybe I should just not oops all right well um yeah I’m out of juice so I guess we just call it there that works for me oh okay thought it was a little forgeable good

Hiding ah hold on I got to Brak this one down I just received a chat waiting for the parenthesis fish in the rain waiting for the fish in the rain fish is late what does that mean is that a reference I’m just less clear whoever sent it doubled down

Waiting for this fish in the rain in the rain it’s a night Veil reference it’s encrypted just going to go to bed it’s all right with y’all bedtime level three fishing and four I love fions wow so we’re going to get to level five fishing way before than I

Wait way before than I thought we would Jesus got some new items in stock at the last fish fish I’m going to go ly in the road I’m so tired of this hat Mouse is out and about farmer ickle might need some more space someday that’s where I can help bring me

Some raw materials and pay you can expand your house okay Robin the [ __ ] is a funion try it it’s a fun onion it’s a it’s a snack it’s a crispy it sounds so bad and I’m sure if you’ve never had it it will be cuz I I’m

Sure the only reason I like this cuz I grew up on it uh it’s a crispy onion flavored snack and it is my favorite so good I really want to turn on animation cancelling just for the watering because I know like doing animation can thing oh

The puddles are still around would be so it would run so counter to this idea of a chill playthrough but it just makes watering go so much faster okay uh it’s the fourth I’m thinking we do a forage Run come back here and then fish the rest of the day I

Feel like that would make the most sense we’re going to do it hate that I love funions oh I love it dude I’m not I don’t I don’t lose any sleep at night loving loving all over funions they’re so good so good I never understood American’s fascination of

Onions feel like onions aren’t a particularly America Centric thing like plenty of Cuisine especially a lot of like UK Cuisine that I’ve seen is really onion Centric feel like every time I’ve ever seen a video of someone like cooking up a British meal they start by cubing like

A yellow onion like dicing a yellow onion if I ass sign one food to America I’d ass sign cheese or bacon I feel like cheese is also pretty European so yeah for me it would be like probably like ground beef beef like not even like cuz like a nice

Cut of beef not as much but like ground beef i’ I’d put solely on America okay nothing over here [ __ ] love onions onions are so good you guys eat so much stuff though it’s true there’s a lot of different kinds of food in America r at a raw onion once but into

Like an apple I was shocked I could do that I love onions so much I love the flavor I’m not going to go to the right cuz there wasn’t really anything forgeable there last time we’re just going to go south Sorry I had something stuck on my fingers there we go I got I couldn’t use my mouse yet because I had some onion Gunk on my finger boom artifact hey I mean we’re we’re in the neighborhood why don’t we swing by and drop it off we’re just right here aren’t

We yes th they all said in unison I’m going be doing that all stream now it’s in my head oh finally they added glass cases something that I think was sorely missing this also just looks very nice much more lived in whoops sorry uh yeah I would like to add my one skeletal

Hand all right thanks boo boom that’s 250 gold right there for nothing for nothing at all out of my way actually no I need to meet everybody whoa look at that fish holy [ __ ] wait come back the new farmer you’ve all been expecting you his arrival has sparked

Many conversation I’m Elliot I live in the little cabin by the beach it’s pleasure to meet you pleasure to meet you too I should have given him like a clam or something okay nothing much going on right here hello it’s so Gunk on my fingers are you the sugar Mommy I was

Talking about earlier Sophia Eek A Stranger wait aren’t you ickle the new farmer sorry I get a little nervous around people I haven’t met before that’s weird that’s weird that you do that how weird of you my name is Sophia I’m the owner of Blue Moon Vineyard um well see you around I

Guess uh yeah she was like written for for people who play this game I’m sure that’s the most popular option of Romancing people almost positive yeah um Sophia is marriable Victor is so is Olivia they both are crazy okay I’m not finding a lot of spring onions

I don’t know if they’re even in the dang game anymore Fair Haven farm this one’s a lot more stately and modest well I guess modest is a good way to describe what I’m looking at here um oh chest hold on okay um is this where uh Larry the Cable Guy

Lives I would like to meet him but he’s out somewhere Lord knows where just hat Mouse what up Champion Yep looks good I catch you on the flip oh I was so sure that was the top of like a horse radish or something similar here we go well this has been

Like reasonably productive I’d say then I’ll get a little lick of fishing in and that’ll be Thursday comma 4 number four hi Leah hello it’s nice to meet you you good time of move here the spring is lovely it’s fine it’s whatever nice IO free

Teeth oh my God I just found some of my own hold on give me a second and all this for free all right we’re going fishing oh forgot I own one human tooth that’s not mine and three of my wisdom teeth nice I also get free animal teeth from my

Job proud of you Lon is how are you today do you want something from me no I well I suppose it would be nice but that’s fine how are you met everyone in town yet it sounds exhausting yep uh yeah everybody I think that’s that’s everyone track on

Map oh my God I can track them on the map no way holy [ __ ] that’s rad fishing time and I can eat my funions again Hooray today’s a good day whoops oh thank you there we go clean my fingers off with my mouth sorry Bingo yes weth heard no sweat my pet oh I I stop keeping track of the Red Sox score I wonder how they did it doesn’t matter if

They won or lost cuz the record means literally nothing I just wonder if my favorite players did well they’re up three to two so that’s pretty uh pogy I guess kids are probably saying a Homer from Nick soard nice job I’d sell your soul for two plotts for two THM

Plotted that’ll get you nothing you dunce a terrible deal who’s that in the corner Sebastian just a friend of mine oh for bring me the Stars I don’t know when they come out is it 9 or 10 it’s probably on the hour not quite not quite if we could hit level five fishing

Today nope that’s is not possible would have been cool though doing a lot of fishing today a lot of fishing this stream we’re over halfway through the stream and I’ve done very little besides fish perfect I tend to be called that pretty often okay we’re almost in Star territory

Probably yep there’s a shooting star it’s pretty faded though it’s not they’re not as Vivid here as they are in the ocean Oh my God stupid dingus nice mines are about to open and that’s going to change everything right let me um put away the goods oops it’s fine stars are not very Vivid anywhere but the ocean we’ve learned I couldn’t hear it over the music so it looks like if you’re fishing

In the lake you’re you’re not really going to see any stars okay that little bubble I was sure was like an exclamation point for a second and I can’t pass out today so I’m just going to have to leave in a little bit we’ll just make this our last cast

And then we’ll go ahead and bounce okay that’ll do and then I’ll eat my funions on my Trot back home that’s a rock I suppose yay home sweet home and now I’m going to oh and now I’m going to sleep like that like bop it when you

Don’t touch it for a while and it goes I’m going to sleep it’s 140 I had no idea how close we were cutting it oh my God all right tisk tisk tisk you got a very messy Garden been playing for 1 hour Cameron’s gaming hello ickle see his dog here yes I

Do this is pretty cute dog found it sitting outside the entrance to your farm D stray poor thing what up pal seems like it seems to like this place don’t think Farm could use a good dog of course he could use a I think any every Farm could use a good

Dog and my good dog is going to be named oat Walker well oat Walker you be a good Pooch now okay yes ma’am all right and my parsnips are already and I’ve leveled up I’m now a level one farmer now my plan is uh this one failed this one has failed

Okay hi Susan my name is Susan Lou told me you are the new I had some trouble L told me you’re a new farmer in town trapped on my farm in the mountain so I can’t say hi in person hopefully are you actually trapped hopefully the mess joj made will

Be cleared out soon cuz I’m going a little stir crazy holy [ __ ] Susan you’re going to die this is not to our Valu JoJo Mark customers our team members have removed the landslide mins are open um regardless of how many I can afford my plan is to buy

40 potatoes I’m sure I can afford more but I’m just going to do 40 so I don’t have to water any more than one can worth every day and then we’re going to hit the Mine love him thanks guys how is SE getting food growing it I guess the poor woman oops water’s up here now that is the cutest little damn fish I’ve ever seen I want to catch that hold on I’ve never seen you before and I like you a

Lot I’m only giving this one try so it doesn’t work real leaving wasn’t in the cards okay um yeah uh let’s just go sell parsnips by 40 potatoes oh hi Claire oh my God I haven’t seen you I haven’t seen you before sorry I don’t really know you all that well CLA edges

Away from you I think that went well shut up [ __ ] okay let me let me swing by there really fast I’ve got a little time hello this song’s great I know I’ve talked about it before this is the main theme of a DS game about learning English it rules done It has no right this is for learning English all right see you CLA all right um I’ll save the one gold one for Center well it’s remix bundles so all bets are off f it all right we’re going to go plant our potatoes uh and then we’re going to the

Mines spending the whole day there the mines is another place I would love love to have animation cancelling for so I might actually investigate why it’s not working We hit those notes here it’s what I do okay time out why is my animation can not working um how about now oh no it’s now when I hit the oh setting short key set to R we got to change that let’s set it to I don’t know

P here we go now I won’t do that it’s doing it um oh saving cloth there we go there we go now it should be working all right now we can play turbo mode I wasn’t going to do it but now that I like know how to it’s just everything takes so dang

Long okay we’ll just bring some algae that’s not enough though I need more energy oh wow update already looks nice even just seeing the small art changes unfortunately this is a mod but I am excited for the update that I just found out about here I

Go that’s all I got energy White H we should bring like a little more I’m not yeah I have literally 10 of these it’s fine okay let’s go we’re going to the mines making progress having a big big day there’s a good day day every day is a good day traveling

Cart I don’t have any money luck will not be on your side today um today sucks ass and I would like to just go back to sleep that blows dude that actually blows um hey so where are the mines up that way interesting it’s like its own little

Area now okay so getting the mine carts can be even more helpful I didn’t bring my ho jeez God they really make you work for it if you want to go to the mines that’s cool yeah that is really far away okay well uh let’s go to town all right luck is

Not on my side today okay well whoops sorry we’re going to prioritize going deep over getting ore prioritize going deep over everything don’t literally don’t ever nothing I care about in there whoops it’s like riding a bike I thought I wouldn’t be able to do this animation

Can like things I haven’t played in so long but we’re doing it I’m locking in as you guys have instructed me to do neat oh that’s huge that is humongous energy always welcome it’s already 120 so we’re probably not going to get that much stuff done that we will

Probably level up lose a little bit of money if we pass out here but I think it’ll be worth it um as long as we level up to like level one mining or level one combat then we won’t lose any energy tomorrow and then I think it’ll be worth it just

Pass out in here there we go this is good it said bad luck day but I’m tearing this up I’m tearing this up I’m tearing this up like my uh like my hands tear up paper when I’m want when I want to tear it up you guys can’t see me cuz my camera’s

Off but I’m smiling like really huge because you’re so locked in I forgot yeah boom level up now I can pass out in here with no repercussions I’m actually going to grab these crates before going in there because if they have a weapon that’s going to be uh best

Day my of my whole world I’m going start saying that this is the best day in my world I’m sure my Conant my friend concentration will go up tenfold um I should have just eaten the leak I’m about to run an energy anyway it’s fine okay I probably should have killed that

Bug for a chance at an ancient seed wind Spire uh usually I don’t use daggers but you know what hey [ __ ] it life isn’t that long is it it’s pretty short actually even I would argue why did it it didn’t even oh I think I accidentally hit the cancel

Button right when I use my super move YOLO I’m yoloing everywhere I don’t want that useless kind of want to kill the douge as well look at that geod uh well this is a pickle isn’t it no I should I should be having these let’s just go and eat our cave

Carrots this is Advanced Inventory management taada evade all right [ __ ] I’m calling [ __ ] going to call [ __ ] once again all right I’m just getting out of here this place blows nice proud of myself I don’t care who knows it I need those no ancient seed that’s

Okay um anything of note in here like at all no all right I’m just going to start busting rocks then don’t much care for any of your shenanigans did it all right tough um doesn’t seem to be much to enjoy here either I dig

This oh neat I got two of them found a geode thanks I did didn’t I another one even even way have I explained even way to y’all yet I’ve been on a kick of saying that and if I don’t defend myself if it’s going to sound like I’m

Stupid it’s not even like the kind of that needs to be explained it was just my one of my friends was like like really pissed because his sister was screwing with him and um he all all he could get out to express his frustration is why do you

Keep hitting me even way I can’t stop saying it there you go can run out energy this now now I’m feeling the bad luck now I’m really feeling the bad luck oh I forgot how just almost nothing horse rashes do for you balls dude yeah we’re going to break

Every Rock in this [ __ ] aren’t we this is the most annoying sound design in any video game I’ve ever played actually I wish this would be a great 1.6 change to make it not do [Applause] that please I don’t want to be here anymore at least let me get to 15 oh my

God this is absurd oh my God I want to at least get the 15 elevator I wanted to get to 20 today but with the bad luck I don’t think we had a shot realistically oh my God that sucked all right well I should probably just bag it up I

Don’t want to waste too many more horse strates I just going to check if there are just like copper hanging around on this floor I was about to say or this thing could give me a ladder and I could check next floor yeah look at that um

Look at these New Paths it’s a seasonal gravel path holy butt cheeks holy little old butt cheeks dude see I can do a couple more swings there we go I can even get this last uh copper node get both yeah oh I want that okay sure literal

Hacking front of my eyes okay I don’t need sick slime I think I’ll live speaking of live can you stop doing that for me and that’s my time I love the phones on my Jed Jed phones the sound as hell on Jed phones oh someone Miss Titans everybody

Immediately dog piled the sound is Hell on Jed phones said Jed phones said stop get on dude all right now I got to take the like Eight Mile Road and not the Slim Shady one all the way back to what I name it mcuts mutz Farm EO

Mutz stop calling me I’ve been getting spam calls every 5 Seconds last like two months message from BL Sky Ling phone number 833 shut up that’ll show him it’s not going to move the needle but it’s fine oh a little shoot a little star just shot across my pond oh the the

Stars are showing tonight maybe it’s only some nights dude how silly is it going to be I I’m going to get another one I’m turning my ringer on by the end of the stream I’m going to be getting another uh spam call and I’m going to answer it

From now on every time I get a Spam call while on stream I’m going to answer it on stream I’m just scared like one time I’m going to answer it it’s going to be a number I don’t recognize I’m put on speaker and it’s going to be very

Personal and I’m going to feel terrible so maybe uh maybe not think about it uh forging ahead I’m going to go and make two garnishes I’ll make some gravel paths too because I’m eager to see how these look um yeah honestly oh yeah that’s pretty cute yeah it’s grown on me it looked

Ugly for like a second there um does be C around like a tree farm absolutely I also think it’s just one of those where we I think it’s instead of just like one strip of them it would benefit a lot by like some variation in width you know what I

Mean like it looks a little more organic that way maybe not a field that’s exactly rectangular would go along long the way there too yeah I can I can dig it I’ll just need some some time to like work on digging it Robin here dude you are not

Markiplier all right let’s water our plants um that’s right I can do this now this I don’t remember how to do the watering can one never mind I’m doing it look at how much time we just saved uh okay um that looks like [ __ ] princess shroom go dry

Up I I heard go dry up recently I can’t remember where but I think it’s a really weirdly tame thing to say really Bitterly you look like [ __ ] it’s Lovely God princess shro just caught like three Strays guess they’re not Strays you reap what you sew what is agge bow who go D even imply I don’t know I just think it’s really funny uh it’s a Saturday we should we’re like almost out of forgea and low on

Energy so let’s do some um wood cutting today so we can get some field snacks for the mines I think it’ll go a long way um let’s see maple seeds are all I have yeah what is HB it’s great usually when I ask a question like that it

Immediately gets answered I just burst out laughing are people trying to make like a new LMAO I don’t know if it works for me I think people are trying too hard to be the next LMAO I think LMAO is too Evergreen Uh 2 three 4 I need more Oak more than anything I should brought my Scythe aren’t as many trees on this Farm I’ve I’ve noticed from does not have as many trees yeah we’re going to go energy light today we’re going to do stuff that

I don’t need as much energy for so we’re going to be doing our foraging loop we’re going to not going on the mines today three field snacks okay let’s um let’s go foraging whoops I don’t have room my heart for more abbreviation this time yeah you can

Of course ISB all you want I just personally don’t support ISB man the way I phrased that sounds like the way homophobic people phrase themselves to try and not sound homophobic when they are homophobic um like dig you know what I mean where they’re like yeah like like I guess like

You can be gay just like don’t don’t like be gay in front of me like just don’t like be gay near me cuz I just don’t it’s like okay do you think you you’re like oh you’re one of the good homophobes congratulations is bolop phobic yeah afraid

So I just feel like get it it it’s it’s trying too hard to replace ELO uh but ELO is like older than time you can say isol it’s not in front of my children absolutely I just baited on live is another possibility gooning and baiting on Twitch Peri period [ __ ]

Man a lot of words going across my Screen therm don’t say therm to me you said it I just read your chat oh two new people I haven’t met Penny hello I’m penny a lot of people don’t like penny and I don’t really get it cuz she seems obviously I don’t love Benny cuz she’s

Pretty boring but oh stranger my name is Vincent mama says not talk stranger but you seem okay see I like this one hi Jazz hi hi hey bye penny is kind of forgettable Penny is forgettable but I’ve spoken to many people in my life recently who said

They do not like Penny it’s like I don’t know jod I met you hold on stop oh you aren’t exactly how I imagined but that’s okay I’m Jodie writing down your address writing it down writing it down it’s down it’s in my phone Notes App I for I can I can wh who’s your favorite Bachelor slet usually I just do kobis cuz he’s cool but I want to mix it up this time um I want to get to know you I want to get to know you I want to get to know

All the new characters so I can like make an informed decision I can do the wizard now I’m good it’s annoying um right now I’m most intrigued Red by Claire and Victor I’m most intrigued by Claire and Victor we’ll see how conversations develop Victor’s boring all right so

Shut up first of all I don’t even know him yet okay he said one word to me but there’s an annoying x no wants to deal with that yeah bars smile I don’t know why it’s so funny to me is that a response to something just feel like say smile you’re right Hold

On Smile there we go what was that I do what I’m told you ask I deliver I’m the Milkman there was this uh kid uh I won’t say much there are characters you meet that are not on the list you got be real informed oh damn okay I’m

Excited um there’s this a kid on my I think it was little league 11 11y old age about I don’t know why that was the weirdest way I can FR that little league 11year old age about um this kid on my team really really wanted was really

Trying to get everyone on the team to give him like a Charming nickname cuz he really wanted one but no one really cared and he was just basically begging kids to call him the Milkman cuz he was like you know you can call me the Milkman cuz I always deliver he said

That word for word maybe 30 times from the beginning to the end of the season and of course it never stuck try as he might nobody cared enough to call him the Milkman whatever he’s Doing someone clipped it I’d like to read that or watch it I don’t actually know what it looked like cuz I was on the Performing end that’s that’s actually really good I love how blurry it is cuz my my camera hadn’t like focused yet wow look at how bad my hair looks in

That like little screenshot there that’s really funny kids got to learn you don’t get to pick your nickname that’s right are embarrassed when you have to go through it yeah you got to they it has to just be given to you thurm happened naturally that was all that was all

Davey um there was not very much forgeable good did they like phase out spring onions I feel like normally I would have found like a bunch within a like a whole week you just pass three where were they in like the area they usually are that’s funny by the sewer

Gotcha um thank you for not doing the dot dot dot oh there’s a dot dot dot hello but yeah this is a rule of thumb going forward if I forget something or need a reminder if if ellipses could be avoided that would be ideal cuz they just make me feel sad

When someone’s like you forgot your pickaxe dot dot dot and then I’m like oh you didn’t need to add ellipses now I just feel worse dude having having a face cam like hooked up at all times is such a weapon I need to do this more cuz that enables

Me to do so many things I’m just going to start doing that intermittently and and if you if you if you keep up then then that’s all you let’s make another chest it’s getting full in here it’s a party in here come back anytime should I color my

Chest or should I leave them um Natty should should I leave him Natty Nino’s here hi Nino expanded hell yeah it’s my first time I don’t know what I’m I don’t know I’m lost and confused I’m sure it all makes sense with time I I’m going keep fossils in my

Mining Goods chest I don’t know if that’s a whoops I don’t know if that’s a bad call but I don’t know it makes sense in my head ickle is it tombler we have a new friend yeah I’m iel I’m ickle on mut’s Farm cuz my phone name is iel mutz

But it I thought it would be cool if it was like a little bit of environmental storytelling for my last name to just be the name of the I’m going to eat this spring onion and we’re going to see how much fishing I can get done we can just kind of fish

Cycle for energy right isn’t that like a thing you can do um cuz you just eat whatever you catch and you’ll still get the experience hey King I never played this either look real fun I’m having fun so far I’ve met like four hot babes and it’s only been two

Hours do you like chickpeas I had chickpeas just before this stream actually I love chickpeas I made some coconut curry with chickpeas have you met the M have I met the mom have I you bet I have four hot babes it’s a record yeah submit that to

Speedrun.com I got to check if my uh Cook Food Network could be cooked speedrun is still number one if any other human being has attempted an all gold metal speedrun of food networks’s cooker be cooked I’m leaning no me you said you like Victor if you marry

The mom he’s going to be your stepson that would be nice then I’ll just Um that is a little awkward I was going to say I can just transition my um romantic love into like paternal but I don’t know how easy and seamless that transition is going to be I don’t think that’s how it works father is pretty good where are the stars going why do

The stars only come out sometimes am I missing something I guess it’s like I guess maybe it’s it’s only only like a clear night sometimes might be cloudy I mean it says sunny right there oh [ __ ] okay that’s a miracle almost 300 people right now it’s

By far the most I’ve ever had a twitch stream to my knowledge guys are Crazy it’s a sing along in here no no perfect cat um okay I guess I’ll start eating some uh GARP 23 33 it sells for yeah that’s a good deal B I live too close to today and never see the stars at night I usually I’ll I’ll

See a little but they’re not very clear um but I live in like a pretty wooded area so most the time I can see some stars did I get any level UPS today does anyone remember cuz if I did I can I can just fish here until uh

Conch out I love how I said this is going to be a casual I actually can’t help myself I this is going to be like a casual playthrough uh since we don’t have any goals and now I’m here to like I can I can like exhaust myself right like I can do that

Pet uh let me check my skills I think I got got to level two forging today I F that makes sense I did some forging around the valley and I cut down like a lot of trees I might even get to level five fishing by the end of the night if I’m

Awesome which I tend to be am I the [ __ ] for falling in love with my stepson I male 36 have huge hots for my son Steven four it’s like yes yes so many of those Mi the [ __ ] posts are insane it’s like I guess it’s not [ __ ] there’s a word I

Feel like 50% of Mi the [ __ ] posts are like my sister uh total my car and in response I like shoved her and now she’s upset am I the [ __ ] it’s like okay no you’re just trying to get validation and then some of them are like I don’t like my stepson having

Phone time so I broke his phone over my knee like a stick by the [ __ ] it’s like yes uh 1240 I’m G to bank on that that I got um level two forging today and I’m going to try and stay out here until the we hours of the night that carp just

Dissolved into the water I don’t know if y’all saw pretty epic Stuff am I the [ __ ] for exclusively using slur it’s pretty terrible Bingo not quite oh my God I think I might just barely make it we got 40 minutes and I think one more catch is going to do it holy smokes no come on oh [ __ ] I didn’t do the math right I

Exhausted myself at 140 at least give me a fish before it dings over to two please please oh of course now we’re going to get the one where you have to wait an hour before you hook something crazy that was actually divine intervention there at the end that’s

Insane oh I got it all back so you can also exhaust yourself let alone just pass out with no repercussions uh it’s raining tomorrow and it’s Louis’s birthday I guess we can swing by and give him a gift oh I build 78 that’s fine I don’t

Care um okay let’s see here I guess I’ll water my plants um tomorrow is going to be a good day to go to mines cuz it’ll be raining so let’s let’s go ahead and get to level five fishing and let’s move all our fish down today will be moving Day okay um now I’m just going to go make some trips it might only take one trip honestly I don’t know how many fish I’ve actually got up there what’s your name the dog uh oat Walker the [ __ ] for asking my niece to stop speaking French from my dyslexic

Wife is that a real one I feel like that’s one of those ones where it seems bizarre but then you like read it and it starts to actually make sense at THM T read you should look up the am I the [ __ ] post by the sister won’t let her brother bring his

Prosthetic leg to her house time out time out time out time out time out uh we’re going to do that right now we’re going to do a dramatic reading here we go am I the [ __ ] for telling my brother he cannot stay with me over Christmas if he brings his prosthetic

Leg my younger brother has a prosthetic leg I think it’s creepy as [ __ ] and I have no idea where he got it reasonably certain that is something I would rather not know to be clear my brother has two perfectly healthy legs still attached to his body he just has this thing he takes

With him everywhere I don’t know why I don’t want to know before you ask yeah it’s probably a mental health thing he wanted to stay with me rather than our parents while he was home for the holidays said he was welcome to stay as long as he doesn’t bring that thing to

My house said it wasn’t a big deal that he would leave it in his luggage I agreed on the condition that if I start outside of his luggage in my home I had the right to destroy it he Backtrack on staying with me and is at our parents

House where he’s miserable they still treat him like our little boy instead of a guy who’s almost 30 he called me again after supper and asked to please stay with with me he said I said he could as long as we together took his thing and

Put into a storage unit until he leaves I get the key he won’t do it he says I’m being a [ __ ] for not letting him stay with me I think he needs to get therapy or medication or both or girlfriend boyfriend dog cat hamster something just not a prosthetic

Leg I told you man titles like that always are not what you expect top response I know this is extremely distressing for you but I’m laughing so hard that is actually crazy I’m so Confused I think obviously this dude needs medication and help and whatever but also for now if he literally needs it so much a function that he’d rather be miserable than be without it just tank him and let him bring the leg I’m sorry if you think it’s creepy but

Like until he figures his [ __ ] out set an ultimatum I’ll let you bring it for like an hour so get help where am I going oh yeah I was getting the fish just see an update to it makes it even more insane oh my God yeah where did he get

It I got plenty of energy I could try going to the mines it’s a good luck day too only slightly but yeah why why not we’ll go there I’m not giving Louis a birthday gift cuz he’s annoying okay people want me to read the update hold on is the update like

Attached to the post or is it just a separate F uh post by the same person is it like a reply it’s a separate post okay okay hold on uh update on my brother and his prosthetic leg I did not realize how much attention this was going to get enough that

Someone informed the woman my brother stole it from and she was able to figure out what happened she called the cops and he got arrested guess he was sort of trying to do the thing where he could be the hero that tracked down her leg please don’t ask me what the [ __ ] was

Going through his head the leg was expensive enough that he’s facing real criminal charges that is all sorry there is not more to tell don’t apologize oh my God all right well on the previous post I would have said you were the [ __ ] now uh I’m inclined to say no dude that is

Crazy that is unbelievable there’s a lot of uh did my did that accessory spot go like over my shoes okay yeah the layering on that isn’t quite right um that is chat is still moving is that a hate crime uh yes stealing someone’s prosthetic leg that they need yeah I don’t think that’s

Allowed I don’t think you can do that one coal whatever okay I guess we’ll go to the mines I just want to grab this other dig spot before I forget more coal okay we’re going to go to the mines uh we’re probably not going

To get to do much because of our time uh constraints but let’s give it our best go I think we can make some good progress It’s actually earlier than I thought it was got a good amount of energy going to bring um my three field

Snacks and we’re going to do what we can with those maybe even Some some spring onion just the one all right min’s M’s day now I’m deep diving in by the [ __ ] yeah that’s crazy I’m literally floored thanks for um making me aware of that post I’m a literal toddler I have little crumbs all over my shirt I got to brush them

Off there we go all right let’s go to work good start oh my god this is my day great I want to kill these in case they have ancient seed oh For the Love of All Things holy Finding like a hammer type weapon would be huge for the community huge news I remember crates being up here but I was mistaken I’m going to zoom out for the mine yeah this is this is a lot better for the mines I just want to like be able to see what’s

What okay nothing now we’re just going to start Rock busting pardon my God you annoying [ __ ] brat thanks thanks for having a redeeming quality nice o a purple rock a purple rock manifesting wooden Club thanks boo ooh lovely all right we have another um chance at a

Good weapon coming up here with the floor 20 reward oh my God outstanding uh I’ll eat this onion all right give you something red that is pretty cool I don’t like the daggers very much but it’s better so oh oh that was just a text was hoping there another spam call whoops

Boom your family’s gone oh my God please thank you oh son of a [ __ ] don’t okay die I don’t care how much damage I have to take I just want you to turn into a fly okay you’re annoying wow I killed that dude before he could even go back down dumb stupid

Boy again I’ll take the hits see that’s what I was so worried about okay well I got a lot of good hits in right there damn that was an insane maneuver you just did how do you avoid that what the okay whatever I’m just going to grab this in the

Meantime you can make your way over to me thanks oh yeah oh yeah is there one more [Applause] thing no there another dugey okay I don’t know what that was about but that’s fine I guess I had to wait for one to die off screen of

Natural causes okay a lot of crates over there there’s a chance at a wooden Club a reasonable chance at a wooden Club oh my God I got a bad attitude all right now would mean the world a club would mean the world this is hell with a dagger are we kidding this

Is so Unfair I’m going to die I got to eat doing this with a dagger is not fair at [Applause] all Jesus I didn’t even get a [Applause] club I forgot you were even still here you little [ __ ] all right well let me put on my new shoes okay I’ll eat these hold on ah

Wow huge plus one immunity crazy I’m leaving the topazz well damn and I have good luck so ideally it won’t take take me too long to find a ladder God willing never mind I guess that’s on me wow I assumed with how unlucky I was with the ladders that there had to be

Like a freebie around but no I’m just getting really unlucky [ __ ] man it’s a lucky day does not feel that way oh my God man are you may me break every Rock in here on a luck day this is insane this is one of the most farle mine trips of a recent

Memory oh I guess it didn’t bring enough energy stuff I didn’t anticipate running into this snag here on 24 Jesus die I’m begging you you’re the worst to ever do it thanks I need a glow ring or a magnet ring or something think I might need to uh

Uninstall UI info Suite because I feel that it is lying to me about feeling a little lucky today I think that was a prank Jesus wow how did none of those hit I’m like up this dude’s throat and apparently I’m still too far away whoops okay

10 XP love it look at how many bugs look at how satisfying that little area would be if I had a like a club or a hammer or something yeah okay it’s been a pleasure I think I got to just cut my losses and leave wasn’t my day was not my

Day even though I had apparently a slightly positive luck that felt like a minimum luck day all right well I need to stop getting daggers if I could get anything that isn’t a dagger would be huge what what I’m so tired my eyes just very heavy this looks awful but it’s fine it’s

Temporary uh see put I mean that will stay with me over there um okay hello and sleep time good night boo level one combat now I can zoom back in look will not be on my side today perfect right when it’s raining raining and the perfect time for a min’s trip um

I have minimum luck well ain’t that just the way I guess I will go get to level five fishing and then I’ll just try to power myself through the mines if I can all right should not take that long just going to go do that and then come right back

Here drop my stuff off and then just kind of do my best in the mines it’s widy waning th how do you feel about the word epie man at the risk of just sounding like a crotchy old man and whining and complaining all the time I have never

Been big on epie I don’t know uh what it is about epie but I think it’s just the I just I tend to not like just the overall trend of like the babyfication of language you know what I mean like anything like that that’s like baby fication like oh small boy or

Like oh he’s such a widow he’s such a wiow guy it’s like an adult level five yeah so I do not like EP personally but obviously do whatever and this time I was asked it’s not just me being crotchy okay I’m leaving fantz words is getting a bit much yeah

That that kind of thing I’m just not big on um like I don’t know I don’t know what it is about it it’s just always made me uncomfy like anytime I read online someone’s like I’m so epie I’m like it like it like gives me like a chill

Almost it gives me the same like gut reaction that pagers did when people used to actually say that unironically used to be like dude it is so POG outside today I get the same feeling when someone’s like I’m so epie it’s like you’re not a toddler oh wait wrong chest

Um where’s say POG outside today I went to a science and technology high school from uh 2018 to 2021 so uh I saw my fair share of those okay uh I’ll just bring a couple leaks and and and that’ll have to do called epie the doggo of genz it 100%

Is EP is 100% the like doggo sler of gen Z it’s like [ __ ] like that always repeats itself genen Z loves to dunk on like Millennials online but like the internet repeats itself every single Millennial thing there ever is there is a gen Z counterpart like one to

One the quirky random face has been replaced with chaotic SL unhinged which is now a catch-all word that has lost all meaning doggo and perer has become epie and like small that’s [ __ ] oh it’s so foggy today I love it I’m a huge fan oh I love that it gets

Foggier the higher up you go this is great the internet is a circle true um oh Jesus this is going to be hell on Earth isn’t it yep yep I I’d say we did it ancient seed oh my god I didn’t even notice holy smokes holy smoke piece we’ll get that

In the in the ground I’m going to put it in like a not annoying place like I did my perfection Farm where I put it in the middle of everything and then had to work around it for like my whole life I just got an achievement oh I’ve been initiated need some

Water big stretch legs were hurting uh but yeah say whatever you want but I I reserve the right to feel however I want to feel about certain words and I and and ep’s on my list of words where I read it and I just just get like like a little like like a

Shiver I don’t know what it is cuz there’s words that I just don’t like cuz I what is going on I just find them like weird or whatever EP is its own thing of of it’s just like for some reason even like the first time I read

It it just like struck me in this kind of like gross like oh wacky I feel this like my it it’s been replaced now that I’ve become more familiar with with EP a lot of people see on Twitter have been using like I just don’t like like if you and

Your friends like to refer to each other with Terms of Endearment that’s great but there’s a lot that no matter what happens eventually turn um cool I got slimed so I can’t yep can’t kill those guys before they turn into superb um they eventually get turned into like sarcastic condescending things like how

Bestie did Pooky is the same way I [ __ ] cannot stand Pooky um and now people online have been con each other like as a term of endearment it’s like it’s like oomph it’s like o MF that makes me really upset I don’t know why but every time I see someone be

Like hi oomph it’s again it’s like infantilization thing it’s like why are we talking like babies I don’t understand it someone has cheered bits oomph yes spelled like that I see it so much St are one of my favorites I don’t like it at all I really don’t every time I see two

People call each other oomph like hi oomph it’s Like sounds9 emo core like raw that’s what I’m just saying dude it’s the same with like yeah oomph doesn’t do it for me I could go on forever about this and I’m sure I’m going to get accused of being an [ __ ] which is like fair but but I don’t know you asked so

I’m going keep going um what was the other one I saying oh spelling High ha AI off limits for me personally uh but do whatever you can do whatever you want here let me blow some [ __ ] up really fast instead of just disposing of it yeah High spelled Hai

Not my cup of tea personally but again do whatever I just like these kind of things it’s like oh my God look at all these words that everyone feels differently about man that streamer deserves the right to have opinions yeah I’m just the one who’s fortunate enough

To have a microphone so mine get to be the loudest yippi first time I saw eie was at a tattoo flash event you have a EP on a tattoo that’s crazy I’m not going to say like stupid I just didn’t I you’re the first person I’ve

Seen with an with an EP tattoo how do you feel about it I know a lot of times people are like guilty about their tattoos but sometimes they aren’t so if if you can rock it dude rock it so glad I asked the E questions get into it hell

Yeah it’s honestly adorable yeah do whatever you wish it’s your body this is going to be Hell by the way with with the with the the fact this game has decided to only give me daggers forever oh my God leave me alone stop all right I’m getting myself under control guys I’m

Sorry critical hit pause my throat is ishes what about oky has spelled okayi instead of okay also not a huge fan I don’t know it’s just cuz like it’s whatever it’s all for me is Under the Umbrella of I’m not a fan of the like

Baby talk kind of thing and for me that all FS Under the Umbrella of like baby talk but I’m I’m so scared that like me saying all this is going to make people like view me as an [ __ ] who hates everything and while I hate a lot of

Things and I do love to be hated I was born a hater don’t hate everything it’s just like you guys are are Pi picking only all the words from this one area of the internet which I don’t like as a group it’s like it’s like if someone said like hey have you

Seen have you seen Thor too no what about Thor Ragnarok or it’s like have you do you like the Thor movie no do you like Iron Man no how about like Doctor Strange like only Marvel ones and then being like Oh so I guess you just hate

Movies no it’s just all like from the same area oh a for sword pop aik Okie DOI I’m actually fine with I’m not sure why I think I I I think I have a lot more patience for like Dad speak than I do for like baby talk like okey doie say

It man spit speak your [ __ ] you text like a 52y old Dad yeah probably I I definitely don’t use punctuation um I like Oki with an e at the end more than I like Oki without an e like I like OK i e more than Oki personally because

Oky DOI I’m always down for oky DOI um but yeah the Oki is not my favorite I just have I was just never very active on the internet um like I was very active on the internet in terms of like using it to play games by myself I was because I was

Never on much social media so I was never like on like forums and chat stuff so I was just never exposed to this kind of stuff growing up and then I got it all at once and it failed to like integrate into my vocabulary naturally so now it all is just kind of

Like but yeah that’s where I’m at but you asked I they do oky cool trying to come up as unthreatening yeah that’s sh me okay is fine okay is hostile I always just do okay I always say like I never just say okay it’s own message that is absolutely

Hosle I’m saying like I usually say if I’m saying like like like a lot of times when I text I’ll say like okay that sounds great but I’ll just do like okay like the letters and then that sounds great information point I’m texting my friends I never use punctuation unless

It is for comedic effect if I can somehow muscle my way down to 35 then I’m I’m pumped nice cool I’m just going to leave that Earth crystal there I guess excuse me feels past aggressive I ky see look this is like the opposite yeah that’s what I’m talking about

Sometimes words are just like I don’t know why but it feels blah like to me okay seems completely normal but you see his passive aggressive isn’t that so cool isn’t that so awesome what a diverse and beautiful world we live in I Vis hate okay followed by thumbs up

Emoji I think it’s really funny cuz it looks really dismissive so it always makes me laugh almost out of energy and I don’t have any food okay well this is where our journey ends that’s a shame man 34 wait okay maybe let’s see if I can we’re going to optimize here cuz I

Would love to get to okay no ladder i’ love to get to um 35 I got four more chances here two more one more I don’t have enough rocks for a staircase can I craft a cherry bomb yes okay it just depends on how like much I

Want to put into this let’s see here let’s do I have a good feeling about this one it’s illuminated okay um let’s give it a go nope oh there was one it was hidden I forgot to pick my topaz back up but we got there all right 35 why are you still

Here hello can help you something can I help you with something oh my God it is blue today yeah dude that’s why you need a glow ring you need a glow ring yeah dude that’s why you need a glow ring I can’t just get a glow ring like obviously when

I get one I’ll put it on it’s like I could be like you need a glow ring oh okay there’s one when I find one I’ll put it on you need a glow Ring okay let me put in my goodies um ancient seed is such a huge I forgot I’m putting artifacts in here anent SE is such a huge find that’s outstanding let me make a few more of these um cuz I oh I don’t want that hard Edge um I could it’s fine Uh whatever all right good night World good night Moon oh my God oat lover oh my God oat lover okay came even P him to sleep good night level five Fisher holy [ __ ] I did it all today Now we’re going to sell it all whoops now we have that extra sail boost uh it’s going in the bin another Crow ate my did something happen that just like removed crows from the game this is the second time a crows eaten one of my plants invisibly

How long the stream go we’re technically at time but I’m going to do one more day cuz I’m having a good Time today I will do errands today I will I don’t know why I said it like that today I will donate my artifacts and gems today I will crack open my geot today I will visit the wizard in this SE outline today I will go foraging today I will cut trees with my

Remaining energy try to get some of uh field Snacks I would love a better backpack I don’t know how much Surplus cash we’re going to have because we’re going to do strawberries pretty soon so I should probably wait oh I need to water my plants Jesus stupid idiot Jesus he’s going to work whoops all right and I’m leaving Would you ever do a 24-hour stream absolutely not like I I just I don’t think I am physically built for it with like all the pots issues I have even 3 hours kind of like tanks my day and like once I’m like looking at a screen for a

Few hours in a row I start to actually see things so I probably wouldn’t be able to take it and I just don’t think I’m physically buil for it I forgot I was doing immediately Museum Gunther oh I didn’t want it there okay cool donating donating donating all right we’re going to want

To put that in the ground right off the rip we can plant some cauliflower too all right let’s crack these geod we’ve Got nothing I got to pee real bad oh it’s nine I should have done one more day I’m going to actually piss myself I love how fleshed out all these rooms are now I would like to process geod five five stone three copper five iron and a partridge in a pear tree

There we go a thunder egg okay that’s okay Limestone I don’t know what that’s called it’s an orament three copper ore one iron ore I don’t know what that’s called Necco white oh how did I pull that out that was Elite that was actually Elite if you say different

You’re uh how do I say this ah stupid orament Neco and I got more I got more Kracken to do I’m here to crack my friend three coal I’m going to run out of space very frequently now yep okay well I already have that so whatever I already have this and

This so get out of my sight o petrified slime three more Stone another Limestone I don’t want it stop come on another Neco white Jesus Christ there we go dwarf Gadget okay uh dwarvish Helm whatever who cares whatever three coal very funny son of a [ __ ] one Coal calite dude I’m popping off with these mineral names another orament uh okay all right big Museum day we actually got a lot of stuff in there we got quite a few things in there starford Siege sanding geod W stream W game thanks man uh okay let’s go talk to the wizard

And I guess I’ll check the beach as well yeah it’s fine Forge is going to reset for a while and ideally by Saturday we’ll have enough wood to repair that bridge and we’ll be down there anyway oops okay Mar haven’t met you yet just haven’t met you yet what have you

Wizard what is a rip a big fart big fart noise with Reverb that you can spend 20,000 ploted to redeem at any moment it’s more Reverb than fart yeah absolutely I have infinite technically I could rip one right now for an example but I’d rather leave the the Intrigue my

God he’s got ancient fruit grown so so has magical properties shut up yeah nope all right done cool okay so uh there’s an example of what a rip one might sound like all right let me do a little more Forge looking while I’m in the neighborhood uh let’s see what bundles

We have here in the crafts room we’ve got the spring forging bundle um yeah we can do that why don’t we drop that off today construction bundle standard fall forging standard summer forging standard not that much remixing being done the Holly is new instead of a snow yam uh

Wow yeah really no remixing like at all in the crafts room oh wait can I holy [ __ ] I didn’t even try this oh my God there’s like more how do I miss this this is great so much more room for foraging I’m not going to have enough room in my inventory for it

All can I throw these away can I drop them nope they’re mine for good no okay well I’d like to at least Le keep investigating this area Jesus this is one hell of a this is just like a huge Forest I guess oh my god oh I want that leak really bad let’s

Be real this thing’s ugly come on man you’re not going to let me get rid of this [ __ ] oh I can just place it Aurora Vineyard is to the left there’s a lot of vineard s God there’s so much more forging I want to do I just don’t have any room

Man I can live without six copper it’s too high quality okay uh God there’s so much [ __ ] another it’s the Dawkins residence hello what happened here a Doll a newspaper she’s completely overgrown rora Vineyard bankrupt due to market crash stardew Valley uh the effects Low demand of crops local farmers are unable to find uh vendor or blah to sell I don’t know whatever there’s an expected and fill Governor has admitted a g administered is what that word is nope not even I don’t know if the exact number of blanks correlates to letters to help

Farmers mayor Lewis uh there’s a mystery of foot there a newspaper I could have I want this I want to donate it oh is it’s like a little Jun numo Sprout I can live without that six iron there we go all right well um I best be going now

Wow quite uh quite the area here dude this is the spot for forging Jesus I was wasting my time with all that other stuff this is enormous okay well time out I got to get up there maple syrup there’s like a whole world here I’m out

Of space again I can live I have a bunch of okay I have a bunch of horseradishes at home doesn’t look like anyone’s home okay hello okay there we go all right now I got to fight my way back arguably the best forging spot in the game I don’t know if this is

Arguable all right well I’m leaving what’s up here ah it’s a shortcut for something probably wa let me see if if this is a normal quality we can grab it nope what about this nope I need a backpack really bad all right well that was wild all right we’ll make a community center

Run cut down some trees and then that’ll be it for the stream I suppose let going make myself some dinner I like this song it’s groovy helloo ickle n for some time now with that fishing experience under your belt I recommend casting your line over at sheerwater Bridge east of pelant town

You’ll land some good Whoppers there okay okay all right here we goter cre shutter um Center Center the this I need to plant before I forget I only have crafts room right now this is community center this is community center and then just wooden Stone

Right uh but I’m not ready to par with that yet okay okay uh well let me get this ancient seed in the ground okay um baby okay now I’m going to grab all of our community center stuff which is not much it turns out and uh we’re

Off well I could also just go ahead and anticipate fish tank’s going to Open Pantry is going to open I wish I saved a parsnip um yeah we just bring that bring our Sunfish okay Community Center trying not to piss myself here I’m imagine that like Victorious uh transition screen status update thing

That’s like status update # trying not to piss myself and then a little anxious looking face it’s how I feel done okay uh 30 spraying seeds going to cancel out of the cut scene cuz I’m a stud gamer that unlock the pantry and I’m on my way I’m on my

Way I got there before you could what if I stand where the button spawns why do I do this to myself okay um uh yeah I’m just going to have to exhaust myself well that’s an early end of the day I was going to do some wood cutting today but that’s

Fine you had to know I did have to know oops oh what I even just hit how did I get to that oh it’s go click in there I see did you guys have a good day I sure did I kind of thought we’d make more

From the fish I gotta be honest I kind of thought we’d make more but hey that’s okay all right we’re starting with an energy penalty so I don’t know what we’re going to do next stream I’m I’m leaving myself with a rough spot here but we’re done that’s

One stream in the books of start Valle expanded I’m certainly enjoying myself I have fun all right well next stream is on Friday we’re playing Shadow the Hedgehog so get pumped for that um but yeah thank you gamer gamer gamer folk for tuning in gamer

Babies and uh yeah I’ll catch you on the flip flipflop hugs and kisses actually wait let’s raid somebody don’t leave I never do it we’re going to raid somebody so if you’d like to stick around please do and be nice to whoever we end up raiding does anyone have any uh specific people

They want to watch or types of content actually probably be more fun what type of content is intriguing you Nino’s live oh frick okay there we go what is uh the plan start a valley it’s just called I will do this in under three hours and I’ll be

Like okay just just just okay okay it’s like big thing because in New Zealand I don’t live in New Zealand shut up all right we’re going to raid Nino uh Slash raid Nino Kito everyone go be cool and support Nino cool dude very cool dude so uh yeah okay everybody join in everybody

Better queue up are we ready are we ready okay we’re going bye love you bye

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/thermcantread


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