How To Build Simple Underwater Starter House!

Our server is being taken over by zombies so now we need to build an underwater house to stay alive can we make it in time before the zombie apocalypse begins CH our regular house is not going to be enough to protect us this time I’ve come up with a much

Better idea Milo we are going to build an underwater house to survive this zombie apocalypse but we only have 20 minutes because at night time the zombie apocalypse will begin we better get started right away grab all the gray concrete you can get Milo and all the

White glass too we’ll also need smooth quartz blocks and smooth quartz slabs not to mention some grass blocks as well do you think you can get all that as well well if you put it down I’ll just grab it off your blocks okay first of

All we need to build a big gray platform that goes all the way up just like this W that’s pretty tall CH thanks Milo and at the very top it needs to go to the sides it needs to go about this many blocks in each direction we have to make

Sure it’s pretty big otherwise the zombies will be able to break through if it’s too thin and we really don’t want them breaking through and hurting us no we really don’t that would be a disaster we also need to expand this gray platform a little bit in each Direction

It has to be threedimensional this is the main part of the underwater house that we’re building it’s going to be the big chamber that we can access every single level from because this underwat house will have multiple levels these zombies are going to take one look at our house and get so scared

Yeah they totally will I don’t even think they’ll ever want to come near they’ll be too terrified we only need to build the corner pillars all the way down perfect we also need to build a big ring of gray concrete that goes around the edge on the bottom once we link all

This up Milo it is very important that we place as much glass as we can that is what is going to stop the water from seeping inside a chip I think I thought of a little problem what’s the problem Milo even when we put all the walls in

How are we going to get all the water out we’re not just going to leave the water inside Milo don’t worry of course I have a plan we are going to use sponge blocks to get as much water out as possible sponges are very powerful water sucking machines they will not let a

Single drop of water stay inside the house once we’re done with it yeah SpongeBob Square Pants is pretty powerful not SpongeBob Milo just sponges SpongeBob might want to visit someday though I’m sure he’ll love our underwater house it’ll probably be even more advanced than Sandy Cheeks his underwater acorn tree yeah pretty much

We’re going to build something so epic that he’s never going to want to leave exactly and the zombies are never going to want to stay this house might have glass windows but that won’t stop it being super secure glass can be one of the safest things because no zombie can

Hide behind it if a zombie could sneak up on us inside our underwater house then they could attack when we can’t see it and it would be a total shock to us this way we see them coming before they can strike yeah I’ll be keeping an eye

Out with my big birad eyes yeah your birad eyes are pretty big Milo I think you keeping an eye out is a great idea I’ll also try to keep watch as much as I can but I’ll Focus my efforts on building this base big and strong yeah

I’ll only only use one of my eyes because I need my other eye for other things what Milo how is that possible what do you use your other eye for just like thinking and looking at pretty stuff Milo don’t you mean you use your brain for thinking well I think sure but

I also need my eyes because my brain is a little bit small thanks for letting me know Milo it’s important that we’re very aware that way we can use each of our strengths and not focus on each of our weaknesses once we place all these Glass Walls we need to add smooth quartz

Blocks all along the floor here this will be the main floor area of the entire house wow smooth quartz is pretty fancy if you ask me yeah this isn’t going to be a regular underwater house this underwater house needs to be fancy and cool cool enough to protect us from

The zombies it needs to be pretty simple though we don’t want to waste our time on a crazy complicated design that would waste a whole day a simple house but a good house I’m almost done with the floor as well once I finish this and once you finish this gloss wall we can

Start clearing the water out of this space to make it really feel like home I’m looking forward to that chip I’m really excited that we’re building a new house me too Milo I’m so excited as well I’m also going to start placing grass blocks up the top of this thing this is

Where we’re going to make our water Island Garden area this house will be really far away from any land so by adding a garden here we make sure we don’t miss it too much W that’s a really good idea and plus the zombies are not going to suspected thing we’re going to

Be totally hidden down here exactly Milo that’s all part of the plan now that we’ve placed all these blocks I think it is time to start getting sponges to use to clear out all this water I’ll help you finish the gloss really quick quickly I don’t want to be caught off

Guard by helping each other as much as we can we really speed up the building process yeah I’m trying to be really helpful but I’m pretty bad at placing blocks don’t worry Milo you did a great job and uh-oh Sam I’m stuck outside hey Milo you can come inside quick before I

Clear out all the water that was very scary don’t worry Milo now that we have a bunch of sponge it won’t be scary anymore there’ll be no more freaky water for you to worry about hey these sponges are annoying me already don’t let them annoy you Milo just let them help you

They’re going to help us clear out all this water and what’s more annoying than not being able to breathe in your own house that’s very true I remember one time when I was hanging out with the dolphins and pretending to be a mermaid I nearly drown Milo I remember that day

That was when I used to be a lifeguard on the beach I had to save you so many times cuz you kept going back yeah well I thought it would work the next time but I really forgot yeah that was so silly look Milo we’re almost at the

Bottom we’ve put sponge in more than half of this big glass box this is incredible yeah we’re very smart and cool yep so smart but we’re not going to be so cool the bottom of the ocean can be really cold instead we’re going to be really nice and warm and toasty in our

Fully heated house yeah we should build an underwater volcano no way Milo an underwater volcano would be just as dangerous as a zombie apocalypse oh what the it didn’t well I think about the lava yeah lava and water would make and if our underwater base gets covered in

Stone we would not be able to see out of it while you keep working on Breaking the sponges Milo I will start adding the different rooms inside this house this main area will be a big stairwell and wait a minute did I just hear breaking glass it was an accid Milo you can’t

Break the glass on the sides of this thing that is dangerous glass can crack sometimes and we have to be very careful with it it lets us see any zombies but it also lets the sea come to us yeah but I’m trying to clean up P this spongy

Mess hey Milo you helped make the spongy mess and now we can breathe in here it’s a win-win now that I’ve made this big platform I think I need to place some gray concrete right in the middle this will be the entrance to the stairway down it’s going to be an awesome spiral

Stair and I’ll need some smooth quartz stairs for it this is perfect they can go around and around in a nice big spiral the spiral will go down until we reach the bottom of the ocean the bottom of the ocean is where a lot of the rooms

In this house will be although this house will need to blend in with the coral reef at least if we don’t want every zombie to spot it one of the best parts about building underwater is that it can be hard to spot from the surface where all the zombies will be zombies

Underwater turn into drown and they get way worse eyesight so by hiding underwater we have a really good chance of hiding from the zombies altogether yeah one thing about me is I love a spiral staircase yeah I love one too this one looks so cool I really really

Like it yeah cuz I can run up and down and and do some zooming please yeah you totally can just make sure you don’t fall down the middle that could be pretty bad Milo maybe we should put a pole up the middle just in case h that’s

A pretty good idea or I have an even better idea at the very bottom we could place a little slime block that way if either of us fall down this thing we land on a nice block of slime to break our fall I’ll put one down right here so

We don’t have to land on the quartz for much longer what the that’s really an awesome idea why don’t you continue the rest of this staircase while I start making the first platforms to each side I think this side could be a really really good way to go every single side

Of this thing will have a different room and each room can even have its own little branches that go off in different directions I think having one here is absolutely perfect we can have one in every single corner all the way down we just need to make sure we don’t cover

Too much of this space with quartz and turn too much of it into a room we still need a big open area by the time we’re done but this looks pretty awesome I really like this so far there are a bunch of different rooms that can have

So many different uses the first room I want to work on is the one right up here near the very very top first we need to add some safety rails otherwise you could totally fall off Milo I would probably be fine but you never know we

Should still be as careful as we can be in a zombie apocalypse in order to properly make this kitchen area we are going to need to have to let a little bit of water in Milo that’s why I need to block this area off before the water

Can spread too far CH you call that water inside no Milo don’t fall down the stairs luckily there was a slime block there which hopefully should have saved your fall at least a little bit right you’re really stressing me out with all that water and yeah I guess the slime block

Did help a lot perfect that means the plan is working so far now I can break a couple more of these glass blocks we need to expand this part of the house just a little bit this kitchen can’t be this tiny otherwise we wouldn’t be able

To cook anything and as I always say everyone needs to let us cook cook yeah let me cook let me cook exactly now we just need to place some quartz blocks that go over the side like this this needs to blend in with the coral structures because we are in a coral

Reef after all once we add all the quartz concrete and glass we’ll need to decorate the house with Carl that will help us blend in with the surroundings and hide from the zombies as much as we can what you like me to go do some Carl

Already not yet Milo we need to do that at the very end and hey are you building some sort of bedroom no I’m just playing blue carpet everywhere so people know that I own this place what Milo this isn’t your house this is our house together remember what I thought you

Were building it for me no Milo this is for us to survive the zombie apocalypse Milo we have to work as a team if we’re going to survive this thing together that’s why this house belongs to both of us you can even help me build this pot

If you want all right I’ll help but you’re going to have to tell me what to do because it looks very very complicated don’t worry Milo it’s not complicated at all it is really really simple probably the simplest underwater house we’ll ever make that’s why we need

To make sure the glass goes all the way around glass is one of the most simple blocks and by making sure we build it out of glass we keep it real simple let’s also add quartz slabs inside the top like this this will be the first

Part of the roof before we build all the grass on top of it maybe if we make this underwater house look like an island the zombies will not realize we’re hiding in here and they will just swim on by looking for the next people to attack in

The Apocalypse those zombies are kind of silly honestly yeah they’re really silly Milo one of the silliest creatures ever I’m glad it’s zombies attacking us and not some other even scarier monster although zombies still are pretty scary we need to make sure we’re as safe as we

Possibly can be CH I’m already sponging it wait really wow Milo you’re doing a great job you’re going to need to place the sponges a little bit quicker if you want to remove all the water though what really yes Milo that is how sponges work the quicker you place them the more

Water they remove wo I’ve just managed to make our garden on the roof even bigger this is perfect because the more gardening space we have the more plants we can grow and the more food we have to survive now we can remove these concrete blocks and get started on decorating the

Inside of the kitchen I’m really liking this chip I want so many cool kitchen things in here well you’re in luck myow because I have the perfect ingredients to make this kitchen I think because we’re going to live here together and we both like different foods we can have

Different sides of this big kitchen area my one can be orange and your one can be a nice blue color wow that’s really nice I like this color a lot thanks Milo I really like it too I think we also need a hand washing section let’s also have a

Sink over here for you as well this way we can both wash our hands and we can be as clean as possible and Milo why do you have so many fridges because I have lots of food to store uh what food do you possibly have to store inside all these

Fridges well I have bird seeds and bird oil bird oil what that’s disgusting why do you need bird oil because it’s for my feathers to make sure that it get wet GH Milo you’re crazy I have a feeling that living underwater your feathers are going to get a little wet from time to

Time I think if you have a bunch of fridges I will probably only need two I also need to put a bunch of kitchen drawers down this is where I can store all my things I think we could also grab some kitchen cabinets mine definitely need to be these Acacia colors and I

Guess yours can be a cool blue color just like this yeah that looks nice thanks Milo I’m glad you think so let me place my ACAA ones down in this corner just like this wo this looks awesome the kitchen looks great so far but I still

Think we need more we need a cooking section I think we can put the cooking section right in the middle here we’ll have a multi-directional furnace and on the inside we’ll just have a big quartz slab let me grab some deep SL stairs to make a giant vent on Top This Will soak

Up any of the heat that comes off of the furnaces oh hey I’m going to do some great cooking with this kitchen set up yeah me too and we have an amazing view ew is that the bird oil Milo yeah it’s what I’m going to use just leave me

Alone sorry Milo I’ll stop making fun of you I need to grab an item frame and a cookie these cookies and item frames are going to be most of my diet down here underwater cookies are my favorite food and the item frames help me show that to

The world and all the fishes that are watching oh wow those are some nice looking cookies if finally they had Birds seeds in them e that’s gross now that we built that huge kitchen it is time to get started on the next room of the house Milo the Next Room going to be

This next room is also going to be underwater so we’ll need to have some proper systems in place to stop any of the water from flowing through again oh chip I just fell down again this house is not very safe don’t worry Milo it will be really safe once we build every

Room we will be able to add a bunch of God rails to stop anyone from falling down especially not you yeah cuz I need help I really wish I could do more to help you stop falling off of things but for now we need to build this next room

Before the zombies show up Milo okay we do have a time limit because these zombies are going to be grumpy yeah the grumpy that a zombie is the quicker it tries to attack you that’s why we need to make sure we uh-oh I accidentally let some water through luckily the bottom

Floor right now is just quartz and a single slime block this is good because it means the water does not damage anything but it is a little bit bad because it means I let some water through I cannot be that clumsy ever again or things could end real bad for

Us Milo this room is going to go mostly in this direction if we build them in different directions we can fill each room with the most useful thing it can be used for otherwise we’d build every room the same and it would just be really bad let’s add some quartz down

Here too we can’t leave a single spot unqualified that would be really bad because the zombies would get through I hope there’s no baby zombies yeah me too and baby zombies underwater would turn into baby drowns they might even get baby Trident which are smaller and sharper than regular Trident I really

Hope that does not happen that would be a disaster yeah I really don’t want to be hit by a baby tried it imagine if one went in your eyeball don’t worry Milo I’m not going to let anything like that happen instead we can focus on building this big Library having a library is

Really important in a zombie apocalypse because you can’t leave your house and when you’re stuck inside all day you can get real real bored super quick yeah I’m already bored hey Milo you shouldn’t be bored yet we’re still building yeah but I don’t get to do any of my cool fun

Building Milo all building is cool fun building I can’t believe you’re bored already and the zombie apocalypse hasn’t even started yet yeah well I’m going to be really scared when that happens yeah me too Milo but hopefully once we’re done with this house we’ll be less scared quick Milo get inside before we

Sponge up all this water we can use the same technique that we did last time wow it went so much quicker because we learned so much we did we’re actually Pros now yeah we totally are the ceiling of this room is dripping though which is

Not good if we want to build a library we have to get rid of all the drips before we place any books that could get soggy how do we do it well I have a pretty cool plan that can tackle two birds with one stone two birds with one

Stone what’s that supposed to mean uh nothing Milo it’s just something people say what I mean is two problems with one solution we can grab a bunch of Carl and put it on the top of this house we can even get different colors like fire and

Horn Carl we’ll place it in an awesome pattern just like this by disguising our house in with the rest of the caral biome we help make sure we keep it disguised from the zombies this is a really important step in keeping us safe and as an added bonus it’ll stop any

Dripping I keep falling that’s it Milo now is time to add a bunch of God rails I wanted to wait until later so we had more time to to build the rest of this house but you’ve left me no choice if you keep falling off and hurting yourself you’re going to be weaker

During the zombie apocalypse which will put us both in danger if I’m the only one able to fight well I think you should be the only one fighting anyway because I’m pretty scared and I really get nervous about these things don’t worry Milo you do not have to be nervous

You just have to be motivated to survive just like I’m motivated to remove these concrete blocks and get started on this awesome Library first we need a bunch of bookshelves as well some chiseled bookshelves so we can put some enchanted books inside and I’m going to get an

Enchanting table so that I can read an actual book yeah that’s a great idea why don’t you place it right over here where the bubble Carl is this way we can have our own dedicated enchanting Corner ah yes I’m reading lots of good information right now what but Milo you can’t read

Well I can read sort of at least I can look at the book H Milo enchanting tables don’t have any pictures maybe some of the enchanted books that I’ll put in this dedicated enchanted book bookshelf wheel wow this is awesome I’ve never seen these books before yeah they’re pretty awesome these are

Efficiency enchanted books this bookshelf will help us enchant things and it’ll be a nice storage area for when we need it this lost bookshelf over here will just be to keep us entertained every book ever written will be in this shelf because it’s so big well I’ll

Definitely never get bored if every book ever is there yeah exactly let’s also grab some flower pods and some pretty cool flowers to decorate this place with I think if we grab tulips of every different color it will look so cool tulips of every single color oh yeah

This is going to be a nice decoration yeah it totally will and I like what you did at the back here Miler we can even make the bookshelves look all random like this let’s add flowers on every level H yeah what is it Milo where’s

That uh when I said every color I meant every tulip color there’s no such thing as a blue tulip well and I don’t want to be here anymore Milo this whole house is surrounded by the color blue we’re kind of in the middle of the ocean oh yeah

That’s actually really true all right I guess we can miss out on a blue chw up I’ll tell you what Milo we can actually add blue to this room I’ll give you some light blue carpets right in the middle of the floor libraries need to have a

Carpet area so that people can sit down and read their books yeah this is pretty cozy now yeah I agree now we can get started on the very next room which will be some bedrooms we can have one for each of us Milo for each of us let’s go

Milo I’m going to prepare a big surprise for you up on the top floor in the garden area while I do that if you just make these rooms a bit bigger we’ll get this done so quick the zombies won’t even have time to get to us oh yeah boy

Let’s go all right I can’t wait for you to see the surprise the surprise that I’m building for Milo needs to be pretty secret so I’m going to block off this area so he can’t hear me okay I should be able to talk normally now that concrete is pretty soundproof up here I

Want to build a big grass area with blue flowers for Milo and a big blue tree I think you’ll totally love it so let’s grab a sapling and some bone meal these are really important ingredients when making a big tree I think if we even Place flowers next to the tree while we

Grow it there is a high chance that a beehive will spawn okay we didn’t get a beehive but we can totally Place one down let me grab one right now perfect we’ve got one right here and boom it can go on the side and it can even face this

Way this way when we come out of the chamber we’ll totally see it right away let’s also add some nice FL flowers for the bees I’ve already put down a bunch of white flowers but let’s get some blue ones to match Milo’s really going to love this Garden let’s add some blue

Orchids right over here to mix in with the white flowers wo that already looks so cool over on this side we can have a little bit of a darker blue section so it looks like the ocean tides are changing colors as we see them perfect this already looks so much better than I

Thought it would let’s also add some warped nether Sprouts around the tree they’re A really lovely aqua blue color they make it BL blend in with the ocean really well I guess that’s a really good bonus of using blue colors it makes this place even harder for the zombies to

Spot that is way better Blended in than the other side is with just grass this means we just have to add blue to every single side of this build I’ll have to get used to not living in an orange house but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing

To make in order to survive the zombie apocalypse up here looks pretty cool and is nicely Blended but there’s still not a lot for us to eat that’s why I’m going to grab sweet berries these will not only Feed Us but they will also protect

Us from any zombies that try to get near sweet berries can be pretty spiky and if you’re slow like a zombie you’ll be stuck in the spikes for a really long time this is perfect because they’ll be stuck so long they’ll take way more damage than a normal person would

Perfect this looks so cool now if I just add a bunch of nether Sprouts everywhere this top area will be fully completed and we can go down and tell Milo the surprise is ready for him oh Milo I’m coming back down would you like to see

The big Garden area yeah PL at all this blue blue what do you mean and uh-oh Milo that’s not good blue that’s the ocean leaking in oh I didn’t really realized when did this happen well I don’t know I just came downstairs and I was all broken like this oh no we better

Patch this up quickly I think this is a bad sign it means the glass we have used is not strong enough we need to use reinforced glass what how did you get reinforce glass don’t worry Milo I have a bunch of it we can use it instead of

This regular glass to help make sure our underwater base is as safe and reinforced from not only the zombies but also the ocean as it possibly can be this is real a good idea chip we should have done this in a fast way I know

You’re so right Milo but now all we can do is put this in as quick as possible we really don’t have much time left before the zombies arrive yeah oh I’m freaking out a little bit cuz I don’t think we’re very prepared don’t worry Milo we can design our bedrooms and the

Next few rooms to all be about survival we we can have farms and weapon storage rooms to make sure we’re as prepared as we possibly can be that sounds good to me me too Milo all right now we just have to get as much glass down as we can

This looks way better already Milo and it’s super reinforced it also looks way cooler on the inside yeah I like it I like looking outside cuz it looks like I got sunglasses on yeah it really does that’s so awesome now I really think we need to make our bedrooms I think we can

Start making your bedroom first yeah look I’ve even got some light blue glaz Terra Cota wo you have custom Floor Designs that’s so cool yeah but I don’t want to put it in the ground cuz it might break the house don’t worry Milo I’ve already thought of a solution by

Placing stairs down here you can put all your quarts over on this side YY look at this wow it makes a fan shape it kind of looks like a diamond that is so cool if you keep adding these all the way around I can even help you think of some more

Designs for your bedroom yeah I like that idea chip I want lots of pretty stuff okay over here we can have a big row of quartz and on it we can have a huge shelf it can look really modern and awesome maybe it can even zigzag up like

This and go back down it needs to go down before the corner because on the very corner is where your bed will go Milo oh yeah I’m going to have the comfiest bed in the world these zombies aren’t going to make me feel sad no they won’t your bed already does look so

Comfy and we also need a cool storage area but it’s not going to be regular chests those are boring instead you will get shulka boxes shulka boxes yeah exactly shulka boxes are so cool they’re definitely one of the coolest blocks in the whole game and you can keep anything

You want inside them yeah I’m also going to put a picture in the wall good idea Milo I’ll also get some blue carpet to put in the main area over here I think you’ll really enjoy this bedroom I will really enjoy this bedroom thing I think

We also need to build some more cool things in this room maybe you can even have a desk over here with a lamp on it and I’m going to play computer games perfect I can even get you a keyboard and a cool button Mouse for your computer Milo button mous exactly let’s

Get you a cool computer screen we can use a painting to make it look just like a real computer I wonder what cool game you’ll be playing on this one maybe a fighting game just like this yeah I’m going to play a fighting game and it’s going to be called fighting chip hey

What why are you fighting me Milo you should not be doing that I’m doing such nice things for you in your computer like adding speakers here well one day I need to fight you and if I do I’m going to be prepared okay I guess you can be

Prepared if you want but I’m not going to fight back Milo I’m too nice now we can start working on my bedroom your bedroom yeah it’s just downstairs well I better not be as good as my bedroom what Milo why do you want my bedroom to be

Worse than yours well because I just want to be better than you um okay sure fine we’ll build my bedroom slightly worse you have a full stair W around but I guess mine can only be on one side yeah that’s more like it and instead of using your favorite color which is blue

I’ll just use orange glaze terracotta orange yeah exactly what’s wrong with that Milo well I don’t really like orange uh that’s okay Milo this is my room not yours you like your room and I like mine think it should be like this no Milo we already have a blue bedroom

And way too much blue outside the house because we’re in the ocean F you can have your stinky orange terra cotta at least there some blue in it thanks Milo I agree it’s important that we enjoy our living down here because we’re going to be stuck here for a while during the

Zombie apocalypse wait how long I don’t know Milo the apocalypse might last a while we need to be ready to spend the rest of our lives down here if that’s what it takes yeah we better make this house real fancy so we have a good time while we’re stuck down here exactly we

Just need to think about the cool things that fancy houses normally have like awesome big beds I’m going to make my big bed orange just like like this hey you got three but I only got two I can give you a third B if you want and Milo

Why do you keep falling off even after I added God rails well I’m not very careful today no you’re definitely not we need to be a lot more careful if we want to survive the zombies all right I guess I can only have two beds but

Instead I’m going to have a big chest area this is where I will keep all of my very rare items they will help us survive the zombie apocalypse Milo oh so this is where you’re going to keep your rare items exactly I’ll share with you

If you want but just make sure you don’t steal any okay I would steal any I would never even think of it you steal from me all the time Milo it’s pretty crazy I just want to warn you before you even try well I won’t try maybe I’ll just try

On you you know what I might add an extra little wall in here this way it’ll be harder for you to spy on me inside my bedroom yeah that’s probably a good idea I’m glad you agree Milo now I’m going to grab some carpet as well as some flower

Pots these are going to be really awesome decorations and they’ll add a nice pop of orange to my room hey this actually looks pretty nice I’m really glad you’re using orange thanks Milo I’m so glad you agree it’s nice that we’re getting along because we’re going to

Have to do some real good teamwork to survive these zombies yeah Teamwork Makes the DreamWork exactly and we can watch DreamWorks movies like Shrek and how to train your dragon on the big Cinema room that we can now build I watch re and I love Cinema rooms let’s

Do it let’s build it on this side we’re going to need a big area for this room Milo so let’s get building okay the cinema room needs to be nice and dark so we can make it fully out of gray concrete make sure we don’t miss a

Single spot if there’s sand from the bottom of the ocean floor left inside the cinema room the whole theater will smell disgusting like rotten eggs yuck I do not want to smell that while I’m watching a movie nope neither do I I also think we can bury this slightly

Underground it’s important that we hide this part of the base the rest of this underwater house is is not very sneaky so if we build the cinema room just like this we can cover it in sand because it’s at the bottom of the ocean that’s really smart and then the zombies won’t

Get jealous that we watching movies they probably won’t get jealous I don’t know what movies zombies would watch instead they’re just going to want to eat our brains Milo what I really need my brain for all the cool thinking that I do yeah me too and wait a minute you don’t think

Very much didn’t you tell me earlier that you don’t use your brain you only use one your eyes yeah but when I do use my brain it’s epic okay I guess that makes sense but it’s also epic when we survive the zombie attacks Milo so we better get sponging and wow you’re

Already on it all right I guess while you sponge I can totally add sand yeah no worries I’m the sponge expert now what hey no you’re not Milo I’m the sponge expert I graduated from sponge University what hey isn’t that where SpongeBob went he said he didn’t see you

There what you’ve been speaking to SpongeBob Bob yeah and he’s been saying some pretty crazy things about you Milo um well I’m just a crazy guy I guess yeah that’s definitely true what’s also crazy is how well this Cinema is blending into the sand it barely looks

Like it stands out at all once I add these final few sand blocks you won’t be able to tell anything even exists here it’ll be perfectly Blended in with the ocean floor it’s important that we blend in the cinema room because it’s the only room where we don’t even need a window

Anyway the other rooms cannot be blended with sand because it would ruin their beautiful view and their really good Vision to make sure no zombies are coming no zombies are B that’s right Milo at least not for now right now we’re pretty safe because I don’t see

Any zombies at least not when I look right now but very soon when the sun sets we will be in massive Danger from the zombies we don’t have much time left Milo so we need to get moving as quick as we possibly can y I’m going to go

Outside and pretend to be a zombie and see if your disguise is working what disguises oh do you mean the house is is camouflage Milo yeah that’s right okay I guess it’s always good to test if what we’ve built has worked but be careful Milo zombies could start lurking around

These pots at any moment the sun is about to start setting see and look I got a zombie hat on so I’m really playing the pot ew that’s so creepy and wait a minute Milo where did you get a zombie head from my inventory oh that

Makes lots of sense okay I was worried that you’d found a zombie and hadn’t told me about it nuh-uh I would tell you I promise okay Milo let’s see if you as a zombie can find where the cinema room is okay let’s get in the zombie

Mindset I want brains I want brains but hey I don’t see any Cinema rooms yep I think it works CH perfect Milo that’s really good to know you can take that creepy zombie head off and come inside now okay I’m really glad we did that experiment thanks Milo wait where did

You go oh you came in from the roof that’s perfect by only having one exit and entrance into our base we helped make sure we’re as safe as possible from any zombies that might want to come in y can we make the screen really H yeah we

Can make the screen absolutely massive I just need to place some sand blocks in the corner because we’re about to expand this concrete Zone way inwards this way we have a big seating area we can even grab some red sofas where do I find them oh it’s right over here perfect we could

Put them all the way around just like a real movie theater would oh These are nice I’m going to want to take a nap on these s yeah and because the cinema room is so safe you totally will be able to this TV screen is going to have quartz and

Speakers wrapping all the way around it’ll have speakers in every single Corner that’s just how advanced it is wow it’s like surround sound yeah it totally is we can even have actual surround sound in the walls this is because there’s sand on the outside so

The zombies won’t be able to hear now we can actually start placing in the computer screen it looks a lot like the gray concrete but not for long oh finally this was such hard work hey I love this Channel and I love training for combat so on the other side we are

Going to have a big target practice training area where we can practice our arery skills to shoot down any zombies that make it inside our Walls w that is genius we totally need a training area thanks Milo I agree this one can be ocean themed so it can go all the way

Back it can also be made out of glass this glass is reinforced so even if it is hit by an arrow it will not break St on water splashing into to our training Zone this will be the perfect training Zone Milo we can even practice throwing Trident because that way we might be

Able to shoot down zombies outside of our house well yeah that way we can get them from a distance exactly it will make us so much stronger I think Trident are a way better option than bows and so instead of a bow Target area I think a trident Target area is definitely the

Right choice yeah Trident is so much fun I agree Milo we need to find a way to stop stop this water from flowing inside our base that would be really really bad it would flood the whole thing and make it all wet and Soggy it might even ruin

Our Cinema room and I don’t want to ruin our Cinema room cuz it’s so awesome yeah I don’t want to ruin it either this is perfect I really love this now we can continue putting glass everywhere here now that I’ve done the glass we just need to add some final sand blocks at

The bottom I might even Place gray concrete around the edge this way no zombies can tunnel up through the sand because it’ll be really really safe don’t you agree Milo yeah it’s not as safe as what I’m doing what is this Milo why are there wet floor signs here well

Because I’ve been cleaning the floor Milo we just built the floor it’s not dirty at all yeah but it did get a little bit dirty when you were doing all the cin okay thanks for cleaning though Milo but why are the sponges just thrown everywhere because they haven’t put them

In my bucket yet oh you should probably get on that Milo I do not want those sponges soaking up any of this water I’m trying to place this water really really carefully and if sponges soak all of it up before I can even properly do it I’m

Going to be so sad yeah I don’t want that to happen please thanks Milo I’m glad you’re on my side I need to place all these signs over here so that the water cannot flow past now I can break this concrete and voila we have a Target

Area although wait a second I totally forgot to make any Targets that’s so embarrassing let me grab a Target block and fly all the way to the back can I please test it out when you’re done yeah you totally can I just need to grab some prismarine and put it all around this

Target just so it looks really really epic okay now the target zone is ready I need to place a chest and fill it with Trident that way we’ll never run out of ammo to practice targets with we’ll also be really really prepared for when the zombies attack because we won’t run out

Of trident wao Milo that was really scary wor I want shoot the Trident just going to shoot the target wa Milo you actually got really really close try again I think you might actually be able to hit a bullseye this time okay chip popsy wo Milo that almost hit me

Whoopsie Daisy that was an accident Milo this one was even further away I think you definitely need to hey don’t shoot it while I’m in here that is not safe well don’t get in my way maybe okay Milo sorry I won’t instead I need to go up to

The surface and start making some proper Farms on the inside we need to grab some more caral blocks like bubble horn and fire Carl it is very important that we grab these correctly on the very top of this part of the house we need to do a

Little bit more to disguised from these zombies that includes putting Carl all over here we can have each different kind of Carl and each of their fans the colors are really organized because I don’t want to live in a messy house but it also is still kind of cool looking

And very natural which means the zombies will probably believe it Blends in with the Carl I’ll just add the fans on the inside here Carl is not edible so we won’t be able to eat it even in an emergency we can also place it down here

Too yeah what’s wrong Milo I’m hungry oh um okay I guess instead instead of having a Carl section here we can have a kelp growing section I’m sure you’d love to eat kelp right Milo yeah kp’s crunchy and delicious perfect this way we can have not only a kelp Farm but also a

Good disguise kelp is really nutritious as well and even though I don’t usually eat it I think it’ll keep you really really full Milo yeah it can be my favorite new snack yeah totally dried kelp is really crunchy too so it’ll offer you some really nice crunchy

Things to snack on that’s what I like to hear yeah me too I’ll though I don’t want to hear crunching all the way from my room it’s pretty close to yours and sound Echoes through the walls so I really don’t want to hear it all day I’m

Not going to make any promises oh Milo I’m getting a little worried now but instead of letting the FIA get to me I’m going to grab even more caral blocks and start placing them down here as well we can have different patterns on this one maybe instead of the regular caral

Colors that we have up there we can pick different ones we’ll need brain Carl tube Carl and bubble Carl let’s place the Carl in a way cooler shape than we had before we can have super cool sunset colors it even looks like a berry smoothie I think this is pretty cool we

Now have every color of Carl on our house color of Carl is also really fun to say as well perfect will add this Carl here and we can add brain Carl here as well perfect now we can just add a couple more Carl fans on the outsides of

Each of these sections and we’ll be done Milo what are you doing right now this to be a mermaid in the car we don’t have time for that the zombies are coming we need to build something serous oh yeah I forgot about that chip let’s do

Something okay we need to build a big glass Observatory area Milo all right I’m coming out to help you thanks Milo it’s going to be right down on the bottom of the ocean floor here now we need to make a cool little circle shape over here so that we can put down all

The glass well I’m not very good at doing circle shape so I just fill in the hallway good idea Milo I’ll work on the circle shapes over here I think this is a pretty good circle shape I just have to make sure we do not let any sand

Inside if sand gets inside this thing uh it will look so bad we’ve also got to make sure sand does not interrupt The View it’s not going to be a very good Observatory if the sand stops us from observing anything in the first place that’s so true cuz I want to see

Everything down here yeah me too Milo I think seeing everything down here is so cool that’s why I really wanted to make an observatory in the first place it helps us have a really good view which will help us see zombies and make our life down here under the sea a little

Bit nicer I’m going to break all of this stuff yeah good idea Milo while you do that I’ll get started on making a big gloss Ring Around The Edge we can be in amongst the Carls it is such a nice view from here it really really is I actually

Like living underwater tip don’t you know wow I kind of like it too I do miss the fresh air above ground though sometimes oh yes the fresh smell of the oxygen yeah wait a minute that reminds me inside this Observatory maybe in the middle we can have a big oxygen system

That way we will never run out of Safe air to breathe yeah that’s really smart thanks Milo I was really proud of the idea I’ll put glass all the way around the edge just for this oxygen system now we can also stop putting glass on the

Top this way it’ll stop any water from getting in once we add the sponges I’m so excited to do some more sponges me too sponges are so cool I love the way they soak up any water they come into contact with and they do it so quickly

As well they really help us do this in time for the zombies and you can also use them in the shower to wash yourself yeah that too I guess although I hope you’re not using the same sponges to clean up the water and wash yourself that would be gross what I thought they

Were the same thing ew Milo have we been drying out the house with your dirty bath water maybe ew that’s so gross okay Milo from now on we are only using clean sponges you got it all right f thanks Milo I’m glad we could reach an agreement on that now let’s quickly get

Rid of all of this Stone and sand so that we can start filling this place with quartz this Observatory is looking fancy I agree Milo real fancy I like this so much we can add quartz all the way around and then we can get sponge to dry out the interior I’ll grab some

Clean sponges thank you very much just like this and now we can put them all the way around and boom the water is basically gone and I’m going to do it in the hallway too yeah the hallway will be so fun look how instantly it clears it’s

So good hey careful not to break the quartz on the floor Milo that could be really bad it might let even more of the water inside oh little sand bugs yeah we don’t want any sand bugs inside of this Observatory I have to be really careful breaking these sponges because one slip

Up and we could let a bunch of water inside I think I do need to escape for just a second though and okay luckily only a bit got in and I quickly patched it we need to make this sand wall a little bit further down this way we’ll

Actually be able to see more and we won’t just have a big stone wall in our face these zombies are going to be really jealous of this house cuz it’s simple and really good yeah it totally is it’s probably the best underwater house I’ve ever seen and it’s really

Good for surviving a zombie apocalypse because of how secret and hidden it is I’ll also just break these sand blocks all the way over here and perfect oh wow this is so awesome already now that I’ve done that I need to quickly come inside and add more oxygen systems we haven’t

Added very many yet but if I just grab some grass blocks and put them right in the middle just like this we should have the perfect area for a big oxygen system we can also put some quartz slabs around the edge this is important because I don’t want you accidentally walking into

This oxygen system Milo that would be so embarrassing now I’m going to grab a bunch of different colors of Leaves we can grab Cherry Mangrove and aelas not to mention jungle Birch and Oak these are going to look so so cool by making this look super duper awesome inside we

Get as much oxygen as we can which will help us survive the zombies a lot more effectively what’s your favorite tree Milo well probably the B tree yeah that’s a pretty good choice that’s where honeybees like to go on the most my favorite tree is probably the jungle

Tree because it grows cocoa beans which you get cookies from cookies are so good if we didn’t have jungle trees we wouldn’t have cookies the wood from the jungle tree is kind of orange yeah exactly that’s why it’s totally my favorite wow all these leaves look so

Cool I just have to add a couple more and this will be totally done we can also add a couple more cauldrons on the outside not to keep water in though these cauldrons will have other leaves in them this will make sure we add as many leaves as possible we can fill them

Mostly with just regular leaves I think Mangrove leaves are pretty normal enough just like this they’ll go all the way around the observatory this is a nice nature escape from the rest of the underwater biome sometimes when I lick the mango leaves they taste salty what Milo why are you licking the mangrove

Leaves because they taste salty okay that’s so weird I guess you learned something new every day but you should probably stop licking them I do not know how safe that is well okay I’ll stop good idea Milo Milo we’ve already added so many things to this underwater house

It looks so cool but we need an emergency exit oh yeah we do need one of those right now I think if hey careful Milo we need to block out the area first just to make sure the water doesn’t leak everywhere remember sorry I got a bit stressed out that’s okay Milo don’t

Worry it’s normal to be stressed during a zombie apocalypse now we just need to make a pretty big concrete tube this needs to go nicely over to the side we need to build it a little bit far away from our normal house that way it won’t

Stick out and it won’t lead the zombies directly to us it’s important that we build a big concrete tube before we start building any glass because once we build glass will be really easy to see we need to be able to use this escape hatch in secret without the zombie

Knowing that is why after a certain point it will get covered in sand we can even add a couple peep holes but they will be hidden behind seagrass and caral fans it’s very important to keep this place hidden chip I’m freaking out I need to place C everywhere so the one

More disgu wait a minute Milo that’s a lot of Kel but you know what I think that’s a good idea I like what you’re thinking right now you should keep putting as much kelp as you can yeah I’m going to build it really nice and tall I

Don’t know if we have time to build it that tall Milo let me check where the sun is and uh-oh Milo it is almost Sunset the zombie apocalypse is about to begin what oh this is really bad I don’t think we’re prepared enough no we’re not that means we have to really

Quickly finish what we’re building right now I’m going to finish this emergency escape hatch as fast as possible I need to add the pee Poes that I said I was going to add otherwise that would make me a total liar this is a really big emergency yeah so we might even need to

Use the emergency exit I hope we don’t though if we have to leave our home that could put us in a lot of danger especially if there’s a big zombie apocalypse going on if those zombies look at me funny I’m going to punch them no Milo don’t punch the zombies if we

Have to attack them they could infect us we need to stay safe and securely hidden from them Y how do I know if I’m infected you won’t know until it’s too late Milo that’s why once that sunsets we need to be safely inside and ready to

Escape at any moment oh my gosh this is a chamber that zombies could come in through that’s why I’m going to place Soul Sand right over here I’m also going to place a bunch of water blocks up here this way the Soul Sand will rocket us

Right on out and the zombies will not be able to swim on down the current will be too strong I also think we definitely need to add even more Coral blocks on the outside this will help keep our base hidden we have not done enough yet Milo

We still have a bit to go we can even add more sand over here as well as some more seagrass some seagrass will really really help disguise this place we haven’t added any on top of our structure yet but it is a very important part of our super cool disguise what is

It Milo you think our house is too simple no Milo our house is not too simple it’s actually really cool looking it has a bunch of different rooms and it has a huge caral disguise on the outside I’m also going to grab some bone meal

This way it will help me place down this seagrass even quicker wow and it even places caral fans on the sand outside that is so cool it’s even helping disguise the sand bubble around the cinema room I think my C is doing a really good disguise job wait really let

Me finish placing all this bone meal and then I can actually come take a look because wo it actually kind of is if you stand far enough away it blocks a lot of the house from being visible you’ve done a really good job Milo thanks CH no

Worries we just have to make sure we do just as good of a job when the zombies come and it’s time to survive I can even use the bone meal to Place Coral fans on the outside of the structure wow this is so magical and simple it’s so pretty I

Agree let’s place these Carl fans all the way up the sides of this structure we can even do it in a nice cool loopy pattern just like this that goes all the way around the edge this is going to look so cool it’s a Pity we won’t be

Able to admire it from the outside cuz of all the stinky zombies yeah we’ll have to stay inside all the time yeah that might get a little hard Milo but just remember it’s what we have to do in order to survive wow our house actually looks really pretty I’ll be able to take

A good look at it once I meal all this Carl going all the way around the edge wo every single room looks so cool from here if I was a zombie I would be really jealous you’re right Milo I totally agree with what you were saying earlier

The zombies would be jealous of our house yeah but that might mean they’re going to be even nastier to us true but I’m pretty confident Milo they might not even be able to see it we do have to make sure we do our part though if any

Zombie discovers the house pow we have to take them out before they can let all their other zom zie friends know using our Trident of course yeah exactly a lot of the zombies down here Will have turned into drowns so Trident will be their weakness I just have a couple more

Touches like these boats here we can have a bunch of them around this area that we can escape in the zombies might also even get stuck in the boats Milo I think that should be everything we’ve made this house really secure and look the Sun is going down we better get

Inside right now before the zombies see us quickly chip I’m feeling nervous me too Milo but I’m also feeling pretty confident our house is really really well camouflaged so hopefully the zombies or drowned won’t even see us out here and wo look how dark it is out

There now wo the sun is about to set let’s Retreat to the deepest area of our base before the zombies show up all right I’m going down this is freaky I agree Milo it is pretty freaky uh-oh this area is really really bad I need to quickly Place signs to block the water

Before it floods this whole place that could have been really close Milo got a put down some water signs wait this is too many careful Milo they’re bright yellow they could attract the zombies to us we don’t want to call too much attention to ourselves let’s also get

Rid of this and I’m just going to move the iron board over here for now yeah that’s a good idea I can do my ironing later perfect I’m also just going to look up and see what color the sky is oh no Milo the stars are in the sky it is

Pitch Black that means the zombies are coming quick be as quiet as you can okay I’m going to whisper to you but while I’m here I’m just going to hang out some okay Milo just be really careful hang on a minute look Milo I see them the hordes

Have drowned and they even have Trident oh no chip they’re going to get us no Milo look they’re going over there they’re trying to find us they must be able to smell that we’re out here but they aren’t going near us they’re not coming near this house that we’ve built

Wait chip I think we might have confused them we built a house that is so simple and so disguised underwater the drowned zombies were not even able to find us let’s go we saved the day yeah we totally did

Today, Milo and Chip are going to show you how to build a Simple Underwater Starter House! But what happens when one springs a leak!?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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