What a MOOONDAY Morning! Stardew Valley 1.6 Coming Soon?!

Hey little ones there they are I think they’re trying to say hi to the to the new friends hey guys take care of them the little ones I’m pretty sure they’re going to have fun together all righty guys good morning welcome back to me welcome back also to another video so

Yeah uh well I have to apologize I haven’t really posted a video for quite a long time we just came from vacation we went to our home country enjoy some good food meet met with my family and friends there so it was fun and I’m glad

I’m back now back to work though oh well that’s how it is so now we’re currently the 12th day of winter and look at that Gus gave us this uh what a spaghetti nice my kid love spaghetti and also Mr res modius I am researching The Forgotten art of Shadow divination I

Require an item known as void Essence okay cool why not and by the way guys I appreciate you all for those who actually um took their time to oh what did I get water yeah took their time to vote in our poll cuz I asked you guys

What game are we going to play alongside start the valley and uh I’m glad to inform you that a game that is very similar to Startup Valley but it does a lot more things in it especially in the socialization side so I actually played that game um previously in fact I have

Already already have some videos of it in the channel which I will just tell you guys later on but for now let’s get busy taking care of our cows oh man I’ve been on for a long time oh look at that we’ve expanded our barn looks like we

Need to buy more cows and we have a heater here they should be warm and comfy looks like we have a lot of forage tables here we could sell all of them 187 150 let’s just sell all of them for now and we’ve almost forgot to say hi to

Our cute little chickens hello hello guys looks like all of them are happy oh chicken feet we also have chicken fet also have can’t fly wow all right that should keep them full at least for the day got some some eggs here straight to our Mayo machine all right awesome and

By the way guys uh if you look at the upper left hand corner um we’ve done with upgrading the CP the barn now next is the kitchen so we might need to gather more wood and stone and also gold um let’s see how much would it be how

Much we’ll need to save up for the for um building a kitchen and now it looks like we might need more Stone might need to hit the mines so we’ve collected some uh rare Crow I think this one here at my right side is a rare or scarecrow rare

Rarecrow I forgot the name but this one is a ice Crow I forgot the name again I got this from the Ice Festival which unfortunately I wasn’t able to get the footage and let’s just check out our mushrooms oh nice we have a lot of common mushrooms man I haven’t sold

Mushrooms really ever since we’ve we’ve got this cave full of them look at that we have 100 Almon mushrooms and two purple mushrooms I’m not sure cuz I’m planning of you know might need them them for cooking later on so now we’re done with the farm chores um oh oh let’s

Go head straight to Mar need to buy four cows hello morning hope you’re not cold today let me just purchase some cow More Cows thinking of building two cops and two barns as well the the the second cop will be for the Ducks and the second uh

Barn will be for the goat okay Moy this name is cool all right what a weird name f so this is going to be beef lo ha you want to name the animals guys please tell me go ahead in the comments I’ll just change them okay two more cows moon

Day that’s my favorite day and finally our third cow peanut okay done with naming our cow pretty sure they’re going to be very excited in their new homes all right thank you Mario for the business and if we go here now let me show you what we have there we go we

Have some crop pots have some trash Berry Wile grayfish we spent like like a few bucks for the cows we only have like 8,000 left for the gold so I took this job from the the other bulletin board we need to gather 20 pie pieces of trash D

The oh man this is okay I’ll just do this if I can okay uh yeah let’s head straight to Robin’s Place I want to know what do we need for the for for upgrading our um home to have a kitchen oh jeez we have a dinosaur egg we are

Very lucky man nice upgrade house we need 10,000 gold and 450 pieces of wood not bad we can do this you only need uh 2,000 uh gold remaining so let’s just sell all the all these things except for the dinosaur egg it’s an artifact but

We’re going to try and hatch it um might need another barn for that or we could sell one of the cows and uh hatch a dinosaur egg oh we have a chipa what is this chipped chipped umora hey Mr Mayor if you want to get on M’s good side give

Her a diamond she loves that stuff okay that is a pretty expensive item though looking for a handsome young man to bring me iron bar I’ll tell Clint about it and uh I do think I have an iron bar ah we have more Mayo mayonnaise and uh

Yeah we’ll just store him air oh yeah I think we can we’ll just sell all of them so we could upgrade our home uh for the crayfish I think I could use this crayfish to cook something nice so I’ll just keep that maybe also this her Winkle a tiny freshwater snail that

Lives in a blue shell okay uh crayfish I’m not sure really I’ll just keep all of them also just Snail and uh yeah looking good time to get some money from these mayonnaise hey little ones there they are I think they’re trying to say hi to the to the new friends hey guys

Take care of them the little ones I’m pretty sure they’re going to have fun together okay uh oh I’m thinking of getting an incubator so we could hatch this dinosaur egg Prett excited about it and let’s get one iron bar for Haley and a diamond for mining oh no I don’t I

Don’t I don’t need to just for Haley oh today is Friday if you can look at the upper right hand corner today is Friday so people’s going to be in the saloon let’s just get all the things that we could go to give them a gift uh how

About some blueberry looks like or a Blackberry no blueberry blackberry I’m not sure we’ll just get some blueberry hopefully most of them like it okay looking good okay uh let’s test this un Clint let’s see oh thanks he likes it all right hey everyone you’re having fun

Right oh let’s say hi to our yeah I yeah I almost forgot Leia is my girlfriend now let’s just prioritize her oh this is exactly what I wanted thank you you’re welcome do you ever get cold in that Farmhouse of yours yes stop by my cabin

If you want to huddle under one of my Cults and drink cider awesome and to spice things up let’s say hi to Abigail in front of Sebastian after we gave gift to Leah I seriously love this you’re the best niku thanks one thing I’ve learned living here everyone stares at you if

You look different oh jeez you don’t look different you look nice should have let Sam one okay yeah you go go bro do whatever you want you need to do this is a great gift thanks don’t you have work to do okay so far everyone La loves blackberries how about Mr Mayor let’s

See oh he loves it too okay everyone loves our present guys we are so lucky today okay I think that is it everyone so yeah I still need to chop some Woods for the kitchen expansion and after that um build a table before finding our myself a guess what guys oh looks like

We have our Blackberry jelly here and yeah before finding myself a wife in this beautiful Town beautiful Valley and I guess which bachelorettes I’m buing into all righty our blackberries are going straight to The Preserve jars now we still have like if you look at the

Lower right hand corner we still have oh 50% stamina left let’s just drop some Woods in preparation um our house expansion it’s now 12:00 a.m. though uhuh we have some hardwood oh jeez it’s almost 2 a.m. I don’t want to faint please oh no we fainted guys well at

Least we have 10,000 gold we can finally upgrade our house to have a kitchen next to that is a stable oh man I’m so excited so guys I need your help uh I I would like to hear your thoughts about whom I will marry is it Leia or Abigail

You can tell me in the comments I’ll look into it we all already already have a mini fridge for our kitchen if you look at that I found this recipe in the magazine and thought it sounded interesting all already pepper poppers okay sure Shane thanks for that hello

Fried Chickens thanks for the eggs see you let’s pop these straight into our Mayo machine there you go one more awesome okay today uh we’ll be just we’ll be doing something really exciting guys let me just finish the house drawers it seems everyone is getting well here but looks like only for8 our

Hay could be the additional four cows was not was uh full when we bought them that’s cool all righty so oh we can actually make a cheese press turns milk into cheese oh this is cool okay I think we’ll go ahead with this as well all right cheese press but we need hard

Woods that’s nice that’s cool let’s just test it why not aha nice so um cheese press needs a lot of copper and uh hardwood those two materials are the most uh things that is hard to come by we got some mushrooms here I wonder what we can do with these mushrooms okay now

Guys let’s go time to do something exciting not this one okay let’s go and that is buying an incubator to hatch hour no I thought okay my bad I’m really a newb being start Valley was thinking that we could buy an incubator from M so we could hatch the dinosaur egg but we

Can’t uh maybe we need to upgrade more the barn to have an incubator I don’t know I don’t know really oh well let’s just uh do something else that is equally exciting which is s High totally if the local fishing scene got a bit more lively I might expand the shop okay

Um nope nope I need you to stay there all right and I just need to put some bait excuse me sir all righty all done all right now that we’ve we failed to to get some uh a heater in our uh Barn because I really did not know that uh

You know M you don’t have it uh let’s do something else that I’m pretty sure is a bit of fun hey Abigail how you doing I’ve been daydreaming a lot lately oh you want to know what it’s about well it’s a secret I know what you dreamed about I think you dreamed about

Dreaming lately okay let’s check out how we could get a uh incubator I don’t know but uh yeah you can help me out in the comments by the way guys I would appreciate that oh look at that we can actually raise a fish Harvest their produce okay awesome oh we also can

Build an empty shed houses 12 Barn dwelling animals comes with an auto feed system I see unlocked rabbits oh this is going to be our next project but we need 100 hardwood and I’m tired walking around the mountains so we need this stable as soon as possible but I haven’t

Seen the incubator maybe I’ll I’ll I’ll discover if I play longer in the game oh wait I think I have a lot of enough wood or 200 wood and maybe I’ll just buy some wood from uh Robin oh look at that guys we have cheese let’s see how much it

Would be it’s like what the it’s like 345 gold this is a golden star though so man let’s just go straight into our golden chest and we have like how many wood 2 68 wood uhhuh let’s see um I’ll have to decide if I’ll just buy wood from Robin

Let’s see guys all right so we need 450 pieces of wood okay let’s buy wood all right we’re almost there guys I think we can all right now we can finally upgrade our house thank you get started tomorrow I would I should be finished it around 3

Days awesome man aha we are on our way way of getting a kitchen next to that is a stable and get married so I wanted to be aside from having a stable income and farm I wanted to have a good Transportation before getting married so

I could provide to my wife she needs to get in town fast I could ride her there with a horse don’t you think Abby would look better with her natural hair color uh Abby I think her natural hair color is is purple I think all right time to

Donate this chipped got this name not this dinosaur I I need a it to be hat look at that guys we have a lot of books unread books I got so lazy so we’ll just leave it there for now unlike ilot he’s been reading a lot lately chipped and

For an ancient vessel made of ceramic material used to transport both dry and wet Goods it’s good to know and by the way guys I appreciate you hanging out here and uh oh we found another book and another book as you can see U our our

Hang out place which is this channel is growing steadily and I’m I’m really excited uh where this will take us and also um can’t wait to uh play other games that I’ve actually uh had a mini poll and I it the poll was actually posted long uh for like almost half a

Month now and it seems that um the voting has stopped and I appreciate really the people who voted took their time to vote and I’ll just tell you here right now that the game that won the voting pole is coral island yes it’s going to be exciting we’re going to be

Playing that game alongside with stard Valley and I’m thinking uh maybe after one year hitting one year after this winter we’re going to shift we’re going to go to another farm and also take care of the sea in coral island and then um after another year in Coral Island

Revisit stard the valley again at least that’s what I’m thinking on how our my my video or my uh content goes look at that we have a lot of sea urchins some corals okay let me just test this out maybe we could plant oh no we can’t

Plant this mixed it won’t let us all right let’s just get these large tree stumps so we could get hardwood for our cheese maker uh I’m thinking of uh okay let’s just do cheese maker for now I was thinking of uh building a stable actually actually but we need money to

To really go ahead with the other projects so we’ll just prioritize building uh cheese maker so we could graft some cheese from milk which provides more money than mayonnaise so that should triple double or triple our income and maybe if I get lazy in getting some hardwood I’ll just I just

Buy some hardwood maybe that will work and I should also consider upgrading our tools right it since it’s a winter it would be the perfect time to upgrade our watering can especially the axe so we could access the dark I forgot the name but it’s some

Kind of a Dark Forest there’s going to be a lot of hardwood there oh well there’s a lot of things to do for now let’s just get some wood CU we don’t have any and uh yeah by the way guys thanks again for hanging out I appreciate you all and for um more

Videos you can uh go ahead and like And subscribe as well and for those who are already subscribed I appreciate you all for staying and for enjoying my videos and let’s always remember that may we always walk with patience and kindness CU that is what love is see you in the

Next video oh by the way uh for more videos to come you can check out the lower part of this screen by

Upgrade a NEW building! Stardew Valley 1.6 Coming Soon!

🕊️ Only a CHOSEN Few Reads This!
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3 : 16

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#earthtosnack #indiegame #stardewvalley


  1. Ya from what I heard 1.6 is close to coming out, been playing Travellers Rest and well Shop Titans while. Plus bits of Luck be a Landlord, I hope your ready, no idea past some tidbits when it drops. Also dino eggs are incombated in the incobater in the chicken coop.

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