Level 1 to 100 Satisfying Minecraft Experiments

If you drop sand into water it will do this satisfying bounce but did you know this also works in real life today we’re testing the most satisfying Minecraft experiments in real life and to start breaking a tower of scaffolding is extremely satisfying so we’re going to

Do it in real life but that’s not how scaffolding Works in real life but it is abomino work just like breaking the bottom Scaffolding in Minecraft causes everything to come crumbling down it’s the same for dominoes it’s the same for dominoes how it’s the [Applause] same and that isn’t even the most

Satisfying thing we’re doing in this video we’re going to recreate the frost Walker enchantment in real life use the chain s to slice through slime and so much more watching skull spread rapidly across the biome is pretty satisfying but what happens when we unleash this substance in real life so you’re telling

Me that that disgusting black oil is a virus yeah and whatever you do don’t touch it or else this will happen wo wo why is it going up your R that’s disgusting this is horrible ew it looks like Venom I don’t want to get infected with whatever that is the infection of

Skull is with me and now it’s coming to you it’s just Magnus BR see is it safe for me to come back so you promised that that’s not a virus stop no it’s not look bro literally like rainbow magnets out here see it’s just a glove with rainbow

Magnets and what is that this is something called ferrofluid ferof fluid is it alive or from out of space well if it’s not quite from out of space but it was actually made for out of space and I’ve got a few more tubes of it just

Here you see in out of space normal fuel doesn’t quite work because instead of flowing normally the liquids just start floating in zero gravity it’s all kind of weird stuff so NASA came up with a solution right they created this type of fuel that can actually be controlled

With the flow using magnets which is exactly what I did here I hid the magnets underneath the glove and check check out how cool this is right if we bring it here look at that you can actually draw with the fluid because it follows the magnet around that is

Satisfying cool that look at this ready and then we bring it wo and you can draw it however you want so you think it’s satisfying you want to have a play now stop youve probably seen the classic satisfying Falling Sand trick in Minecraft and while it is impossible

With real sand you can do it with Kinetic Sand why is that sand ey merch blue well obvious cuz it’s the best merch which you guys can get an e stream. store on down below but it’s not just regular old sand yes there is regular old sand invol and we’re going

To make some and then I’ll show you why it is so satisfying right so we’ got you know everyday old we’re going to Chuck some of this here I totally did not steal this from my neighbor’s Garden this is sand right and when it comes

Down uh boring you know that is not a very satisfying form but we’re going to use a little bit more stuff first we’re going to get ourselves some corn flour and this will make a little bit more sense at a second but we’re going to do

2 tablespoons of corn flour here looks B Chuck that in well I trust me you’re don’t well that’s unfortunate but that’s okay I’ll just have to buy more eyw merch and now we’re going to grab ourselves the detergent now this is really important because in a second

We’re going to use some glue but if you mix glue with detergent it creates like semi middle glue thing and that way the stand won’t like stick together permanently it’s going to be able to move around all right so now we got the glue would you like to do the honors

Chip we’re going to need please I love glue we’re going to need two tablespoons of that this is not a lot of glue it’s coming out really slow and then we pour that in all right and we’re going to mix all of that right up and done all right

It’s nice and sticky together and I think it’s time we drop the sand prepare to be satisfied all right look it’s literally going to be a Minecraft Cube here we go and okay that was all right but it was just one color of sand dropping that was

A bit boring I I refuse to be wrong I’m going to show you another reason it’s so satisfying well because it’s not normal sand and it can stick to things we can grab a little bit of food dye just here all right this is my worst nightmare if

This gets on the ey merch it’s all over all right we’re just going to put one two drops of food dye all right I know that’s a tiny bit but if we mix this in look at how green it’s turning and I’ve got two other colors that I’ve prepared

From before let’s Chuck in the red and yellow all right it’s not coming yet it’s so sticky I got it nice and then we’re going to grab the blue Chuck that in as well and just watch that literally rain colors beautiful looks like a Thal camera I’m so sorry

For dting you this was actually really satisfying okay now it’s becoming a grossest color all right cut the camera we can all agree that collecting XP in Minecraft is extremely satisfying but what’s the closest thing to XP orbs in real life well I have a theory chip tiny

Little magnets magnets that’s so boring okay come on man you just look I know these can’t quite circle around you but imagine they were a little bigger and imagine this even bigger magnet is your giant Minecraft booty hey my booty is nice and flat okay it’s awesome okay

Usually when people want boies but you know what I’m not going to question it and we’ve got the slow mode camera set up here to capture all of goodness ready W that was so cool how it’s just satisfying that is like XP it even sounds like it it’s like by combining

Four strings of water and chucking a ton of items in the middle you can create an epic whirlpool in Minecraft but how are we going to find four streams of water in real life I am there’s one the tap the there a stream of water chip a

Number two e stream what that is the worst joke you have made and now I’m all W you are officially banned what from using the tap what if I need to wash my hands wash your water with the toilet water that’s disgusting the tap is banned from your access all right but

You can use this water oh sick what’s this okay you see this experiment that’s satisfying you only need one stream of water and two plastic bottles plastic bottles that’s so boring okay you have to stop keeping calling my experiments boring all right check this out ready so

We’re going to put that over just like that and how satisfying as that is that water floating right now do you have some kind of magical powers are you C yes I am no this isn’t even the satisfying bit this is just because at the moment there’s a bunch of air here

In the bottom and the pressure is built up so much it’s holding the water up it’s not magic it’s just plain old SCI but you know what is satisfying if you spin it ah can I spin it yeah go for it you are about to break all of physics

Check it out oh that’s awesome it’s like a thr that is so cool oh wow why is it doing this well you see it’s now flowing because that well Poole is actually the air when you spin it the air went up like a Vortex and push the pressure up

Pushing it back in oh that’s awesome if you use the frost Walker enchant on your armor stand send them sliding you create that super satisfying ice path there is no way you are pulling this off in real life I refuse chip I can do it and all I need

Is a stove a pot and a slave what what kid I just need a lab partner all right La partner let’s set off the flame and then I want you to put your hand there no also that’s not cold it’s hot it’s fire so we’re going to put the pot on

Here and we’re going to need an entire liter of vinegar can you measure out our liter for us all right we’re going to boil up the vinegar now this is really important guys because vinegar is known as an acid that’s right it’s not a super strong acid so it’s not going to burn

You but it is one of the lowest oh my gosh oh no we definitely smells that’s gross all right so we’re going to boil this acid which is going to make it stronger but it’s going to be a little bit different once we combine it with this bicarbonate soda or baking

Powder now this is a base all right and I want you to put four TPO in here now we got to be really careful you’re going to put one teaspoon and as you put it in I’m going to mix it in we have to do this really really carefully if we don’t

Get the mixing F this entire reaction won’t work all right ready slowly slowly slowly slowly how cool is that it’s beginning to really stink this idea stink slowly slow why do you keep trashing on all of my things but inside here is just technically it’s just salt and water but it’s the salt

That’s going C and give us the frost Walker so it’s like the ocean no not quite the ocean all right the ocean’s not cic okay so salty acid water you know it’s a good thing you became a YouTuber and not a scientist chip and we’re going to keep stirring this until

The bubbles go away and after that we’re going to leave it to cool for a bit okay in Minecraft you can kill an entire row of zombies with just one piercing Arrow so let’s grab our bow and pretend these balloons are our zombie friends how are

You going to to get that through all four balloons youi well obviously I chanted my bow with piercing have you ever shot a bow before no but I haven’t Minecraft first time for everything the here goes nothing all right [Applause] charger that was so cool man and now that our mixture is finally cooled down we have some uh perfectly normal looking water that is of course until I put my finger inside check this out Happ no way you’re doing this literally forming crystals around my finger how did you do

That well obviously I had frost Walker and chant my fingers check it out instant ice bro when you head out to a snowy biome place down some water we all know the satisfying feeling as it melts through the snow now while the snow in real life like why work like that surprisingly

Fairy floss does wait chip do you know where we put the fairy floss no where is it I don’t know oh wait you have it right here oh I found it why does it look like someone’s been eating it I don’t know it tastes good it passed the

Taste test taste you’re eating the experiment no all right so we’ve got ourselves the beautiful fairy floss we’ve got some classic old water and watch this ready it will melt straight through the fairy FL it’s just straight up dissolving look at that it’s dissolving quicker than you

Can even look at that yeah I literally can’t even shove it it any faster W oh that’s awesome look at it oh my gosh it just disappeared my I bet that water tastes so good right now using a trident together with the Loyalty enchantment you can fill your inventory spam the

Trident out and create a satisfying spin funnily enough you can do the same thing with batteries what bro I’m not in high school I know how batteries work but do you what I re you haven’t seen this trick involving just a little bit of copper wire what are you going to do

With that okay bro it’s electrical wire and there’s currently no electricity flowing you’re not going to get electrocuted I need you to cut me out like I don’t know maybe this much copper wire so here’s how this is going to work guys basically batteries they have a

Positive side and a negative side look guys I’m still not a science expert but I think having the giant magnet we’ve got here on the bottom is going to have uh like upgrade the negative side of the battery and and so we’re going to create a mini electrical current from the top

To the bottom using this wire right where the battery is right in the center we want to bend that copper wire right across then we’re going to create a crease on the other side and I’m creating basically a tiny little m shape oh man this is so tricky all right we’re

Going to use the pliers here guys to get the perfect shape and that m shape is going to connect to the top of our battery like so so I’m going to put that right there we’re going to make another crease where the magnet would theoretically be now imagine the battery

Is sticking on on top of there and then we’re going to put that on either side of our battery like that now what I want to do I’m going to create a circle around the other side of the magnet and then do the same thing on the other side

All right I reckon that’s a pretty good Circle if I so say so myself going Chuck that on the sides this has to work come on come on oh oh that was a really good spin that was really good it’s so close come on oh wait it keeps almost doing it get

So close oh yes spinning like a fan when the warden got added into Minecraft people got creative and turn the sonic boom into Sonic satisfaction this is yeast what is yeast you don’t know what yeast is you can buy it from the grocery store it’s an all

Your bread but it gets a little bit wacky when you uh mix it with boiling water so I need you to grab that kettle over there yep right yes now while that’s happening I’ve got some uh very dangerous hydrogen peroxide do not try this at home all right and we filled the

Beaker up with all of this I’m going to Chuck it right in the center bacon super Carefully cuz if it touches my skin I won’t have any more skin that would suck here’s the hot water okay great now we’ve got the detergent as well and we’re going to pour that perfectly into the mix right in what we’re going to move these out of the way because uh trust me

Just like the Sonic Bo explodes this is going to explode straight out as well of course it’s a sonic boom so it’s got to be blue we’re going to grab ourselves some blue food dye and just Chuck a small droplet into there so we’ve got ourselves a perfectly blue solution this

Is what the warden drinks for breakfast all that’s the warden’s pee e and now we’re going to mix the boiling water into our Beaker here and then I’m going to stir that together all right here goes nothing we’ve got the yeast we’re going to pour it in 3 2 1 in it

Goes in it goes stand back what’s happening it’s climbing e okay you know what this is less of a Wen sonic boom and more of the warden went to the bathroom in Minecraft it’s impossible to cut slime using a stone cutter but in real life wait how are we

Going to get a stone cutter in real life those things are pretty okay yes we have upgraded a little bit since the stone Ed so while we don’t have a stone cutter we do have a chaina you can’t use that that’s not safe now I ain’t going to lie I couldn’t

Find any videos of anyone trying this on the internet but I always wanted to see what happens when you come CL so let’s give it a this is about to be it’s into the chain e don’t get it on me y look at it that is disgusting this change out last

That’s okay that’s satisfying this isra don’t get it on me stop stop s thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want to shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey megaan

Testing Oddly VIRAL Satisfying Minecraft Builds From Level 1 to Level 100! We Made a SLIME?!

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


  1. Do more of these please

    Finally because he's australian the video got uploaded on a sensible time for me in NZ instead of 5am

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