The Chicken Emperor… Terraria Mod of Redemption #5

All right so welcome back to the mod of redemption today is a very special day and that’s because we have so many exciting things to be working on first off we have that boss fight against the holy priest we have this card thing which leads to a mystery we’ve got to

Explore the ice biome and look for like flurry boots yeah it’s an action-packed one it’s going to be a wild ride but bear with me because as per tradition I’m quite tired yeah I’m quite tired today I am I’ll admit it I’ll be the

First to throw up a hand and say I want to go back to bed but yeah um will that affect things probably not so what do we start with first well we did get a message from the mod Creator SL developer SL Mastermind uh innovator uh

And it did say if you hold the empty Crux card in your hand while on underground something will appear to guide you to a structure which will be around the cavern layer below spawn okay I think we start with that and then we’ll work our way to the holy priest

Because I asked you lot in the last video uh should we do it everyone was just like yeah just do it just do it and you know what I did with those comments from you lot I took them to a printer I printed them out I had them uh bound

Okay I had them uh um I can’t remember the name you know where I’m going with this I read books that’s right that’s what I’ve meant the whole time it’s a collection of comments I’ve made an anthology half of them uh say first um so this card then empty Crooks card a

Container for friendly spirits to Aid you okay right let’s just hold it let’s see what happens but yeah my uh new laptop arrived it’s uh it’s awesome uh I was having a a bit of a blast with that yesterday uh and this is very old school

If you’ve been on the channel a while you’ll know um we didn’t make a video yesterday because I was doing something for uh trippy gaming I made that stardo Valley News video so yeah if you are new around here and you don’t know how it works essentially if there’s a video on

The main channel that probably means I won’t upload here for the day I don’t want to like compete with myself on YouTube what a strange scenario to be in but there’s been many a day where that has been the case like you know who’s like do you what I’ll take a double

Portion of chippy today please well maybe you’re a takeaway but not here right um yeah I can feel the exhaustion setting in um and it’s not good okay so you’re the you’re the person that’s going to guide me to my structure all right hopefully you’re better than a

Theory it just takes me to where I’ve already been no oh wait it’s because I I held out a torch so do I I think I need to directly hold it in my hand otherwise yeah this ghostly Apparition will disappear but why am I tired it’s not like I’ve done anything like

Particularly interesting um I just didn’t sleep great again I don’t know why this has been a recurring thing for about a week now it’s doing me in like I can’t believe it I go to bed at a nice normal time and sure’s happening to me

Right I go to bed at10 half 2 in the morning I’m awake wide awake and it’s not a great position to be in to just be wide awake at half 2 so I’m like right what do I do and I usually you shouldn’t really but I open my phone I put like an

Airpod in I put on a podcast and I fall back asleep that works for me but still the cycle is annoying today I got to4 to 7 but I just woke up it was like half 6 right got to4 to 7 I was like I’m

Getting up like I can’t stay in bed my my mind is racing I don’t know what it is I think it’s because I’m I’m I’m back into my YouTube in the sense of like I am all go right I am loving this channel I am planning out videos on the main

Channel I’m excited I feel like it’s my enthusiasm that’s not letting me sleep but that being said I want some sleep so you know it’s it’s not great it’s not a great combo but I’m fine I mean that’s more sleep than some people get in reality I I probably I should probably

Say I’m lucky if I’m being real now if red wasn’t joking around and we actually do get some Terraria news we are due a Terraria state of the game and he did say it would be on February 20 9th that does mean that there likely won’t be a

Video tomorrow so just like letting you all know I’ll probably record one in the morning because like this is now part of my routine um but I I won’t put it out until Friday so the days of the week work is that where we’re at already um

Do you remember how the other day I was talking about the fact that I’ve got this busy week and I need to go handing the the keys to my office and all that haven’t done it haven’t done it at all I haven’t even been I need to go and clear that place out

All right thank God there are 29 days in February this year otherwise it’s not looking good for me do I do it tonight maybe I might do it tonight I feel like that might be my best chance at least I should go and dismantle some furniture

Like I say it’s got a lot of stuff in there there is a desk there is a chair there’s a computer there’s microphones there’s cameras like I went all out with this room this room was like it was good to be but like I did have high

Intentions for it and like I say I got to make one or two good things in there it’s not anything major not as much I wanted to make anyway it’s got to be dismantled it’s got to be packed up it’s got to be brought to my garage some of

The stuff that I did get for IT Tech wise so I’m I’m quite excited because I have um in my YouTube setup right now at home a couple of items that are like quite old and they’re a bit Haggard and I can tell they’re on their way out like

My um my microphone amp I’m not a I’m not a tech mic person but you know what I’m talking about right the the thing that powers the mic you know what I’m on about well the company that makes it have fired everybody so the software updates are gone I don’t know how long

It’s got left but in the new place I have a new amp so I’m just going to use that one um you know so it’s all it’s all getting repurposed some way for example in the new place I got a pair of headphones because I was like oh I need

Headphones to you know listen to sounds and to edit and whatnot while I’m there and I only own one pair of headphones well the pair of headphones that I have right now in my house are awful and I’ve replaced the ear cups about 10 times uh

They are on their last legs uh I don’t even have the proper charging cable for them anymore I’ve had these headphones for like I think it’s about 10 years it is about 10 years well anyway when I move everything across no longer all right I’ll have good headphones and

Maybe then I’ll mix the audio a little bit better so yeah this is cool though oh is this where we were meant to be brought is it no you’re still going oh right okay for a second I was like have I have I just missed the fact that this

Is all meant to be new this area does look cool though all of these structures look cool this is why I’m excited this is why I can’t sleep mod of redemption you’ve done this by having beautiful tiles ah okay it’s a mysterious gate it’s a portal wow even

More beautiful tiles let’s go now this is cool right it’s uh kind of similar in design to the one that we saw on the surface I guess um and that’s where my expertise and commentary goes that’s is as far as I can say about that um this

Whole area does have stuff to it like this is like another one of those little biomes that’s quite cute um we should be destroying that let’s get some of this as well wedding ring oh no way so we don’t even have to to craft one now that

Is class that’s for the uh the boss that I mentioned in the last video um cool very exciting so okay what do we do with this then I don’t know do I jump in do I leave it I don’t know mod of redemption please I don’t think you real

I how smooth brained I am today but for real though what what am I meant to do with this I actually genuinely don’t know I’m going to hold this out and see what happens will the ghostly Apparition say anything or do anything dead ringer calls upon the spirit of

Corpses I also got another one of the Crux cards we got some more alloy interesting is that what I’m meant to do then am I meant to call upon the spirits while potentially next to the portal maybe we will see we will see oh wait

Oh okay so I meant to use that on the the tile so I’m going to right click no um okay right bear with me everyone I will figure this out oh there we go yeah so you have to right click while holding it that makes a lot of sense what is

This hold Spirit Walker ability key for one second to peek into the spirit realm what mod of redemption you’re too fancy you are too fancy um what is going on this is so cool all right uh okay I’ll do mouse five let’s see okay I’m I’m pressing Mouse five whoa look at this

This is so cool so do I do anything with this do I right click again no that seems oh no wait hey you all right great you figured out how to call me I hope you take your fancy to my gift I’m a let’s just say a spiritual

Enthusiast oh okay all right um Spirit walking the ability given to you gives you a peak into the spirit realm a realm parallel to our own normally neither realm can see nor interact with each other you’ll be able to hurt Spirits with any method or find corpses to use

That bell ring and a jig on while peeking such as mine another thing we Spirits can give to you our Crooks if you have something to imbu in it uh just request it while Spirit walking cool this is sick dead ringer a Nifty artifact of gam ga ga gaam gaam

That is using it on corpses will force their Spirit back to their location while tugging them out of the spirit realm attack which is why you can see me now even though you stopped Spirit walking despite me being a fully-fledged spirit not one of those vagrants or lost

Souls when folk die their soul leaves their body to find another during the pilgrimage they’re still connected to the physical world meaning some of the Arcane eye may see them if a l Soul wanders too long they can seep out of the spirit realm and become vagrant

Spirits poor things forever lost wow I once met another spirit in a mindboggling location it fell out of this world the walls were white pipes with green fluid hung from the ceilings strange blue lights emitted from metal boxes and tubes and the spirit I saw was most intriguing he just kept repeating

About alarms and wore a strange white and blue suit very odd okay so I’m guessing this factors into something in the laboratory later on like I said I’ve been a spirit so long that I forgot my own name yet I still remember most other things about me strange that I’m from

Gaam the portal behind me leads to the catacombs of gaffar and is how the undead and skeleton folk came here doesn’t seem like you can enter through though so that’s it right oh no there we go we got the Crocs Bravo I have infused your card with the

Spirits of two skeletons use some souls to summon them they’ll assist you in battle or make nice company if you’re feeling lonely they do have a mind of their own so if they Scurry off somewhere use the card to tug their souls back keep in mind other Spirits

May wish for something in return for these cool cool cool cool that is really sick that was awesome that was amazing um so what did we get then uh we got the Crux card bone Duo 108 base Health 18 summon damage summons the spirits of two

Epor I can read and I read books um skeletons right click to TU the Spirits back to your position consuming one and it also consumes six on use I don’t know what that little one thing is Spirits I’m assuming Spirits I think we need to you see the little

Wanderers I think that’s what they we called right I think we kill those we get spirits and then Spirits is like a currency these vagrant Spirits so while we are in this mode where we have this thing on isn’t it then possible that we can kill these wandering Spirits is that

Right yeah it is okay now there are holy weapons out there that would let us do this as well now I believe somebody left me a comment that was like oh the um star Fury which you get from a sky island vanilla weapon you all know but

Somebody was like oh that’s like one of those weapons that do it I don’t want to grab that yet cuz I don’t want to overpower myself so um so yeah all right cool so what do we do now do we what button was it okay you click this this

One I know what you hold it and there we go very very cool wow that was a lot that was like a proper segment that was like a whole thing wow mod of redemption let me tell you you knew anyway but I am I don’t know I’m

Very proud of you all right pat on the back for that one that was cool so theoretically then we can use this as well and make something else further down the line right uh cool all right so I’m going to put that away now the next

Thing I want to work on the next thing I want to work on is the Golden Chicken or the the chicken summon or just chickens in general all right I got a real passion for these chickens I’m saying Golden Chicken because it’s gold you use

Isn’t it it’s like gold and eggs I want to make sure we get this done because this is meant to be done before the eye culu apparently uh egg crown so you need five chicken eggs and any gold bars all right now here’s the thing and I don’t

Want to seem like a fake fan here all right and this might be a little bit disappointing to some of you but to some of you it might be like oh that’s that’s an exciting twist um I can’t remember much about any of the chicken stuff in

This mod and I know that that’s really it’s strange right because all those years ago it was the highlight and the center point of the whole series I don’t remember it J I don’t know why I mean it is what it is right I think it’s because

You know I make these videos I edit them up I upload them and then I make like a thousand more and it just seeps out of my brain so I can’t remember all the chicken related stuff I just know there’s a lot of chicken stuff so I’m

Quite excited for this so now we need to wait around for a chicken because I want to get some more eggs there was a thing we could do with chickens right there was like a didn’t we get like a tip that was like oh if you want more eggs use

Invisibility potions or something like that what happens if we use our ability here next to this pole okay nothing nothing happens I’m going to be keeping an eye out for this though cuz I feel like this is going to be the big thing and obviously it’s hinting at something

In the laboratory we got to make sure we use it there oh so having a little look on the wiki apparently I can make a an item called a chicken coup uh which means we need to get two chickens some hay and some W now considering the fact

That chickens don’t seem to be that common we’re doing it all right we’re doing it um let me grab the sickle then I had to really think about that I was like how do you get hay in Terraria I’m so certain it’s running a sickle across

The the ground right yeah okay good good good good all right so here we go here’s our chicken coup which will apparently start giving us eggs now I’m really sorry for the jump cut I didn’t uh you know I didn’t get to show crafting it I

Got a phone call so I was like on the phone and I was like doing a bit of the chicken Co stuff but yeah I’m just going to I’ll jump cut it we do have uh two extra chickens here um did they make anything else other than CS um let’s see

So they can make chicken soup waiter there’s a beak in My Soup did I did I tell you all about my my gift from my mom for my birthday it’s the most random thing and she was was so nervous to give me it cuz she was like oh is he even

Going to like it right a soup maker I was gifted a soup maker and you know what I’ve never heard of a soup maker in my life but I actually adore it it’s so handy I’ve used it so much since uh it got gifted to me it it makes soup just

It sounds so simple and definitely only only relatable at a certain point in life let me tell you but when you get a soup maker you’ll understand you you chop your veg all right you bang it in the soup maker little bit of stock all right you click the soup button you

Come back in 30 minutes what do you have you got a bowl of soup it’s so funny but like I find making soup really annoying and I’ve never expressed it to a single person in my life that’s how you know your mom’s your mom you know but I do I can’t be

Bothered to like like let some soup cook downstairs I’d say I culu so this machine it does it all now I tell you what these chickens they’re working overtime they’re doing good for us look how many eggs we already have 19 that’s right if this ends up being like you

Know a highly profitable event all right we’re in the money um let’s go do this gosh what an energy today what an energy uh summons a Regal rooster only usable at hey this is I don’t know just right on the edge of like what a delirium of a of a recording begin let’s

See oh my gosh what oh come on now there’s there’s no way the chicken looked like that last time I played there’s no way I would have never have given like I would never have stopped playing the mod every single day wow oh this is the best thing I’ve ever

Seen look at you go look at you go I can’t kill it please give me a chance to save it all right let’s uh let’s try our summon out then this is exciting come on come on skeleton do your thing this is not what you signed up for is it when

You clicked on this video you didn’t know you were about to watch a chicken get mowed by a skeleton oh my gosh it’s going to run away of Animation oh this is the best day of my life it’s got minions oh this is this is

Just too much this is too much who even needs sleep when you got a dopamine hit like this oh gosh they’ve got little hats they have little hats everyone please all right stand at attention this is your moment to cheer oh my God this is just this is too much so these egg

Crackers are actually uh oh oh okay right it stuns the boss oh my gosh what is this what is this wow okay that’s amazing it had a a special trick up its sleeve no you get back here you get back here I’ll be hitting you I’m going to stun him I’m waiting

For there we go let’s go let’s go oh it’s the greatest day of my life everything’s from here children nah marriage nah I just killed a the foul Emperor um what was that our alignment’s still two our alignment is still two uh foul war horn consumable calls upon the foul

Morning only usable before midday right right there’s law to this there’s law to this okay it is still before midday so we’re going to we’re going to spawn it in wave one there are multiple waves that’s right everyone there are multiple waves we’ve got plenty of chickens to

Kill today I might not even get around to the priest I went into this thinking this was the priest episode no no no but yeah apparently somebody did say oh make sure you do the chicken stuff early because all the stuff kind of gets a

Little bit redundant by uh the I culu I think that was I think that’s what was said I may have said that earlier in the recording it is one of those days straight after this you know what I’m making espresso that’s right I’ve got a full espresso setup and I’m not afraid

To use it let’s get rid of these ones up here these are the pommer chickens oh gosh it’s so good it is so good I love it I love it this mod is this mod is absolutely peaked at this point and we’re so early in we’re so early in and

This mod is like absolutely shining it really is I don’t remember it being this good at all like it was good don’t get me wrong our original playthrough like I I came away with a big smile you know a big smile and a happy memory but I don’t

Know it wasn’t this I wonder how many waves it’s got I reckon around five five does that seem normal or is it going to be around 10 oh God our else slow again I’m I’m almost like I’m just seeing chickens and I’m going like uh heal

Blind cuz I’m like oh no I’m fine they’re just chickens and what are you talking about wave four oh there’s scratchers there’s Haymakers there’s rooster boosters what is this so we got these uh egg bombs here 28 range damage okay uh go on then oh my God they’re beasty they’re

Like uh the equivalent of like doing the goblin Invasion and getting the spiky balls it’s just like just something to defeat your enemies all right unfortunately we don’t have enough souls to to bring our skeletons back but the skeletons were cool I didn’t really get the chance to comment on them they were

Interesting it’s quite neat having a summon that can die so what’s the what’s the weapon oh a melee weapon the hird house okay cool what’s it say after every third hit the following thrust will fire an additional damaging egg oh great awesome this is sick I kind of

Forget that we have Auto swing um so we could have used that you know when you wake from a dream and you’re like half awake and you’re in that stage where you’re like was the dream real like did I really like did I forget to do my m

Revision I don’t know right that’s that that hits me at least once a year in my dreams um that’s what this feels like also I left school 10 years ago I’m 27 all right even longer than that so you know just just keep that in mind about

The fact that I still get nervous about not revising for my gcss oh my gosh this is mental all right there we go so we got the foul feather which is a pet it’s a master mode pet pet oh my gosh let’s go what is that what is

That they’re evolving they are evolving leave me be leave me be I I need to bring the bow back I got no chance otherwise oh my gosh it’s a fullon boss I’d heard rumors that they dialed back the chicken right no they haven’t at all oh my gosh they’re sniping

Chickens as well like it’s not an easy oh yeah they can fly awesome I would love to be able to to finish up this flaming chicken today which is not a special uh off the menu um item at KFC I just just want to clarify it all right

Oh my God are you going to no it despawned and rightly so in reality right the fact it also just like has a soundtrack as well like what’s the story behind that like hey hey musician what you got cooking here we need something Finger Licking Good all right oh my God

I I can’t beat it I can’t beat it I i’ honestly I’ve been bested by this I feel like we need to get stronger that’s what we’ll do tomorrow we’re going to come back we’re going to be strong it’s an event that lasts a whole day oh my well

That was let me just say incredible and potentially one of the best things I’ve ever done in my my whole life and I and I really do believe that that was so sick that was awesome you thought the mod was good before no no no all right

You have not fought a big flaming chicken well there we go right there we go so I think tomorrow what we’ll do is oh look at this eggshell equipable two defense decreases knockback that the user receives when below 25 uh% Health you will completely ignore knockback

That is a sick accessory um so yeah I think tomorrow we’ll go explore him we’ll get upgrade him and then when we’re strong enough to defeat the chickens then we know we’re ready for the priest but yeah that’s it for today thank you so much for watching and uh

And yeah I’ll see you in the next one peace

It’s finally time to witness the glory of The Chicken Empire in Terraria’s Mod of Redemption!

This Terraria 1.4.4 mod adds over 1000 new items, 11 bosses, and 11 mini-bosses!

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  1. just saying
    this video has a lot of side cracking and personal life
    you can almost take the full video and turn it into a vlog and add at the end and yeah we played a little bit of terraria found a ghost and a Chicken

  2. A wave of nostalgia hit me when I found your channel again
    I used to watch you all the time, back in my Terraria Phase now, so happy I got to see you again šŸ˜µ

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