Terraria, But EVERY Sword Attacks At The Same Time…

In this video I try beating Terraria using swords only but to make things more interesting I installed a mod that allows each and every weapon inside my inventory to attack at the same time just how crazy will Things become stay tuned to find out all right let’s get started so

Because I already have a sword I can start killing monsters immediately but obviously this weapon isn’t going to cut it there are many many options but let’s take this one step at a time time I’m allowed as many short swords but that’s not the case with broadswords I’m only

Allowed to use one broadsword however if the broadsword is able to shoot out projectiles then I can have and use as many as I want okay enough chitchat let’s chop down some trees for wood okay that should be enough wood for now the first thing that I’m going to do is craft a

Workbench and immediately craft the wooden sword so now if I attack with the wooden sword it’ll also use the copper shortsword and let’s just check out what our attack looks like against this blue slime 3 2 1 yeah already it’s pretty good but to take it a step further I

Will be going underground to mine some ores to then craft the rest of these short swords you know what before I do that I just realized that there are some cacti here so I can replace the wooden sword with the cactus sword cuz I’m pretty sure that has more

Damage so the wooden sword has eight melee damage and the cactus sword has 10 yeah let’s do it and yes it still works with the copper shortsword oh my God that is a pyramid let’s go see what’s inside I’m praying for either the flying carpets or the sandstorm in a bottle Moment of

Truth yes let’s go this is actually my most preferred one and right off the bat I’ve got some pretty good Mobility now I’m finding a lot of Life Crystals right off the bat which is good and there’s some more down there too and just like that I already have 220

Health and that’s enough amethyst for a hook and here are some more Life Crystals I swear I’m going to reach Max Health before I take out my first boss and that is 300 health no I did not see that pressure plates oh there’s a gold chest here oh my

God Hermes boots and a gravitation potion so I can get my hands on on the starfury now there’s another gold chest here okay okay magic mirror and the suspicious looking eye okay I believe I have mined enough ores to craft all of these shortswords got some tungsten Platinum lead but because I’m really

Close to reaching Max health I’m going to find the remaining Life Crystals and after that I’ll return back home to craft the swords I also want to see if I can collect enough Demonite ores before I take on either the ey of cthulu or the eer

Worlds because when I do have enough I can craft the light Spain which will give a high damage boost and overall it’ll just help kill bosses a lot faster hopefully after collecting this I should have enough 34 okay just one more Life Crystal to go until Max Health ooh sharpening station

I will take that this is going to increase our damage by a bit more and there is the last life Crystal okay let’s head back home and let’s first clear out my inventory cuz it is completely full okay inventory is cleaned out first things first let’s make the amethyst

Hook then the lead shortsword tungsten shortsword Platinum shortsword and luckily I do have enough to make the light ban so I can get rid of the cactus sword now because I did mine a bunch of tungsten I can make the full tungsten armor set beautiful 21 defense and let’s make the Platinum

Pickaxe before I summon the I cthulu with the gravitation motion I’m going to go up to some sky islands and search for some more accessories and the starfury hopefully I can find it before it turns into morning okay here’s one come on okay shiny red balloon lucky

Horseshoe yeah I don’t think I’ll have enough time oh maybe oh come on quick and the star Fury okay let’s leave and let’s quickly summon the boss and this is what my attack looks like go go go oh you are getting shredded come down please go go faster faster come

On oh my oh wait and the Fallen star just fell on top of it what what is my luck everything up to now went absolutely perfect I got everything that I wanted Sandstorm in a bottle Hermes boots gravitation potion also Max Health now I do know I can kill the Eater of

Worlds pretty easily but before that I’m going to make the blade of grass so I’m going to need a bit more Stingers bit more jungle spores and three Vines oh yeah I forgot to mention the star Fury projectile doesn’t actually fall from the sky anymore it shoots directly from my character and because

Of it it’s a lot easier to aim and the traveling Merchant has arrived going to have to check out his shop later on okay that’s enough jungle spores that’s enough Vines and that should be enough stingers okay let’s make the blade of grass and now I should be able to shoot out Leaf

Projectiles yep right there let’s take on the Eater of Worlds now and I won’t be building an arena for this one considering how strong I was against the I of cthulu and to be honest I think I can just stand in one spot to kill the boss okay here we go

Where you coming from underneath okay oh my God this is so satisfying okay heal up yeah I should be able to stand here all the way I hope come on beautiful I might as well do it one more time just to make sure I do have enough materials

To craft the full Shadow Armor as well as the nightmare Pickaxe oh it’s going be close no I was too cocky well I mean I do have enough now it’s just that I won’t be able to get the treasure bag oh my God I forgot to check the traveling Merchant that’s

Okay I’m sure he’ll show up again some other time let’s craft the full Shadow Armor first and then the nightmare Pickaxe let’s make some NPC houses and because it’s night time I’m going to go to the dungeon to take on Skeletron wait the snow bomb just reminded me of something I can actually

Get another weapon and that is the ice blade but I’ll go find that weapon after I defeat Skeletron and like the other two bosses I won’t need an arena so let’s just start it up 3 2 1 oh my God that Fallen star that’s two times

Now okay got to get rid of the hands first almost done that’s one down oh my God and that’s two okay I’m kind of low on health so let’s not get too cocky here oh okay that sound is very satisfying a th000 more health oh God and Skeletron has been

Defeated now that I have access into the dungeon I’m only looking for two things one being the Cobalt shield and the second being the merasa oh perfect right off the bat got the merasa and there’s the Cobalt Shields okay let’s go find the ice blade now okay here’s an ice cheest

There it is ooh it has weak on it but that’s all right now all that’s left is to get my hands on the volcano sword some molten armor and then I’ll be able to take on the wall of flesh okay finally made it to Hell let’s

See if I can find an Obsidian Skin Potion to help mine the healthstone a lot easier oh wait that’s it right there oh my God okay that’s should be enough hell Stone 383 now I need to mine some obsidian okay that’s enough oh my God

I’m so forgetful I need to get the hell Forge there we go okay let’s craft the full molten armor set and that’s going to give an insane boost to my melee damage there we go set bonus plus 10 EXT melee damage so that applies to all of my swords in my

Inventory then let’s craft the volcano and the molten pickaxe all right let’s test out my weapons and damage against the I of culu and then we’re going to take on the wall flesh here we go oh yeah that is nice okay but since I have the volcano

Blade of grass light Spain and the merasa I can turn them into the knight’s Edge come on give me something good Godly okay I’ll take strong the only projectile that I really lose out on is the blade of grass but having the knight’s Edge is a lot better okay made

It to the end of the world let’s strength my potions and let’s toss in the guide Voodoo Doll 3 2 one and what’s really good about the knight’s Edge is that it also acts as a barrier because of the wide attack range it has so basically none of the hungries

Can actually get to me and if I really position myself I can hit two parts at the same time okay almost done here oh shoot oh that was bad that was real bad come on and oh I just killed it in time before I died that was insanely close what any

Sooner I would have failed the entire thing okay let’s pick up our treasure bag and hopefully I get something good out of it ooh nothing okay I was hoping for either the breaker blade or even the warrior emblem now that I’m in hard mode Let’s go to the corruption and break

Some Demon Alters to spawn in the hard mode ores okay we’ve got Cobalts mythal and adaman heght okay that should be enough Cobalt on to mythal okay the traveling Merchant has arrived again let’s quickly check out what he’s got oh okay DPS meter that should be enough

Mythal oh maybe not am I missing just one oh never mind I’m good okay all that’s left is the adaman ties and that’s enough Adamantite with the Adamantite bars I’m going to make the full Adamantite armor set and this is going to increase our defense from

14 wait I think I have the yeah the broken armor debuff but let’s equip it anyways so 14 all the way to 26 so if I didn’t have this debuff then it would be doubled so that would be 52 and with the remaining Adamantite bars I’m going to craft the Adamantite

Sword because I believe it’s stronger than the knight’s Edge all right so since I have some hard mode armor now I need some hard mode weapons I do have the adamite sword which is good but I think I’m going to need a few more before I’m ready to take on the

Mechanical bosses so I’m thinking of the frost brand and the beam sword the frost brand is a lot easier to get because it drops from ice mimics but the beam sword is a lot more rare it can only be dropped from armored skeletons and it has a

0.67% drop rate so yeah that’s less than 1% so let’s just go for the frost Brands okay here’s an Ice Mimic please have the frost Brand let’s go now with this weapon I can inflict the frostbite debuff which deals 10 damage per tick and the fire rates of the frost brand is a lot faster compared to the ice blade let’s go up to some Sky Islands to kill some wyverns for The Souls of

Flight so that I can make myself a pair of wings okay that’s enough Souls of Flight and that’s enough Souls of Lights now I can craft angel wings unfortunately it just turned into daytime so I’m going to have to wait until the next night to take on mechanical bosses

In the meantime I have so many accessories that I want to combine so I’m going to summon the Goblin Army manually defeat them and then find the goblin tinkerer okay that’s enough tattered cloths let’s make the Goblin Battle standard and let’s summon them right Away okay Goblin Army has been defeated let’s go search for the tinkerer oh my god there he is wait that was so quick okay let’s purchase the rocket boots and workshop I’m also going to reforge some of my weapons Superior that’s fine Superior as well ooh

Legendary no way did I just get the beam sword and it has is Godly on it too what is my luck okay first things first Spectre boots then the sandstorm and a balloon turn it into the yellow horseshoe balloon now I’ll be able to equip the warm scarf and let’s do the

Ban of regeneration now all that’s left to do is wait until night time okay it’s finally night time so the first mechanical boss that I’ll be summoning is the dest Destroyer 3 2 1 run over to the clumped up parts oh yeah there we go 3,000 damage per second at my

Peak but then attack you normally about a th not too shabby less than 50% Health now 10,000 more health and you are Finished okay that wasn’t so bad next up the twins almost second phase for the spasm tasm there we go okay basm is done for just the r now second phase oh my god oh that was so much damage and the twins have been defeated and lastly Skeletron

Prime and there should be enough time in the night to defeat this boss okay 50% health and there we go all three mechanical bosses have been defeated now having all three Souls from the mechanical bosses I can craft the true Knight’s Edge and then with the hollowed bars the

Excalibur as well as the pickax axe then let’s go ahead ahead and reforge this weapon okay I’ll take Godly but I won’t reforge the Excalibur because once I get my hands on some chlorite bars I can turn it into the true Excalibur let’s go into the jungle now to mine some

Chlorites and to find the plant ballb okay there’s the plant ballb so it looks like I’ll be making the arena right here then okay the arena is all complete it’s a bit smaller than usual but it should be okay I haven’t mined enough chlorop FY just yet so I’m going

To do that first before I fight panta okay I should be good on chlorop FY I’ve mined 219 I’m not going to make the true Excalibur just yet since it doesn’t work if I use the true Knight’s Edge so I’ll be crafting the chlorite Claymore and saber once I defeat planta and Golem

Then I’ll mine some more chlorop FY to craft the true Excalibur eventually turning it into the terrablade all right let’s go reforge these weapons demonic I will take that and I’ll take Superior so now my attack looks like this it’s coming along okay let’s head back into the jungle and take on

Planta okay let’s begin 3 2 1 here we go oh what is this damage what wait wait wait oh my that was 7,000 damage per second wait how is that even possible surely it’s not because of the chlorite weapons right no it has to be cuz I was

Definitely not doing that much damage before crafting these Jesus so there’s only one weapon that I’m looking for inside this treasure bag which is the seedler let’s see if it’s inside 3 2 1 there we go wait I got a whole bunch of weapons oh my

God but of course I won’t be using them so let’s get rid of them and just keep the seedler all right my weapons now attack like this let’s go into the temple now to take on Golem okay made it into the boss room and it’s a pretty decent size let’s

Put down a campfire and a heart Lantern and let’s just start it up 3 2 1 Jesus I am shred what the wait I wasn’t even checking my damage per second look at that 10,000 I’m pretty sure that wasn’t even the max number I hit let’s see again oh I did see

12,000 oh my God can these two weapons really change my damage that much though that’s actually crazy I might as well just use up the rest of the power cells oh I saw 15,000 oh come on break 15,000 no that was close though okay that’s it let’s go back

Home and then let’s go back into the jungle to mine some more chlorop FY bars to craft the true Excalibur okay that should be enough there we go the true Excalibur then with the solar tablet fragments I’m going to craft the solar tablet and summon the eclipse but seeing

That daytime is almost over I’m going to have to wait until the next day the reason why I’m summoning the eclipse is to combine the true Knight’s Edge and true Excalibur with the broken hero sword into the ter blade it’s finally daytime so let’s summon the eclipse okay first

Moon oh my God second one come on broken hero sword perfect okay let’s quickly make the Terra Blade o Godly but I think in the end I’m going to have to go for legendary damn it costs 52 gold okay come on yes okay okay I was scared I was

Going to lose all of my gold just like that but I am extremely strong now all right the solar eclipse has finally ended now I’ll be getting my hands on a weapon that I don’t usually get it is called the flying dragon and it’s dropped by Betsy so it’s time to summon

The Old One’s Army here we go come on kill Betsy there we go okay that’s all that matters I failed the events but I got the treasure bag okay hopefully the Flying Dragon is in this treasure bag because I really do not want to do that again it took so

Long okay please 3 2 1 yes let’s go and we got Betsy’s Wings wait I just realized this weapon has 247 melee damage and it hasn’t even been reforged yet let’s try to get the best one legendary come on this one’s a lot cheaper though compared to the teror blade

Is it even possible to get legendary oh yes it is okay there we go 284 melee damage now my attacks look like this and the best thing about this weapon is that it can go through blocks let’s head over to the dungeon now to take on the lunatic cultist let’s let’s begin

Oh my God that was 13,000 damage per second on one enemy it was around 15,000 against Golem but that’s because that boss has three body parts that I can attack at the same time but for the lunatic cultist it’s just just a singular enemy next up the celestial pillars Stardust pillar has been

Destroyed nebula pillar is down Vortex pillar is down one more to go and that’s the last pillar let’s go get ready for Moon Lord here we go middle eye first Dodge the laser and looks like I’m dealing about 2,000 damage average it’s not bad but if I go into true melee oh yeah way way more damage oh God that was a huge mistake by me I have to heal up here there we go okay that’s one hand down go

Over middle eye is done okay just the core now 20,000 more Health 10,000 one oh don’t go in that water oh I almost died there oh thank God I had the star Veil otherwise I would have died okay let’s see what’s inside this treasure bag and no swords

Unfortunately I do want to get my hands on some post Moor weapons so I will be fighting the boss again and let’s just make the solar flare breastplate there we go all right let’s see if I can get any weapons this time Moment of Truth there we go oh oh my

God I just got the legendary meow that’s one out of the two post moer weapons so I might as well get the other let’s do it one more time hopefully but with this it should be a lot faster all right oh yeah that’s oh 7,000 damage all

Done and there is the last weapon the star wrath let’s reforge this weapon Godly kind of want legendary come on I don’t think it’s possible to get legendary of course right when I say that I get it okay with these two weapons I just have to fight Moon Lord one more

Time oh yeah 10,000 damage per second come on kill it before yep there we go middle eyes done that hand is done teleports time for this hand this is crazy okay just the core now oh God teleport come on oh that touched me come on and there we have

It all right guys that’s going to be it for this video hope you all enjoyed if you did don’t forget to leave a like comment on what other mod or video ideas you want me to try out and of course subscribe to the channel I’ll see you all next time peace

In this video I try beating Terraria using swords only but to make things more interesting I installed a mod that allows each and every weapon inside my inventory to attack at the same time. Just how crazy will things become? Stay tuned to find out!

If you enjoy watching the video then don’t forget to leave a like, comment and also subscribe to the channel!

Mods used:
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
AlchemistNPC Lite
Vein Miner
Fargo’s OmniWield

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#Terraria #Necr0 #Terrariachallenge


  1. Necr0 PLEASE make a Calamity Melee playthrough!!! I’ve only been able to find ONE that was an actual series. It would do so well PLEASE

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