Permits, Trees & More! | Hermitcraft 10 | Ep.6

Good afternoon and welcome to hermitcraft news at season 10 I’m smish beans and I’m the smish beans subscribe button please click me yes please click him anyway our first discussion today who has been killing all the horses what do you think subscribe button please click me agreed next up we’re heading to

Spawn where our reporter me is covering the opening of the shopping district how’s it looking down there me hi me yes some weird stuff has been going on green assembled everybody to announce the winner of demise which was false simetry he then announced hermit permits along with fals his prize here’s an interview

I recorded earlier with me to explain more hi me now what is a Hermit permit one sec hi there me big fan of the show by the way well everyone is randomly getting assigned permits of things they can sell in the shopping district we each get a diamond two gold and three

Iron per permits the diamond ones are the things that will sell very well and the iron ones are things you’re going to struggle to sell interesting and I believe we have a clip of your permit selection now I’m very nervous quite intimida very good ones in there okay LIC to kill bottles of

Enchant why is he not last fs and cobwebs which is pretty good pretty good like getting those gold okay mid tier bucks includes loyalty projectile protection impaling fire protection blast protection Smite sweeping Edge fs and power so good luck of those glow ink sacks which I’ve actually already got

Customer and finally now the big one okay come on something good I thought it said ferns again uh honey and slime blocks that’s pretty good that’s good that’s pretty good pretty good so me are you happy with what you got well I’m happy with most of

Them me that’s great anyway back to you in the studio me thank you me that actually brings us to the end of today’s show I’ve been smallish beans and he’s being the Subscribe button please click good Night what in the heck was that I think someone’s got a bit too much time on their hands it’s me I have too much time on my hands but yes we have our permits now look at all these we’ve actually had to change one of ours cuz we had a

Duplicate of ferns and someone else got ferns I can’t remember who but my ferns got changed to glowberries oo lovely and I’m super happy we got Glo ink sacks because let me check our farm should be still working as I filled it back up with axotal at the end of last episode

Please don’t be dead please don’t be dead please don’t be They’re All Dead that every single one of them are dead all already it’s it’s not even been that long oh my gosh 21 rotten flesh at least we got some more glow ink sacks I guess

Oh jeez it’s why we got our backups last episode and you guys aren’t dead because it’s nice and lit up in here we’ll fix that later because I have no plans to make a shop just yet however there’s a few of these that we are definitely

Going to have to set up some farms for Mid BS honestly might just be worth burning because no one’s buying midte books but people will buy glob berries I’m pretty sure and I want to set up a farm for glowberries cuz I’ve never done one before and I thought it could be

Quite fun so that’s going to be one of the first things we get working on today I think I’m going put it here as this is kind of know like looking a bit industrial and this down here is looking a bit more homely and nice although we

Do need to go strip mining at one point I’ve started extending the staircase a bit as you can see but we’ve not got anywhere near Diamond level yet but also honey and slime blocks we’re going to have to make a honey farm and a slime farm that’s quite a lot of farms we’re

Going to need villagers for the enchanting cobwebs sucks I’m not going to lie I’ll try my best to gather some but oh my gosh but I’m actually pretty happy with my selection for now though let’s keep them in here and start off by correcting something as apparently

Google has let me down and this here apparently means idiot something not aelole oh Google axotal aren’t idiots my subscribers are just kidding just kidding just kidding so we’re going to replace it with this here a comment has assured me this means Axel lottle so thank you Cat person 6043 Al this can

Apparently mean multiple things whereas this is just entrance so we’ve changed that as well but there we go thank you to everyone in the comments who corrected me but anyway glower farm and I’ve actually gone and done a bit of redstone myself which is why this is

Probably going to be terrible but we’re going to give it a go anyway and we’re going to put said glowberries Farm in this spot right here however we need to clear a lot of grass and stone so how about I go get a beacon it’s as simple

As killing Enderman then also going and getting a sword and then killing loads of wither skeletons and then killing Lo of piglins as well getting three wither skeletons and 21 Wither Skeleton kills killing the Wither making myself a beacon and also getting a pickaxe and

Now we’re ready to dig ooh look at him dig is he digging he is digging has he dug he’s dug ah lovely now we have big space and we’re going to use this for two types of glow Berry Farms the first one is the worst one but it’s also the

Biggest and most annoying to build however it is passive so let me grab some Redstone stuff oh gosh we’re going to need to go mining all right let’s build this Farm really quickly we’re going to start out with our collection system here and put some slabs on top of the Hoppers and

Then we’re going to go up one two and three layers and then we’re going to place a line of observers down here on each side guide plus some Redstone behind them and then we’re going to do five layers of glass and then the big stupid idiot YouTuber forgot to click

Record on him building the rest of the farm and is only realizing 2 hours later so now if we test this and place like a block in front of one of The Observers it should activate the Pistons on that side and then on this side as well yes lovely and when glow Berry

Vines glow they have a one in n chance of producing the actual glowy Berry bit so as you can see they’ll reach The Observers break it hopefully we’ll get a decent amount of glowberries over time without having to do anything but to be honest our main way we’re going to get

Glowberries is going to be slightly different so behind me here is going to be our main way of getting glowberries nicely placed on top of the other Farm as you can see which is kind of growing some at the moment it’s very slow which is why we have this and this here is

Very simple you put bone meal in either of these chests I I did it like that cuz it kind of looks like a little little face doesn’t it it looks quite fun and then all you have to do is flick the lever here it will bone Mill this and I

Stand here like so and just hold right click and I can AFK this if I want and it’ll be collected by the hopper below let’s get through two stacks of bone Mill cuz as you can see it is quite quick and then we’ll obviously have an

Easier way to get around here in the future bam glowberries two stacks exactly perfect and I know what you’re thinking wow Joel you’re already so far into an episode are you really going to decorate this behind you right now or are you going to leave it looking ugly

That’s not like Joel he’d never leave it looking ugly well tough I am because it’s a massive building that needs to go around this and I have something in mind however I’ve already spent so much time on other stuff today we’re not doing this as well instead I have another

Project I want to work on and that that involves the door down here the door which leads to Nowhere ooh we’re going to change that today by building something quite fun I really want to try some funky interior and this thing will have a purpose in the future but for now

It’s a secret there’s going to be a secret door in here and I’m not going to show you where and you’re going to have to try and guess but we need a decent amount of materials for this although it looks quite small at the moment we are

Going to open it up material Gathering Montage anyone take it away bam oh yeah I love this music It’s So Funky you probably don’t want me to talk right now but I thought I’d continue on with my life story which bit was that was I on

Day was I on day two I can’t remember I think I was on day two I was on last episode I started talking about it anyway day two I can’t actually remember what happened on oh we ran out of time okay we’ve got everything we need to

Build here now look at it all lovely materials although iscal just messaged me and said he’s coming over with a gift behind you hello hello hi jeles how are you doing I’m good how are you I am great I bring gift to you today oh oh

It’s a welcome gift it’s what we always do every season it’s like one deep slate Diamond well I mean we’ve done it the last season cuz before that deep slate didn’t exist but yeah there it is and and then you can place it you might want

To yeah no no no not like that it’s supposed to be incorporated in your base do you not know about this did you miss the meeting what meeting this this is just you I think you’re just having me on to be honest no no this was ages ago

Ages ago um right before I was here yeah yeah put it in my base somewhere what about just right here at the top like that there you go ooh that’s kind of nice that’s a nice touch yeah yeah have you just made this up by the way no it’s

No no you can no you can ask in the disc I mean uh no it’s been like don’t ask because then you might look like an don’t listen readings and all of the things you know what I’m saying okay good this has been a very weird

Interaction yep cool is and uh is there anything else you want to say to me before I go thank you for the diamond all okay see you later okay bye-bye bye-bye well that was very weird and now he’s saying pal where are you and he’s

Bringing her a gift and she’s not new so there’s some funky business going on here I don’t know what it is but I’ll take the free diamond or anyway time to get building this we’re going to start by clearing it out let’s close the door

Move really close to it and then when we open it again and look at that a big empty room ooh how fun and not exciting in any way whatsoever let’s start by adding a floor lovely as you can see we’ve added in the floor and also some

Little stools and tables this will make sense shortly in fact let’s quickly add in another like big bench around here I think this will be better around this time table rather than the stools there we go next let’s add the walls in and there we go that is looking really cool

I’m trying to not add too much light into here I’ll cover that up in a second but as you can see we’ve got lava behind here which I think adds some nice light and then these magma blocks let off a little bit of light but not too much so

You get some nice shadows in here and this is going to be like behind the bar here so we’re going to have a fridge oh I forgot to mention did I say what I’m building I’m building like a sort of bar a pub a bar something like that a

Cyberpunk bar and I’m really loving some of the effects we’ve got going it’s really cool however the ceiling is missing let me spin around a bit and maybe when I’m done spinning it’ll be there and behind the door which oh I forgot to do the first part of the

Transition we have the ceiling ooh yum I don’t know why I said yum ooh here look at this very very nice very nice we’ve got some lightning rods here plus a little bit of End Rod not huge amount of light if I put on some shaders actually

Wait no you will wait for shaders I’m not putting shaders on yet instead let’s finish off these decorations firstly let’s add in a bar as well as some shelves behind it and it’s me to be drink so I’m just going to put down some flour pots like so as well as throw in

Some Coral which I want to die don’t worry I know you have to waterlock it I’m not trying to okay couple of candles and the idea here was this was like you know a uh a VIP section maybe and I just seem to just use a lot of horse heads

Around don’t know where they came from don’t know who’s been killing horses but it wasn’t me that’s for sure and somewhere in this place I won’t say where there is a secret entrance to something where could it be AEL where could it be I have no idea well actually

I have an idea you guys don’t have an idea but you will find out maybe next episode episode maybe the episode after guess you’ll have to continue watching the series make sure to subscribe by the way guys make sure to subscribe did I mention that in the intro till I can’t

Remember also I’m happy to announce the farm is working look at that in just over an hour or two we’ve had 39 glowberries wow those rates this is why I built the other one also I forgot I promised shaders let me show you oh lovely lovely

Kind of makes it look a bit sad when you take it off but I’m still happy with it now there’s one one more thing I want to build today yes we’re not done and that involves the bottom of this long staircase here just next to the Tory

Gate anything past this I’m not going to build anything okay this is going to be like impulses section and I’ve been building a lot of buildings I’m not sure if you’ve noticed and next time as well we’re going to build a building so I thought you know what would be fun if I

Built some trees here and a little bit of naturey stuff we can hopefully transition it nicely into buildings here later I’m not sure how high we’re going to go but I feel like some custom trees down here cherry blossoms of course could look rather nice so we’re going to

Gather up some dark oak wood and then some cherry leaves as well and I was just about to get building and then I had a visit from free cheeky chaps oh gosh look at this Rowdy lot what are you doing we came to ask you important questions very important question yeah

Right hit the hard-hitting questions for the new guy okay what what is the question you want me to say it are you guys say I I feel a little delic at bringing this up yeah it’s a touchy subject and if you’re embarrassed we’d understand you might be struggling we don’t know are

You left-handed don’t be ashamed don’t be ashamed I’m right-handed ah for real yeah why okay why would I be embarrassed about being left-handed even if I was left well the struggle there a lot of struggle we’re embar we’re trying to figure out who the lefties are on the server so far it’s

Only corales do you know of any others no my dad but he’s not on the service he’s not really a Hermit yet maybe next season though maybe maybe next season does he show potential on Minecraft uh he’s not called beans now daddy beans daddy beans he likes to go by okay it’s

Getting a little awkward now well he’s never gone by that before but he can do in the future well we love your area by the way this is very this is the most Delight area on the server I will say that’s very nice of you I was commenting on it

Yesterday how beautiful it is with all your colors and this this fish tank this is my favorite have they been uh staying alive though since you got them in there uh these ones have because these ones are name tagged and drowned don’t spawn cuz there’s light uh but the ones down

Below all my axotal have all died again uh it it took less than 24 hours and they all died so what what is your favorite angle to do this head Joel I don’t really have one yet to be honest I like going down this street I think it’s

Down here probably at the moment yeah it’s got to be from down below I think right this spot here down the stand here yeah and just look up and you can see Tango Tango we might have to you know in private just have a little word with Joel

Sometime he’s putting his redstone on Stone I mean wait wait is it because I don’t have IR Gold Blocks yet I’m not I’m not rich like you EO God we don’t I I don’t want to publicly embarrass you cuz sometimes you know he’s new he’s new and

Look look you’re down here and you’re like digging and you’re just like well I can’t even do it you’re digging down here and you’re just like bam oh whoops didn’t even know oh you just broke your farm Joel look that just activated it was just good timing but that is okay

Yeah maybe that will happen but maybe it won’t however you thought about that it’s going to get covered up very shortly is that a risk you’re willing to take this is a good view out here Jo it’s got lots of views everywhere this whole place the thing about being on the

Mountain is you get lots of good views it’s nice got you’re kind of the only one on the top of the mountain so far aren’t you everyone else everyone else is down below which is a shame but when we blow the mountain up you know it’s

Going to be a bit of a problem but that’s fine we’re not blowing up the mountain anytime soon please don’t blow up anything of mine don’t think you’ve checked the the Magic Mountain chat that’s nonexistent yeah about to say if there’s a Magic Mountain chat then I’m

Not in it which is a bit of a shame now we just we’ve been talking about making a Magic Mountain chat since day one and there is still no mag have a Magic Mountain yeah surprising there’s a mail system chat yeah oh we get it you do mail shut up EA

God he nine that’s it demoted you’re very impressed though rightel yeah I’m so excited to get my mailbox I don’t know where it’s going to go but I’m excited to get it oh oh my gosh where did you uh get this from let’s move out those room now we don’t

Want to spoil it for the video scy come on let’s go we don’t we don’t want to spoil it okay well I need to go build some stuff so all right I’ll let you you’re really slack in here somebody try to be productive over here worri bit Yeah and for the banners

I’m using them oh sorry sorry you’re such a big fan of me someone’s going to put up with you you two hey two need to get a room here you go scar oh dear oh we can’t just let EO get away with it can we I don’t know what

He’s doing but we can’t let him get away with it anyway time to get transformed ing this area we’re going to start by building the trees and I’m not walking through this I’m time- lapsing it baby cue the music CU it now Joel queue it

Why you not queuing it okay here we go I’m going to call this first time lapse here the time lapse of interruptions cuz as you can see people are interrupting me constantly but what did they say well I guess you’ll have to find out right

Now this thing is huge it is I this is actually the second version the first version was twice the size and it was three blocks wide uh on the mangrove and I was just like h no this is too big well it’s beautiful and these look like

They have a lot of Promise a lot of potential thank you it’s going to be a cute little area and then impulse Gem and skis came over and were arguing about my height for some reason I designated him with swagger squid and I said because I watched the tall handsome

Guys videos there you go that’s so many adjectives I didn’t ask for oh dear all right stop this I’ll get back to it’s all right don’t worry about it it’s fine thank you really honesty have a good time little guy let’s see if we can add the leaves

And the rest of the stuff without getting interrupted and I can happily say we didn’t get interrupted which is great we managed to add in some little watery bits down here as well as some like Mossy bits and some leaves and then finally the Cherry leaves themselves I

Think it’s looking pretty good okay this is coming together really nicely I’m just going to add a few final touches on let’s add some sort of little flowery lily pads around as well as well as some actual lily pads and I’m actually going to get rid of the lilacs I don’t know

They’re just not doing it for me can’t explain it but they need to get gone instead let’s add in some bits of bamboo around and there we go I’m pretty happy with this it looks a bit weird from some angles but this is the angle I want it

To look good at from when you’re on the around here look at that I think definitely in the future though we’re going to add in a few more trees cuz at the moment they’re just sort of in the middle of nowhere for now I’m happy with

That I might trim some of the leaves down a bit but apart from that it’s looking good but unfortunately guys that is all we have got time for for today thank you so much for watching I hope you did enjoy make sure to leave a like

And comment and subscribe if you new and I shall see you another time good bye

Today we build some trees, a really cool bar & also get our hermit permits! Subscribe if you’re new 😀

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Hermitcraft Logo by @DnatorGames


  1. When is the big Hollywood like sign on the side of the mountain coming? Gotta show the poor cyberpunk folks below how rich you are!

  2. Honestly, every interaction between Joel and the other hermits has just been golden so far. Him and Etho have been super fun since they were in the Life Series, and it’s very fun to see them interacting on the Hermitcraft server.

  3. It would be a project, but you should try replacing your axolotls in the glow ink farm with guardians, because they won't get killed by zombies

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