Using the Trial Chambers In a Minecraft Speedrun!

Minecraft speedruns almost always happen in version 1.16.1 of the nether update but during a charity Marathon I decided that every $1,000 we raised we would beat the game in the latest version with experimental features on what you’re about to watch is the craziest of those where we got to use Minecraft’s newest

Structure a trial chamber in our speedrun and it was actually super helpful I’m trying to beat Minecraft a 100,000 times without resetting and if you want to watch runs like this live you can tune in Daily at 1: p.m. eastern time on Curry way but for now

Enjoy the speedrun dark oak Mansion if I get a mansion I’m donating 10 billion trillion gazillion dollars right now I think I saw ocean I see a boat I think I do see a boat all right I see the path excuse me oh my goodness

Ew how is there a BT here how is this a beach chunk my wait water breathing is actually based as hell in a speedrun I’m just chilling now wait what do I need to I’m going back down here actually oh this cave sucks that’s unfortunate all right hi let’s do this this this

This I can’t see anything so good luck my goal with digging in a water cave is that I don’t know I got lower faster wait this looks like wait wait a minute cave literally I can see are the Flint rates bad in this version 2o

Man my bad I should have mined 45 gravel all right new plan just dropped let’s try the Lush cave listen we dug down for gravel we’re still on Pace definitely don’t worry oh my God wait what if I went in here what if I just didn’t learn

My lesson at all and I go in another cave that’s sounds kind of fire now I hear a bat I load what no dude what yo oh Jesus hold on guys this I’m getting a little bit more I’m bargaining for here get the hell over here dude chill out man oh my God

I can’t bow him uhoh oh my God bed oh my wait there’s another one oh my God oh my God come here dude stop oh my God W Nation W Nation you can get pearls in here oh my God yo sure oh awesome guys I don’t know where

I’m going I are we just along for the ride right now is that what’s going on are we just are we just living in this world right now what do I do with the trial Keys bro slime how do I use the key how do I use

The key tell me how to use it I cannot believe I found one raw in a cave oh oh my God wait this is crazy stop spawning oh my god dude is this V is this viable is this like actually viable what is going on dude I have five pearls this was like

Okay haha like yeah we’re just trolling dude this is like legitimately Pace again I need food the problem is I have no more food oh I can eat these come here dude this like an air vent okay sure I guess air vent POG dude

I just like kind of wait I can go back up I never checked um where was the other spawner sweet berries dude I am like so lost in the sauce right now but like in the best way ever all right how do I leave how do I how do I keep going

Let’s go down here first there’s a new area new area unlocked right dude what is going on Pearl not Pearl I don’t know what I got oh Jesus I don’t like that room I don’t like this room I’m leaving oh my God beds wait and food dude this is insane this is taking

Me to lava level oh Jesus wait what is this dude hello dude what oh there’s another freaking fella down here dude what I literally wouldn’t even Rite off the pr yet and I’m not even trolling I have five pearls if we spawn near a freaking Fort like

Dude right I need lava fir crackles I heard it oh it’s probably my own flint and steel lava pops all right we’re leaving dude oh nice ah most legendary speedrun of all time do Tri keys do anything uh we didn’t figure out to use I have a Bastion and I don’t know where

It is I feel like if I actually knew what I was doing we could have like done that faster like if I if I know like what things can actually give ender pearls you just like rush through it and like get the ender pearls like that just

Seems crazy how do I not see the fort where the freak are you I see it all right dope dude like if if that was a warped instead of a crimson this is like unironically Pac again and I’m not not kidding like unironically if this was warp this would be

Pace I don’t know do you guys do we think tough bricks are hard blocks I don’t really want to experiment but I kind of do are tough blurs a hard block yes they are W oh yeah no let me hit you 10 blocks away one of two ender

Pearls are 20% and a quarter chest dude that’s crazy there’s going to be a set seed where it’s look like you spawn next to the stronghold and it’s like an overlapping chest with like 17 pearls no we’re not doing a every 1,000 runs have I said what I want to do every 1,000

Runs is that public information or is that just is that not public information I actually don’t even know if I said it I want to do a tournament every 1,000 so when we hit 3K we’re going to do a no reset Invitational with like top Runners

And stuff and they’re just going to play really really really bad seeds so you’re going to see like silver play out a seed that doesn’t have a Bastion in 600 chunks can you drop thank you dude Society if this was a warped oh my God that’d be so

Sick I just don’t have a Bastion eay is not looking the nicest to me a few minutes later oh oh my God okay I got to be careful man okay all right Target acquired you’re dead as hell oh you’re all dead as hell okay all right now we’re cooking a

Little bit I have to get over there Bastion that way dude this is really tension like I am really feeling it because if I die like catastrophic disaster guaranteed above our run guaranteed above an hour if I die right now pigin brutin 11 pigin brutin six piggin bruden six so like where oh

My God w w Nation Society is saved is classic more viable in this version hell no classic isn’t viable because uh trades suck all right Stables is a little wacky with piglin brutes not really what I wanted but I guess I’ll take it oh you know what I can do now

Actually we have a one good Gap we might have triple two but I’m going to just start trading I don’t need Pearl rates like yesterday I already got five I just need like literally two Pearl trades really we can do that right okay dude what is going on I’m actually

Cheating I’m actually cheating I swear to God I’m actually cheating like what what the freak is happening I’m waiting on Obby and string dude what is going on why do I have so many pearls man I wasted all that time no you’re right I actually should have known that I was

Going to get like one in 100 billion Pearl trades uh okay I want to see if I can get a diamond pickaxe kind of what I’m playing for right now not a diamond pickaxe all right that’s I think my que to leave yeah that was insane racing that was insane all

Right you know what this is good enough I don’t care I don’t want to keep digging in a wall all right we have I believe survived the nether incredible let’s freaking go all right where am I at 31 that’s not even bad doesn’t really help me all right what is this negative 1.4

One two three four negative3 1.1 that’s not even bad let’s freaking go I don’t even know what I need in here nothing okay I mean sure I guess this perock is oh my God go free go let’s freaking go dude oh my God that does not seem beneficial oh

My God a blacksmith I can’t check the blacksmith we’re like kind of lowkey and danger with like hard luck on not getting under an hour so I’m going to not troll it’d be cool if I just gave him like the eye and he would just take me to the stronghold that’d be so

Cool he could wait you’re so right get over here hi okay we learned something new guys we learned something new understood he does not like Eyes of Ender wait how do I take the item okay all right try again take two come here okay oh let’s freaking go dude no you’re not supposed

To he does not like going underwater so this is not too helpful I thought giving it an eye he would like go pick them up but he doesn’t like water eye bres are not real by the way all right I know where this is now I love ocean triangulation

I can’t preemptive oh it’s one way okay right um all right now is the part where I have to like not troll cuz I can’t have a 10-minute nav I have made it so that I cannot have a 10-minute nav okay nice I cannot count to 12 that is

14 dude this was a fun run this was awesome I will be setting the prediction now higher in these runs though we’ll set it at like 45 rainbow beds please for bed it’ll be so funny my God no you’re not going to tell me you freak you in your stupid

Face that was a fun run that was fun that was really cool that was really fun you were here this was a sick run make sure you subscribe for more and don’t forget to tune in live on my twitch Linked In the description for more speedruns

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  1. When I saw it during the run I genuinely thought you'd dug into the stronghold without going into the nether… and then the TRIAL CHAMBER ? wild. beautiful. a historical moment. worth the points i spent on believing any day of the week.

  2. I love the idea of a tournament with the top runners all having to deal with the kind of seeds you deal with. Fingers crossed you can make it happen.

  3. i did the math and in the best case scenerio (every run is 10 minutes) this chalange is gonna take you about 2 years to complete (without sleeping , eating or doing anything else)

  4. I love that couriers got the first hyper modern wr and that was all he needed. He didn’t need to be the next wr holder he realized how insane it is the he even got one wr and now uses the clout he got from that to just play the game he loves. A LOT.

  5. New ssg seed? Spawn next to village with 20 obi, build portal, make another portal into trial chambers. Get enderpearls and beds hen run to the exposed 12 eye portal room. If we found a seed

  6. i wonder if this will become a proper category when the update comes out proper. Obviously it won't be able to compete with the times of 1.16.1, but it would still be fun to see people work out the best way to locate and navigate trial chambers

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