Hello everybody waffle time here and today we are back with the third episode of our very own Granite biome despising UFO probe station resenting thorium series last episode we took on many bosses including that of queen jellyfish what is oh my Lord what is that what

Don’t get that away from me now as well as Viscount which we had no trouble against whatsoever we’re so dead dude God why did I do that and many more on top of that were conquered which really put pushed us forward in our Eternal Quest to become the ultimate B music

Master we have bosses to discover new enemies to be absolutely Gob smacked over and much much more to explore so without further Ado I present to you all episode three of our epic gamer thorium series let’s Jump Right In shall we so here’s the deal a lot of you creatures

Been telling me been hounding me all right been hounding me in the comments about getting the Bongos a lot of you been saying it’s quite overpowered all right 32 dude come on come on no way right no way a lot of you been saying it’ll wash so to speak the Wall of Flesh

Thus making him the wash of Flesh Bongos let’s see how bong goes what the [ __ ] dude what is this doing damage to all nearby wow interesting I wonder if there’s a boss we could try it on I wonder I got to wonder spawn hotel is looking great as ever oh dear God it’s

The same three things over and over okay I’ll take that last time we beat Skeletron and corpse Bloom corpse husband let’s do it how about The Illusionist huh who’s this what does he drop nothing really for us I mean I guess we could go we could go to the

Dungeon just try it just try it out this would be a great opportunity to test our Bongos you see as a certified ass man I love me the Bongos it represents a lot of things wholeheartedly however how it does in battle we’re about to find out so far I see

Nothing mid bro what are you talking about look at that that’s way better am I using it wrong or something with am I tripping nards or is this just mid I I don’t know dude I don’t I don’t know I guess we’ll see if if it’s hitting the

Balls of Flesh several different times then I can see how it’s a real good weapon for it oh my God the double Minotaur Bangarang we got to be careful okay I can see how this could be a powerful weapon now my bad my bad everyone it’s all right it’s all right I

Give it like a seven please don’t do this I’ll show you a big bone pal you better watch yourself mid bro God damn BDS sm’s cool and all man but that’s that’s too much that’s too much I’m trying have fun here what Midnight Oil I know what I’m using

That for I’m going to be totally wholeheartedly straight up with all of you we might just have to skip this boss he doesn’t even drop anything good for the old bars too for the music Master Legends he doesn’t drop anything good for us so I mean what’s what’s the point

I was kind of just doing it just to test out our we oh my God Granite energy storm what the use an unstable core deep underground within a granite enclosure or finding defeat an unstable energy anomaly have we come across any granite areas where’s it at dude I don’t I don’t

I don’t see one anywhere dude the bongo’s got to be nice on this guy drop oh bar okay oh it’s a o i mean unless that helps us I can’t see that being too great so we’re off to find a granite biome baby what the hell grants immunity

To shambler chain balls oh my God we might have to we might have to invest I forgot we could turn into a bat that’s so embarrassing dude there’s got to be one around here somewhere I always always find one in the jungle was that a mini planta what the hell was that about

Nothing so far man the railways of Doom are bound to lead us to one if I can’t find one I’m moving to the next boss I’m not doing this all day I’m not okay see what we’re not going to do is go into the underground desert and that goes

Straight into lava that’s cool all right that was fun well who’s the next boss on our list huh wow he looks cool what’s his deal huh oh my Champion’s wings that sounds nice you get that pre hard mode are you kidding me no barred weapons from what I’m seeing use an ancient

Blade deep underground within a marble enclosure damn it what where do I okay have we disc C discovered a marble biome we haven’t bro come on man a this is making me sick about to start another elevator come on man anything dude I beg I beg I plead very wonderful guess we

Can grab stuff from the chest while we’re here I guess I mean we might as well not make it a completely fruitless Endeavor I’m not doing that I almost fell for it I’m not doing it all roads lead back to the underground jungle and it makes me sick nice everything hurts

My body down here dude I’m just not down for at all maybe down here there’s one no all right this has got to be an OSHA violation of sorts I want those damn Wings though why is it every time I build a plant Terror Arena I come across

Both of these biomes and it [ __ ] up my Arena but God forbid I look for the things will never find them night vision will help us find the biomes better hopefully my oh my look what I found look man I can’t find this thing no

Matter what I do so I guess we’ll just make some lightning boots about it and cry a little bit high in the sky okay I could do that what is what oh look at that I can make it hell yeah that’s what I’m talking talking about baby will it

Work right here nope I got to do it a little bit higher is it going to despawn if I leave though oh oh [ __ ] okay okay we’re in we’re right in look at that that’s way better oh [ __ ] what’s it doing oh my God I couldn’t imagine developing as a civilization for years

To make something that could travel through space and time and some dude with a pair of [ __ ] Bongos just rips me a new one I’d be broken I’d be a broken little alien what was that oh my God 103 damage not looking forward to finding out about a second phase with

This guy as much as I hate to admit it think this what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God I’m getting my ass whooped I thought this was an needy battle this is not good this is not good at all oh there we go it’s not too bad

Go God damn it dude the C shell is about to go crazy this time around let’s make another one let’s get Buffs let’s let’s do it I’m not even mad I’m not mad Bring It On ding it what the what whoa whoa whoa okay it’s only hitting about 1% of the

Time which is kind of a bummer we got it now we know his attack patterns we’re good we got this [ __ ] we got it in the bag so easy come on regen dude regen please he does a stupid amount of damage [ __ ] me like that like that oh God he’s really

Starting to get on my ass oh no no please God don’t do this oh my God we’re good we got this we so got this in the bag the hell is that what the [ __ ] okay he just got to be extra careful about that holy [ __ ] this is a

Lot to deal with at once we’re doing good damage to him oh no oh what’s happening oh dear God dude this isn’t good oh this is not good go run run do something God damn it oh we were so close man we were so [ __ ] close love not making any progress I

Love it I love it so much uh awesome man where do I find those the Bongos are so lame dude the Bongos are so lame I don’t care what anyone says I think we’re at a very pivotal Crossroad right now where we could either try and take on the wall of

Flesh and see if we could find these guys later or if we could find these guys right now I think we can get better gear oh my God we were so close to killing Buzz Lightyear man we were so close look we can’t get The Illusionist

To spawn we can’t find a godamn granite biome we can’t find a measly marble biome we get this guy to 1 HP and [ __ ] die right away so what’s left you know I’m wondering if there’s any other NPCs that we haven’t moved in yet maybe there’s like a music man or

Something like that that would be pretty nice cuz we have a shoe guy we have a chef we have a zombie and a damn mummy we have Neil we got Rambo I’m actually so hurt right now that we haven’t discovered any of the biomes we need to

Fight any of these cool and fun new bosses the Druid lignum lignum nuts or what perfect oh just perfect oh well well well look what we found here huh got us a nice little lava encased Granite biome you love to see it thank God this place is so small right above

Hell too fantastic know what we’re going to do so we’re going to do our best uh-oh well that worked fantastic an uncomfortable Truth for many maybe the Bongos aren’t so bad we’ve successfully expanded the arena quite a bit that’s good very good three things in life are

Certain death taxes and an arena that you’re scared to fight in wa what is that oh no focus focus everybody Focus everybody quit joking around trying to have a jolly good time here we go here we go baby yep Bongos Bongos let’s get it uh-oh uh-oh holy [ __ ] take it take it

Take it all okay BR cthulu clutch that’s good that’s working what the hell dude I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out of inspiration man okay but look hear me out if I Pace it right we might be okay if I Pace it correctly we might be all

Right what does he drop for us again let me see here ah this thing yeah I would like inspiration regeneration very nice I don’t like that it’s not a material I hope it increases my damage by 15% too that would be very cool and awesome I think boomerangs only thorium and

Healing and throwing okay well yet again The Bard is scrutinized drad 2.0 what the marshy astro turf huh into ut oh wow let’s see how this works let’s see how it does see if we get a UT Tre or not I’m very keen to find out I want those

Wings though I hope we can find a marble biome if we win this battle everything’s going to be okay can I get a break here why do you keep spawning I can’t even get down to where I want to go it’s driving me insane I’m going to lose my

[ __ ] I really truly am it’s more and more dude oh dear God oh my God holy [ __ ] that was insane do a little bit of chopping here round off the edges it’ll be all right it’ll be it’ll be okay yeah even just one more layer I think is

Going to be all the more clutch one more little means of dodging and it’ll be okay we’re just going to do it we’re just going to do it we’re just going to do it where did did it not spawn all right let’s do it nice it’s

Making all the difference so far we just got to pace ourselves a little bit better you know oh okay okay getting our ass kicked that’s good don’t go in there dude 90 damage is [ __ ] insane to kill each of those things like a 100 times dude it’s terrible extra careful not like that

Okay I’m going to die the hell was that thing great I love getting double hit like 30 [ __ ] times that’s just wonderful God damn it [ __ ] if I am able to take him down to a Hell Arena from there that is a game changer let’s try it this is so [ __ ]

Frustrating dude I get bullied no matter what I do I have have a hellstone weapons help me God teleport you to last death location Fallen Beholder what the [ __ ] is that teleports you to a random location wow that’s pretty neat huh okay let’s make a big long hell Bridge boom

Like that oh look at that I’m kind of curious to see how we do is that bad of me is that mean of me is that evil let’s just try it I know we’re probably going to die but that’s okay we have lightning boots we have the fabled Bongos as you

Guys say it is full bar rating uh uh maybe like a six six or a seven this is like an eight right here though the problem is we only have 24 defense that’s where the that’s where the real issues come in but an iron skin should

Be saving our ass quite a bit and it’s truly truly not all right I think we’ve run far enough the wings at the Gladiator dude drops seem so unbelievably clut for prehard mode however when there’s no Marvel biomes in your world then it makes it a little

Hard to get them let’s just see how it goes let’s just see maybe it goes real good who knows okay dude okay that’s that’s really good I’m not going to lie where the hell did you come from okay that’s really solid all right you guys got me all right I was just

Talking it’s it’s increased its way to like a nine all right a nine I’ll give you that I’ll give you that the only issue is the inspiration that’s the only only problem we seem to be running into it renders the hungry just [ __ ] useless dude I’m not going to lie I kind

Of want to try this and see how it goes Jesus okay enough experimenting need to try and go in for the kill on this one we’re we’re actually not doing too bad at all that works really damn good too holy hell I might just do that

So I stay away from him dude I’m not going to lie to you it’s like playing range this is going really good why couldn’t I beat any of the other bosses but I’m doing arguably better against this guy than I have against any any of the other prehard mode

Bosses okay I’m eating my words a little bit honk your horn buddy honk at the best you can maybe when he gets in close I should uh use the Bongos that might be good starting to take a lot of damage here oh I can’t hit him from that far I

Don’t think we got to get in close we got to do the deed got to get in close enough to hit him got to lull him got to go up and down come on dude no we’re not going to do it oh my God oh my God oh my

God oh my God down to the last 1% of its Health it gets closer and closer every single goddamn time God I feel like we are one accessory away from greatness I don’t I don’t know what it is I feel like we are so tormenting [ __ ] close

We almost had that let’s try the granite guy again man I got to use all these in tandem I think I’m just trying to use one and it’s not working out well for me if I get all of them going 20 movement speed 10% crit strike chance here we go

Please don’t despawn oh my God he’s not despawning oh it’s over fellas oh we won this battle thanks for watching okay well I may have gotten slightly ahead of myself I apologize for my Outburst I don’t know what I’m supposed to do to dodge that okay man okay okay what the [ __ ]

Okay man holy [ __ ] what am I supposed to do about that I’m getting so incredibly frustrated right now it’s not even funny let’s see what we can do about our accessories huh check it out that’s great dude all right I don’t know where our Marvel biome is

Is we have the armored pad paper and now we’re going to get some cork grease cork grease so now I can make the band kit which I think will’ll clutch it up hopefully I kind of want to try the Wall of Flesh again that went surprisingly

Well last time I think we can do it I’m going to lose my goddamn mind I’m getting close man oh here we go now we’re looking good the hell was that was that a goblin I knew they all went to hell here we go see it’s doing good damage but it’s

Just like I don’t want to be close to him when he’s shooting a thousand lasers I think everything demands me to be a little bit close to him which is kind of rough it’s very difficult having to wait between attacks if that makes sense makes life a lot

Harder like that look now we just chill wait and Dodge I think we got it dude got to use everything in our Arsenal everything in our Arsenal gives us a little bit of a buff it’s starting to get a little sketchy Rand of cthulu clutch please okay okay if we keep killing his

Little hungry we might get some hearts we might be okay okay going for the kill oh my God we did it we did it really good that time holy [ __ ] we did it all right we’re in hard mode first try first try baby let’s get it let’s get it cool let’s see

What we got ooh I would not mind that at all don’t mind if I do oh God thank God so we have a lot of a lot of new weapons and stuff we can make I’m really liking the brass I really like brass so far massive gamer W’s in the chat please supposedly

Marching band armor is the best we could get at this point that requires a lot of Souls and Knight we’re also going to need Wings 108 damage cool look at how little damage we do to everything dude oh my God this is going to be horrible takes

The full force of calmer [ __ ] toss to take out one thing oh my God this is going to be so bad oh Jesus oh no oh hey the hollow you can’t get me you can’t get me you can’t touch me uh uh uh uh suckers okay I guess it’s time for an

Epic gamer mowing session of the ages baby after the shocking truly unexpected win against the balls of Flesh we had much to do and it all started with an epic gamer mowing session of the ages now that we’re in hard mode much more is unlocked there seemed to be a limitless

Amount more tasks for us to complete to get a plate full of succulent game progression we had to beat bosses but needed good armor for that but needed souls for the armor but needed a good weapon to collect the souls to begin with it’s certainly a grueling domino

Effect we had to deal with in our Timeless journey of becoming the ultimate Bard we worked our way up the various tiers of ores and got to work immediately on trying to come up with a game plan to execute once we we had our hands on an actual hard mode B mode

Weapon to defend us from getting beaten to death by various mobs apparently with 16 spider fangs we can make a weapon called the Riff Weaver and I’m very curious about it a lot of HP man a lot of HP oh [ __ ] oh my God damn it all

Right let’s make the Ora calcum whistle so excuse me what is that hell’s Bell what guilty pleasure a wicked guitar solo defense two damage reduction two ey frames one that okay we have got to make that oh we’re getting Souls of Night down here too we can do some grinding

Hopefully make that armor we’ve been dying for my God we’re looking for that Ora Calcom now baby what the [ __ ] is that I was about to ask if I’m in hell but I kind of am I look forward to having to deal with that a lot more how

Exciting we don’t really have a need for Adamantite as far as I’m concerned the [ __ ] is that an infernal Hound eh oh look at that he dropped a worm for us I don’t want the smoke I just want a mine holy [ __ ] Jesus a bone flare tail 90 [ __ ]

No no I can’t go back I can’t go back I have to stick with Bard while grounded it rapidly spits out burning embers along the ground oh my God look at how cool that is nope I can’t use it where’s the oral man I can’t do this boom whistle obtained terrible modifier

Excellent what the [ __ ] okay that’s going to be interesting to work with I say let’s go down to the spider hell now let’s see if we can make that riff Weaver and it works pretty darn good too if I do say so myself considering these guys have an

Outrageous amount of Health okay I can do this good all right we’re good we’re good we’re good playing the long game with this one oh we got an Amar Rock I am so frustrated right now I’m going to have a meltdown maybe we should get that

Armor first before we try and indulge in any more weapons it takes full inspiration to kill one thing but yep here we go let’s ride deep into the anal crevices of the Crimson let’s do it that was on me that one was on me we need

That marching band armor so bad that it hurts here’s here’s where the problems come in not a [ __ ] soul in sight soul of night let’s go we’re back we’re so back Jesus man at this pace I’m getting one per every death so you know if we

Die I don’t know 24 more times we’ll be in business you know what let’s go get the spider thing let’s go do it let’s just do oh no the hell is that come up to my spider Destroyer 9,000 oh I bet you weren’t expecting that were you oh no our safe haven it’s

Been violated yeah yeah get me out get me out get me out oh my God this is mind- numbing work I tell you oh we have enough look at that let’s go oh my god oh [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] metal I love it now let’s go get that armor does it pierce

It does oh my God wa oh my God we do so much more damage how nice is that those like iore sides what’s the deal with that I don’t like that it’s wries and wiggles attempting to latch on to you I know what I’m doing with this thing

Dude wa oh my God we need a flesh horn so bad so it looks like we need tissue samples to make this we might have to go kill the brain of cthulu again and that’s totally fine with me that’s totally fine I think we’re at a much better place than we were formerly

Imagine the Bongos on him this might be a real satisfying eyeball squishing ASMR for all of you folk out there with good ears oh no it’s a good thing we do no [ __ ] damage oh my God I’m going to die that was a bummer look at that dude that was so

Satisfying there we go there we go ooh we I can’t get a good modifier to save my own life am I missing something oh it has to charge well that’ll be nice we get damage to then we could use this and get damage reduction mycelium is he coming

Oh Lord he’s coming all right here we go melium this is taking so God damn long all right I think we’ve got him just about halfway which is pretty cool I wanted to know what was in the mycelium mimic God why why dude why every single time wait a minute melium a

Mushroom variant of biomimics sure wish I knew what it dropped that’d be pretty cool this game has a very special way of making me the most angry I’ve ever felt in my entire life hey let’s make one of these acoustic guitars huh let’s go inside a guitar store and play Stairway

Heaven or wonder wall I heard they all love that need a lot of this stuff some unicorn and we’ll be good I got to say if I ever killed a spider so big that I could hold one of its fangs in my hands like a football I think the last thing I

Do is make a sick guitar out of it but that just shows how creatively stunted I am oh excuse me oh my God that’s like my cat Tesla so much delectable nut here in the hollow biome there’s so much new stuff to this game and it’s so fun oh my

God a hollow key all right see if we can make our acoustic guitar now huh you guys feeling acoustic I think all you guys are acoustic can I please please for once have a decent modifier all right we’ve seen some weapons like this not too bad not too

Bad but more importantly we can make this into a guilty pleasure where we hold down the fire button and consume inspiration and charge up a wicked guitar solo every half second of charge increases the Barr’s duration and damage yeah oh soul of sight I thought that was

A flight oh all right I guess we I guess we’re just stuck with this for now time to go on the soul hunt what the [ __ ] oh my God it has so much health dude what the [ __ ] there’s two of them just don’t drop [ __ ] they just show up

And annoy me oh no what is that there every time I find something interesting I [ __ ] explode where the hell did that come from well hopefully it’s still down there that’d be nice very curious to see what the mysterious life yeah n it’s gone it was definitely a mob then

God give it a rest oh there’s a solo Knight right there on the bright side that’s cool only 10 more at this rate we’re going to have a graveyard biome every single place we stand no I need to double back cuz I’m not in the [ __ ] biome better armor please God please at

Least my cat’s happy Oh yeah double drop let’s go no no no four souls away from greatness it’s everything everything flying in here is making me very mad there we go there it is now we can make our marching band outfit okay s defense hot dog here we go

Wo we got it we got it dude has no idea what we’re capable of what is that about what is this What’s following me so the real question is what now clearly we need to up our accessory game a lot we really really need Wings let’s say we

Kill some wyverns huh how about that the [ __ ] are those okay here we go all right the hell was that what the [ __ ] was that about where did you come from a Lykan are you liking to taste of this fat dick this is so frust frustrating oh my God where did you even

Come from a okay all right there’s one there’s one good thank God when I have wings we’re going to turn this world upside down please die please die please die holy [ __ ] oh my God how much you have 92 Health what is that why is there so much

I’m getting so sick right now I’m getting so sick of this oh hell yeah that’s what I’m talking about okay so we have all the souls we need now we just need perhaps some pixie dust in the mix and I think we’ll be all good oh you know what it’s

Probably an armor set bonus I guar yeah I didn’t even think about that that’s what I’m talking about Pixie splotter and spree the little music notes are kind of broken I’m not going to lie to you my God maybe our Bard is trying to die so much so his music is more

Valuable that makes sense to me does it make sense to you it sure makes sense to me at long long last finally look at that look at all of that action hey buddy what the what the hell oh rhythmically play yeah my ass dude I’ll see you later good luck I think I

Already have a mechanical worm we could probably just try the destroyer and see what we could get I believe there’s a set of hollowed Bard armor see if we’re having trouble against that right now against a unicorn dude I don’t know how good we’re going to be against the mechs

You know what let’s see if we can make a little Sky Box build it a little ways away oh my God what the heck man get away from me you freak oh dear God my thoughts is if we built a cheese platform I’m pretty sure our acoustic

Guitar would be able to at least shoot down and Ricochet through a few segments I think it’d go well what the [ __ ] is that what is that holy hell what is that what is that a blood Mage is that why I’m slowed for 30 seconds he healed are you kidding me who that’s

Weird my god oh wait we need to fight this guy don’t we randomly appears during a blizzard or summoned with a strider’s teer here how the hell do we get a strider’s tier doesn’t appear he drops anything for a real real musician this is this is disgusting this is

Horrible I have no money no life no balls yeah we’re going to have to kill a Mech soon not a living hemorrhoid not again dude I can’t do this I still want to beat that borean Strider as soon as it starts raining I feel like we could

Run over make a quick Arena and fight him that technically is the first Dork on our list Fallen Beholder huh what the hell was that e still no barred stuff 10c Critical Strike chance one whole minute of 10% less damage yeah go [ __ ] yourself oh damn does he drop a bar

Weapon wow releases multiple tendrils of Gastly grasping Sound Energy killing blows against enemies replenish four inspiration that’s insane attack speed oh my God we got to get this thing all right well it’s just about night time I guess we could try the mech and see how

It goes and summon him up see how it goes coming from over here huh good thing we do no damage oh God this is going to be a rough one get shredded get shredded get shredded on get him get his ass oh my God this is

Going to be bad dude this is going to be real real bad I think the acoustic guitar might be our best best bet right now but we are doing no damage virtually against this guy we have done no damage so far the night is already like a

Quarter over I do not think we’re going to be able to do this this is so bad oh no all right let’s go down screw it see how it goes the answer is not very well holy God oh no I’m I’m sick of being bullied by everything okay well we need a better

Weapon real bad we need a better weapon so bad in fact that it hurts me inside oh my God we are screwed so I see a trombone it unleashes a beam of sun energy I’d imagine that’s quite good against any mob but we need forbidden fragments and we need Pharaoh’s breath

Holy Jesus holy hell all right oh I got a Pharaoh’s oh oh oh we need you we need you Jesus Christ this is becoming less of a b issue and more of a I can’t do any damage issue all right bring it on suckers I need one of those desert

Elementals to come in and save me 126 damage just for fun huh just for fun just to have a laugh I took 126 damage and you’re laughing oh oh my God no no no no no no no there you are bastard oh my God the nurse is here please Caitlyn

Yes yes we are so back why is there so much [ __ ] spawning right now now is not the time we almost got it it’s getting real pissed off I don’t need hemorrhoids right now man see how hard this for a gamer to exist in this landscape almost got it

Yeah yeah baby that’s what I’m talking about there’s one there’s just a simple one that’s cool now we got to wait for another one oh hey you can move who [ __ ] farted on me dude you sick bastards here we go we’re going to get the fat stacks double hand twister

Ballister discounts that’s great here we go here we go it’s my inspiration that’s given me trouble I tell you that much it’s not even that hard of a battle it’s just scary with all the other mobs that decide to show up y y yay nurse is getting [ __ ] up we are getting a

Little bit low on health and it’s very very [ __ ] concerning if I survive like one more second I’ll be okay what am I supposed to do about that oh my god dude what the no come back well let’s go see if it’s there how exciting is this this is so much fun I

Love this game very much [ __ ] oh oh my God oh my God another one we’re all right we’re all right everybody we’re okay okay everybody calm down everybody [ __ ] relax we’re we’re doing okay I think this extra platform is the the true answer very curious as

To why we’re doing so little damage to everything in the world come on Weber up Weber up Weber up let’s go Spider-Man BDSM come on man the second platform was really all we needed almost got it I’m just happy that so far nothing has come on this top platform yet from either

Side to defile us we almost have exactly what we need we have exactly what we need now that might be a convenient it sounds like a rot of Discord that takes a little while to use but I’m curious about this I’m very curious about this all right let’s see about making a

Trombone shall we trombone and we got a good reforge let’s go let’s go oh my God how far does that extend that’s not bad dude that is not bad at all oh my God that’s nice hey worth the grind worth the grind W’s in the

Chat uh I thought it would be a little bit better than that I’m not going idea we’ll see about it we’ll see how this goes I’m killing stuff faster with my riff Weaver dude come on man give me something good give me a goodie do I

Have any money left oh [ __ ] it to hell why not I’m sick of getting farted on we already have a platform over here which is very nice for Skeletron so I’m wondering if we could use that for the Strider fella there’s also another weapon we can make called frostwind

Symbols 40 symphonic damage right pretty good holds a pair of symbols in front of you that release freezing vibrations holding them longer increases the vibration count speed and freeze duration gives a little extra jump height and flight times a problem with that is we need a frost core so we’re

Probably just going to have to wait till it rains here we go it’s showtime baby prime time for ice Golems it’s a lot of stuff here trying to rock my body dear deer kops a dude come on [ __ ] blizzard bat blizzard bat bats everywhere bats permanent man perade death bat bat hell

Lava bat cave bat giant cave bat oh my God he’s still alive this is so shabby so far yes it is oh my god oh yep forgot you can’t go away from deerclops at all almost got him it’s not quite the boss I was looking for but hey you know what it

Happens happens to the best of us God I got a axe got a radio thing an eyebrella so one problem we still need an ice Golem great dude there he is oh come on pick up some gold buddy pick up some n they’ve already ransacked it all he’s

Gone G Aria see you later he’s gone that’s great I don’t even know why I bought this thing man let’s try it man we ball it doesn’t seem so bad hey hey hey hey what the [ __ ] is that holy hell we teleports rather quick that a snow spider that’s [ __ ] up oh we’re

Breaking his back we’re blowing his back out [ __ ] get me out of here I’m so slow just got to keep my distance be ready to dash at any moment like that let’s use his own weapon against him come on teleport no no what oh what come on man

[ __ ] I’m throwing away the axe too it won’t shut up well I’m trying to work I think we’re ready for this I guess we just can’t run too far from him it’s just attack patterns dude attack patterns are nothing to me okay our little music Trail is doing the work on

Him and I love it no please okay he’s immune to I cor all right [ __ ] me to tears man I don’t even even know what’s hitting me half of the time oh he broke his Hive or is it a mama spider you should not be able to teleport oh dear

Lord oh my God there’s [ __ ] flying she has flying spider babes this is not good dude this is not [ __ ] good just got to focus on her it’s like Queen jelly fish all over again you know what the [ __ ] man telefrag dude telefrag not cool

I don’t know what way to go no what what hit me what what did it oh my God man [ __ ] I can’t beat a single goddamn boss my God I hate this I hate everything oh well we still have a wrath potion come on Waffle Time where’s your

Music Spirit huh only usable during a blizzard only usable during a blizzard cool hot damn we have 28 defense what the hell do I do we’re going to double back we’re going to make that farm we’re going to collect mad Souls how about that how how does that sound to

Everybody we’re going to get some better accessories we’re going to be okay everyone calm down we’re going to be all right woo all right all right I’m not above it I’m not above it one bit ooh geod saxophone what the what the hell is that interesting shut up Lucy I don’t

Have time for you oh my God we found a mimic we a even finished our farm yet we already got one look at that something we’re not going to use it all great while we worked on the farm we thought about all the possibilities hard mode

Bard mode could open for us there was an outrageous amount of new weapons and gear that we only just started tapping into but the farm would be insanely helpful in gathering everything we need to crap at all we laid down everything we needed including a mob roasting

Pyramid and a spot underneath in order to degrade all the mobs from all in the safety of our own foul smelling gamer Hut we make sure to cloak the bottom in lava as well as ADD Dart traps to activate those derpix on specials we also desperately need loot from and

After a major gamer AFK session we were just about ready to get the ball rolling once more on our hard mode Bard mode Journey what the [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa whoa what is that what is that the [ __ ] what what a life Crystal with I have

Cthulu ai that makes sense that oh hello well I guess we just got to watch out for those things we just got one of the things we needed but now we also need a cross necklace as well as maybe a godamn star Veil then after we get the

Components we desire we are going to deck this place out in crimson and try and harvest a bunch of souls a night what can we do at this point we need both Souls we can’t even beat the first boss let alone a prehard mode boss what what the hell what

Prop Hunt can I pull a cross necklace out of my ass it’s the only thing I’m missing we getting a lot of money too look at that we getting a lot of garlic bread too back to the mines I guess watch what we can do with these guys

They’re nothing to us nothing come on come on God damn it and we get a magic dagger sure never get sick of this dude come on oh thank God finally holy [ __ ] oh look at this idiot oh scary oh shiver me timbers we can make this right here increases movement speed after being

Struck increases length of invincibility after taking damage now that sounds nice so I’m thinking we’ll make a Sacred Heart then maybe just tuck that away for future use we also want to make a charm of myths what is that what the hell what the hell what well that is interesting

I’d be interested to try the zpit sometime soon the zpit however we need to kill a Mech first it seems like anything we do we have to kill a Mech let’s make a charm of myths the Sacred Heart how many metals we we have 60 [ __ ] Metals what is that well we want

That let’s try that out better not leave it alone with a chest suspicious golden key it doesn’t even look like it does anything functions as a demon alter we already got one what is this oh it’s Tim oh totem callar what is this hags that roam the world looking to steal back

Their treated youth the underworld jungle ocean and sky are the most likely spots to find one I mean I guess we could go to the ocean let’s go try and find us a hag and see what happen I’m getting sidetracked that’s okay I’m having fun that’s no wyvern I’ve ever

Seen dog what is this that’s the ugliest wyvern I’ve ever seen in my life I thought maybe we’d get like a wyvern wyvern I mean this is are you kidding me we don’t even get unlimited flight no we don’t what kind of wyver is this oh it’s picking up some

Good speed check that out bad dude this thing is so [ __ ] ugly holy [ __ ] why am I suddenly able to fly all the way up well we have that now that’s pretty neat we have a lot of reforging to do as well but I’d like to find a hag time to go to

The beach baby hag where are you baby that’s not a hag oh great slime’s falling that’s cool so why are we getting oh wait I think there’s a weapon we could get from doing a Pirate Invasion see if we could grind out a few pirate maps cuz I think we can get some

Type of trombone or something where’s all the hags at and why am I about to die am I truly prepared to fight a hag right now I don’t think so is it in the water or something hi I don’t like that g a clam oh [ __ ] beating F oh what’s

That holy [ __ ] Serpent’s cry all right all right I guess we can work our way towards that excuse me I thought we already beat him get destroyed liberal maybe not all right worth a shot though it’s become quite the mess holy [ __ ] that scared the hell out of me dude

Hell is this guy’s problem huh another pirate map sick we needed that very optimal timing for slime rain the only problem is I think we have to beat a flying ship for it and that might be a bit of an issue still no sign of a hag around here another pirate map sick

We’re doing good another one we’re doing fantastic okay I may have to make some type of coward pyramid oh blows enemies backwards I’m trying to get blown I don’t want them to get blown thing is I don’t I hope we’re well equipped enough

To take on a a whole ship my hope is to kind of just ride out the event and just wait till the very end of the event when there’s hopefully a ship left and try and take it out let’s Hammer this bad boy out out now we need a trap door and

Some lava I found some lava hopefully this isn’t too far away from Spawn I don’t think it will be we just got to watch out for pirates curses too those guys will [ __ ] us up I think that’s perfect look at that now all we need is a beautiful little platform shut up no

We don’t I do all the work you guys want to know what the modifier is for Lucy the axe annoying and lava here and we start the event but I need the trombone from it that’s the thing I think they drop one weapon and I’m able to fire

Downwards with it or something I I’m not really not too sure but it looks pretty cool shooting star turbo tuba what the hell is even that you guys got to believe me it’s a 24 Karat tuba I think come on fellas bring it on I’m not

Scared of you all right we’re off to a great start ladies and gents a fantastic start indeed we got to watch out let’s keep our us keep our stamina up a bit cuz this guy’s about to burst any minute bring it sucker [ __ ] by the power of

Music invested in me you are so so screwed Captain’s pogger wagger what is that about you know I was kind of just wanting the ship if you know any any fine ass thick ships want to come Rock My World by all means got a golden sink golden sink these nuts in your

Mouth concertina whoa which releases wind bursts holding them longer increases the wind burst count damage and speed holy [ __ ] oh I mean it sounds [ __ ] up don’t get me wrong that damage is pretty [ __ ] nice ooh okay here we go here we go okay so the Pirates have been

Defeated have to be careful cuz he releases it we have to be careful for that oh no this is going to be rough if we could get him stuck on this building here that would be super we got him stuck on the building look at that Waffle Time strikes again as long as

Nothing jumps up and hurts my body [ __ ] we got a lot of cool stuff huh hey hey hey hey okay I’m calm I’m not mad cuz what if we spawn and he’s still there how cool would that be hey he’s still there how cool is

That get oh Jesus oh no oh [ __ ] all right we’re good we’re good I’m not panicking I’m good I got to be careful with it okay come on dude stay there please stay stuck we got a strike going dude if we don’t get it the first time I’m not doing this [ __ ]

Again that might be nice for the Destroyer all right defeat yet again yet again why you Moon walking on me like did you see that [ __ ] we almost got him though look at that down to about a six of his health matter of fact if he didn’t spawn Pirates every 5 seconds I

Think we be in a good spot come back Now get stuck get stuck get stuck okay okay all right we have a means of Defending ourselves we’re good that’s two cannons down nearly three come on waffle time you’ve trained your whole life for this stay away from me you freak fly around

Fly around give it the old reach around we’ll be all right yes yes yes yes what did we get a treasure bag Flying Dutchman treasure bag where did the treasure bag okay it’s down here there’s a lucrative gold ring down here that’s so interesting let’s kind of make this

The man cave down here need keep this up here so we stay [ __ ] on the mobs there we go perfect this looks really good so far I’ll admit it I think I’ve really outdone myself let’s see what we got oh my God the one thing okay one we

Got one of them despite this being muted I’m very curious to see how it works ooh that might be [ __ ] perfect for the Destroyer man oh my God I’m so excited you got anything music related buddy midus gavl holy [ __ ] cop see the m charge that’s cool nothing for us we are

Quite possibly the ugliest thing I’ve ever [ __ ] seen in my life now we have more room for furniture how nice is that like these two chests where we can store our beer and video games and footballs and totally not a bunch of nerd stuff a

Bunch of man stuff more like I say we fully fully reforge our accessories reforge this 24 Karat tuba fabled very very cool we have like 30 weapons on us now let’s reforge our accessories all the way let’s go like full menacing and lucky menacing right away love it ooh

Inspiration that’s another dude I think the fountains do something for us what are you are you kidding me with a pokey jungle Spar on the end huh wonder where that goes you sick bastard I think with these if I’m not mistaken I don’t I don’t know if it’s our quality of life

Or if it’s thorium but I’m pretty sure we don’t need the blocks try doing Hollow and see if we get any Souls real quick okay we are getting hollowed mobs that’s cool please give me the souls dude oh my God yeah it does oh time to

What the [ __ ] is that all right time to AFK a while I would argue that’s a pretty nice haul we are clogged up by bats as you can see now it’s time for the Crimson Edition God that’s so cool I love it oh dear God I am very very

Unnerved right now I don’t like this very much I would argue that’s quite the hull as well okay we can now make these which we will eat I think that means we are officially maxed out I believe don’t know how we get solar PEB oh the lizard

People carry these in reverence of the sun Perfect all right I think I think we could throw this in the Shimmer let’s give it a try oh I’m sliding ah look at that an inspiration gem very cool get me the [ __ ] out of here okay I’m thinking

We try the Destroyer we have so much more inspiration man I love what the [ __ ] let’s just sleep till the next night just so we have as much time as humanly possible but I think this fabled 24 Karat tuba is going to carry us to

The top let’s give this a try huh let’s give it a whirl here we go here goes nothing okay okay we we got a little something going for us it’s just mandatory for us to take care of the probes as they come along cuz they are going to be a huge huge

Problem look at that dude I’m not jumping you can’t come up here nice so nice dude we are in a great great position right now and we regen so fast too it’s so good really got to take care of these probes and we’ll be all right man look

At that this weapon was made for the Destroyer I’m telling you okay taking a couple of hits but it’s all right we’re regening pretty quick cannot believe how op we are now compared to 10 minutes ago in the video maybe I wonder if there’s like buff stations specific to The Bard I’d be

Very very keen to have that if it’s an option you know how Wizards could be Clairvoyant and stuff and warriors could be all sharpened and stuff and little rangers could save on ammo I wish we could somehow save breath on music I know I’m going to get a comment

Like just wait till he finds out find out what what we’re doing good man we’re doing good we’re about halfway taking out a lot of his segments which is just perfect the more segments we take out the less probe action we got to worry about I’m going to wear this thing once

We’re through with it all I’m wearing the Destroyer take that as you will I love the idea that the probes here are lovely tuba solo and they come up to check it out and are greeted by Doom Eternal heavy metal soundtrack OST just before they [ __ ] die it’s the

Last thing they hear come on buddy I don’t got all day we’re probably never using this weapon again but oh man will it be missed great damage fantastic area of effect action just good all around dude now that’s a 10 that’s a 10 for The Bard music

Master and gone just like that gone reduced to scrap metal oh my God we are so nice let’s get our bag man I don’t even want this get out of my face ooh okay I’m pretty sure we can make something with this what can we make air

Strike Shield what the [ __ ] primes Roar we have enough for that what oh my God look at those stats crit strike two attack speed two damage two What a Mighty Roar that Tunes enemies increasing the damage they take by 10% that’s that’s so insane oh wow we can

Make a cyber Punk fit we need a lot more I dude wait hey hey what is this about okay I’m more curious about primes Roar I’ll be totally totally honest with you this has very slow speed though and this has very fast speed let’s throw this up

We earned it what the hell okay we have primes Roar very slow speed though dude oh my God I wish I could make both that’s 80 damage though this guy does 59 so I mean this is going to be way better no matter what uh let’s do the midnight

Base boot Soul Forge how do I make a soul Forge oh you’ve got to be [ __ ] kidding me oh I was so excited dude come on man damn it okay well I guess we can’t really do anything with this just yet that sucks so bad we can make the

Zun pit can’t we let’s make the zun pit man we need a light Shard and a Dark Shard I think I know just a place to get him nice Dark Shard in there that’s what I’m talking about and a living hemorrhoid Banner autot tuner huh what

The hell is all of this steam flail okay [ __ ] nutcase well give me that and then we’ll talk let’s try these baritone saxophone chicken bone holy that might be nice for the twinss dude I’m not going to lie to you how about this thing the oneman

Quartet holy [ __ ] sign me the [ __ ] up let’s get a light Shard let’s do it you guys more of a fan or more of a head leave it down in the comments I simply wait and I yearn for a light Shard oh a light Shard sick

Get it and run shall we only coward run men play death metal in the face of death my soldiers rage by rage I mean play death metal on the guitar really hard in a unicorn’s face thank you Commander Irvin okay let’s go home now we can make a little something something

A little something so to speak called the zun pit right let’s make a zun pit zun pit let’s do it hell yeah that’s what I’m talking about I reckon we could try the twins tonight if we’re fast enough fabled let’s get it come on come on Waffle Time

Hurry up hurry up get away from me you freak I’m very busy right now don’t you know dude that’s nice we have a star shooter on our side now oh my God okay I think I think we have enough time I drank all my Buffs already I think I’m

Ready to go the only one way to find out let’s do it I’m missing everything dude not bad at all not bad at all baby we are losing a lot of Health rather quick though we should be [ __ ] careful what I say as I get hit right in the

Face so I think we should spend time dodging during this phase and then when he starts dashing at us that’s when we can just soak him in so much damage Sun’s getting a little bit low we got to be careful come on buddy I need you I need

You I won’t you I need you see right here I can soak him we just have to be extra extra careful extra careful for his dashes I think we might have this one in the bag it depends on how good retinor starts hitting [ __ ] hitting pretty good if I do say so

Myself come on come on I need another heal soon so bad that it hurts nice got it oh [ __ ] dude I hope I did not just screw myself over with that did waffle time to screw himself over not clickbait not clickbait at all oh so clutch yes

Yes yes yes and look at that he’s already pretty low too we just have to be fast with it and in order to be fast we kind of got to get hit which is a little bit rough we got this we got this run run run run run run run run okay

We’re good we got to heal we got to heal we got to heal off we’re good we’re good we are so good we’re back we’re so back back on the break of death yeah yeah yeah baby yeah baby let’s go I think I can make something cool with this too

Let’s see what we can make oh my God we can make the guilty pleasure we might as well try let’s throw this up real quick we earned it we earned it hardcore here we are guilty pleasure I’m curious how this goes oh what holy [ __ ] hell dude that might be so

Nice against Prime what the [ __ ] okay man look I think we got this I’m just going to throw it all out there I think we got this it’s just about that time here we go it is Showtime baby let’s give it a spin let’s see how it goes

Jeezus I like this weapon again oh oh oh oh oh oh we’re doing good damage I almost want to try the other weapon I think think we might have something going real good here wow wow wow wow what a [ __ ] weapon we’re getting all of his various appendages down very well very

Refreshing to see let’s do this to get his appendages out it’s kind of widespread you know what I mean I think it’s a good look especially when I get this laser out we get a whole bunch of his appendages out dude we’ll be in [ __ ] business we’ll be so

Good we’re doing great damage to them all what a solo almost got his laser haven’t done done too much damage to his bomb which is kind of a bummer I like that it pierces so much it’s so [ __ ] nice look at that it starts shooting in threes like a little

Shrapnel so sick almost got that laser baby almost got that laser all this but I couldn’t do the damn Granite Golem or whatever that boss a granite boss I couldn’t even do him I still want to do that hoplight Master whatever you call him Prime laser is down baby what a

Strat what a strat the circles of Doom on this bastard and we’ll be good honestly we’re saucing up his head real nice I wouldn’t be surprised we take him out before we get all of his various appendages out of the way what a [ __ ] weapon does it heat seek yeah they do

Kind of heat seek that’s so cool we’re just peppering them up real good time for The Buckshot fatal I almost just fell into my [ __ ] lava pyramid dude I would have died so fast doing good damage doing real real good damage we almost got him actually just the less of his various appendages

That are out the better oh just soak him just candy coat him in damage oh yes oh yes indeed we almost got his Cannon he’s got his vice too oh we are in such good shape right now we almost got his ass we almost got his ass I love

This I love this so much I really don’t know how much time we have left I got to be careful Canon is down let’s go get his other arms come on come on come on make him hurt make him hurt make him hurt Bard hurt him

Good Vice is down oh my God what a weapon so close so close come on man the saw is down oh my God Prime is down holy hell wow what a match what a match all around earned it and what do we get some more dubious doobies let’s go wait this isn’t

Calamity strange plating I mean oh my God what can we do now we have so many options we have so many options I think we have to make that Soul Forge or something let’s make a pick saw cuz we’re going to want it oh my God what a

Match what a relief we got the mechs at least but let’s get as much atam Manti as we can we might be able to make some cool [ __ ] with it later made that there it is soul Forge got it and now we can make all kinds of crazy [ __ ] I think the

First thing I want to make is that cyber Punk armor cyber Punk armor let’s go let’s go everybody drop a let’s go in chat please we got the armor holy [ __ ] pressing the armor ability key will cycle you through four states you and your nearby allies okay you get flat

Damage two and damage two speed and flight time resource gen defense and damage reduction I think we’re dominantly going to be doing red and blue we have a lot of weapons to make a lot of things to do we could get chlorop FY now we have we could do so much we

Could do so much truly and honestly I don’t know where to start with us getting completely and entirely steamrolled by every prehard mode boss we attempted to defeat but managing to actually defeat the Wall of Flesh and get into hard mode then soon after partaking in some Ultimate Gamer grind

Sessions for some new loot then going on to defeat the Destroyer the Twins and Skeletron Prime that about does it for this episode thank you all so much for tuning in to the third episode of our blind playthrough of the thorium mod if you enjoyed this video please be sure to

Drop a like And subscribe for more content like this as well as leave a comment down in the comment section below to let me know your thoughts on this video also if you’d like please be sure to follow my Instagram and Twitter for future video and stream updates as

Well as my Facebook page where you can watch all the videos that get demonetized instantly on my YouTube channel all those links are in the the description for your convenience thank you all so so much again for watching and I’ll be seeing all of you aggravating prehard mode bosses later

Waffle Time mechanical Mayhem milker Edition out

Hello everybody and welcome our missing biome, Borean Strider mama spider MASTER MODE Thorium series! THIS episode, we get our foreheads slapped as hard as possible in the middle of a college seminar by the Granite Energy Storm and The Star Scouter, and everyone sees. We manage to squeak by the Wall of Flesh, then are thrown headfirst into hardmode, where we take on Skeletron Prime, the Twins, and the Destroyer all in the name of one day becoming the ULTIMATE bard. Thank you all so, so much for tuning into the THIRD episode of this series! More is on the way! Thank you all so much for watching, if you enjoyed this content, please be sure to drop a like and subscribe for more content like this, as well as leave a comment down in the comment section to let me know your thoughts on this video! Give those socials a follow as well!

#mods #terraria #rage

AlchemistNPC Lite
Fargo’s Mutant Mod
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
Thorium Mod
Magic Storage
Ore Excavator

Credits for Absolute BANGER Thorium Tunes: smxfoxtrot

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  1. The Magic Hand that the Ilusionist drops was really fucking therapeutic when i used it to drown the goblin in lava every single time he tried to scam me, would recomend.

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