I Transformed an Ancient City in Survival Minecraft

Everyone’s pets are going missing so I am going to transform an entire ancient city into a secret underground Palace to protect my Minecraft dog Dexter oh yeah and this is all happening because the server can’t agree on whether cats or dogs are better and why

Am I choosing to hide my dog away in an ancient city of all places well mostly because it’s quite literally the last place anyone would look but a nice bonus is that no mobs can even spawn in ancient sin and if you’re wondering about the warden the most dangerous boss

In the entire game well these shriekers technically summon them break them and no more Warden when the streak is destroyed there’s only one more thing to do before I can begin turning the ancient city into my secret underground Palace based thing see this skulk yeah it looks very bad and it’s literally

Everywhere I don’t really want the skull to be in the final build so I’m going to destroy every last bit of it in this cave and no one suspects a thing about my plan let’s begin honestly this might be the most satisfying thing I’ve ever done and at

This rate this process is going to be a breeze I regret all of my Life Choices all I do is mind skulk and Farm bread oh and also mine skull this was taking forever and I could not figure out a way to make the process faster I even tried burning the vines

It didn’t work I’m going to need a really good plan to get this skull destroyed especially as we move on to the walls and ceiling scaffolding is not going to work it’s honestly just the most annoying Block in the world to use or it might just be

That I’m bad at the game how do I plan to reach the ceiling without scaffolding all I need to do is go to the end find an End City acquire a shulker and bring it all the way back to the Overworld so that it can make me float and then I

Can mine the scope that way you know it sounds Dumber now that I say it out loud but it’s worth a shot but before I can even think about doing that give me one second yep feels good to be rich now I don’t plan to bore you with the details of why

Bringing a shulker back to the Overworld is quite possibly the most annoying process ever so instead boom bam bop uh that didn’t work Just flying out in the massive expanse of nothingness quite a terrifying position to be in honestly but it’s all going to be worth it let’s finally get back to work I was actually pretty convinced this would be a massive failure but I have surprised myself today and I’ve now mined 26

000 skull and it’s finally becoming noticeable especially when compared to the beginning of the video I also designed a nice Railway to move the shulker around but if I want to build this all over the cave I’m gonna need a lot more Spruce Wood check mate mother nature And done with the rail Dexter I’m gonna get this skulk mine if it’s the last thing I do I cannot have you sitting on the dirty floor any longer Foreign To anyone that wants a visual representation of all the skalk I mined here it is 50 000 skulk blocks in all its Glory and no the cube is not home you know I really should be happy that the skulk is finally gone but to be honest this

Railway looks too terrible to include in the final build much better with all of the skull gone and the cave fully patched up I was finally able to begin with the actual project and all I needed was a few shulker boxes of materials let’s just brush over the many hours of

Work that it took to get there I’m gonna start by building this small little room at the entrance and it’s going to act as the doorway from the outside world into the cave but for right now I’m gonna use it to hide Dexter and his entire family

I also made a secret piston door that’s pretty cool now I plan to turn this place into a beautiful palace for all dogs to be safe but I’m also somewhat doing it so that I have a safe place to be because my enemy calling themselves the cat lovers are

Willing to kill people to take their dogs so hopefully I don’t have to worry about that and that is the center pathway done and it’s already looking so cool with the color palette I chose but in the grand scheme of things this is only a small fraction of the entire build so let’s

Keep going I actually just thought of a cool idea I could make this strip of Flora Garden then I can rebuild these pillars to actually look good make the garden better yeah that is looking pretty sweet now I just have to do it all over again After completing entrance Pathway to the build I had a massive problem How much quartz do you think this small part of the ancient city took five Stacks ten stacks maybe even half of my Supply all of it my Supply is completely gone it took me over three hours of mining to

Get two shulker boxes of quartz blocked for all of it to get used up instantaneously but then I thought hmm piglens trade for quartz maybe I can get gold from the server’s gold farm and get Quartz that way absolutely not 30 minutes of work for four puny stacks of course blocks so

What options do I really even have left I’m going to need hundreds of stacks of quartz block and there’s no real efficient way to get them well I actually have one idea but before I can even think about acting on it I’m going to need a few things first being an iron farm I’m being heavily conservative with my Courts for this pathway and it is coming along but I’ve already had to go mining for more okay this is getting too dramatic really all I plan to do is build a stacking raid Farm which is currently the most efficient way of getting emeralds in the

Entire game and you may be wondering why emeralds of all things well Mason villagers will give you courts in exchange for Emerald meaning I can get a lot of quartz blocks really fast Also I don’t really need anything major for the raid farm at this point it’s just really complicated and I don’t want to build it so instead I choose to advance my base with an iron farm forgot about that feature also this collection platform is too close and

That is the iron farm done a great first addition to the build considering it will make me over 2 000 iron per hour that’s pretty good now I could go on to build the raid farm and get it over with fixing my huge apparent quartz issue no

I’m on a roll with this iron farm and this base is still missing two very important pieces every Minecraft player has things to smelt and things to store I think yes item Farms are useful what my over-the-top reconstruction of an Asian City really needs is the essential

Firstly I need a place for my furnaces but not any kind of furnace rather a quad super smelter with infinite fuel but first I need a beacon did I mention this video has very harsh tangents well this is not the first or the last this might have actually been the most

Embarrassing thing I’ve ever done let’s all just pretend like this Beacon was acquired through my sheer skill in this game let me also remind you that no one can find out about this project I mean Dexter will die the project will be completely ruined I am forced to only

Use the beacon when no one is online And now we can actually go on to build the super smelter also I thought this moment of me using a normal furnace was cute at least I was smelting something good on the other hand I am still mining for courts I need to get this stuff built fast

All this bad boy needs now is infinite Fuel and if you’re wondering how that’s even possible in Minecraft it’s really just duplicated carpet which is somehow a bug in this game and this splits it up between the four super smell the sheer amount of carpet I this is awesome and

That’s the quad super smelter with infinite fuel done but as a Minecraft player I still have many items to put away in chests to likely never see again so I think a custom storage system is underway foreign deep slate should be instant minimal do not attempt to change my mind

Also did I mention that I hate mining I have a really cool design in mind for this storage system if you stack seven alternating shades of glass you produce this really cool effect so if I make the entire floor and ceiling in this way it’ll look really sick and you may also

Be like wow Tazo that’s such a genius idea you are so incredibly cool I got this idea from sandiction but it’s fine because I have to put an actual effort getting an ungodly amount of Glass 108 Stacks to be exact All done let’s finally smell all of this into glass get infinite die which is somehow a bug in this game like seriously what is even happening and place all of the glass well that looks awesome now it’s time to build the actual storage system oh I’m

Mining quartz again yes I will build the raid Farm soon enough You can literally put anything in here and it will automatically sort into all of these chests and it was not worth the effort but it is cool this officially puts our progress of rebuilding the ancient city at around 20 yeah let that sink in all of this work for a measly one-fifth of

The build to be complete but to be fair the project is really coming along and I am now way richer than anyone else on the server could ever dream of I mean did you see the sheer number of Hoppers I had to use in the storage system I

Mean if it were up to me I’d want to put all of this iron on display amazing I know might as well pay respects to the Fallen Iron Golems while we’re at it and now it is officially time to build the stacking raid Farm I know you you never thought this day

Would come but my craving of wealth must now be satiated with emeralds and courts I never want to go to the Nether Again yeah I’m not even going to try to understand how this thing works all I know is that it produces a whopping 128 000 emeralds per hour

The iron farm has nothing on this yeah I think I’ll just AFK here for a few hours and get all of the emeralds I will ever be able to spend like ever Um literally everything about this just feels so wrong on so many levels they may be wondering how I actually plan to get all of these emeralds turned into cork well I have a really cool plan and the way it works might honestly blow your mind this small device will allow me to do

Something called void Trading if I get in and open this chest I will get sent through the portal Mason villager is waiting on the other side ready to sell me an impressive 12 quartz block but the catch is if I let the water push me back through the portal and then make the

Purchase when I go back I can hide the quartz blocks again honestly this project is just teaching me that Minecraft has a lot of really bizarre bugs now that I’m finally back with an endless supply of die riding chords let’s celebrate by making the left side

The best section yes with four brand new item Farms firstly I thought I would take my revenge on skeletons for everything they’ve done and it looks just as funny as I was hoping I’m actually going to need a lot of honey for future projects no I’m just

Kidding I made this entire Farm just to drink the honey bone meal will be really useful for spreading Moss around the ancient city its main purpose links directly to the fourth and final Farm [Applause] now I never have to spend another moment leaving the ancient city to give wood I can basically just live down here now I mean with five item Farms a super smelter an over-the-top storage system the only thing the Space is really missing is a place for me and Dexter to

Party without the fear of the entire server hunting us down I think a dance floor will be perfect for this area but the design I have in mind calls for 450 observers I’m going to need a stone farm for this which means I also need to get another Beacon for permanent Haze too

I just love going on Long winding tangents was over lava oh my God I lost basically everything now dying and even losing some items wouldn’t normally be the end of the world for me but many members of the cat lovers were online to see me make this fatal mistake

I mean I was going to be made fun of for the rest of time all of the work I did to protect Dexter and stay Anonymous during the war was all going to be for nothing and yet somehow that’s not even close to what actually happened estelina

One of the most notorious members of the cat lovers offered to help me get my gear back I thought we were supposed to be mortal enemies not like helping each other it wasn’t a scheme to kill me as well I got my stuff back and I bought

Her McDonald’s for the trouble all this time this fear I’ve had for some members of the server was clearly misguided did I really need to be hiding out 150 blocks underground all alone honestly I just wish this war would be over already getting pets isn’t exactly something I want to stand by anymore

That’s a curveball Stella and I had similar interests we didn’t want this mindless War to go on any longer so despite the potential risk he devised a plan to finally bring the server back together what are you doing the sound effect on command wait wait what was

Helena agreed to turn this back portion of the build into a massive guard to prove to the server that the two sides of this rivalry can actually work together and I can’t believe I’m saying this but once the project is done it will be revealed to the public as an

Open space for everyone to hang out and I also want to keep our parts of the build a secret until the big reveal at the end so massive Moss wall I think I can finally get back to work on the palace and to start I’m going to be

Doing two things I never thought I would I’m installing five permanent beacons into the ancient city and building a cat to stand guard Okay that is such an awesome effect the leaves make it literally impossible to see the pot so hopefully no one snooping around is going to consider jumping down back in the ancient city I can finally build the stone farm and make the 450 Observer for the dance floor I started ages ago

You didn’t think I’d stop at just a dance floor right say hello to Amethyst spikes with ribbons hanging off of them a restaurant a secret underground drug potion lab it’s a potion live hey massive pool balloons and a stand to store all of my golden care boy trading is way too

Overpowered finally with some actual Pathways to get around including a convenient way to get up to the bone meal a massive stalactite trophy room to put my rare items in and some amethyst spikes and hanging lamps to really bring the area together the left side of the palace is officially done putting the

Build well above 50 complete all that’s left is the center strip of the palace the main focus the stuff everyone will see when they first enter foreign Literally everyone on the server is making a McDonald’s so I thought I’d make the best one in this pathway design I came up with is really bringing this place together in this first building you can order your food get some nice snacks and drinks and of course this

McDonald’s is Rich just like real life weird name for a chicken and here is the play area with a Sandbox fully functional slides a crack in the floor it’s a one-way portal back to the surface just like every McDonald’s in real life and in here you have a nice

Area to enjoy your food oh hey a Stalin is working on the garden anyways for the left and final branch of the palace I am going to make something a lot more meaning and I think it should be something to honor shulkers for playing such a huge role in this whole

Project luckily for me this little guy has been chilling up here ever since I finished mining the skull also a little known fact about shulkers is that they can only teleport up to eight blocks away from themselves so if I give it nowhere to go except for the top of this

Glass block it will float took you long enough now let’s just fully encase it into glass so that it’s protected now for the actual build I want it to be kind of a supernatural Shrine of sorts and that can be achieved simply by adding some floating rings

Around the shulker and then some chains holding the shulker in place then I can connect the center to this pathway through the shrine I will also bring the path over here so that I can build a nice little Pond area with possibly the most creative thing I’ve ever written

And that makes the shulker shrine done definitely the most unique thing I’ve added to this build yet we are now within Arm’s Reach of completing the palette the only thing left is the center now my plan with the center has always been to replace the warden statue

With a super detailed statue of a dog considering my agreement with estelina and my mission to put this dumb War to an end I’m going to make both a dog and a cat officially making this build a place of peace also each reinforced deep slate block used in the warden statue is

Minable it just takes a minute to break each block even with efficiency 5 and haste 2. I love Minecraft You know I wasn’t too sure about the walls as I was making them but the mesh of patterns and blocks I used gives them such a cool look for the center of the palette and in between the walls I’m going to build a beautiful little alcove

And it’s going to be for my pet fish Robert yeah I’m knocking now let’s move on to making the statue I want these things to be absolutely perfect so I’m going to design them in a creative world first and then recreate them on the server and

If you can’t tell the statues are going to be made out of solid gold I am estimating needing almost 2 000 blocks of gold for these things in total which is like 150 000 gold nuggets thank God the server’s gold Farm is still working yeah I’m willing to bet that this is

More gold than most of you guys have ever seen at once foreign this is actually the coolest thing I think I’ve ever built in Minecraft as a final touch I’m going to terraform the ground so that it’s not so flat and then vegetate literally everything and this small change alone should hopefully

Bring the cave to life I mean to be fair it was just the old ancient city oh my God this looks so cool what what’s your opinion on trees your big supporter of Team trees of course you are okay let’s go around you’ve got this silly little quirky little bridge that goes underneath the underneath because

Underneath the river we got a bunch of lovely little flowers a large variety of colors just like the lgbtq flag we got like whatever shape this is I think that’s a circle with like an indent at the top I don’t know I said it’s a circle with an indent at

The top okay oh hey hey hey come back hey oh come back I go first I’m sorry okay this is uh cap on meow meow and stuff and then you got a dog it goes like Oh Well I do have to say I am impressed and this build is going to make an amazing addition to the power and with that it’s done this Palace captures everything I had hoped it to be ever since the beginning it feels so cool to walk along the paths of this build because it

Almost feels like you’re in a fairy tale while this has taken four long months to complete I think it’s the first thing I’ve made in Minecraft that I can truly be proud of but I cannot forget why I began building this in the first place enough dogs and cats have died to the

Hands of the server members over such a minuscule opinion so let’s finally show everyone what we can create together and end this war once and for all I’ve brought you all here today because I I’ve been working on something undercover during the months of this survey and I think it’s time today that

I finally I show you guys as you can see A New Path has formed if you look up you will see that we are descending further and further that’s so cool well you can actually see the sky like yeah all the way down here why did you spend so much time

But you guys can see just how far below we have reached the Deep slate layer I’m gonna need you guys to stop right here for a second so I can go forward because I after you turn this corner you’ll see everything okay all right guys This is exactly where the ancient city was now this wasn’t just to show off the reason that a staliner built the garden for this build is because ever since this server started we’ve been fighting over cats and dogs to put it simply and this build is meant to represent what we are

Throwing away by fighting wait Tesla you are aware this this will this was been over for a good couple weeks or so now right no one’s no one cares anymore this is old news yeah what Thank you

I Transformed an Ancient City in Survival Minecraft, literally just to protect my minecraft dog dexter…

link tree: https://t.co/W8nOsBIjUZ

My Music:
Epidemic Sounds – https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/8dd3v6
Artlist – https://artlist.io/tazoh-3069694


This video is inspired by Wadzee and Luke TheNoteable Hardcore Minecraft Series, as well as Mumbo Jumbo and Grian on the Hermitcraft server. This idea was also based off of the crazy, big videos made by sandiction and Beppo on their Minecraft Hardcore Worlds.

However, instead of it being Wadzee, Luke, Mumbo Jumbo, Grian, sandiction or Beppo… it’s just tazoh.
I like to make Giant Mega Builds, and this is similar to a Custom Minecraft Challenge video, except the Custom Minecraft Challenge is to survive.

current sub count: 156K

#minecraft #hardcore #minecraftsmp


  1. Me thinking what side I’d be on: 🤔
    Me having most of the animals in the game and pets just to win:😏💅✨
    Well if u bought her McDonald’s no wonder she helped u out

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