The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…

Oh my god is that full netherride gear and portal frames and so much more oh my god guys my seat is extremely op guys there’s a lot of people out there that cheat in their minecraft speedruns and it’s pretty funny to watch so here are the most hilarious fake minecraft speedruns

This first speedrunner starts by literally spawning in the middle of a village the first sign that this run is fake as he clearly cut his recording located a village and then just pretended to have spawned there the chance of this happening legitimately is just abysmally love the chest in the blacksmith he spawns

Right next to has an insane amount of obsidian which definitely seems pretty suspicious he finds even more obsidian in a second blacksmith and is ready to enter the nether but there’s one thing he’s still missing a flint he digs into a hill presumably to find one and he actually does

But not in the way you might expect roll the clip that’s right this guy placed a flint underground via an item frame something that he may have gotten away with if it wasn’t for the absurd amount of lag he experiences throughout the whole run that caused the

Item frame to break right in front of our own eyes he enters the nether and starts walking in a very specific direction he must be looking for a fortress wait what why is he building a portal well that’ll happen quite quickly he’s now suddenly in the end

Might i add in creative mode and is ready to fight the dragon and end his run ah well he had us in the first half actually not really i’ll grade this guy is clearly fake speedrun with an f which stands for fat headedness this next runner starts by heading

Straight to a desert temple but watch what happens and see if you spot what’s wrong the runner cut his video as he was building up and out of the temple and then resumed it while still building up but in a different temple this becomes very clear once you notice that the area

Surrounding him once he exits the temple is completely different than the area surrounding him when he entered he then heads right to a nearby village evidently the reason that he did this trick with the temple the runner does the same thing again while in the nether

By digging slightly into a wall near the fortress he had just looted and then turning around to suddenly be in a completely different location next to his portal so that he can return to the overworld you would have caught onto this dude’s cheating even if you were only barely paying attention so

I’ll give him a d for deng dude you really suck this next run was definitely unexpected to say the least it starts off pretty normal with this guy looting a village near a spawn which actually seems legitimate unlike literally every other fake speedrun but things start to get crazy when he enters

A desert temple and finds guns Okay okay that that’s a little much for me this guy just gets an a that doesn’t stand for anything i’m just honestly afraid to mess with him this next runner definitely doesn’t seem like he understands the rules of speedrunning he starts in a village where he shows off his excellent level of agility

After wiping out an entire population of animals he makes a very interesting decision he announces that he’s going to the bathroom and shuts the video off and then turns it back on and he’s suddenly in the stronghold what a very skilled and talented speedrunner e this next speedrunner starts by getting

Some wood and heading straight to a village but things start to get sketchy when he opens a chest where he finds items that normally only spawn in blacksmith chest like an iron chest plate and ingots also notice that when he takes the items from the chest he doesn’t get an achievement from them

Showing that he has obtained them before which tells us that he placed these items here prior to the run next this guy heads to a house right outside of the main village something that most runners probably wouldn’t do as going to this house would waste a lot of time considering these types of

Houses don’t spawn with chests but there’s actually a chest in this one obviously one placed by him and it’s filled with no just just no in the village’s temple building is a brewing stain just like normal but in the brewing stand is two healing potions

Which come on dude next he heads to a second village this one in a desert but he clearly knew where it was beforehand because there’s no way he could have seen it considering how it’s not only pretty far but also on the other side of a hill this village has

Just as much obviously fake loot even summon a blast furnace which is a decision from the speedrunner that i just cannot fathom his next destination is a nearby ruined portal which after getting some blaze rods the runner decides to trade with some piglens but it seems like he has an

Awful lot of gold considering he barely mined any at all so i assume he cut the video at some point to cheat in some extra he proceeds to basically walk straight to the stronghold once back in the overworld which makes for a nice clean oddly convenient entrance to

The end he finishes off the dragon but dies right as he does it so i’m not really sure it counts regardless i’ll score this fake speedrun with a b for better yourself please this speedrunner starts by conveniently spawning next to a village and heads right to it but when he opens the chest

In one of the houses he finds diamonds confirming that this chest was tampered with before the run this continues throughout the whole village as he finds a ton of diamonds iron and obsidian all in normal houses once he’s done looting he heads into a seemingly random direction before behaving

Pretty weirdly for a second and then heading back you’ll notice that when the runner stops to craft he has a flint in his inventory but if you look back at every chest he looted he never obtained a flint implying that when he stopped just a second ago

He cut the recording and went into creative to give it to himself smart after crafting some tools and armor he builds a nether portal with the obsidian he got from the village but take a look at what happens when he enters the nether right next to the portal he exits from

Is a hole in the ground that perfectly resembles the size and shape of a portal showing that he has entered the nether prior to the run my theory is that when he was illegally setting everything up for his run this guy went into the nether to locate another fortress in order to eliminate

The time it would normally take to find one during the run this explains why he went to a very specific location to build this portal in the overworld because if he had built it somewhere else he would have to manually locate a fortress he memorized the location of

The fortress in proportion to the very specific location of his portal something that is shown by the fact that he digs through a seemingly random wall and just stumbles upon one very suspicious he goes ahead and grabs his blaze rods and ender pearls but notice that he leaves the nether with only

Five eyes of ender something that is very weird considering most speedrunners generally wouldn’t leave the nether until they had at least 12. with any less you most likely wouldn’t have enough to both locate the stronghold and light the portal but he doesn’t need any more than five because once he

Returns to the overworld he runs in a very specific direction for a while before using a single eye and even then he throws the eye from very close to where the stronghold ends up being leading me to believe that he knew where it was beforehand and just didn’t

Remember to throw an eye to make it look real until he was basically already there the runner enters the stronghold and locates the portal which is conveniently almost completely lit another example of how he really never needed that many eyes of ender at all he enters the end and continues to defeat

The dragon something that all things considered seems pretty legit to me but all in all this guy’s run really wasn’t very convincing i’ll give this fake speedrun ac for kinda sucks if you enjoyed the video consider subscribing and following my twitter

These are the FUNNIEST and WORST fake Minecraft speedruns…


I found some of the MOST HILARIOUS and WORST fake Minecraft 1.17 speedruns that have been submitted… In this video, I talk about these runs and break them down, and it was insane.

You probably saw my last three videos “The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft SPEEDRUNS…”, “Hilariously FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…”, and “These are the FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…”, where I covered the same fake speedruns topic, but this is PART 4… I hope you enjoyed!

#LinusStudios #Minecraft #Speedrun


  1. Is knowing where things are cheating? I get you cant use any software that reveals it during the run but is it not allowed to play that seed before the run and learn where things are

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