I Fixed Minecraft

I like Minecraft but sometimes ooh sometimes trip wire trip wire trip wire it doesn’t even trip when I walk over it just it just clicks it goes click the only thing it does is it allows a redstone output wow so I fixed it okay I

Think I’m going to need to uh use F5 for this to really get a good angle you you’ll understand why in a second uh let’s uh let’s just walk over it the trip wire oh God I should have placed this better oh my God I’m just going to I’m

Just going to keep no wait there’s no stop at all I cannot I cannot press anything oh I’m just perpetually oh my God trip wire hey okay let me let me that is far I should have probably placed like a wall down hold on let me do that before I do anything

Else trip wire basically it truly is wire that you trip over as you can see and as soon as you trip you are completely stuck in animation until you hit a wall of some kind as you can literally previously see I had to roll all the way down the hill just to

Eventually get control of my character again in theory if this world is flat wait just I think I got it um right okay I cannot uh uh cow what’s going to happen I’m not I’m not going to stop am I hold on how

Can I can I oh my God can I play a block or something am I just stuck oh God oh God can I decouple my camera I can yay there I go I think my only hope is getting like a bigger slime to maybe kill me this is genuinely what I now

Need to wait for and I have I cannot do anything I can’t right click or left click oh come on oh please oh this is so good please damage me are you kidding this this is it this is it I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead yeah oh that’s so

Good now I sure hope I don’t trip again W pause what’s up nerds it’s me money man or something look at this idiot with the slow browser he doesn’t even know about Opera GX thanks for sponsoring by the way oper GX is a gamer browser for

Epic swag people like me and you gats it can be tuned however you want whenever you want don’t have a powerful God PC like me put on a CPU and RAM limiter don’t want to have a lot of programs open just run things like Discord within

Oper boom solved you can even use mods mainly my own mod with this you can have custom background music key sounds themes colors ad blockers VPN it has at all you sneaky snake even that cool AI thing that people like nowadays you can use it to find related content or

Summarize huge parts of text best of all takes like no time to get up projects it can Port everything from your current browser almost instantly so you can continue right there when you left off links in the description it’s like swag Li’s brother now continue watching okay

I just want to test this um I up the speed and I have made a very not steep staircase I want to I want to just see oh my God okay I did not expect that that um wait I’m going to try the other way around L I’m just a regular man

Walking my regular stack Wa oh my God I’m gone Jesus that is how far oh my God oh my God it’s it’s all the way back there all right here we go oh my God H uh we are fourou we are 5,000 blocks out and in the void whoa wa I’m drowning wait wait wait I do

Want to I do want to find out where we are are I don’t want to drown where are we oh we are this is okay uh-huh mhm I mean I don’t even know if I can find it back we just lost unless oh there it is

Oh there it is no way okay that is really cool you reckon you can like face through a wall if you just NOP okay final test I promise oh no next you notice scenes in movies where there’s this huge Army and then the leader goes with like a horn and everyone just

Charges why don’t Minecraft horns do that why do they just make sounds unless they don’t yeah and it’s gone the enemy is gone you just go and oh um does that happen when you face down oh okay hello chicken yeah I didn’t even see him get killed I just see the

Chicken oh that’s good you oh come on man maybe there’s just not enough goats is it dead villagers are useless now don’t get me wrong they’re not entirely useless they’re actually really powerful as you can get some of the best gear from villagers however it’s really PID to win you need emeralds for

Everything thing and you can only really get them with like the most mundane boring tasks or a ridiculously high-end Farm but what if that wasn’t the case and I’m especially talking about that guy right there I don’t even I what is the name again it’s it’s something but

This guy I mean you’re always useless there’s nothing about you unless there Was [Laughter] okay I got their wallet oh uh you can steal villagers wallets so if you sneak and look at a villager your Crosshair does that you know Skyrim you know peeking at thing and if you’re stealing from them when they’re not looking you can grab their oh look at that you recognize this

From anything guys my emeralds for their bread and then I’ll steal it right back oh it’s great now there is actually if you take too long and grab the wallet and are bad at grabbing it out um there we go it um it spawns a tremendous amount

Of golems that are not happy with you all right again some resistance to really show us off as you’re oh I’m stealing while they’re while they’re in love as you steal their stuff I mean it’s just going to it’s just going to spawn a bunch of these guys right

There’s a few ways to mess up stealing for example it also happens if I just completely grab here and there’s one one more thing uh which you’re probably going to like it works with villagers but it actually also works with wandering Traders take a look and even

The even the like the visuals are different so if I steal this I’m actually going to get a lead as well so now I can just just I now you can actually also do it with the Pillager there was a lot if they don’t pay attention to you but the

Downside is they almost always are I have half a heart there is however a solution to that so if you kill him you obviously get the ominous Banner a completely useless item except now if you hold it in your off hand you become one of the pillagers and now what’s

Going to happen is if you’re in survival they’re completely passive to you and as soon as I take it off wow yeah yeah yeah and you can get a bunch of arrows this way I want you to be honest with me what the hell are

Cauldrons for I mean I guess you can put powdered snow in it or something wow wow I don’t know man I just I just think it’s boring especially when the witch obviously uses it for witch things why can’t we where’s our witch witch thing I want to witch wi so now we Can oh yeah oh yeah yay buddy come over here hey it’s a little fox fella hey look at that little guy you’re probably wondering what the hell does he do though well let me show you you remember how we manually had to pickpocket the villagers H how lame and

Boring man I wish I had a a subord a subor a friend to do it go oh yeah oh yeah look at the little guy here we go we grabbed it yeah look Emerald go again go go go go keep going keep going keep going look at the little man and he

Grabs it oh I love the animations of it too he just like this little art arms arm swish look at the look at the little oh it’s so cute and just like that look at how much we got this is like a stack I think okay my friends are you ready to

Make money yes oh oh yeah baby they’re all busy oh my God look at how fast this makes me how fast can you make a beacon with this hold on give me more look at that guys it’s just a passive Money Maker but there is something very important to remember you see this

Little row of items don’t forget the spider item cuz if you do and you just Dro these ones in and accidentally missed the spider eye here’s what’s going to happen it’s obviously not going to have eyes so no no no that’s not one that’s not right that’s not wait so it spawns a

Blind Fox Golem they’re just really messed up I’m sorry I I when he spawns Without Eyes he has no idea where he’s going so he’s just going to keep running like this um until he hits a wall so let me let me just

Uh it’s so sad it’s so sad I I why why was it made I don’t know I thought it would be funny um instead it’s just incredibly sad but I mean I don’t know just don’t forget the eyes this block somehow does not hurt you when you step

On it why why it is literally a saw why why wouldn’t it why wouldn’t it hurt you unless I fixed it okay oh man but the question is does it kill chickens yes cows pigs ZB fish horse Dr the Wither himself yes it does wa I’m just was I in

Creative wait hold on I was in Creative right wait am I am I stupid right now hold on clearly in Creative whoa hold on I I uh me would this work I don’t know so so if I if I’m like that I have no idea I genuinely have not

Tested this go to the middle please please please please please please please wait no it’s not working hold on I can fix this I can fix this I can fix this I can’t fix this go go go why am I so bad at this game okay my silly

Contraption exists I’m just going to do it again please please please here we go here we go here we go prep it send it oh I got to do it again I got to do it again prep it send it oh God oh God please it’s just being pushed no wait

Wait just got pushed up I’m just pushing the why isn’t it working go die where do I no no Oh a come on when the time comes you must admit the feat I’ll ring the bell of losness I sure wonder what this Bell of the feet sounds like yeah get Rick Roll Nerd funny never Loses

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Minecraft has some features that do absolutely nothing. So I fixed it, and gave them a ‘purpose’…
Hope you enjoy this one! It was a lot of fun recording, thanks a lot to the team for helping out with making the mod, it turned out amazing 😀

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#Fundy #Minecraft


  1. With the cauldron you should add a funny boss so when you do that Voldemort rises out and attacks you and spawns death eaters and when you kill him he drops a horcrux which works like a totem of undying.

  2. "Villagers are pay to win, because to trade with them you need to do the most mundane stuff or get the high end farms"
    Hmm, yes, the capitalism here is made of capitalism

  3. Cauldrons are a good moveable comparator output (at least before the copper bulb lol). Ummm, I guess it’s the only way you can have lava or snow in the nether

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