$1 vs $1,000,000 House in a New Minecraft City!

Welcome to episode 4 of pixel town in today’s video we take a look at homes from $1 versus 1 million because rage Elixir wants to move Uncle Carter to a better place watch the entire video to find out which house rage Elixir gets and let’s get 25,000 likes for episode 5

Yo man we still have one more Burger left I know I know I’m working on it okay finally the hamburger is done oh man dude chill man today has been such a stressful day I’m I’m tired oh my gosh uh wait Alex dude oh my gosh if I knew you

Were the last customer I would have worked even faster ready dude how’s it going here is your hamburger just like you like it it’s so glad to see you dude of course of course uh um man I am so tired but uh thanks for stopping by again hopefully work went well for you

As well man today has been so tiring but anyways I’ll see you around all right okay well hey Burger boy oh man you do look really tired as well man uh let’s just say it’s all going to pay off because guess what today is today is payday damn it you already know man

Let’s go oh my gosh dude we got to talk to the manager it’s time to close up shop anyways woo hey manager oh my gosh you remember what today is right are you guys ready uh yeah oh my gosh I can’t wait I can’t wait uh do you

Have your credit card oh my gosh oh my gosh let’s go let’s go ah you guys have been doing extra well thank you so much let’s see how much he’s paying me wait oh my oh my gosh $5,000 there is no way that’s my first ever payment my first real ever payment

Dude oh my gosh dude relax man you’re going to lose your voice let’s go man let’s go man man let’s go dude I mean you know what he uh hurry up and get out of here boys it’s getting late all right all right you’re right you’re right well

Good job man good job we make a great team dude we make a great team let’s go man oh my gosh well I got to change real quickly so let me oh wait oh oops let me let me change up real quick oh man I can’t wait to surprise Uncle Carter with

This payments all right I’m on my way out manager don’t rush me hey Burger boy I’ll see you later as well man have a great day or have a great night all right man I’ll see you later man all right dude all right see you later have

A great night and have a good one ready thank you so much oh man it’s time to head on home and wait a second wait that that’s detective Edward right dude I got to tell him that he sent me to the wrong people last time hey detective Edward wait

Huh you just got picked up by by this lady um oh maybe he’s on a date or something I don’t even know but dude it would have been really nice to talk to him and you know actually yell at him for sending me to the wrong people but

You know what I’ve got my long walk home now got to look both ways so I don’t end up you know getting hit by the car wait how did the manager get over there already oh man he looks like he’s on he he’s rushing home man I guess we did

Take a long time checking out I can’t wait to see Uncle Carter’s reaction to how much I made today oh man I feel so rich right now okay let’s head on home and wait what the hey your payment is due wait what no please no please I

Don’t have the money I’m sorry sorry oh my gosh I I could pay it I could pay it very soon next week next week give you a chance w w yo yo stop stop stop please please please Oscar Oscar oh my gosh dude remember what happened to you last

Time man I basically destroyed you so don’t you think of doing that to Uncle Carter man you got to relax oh my gosh oh my gosh no Uncle Carter get up get up I’m so sorry I’m so sorry oh my gosh here here here come come sit down come

Sit down dude oh it’s you again oh my gosh dude Oscar you got to relax man he’s just an old man just because he can’t pay for the rent doesn’t mean you have to start beating on him he’s literally twice your AG age maybe three times dude he’s old and

Crusty wait what you say about me uh Nothing Uncle Carter your hearing’s a little bit off right now just sit down just sit down yeah oh my gosh dude all right listen up Oscar let’s make a deal man I have decided ah you know what this is what I’ve been working for anyways

Oscar take my credit card go ahead pull it out I’ll transfer the entire payment of the rent to yours right now wo wo whoa no sun boy you can’t do that you can’t do that no no I’ve been working really really hard just to pay you back

Man and it seems like you’ve been really really struggling so I just wanted to help out and you know what don’t even worry about paying me back because I’m doing this out the kindness of my heart so Oscar can you just leave us alone and let us have alone time Carter you’re

Lucky to have someone paying for your rent all right well Oscar get out of here man stop hurting old men H see you next month dude don’t worry about that man we won’t hey we won’t be seeing you anytime soon leave him alone I’m sorry I’m sorry Uncle Carter

That you have to deal with that oh no no it’s quite all right but uh are you are you serious about the rent yes yes I’m trying to help you out because you know you let me stay here for free and I feel really guilty especially knowing that

You’re struggling to pay the rent you don’t deserve this at all you’re such a kind old man w i i i don’t know what to say but but but thank you so much sunny boy of course of course I’m going to make sure you live a great rest of your life man W

Thank oh no no no no oh my oh my gosh no no no come come here come here Uncle Carter oh gosh man he really hurt you didn’t he dude you’re all bruised up and everything oh gosh sit down sit down I’m all right I’m all right oh no you always

Say that man you think you’re stronger than you actually are you got to relax you got to relax oh no no no oh I’m quite strong oh my goodness you know what I’m going to get you out of this place because the longer you live here people are not

Going to care about you and take you seriously I want to make sure you live a great great life all right just you wait thank you thank you Sil boy H time for me to sleep it’s been a long day thank you boss manager for taking time

Out of your day to hear me out oh my gosh H I have something to tell you something to ask you really just the small small favor so so boss uh you know I have been working really really hard lately right all those extra hours and

Everything if it’s not too much to ask could I possibly possibly get a raise what the is he laughing or crying hey hey Burger boy what’s so funny man you think you could get a race man I’ve been working here for 5 years man there’s no

Way years I thought you worked here 3 years dude I don’t even know what your story count sometimes dude oh my gosh dude can you can you be quiet man go back to making your burgers this is my this is my uh issue with look man you’re

Going to need it oh my gosh a raise why is that well let me let me explain the situation to you sir and I hope you really really take this seriously so my uncle and I we don’t come from the best parts and and let’s just just say you

Know uh the people in town They Don’t Really they don’t really look at this place in a very nice manner so so uncle and I we’re actually from the poor neighborhood and I was just wondering you know uh possibly with this raise I I can move Uncle out you know to to a

Better place and and and give him a better life um sadly ready with this job it’s impossible to get a get a house what no no no that that that can’t you paid me $5,000 so so it would be possible with or even with the raise wait what what do

You mean so even with with the raise it it wouldn’t be enough oh my gosh I really I really really thought I I had a chance but oh man this is honestly the worst news ever but come on can you at least think about it but I do know

Someone who could help you wait what help me so so I could still buy a house maybe um yeah let me call my sister uh all right okay well I guess I just have to patiently sit right here and just wait oh man I really really hope that I

Can I can help Uncle Carter out because that is honestly my goal I’ve been wanting to help him out forever especially after he helped me out ah Burger boy you were right man you were really really right I couldn’t get the raise but it’s all good I guess oh that should be hurt

Oo oh my gosh I really really hope I can help Uncle Carter out so uh where oh there she is oh my gosh that’s your sister okay well uh uh hello there hey Sis hi hi hi hi um it’s really nice to meet you what’s your

Name hey uh so I was called yeah yeah I can explain all my situation and everything so um basically my uncle and I uh we live in the the poor neighborhood out of town and I was hoping I could move him out you know I’ve been working really really hard to

Save up money especially with this job right here that your brother hired me for and uh a how sweet well uh I was just wondering what’s your name I mean my name is ready so you can just call me ready uh Marge hi nice to meet you Marge

Well I’m really really hoping you can help me out today uh boss it’s okay if I take the day off right he’s my best worker so treat him good uh yeah yeah I work really hard yeah of course man I guess he’s not giving me a raise after

All go ahead ready thank you so much boss oh I can’t wait to take a day off ooh nice whip you got there dang the engine look at that the engine is smoking up oh yeah all right let’s head on over to our first house oh my gosh I

Can’t wait I can’t wait let’s go to our first place oh man I can’t wait to take a look at this first house oh wait um what is this we got a grocery store uh Marge what are where are you taking me I thought we were going to a

Neighborhood no no it’s an apartment oh an apartment well I guess that’s still better than living out of town and it’s going to be a lot closer to work so uh sure I I guess we can take a look at the apartment you do think that you can buy a house that’s cute

Wait what what hey that’s not nice uh not with that salary dude oh my gosh that’s not even nice I just met you and you’re being rude to me oh gosh uh oh wait they have robot workers here too um I guess that’s normal in this town at

This point not rude honest I guess you’re right greetings sir uh hello hello uh Mr Robot uh we were just wondering if we could take a look at you know uh one of of the apartments that you guys have offered um could you take the lead please Marge M it smells so

Good in here oh yeah I mean I guess they do have like a grocery store down here so it’s really nice sure go ahead okay well uh Marge you have the keys and stuff right yeah follow okay oh it’s kind of nice having a real estate agent

Uh to follow around who the heck oh oh okay sorry about that Mr Robot okay well let’s ooh this is very fancy okay okay but it kind of seems a little oh oh man this place is amazing oh my goodness this is great this is great I can’t wait to live here with

Uncle Carter I think this is perfect oh my gosh this is perfect March yep and it’s good and roomy oh man I can’t wait to surprise Uncle Carter with his brand new apartment well uh let’s let’s head down so I can sign the papers let’s go

Go let’s go oh man I can’t wait I can’t wait once I have the keys in my hand I’m going to surprise Uncle Carter how do you rate this place from one to five stars definitely a five of course oh let’s go let’s go oh man oh Marge Marge

Marge I’m ready I’m so ready to sign the papers let’s do it oh man we basically get the entire upper floors uh so before you sign anything I have to tell you rent’s about 20,000 a month or so 20,000 what what I just made 5,000 in my

First month that that that’s 4 months of work yeah it’s a good place though oh man that’s kind that’s kind of that’s kind of harsh um okay well can we take a look at another place please I’m sure there’s more options in the city right

Yeah of course okay let’s head on over I wonder where this next place is going to be so far it’s been a good experience I guess um wait what that was such a short drive um okay well um let’s take a look at this next spot at the

Cafe yep huh looks very cozy oh it looks very nice and cozy wao this place is kind of nice I kind of like this as the lobby greetings hey I have a client here to look for an apartment so I’m just going to push on by ooh

Okay let’s take a look at this oh man this is probably not going to be as nice wait this is just as nice this is really beautiful wao so the living room oh man oh man oh wait wait wait I probably shouldn’t get too excited a little too

Early because if I get too excited what if the price is crazy very cozy yeah yeah yeah let me take a look at the up oh the upstairs is really really nice as well I feel like my heart’s going to break after this all right Marge let’s

Go downstairs and talk about this this is probably perfect but I don’t even know if I can afford this okay tell me the price tell me the price it’s going to break my heart isn’t it I guess we do get two floors that’s probably why it’s going to be expensive like that other

One so it isn’t as bad as the last just 10,000 a month just that’s so expensive that’s twice my payment oh my gosh I feel so poor right now okay let’s look at more options you know before I decide I mean you work at

A fast food spot oh man I guess so let’s take a look at this next spot I’m hoping this next place is a little bit cheaper at this point I’m okay with anything as long as you know we’re close to work and everything uh so so Marge please tell me

This is better in pricing at least ooh this place looks fancy and colorful yep okay let’s take a look at this there’s probably going to be like another robot waiting for us or something um wait who’s this Tommy wait Tommy uh hello sir it’s really nice to meet you um Marge wait uh

Mr Tommy uh do you work here are you like the guy who works at this place yeah yep I own the place oh uh well uh I was just hoping uh if we could take a look at uh so you got a client uh yeah

Yeah yeah I was hoping we could take a look at one of the rooms that you guys have here so um yep go ahead okay let’s go yuppers let me just slide by here oh man I’m super excited I’m super excited um let’s take a look at this room right

Here h i mean it is kind of nice but ah there doesn’t seem to be too much space this looks like more of like a one person kind of yeah this looks like kind of like a one person kind of room so maybe let’s take a look at another room

At least this time it’s not wa okay the kitchen okay so this third floor ooh this room right here I think this might be it it comes with a kitchen a nice little stove refrigerator and everything okay and it has a nice living oh living

Space and also beds oh I think this top floor is perfect and wo what a nice view you get a whole view of the what of the Town Square the town hall and everything and it’s so close to work oh man this is perfect I could just jump if I wanted to

As well I could go to work really quick oh I’m joking I’m joking I wouldn’t jump off I think I would break my legs well uh um I think I think I’ll definitely think about this oh man let’s go back downstairs but this is still probably really really expensive way

More expensive that I’m making obviously so let’s let’s let’s talk about this Marge how much is this going to cost me oh gosh let’s just let’s just pray that it’s not more than my salary you’re not going to believe it and your socks will get knocked off but the price is $4,000

A month oo that is a really good price for the amount of space that we’re going to get I mean I’ll still have $11,000 left buy groceries and stuff for Uncle Carter so you know what uh I think I’ll do it yes yes let’s do it let’s do it

I’m so ready I I’m just I’m just so ready to surprise Uncle my uncle Carter my one and only Uncle Carter okay okay calm down wait what um come on come on pull out the contracts I’m ready to sign I’m ready to sign and pay for the first month oh come

On yeah yeah okay let me get the papers oh let’s go let’s go oh man let’s do it let’s do it is that the contract hand it over hand it over I’m ready to sign I’m ready to sign uh but before I let you sign this I just want to let you know

How much of a great client you are oh uh thank you so much I’m ready to sign I’m ready to sign and I wanted to show you some places that would be your dream home oh uh okay I guess the signing can wait for now uh sure uh let’s head on

Over no no let him let me let him sign now March uh come come on March oh man uh one day one day I’ll be able to buy a house you know that was the goal in the first place but you know unfortunately we won’t be able to get a house yet but

Maybe maybe if I just get that raise I swear he’s holding off on me okay well let’s head on over oh oh my goodness this house is huge oh man this like this is like a really really rich neighborhood this is like four five times the the the size of a wait what

What is this wa this is literally a giant mansion right here Marge there’s no way I would be able to afford this what are you doing I I appreciate you taking me to a place like this but uh surely I would never be able to afford something like

This this is like definitely in the Millions well maybe not today but one day I guess I guess you’re right maybe one day I’ll be able to afford something like this ah okay well oh okay come on all right oo let’s go let’s go I wonder if

This house is for sale right now um wait what wait there’s someone there’s someone living here is huh uh can I help you um uh March um wait what’s going on I have a client wait wait what Mar Marge uh what’s going on over here this

Is my house wait wo whoo wo let me just slip by wait what not again oh gosh I Marge I I really don’t think this is Hey Hey uhoh Oh no you’re not allowed to have a tour here um uh yep it’s your house um come on ready wait what what

Wait W wao did did we just break into someone this is trespassing oh gosh uh I I guess I might as well take a tour around this giant mansion uh while he gives uh okay this is really nice giant TV very very nice uh hey o what’s over

Here what a nice light living space wo a nice little guest room this is really cool sir you have a really really nice place what are you doing here talk to me W you’re so lucky to have a place like this w wo they have like a whole hot tub

Area and a barbecue machine and all that very nice view from here of the city oh that’s where I might end up living as well nice view this is an invasion of privacy get out oh okay okay you know what we probably should get out of here

But thanks for the tors sir oh no we’re definitely going to get in a lot of trouble I probably shouldn’t have followed Marg in here this is really really bad Marge we should get out of here oh no where the heck is Marge March March March drive drive before we get in

Trouble hurry oh gosh oh gosh go go go go go oh gosh he’s chasing us go oh my gosh oh we got to get out of here before he chases us down let’s go let’s go let’s go uh March that was quite crazy but where are you taking me now um uh

March uh why are we stopping here um under construction wait what are these um okay so the house you just saw 10 Millions wait what 10 million oh my gosh the fact that you said that was my dream house that is impossible house that is impossible house not even not

Even a dream house that man over there he was just really really rich but we just got houses that are being built right next to us whoa I I guess this is really cool I can’t wait to see what these homes end up looking like but

Isn’t it a little too close to the poor neighborhood might be a little too close to there you know about 1 milish oh that that still sounds really expensive I can’t even imagine having $1 million oh my goodness under construction uh Marge uh you know this

Is cool and all but I think we should just discuss you know getting the place I trust you will make it big and get a lot of money okay okay well I think it’s time to uh head on back to the town square let’s negotiate you know oh man I

Was getting really hungry H man I love my job hey hey Marge I went into the kitchen and made you an extra Burger because you’ve been showing me around to all these places all day and you know I’m sure you’re really hungry because I know I am so let’s dig in

Cheeseburger woo that was very tasty um but I think I’m ready I think I’m ready to sign the contract and H get this over with because I’m so so excited to break the news to Uncle Carter uh yeah of course oh man let’s sign it let’s sign it signing papers and

There you go there you go it’s all signed and good to go oh shoot I’m so excited I’m so excited so um what’s next what’s next heck yeah okay let’s go let’s go oh uh okay oh shoot I’m really about to live in my own place but but

You know instead of just getting a place for myself I think you know this is this is for Uncle Carter as well I can’t have him live in that nasty neighborhood ever again especially with all the people trying to always take money from him Tommy oh welcome back oh let’s go let’s

Go March let’s go let’s go oh man I can’t wait I can’t wait oh what’s that in her hand what’s that what’s that ready oh shoot oh shoot here’s your new home oh let’s go apartment key woohoo thank you always getting me the sales Marge oh let’s go

Well uh have a great night have a great night Marge and uh it’s really nice to meet you Tommy you’ll be seeing my face around a lot more often now and also uh my uncle Carter yep if you need anything let me know thank you thank you Mr Tommy oh man

See you already and if you need to buy furniture go straight to the mall ooh okay that’s a good idea I still have a little bit of money to buy some furniture to furnish this place even more so that is good to go you might see

Me around still all right see you later Marge okay let me head on over to the mall now here I am at the mall it is getting late so hopefully they don’t close soon where is the furniture store we got the clothing store right here and

Aha this has to be it oh hey there Mr Robot uh do you guys have a home I feel like you guys just sit around here all day huh greetings um I’m looking for oh man they’ve got other beds but I I think I want to replace the color that they have

Right now um hey uh Mr Robot do you guys have red beds because if you do that would be great and maybe H red chairs too should I get red chairs h I think checking inventory oh dang uh are you sure you should be walking into the wall like

That uh Mr Robot oh gosh I think this one is uh malfunctioning uh hello anyone help help help we have a malfunctioning robot uh-oh uh Mr Robot oh no this is really bad uh rebooted oh no come on uh welcome not again hey Mr Robot do you you guys

Have red beds I want to buy two of them please oh this is going to be a lot harder than I thought it was going to be oh it seems like they have it oh perfect oh I wonder what happens if I just started running right now that would be

Really funny wouldn’t it um but I probably shouldn’t do that uh all right uh I have my credit card payment sir or Mr Robot swipe when ready oh okay let me swipe the card there you go all right all paid thank you again Mr Robot transaction action complete come again

Woo you know it’s actually kind of nice having a robots work but you know for the apartment at least I needed a little bit of human interaction because if it was just straight up robots working at the apartment I probably wouldn’t have decided to move there and also it’s a

Lot cheaper than this place that place these places are too expensive for me to live get rid of this get rid of this and replace the beds yeah yes I think Uncle Carter is really going to love this and you know what we might as might as well

Put um nah that would make it really ugly let’s store the beds in here okay I think we’re good to go I can’t wait to surprise Uncle Carter with this apartment key uh is uh is Tommy still working here oh hey hey Tommy uh I hope

The new guy treats the place well hey Tommy so uh it’s okay if my uncle also lives here right there’s going to be two people living in our place yep it’s your apartment it’s all good thank you so much oh let’s go let’s go I’m out of

Here woohoo Uncle Carter here I come I’m so excited but nervous at the same time to break this news to Uncle Carter but hello Uncle Carter I’m home hey sunny boy welcome back home oh my gosh Hoku Carter uh wait a second it smells really good in here oh yeah

Actually I want to surprise you with something surprise me wait what do you mean you know after helping me with my rent uh you deserve this sunny boy thank you so much pizza fries oh my gosh thank you so much and no no no some cherry

Soda I love the Cherry Soda here in pixel town I knew exactly why you like that soda so I grabbed it for you enjoy the food sunny boy okay well let me put down the piz Pizza I can definitely eat you should eat some too oh no no no I’m

Okay these bones are strong enough all right let’s eat the pizza I can definitely eat more woo that was very very delicious oh I’m so glad you enjoyed the food a thank you thank you Uncle Carter well actually I have a really really big surprise for you

Surprise oh shoot I’m so excited this is it this is the moment so um uh Uncle gter I know you’ve been living here for a long time it’s getting really crusty and Dusty whoa what wait why’ you say it like that uh nothing nothing I

Was just saying you know a lot of people they look down on the poor neighborhood and everything right yeah that’s true um well Uncle Carter I I have something for you you have something for me what is it Uncle Carter look at this here I have an

Apartment key I have gotten ourselves an apartment in the middle of the town so we can both live there together no way no sunny boy I can’t I can’t accept this it’s way too good sunny boy oh my thank you so much sunny boy thank you so much oh my thank you so

Much oh my God I don’t know how to repay you sunny boy thank you so much oh don’t worry Uncle Carter you’ve done enough for me as enough already I appreciate it um well you know what’s mine is yours so this key is yours as well who I don’t

Know what to say sunny boy thank you so much uh okay well um I know you probably can’t pack up your stuff so quickly right now so um why don’t you come with me come take a look at this place and I’ll come back to grab all the stuff are

Are you sure about that sunny boy I don’t know come on come on Uncle Carter come on let’s just head on out I can’t wait to show you this brand new place oh shoot here we are Uncle Carter what do you think about this boom holy googly moogly this apartment’s so nice I

Can’t accept it it looks so expensive oh no no no don’t you worry about that at all okay it’s really close to my work and you know you can live a peaceful life now you know people will actually respect you and we don’t ever have to

Tell them that you come from the poor neighborhood ever again wow I guess so thank you so much sunny boy give me a hug oh no don’t cry again Uncle Carter come on come on let’s go and take a look at your room all right all right come on

Now come on now good okay let’s head on upstairs come on come on un Carter oh shoot uh it’s not this room oh wait it’s not what room is this for no no no this is too small for us come on this right here is our room this is our place good googly

Mly oh my gosh um yeah this is it I hope you enjoy this place we have a nice little living room nice paintings we have a nice kitchen and last but not least we have an amazing living space with beds yes so you know what do you think

You love it oh my gosh oh sunny boy I love this y let’s go woo oh my bones my bones you can head to sleep now it’s getting really late now so I got to head back to uh uh your apartment and grab all the stuff all right sounds good

Sunny boy thank you so much I I don’t know what to say give me a give me a hug ah it’s all good it’s all good have a great night okay Uncle Carter got to go and go and grab uh all his stuff now this was totally worth it I’m so

Happy to see him so so relieved of all his stress time to get all of Uncle Carter’s stuff oh ow oh my gosh oh that really hurt oh I’m so dizzy um wait who the heck are you

$1 vs $1,000,000 House in a New Minecraft City!

Welcome to Episode 4 of Pixel Town Minecraft Roleplay – In today’s video, RageElixir tours homes from $1 to $1,000,000 to see which home he can buy to move Uncle Carter to a better place..

Pixel Town Season 1 Episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQC4xQiZPCR9hJQYC767WxDqoDT5KKGls

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Intro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbWoEPaNyvw
Outro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOqenNSWmBQ

#RageElixir #Minecraft #RageNation


  1. rage! for the next vid do exploring and then find ur fanily! i really want ur family back
    plsss rage like ashley will be looking for a job for the kids cause she found the kids and u were missong and then she ends up at ur job and u come and remember everything when you seee her!
    come on do it!

  2. rage please answer this question. Is Ashley Rage.jr Amber and Eli gonna come back are you gonna see them again? or you starting a new family in pixel town?…I really wanna know..

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