I Survived 100 Days as POSEIDON in Minecraft.. Here’s What Happened..

Imagine surviving a hundred days as Poseidon god of the sea you’ll battle ancient underwater beasts and discover the lost city of Atlantis can I put a stop to the deep sea creatures infesting the waters stay tuned to find out on day one I spawned in as Poseidon right in

The middle of Atlantis I had 30 hearts and was surrounded by Atlantean villagers while exploring Atlantis I noticed a portal ahead of me however it wasn’t long till something popped up in front of the portal your rule over the seas ends today Poseidon I’ll reclaim a

Rifle spot as God of the oceans once you’re out of the picture how did you get back to the Overworld you’ll find out soon enough Poseidon now obliterate this city my dear Leviathan Leviathan then made a dash for the center of Atlantis and while I was distracted Oceanus disappeared before I

Can make my way over to the Leviathan a bunch of many water Elementals spawned from the ground I was forced to deal with them first and took them all out however it turned into a full-scale Invasion and they were all over the city after defeating most of them I spotted

The Leviathan destroying the inner part of Atlantis while the Leviathan was destroying the city Oceanus had managed to break into atlantis’s Vault inside lied the heart of the sea and Oceanus used his abilities to steal it with the heart of the sea stolen Oceanus disappeared causing me to lose all of my

Powers reverting into a mortal and was back to 10 hearts on the Leviathan like this what should I do over here citizen run I decided to listen to the Knight that called me over and evacuated Atlantis while I could the Atlantean Knight and I eventually made our way to

An outpost tucked away in the middle of ice spikes we climbed up to the second story where the king of Atlantis had been evacuated Poseidon is that you yes ocean is one of the Titans has returned and is looking to reclaim his throne as ruler of the oceans given your power is

Gone it looks like he managed to seal the heart of the sea it’s not just Leviathan has been revived too yes I can’t dwell on this much Poseidon I must help coordinate the evacuation of Atlantis I can help I can help available Poseidon but please tread carefully the Leviathan could

Appear at any moment so I left the Outpost to go save more in Lancey and villagers before exploring the oceans I’d like to thank today’s sponsor World of Tanks by wargaming World of Tanks is a free to play online multiplayer packed with action with over 550 tanks this massive Arsenal provides numerous ways

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Excelsior and three more tier 6 rental tanks now let’s dive back into the Seas but when I returned to Atlantis it was completely destroyed the Leviathan had obliterated the city and it was still crawling with water Elementals I used my Trident to try and defeat the water

Elementals and luckily I had just enough power to defeat them I entered one of the houses and found an Atlantean villager I convinced the Villager to evacuate with me and guided them to the outside of Atlantis and told them which way the Outpost was and I continued going around Atlanta’s finding villagers

In need of help there was even a villager stuck in a tree after helping him get down I found another villager hiding in a house and saw the Leviathan in the distance we quickly hid inside one of the buildings narrowly avoiding the patrolling Leviathan after evacuating the last of the villagers I

Returned to the Atlantean Outpost and went up to talk to the king great work Poseidon we’ll take the survivors to the Fallout Village we prepared in advance all right farewell Poseidon let’s meet again five days from now at this same location we’ll need your assistance at The

Fallout Shelter by then so after helping the evacuation of Atlantis it was now time for me to try to regain my Powers I swam for a while until I eventually stumbled across an island and started Gathering basic materials I crafted myself some stone tools went fishing for

Some food and battled some crabs in the beach I eventually stumbled across a cave gathered some coal iron and smelted it all up to crack myself full iron armor and iron tools I then returned back to the surface and continued exploring the island however it wasn’t long until I stumbled upon a massive

Viking ship the Vikings began boarding the island and immediately attacked me I was forced to fight back and defeated them one by one and boarded the ship after defeating another Viking the Viking Captain confronted me I got hit by his giant ax and he jumped into the

Air striking me with lightning I tried using my Trident at range as much as I could and had him on low HP few more strikes I defeated the Viking Captain he dropped his battle axes and his helmet which I took as souvenirs I then crafted myself a bed and decided to

Repurpose the ship and build a Captain’s Quarters that I could live out of I finished the interior with some furnaces and chests and went to sleep for the night on the next morning I decided to go back down into the ocean to return back to the Atlantis Outpost to meet up

With the King Poseidon the situation has unfortunately worsened one of my Scouts found clues of Oceanus attempted to revive another ancient monster one potentially stronger than the Leviathan no precise details yet we’ll fill you in if anything is discovered the king then told me that they were gonna prepare to

Move out and that I should follow them so with the King and Knight we swam through the ocean until eventually reaching some underwater caves after a few twists and turns to the caves we finally arrived at Atlantis Fallout Village the villagers were already moved in and I was very impressed with how

Prepared they were welcome to the Atlantis Fallout Village the villagers have been preparing the materials to rebuild Atlantis we’ll need your help recapturing it soon help my Trident is in rough shape I’ll need to restore it before then your Trident is lacking a source of power

You’ll need to find a conduit and each type of coral to restore it I’d recommend you make yourself at home first it sounds simple but you’ll need to enter some dangerous places to get those follow me I Then followed King Alice to an empty plot of land he was

Applaud of the land we haven’t used just yet you can use this to make yourself a home thank you King Atlas one of the villagers then brought me bricks to build my house with and I also went outside the caves to gather myself some wood for my house with plenty of

Materials I then began construction I tried to keep it similar to the other houses around so I made sure to use andesite columns and topped it off with a dark prismarine and Spruce roof our new goal is to reach 10 million subscribers so if you enjoy the video

Make sure to subscribe to be a part of my adventures and with my home complete I went over to the night to ask him a few questions my home is now complete so where can I find this conduit there are rumors of a conduit that lies in the

Deepest parts of these caves but you’ll need to prepare accordingly as you go further in the more dangerous the caves get I’ll be in my careful Poseidon so with advice from Knight Orion I started venturing my way through the caves gathered some oars on the way down I managed to find myself

Some lapis and diamonds but eventually stumbled across some hostile ocean creatures they turned out to be angler fish which tried attacking me but I used my Trident to take them all out not only that but there was even electric eels I made sure to fight them from a distance

And found out they dropped slime balls the electric eels electrocuted me which did a bunch of damage but once the coast was clear I crafted myself a diamond pickaxe chest plate and leggings I also mind myself a bunch of diamonds and finish crafting the rest of my diamond

Armor after some more exploring of the underwater caves I found a deeper part of the cave there were giant squid everywhere and lots of rare ores I tried taking on the giant squids and started getting swarmed I tried to fight back but was forced to run away as the squids

Were too tough I was then cornered by one squid and used my Trident from distance to barely defeat it I decided I’d return later to the deeper part of the cavern and traveled back to the island on the island I gathered myself some sugar cane killed some cows for

Leather and crafted myself an enchantment table I then Enchanted my full diamond armor set with Protection One and my pickaxe with efficiency too I then smelted up the gold I had gathered collected some apples from the leaves and crafted myself five golden apples I then went to sleep and then the next day

Went back down into the ocean with the goal in mind of collecting each type of coral however I quickly realized that the normal Coral wouldn’t drop so I’d need to find blocks of coral I ended up finding some but got attacked by hammerhead sharks I was forced to fight

Back and after taking some damage managed to defeat all the sharks I then collected some blue coral and moved on to find another kind this time I found red coral that was protected by giant squids after a long battle I defeated all the giant squids and collected the

Red coral at the pink Coral there were barracudas which did a lot more damage than the Sharks causing me to have to eat a golden apple after defeating it I collected the pink coral and by the purple Coral I got swarmed by piranhas I defeated them with ease and collected

The purple coral and lastly found yellow coral which was surrounded by a bunch of puffer fish the poison was really deadly though so I had to be careful and eventually defeated them all from a distance in the end I had collected all five types of coral and returned back to

My home in the Atlantis Village to drop it off my next task was to go back down into the deeper part of the cave to find the conduit I was immediately greeted by some of the giant squids that I had fought before but this time being significantly more prepared I used my

Golden apples to regen and defeated all the giant squids I then mine myself a bunch of the oars and continued through the caves and after a bit more exploring I finally turned a corner and found the conduit I went to approach it but all of a sudden an enormous squid dropped down

From the ceiling it was the Kraken and it was protecting the conduit I immediately got slapped by one of its tentacles and tried to use my Trident from a distance I continued fighting the Kraken using golden apples to regen and had it less than half HP the Kraken then

Swallowed me whole and spit me out after only a few more hits I defeated the Kraken I then went up to the conduit and collected my prize I then made my way out of the deep part of the cavern and returned to the Village I then cleared

Out a small area to build the conduit and eventually finish building it I’ve collected all the rules inside this should restore it will do the villagers have been preparing materials to rebuild Atlantis once you’ve restored your Trident please meet us at the front gate we’re preparing to

Move out shortly so on King atlas’s advice I placed my rusty Trident in the chest with the five corals took a step back and watched as my Trident was restored the power of the conduit channeled into the chest combining the corals with the tridents giving my Trident back in Tip-Top shade with my

New tridents my tridents had doubled in speed and accuracy however I didn’t have much time to dwell on it we were now gonna be moving out of the Atlantis Fallout Village to build a new Outpost close to Atlantis after packing up all of my belongings I met up with the King

And Knight with all the villagers ready at the front gate the king then instructed me to scout ahead of them for any hostile creature so I agree to the task and cleared the path to the original Atlantis Outpost luckily the coast was clear all the way there and

The King had returned to the Outpost with the Villagers safely Poseidon secure the area ahead we’ve got to build a pace of operations outside of Atlantis I’ll do my best so I began scouting ahead for any hostile enemies that might be surrounding Atlantis I first encountered some hostile Stingrays and found out I

Could Dash really quickly with my new tridents I managed to take out all the Stingrays but also ran into some sharks using my new Trident I managed to take them all out and after a bit more traveling I eventually reached Atlantis after looking around Atlantis for a good

Spot to put the Outpost I ended up finding a mountainous range right outside the ancient city after traversing through the mountains I ended up finding Knight Orion I quickly swam down to meet up with him the night then informed me that this was the spot he

Had picked out to build the base of operations and had brought all the building materials that the villagers collected so on the night’s orders I started the construction of our new Atlantis Outpost I decided the South Post needed to be fortified so I built a small Watchtower right on top with

Castle-like modifications after a few days of building the Outpost was complete and it wasn’t long until King Atlas and Knight Orion arrived at all the villagers we’ve got to find the Leviathan before it comes back can you Brave Atlantis and find any clues on its whereabouts I’ll go

So on King Alice’s orders I started making my way back to Atlantis to search for any clues on Oceanus or the Leviathan after searching through countless houses and Towers I finally found a clue at the center of Atlantis it was one of the Leviathan scales I

Made sure to pick it up and I also noticed a shaft that led down under Atlantis so I swam down and lo and behold found atlantis’s Vault the diamond and gold blocks remained but I confirmed the heart of the sea was stolen so I swam out of the Vault and

Started heading back to the Outpost once I had returned to the Outpost I went down to The Cellar to report my findings to the king and Knight I found something it’s one of the the Leviathan scales but I also found the vaults the heart of the sea is confirmed missing as I predicted

What could Oceanus be doing with the heart of the sea we have to get it back immediately I agree but where can we find it I think I know a way we contracted Leviathan we’ll need to gather some materials to build a tracking device I’ve written down what

We need On These Blueprints I know I’ve asked a lot of you Poseidon but you’re the only one that could pull this off I understand I’ll be back as soon as possible so with a list of materials together to build an Atlantean Compass I would need all sorts

Of rare materials so using my Dash ability with my new tridents I traveled around until I found another like biome there was a massive lava Spike surrounded by plenty of Courts so I went ahead and mined as much as I needed after buying the perfect amount of nether quartz I continued exploring the

Nether bio and I eventually stumbled upon fire Turtles these Turtles breathed fire and did a ton of damage so I was forced to fight them from a distance after defeating a few I realized they dropped blaze powder so I continued fighting the fire Turtles to get lots more blaze powder eventually I defeated

Them all and continued my quest to find the materials I needed it wasn’t long until I noticed in one of the volcanic cracks in underwater another cave that I decided to explore after diving down into the underwater nether cave it turned out it was a fire Axolotl Nest the fire axolotls immediately attacked

Me forcing me to back up and eat food I’ve been re-engaged and took out the the rest of the fire axolotls and found a bunch of Sultan and netherwort there was also plenty of glowstone in the ceiling I then swam back out and eventually found a place where there was

Plenty of Blackstone so I took the time to get the right amount that I needed for the build after collecting all I needed for the compass I spotted a strange crystal in one of the nether spikes after hitting it a few times to drop Blaze powders and blaze rods so I

Went around breaking the crystals after getting a bunch of blaze rods I continued exploring until I heard a roar in the distance it seemed like there was a volcano up ahead so I swam up to the top to investigate when I peeked into the volcano I saw oceanis and the

Leviathan yes absorb the power of the burning sea is leviathan the Leviathan Rose from the volcano and its scales had turned into molten lava with this newfound strength hunt down any survivors of Atlantis leave no survivors all of a sudden oceans turned in my direction

I made a run for it hoping that he didn’t spot me and heard the leviathan’s Roars in the distance so I Dash as quickly as I could back to the Outpost I needed to report the news to the king and the night as soon as I could

Find please use the blueprints and build the Leviathan track her quickly I fear we don’t have much more time before it returns right I’ll hunt it down as soon as the tracker is built and the potions are burned I won’t let this Beast clean so with a promise to fulfill to

The king I continued by going to Atlantis to collect the remainder of the materials I would need with only Gold Blocks remaining on the list for the compass I collected all the gold blocks from the vaults return back to the Outpost and got to work on construction

Of the Atlantean Compass it had to be built a specific way otherwise the tracker wouldn’t work first required a black stone exterior roll blocks in the interior and last but not least a compass dial now with the Atlantean Compass built all that was left was the place the Leviathan scale in the middle

And watches the power of the Atlantean Compass use the Leviathan scale to create the Leviathan tracker I then took the Leviathan Tracker out of the chest which pointed directly to the leviathan’s position now all I need to do was Brew some potions it started out by Brewing some speed potions strength

Potions and instant health potions I also set up an enchantment station craft a new diamond armor and Enchanted all the armor with level 30 enchants last but not least I crafted golden apples and was ready to move out on down the Leviathan I started heading in the direction at the Leviathan tracker

Pointed me to which led me to a strange biome there was massive kelp everywhere and there seemed to be a giant volcano when I approached the volcano the Leviathan came first thing out the Leviathan LED then let a giant roar I drank my potions and the battle had

Begun I was forced to eat a golden apple from a star and started Landing consecutive hits on the Leviathan The Leviathan then started to breathe fire which I was forced to dodge the Leviathan dead Ward again pushing me back forcing me to use potions after

Healing back up I did a ton of damage to the Leviathan but then got knocked back by a giant Tailwind after a bunch more hits I had the Leviathan and one HP and managed to slay the Leviathan I then noticed there was an orb that dropped

From the Leviathan after picking it up I started to evolve it turned out I had picked up the Leviathan soul and before I knew it I was back to my normal form and I had regained my Powers I now had 30 hearts and empowered Trident I had a

New Title Wave ability with my tridents and kadash even further with my Powers returning I knew I needed to head back to the Atlantis Outpost to report to the king however on my way back oceans appeared out of nowhere oceana’s castle of spell was preventing me from moving

You killed my Leviathan and you’ve impressed me but the sea is no longer belong to you after being sent flying by oceans I landed by a remote island in the ocean where the heck did I end up I quickly swam up to the shore and started investigating what was on the island

Eventually I ran into some Undead Pirates they started attacking me so I took them out one by one and ended up finding an entire Camp of them they started to swarm me but with my new abilities I was easily able to wipe them out I also found some food in their

Chest and off the Cliffside I saw their pirate ship parked right next to the island there were many Pirates on the ship but I decided to dive in and board the ship immediately I used my powers to wipe out the entire but Pirates but eventually out of the Captain’s Quarters

Came the pirate Captain he immediately started attacking me and did a lot more damage than the other Pirates I was forced to use the last of my potion after a few more hits I defeated Captain octo Poseidon ruler of the Seas soon oceans will revive the true Master of the

Oceans Cthulhu will rule every drop of your precious sea your world is over after Captain octo took his last breath I dove back into the ocean I now knew oceanis was attempting to revive Cthulhu on the way back to Atlantis I had a plan I managed to find some swordfish and was

Now able to tame ocean creatures on the way back to Atlantis I also found some sharks to tame as well as a pot of orcas I was definitely gonna need their help later to take down Oceanus after a few more days of travel I finally made my

Way back to Atlantis upon arriving I saw that King Alice and the villagers began reconstructing the center of Atlantis I can find Ocean calm down Poseidon we’re fine there was an attack by some Pirates but we held them off hiring Irish right to revive Cthulhu if I don’t

Stop him we’re all going to be in crave danger that’s awful news our local wizard might be able to help locate Oceanus but finding such a powerful being will take some time please help us rebuild our homes until he’s ready you’re right after deciding I’d help rebuild Atlantis

I use my powers to devolve back into small Poseidon and with one of the villagers helping me get materials I began reconstruction of the villagers homes inside of Atlantis I started off rebuilding the one closest to the center and once that was complete I moved on to rebuilding the inner watchtowers once I

Had finished rebuilding the watchtowers I moved on to the outer residential buildings which were able to hold a lot of villagers and last but not least I moved on to the outer Towers these were going to be the most important towers for spotting any incoming enemies so I

Made sure they were much taller than the inner watchtowers after finishing all the outer watchtowers I morphed back into my normal form and went to report to King Atlas and The Wizard is this old hobo the wizard can you even Mel’s calm down Poseidon he’s old but

He’s capable oh you’re older than I am yes my spell is ready Beside You Killed the Leviathan did you retrieve anything from it I did man it’s so I could have had the spell done last week if I knew you had it so given here I was skeptical but I ended up

Handing over the soul to the wizard he then casted a spell using the soul which gave me a vision of oceans it seemed like the rumor of him Reviving Cthulhu was true I snapped back to reality and knew we didn’t have much time oceans trying to revive Cthulhu this is this is

Really bad this is terrible Atlantis could never stand up to that well you know better figure something out if they come and knock and I’m just gonna teleport to the other side of the world I’ve thought of a plan Poseidon you can command the creatures of the sea could

You recruit some of them to help defend Atlantis you’re right with my power returning I it’s our best bet with an impending risk of invasion I knew I needed to get new allies so after a few days of traveling I returned to the orcas and tamed a

Bunch more once I attained them I made sure they followed me back to Atlantis I then went back out to tame some more sharks brought the Sharks back to Atlantis and last but not least found some swordfish to tame and brought them all back to Atlantis as well Poseidon

While you were away I was studying the Leviathan Soul all I need are a few conduits and I can Infuse its power into you infuse me with the Leviathan I don’t know but I don’t think we have much of a choice I’ll find those conduits for you

Soon with the prospect of getting even stronger I decided to be a good idea to go searching for those four conduits so after some traveling I found some deep underwater caves and it wasn’t long until I found my first conduit however it was guarded by a sea serpent it’s a

Sea serpent shot projectiles at me that did a ton of damage so I made sure to keep my distance the sea serpent also summoned in tornadoes which I had to dodge and after continuously throwing my Trident at the sea serpent I finally defeated it I then collected my first

Conduit and continued exploring through the caves looking for more eventually I stumbled upon another sea serpent guarding a conduit which I defeated I then collected the second one and after a few more days of searching I killed a third sea serpent to get my third conduit and a fourth sea serpent to get

The last conduit I needed I then made my way out of the caves to return to Atlantis and after some travel I made it back wizard brought you the conduits I’ve got a name for this machine you know it’s Poseidon oceans Army is on its way they’ll arrive in just a few days

Forget the name you use the woods to build an altar quickly I’m too old for that we don’t have time to just get to building I then reverted to my smaller form to start building the conduits I made sure to place each conduit in its own separate corner and

After about a day of building each conduit the setup was complete I then stood in the middle of the four conduits while the wizard casted a spell the power of the four conduits channeled into my body as the Leviathan Soul merged with mine and then evolved into

My hybrid form fused with the soul of the Leviathan I felt even more powerful and now had 40 Hearts my Trident had also upgraded to an ultimate tridents and my armor upgrading to full Poseidon armor I then tested my Trident throwing with shot at whirlpools and I was able

To shoot three tidal waves at the same time very welcome finally I’m back self oceans and this pet don’t stand after being evolved into my final form I decided to make some last minute preparations I returned to the Atlantis Outpost and bruised some strength speed and instant health potions lastly I

Crafted some golden apples and then returned to Atlantis before I could talk to King Atlas we heard something outside of Atlantis we quickly headed in the direction of the sound and something had appeared just outside it looked like it was oceanus’s portal Oceanus then appeared in front of it Poseidon you

Look different it’s no matter though Cthulhu will turn you into one of his minions on the same it first oceans Poseidon will distract Cthulhu kill Oceanus ping Atlas in the Knight then rushed into the Strat Cthulhu the king in the night began battling the giant monster in my ocean

Creatures then sprung into battle during the intense battle oceans attempted to run with Cthulhu distracted I chased down Oceanus and stracked him down to the middle of a kelp forest the battle had begun and oceans wasn’t running away this time I used my title waves and whirlpools to attack Oceanus he then

Shot a giant water Beam at me which did a bunch of damage I managed to dodge it a second time and kept using my trident’s abilities to attack him he then summoned in tornadoes which I was forced to Dodge I then noticed he was spawning in minions which were helping

Attack me so I made sure to eliminate his minions after the tornadoes went away I had ocean that’s on half HP he teleported around trying to dodge my attacks but after using the rest of my golden apples I had him on a sliver of HP after a few more throws in my Trident

I had finally defeated Oceanus my work wasn’t done no one had to return to the Battle of Cthulhu Cthulhu slammed down his fists almost hitting me with a massive attack he then let out a massive Roar and gurgled up a lethal poison it did a ton of damage so I backed up

Behind one of the buildings but all of a sudden cthulhu’s tentacles sprouted out of the ground and continued to Pelt him but tried and throw after tried and throw shipping down his HP slowly but surely and after a few more hits to Cthulhu we had finally defeated the

Giant monster preventing him from taking over the seas once again thank you Poseidon you’ve not only saved Atlantis but the entire world the people of Atlantis are eternally At Your Service so with Oceanus defeated and Cthulhu slain we had saved Atlantis if you enjoyed this video make sure to like And

Subscribe and I hope you all have a great day

I Survived 100 Days as POSEIDON in Minecraft.. Here’s What Happened..
Download World of Tanks here: https://tanks.ly/3jdyGQY

By signing up and installing the game via my link and by using code TANKMANIA, new players get a starter pack of 250,000 credits, 7 days of premium access, and 3 tier 6 rental tanks!

Buy my Cosmetics ➜ http://lunarclient.com/forrestbono
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Get 25% off BisectHosting Servers ➜ https://bisecthosting.com/FORREST
Business – 📩 forrestbono@mythictalent.com

Social Media:
Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/Forrestbono
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Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/CZQ7dQheXG

Huge thank you to all of my amazing team! Love you all 🙂
Oceanus – @aCookieGod
Knight Orion – @FitMC
King Atlas – @Painful
Wizard – @Zilvertone
Captain Octo – @CoffeeFuelledGenius
Edited by – https://twitter.com/nogooddavis
Some great models created by: https://www.patreon.com/littleroomdev
Shaders Used: Complementary Shaders – https://bit.ly/3wIJgRx
Atlantis – https://bit.ly/3GdxFS4

I had to survive for 100 Days of Hardcore Minecraft as Poseidon and battle Oceanus, the Titan of Oceans! Throughout the 100 Days, I encountered many insane bosses, and sea creatures throughout my 100 days as Poseidon! Stay tuned to see what happens during the 100 Days as Poseidon!

0:00 – 100 Days as POSEIDON..
2:27 – World of Tanks (Sponsor)
3:27 – 100 Days as POSEIDON..

🎵 Music Provided by Epidemic Sound
Click here for a free trial! https://share.epidemicsound.com/n7u4qv

#100Days #Hardcore #Minecraft


  1. Download World of Tanks here: https://tanks.ly/3jdyGQY

    By signing up and installing the game via my link and by using code TANKMANIA, new players get a starter pack of 250,000 credits, 7 days of premium access, and 3 tier 6 rental tanks!

    Hope you all have a happy holiday season as we close out this year with this video my team and I worked very hard on 🙂
    Thank you all as always for all of your continued support, and hope you all have a great new year ^-^

  2. The video is great and the build up is great and the story is great but a tip u need to work on the ending dude u can’t just be like I killed him then him and won the game. Make the ending a bit more challenging (it’s my opinion not trying to be mean)

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