NOOB vs PRO: UNDERWATER PRISON Build Challenge in Minecraft

This Max security prison is about to explode now me and my brother Milo have to build an underwater secret prison to keep all the inmates safe but what happens when this giant TNT goes off can we all survive where can we build the underwater prison chip it has to be

Right down here Milo hopefully down here we’ll be far enough away from that big TNT bowl for it not to reach us if we dig out this big area we can make an underwater a prison inside and save all the prisoners oh wow that’s really smart I’m liking you’re thinking thanks Milo

Me too I really think we can get this done in time yeah me too because we definitely need to protect these prisoners we also don’t want them escaping and ruining the village yeah we don’t want that at all if the TNT blows up and they escape through the broken

Wreckage of the prison The Village will be under attack by the prisoners I would never let that happen and wo Milo look there is an underwater cave inside this cliff wow this is so perfect CH we totally have to use this for the prison yes I agree we have to clear out this

Area here Milo to make a big glass window this will be one of the main areas of the prison really oh my gosh chip we’re so good at building prison yeah we totally are even though we’ve barely done it before we are such Pro prison Builders I think it’s important

That we dig out this area remember the last time we didn’t dig out an area properly Milo yeah I remember you got pretty mad at me and now I’m just going to listen to everything you tell me to do so you don’t get mad again don’t

Worry Milo I will not get mad at you instead we need to work together to make sure that this prison is built as good as possible that’s why I’m going to start placing the glass right at the front here just so we both know exactly

Where it’s going to go I see what you’re going for it’s like a little inside outside action yeah exactly Milo that’s a really good way to put it I’m also going to make it go quite big the hallway that this window connects to is

Going to be so huge that way we can save every single prisoner and not leave a single one behind a CH I’m freaking out right now why are you freaking out Milo the stupid C is in my face can I clear it yes Milo you should definitely clear

As much kelp as possible that is going to make it way easier to see where we’re building it will also give the prisoners less spaces to hide if they try and run away feel like a little mid in the water yeah Milo totally wo that is a lot of

Kelp we should probably clean all that up before it starts to go moldy that’s a great idea this window has to be properly reinforced if it is just glass then the prisoners could totally Smash It and Escape that’s why I need to put deep slate all the way around it it’s

Also not going to go to the very surface if the Deep slate goes too high up then the TNT could get it that would be terrible and it would spell Doom for everyone inside the prison including us where did that TNT Bowl even come from I

Have no idea it must be one of the most evil prisoners of all time trying to break out his friends or something if that TNT bolt activates above the prison with the prisoners still inside not only will some of them lose their lives but a lot of them will Escape right into the

Village that’s super bad I do not want criminals in this town no way that’s why we have to build a big underwater prison that’s where they can all stay inside it’ll keep them a little bit safer and it’ll keep the village safer too y I’m

Pretty bored of mowing all the KP can I do something else sure Milo I really need your help digging out more of this Stone if you can help me with that then that will make this prison build way quicker and it means that we can save as

Many prisoners as possible you got it I’m a really good Digger I’m practically a machine yeah you’re a Milo mining machine that is so funny I’m also going to come help you over here I do not want you to have to do this all by yourself Milo Teamwork Makes the Dream workor

That’s really kind I bet the person who put the TNT bow there is not very good at Teamwork no they’re probably so bad at it that’s why all their team got locked up in prison I think they’re trying to free their friends Milo yeah one thing about criminals is they do not

Like working as a team that’s why they’re always mean to everyone exactly it’s important to work as a team to make sure that everyone is happy it also means that things get done way quicker just like how we are working as a team to get this secure prison build done so

Fast yeah and if I see the guy who made that TNT bow I’m pretty much going to punch him in the face hey Milo we don’t use violence here we have to be taking care of these people remember what all right then I guess so now I think it is

Time to start adding quartz blocks all along here I have a really cool design to put inside this thing we have to put the quartz blocks around like this for the first few blocks but then once it goes a couple blocks down we need to start making a different Design This

Different design is going to be a really good shape Milo trust me I have the design totally under control what BLX are pretty fancy is this going to be a fancy Max security present oh yeah not only a quartz blocks fancy but they are really tough you can only find them in

The Nether and the nether is a really strong Dimension now that we’ve built a little bit further out we need to make some extra platforms just like this I think this is a really cool shape it also means that there can be side platforms for the guards to watch the

Prisoners from this way they have a really good view of everything going on in the hallway and no prisoners can try anything sneaky that’s right I’m going to be one of the prison guards myself wo you’re going to get a job at the prison Milo yeah it’s going to be my first ever

Job yeah I think you need a resume for that Milo you’ve never worked a job before in your life what can you recommend me for the job then chip yeah I totally will you are a really hard worker and a great prison guard I don’t think I’ve ever seen you let a prisoner

Go before which is really good you totally do an awesome job so yeah I will recommend you remember when I trapped your favorite pet for so long that was a good prison guard Milo that was just mean do not look up my pets ever again now that you have prison guard abilities

And can arrest people you cannot be taking my pets oh I was just trying to play a prank cuz I’m pretty much a really silly guy hey it is not silly to take people’s pets that’s just mean that’s also kind of illegal Milo you do not want to become a criminal yourself

Oh my gosh CH I really don’t want to be a criminal that is so bad if you’re a criminal you will get locked up inside the underwater prison as well that would be so sad because we’d have to stop seeing each other I could only see see

You behind bars well if I get locked up I’m just going to break out obviously no Milo breaking out of prison is really dangerous and really against the rules that’s why we need to make sure we reinforce this whole prison with lots of really tough blocks just like deep site

If they cannot escape from the prison they won’t have a chance to break the rules and everything will go really smoothly speaking of smoothly I think I need to grab some smooth stone that is what we are going to make these Pathways out of I think it looks so cool next to

All the Deep slate and we can also grab some iron bars to use as fences all around just like this oh wow this prison already looks so much more secure than I ever thought it could be yeah this is looking pretty intimidating I wouldn’t even want to go near this prison if I

Was a criminal neither would I Milo I think this next part of the prison is going to be the big chamber the biggest room in the entire prison this is how everybody gets around and it’s how you go to the deeper levels the deeper the level is in this prison the more tough

The prisoners there are and that’s how we keep track of the really really bad guys personally I will be going down to the deeper levels cuz that sounds freaky wa this area of the prison is already looking so good we can have a big area around here this is where the guards

Will walk We need to make sure the guards do not have to walk in the same spots as the prisoners if they did the prisoners could band together and attack the gods and take over that would be a big disaster we would lose Lo control of the underwater prison and things could

Go really really wrong I do not want things to go wrong at all neither do I Milo luckily if we work hard on making this prison super strong they won’t just like when we worked hard on baking the best cake in the world and we kind of

Failed but at least we tried together yeah that’s right I mean I did put a lot of bad seeds in that cake so it was kind of my fault that it went wrong but wait a minute Milo there were bird seeds in that cake the whole time I thought I

Just added too much flour ew is that why it started growing plants on it when we put it outside yeah I was trying to make it more delicious Milo you’re so silly okay in this prison we can’t be putting random bird seeds around that would be a

Disaster what if they grow through the walls and the prisoners can escape through the holes that they make or even worse they grow through the glass keeping the water out and the prison busts a leak but chip I can’t live without my bud seeds how am I going to

Survive don’t worry Milo you totally can you just have to make sure you don’t put them everywhere in the prison all right and plus this kelp is already everywhere so I’m just going to punch it yeah if you keep clearing the kelp I’ll be able to make this staircase all the way down

This is the first entrance into the lower levels of the prison which can be kind of crazy I just need to make sure we do these right if we mess up we could give the prisoners a way to escape and I do not want to do that that at all now

The prisoner’s entrance to the lower levels will be right down here I think I’ll need to stop using so much quartz quartz is a really nice and bright block we need to start using slightly more evil looking ones like deep slate the floor of this lower level can be fully

Made out of deep slate and the quartz is just for the walls on the way to get down now that we are down here I need to build a little chamber that goes off the side just like this oh goodness I’m already getting nervous about building

This right now I think we need to make a deep slate ring just like this oh yeah now we can start placing glass as well this is going to be an underwater tunnel Network it will really help us move all the prisoners around Y what the you just

Left me outside now I can’t get in oh no come in quickly Milo I do not want you on the outside the longer you’re on the outside of this wall the less time we can spend building and that puts us in a lot of danger with the TNT that was

Pretty freaky please don’t be blocking me outside and anymore sorry Milo I will not do that again okay this looks pretty good if you keep digging this shape of tunnel all the way through I can go and start draining the water from this prison I know we want lots of water but

That should mostly be on the outside if I build a big roof here we can add water on top before I bring out the awesome sponges to clear out this water sponges are useful for so many things I also need to teach you how to use them to

Wash the dishes Milo I know you do not do that yeah I I wash them really good I use lots of water and what else do you use Milo well I use my little bird hands wait bird hands and Milo do you use the dirt on

Your kitchen sink to wash them as well what no I don’t I guess I just sometimes forget to use Sal you might not want to wash your dishes but we do need to wash the top of this prison that’s why I’m giving it a really nice covering in a

Bunch of water just like this the more water we add the less the TNT tea can explode perfect now if I just go inside the prison quickly I can start placing sponges everywhere let’s get the driest sponges we can possibly find I think these are pretty good now clearing this

Area is going to be very difficult but we have to go fast oh yeah wow this is going so much quicker than I thought it would I really hope we manage to get all the water out before it flows back inside okay we manage to get a big part

Of the top of the prison now let’s really try and get this wall clean I don’t want water ever where the less water we have the less there is a chance of a prisoner trying to drown or Swim away it also means we can move the prisoners throughout the prison a lot

Quicker which would be absolutely perfect for getting everyone inside the slower we can move them throughout the prison the longer it will take to evacuate everyone from the old prison that is very dangerous because the old prison is so close to the TNT wow Milo you’re doing an amazing job clearing out

This area and I also have cleared out so much of the other prison for water thanks chip I’m not going to lie this building stuff doesn’t come very naturally to me so it’s hurting my brain don’t worry Milo I’ll be able to help guide you through this now while you

Clear out all this sponge I’ll show you the best way to make the bottom part of this prison first we need to clear out this area here we also need to grab some deep slate tiles to use to make the real floor I think if we place them just like

This it’ll go so well we’re back in the water Zone as well we need to use sponges lat to clear out all the water from this section but for now we just need to focus on making this big glass tunnel the tunnel is made of glass that is reinforced with deep slate that’s

Important because it helps us see all the prisoners but it reinforces it so they can’t escape escaped prisoners would be really bad remember last night on the news Milo there was an escaped prisoner in the village yeah I was really freaking out and I had to call my

Friends to make sure they were okay yeah you didn’t call me though but I think I saw the prisoner from my kitchen window it was really scary and he looked like he was carrying a piece of TNT I wonder if he had anything to do with the giant

TNT about to explode in front of the prison oh my gosh I didn’t even think about that he definitely put that TNT bowl there oh man if I see that guy I’m going to give him a good yelling yeah me too Milo and I’m also going to give him

A good locking up inside this underwater prison except because he’s the most dangerous prisoner and the one who set off the TNT ball I think we should put him on the deepest level yeah that’s what he deserves yeah totally Milo this underwater hallway is looking so good I

Definitely think I need to build more security measures inside it can’t just be a regular hallway we need to have metal detectors to make sure that no prisoner can take an evil flint and steel throughout the building hey that’s pretty smart metal detectors are very high tech chip yeah they totally are we

Will absolutely need them to keep the prison safe I tried to install a metal detector in my house one time but it went really bad every time I tried to bring my cockies in or when I found a penny on the ground it would always beep

At me and it called the police so many times it was really embarrassing that’s pretty embarrassing you’re doing a really good job using sponge to clear out all this water Milo if we keep going like this we’ll be done in no time yeah these prents are going to feel safe and

Had this prison really soon totally I’m not sure how much time we have before the big TNT ball ignites though TNT can go off at any second but it cannot last for very long sooner or later that TNT ball will explode and we have to be done

By the time that happens oh man now I’m nervous again CH we better do this even faster yep good idea that’s why over here I’m going to start building metal detectors I need to get some iron doors as well as some copper rods these will be beep whenever anything bad goes

Through this metal detector I also think we definitely need to grab some Redstone torches these Redstone torches will help power the things up in order to make the metal detector we need to put a door here and another door there we also have to make sure we put a trap door over the

Top just like this CH this looks really cool but I don’t really know how it works don’t worry Milo you’ll learn in a second we also have to have end rods here and some lightning rods on top these have electricity and Light the end rods will beep whenever they see an item

Go through now we also need to place redstone torches on top of the end rods these will help power up the mechanism this is genius nobody’s going to be sneaking in here with any kind of funny business no they won’t but Milo we better make sure that we throw away all

Of our metal blocks before we go through the detector otherwise it will beep no Milo don’t throw it into the detector oh no I don’t really know how this thing works that came very close to beeping but go through if it does not beep that means it’s working yeah I passed the

Test good job Milo now we can make the next part of the prison we have to make the first few prison cells this is where we will keep the prisoners if we don’t have a single prison cell by the time the TNT explodes we would be in a real

Big lot of trouble okay chip in that case let’s get building yeah totally okay this looks pretty good I think we also need to wrap the polished deep slate right around this prison cell needs to be a lot more secure than the hallways so we cannot build it out of

Glass I think instead we need to make the whole thing out of deep slate and iron blocks hey Milo would you be able to get rid of a bunch of this kelp so that we can make this thing even quicker yeah all right I’ll be on kelp Duty yeah

You’re being a big help by removing all the big kelp hey that F yeah I know it did I’m kind of a poet like that okay now that we’ve dug out such a big area I think we need to build a big deep slate ring around this glass this way it

Connects up to the main building really really nicely I’m also going to build a huge ring of deep slate around the corners of this building deep slate just looks cool and is also very very tough by using this block we help make sure no one will escape and if the TNT goes

Underwater somehow it won’t totally destroy the building the TNT is really going to do a lot of damage that’s why we needed to build underwater in the first Place TNT does not do as much damage underwater as it does on land so it’s a really good way to keep

Everything safe I’m continuing this awesome castle design all the way around this wall I love castles so much it’s always been my dream to live inside one and even though I’m not living in this prison I guess it kind of is a castle we might even have to live inside it if our

Own houses get blown up by the TNT ball yeah because now that I think about it our houses are pretty close to it yeah they really are I can’t believe the criminal that built those TNT blocks did that that is so evil luckily we can do something about it by making this prison

Underwater we really have ourselves a good chance of saving everyone and so that the prisoners don’t escape and there’s pretty much no way to destroy an underwater prison yeah not at all unless you have a crazy prison breaking submarine but I don’t think any of the prisoners here have that these prisoners

Are pretty bad guys though one of the prisoners is responsible for setting ghs loose in the Overworld that was really bad they blew up so many villages I remember when that happened I was really crying a lot yeah luckily it did not get our village but the Slime King totally

Did he’s another one of the prisoners inside this prison he let out a bunch of slimes that he captured from swamps at night time and he did it inside my house it was so hard to clean up the Slime King is a real B yeah he is luckily he’s

Now locked up and once we build this underwater prison he’ll be locked up inside that as well remember when I beat the Slime caning get chess yeah I did I do not know why you were playing chess with a Criminal villain Milo I just wanted to prove a point that I am a

Genius yeah Milo I don’t think you know the rules to chess just because you flipped the board over does not mean you won what I thought that was the whole point no Milo that is not how you play at all I really think I should teach you someday this looks bbing honestly yeah

That’s because the version you play is just smashing the table until the pieces all fly everywhere and then you say you tied cuz nobody has any pieces left I want to do that right now no don’t mil Lord that would be so frustrating please okay if you play FY I’ll teach you to

Play chess someday all right maybe when I finish with this prison situation yeah totally that’s a really good idea now I’m going to clear a bunch of the sponge blocks that we’ve placed I think this room has enough space for two jail cells to keep the prisoners in let’s start

Using some iron bars these are really really strong we can use reinforced iron bars and regular ones the reinforced ones can go on the side walls because they need to be way tougher than the other ones and the regular iron bars can go right over here they can go on the

Inside because this is how we will feed the prisoners and how we will unlock their doors to let them outside for some daily exercise time this looks awesome now we have to do the same thing on the other side imagine if only one prisoner had an iron bu cell locking them up then

The other one could totally just Escape around everywhere that would be really bad if they could do that this prison would be so not secure that every prisoner would Escape immediately I also think we should get some iron doors and some levers too these levers will be put

On the outside of these doors I think we might need to make a little Block in here there we go this looks awesome now the lever will activate the door and let the prisoner in and out out I don’t want to let them out forever though we can

Place another block here with a lever so that both prisons have their own doors perfect this looks awesome I’m really proud of how this is looking so far I do think we also need to build something inside for the prisoners though a chip I think you better get over here real

Quick oh no what is it Milo where are you I found something crazy but Milo I can’t see where you are I’m swimming up and I’m spinning around so that you can see me oh you’re all the way over there okay Milo I found you I’m going to come

See you now I think I just need to break out this wall so we don’t have to go through the metal detector quickly it’s a big emergency okay what’s the emergency Milo I found some suspicious villains what why are these here hang on a minute Milo I think I know what this

Could be this could be one of the secret underwater hideouts of the prisoner who built the TNT Bowl oh chip this is very bad there’s even chests here that might have some suspicious things like a axes and fishing rods oh no the fishing rods must be how they get their food and the

Axes must be how they break down entrance doors and look they even have this stupid magma block to sink ships I think that might just be growing there this is the bottom of the ocean after all it’s very close to the Earth’s core but Milo I definitely do not think we

Should be around here this just means we need to make our prison extra secure to make sure that the prison is can’t destroyed again I’m going to break these hideouts so no one can hide here anymore that’s actually a really good idea I’ll help you Milo the less hideouts there

Are the safer our prison becomes that’s so true I’m glad I found this now imagine if we didn’t and the prisoners could use it as another hiding spot again oh man that’s so crazy yeah it would be crazy luckily we can totally handle it look we’re destroying every

Part of it and they will never use it ever again I also think we should head back over and build the rest of the prison I’ve come up with the Great idea to build the inside of the cells take that criminals yeah take that all right

If you come over here Milo I’ll leave a little Gap so you can come back into the prison it’s on the big iron block wall that way you won’t have to break your own way inside which could cause some serious damage thanks I hate being

Walked outside yeah I think I do as well I’m also going to grab some chain blocks and some trap doors too these are important to place on the walls this can be a little bench for the prisoners to sit on it goes up to the really high

Ceiling which is kind of Dripping all the time I guess that’s just what you get when you break the law and do a crazy crime like that I also think we should probably build them a toilet too this toilet does not have a lot of privacy which is a bit sad but that’s

Just what you get well even though they’re criminals they still deser have a room that’s a little bit nice okay I guess that’s true that’s why I’m going to build a cabinet right over here each prisoner can have their own little cabinet wall and on the cabinet I’m

Going to give each prisoner a nice little flower pot but it can have an orange tulip inside to remind them who’s boss around here and that is me yeah that’s a good idea I like it maybe we can even put a little Milo thing in here

Yeah totally I’m not going to give them bad seeds Milo but I think we can think of something else to give them too fine no bad seeds but we could put down one little light blue carpet just so to remember who’s second in charge yeah totally I like this carpet design let’s

Do it on this side as well we want to make sure all the prisoners have an equal prison spot otherwise some of them would get really mad and try to take over each other’s jail cells and one thing we don’t want is angry prisoners no way at least not more Angry than they

Already are I think they need to be grateful for us for saving them from that giant TNT explosion yeah because if they got blown up that’d probably be pretty sad yeah I’d be pretty sad too there and now I’m going to grab this cabinet and I’ll just put it over here

Perfect these prison cells look so nice if I was a prisoner I would definitely want to stay in these ones for sure yeah these are the nice ones it’s pretty much like a hotel now we need to make this glass Corridor go to the side as well we

Need to build a canteen area Milo so that the prisoners have somewhere to eat can I eat that too yeah you can although the food probably won’t be very good not only is it prison food but it’s under the water so it’ll be pretty yucky and Soggy oh yuck actually that doesn’t

Sound look good to me yeah soggy bird seeds G I wouldn’t even want to eat that I might eat a soggy cookie though because if you really think about it Milo when you dip cookies into milk you make them soggy anyway what’s a little bit of water going to do yeah actually

Water and cookies might be really good yeah I don’t think I’ve ever tried it before okay one thing on the prison cafeteria menu will definitely be soggy cookies with water well they won’t like it as much as they like bird seeds hey nobody likes bird seeds that much Milo

I’ve only ever met you oh so do I not exist what of course you exist but you’re kind of the only person that exists that likes bird seeds all my friends like bird seeds what I don’t like bird seeds and I’m your best friend yeah well not anymore hey what Milo

That’s so mean you’re mean Milo we can’t fight like this we have to work together if we want to make this prison in time just think about everyone we’d be saving and the village we’d be keeping safe it is important that we stay together through this Milo and do not let

Ourselves fight well I’m going to be angry at you for another 5 minutes what you can’t plan anger like that well I just did oh Milo you’re so crazy okay this canteen is looking pretty awesome so far I’m going to give it a very cool shape it’s going to have spikes on the

Ceiling I think having each building be a different shape will make it really fun to look at they can all have the similar color palette though that would be very important for keeping the prison looking awesome I think the design of this prison is going to be world famous

Every police officer will want to send their most dangerous criminals here I know I totally would if I was in charge of the police wait chip chip what is it Milo is something wrong help me I got walked inside one of the cells Milo how did that happen this is an emergency I

Was just trying to decorate the room a bit more and wow okay I’ll help you out Milo here you go I’ve let you out of the cell that was really crazy yeah I bet it was Milo you can’t be doing stuff like that it’s also crazy that you even went

Back inside prison cells are not very safe to be in especially if you don’t want to get locked up well now I know that and I will not be going back in there yeah that’s a pretty good idea instead you can totally come here to the

Canteen area if you want you can help build a big glass tube in between them just kind of like this one over here no Milo don’t break the glass too much okay here you go now you can start building this glass tube all the way over to this

Deep Sate connector on the other side one thing about me is I’m a big fan of glass tubes yeah I kind of think you’ll like a hamster Milo hamsters also love gloss tubes what the that is so offensive hey there’s nothing wrong with hamsters everybody loves them so much

And they run around in tubes all day it’s so funny well one time a hamster gave me a stink eye so I’m not a big fan anymore what Milo hamsters are tiny why are you beefing with hamsters well because they’re really rude don’t you nor I guess I’ve never met a hamster

Before so I wouldn’t know I guess I just have to trust you on this one well you become friends with them and then they talk smack about you what Milo that’s kind of what you do I heard you talking about me to your pet donkey MIM MIM the

Other day yeah well mimim and I have lots of important things to discuss and sometimes it’s you hey what important things could you possibly be discussing with a donkey just like pranks and stuff pranks are you planning out your pranks on me with MIM MIM yeah MIM comes up

With all the ideas and I just do all the building uh Milo I do not think you should be letting an actual dony come up with your prank ideas that seems like a recipe for disaster it’s okay chip I know you’re just jealous of MIM M hey

I’m not jealous of MIM MIM mimim lives in a smelly stable that I built myself yeah but you also sort of live in a smelly stable what I live in a giant house with an awesome cookie at the front that’s not smelly awesome is a stretch it’s not a stretch Milo the only

Thing stretchy will be the cheese on the pizzas that we can serve up here in the cafeteria what the criminals get pizza yeah they do just because they’re prisoners doesn’t mean they don’t like pizza everyone loves pizza Milo yeah and I guess they do deserve it a little bit

Yes some of the prisoners had nothing to do with the Giant TNT Bowl if I was mean to them that would just be bad for me to do instead some of them deserve pizza but only the good ones I would feel really sad if I wasn’t allowed to have

Pizza anymore I know by giving them Pizza we stop them from wanting to break out it’s an important part of keeping this prison safe I’m also going to need to grab some slabs just to put them on the ceiling like this wo how awesome is this looking Milo that’s good I’m going

To fill the inside with sponges yeah great idea I think we should probably fill in the entrance and exit though otherwise when you place the sponges the water will just flow back in a water’s so annoying sometimes yeah it really can be this cafeteria is going to look so

Awesome I need to grab a bunch of equipment to start building inside we need to grab chairs as well for the prisoners Milo they can’t just be standing all day that would be really really bad nobody likes to eat while standing this is great it gives a really

Massive amount of room for prisoners to eat in and we can also add some tables on this back wall here perfect these tables can also have their own chairs it’s important that we don’t just flood this place with tables otherwise the prisoners would not be able to get

Through very easily at all we can add a couple more chairs here though this way we can fit even more prisoners inside y this is looking really good I would actually want to come here for dinner one time yeah especially if you like stretchy cheese pizza and Soggy cookies

On the left side is where all the fruits and drink section will go we’ll need a brewing stand so that we can make all the drinks for the criminals I think having a little table over here where we make the drinks can be perfect I really

Like this well of course only serve them water because they cannot be trusted with damaging potions that would be really bad some of these criminals use damaging potions to commit crimes in the first place by having these here we make sure we keep the prison a lot safer I

Also think we can have a cake over here too this can be the bakery section as well we don’t have a lot of space so we kind of have to fit everything into one little bit this is kind of crazy chip you’re giving them lots of yummy treats

I know I really am this is one of the nicest cafeterias in any prison ever now we need to give them some fruits we can also have golden apples but they’re going to be pretty expensive for them to buy we can also have some vegetables for

Them too and I think we need some berries as well sweet berries will be perfect we should also build a little roof over the shop section otherwise all the water from the ceiling would drip down onto the food which would not be too great to keep the food fresh this

Looks awesome now we can actually start building the other side as well I’ll build the same Roof System so drips do not get in on this side either and I’ll make sure I connect this right up to the ceiling is this side going to be the

Pizza section yeah this side will be the pizza section I’m going to grab some signs as well as some furnaces this is where we will actually cook the pizza and we’re also definitely going to need some item frames which we can put stuff like milk inside milk is how we’re going

To make the cheese to put on the pizza let’s also ride on the signs to let the prisoners know that pizza here is $5 and to get some chips as well I think $2 is a fair price perfect and we should also just sell cheese on its own this way the

Prisoners can get anything they want but the cheese is going to be $299 M chip we have a little bit of a problem what’s the problem Mila well these criminals are going to be locked in jail how are they going to have any money H that’s a really good point okay

Maybe instead of dollars we can make them trade cookies yeah this is perfect this way they pay in cookies and I guess they can pay for some things in bird seeds two bird seeds will be the cost of a pack of chips and I think the pizza

Can also be five cookies two Bad Seeds for a bag of chips are you crazy uh no I don’t think I’m crazy why is that bad Milo look I’ll even make it glowing for you so you can see it clearer no I’m rewriting it and I’m making it more

Accurate what hey don’t rewrite my sign yeah because chips is worth a lot more than two bird seeds bird seeds are actually very good bird seeds are not good and wait there is no way that chips are worth 130 bird seeds Milo yeah they are I said so how are any of these

Prisoners going to buy them well they’re just going to have to get a lot of bird seeds and give them to me because I love that seats okay I guess they can do that and over here I’m going to sell the Soggy cookies that I was talking about

Earlier I think they will really really love them there they are soggy cookies on the menu I’m also going to add some cake over in this section you can never have too much and I’m also going to add orange candles into the cake it might be one of the prisoners birthdays Milo so

We need to have cake for them happy birthday wait a second Milo what was that noise that sounded like TNT oh my gosh CH we better go and investigate it sounded like it was coming from upstairs let’s go through the metal detector and

See if we can find a way to get up I really hope nothing bad has happened from this oh my gosh chip this is super bad I’ve also built a little exit up here on the roof I think we can get out through here we have to make sure the

Way we get out is only through a secret entrance that way it keeps our prison as safe as possible I really hope this TNT was not anywhere near our houses look Milo the TNT ball is still here but how did we hear an explosion if it’s all intact there must have been one

Somewhere else where could it be I really hope it’s not my house my cookie is totally safe but uh-oh Milo your house is not safe look it blew up your wall hey what the someone is doing stuff to my house with TNT this is bad oh Milo

One of the TNTs came loose from the big TNT Bowl fell down and exploded that is bad because it means we’re getting closer to the final explosion my bad build this prison quickly before it blows up yeah totally let’s get back down as quickly as possible we can use

The secret entrance that we made right over here Milo because we had no idea what caused that explosion noise we now need to build a security room where we can watch everything from oh boy we do need a security room ASAP yep as secure as possible that’s right we will have security cameras

Inside here that let us see everywhere that will be really helpful for learning where the prisoners are and making sure we can keep an eye on them no one will misbehave if they know there are security cameras everywhere it’s kind of like when I put a security camera in

Your little reading room and you stop yelling at the walls yeah well I was trying to communicate with the box and I didn’t really know how but when you put the camera in there it made me feel freaked down yeah I was freaked out when

I saw you trying to talk to blocks Milo that’s not possible well body talk me up until that point okay sorry Milo if I ever see you trying to talk to blocks again I’ll make sure to let you know thank you very much you’re welcome Milo

Okay this part of the prison is also looking really good this security room needs to have a big big security screen this room will have access to all the security cameras in the entire prison and there will be lots of them we might even be able to add security cameras up

Top near the TNT bowl that will really help us keep an eye on things and make sure nothing is going horribly wrong these walls need to be tall and we can’t have a single window into the security room if we did one of the evil villains

Like submarine Sam might be able to look through the walls using his underwater breathing and see everything we see that will only make it easier for him to take over the prison submarine fam is my worst fear chip yeah me too especially now that we’re underwater I kind of am

Just glad that my biggest fear is no longer that TNT ball it was for a while but now that this underwater prison is going along so well it’s not really that scary anymore I just had a crazy thoughts what’s your crazy thought Milo what if the guy who’s messing around

With us in the TNT is submarine Sam uh-oh that could be really bad the Villager they saw on the news was really dripping with water but I didn’t even think that might be ocean water uh-oh Milo we have to be pretty careful now submarine Sam is no joke if I see him

I’ll probably cry but also probably fight back right Milo that’s pretty important too well if I’m feeling angry I’ll punch him but sometimes I’m too scared to punch people yeah I guess it’s good not to punch people that’s a pretty good thing not to do Milo we do not want

To punch everyone we see except if it’s submarine Sam maybe uh yeah except if it’s submarine Sam okay why don’t you keep using these sponges to clear out the security room and all start setting setting up cameras and a monitor to keep watch on everything sounds good to me

All right I’ll put a chest right at the end here I think there is perfect good luck with the sponges Milo I’m going to add one security camera into the cafeteria right over here now if we look through it we can actually see the cafeteria it is so useful and we can

Also even zoom in and zoom back out we just need to add more and more of these things all around the prison this is a really good spot for one it can see two of the gel cells and this big long hole way I’m just going to go over the metal

Detector so it doesn’t beep at me all right and up here which uh-oh we totally need to make a ladder for just like this we can put more security cameras in this main area we’ll put one over here and we can also have one right on this wall

Just like this perfect these security cameras will have a lot of view in this big room now we need to place a bunch of security cameras inside this room this room needs to be the most secure of all and if a prisoner has to get inside they

Will have to break one of these these cameras which I think they will definitely have trouble with now we can put the linked camera monitor inside here let’s also get some black concrete to make some screens all around these outside walls CH be careful not to let

The water inside please yeah I will Milo sorry I totally forgot about that for a second I spent so long with these sponges cleaning up the water yeah I won’t do it again Milo do not worry this security room is going way too well for us to focus on silly things like letting

Water inside wait a second Milo I think I just heard something was that another explosion oh no I totally forgot to put a camera outside the prison we better go add one right now and make sure that nothing bad happened if the TNT is exploding like this we do not have long

Before the big TNT explodes hey wait a second is that a prison guard on the hill on the hill why is he out of there I have no idea and wait a second it’s prisoners they’re escaping uh-oh I need to set up a big security camera right

Over here this way we can keep a super close eye on them but we have to help the guards capture the prisoners first we have to rebuild this hole in the wall so no more of them can escape hey this guy’s escaping stop it I’m trying to

Place these around him but he just went out the door oh no don’t worry Milo I’m placing some iron bars but hey they’re climbing over these that is bad I have a plan to catch the final prisoner I am going to use cobwebs all around him this

Will slow his movement down and then I can surround him with iron blocks they are very tough and very strong finally we can add a roof on top to make sure he can’t escape anywhere else okay I trapped one right here he’s a real piece of work Milo you can’t trap him with

Glass you need to add iron blocks as well to make sure he can’t just punch his way out take that berer you’re going to regret escaping finally I will cage up this prisoner as well this way we can get every single one that managed to

Escape out here now we just have to get these guys back inside the prison Pronto okay they’re all safely locked up inside I’m so glad that worked Milo really naughty for escaping like that chip we need to make our prison so secure I know I’ve also linked up the security camera

To the network so we can spy on the prison if anything else goes wrong like that again great idea Milo we don’t have a lot of time and we still haven’t made many prison cells yet you need to build a bunch of prison cells in the walls

Here while I make the maximum security section oh yeah that sounds awesome I’m going to build these cells so well good luck Milo I think I’ll make the maximum security section start right here I think we need to make another glass Corridor though I do not want this to

Totally mess up the prison it needs to stay very organized otherwise we won’t be able to keep track of all the prisoners okay I think this is a pretty good spot to build it in but first we need a guard Center this is where the guards will stop everybody who tries to

Get in or out of the maximum security section otherwise people could just walk right in and these inmates in the maximum security section are no joke they are way stronger than the other prisoners they might even be connected or responsible for the giant TNT bowl that could be so bad imagine a TNT

Lighter running around the prison that would be a big disaster that’s why the god Center has to be right here it’s going to be a building that looks pretty different from the other buildings it needs to look very scary because if it does not look scary enough no one will

Take it seriously and the gods will totally be walked by that cannot happen in this prison that might have happened in the old one which could be a reason why the TNT ball could even get there in the first place in this prison the gods

Are going to be so high on alert that no one will ever have the chance to light a TNT ball in the sky and even if they do the water should hopefully stop it from doing any damage to the prison the TNT ball in the sky on the surface does lots

Of damage because there is no water up there to protect anyone from the TNT Milo how are your little cells going they’re good except the water keeps getting everywhere and it’s really annoying me have you tried using sponges Milo that has totally helped me with the water yeah I’m using sponges I’m

Learning a lot today honestly really that is so good Milo I’m so happy to hear that I think you will also be happy to hear that this guard room and the maximum security section is is going so well I do not think anyone is going to

Get past the guards now that’s what I like to hear because we do not want any of those criminals running around this place no unless it’s the daily run time where they get all their exercise I think you could probably join in on that as well Milo you never exercise ever hey

That’s rude I try to exercise but it’s really boring hey Milo running to the bird seed cabinet in your fridge is not exercise there’s her hell says everyone says the book on exercise says a book on exercise well I can’t really read books so that doesn’t matter that explains a

Lot Milo I guess you’ll have a bunch of opportunities to exercise by running around this prison once you become a God and have to check everywhere for the prisoners I’m really excited for that day me too I’ll be so proud of you but I’m also so proud of this room it

Already looks so intimidating and it is a very cool shape from the outside now it is time to make the maximum security section this part is going to look pretty freaky we only have room in here for maybe four or six cells they are going to be really well locked up that’s

Why we can’t even use iron blocks instead I am going to use obsidian obsidian is so tough and strong it will definitely help make sure that none of these prisoners can ever escape because believe me Milo these guys are maximum security they will definitely try to escape every single day that really mean

I hope never see a maximum security presentent because he’ll shout at me yeah he totally would shout at you I think they all would actually all right I’m making pretty good progress on these walls the maximum security section is going to be a little bit shorter than

The rest of the other sections if it was too tall then we’d have way more space to try and defend which is not what we want when we’re trying to keep this prison as efficient as possible remember when you had to defend all that space

When we played laser tag yeah and I got really l yeah you totally did the other team ended up winning the game and I was really happy about it but only because I was on the other team that was super annoying but don’t worry Milo we have

Built this prison in a really easy shape to get around if you totally get lost I think you’ll be able to find your way back especially with how clear a lot of the pathways are if you get lost I think that’s kind of just on you that is not

On me and also I’m just not going to get lost really wow you must have just been getting really good at following Maps since the laser tag disaster I’m super good at Maps now I’m excited to see you try and read a mat one day that is going

To be so cool to see but wo the design of the max security area is already coming together I definitely need to grab some obsidian though just like this we can also add it on the sides right over here perfect this is definitely giving the look that I want it to give

Let’s make sure we place these in a really smart way I do not want to mess this up like I always mess up my cooking I love baking so much but I always add way too many of some ingredients one time instead of sugar I use salt in my

Cookies and I accidentally made the entire Village really really sick now I’m banned from making cookies which is really sad because I love them so much hopefully though when the village sees how much good this prison has done for everyone they’ll reverse the ban and I’ll finally be able to make cookies

Again this section does not look very secure at the moment but once I remove all this water and properly put the obsidian in the right spots it will look very very secure I just have to make sure I do it quickly we don’t have much

Time this is one of the final things we will be able to build before the TNT is lit off these maximum security cells only need to keep them locked up we don’t even need to give them a bed or anything we just have to make sure they

Cannot Escape that is why once we clear out all this water we need to add something around this room to keep them from trying to run away easily Maybe lava could do the trick yeah I know if I was a maximum security prisoner and I was trying to escape I would not want

Lava anywhere in my cell let alone all around it yeah I think by having lava all around we really help stop these prisoners from wanting to escape hey Milo how are your prison cells going yeah good I’m still building some of them wa this looks awesome you’ve done a

Great job so far keep going we’ll need so many cells in order to house as many prisoners as we can I’m on it while you work on that Milo I’m going to work on the maximum security cells once I clear all these pesky sponges we can start

Making the most secure cells anyone has ever seen in a prison there is a block that most people do not get their hands on but since I’m such a pro prison Builder I am allowed to use it it is called bedrock and it is the strongest Block in the entire universe let’s also

Grab some iron bars as well we can’t make it only out of Bedrock that would be a little too insane the most secure cells in the maximum security Zone will look just like this they only get one block of space because that is all they deserve these people have committed

Terrible crimes once the prisoners get here we will be able to put them inside these maximum security Bedrock boxes they might never be opened again which will keep as many villages safe from their horrible crimes as possible I think it might even also keep the other prisoners safe these maximum security

Prisoners are so evil that they might try to take over the whole prison including the other the prisoners I think we might need a little bit more than just obsidian deep slate and Bedrock I think we need some secure defenses just like lava we can put lava

All along the floor around these cells this will help stop them from trying to escape it also means that if they try and tunnel underneath their cells they might Tunnel right back up and get stopped by the boiling hot magma it is very important for our security and

Uh-oh I do not want any gravel blocks to show that is really silly it will tell them exactly where they are these maximum security prisoners should not be able to know where in the prison they are being kept if they did they would be able to talk to the other prisoners and

Figure out the best way to escape little do they know that there is no way to escape from this Maximum Security Prison I’m also adding a bunch of chains around the maximum security section this way if the gods need anything to handcuff the prisoners to they can quickly grab

Something that is very close if there were no chains here the handcuffs wouldn’t work very well the gods would have to to handcuff the prisoners to themselves which could go very wrong especially with how dangerous some of these prisoners are now we need to craft

Up a bunch of red lasers we do this by getting some colored lenses we also have to grab the laser block these will link up to the other lasers it is very important that we place them in a super special order perfect these lasers look

So strong now we have to add red colored lenses to every single side this will help make sure that every laser in this lineup has the perfect red color it also means the prisoners can see the lasers so they know not to even try and escape

The max security Zone the gods will get to sleep right next to the maximum security prisoners I think this is a pretty good sleeping area for the gods We’ll add beds on both sides and we also need to add Arma stands these Arma stands will have full netherite armor

This is what the gods need to use in order to stay strong netherite armor is the strongest armor in the game and you kind of have to use it if you want to be guarding a maximum security prison like this one and underwater iron armor gets

Rusty so this is very important to have now we also need to build a door that enters into the guard section if we did not have a door here it would be way less secure I think if we have a keypad door you need to enter a specific

Passcode I think the passcode needs to be 5678 now anytime you want to enter this room you have to type in the passcode now that this room is safe on both sides thanks to the lasers and the scanner door we can add chests inside here we

Need to give ourselves swords in case we ever need to fight a big fight against a bunch of prisoners and the gods might need them as well just to make sure they are extra safe walking around I’m also going to grab some bows and some arrows

We can even grab poison arrows or even better arrows of weakness this helps stop the prisoners from being extra strong when they attack finally we need to grab a bunch of golden carrots let’s fill the entire chests with them just like this now the gods have plent to eat

And golden carrots a very efficient food let’s type the scanning code and totally go check on Milo hey Milo how is your section going with building all these prisoner cells very good there’s a lot more cells now wow you totally did it Milo this prison is ready to take in a

Bunch of prisoners let’s go today’s the day now that we’ve built all this stuff we need a good way to get all the prisoners inside and I think we need to build a water elevator a water elevator jeez than it’s pretty complicated yeah it kind of is but don’t worry Milo I

Know exactly how to build this thing just watch and land we have to put it in this wall here it is important that we use quartz of the walls so that it doesn’t break and it doesn’t get messy we need to use magma blocks down here so that anybody that steps inside this

Elevator will get sucked right on down this is important because otherwise the prisoners might use this elevator to go up and Escape sh the water’s getting everywhere can I put some sponge in the entrance no Milo we need to use signs signs are very important because they’ll

Actually stop the water from coming back if you only use sponges not only will the water keep coming back but it destroys the water blocks here see now we need to use a water bucket again to place all around here now the bubble columns will actually come back just

Like this finally we need to continue this all the way up to the surface if we don’t build it high enough then this water elevator will not work yeah and we definitely need a working elevator totally come on Milo we got this we’ve almost made it to the top Milo but wait

A second this cave goes right underneath your house we can totally connected up to the water elevator what the what I don’t want prisoners going into my house I don’t want prisoners getting into your house either Milo that’s why we need to make sure there are iron bars on the

Side oh my gosh this is not good people are going to be in here looking at all my St I won’t let that happen Milo by using these reinforced iron bars we can help make a perfect path leading right from the prison into this water it means

They won’t get a chance to look around and creep on all your stuff oh whatever you can still see through the bars and I’m not liking it okay Milo if you want to place signs that block people from seeing in you can totally do it but your

House is literally full of Windows and doesn’t even have a working door can’t people see into your house all day I guess that’s a good point well just stick with the bars then thanks Milo I think that’s a really good option let’s make sure we place them really smartly

Though we do not want to leave any gaps where the prisoners could Escape through on their way to the water elevator we also have to make sure it leads right over to the prison if we build this onto the wrong thing then it won’t even work because the prisoners won’t be able to

Follow it to where they need to go we just have to dig this tunnel underneath the prison and make water at the bottom so the prisoners can come right on down we’ll get this done Milo do not worry at all not another tunnel I know we’ve made

A lot of tunnels but this tunnel should lead right underneath the prison oh yeah look it totally does now we can just start clearing a little bit of a bigger area to make sure that we can actually bring as many prisoners down and inside as possible we’re so close Milo we can’t

Give up now hey CH instead of doing an elevator we should just put some slime at the bottom so we can push them down to it yeah that’s a great idea I’ll grab the slime blocks right now this is going to look so cool I don’t even know if we

Have time to make this tunnel look nice and pretty I think we just need to get the prisoners down here as soon as we can let’s do it Milo we’ve got one okay come on dude I need to push you down into this hole that we have okay I think

We’ve almost made him in oh no he’s trying to escape hey get back here B where do you think you’re going not on my watch these reinforced iron bars will totally stop you all right Milo you got this keep going we can push him down inside and oh look he totally bounces on

The slime blocks yeah this is great how idea works yeah it definitely does but but we need to get him a little further come on prisoner time to go to the new prison look Milo more prisoners are coming down they all want to escape using the tunnel that we’ve made yeah

This is good we’re going to take them to a much safer prison now yeah come on guys we are going to the underwater prison where you never have to worry about the giant TNT explosion let’s go everyone look Milo they’re already going down into the underwater prison this is

Perfect soon they’ll all be out of that prison and into ours in no time I’ll keep an eye on them at the bottom of the elevator we did it Milo every single prisoner is now safely Inside Out underwater prison and so are the gods this is great I can’t believe we did

Such a good job me too now we need to check the old prison to make sure we’ve moved everyone into this new one that’s a good idea let’s go all right I’m not seeing anyone in any of these rooms yeah neither am I but hang on a second Milo

There’s someone still in here oh my gosh we forgot someone I can’t believe we left a prisoner behind come on this is not a safe space for you to be we need to get out of here as soon as possible there is TNT coming yeah I think I can

Hear it already Milo it’s happening I can hear the TNT I think the TNT bowl is actually activating CH we need to get out of here I don’t think we have time to save this guy this is bad you’re right Milo we need to get down underwater in our safe prison quickly

Come on Prison hopefully our prison is safe if it is not then we have totally let everyone down oh I’m really scared right now Chip we put in so much work okay I don’t think I see any damage we need to check every single part of the prison to make

Sure nothing has been hurt okay these prisoners are all good now let’s go to the next part okay the metal detector Corridor is safe and the gods and this other underwater Prison Room is safe as well that’s good what’s next we need to check the cafeteria and the secur

Security room before we go and have a look at the maximum security room oh this is really bad I’m kind of scared right now okay the security room seems pretty okay let me check the camera system oh no look the prison has been totally destroyed this is terrible okay

Now that we’ve checked this we finally have to check the God room and the maximum security room let’s go if the maximum security room has been destroyed at all then the high security prisoners will escape Milo and wreak havoc on the village I hope you built a really strong

Chip me too I really hope so for everyone’s sakes let me quickly type in the password 5 67 8 okay let’s go through and everything seems okay let’s quickly disable some of these lasers what oh my gosh I think they’re all here okay we just need to check the final few

Cells and yes Milo all the prisoners are safe all right we did it we saved the day with our amazing prison yeah

Milo and Chip are building an Underwater Prison to hold the WORST inmates in Minecraft! But what happens when a LARGE explosion helps the prisoners ESCAPE!

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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