Testing Illegal Minecraft Crafts in Real Life

Everyone has been testing illegal builds in Minecraft oh my we have an actual Shield of books so I decided it’s my job to test those illegal Minecraft builds in real life starting with the cookie sword and so the first illegal craft we’re going to be making is a cookie

Sword and obviously you need your cookies and then you just need one stick so once you have all of that you just place it just like this your two cookies and boom what is that we have a cookie sword look at it it’s just it looks like

Orange potatoes look at this thing man look the cookie sword yo okay Mr Golem I’m so sorry about this but I’m going to have to use this cookie sword against you how how am I going to make this in real life hello sir I’m going to need to

Oh okay well this thing sucks yo look at it bro the entire top part broke can I still not oh okay well it just does not this is the worst sword known in Minecraft the cookie sword no matter who I try to hit it literally does not do

Any damage I can break stuff though well I’m so sorry Mr V I’ve done this a million times before I make cookies all the time so we’re going to do this so that we can like grab the sword this is basically our crafting table so all you

Have to do is you just kind of have to put the cookies in the right way you know close enough to where you can make like a sword so we’re going to go like this and like that we’re going to go like this we’re going to bring it down a

Little bit we’re going to go like that and then like that and then maybe like a little bit of an edge to it what if we go like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I’m cooking right now literally do I just put it in it says

Bake at 2:05 what time is it oh it’s 2:10 now I don’t know I guess we just put it in huh what’s that oh the cookies are done that’s what’s that’s what he’s saying to me he’s saying that the cookies y oh our sword cookie has been

Finished yo so now we just got to pop this bad boy off and start slaying so you want to more into a sword shape that’s a very blunt sword looks like a it looks like a tot I could cut it we’re going to cut it right here oh he knows

What he’s doing he’s done this before okay and then we will cut this bad boy down to like right here and now we have ourself a sword and maybe we let it cook just a little bit longer so that it’ll be perfect you might get some vanilla from

Like uncooked cookie dough though oh I KN that and now all you have to do is just put it back in the oven and let don’t eat you might get S vanilla and now we put it back in here we go that was really hot cool okay and it should

Be about done here we go very hot all right now we’re going to put this in the freezer so that it can just chill and make sure that it’s like not going to break when we take it off this is how it looks look at that that’s a sore right

There cool now we just have to wait for it to cool cookie sword is ready it is now Frozen which means means we can now take it off test the sword out let’s go stab some things you have no idea what you’re doing do you I just don’t want

The sword to break cuz then I can’t stab things and I really have been looking forward to stabbing things I’ve been been on my bucket list for a little while now oh you going to stab me bro it actually may be like please help we have our cookie sword time for the first

Thing to stab Don come at me I Dare You it literally looks exactly like a sword like in Minecraft if there was a tree right there I’d just be like no cookie stop eating now we’re going to be making a watermelon helmet and in order to craft that we need our watermelon

Slices and that’s that’s literally it it’s the same way you’d make like any normal helmet so uh yeah we’re just going to get the watermelon slices place it just like that and boom Oh watermelon helmet baby this is not sanitary it can’t be and now we just put it on top

Of our head and there we go wait what what did I just get did I just get saturation I just got more saturation look at this I can literally just infinitely run around with wait are you serious wait so I’m eating the watermelon helmet as I’m running around

And it just regenerates my hunger and infinitely as I walk around in Minecraft this is genius watermelon helmet so uh yeah you’re just going to grab watermelon and we’re going to cut this bad boy open and we’re going to put it on our head first thing you need to do

That though is a knife so we need the biggest one possible that’s not a knife we have a a board all you’re going to do is you’re just going to cut it in one chop just like this just kidding okay ready bro just saw it don’t we’re just going to go like this

Don’t try this at home this is super dangerous oh it’s like diagonal bro cutting it like that then oh oh hey not in my kitchen not in my kitchen what is all you got to do is you got to eat the inside eat it you eating

Keep eating why you telling me like that F how am I supposed to eat this much watermelon were you lying can I just throw it away no it’s just water so you like it evaporate in your skin how much you done did I have to really eat all of

It I’m done M that’s it for me this is a helmet this is the helmet that we got I can’t e anymore so we’ve cut a little little thing right here for me to put it on my head and now we have ourself a watermelon helmet that I’m going to put

On my head and it’s going to ruin my hair ready 3 two 1 here we go how close is it to fitting I don’t think it fits Don oh Donnie it didn’t break bro look yo it looks sick guys look if anybody tries to hit me I’m pret protected yeah

What do you think you look mental next up we have our ice shoes and uh in order to make ice shoes we need ice and uh yeah it’s the same thing as before just like how you make a normal helmet you need to make normal boots using ice so

Place it just like that and boom we have our ice boots okay time to put these on let’s see what happens oh oh look at that yo oh oh wait I’m flying dude oh my oh my bro bro I’m actually flying right now look at this this is insane I might

Have just destroyed an entire Village but it’s okay oh oh oh wait this is insane this is the new form of travel oh it’s breaking everything okay wait I need to take these off before I decimate this entire Village and everything oh bro I destroyed it I’m so sorry I accidentally destroyed a

House in the path I’m so sorry villagers so for this next one we need to make ice boots and we need the ice so we’re in the kitchen and we’re going to you know make some ice using these bowls we’re going to put water in them so what you

Got to do to get ice you guys can follow along with me you just got to fill it up with some water you can’t tell me that was not seamless right there look at that completely filled to the and top and to the top you’re spilling it I’m not

Meaning to I’m not meaning to spill it can someone turn off the sink please oh gosh oh spil on the cat this actually feels like too much water that’s way too much water and now we got to put them in the freezer let them uh let them chill

Uh I’ll put them next to the dino nuggies as well now all you have to do is just wait for them to freeze so now we’ve got the ice out of the uh freezer uh it’s all Frozen now so what we’re doing is we’re taping it the bottom of

My shoes and we’re going to leave enough space for the ice to be walked on so we’re going to walk on Ice full speed we’re just going to full Sprint with it on and just see how it goes doesn’t really feel safe but you know it is what

It is let’s tape these bad boys up all right you’re done you’re ready yep I’m ready yeah there’s ice you see it one Go now we’re going to be making a shield of books I have no idea how I’m going to be making this in real life which it should be interesting and to start all you need is just your books and then an ironing it just like how you craft uh you know a

Shield a normal shield and I’m assuming right it’s just like this how how do you make a shield it’s just like wait it’s like that no no it’s not like that it’s like that oh my we have an actual Shield of books oh wait a second wait this is

Is insane this is insane hold on wait a second it’s actual Shield of books Let’s summon a skeleton and see how this thing works yo wait a second look yeah yo it works perfect get away from me you’ll never be able to hit me in my shield me and my

Shield of knowledge come at me come at me I dare you hit you with my shield of books come here boy come here now I got to make this in real life and then I’m going to fight skeletons in uh real life die boom death by knowledge by books

Imagine that so now we’ moved to to the floor and we’re going to make our book Shield so I went upstairs in our library that we have that I have it’s my library and I’m going to liary I do I do in fact have a library all right we’re going to

Use this book right here we’re going to we’re just going to make a giant surface area that you can hold for the shield sists by Dani you read that one where mhm it’s about a couple toys one one’s a space and then one’s one’s a space guy

One’s a cowboy toy St that actually looks like a Minecraft Shield does it not it does wait a second okay so now we’re just going to use some tape and tap together yeah we’re going to make this an actual shield and we’re going to test it against things like a car

Someone hitting me Donnie throwing a rock I get to throw rocks at you and you get to hit me with a car okay so we’re going to tape it across please please man oh this is my favorite Daniel Steel book right here it’s the one about the the guy who’s

Like a shark and then the girl who’s like a lava person this is actually going to work and people are going to be surprised when I when I get hit by a car and I come out unscathed so we’ve added handlebars to our our a book shield and now we will

Find out if it works as an actual Shield okay so here we go we’re going to put my arm inside and now he just left oh my yeah look at this are you good bro try hitting me I dare you try hit me try hit me okay chill chill chill chill don’t

Okay oh Linux yo look at this bro look at this shes you use whatever you want BR you’re not hitting me go okay okay throw it right there you are you ready yep I don’t think this going to work it’s definitely going to work oh are you we no what look i’mscared

Wait let’s try more try it again oh I kind of got on my foot this is crazy sorry okay hit it hit it hit it hard hit it hard hit it hard it’s hard to it’s hard to hit record at the same time okay throw go throw

Oh I’m so sorry why is it so big Dy please Dy now we’re going to be making a bottle of gunpowder don’t ask me I’m going to make this in real life but we’re going to make it in game for now at least and all you need to make it is your glass

Bottles gunpowder and your Redstone Dust this is very important do not forget that part and now all you’re going to do is you’re going to place your three bottles just like this and then your gunpowder oh your wait villager can you please get away from me get away you

Should be just like that and boom we have a bottle of gunpowder wait a second what does it look like oh oh look at that that bottle of gun sir can you all right you called for it oh oh what is it doing yo oh snap that was a really big explosion

What if I throw it again sir don’t move don’t move Miss oh that might have worked a little bit too well how are we supposed to make this in real life so now we’re back in the kitchen and I have these here exploding hearts and I’m going to take all of them out

Individually and then make one big b explosion now all we got to do is take them out just like this and we got to dig them all out we’re going to dig them all out we’re going to put it all together and we’re going to make one

Giant explosion inside of here so we’re going to open up the baggie we’re going to open these bad boys up what happens if it like does a too big explosion too big explosion there’s no such thing as that you know Michael B yeah okay he does explosions but he doesn’t

Care you know what I mean that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to make explosions but not care oh oh so now that it’s tied and it’s all good to go all we have to do is just throw it on the floor here we go ready three two

1 run run run okay next up is a string and pickaxe which if you’re curious how this is going to work out so you’re just as curious as I am I have no honestly I don’t know how this is going to work supposedly all you need is a lead and a

Stone pickaxe okay and then you just place it like this and like that bro string with pickaxe wait hold on okay so now using our string with pickaxe um let’s see if we can vandalize from far away you see that villager’s house right there I’m going to try to mine that

House obviously I can’t reach it from here but can I use the string pickaxe to mine it let’s see throw it and oh look at that y this is crazy wait hold on a second bow give me that bow wait oh Bow can I go higher can I go up there bow

Give it that bow bro that’s that’s insane this would lead to so many friendships being broken this this is so broken so now we’re going to make our pickaxe on a string so obviously right here we have our string and then our pickaxe um oops I accidentally tied it

So now all we got to do is just kind of wrap it around and make sure that it does not break off when we throw it we’re going to wrap it around a couple of times I’m going to tie it around this end and I’m going to wrap it around this

In have no idea what you doing wait I broke it off why did you cut it I thought I was supposed to cut it n wait wait wait wait wait wait chill chill chill what are you doing look look look watch oh so that was intentional yes yes

Now you tie the Bro the cut part and then you why do you still do bunny ear you’re 22 it didn’t even work yes it did look it did work look at that bro tell me this did not work it kind of works tell me it did not work right now you’re

Going to hurt yourself stop you look crazy person I’m going to use this pickaxe on a string and I’m going to hit that water bottle right there 10 ft away it’s going to hit the water bottle okay let me get out of the way first get stop

All you got to do now that we have our string on a pickaxe you just got to throw it oh that was close wait a second this actually kind of cool I can use this if anybody makes me mad how does it work so well in Minecraft but not in real

Life the string hit that does that count stupid Donnie trying to make me do it again two one next up we have our clay gloves and Clay meaning like Rock Hard Solid clay that you can you know just put on your hand and and completely cover basically

Makes a stone brick on your hand and we’re going to be making that in Minecraft and in real life and to start in Minecraft we need clay and then we also need a little bit of red dye just one to start and to make it all you do

Is just place the clay just like that and then once we place this red D boom play gloves how do I put it on how do I put it on my hands oh it’s on my hand oh my bro look at me look at me I looks

Like it looks like I’m about to knock someone out I’m sorry okay okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry let’s try this out and apparently if you punch a tree you can absolutely obliterate it let’s do this ready 3 2 1 oh it broke that tree how did it break that tree wait

Does it break bro oh I just broke two wait my M my face I’m so sorry guys you couldn’t see me for a second it’s breaking two trees can I break three wait it only breaks two total but these trees are so close together it has to

Work oh it broke four bro I’m going run I’m getting a 360 let me break some more trees bow oh my bro you walk around look at how quickly you can just decimate and entire Forest this is this is capitalism at its finest this is what it needs you

Want to make a McDonald’s get some clay gloves bro wipe out an entire species of trees and then just build it so now we’re back in the kitchen and we’re going to be making a clay glove so we got our clay here we got a glove and

We’re just going to put the clay around the glove and then we’re going to break a bunch of stuff we’re going to start punching trees breaking trees everything so now all I have to do is just grab the clay oh gosh this is a lot of clay um

Yeah you’re just going to cover your hand with Clay that’s all you’re going to do I don’t think this is going to work what do you mean you know what do what you want I think it’s going to work and just like that we now have our clay

Glove and now all we’re going to do to make sure that it hardens is blow dry it just like that all we have to do is just blow dry the clay glove going take a little while I long do you think it will take huh what’ you

Say huh all right and just like that should be good go punch some stuff so now I’m going to break down this tree within five hits using my uh clay glove here you ready three 2 1 oh oh oh my God okay after a little

While it kind of hurts a little bit here it’s okay we’ll just cover the top all right give it one really hard one okay ready three two one are you okay call an ambulance next we have a fishing rod with a steak on it okay so I don’t

Really know what that means necessarily but we’re going to need to make it okay so we’re going to get our fishing rod raw beef and now we have a fishing rod and a steak on it okay so we got got to go to this body of water and I need to

Know what it does okay what what does a stake on it do what are you attracting a bear what how are you going to get a bear out of the water so all I have to do is just toss it out there and okay if

There’s steak on it what am I going to get you know what I mean what is it what is it I need to know takes a little while not going to lie takes a takes a fat minute oh here we go oh oh my there’s no way that is the biggest

Fish I’ve ever seen in my entire en life okay that makes a lot more sense of why it would want a steak so you’re telling me if I make this in real life I can get 80 90 that’s like 300 lb fish right there that’s a 300 lb salmon that could

Feed a family of 30 maybe more that would feed a village and a half oh did I miss it oh oh my brother this is insane I’m so sorry if you hit it it literally just flies sideways what is that okay I’m so sorry time to make this and try

It out in real life we’re back in the kitchen and we are going to be making a fishing pole with a steak on on top to catch things more bigger things like a bear or something um so yeah I went to the store got the best fishing pool I

Could get that is not the best fishing it’s says Avengers on it and I also bought this Japanese W wag guy steak that’s not that’s not wag you wag you nothing carry on that’s what you told me so I paid 200 bucks why are you boiling it can you

Stop please so we’re going to make a honey steak you guys I’ve never heard of it um it’s my favorite so we’re going to grab the honey now we’re going to add a little bit on top add a little bit of flavor cuz you want to boil it you’re

Going to add it on top it’s just going to sear it basically you ever heard of seared steak you have no idea what you’re doing I I do and then we’re going to grab some salt we’re going to add some salt on top I think that’s enough

Salt I’m the chef oh sorry carry on carry on then a little bit of pepper on top that’s too much too it’s talking back already okay thought you know it’s almost done so now that’s almost done now you got to add a little bit more that’s how you know it’s cooking hear

That that that right there is the sound of delicious American Steak right there now we just let it sit for a little bit longer we’re going to go fishing you want to try I’m good it’s all you it’s all you okay so I’m ready to go whoever’s hungry I’m

Not touching that if you can cut it with a butter knife that’s how you know it’s ready you want to take a bite no I think I’m I ate like yesterday we’re going to take this and we’re going to go fishing we’re going to add this to the end of

This fishing rod shks Bears who knows I’m ready so right here we have our steak our beautiful cooked thoroughly steak we’re going to tie it onto our string so that we can go fishing roll it’s got a little it’s not raw oh my wait that was actually a sick tie right

There oh here we go we have our fishing rod with a steak where’s the thingy where’s the thingy that supposed to come with one I’ve never fished a day in my life wa you catch something wait did you see the end the top wait what if I actually do

Catch fish there just a fish like on the end of it like I don’t know how I’m supposed to reel it in so what do we do now when we go home we catch a fish what if I reel it in hold the steak right over the edge

And as a fish comes up just there’s something on it oh wait I thought there was something on it but it was just the other end of the string there we go now we’ll see if any fish come up we go home no we have to finish we

Have to catch a fish do you see a fish on it then no we can’t go home not till we catch one now we’re going to be making a sugar axe okay and if you’re proba you’re wondering like what is a sugar axe it’s exactly what you think it’s just an axe

With sugar on it and all you need is just your normal stuff to make an axe but then three sugar and boom you have your sugar axe look at this made out of actual sugar okay actual sugar imag imagine like this a sugar like almost like salt kind of vibe yeah you’re this

Is what it’s made out of if you put water so what does it do oh it just broke okay I just tried break wait hello okay cool oh no fantastic it just broke that’s what that noise was it broke the axe before I could even do anything okay

Cool it’s worthless I get it’s candy but come on I can’t even hit people with it it’s useless okay dude rock hard candy is not useless it hurts if you you trying to use this thing in real life it would probably hurt someone extremely bad so now we’re going to be making a

Sugar axe in real life as you can see I already put a little bit of sugar in we’re going to add two cups of we’re going to add two cups of sugar and we’re going to add one cup can you stop spilling I don’t mean to bro I don’t

Mean to you’re still doing it I don’t mean to now all we have to do is just stir it now we’re going to boil this bad boy up and then we’ll be able to create our sugar Axe and then we’ll start stabbing things after boiling the sugar water

Thing whatever it is I put it into a handcrafted mold of a Minecraft axe in real life bro that does not look like an axe that looks like something completely different what are you talking about it looks exactly like what else would it look like that’s not an axe what are you

Talking about SE the comment section will let you know don’t worry and then after letting it sit for about 10 15 minutes we now have our diamond axe I added even a little bit of blue dye to it to make it look exactly like a Minecraft diamond axe and it came off

Perfectly obviously the first thing thing I had to do was a taste test of our sugar axe in real life and it was delicious and now we’re going to be doing a durability test and we’re going to be using it against a brick wall to

See if it can break the wall but first a lick for good luck next up is a colored egg which um beats me what it actually does we only need one red dye so we’re going to put that red dye back and we’re going to create our red chicken egg okay this is

A giant red chicken egg look at my hand right now it looks like I’m holding a red basketball or like one of those balls you having gym like at the at the gym or school you know what I’m talking about okay now we’re going to throw this here we go 3 2 1

Oh you are an interesting why is he running like that bro is Galloping wait let me kill him ow do you die wait so you’re telling me if I get a red egg or an egg in real life make it red then it’ll spawn a red chicken at the bare

Minimum I expect the inside to be red oh goodbye Red Chicken and now we’re back outside using this red paint it should make obviously the egg red but then also everything inside of the egg red as well once it dries it said that you know it should just dye everything inside making

The egg itself actually red will it work let’s find out and after gently cracking it open it actually turned out red yes it worked we have ourselves actual red eggs I I genuinely who knows the science on this I don’t that’s for sure I just know red makes red how did that don’t

You feel stupid now D are you hungry actually smells delicious you know you hungry you want some it can’t be edible yes it can it is edible bro actually I don’t think it’s edible cuz it’s paint so don’t try this at home don’t but it works next up we have invisible ice um

Don’t ask any questions I have no idea okay and all you need for it is you need your water bucket lava bucket and powdered snow bucket okay and all you need to do to make it is just place all three on top of each other just like

This wait just like this just like this there we go invisible ice perfect okay one of the buckets disappeared but we get two two buckets back lose one all and then you gain some invisible ice I guess not completely invisible but it looks invisible and I’m assuming we

Place it down and wo wo that is weird you don’t even move my hands are off the keyboard look at that my hands are off I’m not moving and it’s moving me so what if I go like this and I step on it hands are off the keyboard

Oh I’m moving what if I full Sprint wa so if I run look at that bro it makes you go so fast so you’re telling me if I get this in real life I could full Sprint on top of it and what is invisible ice what would it so now we’re

Back in the kitchen and using ice if you put it over a stove and turn up the stove a little bit to a bit of a hot temperature supposedly you can make invisible ice now is that true you’re about to find out okay cuz I don’t know

And after giving it about 5 10 minutes on the stove the ice actually went invisible oh I’m a genius Donnie doubted me everybody doubted me I wanted to thank my mom I want to thank my dad I want to thank my grandma specifically uh everyone that doubted me um you all

Stink next up we have bees and balloons so we need to make a balloon first and in order to make a balloon we need red dye and then a slime ball just one slime ball and then all you do is you place your red dye your slime ball and then

You get three balloon bees okay in order to use this you need to find a bee it’s literally only usable on bees so all you need to do is just right click the be if it’ll come down come here buddy come here where are you going come here Mr be

Here he is okay ready and then we just right click him oh he’s stuck let him be free oh okay I’m so sorry I’m so sorry how do I oh Goodbye Oh Mr Bee wait wait yo he’s flying away wait maybe this wasn’t a good idea oh the bee’s just

Flying away oh no oh no oh no oh no so you’re telling me if you tie a be wait can I tie the cat to a balloon come here Mr cat oh no you can’t it’s just for bees where’s the bee oh there he goes goodbye Soldier we thank you for your

Services and if get these two bees oh I’m so sorry guys I’m so sorry he’s stuck as well um that guy’s floating away oh all the bees are just kind of I’m so sorry I’m going to break you free how do I get you free oh there he goes

Now now all of the bees are are flying away on balloons I don’t know how I’m going to do this in real life how how in the world am I going to get a bee and tie a balloon to it so as you can see we’re back outside and I found myself a

String and a red balloon and we are going to be going over to this area that I know that has a lot and a lot of bees in there’s about four trees on the side of this one neighborhood and uh yeah there’s just a bunch of bees so if I

Could go over there and perfectly get it around a bee supposedly the bee will just fly away with the balloon and the string so I walked over there and uh it went perfectly it went amazing I walked over there I put my hand up I put the

String around the beat he literally just laid on my hand let me do it and then he flew away and it went perfectly I I didn’t get stung as well and I didn’t have to go to the hospital cuz I’m not I’m not allergic so yeah it went great

And subscribe next is a honey Cactus sticky bomb and um if you’re curious about what it is it’s self-explanatory it’s a honey Cactus bomb okay it’s a sticky bomb okay you see you see it in my hand that does not look safe at so at all like whatsoever okay this is a

Sticky Cactus imagine a cactus with its thorns and and then just honey on it okay honey on a cactus that’s just sticky nightmare that’s all it is I’m going to look for a house I’m just going to throw it at this house boom Oh wait I

Missed oh back up okay what happens if I throw it at the side of a wall like boom Oh it’s stuck back up okay that’s insane wait so what happens when I right click and oh wait you’re trying to sell me stuff get away from me wait no don’t get

Away from me stop moving throw it oh where’d it go he ate it what happens if I throw it at a Golem does it just stick to him it throw it excuse me whose beautiful house is this whose beautiful humble let me just oh who back up back

Up back up back oh okay sorry about that so you’re telling me I have to make this in real life I think we might have to test it in real life as well we’re back in the kitchen and we’re making a Sticky Cactus so we have our Cactus here

And then we also have our honey and we’re going to just pour this on top and make a Sticky Cactus so the first thing we’re going to need to do is place it right here so it doesn’t get honey all over the place great now we’re going to

Have to open the honey you know what you’re doing yes I’ve done this before in the video game so that means I know what I’m doing oh okay have you ever made sticky honey no sticky honey Cactus no well I’m going to show you now this

Is a Lethal Weapon what are you doing this is a this is terrifying actually so you throw at someone and then they sticks well that’s the plan to throw what do you mean someone don’t worry keep going all right this is ready okay perfect what do you

Mean throw it at someone that’s where this comes in the bubble WRA yeah why why don’t why bubble wrap armor okay that’s what we’re going to be making in Minecraft bubble wrap armor um okay so what you need for that is um just water because water makes bubbles and then you

Take the bubbles from the water and then you make it in the game so in order to make full bub Bubble Wrap armor we’re going to need to place all of these buckets one by one it’s going to be brutal there we go bubble bubble bubble

Helmet this is going to be a nightmare for me to say and finally we have our leggings and now we just need to put it on and oh my what is going on this is the bubble armor bro look at me I’m just a bubble machine look at this I can run

Around what happens if I walk into this ice I fly around all over the place let me take on the Golem let me let me out baby come here put the ding ding ding sound effect like I’m getting into the ring right now look at that Golem come

Here boy come here look at you tall muscular yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah back it up buddy back it up look at me in real life man look at me you think you take me on no you can’t bro look at me I’m bubbles come at me come at me try

To hit me yeah I’m slippery that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about baby yeah yeah yeah try to try to take me on bro try to take me on oh oh oh where’s your come on turn around I’m going to hit you from the

Back wait pause what come here boy let me 360 no scope you poow poow poow I’m too slippery for you I’m too slippery you keep hitting me and you slip right off it’s like baby oil it’s all over me like I’m all over you right now and you can’t do nothing about

It die die can you bro are you good are you actually good yo sheep get out of here bro sheep you’re going to get messed up bro bro I was about to say dude unbelievable but this armor is the best armor in the entire game I’ll bet if if

You make this in real life bro I could jump into some rocks off a mountain I’ll be fine night yeah I got no go I’m way too my ex made mistakes she wanted to take a break way too gone my made mistak she a little break what is this your arms up

What is this for then we’re going to throw this at you now okay cool and this is my protection yeah nothing else no cool let’s do this all right here we go you ready oh this is going to hurt so bad this is going to hurt so bad the sh

Hit the shield okay okay okay okay I can’t even look at you cuz if you hit me in the face I’m blind okay all for what a Minecraft video oh no it’s on the floor I missed so what was the point of me putting all this on I don’t know it

Took me 45 minutes to get all of this bubble wrap and put it on so now we have a bounce bouncing ender pearl can you stop looking at me what is wrong with you in order to make a bouncing ender pearl you need an ender pearl and you

Need slime balls technically just one slime ball but more the merrier it’s fine get an ender pearl put it in the middle put a slime ball next to it and boom you have a bouncy ender pearl you actually get two bouncy ender pearls and so I mean I I would think it’s pretty

Self-explanatory you throw it and it bounces but like what does that look like oh where’d it go oh there oh there goes the end pear wait wait where you going where are you going you’re supposed to teleport me what are you doing oh who oh oh they still Works wait

A second bro this would be the craziest thing ever what if I make a bunch what if I have a bunch of bouncy ender pearls and I start spamming them oh wait only one at a time okay never mind that was anti-climatic you could only throw one

Bouncy ender pearl oh and there it goes it’s it’s gone it’s gone into the forest over there without me goodbye oh and we’re here so you’re telling me we’ll be making an working ender pearl for me to teleport in real life let’s just say I called in a specialist we’re out on the

Streets right now and we have a real life ender pearl with slime on it okay and all we got to do is just throw it to the ground and theoretically it should just start you know going all over the place and if you don’t believe me watch

This okay I’m going to throw this so hard that it’s going to bounce and it’s going to go all the way to New Mexico okay ready oh we’re in Arizona okay ready three two one are you okay are you okay

Testing Illegal Minecraft Crafts in Real Life

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  1. 13:21😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🎉😂😂😂🎉😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. watching you cut the water melon made me think about the time i was 4 years old and wanted watermelon and I couldn't find an adult to help me so i decided to do it myself. I didn't hurt myself but I did get yelled at

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