Hello I’m shle and welcome back to my Channel today we’re starting a brand new S&P called Minecraft SOS welcome to Minecraft SOS this is a Hardcore Minecraft smpp with a Twist when a player dies they spawn a gravestone with a countdown to their permanent death however they can be resurrected by other

Players using the new fate coin but fate coins are limited and are awarded only through events and hidden challenges if a dead player is not resurrected in 24 hours they are kicked out of the series for good keep your coins close and don’t die so let’s get started and see where

We want to live and be really really careful I am in a flower I’m in a fountain I’m in the big Fountain whoa the fates can bring a soul back to life ooh I think I’m literally the last one to play so these are definitely mine

Okay well um that ways North so I think I want to take a look over there and see if that’s a nice place to set up there is a spot that I’m thinking of after I’ve seen the map because I do know everyone else has started already I

Don’t know what style I want to build in yet whose could this be it’s beautiful it’s adorable hello no sign let me ring the bell to see if anybody comes there are only two people on so if it’s not one of those people’s houses then we’re out of luck this could be one

Of our neighbors though let’s keep going north because the person that I’m looking for is on and it is olly and he told me the best place to live is the west and then Joey told me the best place to live is the north so I’ve been thinking we

Should live Northwest to be honest olly drew me a map of where I’m supposed to live at and I think he actually told me whose house that was back there but I can’t read his handwriting so I have no idea what’s this tell me this is it is

Ali’s well in the meantime let’s chop some trees because I do just not have anything right now and that’s no good I’m also wearing my default skin cuz I feel like I haven’t worn it in a really long time and I’ve been sort of rethinking whether I want to change it

Or not but I think for right now she’s here to stay and I kind of just wanted to reintroduce her you know it’s kind of funny is I now have copper hair which was the color of my hair on my original skin it was red so we’ve come full

Circle if we’re lucky we can oh we’re not lucky we’re not lucky please burn please burn please burn I don’t think it can follow me oh I think it actually can if it goes on that tree oh oh oh oh thank God we have one

Fake coin and I’m not ready to use it now if we’re really lucky we will find maybe some quick iron in here but also it’s really dark in here you know what there’s more zombies oh it’s just a cow it’s toally cow what’s that I hear a skeleton somewhere but oh my

God did Ol know this was down here is the stealing if it’s under where he lives there hold on hold on we’re going to cook this we’re going to make a shield I’m going to kill that skeleton cuz I’m brave not to mention we got all of those

Nuggets let’s see what this skeleton’s made of now oh see he’s still looking at me woohoo I saw this creeper I saw this creeper I thought I was about to die do you think he’ll notice that they’re naked you know I’m sure they’ll regrow their furb before he ever even

Has a chance to see I do believe my Cliff toop is this I think that’s where I’m going to live it’s really close by I think Joey’s somewhere over there Lizzy’s somewhere over there which direction do you think he’s going to come from stop that’s my bed oh is this your

Bed did you share my sheet what have you oh I thought you might not notice but I guess you you thought I wouldn’t notice my beautiful pink sheep have been left naked well I thought that they on my home turf well I thought they’d eat

Grass by now but I realized they’re in a boat and they can’t they’re in a boat they’re stuck naked now and they were happy in the boat you they’re happy now they’re just maybe they were too warm we’re literally in a cold climate on the

Top of a big hill I guess that’s there is snow here are you are you here on business well yeah what kind of business it’s been like two days what kind of business have you already started what kind of business you talking yeah what kind of business you talking hey where’ did you

Get hey where’d you get that pink bed from just the just the sheep that I she just a natural sheep around here okay the natural pink sheep we’re talking Blossom business okay all right cuz you seem like a lady with fin a taste are

You not of course I am a lady that likes the fin of things this is a fine thing yeah oh yeah that was a nice bed tempic it was memory foam it’s definitely going to remember I jumped on it a taste of what we’ve got here at all these blossoms and Beyond

And and where where did you get these from that you selling them now that is not for you to know and there’s a lot more of that what that came from by the way we got is this just a free sample it’s a free sample anything else you got

I could be open to tradeing you seem Keen for more Blossom oh well you know you know what I found my shield you got there I don’t have a shield yet oh you want this Shield maybe five blossoms five blossoms just for me and 10 Cherry log and 10

Deal who needs shields in this economy no need to chop logs yourself when there’s such great deals here why are they stripped already lovely post which is what I’ve called this all right well I better get used to this nice view of it cuz I think I’m going to be living

Right over there oh my neighbor yeah it’s nice to real estate up on that Cliff far enough over there though far enough that I can’t hear you but but I can see what you’re up to you can see me yeah I think that’s good that’s a good distance it’s a great distance that’s

The optimal distance to keep anyone I think cool lucky go then we’ve done our business now oh right because this is luck go I’ve got I’ve got to do yeah you got business to do business time friendship time comes after it’s business time okay I got to go build a

House anyway jokes on him also I got loot from under his house and I was about to offer some of it to him cuz I was going to tell him about it but then he said he wanted my shield so I was like okay don’t tell him about it then

He doesn’t need to know what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him now that that’s good business all right I’ve got a good spot for the house now all laid out but what I’m going to need to build this house is a lot of copper and so I’m going to have

To start digging I’m also going to need to get bees so I think I actually might clear out even more of this area and then replant saplings with some flowers to try and get just a couple beehives oh my God I’m in the wrong skin shrub what

Are you doing here guys did you see somebody I thought I saw somebody oh well okay like I was saying I’m going to clear out these trees plant new saplings with flowers and then go digging for a ton of copper wish me I saw a bee I just

Saw a bee I saw a bee what if we just already where’s that beehive there’s also a massive crater there I might have to cover that up hey buddy where’s your house do you live around here that’s nice area you got some flowers that’s good to know any another

One okay where is your home where do you guys live okay I might actually just have to follow you wait wait wait wait wait oh that was a sheep I didn’t hear the oh my God he’s back he’s back where did you come from okay I’m I okay now I’m following him because

This is oh my oh it’s secret that’s kind of crazy all right where even was that that was that is sneaky oh this man just walked up to me oh I don’t have any of those oh oh I know M I don’t have any money maybe next time oh oh we got

One oh oh my God we have two wait that’s so lucky all of a sudden a bunch of sheep spawned up here so I made a little pen I’m going to put them in I hope I get more cows there’s only one cow and I think there’s only one Pig come on

Everybody hey hey buddy look alive look alive I’d like to get everybody in if I can I think I’m about ready to make my trip underground and go mining for probably a couple hours while I watch Netflix and get as much copper as humanly possible I was getting some copper in

This cave cuz there’s lava in here so it felt this part felt pretty safe but um you see that down there that looks dangerous I think I’ll have to explore one day not today uh so I’m done mining copper some of this I’m going to leave

Raw because I’m going to build with a little bit of raw copper but then some of it I’m going to cook so I’m going to make like six blast furnaces I think one thing I’m really going to need is Brick so I’m going to see if I can find

Somewhere down by the water that has clay or I might go poking around in the Birch Forest see if we can find a trail because I also want red terra cotta so let’s go see what we can find a village we can finally have potatoes this is kind of a big Village

It goes kind of far potatoes finally I’m tired of eating apples where is it okay I’m going to take a screenshot of the coordinates and come back here I’m coming back for the Cat every cat I’m coming back for every cat there did it just don’t go down it’s dark and scary down

Here let me help you stop stop stop running stop going lower come on don’t fall don’t fall don’t fall Jesus okay we are out of here I rescued him I also chased him into the crevice we’re going to go get his brother they’re bonded they have to come together

You know what we’re doing it the hard way we’re chasing him the way they sit adorable okay we have two cats I think that it’s time for me to go home my inventory is almost full I think I’ve got all the brick I need I might be able to start building the

House hold on hold hold on hold on hold on what am I seeing were you just on your little pink nose oh best friends okay I’m hearing a lot of monsters underneath my base now um and I think I’m going to go in there with torches but I’m also going to go in

There with my my broken sword and I’ll make a shield and you know maybe maybe I should be making a new sword but I think this will be okay let’s just take a peek it’s so dark this is the worst idea oops oh you’re kidding me oh iron okay I think that’ll cover

Most let’s get out of here I don’t want to be in here anymore so now it’s time to start building the house sausages just agreed to give me some Moss actually he said a lot of moss and I think that’s his house right there oh

Wow oh hello you didn’t hear me no I heard a whisper but I didn’t know where it was coming from and I was I thought it was the forest talking to me it’s just the fairies again yeah not again please there’s no lore here no no l zero lore no zero it’s just

We’re just people Minecraft yeah mythical J sausage J silent with no lore playing uh Minecraft wearing normal outfits normal outfit I am in my normal out you’re also wearing a crown wearing a crown too oh I always wear that that’s normal oh that’s true that is true that

Is actually you have the Band-Aids yep yep cuz I’m hurting myself a lot yeah I had a couple Runnings with baby zombies uh I got down the three hearts but I’m I’m fine I’m fine oh we’re fine so far yeah we other people have died oh you

Keep it on you oh that’s very brave is that dumb that’s dumb of me I think if somebody needs a fake coin and they don’t have one to revive me they can come right in here and they can use mine that’s right here on top of the door oh

That’s nice yeah it’s very special somebody came in here and put it upside down I don’t know if that’s a bad own or something that’s a bad sign that’s not the forest Spirits right no I hope not well there’s no lore here there’s no no l no spirits yeah this zero zero lore

Okay don’t tell you just said that don’t tell oh my God I’m so sorry yeah because if he hears it we’re banned I don’t even have a house yet oh no don’t get banned yet okay yeah I can get banned now you know I’ll leave this you know what if I

Die I’ll leave this to you in my will sweet one of many builds that’s going to be surrounding this whole area is almost going to be like an Empire you didn’t just say that out loud I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I am not a ruler or an emperor this is

Not an Empire this is just this is a Minecraft base never never will be I think we could break the fourth wall we can acknowledge Empire S&P you know we can break forth the wall I’m afraid a a lightning strike will come down and kill

Us I was told I was smitten I don’t know if I wait smitten smed wait SM yeah yeah about to say you know what though I’ll be smitten over some Moss though guess what I got no way guess what I got you got like maybe one maybe one or two I

Got one or two right there woo I have been building recently out of moss roof and it’s one of the coolest things once you bone meal it oh my God the overgrown look it’s oh my God yeah you could put any flowers on it I’m doing like a red

And copper theme like with the blue o do you need copper as well I have tons of copper if you’re not if you don’t want it I’ve been mining hours and hours I’m currently in the middle of labeling things I’m very organized this in this

Realm I mean in this server in this s SMP with friends this no lore SMP with friends I don’t even have Diamond yet oh you want to see no go open that open that open that right there that’s my okay I know I was a couple days behind getting started but

Yeah wow I’m going to make a house first and then I’ll go for diamond and then we’ll see where the fates take me that sound like l oh sorry sorry sorry Sor sh no stop I went a little bit hard on the solo grind I just got my first diamond I

Wanted you to be here for for the moment two and now I have 30 levels and sausage logged out which means I can steal his enchantment table and get a hopefully Fortune pickaxe oh oh no oh no I shouldn’t be here I should go home I want to go

Home I’m going to go now I’m going to go now what do you say we finish building our house now oh well that’s it for today’s episode thank you guys for watching leave a like if you enjoyed and next episode we’ll decorate the inside and get up to some

More adventures and see more of our friends so don’t forget to subscribe and I’ll see you guys next time bye

►Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shubbleyt/


►Twitter: https://twitter.com/shelbygraces
►Instagram: http://instagram.com/shelbygraces

►Mark Generous – Orange And Pomegranate – https://thmatc.co/?l=11924BF3
►Ryan Little – Think About You – https://thmatc.co/?l=E795F772
►frumhere, kevatta – warm feeling – https://thmatc.co/?l=F5DA980B
►Chinsaku – Next to you – https://thmatc.co/?l=F60CD9B5
►Chinsaku – Blossom – https://thmatc.co/?l=479A54BE


  1. Shelby you keep saying there's no lore in SOS then Between Shrubs cameo, The Great Witch Shelby wanted poster and Lightning of Storm Witch Shelby I'm keeping my eye on you

  2. I feel like ever since empires, shelby has tried her hardest to grow as a builder. You can really tell she puts a lot of effort into these builds and to make them look aesthetically pleasing

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