Rebuilding an ABANDONED FNAF Pizzeria in Minecraft

This FNAF Pizzeria was left abandoned after rumors of an animatronic attack now me and my brother are going to rebuild it can we do it before night falls and what happens when we turn the power on here best place is a real J not for long Milo we have to get in and

Clean it as quick as we possibly can before nightfall when the animatronics come to life for the grand reopening I’ve never seen a Freddy Fazbear pizzeria look this bad dad neither have I that means we better get building quickly we’ve got to fix all this mess before everybody shows up yeah let’s

Make this little garden bit bigger no Milo what are you doing this is not meant to be a garden this is a hole in the floor that happened when the roof caved in what this’s grass here and it’s really pretty the grass grew because there’s a bunch of dirt and it’s exposed

To all this water instead of building a garden we need to patch up the floor and add the tiles back just like this all right F I guess we’ll put the tiles back but it’s not as interesting hey it’s really interesting Milo I have a pretty

Cool hack for this do you want to see yes please if you place water above these concrete blocks boom you can already see it turns into black concrete these tiles are just a little dry from not being watered in a while wow that’s crazy I didn’t know you had to water the

Towels like a plant yeah you totally do it’s insane and I think we need to replace the concrete on the wall and get rid of all the cobwebs everywhere it’s gross a bunch of spiders must have moved in yuck Freddy your house is moldy yeah it totally is all that mossy cobblestone

Is so hideous and uh-oh we definitely need to fix this roof as well first we need to clean up all of these slabs on the floor this must be where the roof fell down and detached from the ceiling I really wonder what happened here it

Seems like it was a disaster yeah a big disaster now we need to fill in all these gaps these used to be concrete and all the metal bars that hold up the building a showing well at least they have a little river going through yeah I guess they do but Milo there shouldn’t

Be a river here this is a puddle that got a little too crazy we need to replace this with tiles as well just like we did with the genen are you kidding me a this is really annoying no Milo it’s not annoying it’s important once we get all of this fixed we’ll be

Able to bring everyone inside without being embarrassed when they get their feet wet in the puddles yeah we can have a real pizza party yeah totally where everyone is invited even the animatronics look Milo we’ve almost finished every single wall in this room we’re making such a good start we’ll be

Able to do this with every room to make sure they’re all equally fixed yeah but chip I really don’t know what this thing is meant to be how do I fix it Milo I think this used to be some kind of fountain that must be why there were all

Puddles everywhere we just need to rebuild the Fountain to its former glory first we need to build a couple blocks of black concrete out this way we also should add some tiles around it just like this it has to look very cool to be a convincing Fountain now we just need

To place water up here and fill the last bits of it in with water hey yeah this is looking awesome now I can go for a little splash splash yeah you totally can this whole room is looking really cool but I think we need to fix these cash registers this Pizzeria is pretty

Old so we need to redo them I’ve got a really cool building trick that I can use instead of cash registers which are old-fashioned we are going to have computers and hey Milo why are you placing water everywhere just watering the tiles I’m pretty much making sure

That they’re not Dusty oh yeah I totally forgot good idea Milo sorry I thought you were flooding the place but look how cool are the computers we just need to grab some buttons to add computer mice so people can actually use them very bad at using computers so maybe I won’t work

At the cash Reg St yeah I think that’s a good idea and wo this hallway is a mess Milo you need to come check this out oh no not another mess what the this is crazy there’s a bunch of metal on the floor that is not safe and a bunch of

Boxes let’s quickly move the boxes neatly over to this side it would be really bad if I accidentally tripped over the metal yeah and wait there’s a bunch of scaffolding here oh it’s because the roof is about to cave in this piece of metal holding up the roof

Must fallen down I think we just need to rebuild it and then we can totally remove the scaffolding yeah be really careful I don’t want the roof keeping in on you okay I have to be so careful when removing this scaffolding we can do it

One block at a time to make sure the roof does not collapse okay this scaffolding structure is all good we just have to hope that this one holds up as well and wa it totally holds up we did it Milo the roof has not collapsed on us right that’s really good I’m going

To go explore down here real quick okay Miler you go explore I’ll continue fixing these messy disgusting moldy walls perfect they’re doing so much better and wao is that the animatronics oh goodness these guys are going to need to have a whole fixed stage area by the

Time we’re done with this building we only have a little bit Milo we need to quickly hurry what help me there’s a spider in here Milo a spider uh-oh you went into the room full of spider webs that’s why there’s spiders all L he up there stupid spider oh no Milo we have

To get him otherwise he will make more spider webs and continue destroying this Pizzeria that was a really nasty guy if I see another spider I’m probably going to cry or something don’t cry Milo your tears might get Freddy in the other animatronic suits wet which would not be

Good they are robots so they cannot touch water that’s why it’s so dangerous that there are puddles everywhere yeah these puddles are freaking me out like what did they even come from because the roof keeps collapsing in I think they’re coming in from rain leaking through that

Is terrible we should not let any more rain leak in that’s why fixing up the roof is one of the most important jobs in rebuilding a pizzeria it also means we can get rid of all this gross scaffolding everywhere now that we fixed this part of the roof we can focus on

Making sure the walls and the hallways are free of clutter yeah because there’s mess everywhere and sometimes you tell me to clean up all the mess in my room so I guess we got to clean up other people’s mess as well exactly Milo that’s a really good point and I also

Think it’s important that we add some sort of decorations back to these hallways nobody wants to go to a pizzeria if there’s nothing in it it would just be an empty building with some tables instead we need to add some awesome vending machines along this hallway this is where all the visitors

Of our awesome Pizzeria can come and play awesome games we can also have some Lockers in the hallway so they can keep their belongings safe really cool I’m loving this me too I’ll also add some trash cans because people are going to be eating a lot of pizza here they’ll

Also have so many pizza boxes where they’ll need to throw it away somehow and we want to keep this Pizzeria clean so we can’t just let them throw it on the floor and to celebrate our grand reopening we need to add balloons all around just so everybody knows this is

The funnest place on Earth and also I’m going to put some paper Pals around because they’re really funny careful Milo paper Pals have been rumored to be haunted just like this Pizzeria was if you put too many down we could have a problem on our hands hey you’re not

Haunted are you Mr Paper pal you’re my best friend Milo it’s not safe to put paper Pals everywhere we need to focus on nicer decorations like these posters they let everybody know that it is time to celebrate and have fun at our Pizzeria fine I won’t put down any more

Paper Pals I guess thanks Milo I’m so glad you’re on board and wow this hallway looks amazing let let’s continue repairing all of them so they can look equally cool yeah this shelf must have fallen over I think we need to rebuild it just over here like this perfect and

We can also add arcade machines down this hallway this can be the Fun Arcade section we need to grab every color of machine we don’t want any of them to be missing from this super cool section of the pizzeria cheer I’m pretty sure this is the best pizzeria I’ve ever seen and

We haven’t even finished yet exactly I think we now need to move on to the big stage section I can’t wait to see how awesome this place looks when we finish with it a chip I think Freddy might be waving at me right now yeah Milo because

These animatronics are cool I’m sure all those rumors that this place is haunted were just fake and lies I really don’t think they’re true for the animatronics the paper Pals might be haunted cuz those guys are really creepy but the animatronics are fun well I’m not really

Liking the way Freddy’s looking at me lately H I guess that could be weird all right tell you what while we rebuild the pizzeria I can add a big curtain over here just to block off the animatronics the old curtain is ripped up so they’re probably missing some privacy yeah now I

Don’t have to look at Freddy maybe when I look back at him later he’ll be friendly yeah maybe I’m going to try to see if we can look at him now yeah see he looks friendlier already I’ll leave that little Gap in the curtain just so Freddy can have some breathing room

While we repair the rest of this room Freddy’s really lucky to we here to help his Pizzeria I know he’s going to sell so much pizza to every everybody that comes over here and everyone’s going to really love it I’m going to keep removing these cobwebs and all these

Patches on the walls they are so icky but now that we’ve removed this one I really think we need to fix the floors imagine if those heavy animatronics stepped in the dirt they would sink right on through and get stuck in the grass that would be terrible I really

Don’t want that to happen I’m also going to put the chairs back where they need to go I’ll help out over here and well I do can I tell you some information about myself sure Milo I need I’m going to start putting these chairs back into place though as well as putting these

Plates and cups back on these tables okay my information is my favorite pizza flavor is pineapple what pineapple and pizza that’s gross I don’t know anybody that likes that it’s really sweet and SC fous I will never eat a pizza if it doesn’t have pineapple on it what okay

Milo fine I guess this Pizzeria can sell pineapples on Pizza just for you thanks chip oh I’m really happy right now I’m going to think about this a lot yeah you better I’ll be thinking about fixing these roof tiles so let me quickly put these back into place they hang down

From chains so if we can pull the chains back a bit the roof tiles will go back into place the chains can be used for some other decoration somewhere else I’m sure yeah something else later I think exactly these roof tiles are almost finished Milo look we can now remove the

Leftover lanterns and Break These Chains this place is looking so much neater already I also need to put these these chairs back into place but these chairs are looking kind of boring actually I don’t really like them very much at all these are too old-fashioned now that we’re renewing this Pizzeria we should

Probably give the chairs a Fresh coat of paint really what are we going to do we can have so many different colors of chairs just like this look how amazing they are they look so colorful and they really brighten the room up a ton yeah I

Like these quite a lot I’m going to help you out as well thanks Milo that’s an awesome idea every table can have every single different color on it just like this this is way better than the old chairs you want make me feel sad yeah me too they’re really boring looking and in

Front of the stage we can even have rockar themed chairs so everyone in the audience can totally watch hey I want to sit on one except Freddy’s still looking at me yeah maybe if we remove the banner and give him a bit more space he’ll be

More calm okay hi Freddy he waved at me chip yeah he waves at every body he’s pretty friendly during the day so he’s doing a great job these cups are really boring though I think we need to replace them instead of boring old plates next

To these cups we can spice it up by having real pizza boxes with actual Pizza inside yeah I’m not seeing any pineapple on these pizzas uh yeah that’s because it’s uh under the cheese totally oh really okay I’ll probably have a slice later for lunch or something yeah

Good idea everybody loves to potty at Freddy faz’s pizza so for the grand opening we’re going to host every birthday party ever what every single person yep exactly I don’t think we can do that until we fix the stage though so I better get fixing on this real quick

Let’s replace all these curtains with some new ones the old ones are really broken and very very tattered yeah I actually have a really good curtain that we could maybe use really what’s your really good curtain oh looks like this wo that is way better Milo I think that

Work so much cooler than the old bo boring one thanks chip I’ve been looking really hard for some nice design ideas yeah and all that thinking really paid off these curtains are so cool how did you even think of this well I was just looking at my inventory and I saw them

And I thought hang on a second that kind of looks like a gon yeah that’s so cool I’m really proud of you Milo you’re really helping to save this Pizzeria a thanks chip I’m feeling pretty good about everything now me too I like how the are all sparkly as well it really

Reminds me of the Showbiz that this whole Pizzeria loves to do yeah Showbiz is my main business as well wait really what shows do you do Milo well I sing to everyone wo that’s cool how come I’ve never heard you sing Milo because I know You’ make fun of me yeah probably but

Only if you sang really silly songs I’m sure you sing really sensible ones right well I sing the Sky song I don’t think I really want to hear you sing that that one Milo okay I guess I won’t then you can listen to Freddy instead yeah Freddy

Plays awesome songs he even has his own one it’s called The Five Nights at Freddy’s song and it’s really good he’s a master of Music would the Chica and Bonnie sing as well no only Freddy sings he also sings when the power goes out and Bonnie just plays guitar and Chica

Just kind of stands there and talks yeah CH is yapping all day oh yeah she’s yapping and her wings are flapping hey that’s so fun my wings flap as well cuz I’m a little buddy yeah and you also Yap as well you and Chica could be really

Good friends Milo hey you saying I’m a yappa from yville yeah exactly that’s exactly what I’m saying Milo well that’s kind of rude because I only say very good things yeah yapping can be good but it’s still yapping this room is looking so good we’ve done an amazing job fixing

It I think we just need to add some posters all the way around these walls and then we can work on the next room we’ll need to do it pretty quick though Milo because I don’t think we have much time left it won’t be long before this

Pizzeria opens and everybody comes in to see it I don’t want them to come in and see a totally unfinished Pizzeria oh y we have a lot more work to do champ yeah we totally do I’ll just quickly add a bunch of celebrate posters and now we

Can get working on the next room let’s go this is the bathroom and ew it’s so yucky some of the doors have even fallen down let’s quickly put those back nobody wants to go to the toilet with the door falling off yeah and also why is there a

Big block of ice here it looks like the mirrors is might have frozen over yeah they totally have Milo let’s replace this with tinted glass to make sure it works as a proper mirror and I think I’m going to build the wall outside as well because you don’t want to have to look

Outside when you’re in the bathroom exactly Milo good idea I’m going to remove this scaffolding I’m not sure why it was put here this room seems pretty safe overall and the roof does not look like it’s about to collapse yeah someone put it there just to make it messy I

Think yeah I think people must have snuck into the Clos Pizzeria and continued ruining it that is really really rude and not at all what this business needs what help me what is it Milo I’m stuck in one of the toilets and they didn’t put a button in here uh-oh I

Know exactly what to do if we break these doors and move them one block outwards we can place a Blackstone button on the inside floor this way anybody on the inside can open their way out and we can also add buttons out here so anybody on the outside can head in

Yeah and I won’t get stuck in the toilet anymore no you won’t Milo I’m going to make these changes to the same side if you fix these walls up a bit they are so messy and gross yuck I really don’t like touching them but we have to make them

Look better exactly and wait a minute Milo did you fill these cauldrons with water um no oh ew that means these toilets haven’t been flushed in years we need to replace these quick that is so gross I can’t believe that happened Milo there’s no flush buttons on the walls

Yuck nobody’s been taking care of this Pizzeria for a long time no they haven’t that’s why it’s totally destroyed let’s quickly add some flush buttons to every single toilet this could have been a real disaster Milo if we hadn’t gotten in here to fix this place I hope Freddy

Doesn’t think we made it look bad and then get angry at us no he won’t Freddy’s really smart and he will have seen all the destruction over the years he’ll know that we’re only here to save this Pizzeria now that we’ve done the bathrooms I really think it is time that

We work on the kitchen I agree this kitchen’s really messy what Milo did you just fold down a hole CH there’s a hole in the ground I think it’s a sinkhole uh-oh quick Milo you have to get out of there that could have been really bad we

Have to patch this up but what the floor keeps sinking in thanks for saving me again chip I’m really getting scared of this Pizzeria don’t worry Milo we just have to build this quickly if you work on the walls I’ll be able to fix all the clutter around the kitchen why do all

The doors keep falling over like this something must have been hitting them really really hard or maybe there was an earthquake yeah probably this Pizzeria has been closed for almost a decade so there would have at least been one earthquake oh my gosh what if there’s another one while we’re here don’t worry

Milo if we fix all the roofs as quick as we can no earthquake can possibly harm us I think this shelf needs to be moved upwards as well it’s fallen over just like the other ones I wonder how much time we have until it opens not much

Time Milo it’s going to open really really soon that’s why I have to fix all these shelves and clear out these yucky cobwebs these roof tiles have also fallen on the floor so we have to fix that too this kitchen is not yet fit to

Be cooking things in we need to add some actual food in here yeah because how are they going to eat anything if there no food exactly this is a pizzeria after all so they specialize in pizza that’s why they’re a pizzas hanging on the walls in this kitchen it’s the quickest

Way to make them just by taking them down and putting them in the oven that’s pretty cool I’m going to find some other things to put down that are food good idea Milo these pizza boxes are looking awesome yeah and also we have some cakes now as well yeah that’s great let’s put

A bunch of them all around even on this table over here and on the floor I guess there are too many cakes to even store yeah they got them all over the place I hope it doesn’t look messy no it looks awesome this whole kitchen looks perfect

Now we really need to get working on this eating area people can’t be eating in absolute filth Milo that’s just not allowed this is disgusting they really need some professionals for this luckily we’re super qualified exactly if you repair the walls I’ll try to have a go

Fixing all this scaffolding I do not know what why they’ve fallen down so much and they’re all bending at an angle that is really weird it’s a little suspicious that they haven’t fallen over something must be keeping them up but what could that possibly be I don’t know

But it’s very suspicious exactly we’ll get to the bottom of it though Milo I just know it let’s get rid of all these chairs we need to make this dining room look as awesome as the other one does no exceptions I wonder what each animatronic favorite part of the

Pizzeria is I bet chica totally loves the kitchens she loves her cupcake and she also loves every kind of cake as well she’d feel right at home there that’s why she spends most of her time inside I think Bonnie would like the bosss because his name starts with a be

Yeah he probably does I have heard rumors that Bonnie does hang out in there a lot so that could totally be why I also think Freddy’s favorite area is the stage because he loves to sing and uh-oh Milo I keep opening up sink holes this is bad we have to be really careful

When we fix the floor here if I fall through the floor again I’m probably going to cry I’ll also add photos of chica because she is the official mascot of cakes and cupcakes she can have posters all the way around this room she absolutely loves it here so she’ll also

Love seeing her own portrait CH looks kind of freaky in this poster though it’s kind of scaring me be careful Milo don’t be too loud you don’t want to make the animatronics angry this place is kind of creepy and I really don’t think they’re haunted but if they are you do

Not want to make them angry okay chip I’ll be super careful come to think of it a lot of people have told me those haunted rumors I think there might be something to them but we have to investigate first now that we fixed this room up a whole bunch we need to find

Some sort of room that would allow us to see the whole Pizzeria at once well pretty much I could just walk around and tell you what I see no Milo the animatronics can’t see us snooping around if they were haunted and they did see us we would get in big trouble we

Need to find some sort of security room I do know that this Pizzeria has one but I hope it has not been destroyed by the earthquakes and the destruction okay wait a minute what is this room and there’s a desk off to the side hey I think this might be the security room

Milo yeah and look at this technology it’s definitely security yeah it looks like the vents have been opened though if we’re going to work on this room we need to be sneaked so that means closing up the vents with this lever here will also do the same for the other side

There’s a bunch of mess here we have to get this room repaired before the security cameras will work I’ll start on the walls good idea Milo I’ll move this desk back into place I don’t know why it’s so messy this Pizzeria really has gotten so cluttered and there are

Spiderwebs all through this room as well that’s so bad they’re probably going to get all through the camera machines and break them yuck I really like don’t want our equipment to break me too this part of the ceiling has also fallen in let me remove it and hang on a second Milo

There’s a chest here a chest oh what could be inside look it’s a camera monitor Milo I think this might be how we access the security cameras yes chip that must be it you should have a look first I need to place down a monitor and

Some spare ones in case this breaks once we place down these we’ll be able to take a look inside I’m so excited Milo I really think this could be a good sign you have to tell me exactly what you see so that I can make a judgment okay I’ll

Activate them right now wo Milo it gives me an option of what camera to use let’s try camera number one wow I can see a room but I don’t know what it is I have not seen it before and now I can see the main stage and hey I can even see you

Milo what I can zoom in and out you can see me hm I don’t see you anymore Milo it must have been a glitch look I can see the bathroom that we fixed this is awesome wo this is a room I have not seen before it’s a big playroom that’s

Awesome this one’s in some kind of basement that is really creepy and I guess I’ll check the second page and wa Milo you jump scared me what are you doing well I was just looking at the cameras Milo that is so creepy I can’t believe you do that and wait I can even

See myself that is so cool the cameras really work well I’m glad they’re working that makes me feel a lot safer me too I wonder if the cameras can see the stage I think that’s really important look there’s one right over here maybe I can link it up to the

Camera system yeah you better make sure that we can see Freddy in the game yeah let me give it a look I’ll have to go back to the security room to look at it though chip I really don’t think the security room is clean yet it’s

Basically clean uh-oh there is a bit of Destruction on the roof if you fix that while I watch the security cameras we can really make out time count I’m on it um wait a minute Milo did you tell Freddy to move uh no I don’t really like

Talking to Freddy uh I guess nobody likes talking to Freddy because he’s gone he’s not on the camera system Milo what oh no Freddy has disappeared we need to check if he’s there right now okay I’ll forget about the ceiling we’ve got more important things to do yeah I really hope we can

Find Freddy who knows where he could be oh my gosh chip wait what how is he back on the stage this is looking pretty scary something really weird is going on this Pizzeria might be more haunted than I thought the floors in this security hallway are a mess and I’m still a

Little bit worried about those animatronics but I think we need to stay positive Milo if we let the fear get to us we won’t be able to focus on making this Pizzeria awesome I guess we just need to build really quickly and then get out of here exactly Milo that way

The pizzeria can do its grand opening and we won’t have to bother it at all wo there are so many cobwebs in this this room and it’s really close to the security room I really hope I don’t M anything up in these walls yeah like

What if you hit some of the wiring yeah I think we better be careful we need to put water all over this floor in the security room but we have to be careful if any of the wiring gets messed up we could cause a power surge that would be

So bad I’ll be really careful Milo that water it’s hitting the TVs oh no I didn’t mean to wao Milo the power just turned off oh my gosh chip this is not good how are we going to get it back I can’t even access the security cameras they’re not working

Cuz there’s no power and plus I’m not an electrician so I can’t fix anything uh-oh and this vent is open this is Bad Milo we have to fix the power really really quick let’s go back along this hallway and be as careful as we can be

Okay I’m going to tip toe because if those animatronics come near me I’m going to scream shh Milo we’re heading past the animatronic stage I think I saw something in the start that might be helpful but we have to be very very careful animatronics can get pretty

Scary when it’s dark okay I’m going to be so quiet careful Milo Freddy keeps almost looking over here luckily chica is looking away but I think we might need to go really really quickly in this last bit okay I’m going to be so sneaky all right and run quick duck around this

Corner through the locker room I think we might have had I think I might have seeing something at the end of this hallway what is it okay we should be safe in here Milo this is wait I can’t see I need to grab a glow Inc to make it

Light up this is the storage room Milo what the storage room wow there must be something in here like a battery or something that can power the lights up again yeah we need to find a battery wo it’s just kind of hard to see in here

It’s really messy and I don’t want to bump into anything or fall into any sink holes well I’m going to try and clean up the FL as we go through Milo it is not safe to do that right now instead we need to focus on getting past these

Giant speakers what what kind of crazy stuff is in this storage room yeah maybe this is actually a music dance room hang on a minute this is some kind of electric device and look it has power maybe if we flick this lever the power will go to the whole building let’s try

Wo it totally worked that is awesome now we can get back to repairing the rest of this place and we can get back to fixing this storage room as well this is a mess this place is probably the worst of all of it yeah definitely come on Milo we’ve

Got some cleaning up to do I can’t believe this ceiling is also destroyed in the storage room how did it not hurt any of the equipment in here I’m so thankful that that power machine was saved yeah me too thank goodness we didn’t ruin the whole situation yeah it

Totally could have and Freddy and the Gang might have gotten upset but I couldn’t hear them coming into this room so I think they’re happy especially now that the light is back let’s place all this scaffolding back up on the wall where it used to go CH if the

Animatronics get mad at us and they going to punch us yeah they’ll do more than just punch us Milo they’ll try and attack us with everything they’ve got it’ll be The Bite of 87 All Over Again The Bite of 87 that sounds like a creepy thing yeah that’s one of the accidents

That got this place closed in the first place it’s also how the rumors of it being haunted started did Freddy do The Bite of 87 no it was foxy that’s why foxy has been removed from this Pizzeria but if Foxy the animatronic could be evil who knows what the other

Animatronics can do we just have to make sure we do not make them angry and that we rebuild this Pizzeria as quick as we can so we can get out before the opening event well if my house was ruined I would really want someone to help me fix

It exactly maybe if we fix it well enough they will spare us if they ever decide to go Rogue again yeah oh no these lights are such a mess I do not know who built this Pizzeria in the first place but it is kind of crazy how destroyed everything got we’ve built

This Pizzeria so good that even if it does close down again it won’t get destroyed because all of our builds are so strong yeah they’re super strong because we are Pros yeah we’re total Pros we’re real handymen and I’m also going to put more doors all through the

Entrances to this building I think a bunch of them fell down in all the earthquakes in time and just would never put back oh my gosh someone really was not taking care of this place no not at all luckily we’ll do a way better job and I’m sure the animatronics will too

Look Milo there’s a bunch of party rooms that we can fix this one is even you colored with banners coming down from the ceiling I’m going to reattach it cuz it’s so fullen down right now what the I really got to see this yeah you totally

Do I wonder if I can fix this whole room before you can even get here to words I’m already here what Milo you came here so fast that is really impressive once we get these walls done this potty room will be fixed in no time oh yeah boy

We’re going to make a potty room for sure yeah we totally will this place already looks so cool we just have to add some custom chairs I think all the chairs in this room can be purple I would definitely want to have my party in the room yeah me too it’s such an

Awesome place I wish they had orange chairs but Unfortunately they totally don’t because it is a party room we need to grab a bunch of balloons and put them all around it’s no party if there’s not balloons everywhere and yuck someone put their plat in their cups on the ground

I’m going to pick this up good idea Milo this Pizzeria is going to be so clean no one will ever make it messy ever again these balloons are beautiful hey everyone let’s celebrate yeah totally I like the foxy posters that you’re adding Milo although we should probably be

Careful foxy is the most haunted animatronic and we don’t want to give the other animatronics any ideas that’s so true I will no longer put foxy posters up yeah we need somewhere to put these new ones I don’t want to keep them around in the storage room we need to

Keep them somewhere secret and I think I saw just the place earlier back when the lights went out I swear I could see it out of the corner of my eye one of the rooms back here looked like yes it was a tunnel a tunnel chip there was no way

I’m going down there okay I’ll go down first but I’m going to be really careful I’ll need to bring a balloon with me all along the way just to make sure I don’t get too scared wo Milo you’re going to want to see this oh no this is creepy

It’s a Cellar we can put all the foxy posters down here this is perfect we just need to patch up all the holes and get rid of the dirt chip I got a really bad feeling about this place yeah it is pretty creepy let’s add more iron bars

And and we’ll also gate off the entrance so the foxy posters can’t spread their evil energy anywhere else in the pizzeria I’m going to pick up these little rocks yeah and while you do that I’ll just quickly fix all the holes in the wall we’ve been doing this so

Quickly someone should hire us to clean up all the houses yeah totally come on Milo now we need to get out of this room the grand opening is about to begin so we need to quickly repair these walls and then repair the front of the pizzeria that is the first thing

Everyone will see and if the entrance is not repared by the time everyone arrives everyone will hate the Pizzeria and the animatronics will be really angry at us yeah they’re not even going to want to come inside if the outside looks bad that’s right Milo come on we have to fix

It even though the outside is a total pig sty right now oh my gosh this is so much work if you start replacing all of this disgusting other blocks and mushrooms with this gray concrete I’ll get working on making sure the outside of the building looks really neat okay

Milo a but I I don’t want to get rid of the DT because it’s my favorite block Milo we have to otherwise nobody’s going to want to come inside fine I guess we do want customers exactly I’ve already made these paths a lot nicer by using these dirt path blocks rather than Co

Dirt and podzol and now I really need to think about repairing these walls look there’s signs everywhere these signs are so messy it’s like they’ve boarded up the windows that’s terrible nobody’s going to want to come inside of a restaurant if the windows have been B it

Up that’s why an important part of fixing this place and getting people inside is removing all of the weird creepy stuff on the outside that’s why we need to place all of these wood blocks back just like this we can also place the concrete back and the Blackstone walls this is already looking

Way nicer than it was before Che I have a really big question what is it Milo why are there so many Michael blocks everywhere Michael blocks what where are the Michael blocks see there’s so many and they’re all growing everywhere Milo that’s not a Michael block that’s a

Melium it basically means a bunch of tiny mushrooms growing on some death yuck get them out of here that’s my exact thought you need to get all of the My celium out of here do you think you can do that Milo yeah I really don’t like those my celium yeah neither do I

That’s why we need to clear out all of it from the path before everybody arrives they’ll be here so soon we really have to hurry I need to fix this roof really quick it is so disgusting and moldy they had to use scaffolding just to keep it in place and so it

Didn’t fall down everywhere I’ll also need to use prismarine for these blocks up here and I’ll definitely need to fix the roof on this side as well hey I really like prismarine it’s such a good color yeah I guess it is especially if you love the color blue and I know you

Definitely do Milo I need to remove all of these disgusting cobwebs from this brick area though if I see another cobweb I’m going to vomit yeah that’s totally fair I probably will as well so I better remove these quick before I make anybody sick in this Pizzeria how

Pizzeria does not want to make people sick it only wants to make people happy yeah we don’t want them to think that spiders everywhere exactly that would be terrible okay this place is almost fixed I just have to remove a couple more blocks and get these Gardens under

Control they are so messy and gross we better make sure we do this quick Milo we only have a couple more minutes before the sun sets and the grand reopening takes place chip I’m trying to rebuild this pavement as quick as I can good job Milo you’ve already done a huge

Part of it I’m going to try and rebuild this Garden area I don’t know why there are Stones growing in it that’s so gross we better remove all this disgusting carpet and mossy cobblestone ew if there’s carpet and mossy cobblestone wouldn’t that just get all messy and

Gross outside in the rain a the water would go all way in the carpet and make it scouching ew that’s so gross maybe that’s part of the reason why this pizzeria closed down not just the bite of 87 whoever designed the carpet on the outside was a real dumb Dum yeah they

Totally were I really think by repairing all of this gr area we totally make the pizzeria look way nicer from the front I do not know how much time we have left but that sun is going down quickly I don’t think it’s a lot of time Milo we

Just have to do the other side and then check the animatronics if the animatronics still work by the time we get all this done then we will have succeeded but I really hope all our snooping around and messing with the power has not upset them if we have

Upset the animatronics we could be in for a real bad situation well don’t worry I’m pretty sure I’ve been super nice to them we’ll be fine yeah I mean I’ve been nice to them you haven’t been doing anything crazy to them behind the scenes have you Milo um what do you mean

By crazy I don’t know I just know you very well and you sometimes do silly things like singing songs into people’s ears or by eating pizza all in front of someone’s floor and leaving the crumbs there for them to step on well I’m not going to say I didn’t do those things

But I’m also not going to say that I did uh-oh Milo if you have done anything to upset these animatronics they might be out to get us I really really hope you have not made them angry because that could be our Doom it would also mean we

Miss the grand opening I’m sure we’ll be fine yeah totally okay I think I fixed the front area as much as I possibly can we don’t have a lot of time so we have to officially cut the warning tape we are now opening this Pizzeria for good

We just have to finally check if the animatronics inside or all right and healthy if they aren’t Milo we could be in for a real real bad time yeah we got to fix the Rocks as well cuz if someone trips over I do not want that situation

On my hands we’ve done such a good job Milo we just have to go onto the stage past the animatronics excuse me guys don’t mind me and flick this lever on okay we should be good now everything’s working and all the animatronics is safe and happy we can now leave to welcome

Everybody inside ho let’s go now we can finally leave this place and welcome everybody in stay there animatronics you’re going to have some great visitors in no time this is so exciting wait a minute what this wall was not here before and hey is the entrance

Barricaded wait why did it get closed up did you do it while I wasn’t looking no I’ve been with you the whole time uh-oh maybe the animatronics did it excuse me Freddy do you know anything about what might have just happened and wait a second what why are they coming for us

Milo run watch you them running at us quickly this is bad this is bad we must have made them annoyed and hang on what this place is still blocked off maybe we can go back in no

Milo and Chip are Rebuilding an Abandoned FNAF Pizzeria! But what happens when the Animatronics come to life??

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. Hi Milo and chip I play Minecraft on my iPads I have toow iPads ❤🎉😂 and I have muinecrasf Pampers and cheecaine I whosh ponni and a for adley and cleaning videos and i like taylorswisf and mypbandj ilike milo and chip

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