100 Days in Minecraft’s Demon Slayer Mod

In this video i’ll be spending 100 days in demon slayer here are my goals first slay multiple demons and become a hashida second defeat all the upper rank moons and third become strong enough to defeat muzon the demon king also somebody told me that you haven’t subscribed yet so if you haven’t subscribed

Do it okay so i spawn in and i start off by cutting down trees after shopping some wood i got my essentials and was in the mood for some chicken and maybe some beef out of nowhere i heard did it come from this cave i had to investigate i swiftly dodged the bow

Shot and found a person down here i took out the skeleton and he actually tried to help turns out i found the first demon slayer i got out of the cave and continued to adventure before i knew it i was climbing a mountain little did i know that this was no ordinary mountain

I made it to the top and found a biome i’ve never seen before i climbed up and got attacked by someone i didn’t want to find out who so i killed these boards instead It dropped its head and it looked pretty awesome to hold i put it on my head and for some reason felt the urge to start hitting people i went to explore the mountain and found some action all of a sudden i joined the demon slayer corpse and i got a kasugai crow i

Got new clothes and a sword i right clipped and got a moon sword not gonna lie i felt like the next hashira i tested out the sword and was already in love with it later i found a demon and a demon slayer staring at each other and

Got ambushed by a stronger demon i tried escaping but she shot me up in the air and i landed on a tree i ran away and she launched me up again here i was hoping enosuke could help me but he didn’t soon i found a lower rank 6 demon

And fought him i didn’t worry too much considering i had backup on my side however things started to get even crazier once these goldfish demons arrived right after i found nmu’s tentacles trying to attack me and in the middle of the fight i got sent to a

Different world where the heck was i to make matters even worse there were a bunch of zombies chasing me and i couldn’t even attack them this was getting a little chaotic i got sent back and was at half a heart that was crazy speaking of crazy i somehow had this

Demon slayer dude in my hand and i wanted to see how his friends would react sadly for this guy it seemed like they didn’t care anyway i needed food and i needed it now i’m sorry sheep moving on i spent some time learning all the attacks on my

Sword apparently my moon sword is similar to the one used by the upper rank 1 demon the second strongest demon in demon slayer although this sword has 16 attacks and mine only has five in other news i found this cool structure the design of the building looked really

Nice and i wanted to see what’s inside i carefully tiptoed my way in hoping no tongue demons would come out to scare me i broke through the foosma and i started randomly swinging my sword it looked like the coast was clear the house wasn’t dangerous at all it was just

Filled with a bunch of cozy rooms which is why i made it my home a couple demons came by to visit but they were nothing to worry about right around the corner i found guil this dude could kill me in a hit but it’s so tempting to just tap him

I then opened up my advancements to figure out what’s next on the agenda i completed the first mission so now i needed to win against sabito i plan to head back to the mountain right after i killed a few mobs i found yachan’s brother and he was

Twice my size he looked creepy but seemed friendly at the same time on top of the mountain i found another house i climbed up and i found sabito right by the house i just went for it and i took him head-on it was a little crazy at the

Start he was fast but had no control over his movements allowing me to knock him off the mountain he immediately came back up but i knocked him down again i came down the mountain to finish him and he got me pretty low but i still won in the end

I then explored the house i swear all the houses in this mod look so nice and cozy i opened the chest and found a water sword and a couple of masks i don’t know why but i always look amazing with these new outfit changes later i

Found another bore and when i tried to kill it i ended up riding it i was tempted to put the boar head on but it just felt too awkward apparently the mission now was to kill the hand demon before that i found the bongo demon again and with a few right clicks i

Knocked him down to his death it was time for me to upgrade my style so i made some new clothes while i was posing i found the hand demon close by super easy to take down although he did have reinforcements while i was fighting him there were other fights near us as

Well but i did end up defeating him and i was on my next mission i needed to find the natagumo mountain and i used my water breathing sword to travel faster after killing some demons i earned the mizuno ring and i wanted to rank up even more i found the mountain and

Encountered several demons wanting to eat me there were demons everywhere in the forest and they didn’t stop coming among the crowd there was a special demon that had a super powerful flame move that he used but i still managed to get away no matter how many demons i killed they just kept coming

But the more i kill the more i rank up which is always good that special demon kept following me and i barely did any damage to him he was so strong and would wipe out my health in seconds so i had to keep retreating i’m grateful that i

Picked up the sword from the shack otherwise i would have been dead this guy here wanted me so badly look i get that i entered his home without his permission and that i killed a few of his friends but that’s not an excuse to be so mad i don’t get why he’s

So powerful either he literally has a steve skin also i find it hilarious that there are no demon slayers around to help me i think they only come out to steal kills fortunately i did end up killing him and i got the kano rink i was shocked at how fast i was leveling

Up i guess i’ve been killing a lot of demons as i was killing boars i heard the loudest explosion ever as soon as i saw akuza i straight up booked it i am not ready for him later i found demon slayers talking to a demon it was kind of nice and peaceful that

They weren’t fighting but that piece didn’t last long i guess we’ll never get to see it but maybe one day anyway the more demons i fight the less scared i am fighting them the drum demon would have killed me in two hits if i didn’t have

This ring but now this guy can barely do any damage i forgot to mention i came to this mountain to also fight rui the lower rank 5 and as i searched for him i found his dad i took a bite of chicken and i initiated the fight against his father [Applause] i expected a lot more from his father but i’m also just too strong at this point i tried to find rui but i kept getting distracted with these demons i found rui’s father again and i wanted to see how fast i could kill him i realized

He only had one explosion move which he used to kill his friends as well in the middle of the fight i got the hino rank and after getting that rank i killed him in a few swipes speaking of ranks i was killing so many demons and was leveling

Up so quickly after killing this horde i eventually got the crimson red nichiren blade skill which sounded pretty epic i took a little break from finding rui and i ended up finding something interesting i found enmu’s train form which was pretty shocking to see in the middle of

Nowhere i swear this mod just gets crazier and crazier right across the river i found khan roji absolutely destroying an upper rank who would have thought the love hashiro was that brutal while fighting mobs i found yachan and i had no idea who was creepier him or his brother nearby i

Heard some thunder so i went to check it out and i couldn’t believe it when i spotted the upper rank 1 kakushibo you know this guy is strong when both tanjiro and zenny2 gang up on him it was pretty awesome to see both of them use their signature moves on him but even

The three of us together were still no match for him i’ve been gloating about how powerful i’ve become but i remembered that this guy was still the second strongest demon and could kill me in a matter of seconds so after he killed zenitsu i ditched tanjiro and ran away like a after

Fleeing like a coward i found a train and was excited to explore it however it was completely empty not a single passenger i wonder what happened to them i left the train and found lower rank 6 again he dropped his bongo when i killed him and i was more than happy that he

Did it was so fun to use and it was a decent long long-range weapon as i played with it my jaw dropped after what i saw in front of me i think after killing tanjiro he came back to finish the job i used the bongos to try to get

His health down and it was actually a good way to fight him the range was long enough for him to not know where it was coming from i was about to kill him but i pushed him back too far and felt like he would kill me if i crossed the river

So i did what i did best and i ran away back to the mountain i also felt like it was a cheap way to kill him and i just wanted to get strong enough so that i could fight him for real as i talk about becoming stronger i become a hashera all

Of a sudden i completed my first goal and i couldn’t believe it i guess it’s time to take down the upper ranks in the forest i didn’t find any but i did find rui if you watch the anime you already know how powerful this kid is however throughout this entire journey of

Searching for this guy i became stronger than him and took him down super easily with my bongo the next quest was to go fight enmu with rengoku and at this point i’m pretty sure i didn’t need to run goku’s help oh i almost forgot to

Mention how do you guys feel about how i played this in third person i’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments i just thought it would be easier to capture everything going on around me i also thought it would give it more of an

Rpg feel moving on i found a village i tested out my sword on the iron golem and i killed it in two hits i came to the village because when there’s a village there’s bread and i was in desperate need of it while i was at the

Village i thought about pulling a little prank on the villagers for some odd reason i had a villager in my hand so i wanted to see how the others would react just like the demon slayers they kind of just gave me some looks but didn’t really care it didn’t really surprise me villagers

Are cold-hearted eventually i travel back to the sagiri mountain to complete my mission on the way there i found a ruined portal and a beautifully fenced structure under a cliff i tiptoed my way in making sure i didn’t make any noise who knows maybe this could all be a

Setup as per usual i broke in and swung my sword but the only person here was tanjiro that reassured me that this place was safe but as soon as i went outside my good ol pal was right there waiting for me honestly i think i’ve seen this guy more than any other demon

To make matters even worse i think this guy was invisible i was hoping that maybe this guy could help me and then i realized he certainly cannot help me this guy very much wanted me dead i didn’t know how powerful he was but i definitely did not want to find out and

Just like that i escaped once again i always forget that i have to deal with a ton of demons and mobs at night after killing a few mobs i found kamenuway the lowest rank of the 12 moons he was extremely easy to take down which gave me confidence that i could beat any

Lower rank although i can’t say the same for the upper ranks due to the fact that i still haven’t beaten one i travel back to the house and killed some sheep on the way as i did that this strange creature came towards me it was a shadow wolf where

The heck did it come from i finally made it back to the mountain and heard all these explosions they were coming from akaza he was fighting other demon slayers and i thought this was the perfect opportunity to finally defeat an upper rank When he got me down to three hearts i sprinted away and i continued fighting weaker demons to get stronger i found kama nue again and he made me understand the true difference in power between upper rank and lower rank right after the fight i actually found

End move he went to fight someone else and i was left with his tentacles he transformed into a train and we killed him but i didn’t get the achievement for some reason i’m not really sure why i didn’t get it maybe i wasn’t the one that killed him

I found enmu again or i guess just his tentacles i killed all his tentacles but i had no idea where he was which was kind of weird the mod might still be in development but overall i think it’s quite perfect it is a fairly new mod

After all also if you made it this far into the video and you’ve enjoyed the fight scenes make sure to drop a like these videos take weeks to edit and it would help promote it to the algorithm if you enjoy the content let me know what other mods you’d like to see

Moving on i found enmu once again and i made sure this time that i would be the one to kill him after i killed his train form i got an achievement but not the achievement i wanted all of a sudden this guy came out of nowhere and started

Machine gunning me down and he was the one with the shadow wolves that i saw earlier i was about to kill him but he vanished into smoke and transformed into this insane looking wolf i was absolutely terrified to fight him but he wasn’t that strong during the fight i got the demonstrator

Mark which i was excited for and with the demon slayer mark i was able to give my swords the red sword enchantment i was excited for that but there was something else going on around me there was a guy here named doma and he looked

Pretty weak i went to fight him and i immediately took back my words i ran as fast as i could but then i thought about taking him on and things just got crazy i swung my sword like a maniac i had no idea if i was hitting him and he

Summoned all these ice lotuses i seriously just wanted to get out of there but he kept following me just when i thought it was over i saw this i had no idea what that thing was pretty soon my screen was just covered in chaos i managed to make it out alive by the

Skin of my teeth that demon i thought was the upper rank too if i wanted to even stand a chance against him i needed more training i was sure that i got away from him but as soon as i heard the ice shards i had a

Mini heart attack i mean come on it was daytime how the heck was he still alive oh yeah i almost forgot to mention how cool the swords look with the enchantment amazing right afterwards i tapped this one demon and got the transparent world skill didn’t know what it was but hey i just

Love hearing that loud achievement music i battled daki the upper rank 6 and the fight was actually going in my favor i got so many good hits in and she barely did any damage to me i really thought this would be the first upper ranked demon i actually beat however once i

Brought her hp down her brother came into the fight things became a lot more intense i continued fighting her and eventually her head wasn’t even there anymore i swung my sword time after time but her health didn’t drop below 2 hp i also did not pay attention to how low

I was getting i booked it once again when she got me down to 4 hearts for those that want to play the mod do yourself a favor and get a water sword i’m so glad i was able to get one also do yourself another favor and just

Make a cow farm or something you take a lot of damage in this mod and your hunger depletes drastically after spending a lot of time getting food i found enmu again and fought him one last time after defeating him and not getting the achievement i concluded that i just

Needed to move on honestly i was tired of getting owned by these upper ranks so i decided that if i wanted to defeat them i needed to upgrade my gear i spent a lot of time mining in the caves i needed diamonds for armor an enchantment

Table and a pickaxe to mine a special ore after caving i went back home and enchanted my gear the enchants were okay but i wanted to max them out after that i headed to mount yoko to get the special ore i wanted on my way there i

Found my favorite character in the whole series looking jacked as ever and i’m glad i did because i’ll need him later also i found two upper ranked demons standing right next to each other i was sure akuza didn’t see me but clearly i was wrong with one explosion he took out

Half my health he tried his best to keep up but i’m just way too fast with this water sword in my head i thought i could just peacefully travel to the mountain at night but i guess that can’t happen in this mod i somehow got past him and i

Made it to mount yoko on the mountain i spotted some rare scarlet oar i needed this ore to trade with the jack dude i found earlier i also found regular scarlet oar which i can use to make clothes and swords these mountains were super tall and i had jump boost 5 from

Leveling up so i decided to just it was so much fun so i did it again anyway i thought it was time for a new uniform i made mauricio’s clothes and i really like this new fit it looked like i was wearing pajamas but i immediately regretted making them once i put the

Boots on on the way back i found this house that was inside mount yoko this place looked like it would be perfect for a secret base anyway i found the masked man and i traded him 10 scarlet oar for 5 swords and every sword i used

I would become a new hashira i tested out rangoku sword and it was pretty awesome it had all the moves that he used in the movie i tested out the wind sword and it was cool but it was too much for my ears to handle the sword i

Chose to be my new mane was the love breathing sword i loved the sound the attacks and the design i also kept a nosekey sword it had a special ability that sensed out all mobs in the area i’m so glad i used it i had no idea the

Upper ring 5 was that close to me in the forest i found yauchan’s brother again and i ended up on top of him i had no clue you could do that this was probably the highlight of my whole playthrough i already found one advantage of being on

Top of him later i found this guy that i haven’t seen before i thought he was perfect to test out my sword on he only took a few hits to kill but then he transformed into something much more powerful he was the upper rank 4 and i actually remember seeing this guy

Because he used the striking trees ability when i was fighting doma i tried taking down all of his dragon heads but there were way too many of them the dragon heads caused all these lightning strikes and explosions around me it was shocking to think that this guy

Was only upper rank 4. honestly though this just got me even more excited to fight the upper ring but before i do that i need to become stronger maybe khan roji can help me with that anyway i looked through my achievements and i still had a few quests but mainly i just

Had to kill the upper ranks as for skills i was already maxed moving on i accidentally hit my masked friend and he dropped something amazing this was without a doubt the greatest thing i’ve seen in this mod i went back home and did a level 30 enchant on my uniform hoping to get

Protection but got fire protection instead i was able to get pro 2 on my leggings which i was happy about i tried getting protection books but it wasn’t the easiest however i managed to get a new chest plate now i just need more levels to fully enchant my armor i was

Also on a quest to defeat all the hashira so when i found kocho i gave her a little tap and ran for my life she came sprinting towards me and the fight had begun she was quite fast and she even poisoned me a little she barely did

Any damage to me and was a pretty easy opponent i would say that i expected a lot more from mahashira but i’m also a hashiro myself afterwards i got into a fight with a love hashira and i tested my skills against the original owner of my sword during the battle she wasn’t

Able to keep up with my damage and i had proven that the students surpassed the master later i found uzui and this guy looked pretty terrifying at first i didn’t really know what to expect from this guy but as soon as he hit me with all these explosions i soon realized why

He was called a sound hashira this guy felt like he was five times stronger than the previous hoshiros i faced and he got me pretty low at times killing him was definitely a challenge in the close distance i could see doma and at this point i felt like i was strong

Enough to defeat an upper rank i figured it would be a good time to attack since he already used his most powerful move the fight was getting crazy and there were two other hostra that joined in everything was going great and i was about to beat him but then this happened

When goku stole my kill so i did what i felt was most appropriate i whacked him with my sword and almost died when i ran away from him i went back to finish the job but someone else took care of him for me i got an achievement for it and i

Completely forgot that i had to fight him as well i also found the constant flexibility on the side of the mountain and it was probably the coolest glitch i’ve seen in this mod i almost forgot to mention that the best way to level up in this mod is

To kill these lower class demon slaters since there’s so many of them and they give a lot of xp was it morally wrong to do yes but their sacrifice was needed for a greater cause after that i went back home to enchant my armor i managed

To get full prop 4 on my armor and was finally ready to take on the upper ranks when i arrived at the mountain i found tomioka which was perfect because he was one of the last hoshura i needed to fight for my quest he put up a really

Good fight and did a decent amount of damage but i was still able to prevail i also found donkey’s brother giutaro his sister was nowhere to be seen which made fighting him a whole lot easier and with a few more strikes i was able to defeat

My first upper ranked demon i also found akuza in the woods and decided to take him on [Applause] In the middle of a fight two more upper ranked gaming joined in and i was too distracted by them to know where akazel went i tried finding him but he just disappeared i was furious at this point when it was daylight i did find the wind

Hashira so i channeled my anger onto him he was also my least favorite character in the anime so i didn’t go easy on him this guy was a lot tougher than i expected i had no idea that someone who fought with air would be that strong

Later on i found doma in the woods and my fight with the second strongest moon had begun with one last swipe i was able to defeat the upper rank 2 demon during my time in the woods i picked up kaigaku’s sword i wanted the evil kaiyaku sword but this

One was still cool while i was testing out the sword i found hantengu the upper rank four i hit him once and he split into four different people i decided to test out my sword on them and it was working pretty well it was similar to zenitsu sword but a little less flashy

After taking out the four clones so hakutan appeared and he knocked me into a cave i thought i was dead for sure but i realized that it was the perfect place to fight him he couldn’t use his lightning attacks or his dragons to fight me and i was the one who ended up

Cornering him not the most exciting fight but i definitely didn’t want to fight him outside later i arrived at the mugen train biome and i actually found hantengu again i came to this biome thinking that it would be more peaceful fighting the upper rank 1 here but after

Seeing this i was never more wrong in my life there was not one not two but three upper ranked demons in the vicinity it looked like utter chaos but was quite beautiful at the same time i fought so hakutan for real this time and i beat him again and right after i did

Kokushibo showed up his timing couldn’t have been more perfect one of the best things about fighting this guy is that a lot of the mobs around us just died because he has so much aoe despite that he’s still so hard to beat There was so much going on in the fight that it was almost impossible to focus my attention on him however the spatial awareness ability on enosuke sword was quite useful in helping me track him down it felt a lot better knowing exactly where he was the fight was going

Well but i was taking too long to kill him eventually the sun rose up and all the demons died including kokushibo i was super annoyed at the sun but i guess it was my fault for not killing him faster once it hit nightfall again i

Took on gyoko the upper rank 5 demon he was by far the most annoying upper rank that i’ve dealt with he summoned all these goldfish demons he constantly teleported away and he poisoned me not to mention in his second form he was exploding everywhere and was all over

The place as i got him low mauricio came into the fight i was not going to let him steal the kill so i said screw it i’m just going to kill him he wasn’t happy in the slightest but it actually worked he focused his attention on me

Rather than anyone else which allowed me to kill kyoko i had zero regrets that day sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do later i found kokushiba once again but this time came prepared with golden apples this was it the fight where i would go all out on him

Strongest member of the 12 kizuki now the last upper rank left to kill was akuza and i was more than happy to find him on my way back home now that i think about it i think this guy caused me more trouble than any other demon in this

Journey it was about time to finally end him and i had all the confidence to do it after killing tokushibo So I got him so low but as always i had a hashira randomly swing by to quote-unquote help me when he really just wanted to kill akuza for himself i tried everything in my power to kill akuza before he could to be honest i worried more about hashira stealing my demon kills more than

Actually killing the demon itself however i was still able to kill akuza and with that i completed my second goal of killing all of muzon’s upper ranked moons i would have done bad things to this guy if i didn’t get the achievement now all that was left to do was to

Defeat muzon himself again the mod is still being developed so i had to summon him in and boy was this guy easy to fight was this really the big bad guy everyone freaks out about i guess muzon was never powerful in the first place right wrong he had this super terrifying

Transformation his hair turned white and had these sharp tentacles on his back he kind of reminded me of someone from tokyo ghoul when he attacked he sent out a hundred slashes at a time which made it hard to get near him i knew he was the strongest opponent in this mod but i

Didn’t let that stop me I came up with a few tactics to fight him such as launching myself towards him after his slashes but then he struck me with lightning my hearts were ticking down and i couldn’t escape this was not good however despite his power and all these zombies attacking me i wasn’t going to

Give up no matter what surprisingly i was running out of food fast and things were looking bleak but i found kyoga’s drum and remembered how good of a weapon it was It did a lot of damage and i could damage him without even being near him i’m telling you guys the bongos are the secret to defeating muzons i got him super low and i just needed a few more hits to kill him he attempted to use his

Regular attacks on me but i was out of range and with one final slash i defeated muzon i completed my last goal and i finally brought peace back to the demon slayer world this is by far the most fun i ever had in a mod if you guys

Want to play it the mod packs will be in the description anyways thank you all so much for watching i appreciate all the support you leave on this video and i will see you next time

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➡️IP: play.enchantmc.com

Here’s a 30-second tutorial video:


1. Click the link, and then “Install this Modpack”
2. Download the Technic launcher for Windows or Mac and Login
3. Go to Launcher options – Java Settings – Put Memory to at least 4GB of Ram
4. Type in EnchantMC, and have fun!

Join this channel to get access to perks:

100 Days in Minecraft Demon Slayer Mod was quite the challenge. The Minecraft demon slayer mod, also known as the Kimetsu no Yaiba mod, is a new Minecraft anime mod that I added to my Minecraft 100 days modded survival series. The Demon Slayer Minecraft mod features new swords, demons, and demon slayers to vanilla Minecraft. Watch how I survived 100 days in Minecraft’s demon slayer mod!

If you enjoy watching, make sure to leave a like! It really helps motivate me to make more 100 days videos and boosts the video in the algorithm. Also, I’d love to know if you have any tips for me in terms of the mod or the quality of the video. Let me know what other 100 days videos you’d like to see!

Subscribe for more modded 100 days!

| Modpacks Used |
Demon Slayer: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/demonslayer/files
Epic Fight Mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/epic-fight-mod/files
Health Bar: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/torohealth-damage-indicators/files
Optifine: https://optifine.net/downloads
More Items: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei
How to Install Mods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx2L0vYowKc


  1. Make 100 days as yoriichi get his nichirin blade and do a command to get red sword 15 yes when you kill yoriichi tsugikuni in this Mod 5/10 chance you will get his blade with red sword 15

  2. my guy muzan aint no demon king tanjiro i mean tanjiro is so strong he cant die bc sun kills demons and the swords have stones that bathe in the sun and stores it

  3. When he was asking how we feel about third person
    Spider: this is my chance if I killed him I become upper spider 1
    third person is ok but i like first person better

  4. it felt kind of weird at first because i don't really see a lot of third person views, and also you leveled up so quickly it felt like the video already ended😀😀😀

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