Testing Minecraft Secrets That Are Actually Real

Today we’re going to test some random shorts I found online to see if they’re real starting with this one that claims you can throw a splash potion on a creeper before it blows up and it’ll create an effect Cloud that gives you that potion effect all right so we got

The creeper here we got the flint and steel and the strength potion looks a lot different than that video I don’t know why they made this the color for strength but I’m just going to light this creeper up wait this this is actually real oh my

My gosh this is actually real let’s do it again in Creative just to be sure I’m not sure if that was right this is actually real this is an effect cloud and maybe if I give myself survival mode it’ll keep resetting my strength it doesn’t

Look like it though oh my God it does it just gave me more strength too another minute of it wow so yeah that is real that is actually a real thing I’m very surprised that that works are you a shitthead who wants to prank your friends well you’re in luck just replace

The floors with puffer fish and covered up with carpet so that you could let them know that them and they’re all piece sack CU they’re yeah so this one is actually real I already know that this is real I’ve talked about this quite a lot actually in in many short

Videos but yeah basically you just Spam these areas and I didn’t actually mean to put one up here so we’re going to kill that guy sorry but for some reason you can put carpet on top of water which doesn’t really make any sense and yeah the puffer fish will actually damage the

Player through the carpet just finish this here and I’m just going to add a ton more the good thing about this too is the puffer fish don’t even try to escape they just stay down there no matter how many you put in there and then we’re going to close it up here go

Into survival mode and yeah yeah that’s insane I really wish I saw people use this as a trap more often because it’s so funny and unexpected like if you had a bunch of carpet in your house nobody would think that there’s just a bunch of puffer fish under it replace the floor

Like so with water and carpets and kidnpped some unlucky Representatives For Your Entertainment you’ve got your own live show if you know what I mean dancing zombies ain’t no way all right so we’re going to set this up the exact same way put a bunch of carpet on the

Outside here I’m not sure what’s up with all these water and carpet videos actually but yeah we can place carpet like this that’s weird the carpet doesn’t get rid of the water the water gets rid of the carpet but then if we put two zombies here that’s a baby

Zombie that’s a regular zombie and go into survival mode yeah they don’t even try to kill me they can’t get out they’re just Stu down there that’s uh that’s pretty interesting but man we’re three for three every single thing we’ve tested has been true if you simply

Maneuver a Pillager into the back seat and then sit in the front like so then after killing some time eventually the crossbow will break and that mob will be disarmed all right we’ll see about this one too all right so we need a boat we need a Pillager and I believe that’s all

That we need right so if we can get this Pillager in this boat come on please please get in the boat please it’s so difficult getting mobs and boats sometimes there we go finally and then if I go into survival mode can he hit me out here he probably can out here but

Like this no he can’t hit me at all so let’s see how many arrows it takes I’m going to time this we’re going to see how long it takes for his bow to Break I’m not going to lie I’m starting to wonder if this is not real or the used to work in a previous version and it doesn’t work anymore because I’ve been sitting here for 11 minutes which isn’t too long but it did make me think of something else these

Arrows can I pick up oh I can’t pick up the arrows dang I was about to say that’s an arrow Farm I’ll wait here for a bit longer we’ll see oh my gosh it actually just broke it took 22 minutes but now we have a passive Pillager is he going to try to

Kill me he’s not even going to try so if you have a boat and you have 22 minutes to spare you can get a passive Pillager that is crazy yes I actually wasted 22 minutes to see if a Pillager crossbow will break and I’m pleased to say it

Does the way that diamonds generate is in some way linked to that of lapis auli meaning if you find yourself a sub of lapis or all you have to do is Count four blocks north and then dig vertically on the diamond level to find yourself some treasure all right I’ll

See about that one got to give myself night vision so I can see any lapis down here whenever I hear about stuff like this I always just automatically assume it’s fake there was a myth way long ago that said that diamonds always spawned under clay and that’s just obviously not

True okay so here is the lapis and North would be where X is positive so X is positive going this direction so if we go one two really three four blocks and then we go straight down apparently we’ll find diamonds let’s see if that’s real

No no it was not real you know I would say that this probably worked on a previous version of the game but something like that I don’t even think worked on a previous version of the game crops grow twice as faster if placed beside other crop types for instance the

First row will be solely for potatoes and the second row will be for carrots I’ve actually heard about this one before and because I’ve heard about it I assume that it’s real but I’m not for sure though so let’s test it so this row will make all potatoes this row will

Make all carrots and potatoes and carrots and then let’s just put some more water on this thing too why not and then let’s do one over here that is literally all carrots yeah just Spam carrots everywhere and then add water everywhere for it to grow as well and

Then I think I can increase the tick speed let’s make the tick speed 50 oh and as you can see this side does look like it’s growing faster with the potatoes yeah this side hasn’t even grown at all while this side has a ton of stuff that’s grown I did place this a

Little later but not by that much this is actually real we already have some fully grown crops on this side and over here nothing even close wow this is actually real I cannot believe this this is definitely something you want to use in your Farms as soon as the creeper

Engages to blow up place a block in front of you to mitigate its damage this is useful especially if you don’t have any armor or Shield equipped on you yeah this one’s real as well so damage in this game for some reason is linked to your feet so if your feet take damage

Then your player takes damage but if your feet don’t take that much damage like see I only took half a heart there it’s so weird like we can do two Creepers here and we can place this here I mean that one died before it blew up

But it’s just weird give myself TNT and a flint and steel put it right there I’m literally right next to the TNT it only does half a heart of damage but if I’m at the same distance to the TNT the block would have been right here I die

Because there’s no block in front of my feet that’s just such a weird Mechanic this one just has to be fake all right just going to get a bunch of chickens here get some more put them all on a lead if this works I don’t even know what I’m going to do you know if this works I’m deleting my entire

Channel I mean there’s just no shot I would have totally heard about this before if this actually worked right all right what do y’all think enough chickens Jesus how does one lead allow you to bring so many mobs to you all right this is enough chickens right so we’ll put ourselves in survival

Mode all right chickens come with me really really yeah that’s not real but I have a bunch of chickens now coming down if only I was a chicken then that would have been real wow and look at them there’s still some actually still at the top there too

Each of our pets unload a ton of Decay potions and then heal them at the last moment some will eventually enter into this bug state in which case isolate them and you’ve got yourself an immortal buddy all right so I’m playing on Big Boy Java and we don’t have Decay potions

So I’m going to try this with poison and then and for some reason after a while poison potions oh cuz poison can’t kill them that’s right all right what if we do poison up until they all have half a heart throw harming and then the same second we throw harming throw healing

Okay so they’re all at half a heart now yeah um yeah it doesn’t look like I don’t know what that was but it doesn’t look like this works on Java that’s a real shame isn’t it Mr Chicken oops all right nobody knows this secret yeah this looks really real I I

Love videos like this that are absolutely like clearly fake like come on guys if any of you watching this video video actually believe for a second that this is a real portal please get off the internet it has brain roted you like okay that’s just not real

That’s not real I’m not even going to test it that’s definitely not real making the portal and then what the hell is okay this is just a joke yeah no okay it it’s not real it’s not real I’m not testing it I don’t want to see any any

People in the comments getting mad at me for not testing it oh why don’t you test the glowing cyan portal with the reinforced deep slate blocks and the the glowing Ward andite no I’m not doing it not happening oh God this guy’s going to kill my chickens I have to kill him

Quickly he’s going to see my chickens over there and try to kill them no there we go you’re all safe now oops if you place any color Banner in your world and then right click the banner with an empty map the banner will become a waypoint and if you name the

Banners the words will show up on the map also sadly this feature is only for Java you know I’ve heard about this I think I’ve actually tested this out and it was real all right let’s so let’s see about this let’s place this band down

Get this map right click it with the map hey there we go yeah this is actually though seriously one of the coolest features in this game that nobody really knows about because let’s be real nobody’s using a map to get around the game just press F3 everybody does this

It is still a cool little feature though rails in Minecraft use a lot of iron and wood if you place three Ms on top of each other on a power rail it won’t need any more rails to move what’s even better is you can leave one block gaps

And the mic will still move what that can’t be real can it there’s something so much stuff in this game that it’s just like how have I never heard of that before all right let’s see this let’s place this here that there one 2 3 no way no way and they

SW what it just keeps going even underwater I thought it was just going to stop it still goes underwater can I get in it oh my God you you can get in it oh well now it’s what it doesn’t even stop it keeps going oh that might have

Not worked cuz I was in it the hole in the blocks there we got to try this with holes everywhere Now new Minecart meta just dropped and it’s pretty crazy all right let’s try this again powered rail here button here mine cart Mine Cart mine

Cart and it just goes it just goes oh my God this is crazy and then it’s just going to Glide down it’s just going to lightly Glide down here watch this oh it only Glides I guess in water like look at that oh my God this is so

Satisfying yeah so this one’s real you probably know when you use Frost Walker boots it turns the water below you into ice but this isn’t a normal ice block it’s a special block called frosted ice and you can only see it with the frost Walker enchantment okay I have to see if

I can get this block in creative mode by middle mousing it because if I can that’s that’s pretty cool all right so I got the frost Walker boots on ooh ooh ooh ooh it’s because I have the tick speed going crazy all right if we have

Normal random tick speed it won’t do it anymore I can’t middl mous that ice I can’t middl Mouse any of this ice actually what the hell like I can middl Mouse the sand and get the sand but I can’t middle Mouse and get anything else

I tell you you know to make Frost Walker a lot cooler if you could actually like Run and Jump and it would make new stuff but it never does which I mean walking is fine but it would just be cool if it was a lot more uh fast I guess at

Creating the ice so yeah I mean obviously this is a different block than regular ice but I can’t get it in creative mode without commands at least if you go above the clouds when it’s raining in Minecraft it will still be raining this CA not created another

Layer of clouds where the rain actually comes from and in older versions of Minecraft if you go high enough the rain start to look really weird you know what that actually reminded me of we’re not going to do a little myth bust here but I’m going to show y’all something

Insanely cool that I really hope you’ve seen before because it’s so cool so if you get a few redstone things here we’re going to make a little Redstone Contraption and I know that sounds really scary so if we get channeling I don’t know what level channeling you can

Get level one sure if we get a channeling on this trident and then we make the weather thunder so it actually rains here and we just set up this tiny little Redstone clock really simple Redstone clock here move it to a piston that moves up and down put a lightning

Rod on it and then putting channeling Trident on the lightning rod and we’re going to put a lot of these we’re going to put a lot of these on this lightning rod as you can see it makes a lot of lightning and a lot of noise too but yeah that is a absolutely

Insane sight to see and my game glitches if I look too high up that is crazy but yeah every time the Trident land on this lightning rod it makes all this lightning activate which is just I don’t know I think it’s a really funny troll like if you’re in a world with friends

And for some reason reason you have 30 billion channeling Trident you place them all down your friends going to be like what the hell is going on outside then they’re going to see this when they look outside H yeah that’s a good troll but anyway my ears hurt so let’s get rid

Of this Jesus only black cats spawn in witch Huts oh man this is a challenge in its own in a survival world trying to find a witch hut all right let’s see about this only black what can these black cats can they spawn naturally or do they literally

Only spawn in witch Huts cuz I’ve never seen this before I didn’t even think this was in the game I’ve also gone way Overkill with the black cats that’s enough cats Jesus that is so cool if you can get this in survival mode I have never seen anybody do it hardcore

YouTubers you need to figure that out next so many of us know the jungle temple contains two chests one chest is on the bottom floor while avoiding the arrows while the other chest is found on the top floor when you reveal it with the lever combination but did you guys

Also know there is another secret chest found within the temple that’s right if you break the two bottom stairs within the temple it reveals a hole for you to drop into once you fall into the room you’ll be greeted by a small parkour section that leads you to the third

Secret chest and there you go enjoy the extra Diamond there’s no shot this actually could be real because I I don’t think in my entire life I have ever come across a jungle temple also why is it called Jungle Pyramid in the man am I crazy or

Is this thing literally not a pyramid but anyway where’s the entrance let’s find out if this is real or not okay here is the entrance I actually need to give myself night vision because I cannot see anything okay there we go now apparently if I destroy these two stairs

There’s going to be a massive area with a secret chest really yeah that that’s where I spawned I spawned all the way down there dug up to find the Jungle Pyramid as they call it nope there’s not a secret third chest there so yeah that one is unbelievably fake Villages are structures that

Generate in many different biomes but the main village we’re going to focus on is the village that can be found in the plains biome this is because there is a chance for this building to generate which as you know is the blacksmith now the blacksmith will always spawn with a

Chest containing some decent loot but as you also know there’s a secret chest found within it so this I’m not testing this this guy is just trolling I’m not testing that ah you’re falling in the air but don’t have a bucket luckily you have a potion of levitation because by

Perfectly timing the potion just before you hit the ground you can save yourself close one all right this one I wait do I not know how to spell levitation or is that just not in this game okay so actually after rewatching that video that’s another thing where I guess that

Potion is only in bedro Rock and not in Java which is what I’m playing on so I’m going to run this command before I hit the ground which will give me 10 seconds of levitation and you know it basically does the same thing as a potion so here we

Go oh my God that is crazy so yeah it’s real in this by giving myself the effect I bet it’s real in Bedrock you know giving yourself the potion what is this guy doing is he do is this another fake portal that I’m watching is this guy for

Real this guy is the biggest troll ever you know what’s crazy about this this video that you’re watching has 770,000 likes on Tik Tok What how wow I tell you it’s amazing the stuff that gets likes on on social media it’s like stuff that you would never think would be popping

It’s popping and then he’s going to make a portal what am I watching of course right of course it’s a portal what dude that’s all I’m doing for now let me know your favorite ones in the comments and like And subscribe

Testing Minecraft Secrets That Are Actually Real



TWITTER | @ Vivillyyy

SNAPCHAT | @ ItsVivilly

INSTAGRAM | @ viv23v


​​​​​​#minecraft #mcyt #funny


  1. Loved the video @Vivilly! Can't wait for the next video man! I remember hearing about the Clay trick to find Diamonds back in 1.16 Minecraft, but I have a feeling that the next Terrain Generation from 1.17 and 1.18 Minecraft made it null and void.

    Similar to the 3, 3 Trick, the Clay trick has you stand on a Clay Block and then you go about 3 or 4 blocks out usually to the North and then you mine straight down until to reach a Vein of Diamonds. I heard about the Clay trick from Super McGregs while she was on Imperial SMP.

    The PufferPit might actually be a Great Trap from around your Base. Just go out into the Biome where your Base is built and then make some Pufferfish Pits…… Having Said that, the Limits might be to where the Grass Blocks match or come close to matching the Lime Green and Green Carpet Blocks. It might be worth trying out against a Village Raid or even against the Goatman, Wendigo or the Man From the Fog! I think a Limiting Factor to allow for better Survivability would be a 1:1 Ratio of Pufferfish to Blocks for the pit.

    Let me know what you think about this and I'll catch you in your next video man!

  2. The clay thing was true before, needed to go a couole of blocks north or something like that, and mine down, it didnt work everytime, was like 1/2 chances, which was still very good

  3. Vivilly needs to see this

    So… about the potion and the creeper that type of potion is called splash potion and when you throw it it stays on tge ground making little effect particles and when you walk on in you gain its effects. You just threw it right before the creeper exploded and thats why it looks like it worked but it didn't

  4. Is it just me or do the voices sound AI generated? Like the guy who did the jungle pyramid hack wouldn't lie for views. Listen to the voices. They sound.. Strangely robotic. Listen very carefully.

  5. The immortal buddy is actually True only on bedrock and console edition as well as the levitation Wonder why. By the way remmber the permafrost modpack you played it would be cool to continue it and if you do to awnser your question about mobs they regenerate overtime thats why you need to damage them fast enough to actually kill them only apply to regular mobs and random mini bosses

    Edit: I didn't watch it full yet but how u don't know numba 4 real too😭
    Edit:immortal buddy only bedrock

  7. Good vid but I just what to say that the potion of levitation doesn’t exist at all also not in bedrock the only way to get the levitation effect is ether through a shulcer or a command

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