I Built The PERFECT STORAGE ROOM In Minecraft! – Let’s Play Minecraft 1.20 – #4

What is going on Friends welcome on back to the let’s play world and man thank you guys so much for all the love and support you guys have been showing me on this series I am really enjoying taking a break from Hardcore although I didn’t die in the hardcore world so expect an

Episode from there pretty soon besides that if you’re just joining last episode we built up this completely custom Island which is full of farmland and an awesome looking windmill windmill I’m sorry I know I always say windmill besides that there is a little bit more work that needs to be done to this

Island but we’re going to do that a little bit later today because I want to head back up to the Lush cave currently the storage situation is getting a little bit out of hand everything’s just getting really disorganized and the longer I hold off on organizing all of

That stuff the worse it’s going to get meaning I’m just never going to want to organize it ever so today I want to continue expanding this Lush cave a little bit and making my way over to this area I think this location right here is going to be the perfect spot for

A storage room and also a pretty big one too besides that there’s also this little spaghetti cave and if I go all the way up it it it makes its way to the surface yep all the way to the top I think it’ be really cool to transform

This cave into a pathway coming up to the surface here and maybe in the future we can build some stuff up here this cave is going to need a lot of work though cuz currently it’s really really really small and also it’s pretty long too but before we can get started

Building I’m going to need to clear out a little bit of area cuz this this right here isn’t going to work nor is this well this part of the cave isn’t too bad it’s mainly just up there where it gets really small and also we have another

Part of the cave I’m not quite sure what I want to do with it so you guys let me know in the comments down below also don’t forget to like And subscribe means the world to me jumping straight into the demo phase I started off by clearing

Out most of the blocks where the storage room is going to go mainly because I want to give myself a good idea of how big I can actually build this thing I don’t need it to have hundreds of chests but I do want it to be able to last me a

Pretty long time luckily if I do need to expand it in the future I do have a few more blocks behind me that I can always dig out but for now this should be a plenty big enough space once I had the main storage room dug out I got started

On the cave I decided to start up at the top just because it was going to need a little bit more work so slowly making my way down this I widened it out piece by piece and there is definitely going to need to be a lot of detail work done and

I’m super glad I started with digging all this out because I’m going to need to smelt all this Cobblestone into stone so then I can come through and smooth out some of the harsher curves with some Stone stairs and stone slabs with the top half of the cave complete I made my

Way down to the second half of it this didn’t involve much work because it was already pretty wide although it did take quite a beating on my pickaxe oh I see you up there let’s see if I can get him to drop down oh there he goes yep yep

There we go with my looting sword give me some bones I want bone meal I have a strange addiction to bone meal if you couldn’t tell now while I wait for all my stone to smelt up I want to go on a little bit of an adventure and sort of a

Dangerous one too because I need some some obviously bone meal and I haven’t found a skeleton spawner yet so I think the next best option is to go to the Nether and you may be wondering what’s in the nether well if I can find myself a Soul Sand Valley there is tons of

Fossils which are made out of bone blocks and each one of those bone blocks gives you nine bone meal pretty much the only thing I’m going to need is Obsidian oh there’s a tree there and luckily there’s a lava pool right down here that we found back in episode one yep right

Here I am so excited to mine 10 pieces of obsidian can’t you Tell okay that really wasn’t that bad I kind of forgot how fast you can mine that stuff when you have efficiency 4 anyways time to sleep now when it comes to where I should put this portal I think I actually want to put it in this

Cave for now it’s going to be a little bit ugly and I actually you know this is the perfect spot right here as I was saying for now it’s not going to be the prettiest thing in the world but I’ll come back through and make it look a

Little better later I did not just do that I did not mean to do that we all know 3×3 portals are better than the normal one do I have a flint steel yeah I do if I were to say I wasn’t terrified right now that would be a complete lie I

Mean this isn’t hardcore so it’s not too bad but it it’s still a little terrifying please spawn me in a Soul Sand Valley please no Basalt Delta no BT Delta okay that is not horrible oh I’m wo wo wo wo wo wo that’s not cool I realized I forgot something I need gold

Boots and time for take two first things first while I’m in here I definitely got to get this sorted out let me just put a block right there and also take a photo of the coordinates real quick and also since it’s right here and so easy to

Collect I might as well grab all this glowstone along with the quartz I kind of forgot how much experience quartz gives you I mean oh oh whoa whoa whoa I don’t like that I did bring a bone arrow luckily let me take this guy out oh I blocked it that was cool one more shot one oh I missed that come on

Come on right there got him I’m not going to worry about looking for that gas here as I was saying yeah I forgot how much experience this stuff gives you I mean I’m already up to level level 32 o don’t mind trying to kill some magma

Cubes maybe I can get some cream I’m so glad I have looting on this sword I already got four Magma Cream okay now it’s time to continue searching for a Soul Sand Valley is is that what I think it is I think that is a Soul Sand Valley

Way over there I was just about to run the other way because it all looked like Basalt Delta okay I need to go down first and make my way back up oh yeah that’s definitely a Soul Sand Valley and that’s also a gas and that is exactly

What we’re looking for I’m also going to collect up a little bit of Soul Sand too just so I don’t forget how did he see me from this far away I don’t even know if my bow can shoot that far let’s try this shot is that nope that’s way off how

About oh he’s going behind that okay okay I’m just going to drop down here now hopefully I’m hidden from him oh there’s one right there please give me up did it give me a gas here no way you can see me from here no way I’m just going to peacefully collect this stuff Up oh my goodness I didn’t even realize that that’s a Bastion right right there I think yeah that’s definitely a Bastion okay that that’s scary looking I got to watch out for the guys who dress in Black because they’re The Dangerous Ones and that’s also dangerous I don’t know

How much of this I really want to explore honestly I think I might just have to come back to this a little later because I don’t feel quite prepared maybe once I have some diamond armor and maybe a little bit better of a sword we

Can explore it you do not shoot at me oh I missed besides that I do now have over a stack of bone blocks tons of quartz and some Soul Sand so I think I’m ready to get on out of here and I’m back at the portal so let’s head back home I was

Able to kill a few gas with my swords so I ended up getting six gas tiers which is really cool because when it comes to killing the ender dragon those regen potions are going to be great besides that as you guys can see I’m now up to

Level 34 which means I can do a little bit of enchanting although I only have six diamonds to my name so I can either choose to make a piece of armor or try enchanting another shovel pickaxe or sword and you know I can also try doing

A bow considering one of my pickaxes is almost broken I think I’m going to use three diamonds to make a new one and it’s showing efficiency for so let’s go for it and that is another great pickaxe that is literally a mere image of this one and the book is showing sweeping

Edge which I am definitely going to do oh that is a really good book although I don’t have an anvil yet so I’ll have to craft one real quick so I can put that book on my sword why do anvils have to be so expensive I mean three iron wait

Did I I did that wrong ah it’s like that it’s like that okay I get it now I’ll just put that right there and that is going to cost me8 levels but I am going to go for it and that sword is insane I’d really love to get that looting two

Up to looting three though I think that would be awesome oh yeah and by the way I saw someone say in the comments that I killed the Pillager well I didn’t the one I killed was a different one come on I would never kill that guy with the fox

He’s my friend besides that I do want to harvest up some of the crops cuz they’re not really doing me any good when they’re just fully grown luckily you guys told me use my fortune ax when harvesting it because I will get more crops from it and this is always so satisfying

And this part isn’t so satisfying it’s really [Applause] boring not only did I come down here to harvest the crops but I also have a bunch of building blocks that are scattered in all of these chests so I had to grab all of that I told you that I really needed a storage room because

Those aren’t the only chests that are like That now that I have a ton of building blocks together I kind of have to decide on what I want to start first the storage room or the pathway going through the cave I think I’m going to start on the storage room just because I

Know I’m going to have to craft a lot of random blocks when it comes to building the pathway and I rather have a storage room when I do that for starters I wanted the main structure to have an arch to it I really want to carry on

This look of it looking like a Dwarven cave and for some some reason I think arches make it look like that I decided to use Spruce for the main part of it and then fill in some of the gaps with bricks I think brick is going to be the

Perfect color to offset all of the brown that’s going to be in this build I wanted this building to mainly be Spruce because I think it gives it a little bit of a mine look so using Spruce slabs and Spruce logs for the ceiling I filled it

In and also right in the middle I decided to do glowstone to help give this place plenty of lighting and obviously covering up the glowstone with trap doors because I think glowstone is kind of an ugly block I would love to be able to use Sea lanterns in this build

Because the blue would look really nice up against the brick and the brown Spruce logs but I currently don’t have a good way to get those besides that I also wanted to split the chest up in 3×3 groups so each one of these little sections is going to have nine double

Chests and once both sides are filled in we’re going to have a total of 72 double chests which is probably more than I’m ever going to need also when it came to the floor I wanted to use a combination of rooted dirt and coarse dirt by using

Both of these blocks you can add a nice texture to it and also I think it’s a great tone of brown that kind of fits up against the spruce I really thought I had enough Spruce Wood to craft all these chests but I guess I don’t now I

Could use some of the oak or dark oak that I have or even Birch but I’m choosing not to because it’s so much more difficult to collect up than Spruce Wood so time to make a quick trip and collect up a few of these trees

Hopefully just over a stack and a half a log should be plenty enough oh my goodness that is so satisfying I crafted the perfect amount of chest that I needed and also I think I’m going to have plenty of storage for quite a long time next comes the hard

Part I need to figure out a way to sort this whole place out and have it make sense which is always very difficult to do I think for now I’m just going to do signs and I can kind of name what’s in each chest below it now there is a few

Of these rows that are all going to be one type of block because something like dirt you’re always going to have a lot of or at least most of the time so like this will be dirt this will be Stone this will probably be deep slate and

Then I’ll be able to split all the woods up into a 3X3 area and kind of work from there that’s going to be something I do in between episodes though because I don’t think you guys really want to watch that besides that there is a little bit more work to be done outside

Because right now it’s looking a little bit plain and I think the perfect solution to that problem I I got stuck there is going to be adding in some Moss I probably should have done this before I placed the coarse dirt in because some of it is going to change into Moss

Blocks luckily we have um lots lots of bone meal which I love so I can just do something a little bit like this and kind of have it Meander its way over do need to steal one of these though so I can also put it on this side that is

Exactly what I mean already that’s helping a lot and then I think I want to take one of these pillars and turn it into an amethyst pillar we got to stick with the mystical Vibe before I do so I also want to get started on this pathway

So by stealing a few more pieces of moss I can come through and start bone mealing its way down this entire cave for now I’m just going to do all of it and then I can come back through a little later with the coarse dirt and rooted dirt just to add that pathway

In this is a little too chaotic for my liking so I’m also going to get rid of all this tall grass and and all of these saplings did you know when you bone meal Moss next to Cobblestone it won’t turn the Cobblestone into Moss I had no idea

That was a thing but I’m glad I know it now um where where did you come from oh wow I did not know this was one head oh he must have fallen and that’s what made it one head next up for this cave I want to get started on the actual corer

Pathway and so first off I’m just going to get rid of a one block wide area a little bit something like that and then I can fill it in with coarse dirt just to give myself a little bit of an outline and I’m going to do this all the way up to the Top a little bit something like that now that I have the outline complete I can now come through and widen this thing out just a little bit I don’t want the pathway to be super wide but I do want it to look proportional to the size of

The cave and I do plan on riding horses up and down through here so it can’t be too small I was originally planning on texturing it with coarse dirt and rooted dirt but I think I might just leave the coarse dirt for now if I add the rooted

Dirt in it might look like a little bit too much is going on especially once I start adding the glow Ling on the walls and also all the amethysts and then Using cuz I really don’t want to have to hold space bar and do this the entire Way Taking a quick break from building up that cave I just wanted to show you guys how pretty this view is this might be one of my favorite Parts about building in this cave is that every day you get to see the sunset right here yes I’m really praising the sunset in a video

Game but tell me that doesn’t look awesome besides that it’s time to sleep now that we have the cor dir in and also the Moss the cave is starting to look a whole lot better although there is a few things that still need to be done like

The lighting still isn’t great in here I’ve hidden a few torches underneath some of the Moss carpet but obviously not enough so using a bunch of my iron I’m going to craft uh 34 lanterns and also a ton of spruce fences so I can sort of place these through the cave and

Give it a little bit more light because I really prefer not to have any torches at all um you’re you’re you’re not supposed to be here what are you doing here bud all right I’m just going to let him wander the cave if I had a name tag

I would put them on them and put them in a boat but I don’t have any of those yet anyways that should be plenty of enough lanterns so now I just need to start working on detailing the walls first off by adding in some glow Li it which I

Really don’t have any of so I’m going to put that on the wall and start bone mealing in hopefully that should be enough so I’m just going to harvest all of this and now I can just kind of go through and Scatter this on the walls

And also on the ceiling which is really nice cuz it’s always hard to detail ceilings another cool little trick I can do is using some rooted dirt and bone mealing underneath it to give us some roots and if I do this all throughout the cave it’s going to add a bunch of

Detail the only problem is that’s kind of a harsh transition already the cave is looking much much better but I think it could use a little bit of amethyst clumps I’m not sure how much I have so we might have to go down to the geode

And harvest some up actually I think 25 should do the trick and I also have 19 purple stained glass which I can kind of mix in with it okay this is looking so cool right now adding that POA color with the amethyst bright this place up so much I

Feel like there’s a few more things we can do to this cave but for now I’m going to wait on it mainly because I am all out of time for today’s episode and yes I know it’s a very very short one but I’m currently moving out of my old

Apartment into my new place right now and for those of you guys who have moved before I’m sure you know how hard it is to do that currently I’m in my brand new studio that I’m putting a bunch of sound deing paneling in it’s still a little

Echoey I’m sure you guys can tell but it’s not too terrible there’s more work to be done I promise this is only a one time thing I’m almost done with all the studio stuff and once I do have it complete oh my goodness the audio is going to be insane besides that thank

You guys so much for tuning into today’s episode and I will see you in the next one

What is going friends!!! Today Tobefoxy takes on a new project of building the perfect storage room along with building a custom cave pathway leading to the surface. Also he takes a journey into the dangerous nether to collect up some valuable resources. Todays episode is a little shorter then usual because Tobe is currently moving houses in IRL and is working on building the perfect recording studio.


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Twitter – @TobefoxyGaming
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Otis McDonald – Not For Nothing
Invisible – Vibe Tracks

Investigations by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Marty Gots a Plan by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


  1. I'm loving your style of building! It's very similar to mine which is why I like it. You should beat the game and get an elytra in the next episode! An elytra would definitely help with collecting blocks

  2. Hey tobefoxy…… I suggest you to to put spruce log as wall in center of storage room in this video 11:10 it will make the interior pop out…
    Also I'd like to encourage you to use more dark oak wood and spruce to build in cave since that type of wood goes well with lush cave…

  3. I personally find it easier to ladder up the large spruce and jungle and then chop all of it from the top. Lol I live in a jungle so I have had to chop and grow many

  4. Do you plan on making a cave entrance, it would be cool……. If you do that I'd like you to make it look like it leads to an ancient structure or as we not, your under ground society

  5. Im watching you since the first episode of this survival and i have to say that i love your episodes keep it up and make longer und more videos for the future 🎉

  6. 1:30 You ask what to do with the cave, I think the area you're standing in can be a view port into the cave, and if you want beautify the bits of cave you can see from it

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