PERFECTIONISTS | The Stardew Valley Trials Ep. 3

Alright so, behind the scenes the other day, Seanie Dew actually asked if I could help him  with his Animal Crossing New Horizons museum. And while I was there, Sean asked if I was willing to do a  secret alliance with him and Therm.

He asked if Brookelle and I were cool with  maybe doing a secret alliance where we, all four of us would talk to each  other when it came to voting, when it came to the competition. I said I was down. Leap and I have an ace up our sleeves. A bingo, if you will.

You see, Sean and I were  chatting about the competition,   and then one thing led to another, and… – Leapalot and I are officially in an  alliance with Seanie Dew and Therm. You may call it sneaky, but  I call it self preservation. So the plan is simple.

We keep trying to take out Haboo, sorry Lichat,   you’re a homie but it’s a cold,  cold world out there in the Trials. Haboo has the largest advantage against all of  us in like, 90% of any challenges I can think of. He’s just that good.

I can’t believe Z has managed to take such  a wholesome game and make it so cutthroat. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive him. – One weekend I’m sitting  by myself and I’m working   on one of my own videos when I  hear a Discord message sound.

I look up and I see that it’s KingNooblit,  so I open it up out of extreme curiosity, and I see that he’s informed me that we are  now in an alliance with Seanie and Therm. And y’know what? That made me super happy that  we’d had such an advantage,

Because they’re one of the most trustworthy  teams in this competition right now, and if we’re gonna have an alliance  with anybody, I’m glad that it’s them. I think that we’re gonna be able to do  a lot of damage to these other teams,

And every other team in this competition  isn’t gonna know what hit ’em. –   So… I I’ve been busy. Me, Therm, and Nooblit were hanging out  the other day and I floated the idea   of forming an alliance between  me and Therm and him and Matt,

And Nooblit agreed, and he said his  only goal is really to vote out Haboo. Then the other day, me and Arlie were doing  an Animal Crossing trade, and I thought   “I might as well ask her if her and Brooke  would be interested in an alliance as well.”

Arlie agreed, but only as long as I had  no other alliances with anyone else, And I told her that her and Brooke  were me and Therm’s only alliances. Then, I was messaging  Brandigan and I also asked him   if him and Leapalot would be interested  in an alliance with me and Therm.

He said he agrees, as long as I promise I  didn’t have any other alliances with anyone   else in the game, and I said he’s my only  alliance and the person I trust the most. So now, me and Therm have agreed to an alliance  with every single team that’s left in the game,

Except Haboo and Lichatton. And each one of them thinks  that they’re our only alliance. I think I may have gone a  little too far on this one. – Hello everyone, and welcome to the  third week of the Stardew Valley Trials.

Ten of you remain, but by the end  of our time here together today, we’ll be down to just eight. – I was still feeling good. We still have not gotten any votes,  and we’ve been losing all the games, but that’s okay because no  one thinks we’re a threat,

And like, yeah they’re right, but still. As long as we get no votes,  we’re doing something right, so let’s keep it up. – Going into the third week, I’m  starting to feel a lot more stressed. After not winning the second one, it  feels more like we dodged a bullet  

Not getting put into the elimination event. – I was fairly confident going  into the third week for the Trials. We just came off a W from last week  so, gotta keep the ball rolling. – At this point, my imposter syndrome is getting,  

Like, really really real, like there are  nothing but amazing players all around me. I feel like Brandigan is kind of propping me up. I really gotta buckle down and  prove my worth and just go around. We’ve kinda coasted under the radar  so far, but that can’t last forever.

The pool is getting a little  bit smaller each week. – I would say out of my three alliances,  I trust Arlie the most, since I know she   knows the least amount of people here,  and I doubt she’d try and backstab me.

– Brandigan is one of my closest  friends in the Stardew Valley community,   but he’s just really good at  Stardew, so he must be eliminated. In my alliance with Nooblit and  Matt, I don’t really know why I   made that one to be totally honest, that’s  definitely the fakest of all my alliances.

In reality, all these alliances are pretty fake. The only person I trust is Therm. Me and him are in it to the end, no matter what. Therm and Seanie to the top, baby. I am kinda worried that I might  be in a little over my head,  

And that balancing all these lianes  is going to be super difficult, but at least I know that I am  not getting voted out this week. – The prize pool for the Stardew  Valley Trials will be crowd-funded. I’ve started the pool off at $1,000,  but if you’d like to contribute,

Check out the information  in the description below. Everyone who donates will have their names   featured in the credits at the  end of the remaining episodes. The final total will be revealed  during the season finale.

Last week, I asked you to fight tooth and nail to  survive in the hard version of the skull caverns. It was a challenge that only the  more experienced players have had   the chance to encounter during normal gameplay, but even fewer people have ever attempted  what I have in store for you all today.

Doing well today will require you  to know the game well, be able to   execute on a plan, and think outside the box. Today, you’ll be playing “Perfectionists.” You and your partner have 30  minutes to reach the highest   perfection rating possible from a fresh farm.

Normally, this would be close to  impossible to make any progress towards,   so that’s why you’re going to have  access to the following four mods: The CJB cheats menu allows you  to teleport to different areas,   spawn in unlimited gold, move at 10 times speed, as well as a large variety  of other helpful things.

The CJB Item Spawner allows you to spawn in  any item in the game, just by typing it in. The no-clip mod lets you walk through walls, and the monster spawner mod lets you place  any number of enemies anywhere that you want.

In multiplayer, each aspect of perfection  is tracked based on which of the two of you   has made more progress towards completing it, so only one of you will need to  finish each requirement to get credit. Once your 30 minutes are up, we’ll check your  final perfection rating in Qi’s walnut room,

And that percentage will be your score. Good luck. – I think that we’ll be pretty good at  the perfection challenge because I use   all the mod that Z gave us all  the time for recording purposes. but I know that Haboo knows way  more about this stuff than me,  

So I’m pretty scared that he’d gonna win. Honestly, I don’t even care about winning. I just need Haboo out right  now, right this second. For this challenge, I think the most  important thing to remember is that   so many aspects of perfection are all or nothing.

Produce and forage is based on  a percentage of produce shipped, monster slayer hero is a yes or no answer, so even  if you have all but none of the goals finished, you don’t get any percent added  to your perfection tracker.

– I think this is one of the only  ones where Seanie and I would have   a reasonable chance at winning, because both of us are pretty casual players. Downside of that is that we aren’t  very good at playing the game   quickly, but we both know it pretty well,

So I think we could do a good job of  using our resources to our advantage. – I think the most perfection  from scratch challenge sounded   like the most fun challenge we had done so far. and I was excited to be the one to spawn  in tons of monsters and take them all out.

– I’m stressed. I have almost no experience of gameplay  past completing the Community Center. I have no idea what’s even  necessary for perfection. Is the Community Center even required? – I actually felt really optimistic about  the perfection from scratch challenge. We needed to get as many points  toward perfection as possible,  

But we were able to use cheats and  reference the wiki to target our goal. I work extensively with the item  spawner for my own projects,   and I had to achieve perfection recently  for a couple of videos that I made, so I was thinking this might be out  first golden mask, to be honest,

But I’ve had those hopes before so we’ll see. – when I heard that the challenge was  a perfection from scratch, I was uh,   a little overjoyed, saying that I’ve dabbled  just a little bit in perfection speed running. Just a smidge.

– I know how to get to perfection, so  that part didn’t bother me too much. What did worry me was using mods  when I’ve only ever played vanilla. Many players definitely had  a large advantage over me, luckily I had an experienced player on my  team who’s done stuff like this before,

So as long as I listen to Haboo  and try my best we should be fine. Definitely a very cool idea that I  would love to try on my own though. – I’m a vanilla Stardewer, so I rarely use mods. I’ve only done perfection once, and  I definitely took my time doing it

So it was kind of hard on a short notice to   organize in my brain the  best way to hit perfection in such a short amount of time. – Brookelle and I both I think felt the same way, not confident at all because Brooke and I  are both vanilla Stardew Valley players.

I kind of went into this knowing  I’d be really really bad at it,   because as a vanilla player, I got  perfection in Stardew by grinding. I was just like “oh God,  this is not gonna be good,”

I’m so used to the grind and so used to like,  taking three in-game years to get perfection. – So in our eyes, the main thing that’s going  to be the decider of this challenge is who   uses all of the tools of the cheat mods the best,

So the first thing we did was scroll  thing every page of the cheats window to   just make sure there wasn’t anything that we  should be using that we didn’t know existed. – Me and Therm’s strategy was for me  to work on all the hard large stuff,  

While we focused on most of the little stuff  that required him to go through the menus: Crafting, produce shipped,  friendship, skill levels. I focused on the bigger things  that make you go to certain places,   like build the obelisks, getting the  golden clock, monster slayer hero.

I think this made me feel a ton of pressure  since if I messed up anything of these things,   we’d get zero percent. I felt extremely tense the whole time. – Basically what we’re gonna do is unlock   the community centre right  away by just cheating it in.

On day 1 I’m just going to immediately  cheat in everything that I need   real quick, and then we’re  just gonna immediately sleep. I can do all the item  spawning, and monster spawning. So immediately when you- when we start,  

Just press V and go into the players tab  and just increase your space and kinda just look at the tabs and look what you can do. Just press the tenth heart on every single NPC,  and just have them all at max relationship,

And then we’ll sleep a day  and then you spam open mail   to get all the cooking recipes and  then immediately go upgrade your house. – Knowing the quickest way to  do things with something that   I’ve never used before was definitely challenging. I was petty much relying  on my teammate’s expertise.

I feel like we worked well together and  crafted a plan on the fly pretty successfully. The knowledge of what it takes for  perfection was definitely an asset for me. Okay I was supposed to do something  else, I did the friendship already. – Uh, start just shipping  items, just shipping items. – Shipping items?

– Yeah. – Okay. – Just spring open the thing  and just start typing away. I’m doing a bunch of quests to  get the wizard’s stuff going. – We pretty much just split up some of the  tasks arbitrarily and prayed for the best.

In hindsight, we should’ve spent a  bit more time planning and focused   on some categories that we could quickly  squeeze some easy perfection points out of. – Our strategy during the challenge here was   similar to the way we’ve  kinda played before honestly. Split the work and communicate  where we’re at, help each other out.

Yeah so I have to use,   I have to use this combination of mods  for every single video that I make, so I’m actually pretty familiar  with them so that’s cool. – I’ve used them all too, so that’s good. – I can do obelisks for sure,

All stardrops I’m not sure  about that because fishing – Yeah. – and I don’t think giving ourselves  stardrops is gonna trigger that one. Do we just give ourselves a ton of money right  away, and then start running and doing stuff? or how to do wanna hit the  very first couple of days.

– Instantly we just click, like,  everything, skills, relationships, quests, and then we instantly sleep, and then kind of evaluate like what y’know,   what cutscenes are we getting,  what cutscenes aren’t we getting? – I started by building obelisks and the clock,  

Which was an okay use of time, the lock was  good but the obelisks probably not idea. In a do-over I would skip those. – Do you wanna talk strategy  at all before we start? I would say prioritizing the  fish, the produce and forage,  

The monsters, and the friends,  and the golden clock as well. We can kinda split it probably right? One of us can do produce and forage while somebody  else is slaying all the monsters and whatnot. – Sounds like a plan. – Ready Three… Two… One… Go.

– We really just kinda like dived in head-first  and didn’t really discuss a strategy,   so what was our strategy? Nothing. – Our strategy was for me to  take care of the monster killing,   while KingNooblit worked on everything else.

Okay, so I just need two spawn in a crazy  weapon, all the buff food, and then just spawn- – Wait wait wait, before you do this,  the first thing we’re gonna want to do   is set yourself invincible. You’re going to want to go to Time,  and we’re going to go to winter 28th,  

And then sleep a day so that Kent spawns,   because we have to hit max hearts with  everything, so we need Kent in the game. We can work from there. What I’m gonna first do is bin every  item as soon as we’ve got Kent there.

I’m going to make myself max heart and go  to the wizard to start purchasing stuff. – You ready? Three… Two… One… Go. Main goals are to get the golden cloak, get the  warp obelisks, dump a bunch of stuff in the bin, and if there’s still time, maybe do some cooking.

How could that go wrong? Oh you can’t skip Kent! – Evelyn too? Oh everybody. – Oh my gosh, setting your skills is so terrible. – So I’m giving myself walnuts, here we go. – I got the community Center. – Yup, it needed you I guess as the host.

– Yeah, actually that’s exactly what it needed. – Okay, let’s go to sleep. – Okay, let’s do that. – I have everything to make the obelisks. So I’m gonna go to the wizard. – I’m worried that it’s not unlocked. – Oh sure, I bet it’s not actually. I can turn it on though.

Give myself the dark talisman – Yeah yeah, try that, try that. I’m gonna start killing monsters I guess. – The way we figured, it was a matter of spawning  specific items for both shipment and construction, making friends with all the villagers,

And then killing monsters would probably  the part where we took the most time. That or fishing. We decided to go with monsters  and Brandigan took over the   monster spawning duties while I  worked on the complete shipment. – Seanie was gearing up to donate a bunch of stuff  

To the Community Center and we  found out that you could just   click a button to finish Joja or whatever  which was pretty much all we needed to do. – Warp locations, Joja Mart. – Oh, you can just click Joja Mart membership. – Oh you can?

– Yeah, “Advanced” at the very bottom you can  just give yourself Community Center stuff. I’m exploring right now. Okay, I’ve done all the friendship and skills,   so now I think a good idea would be,  you’re working on the buildings right? – Yeah I’m getting those done.

– I’ll clear a spot for you for the obelisks. – That would be amazing yeah  just spawn in a bunch of bombs. – Just a second I have to get  through all my friendship cutscenes. – Oh my God. – Because I have a million of them.

– The items spawner as well, the big difference  is that was that we found that you could like,   change the category of items so I could make  it so that I just just see forgeables which   saved us a lot of time for doing  full shipment and stuff like that. Equipment, Farm Crops.

There we go, this is gonna be what does it. Oh this is smart dude, I’m so smart. Just gonna go ahead and say that  because everyone’s thinking it. – I feel like in the beginning, I definitely  could have worked better with Arlie to organize  

The plan, and be more solidified on how  we wanted to get the percentages done. I can buy the clock, I’m  throwing money in like crazy. Do you wanna start going the  things that have to be delivered? Go to the boxes and start doing that? – Go to the what?

– Go to start shipping stuff in the shipping  box is like fish, produce, stuff like that. – Okay, oh Lord have mercy. – You can do whatever you want,  what would you like to do? – I’ll do the produce and forage shipped.

I kept forgetting to like, speed up my  character like, it was way harder than   expected just because I felt like I was just  so unfamiliar and unprepared with the mod. – Oh wait what? You can actually set your farming level. You don’t have to do anything.

I personally started to panic a  little bit on not realizing that   building friendships with the villagers  was gonna take a lot longer than expected, because I assumed that each person you became  friends with would help on the percentage, but that’s not actually how  the percentages work out,

So that was an error on my part. – I say we don’t focus on the same thing  because I think that we don’t have to. – I’m doing the skills right now, go  focus on getting the stuff shipped – Okay. – And then if we have time, oh well, I guess.

– I think Brookelle and I worked well, but  just because we were both unfamiliar with   this mod, we messed up so much, and we  definitely prioritized the wrong things. – I’ll go make friendships with the entire time. – Okay. – I think almost everyone likes Prismatic Shards

– I think after this I’m gonna try and do the   cooking, cause I actually think  we can do that pretty easily. Oh Lord have mercy I’m getting a cutscene. – Oh no it’s the Joja Mart  success, no I hate this. This is terrible. Don’t talk to me dumb boy.

I don’t care about you, I  literally don’t care, oh my God. – I needed the Steam  achievement though so it’s fine. – Okay I’m going to the wizard. Oh I’m going to, axe while I’m here,  get the Sweet Gem Berries stardrop. – 1000 slimes incoming. – Oh I felt that!

– Okay so that task should be done. – I didn’t get the little thing that  said you’re award is ready at Gunthers. Not Gunthers, Gil. – Have you unlocked the thing yet? The adventurers’ guild? – Oh no. – Go to the bottom of the mines  and get the stardrop there.

I lost so much time trying to figure  out how to access the wizard’s tower. Why? why won’t you give me? Oh, after the retreiving the ink I’ve got to do this whole thing Luckily, me and Matt worked well as a team,   because I would’ve been in last  100% had I done this alone.

– Good evening. Okay it should be good to go now. I’ll fight all the monsters right here it’s fine. Let’s do this one. Pause time, pause time, pause time. – What happened? – Game closed. I don’t know if I hit a button  or something but it closed. – I’m stuck in loading.

– Uh oh. – We lost all the progress of that day. Oh, luckily we slept through the day  so all of things that we did was saved. – are you in? – Not yet – Okay. We lost a little bit of progress there. – I think it was going well.

I was completing the monster slayer  goals until all hell broke loose. – You okay? – Um. I just spawned 100 slimes and I don’t have a  weapon yet, wait maybe I can get my scythe. Yes, I got it. Scythe worked. – I can’t place anything  because it’s going insane.

– Okay, you should be good now. – Alright, let me load back. Oh God. I hope I’m not crashing right now. – Are you good? – I don’t know it’s on the loading screen. Okay, I’m back. Alright, cool. – Wait do we have to unlock  the adventurer’s guild first?

Oh boy I think we might. We did! Damn okay. It’s not a big deal but you may lag again. – No it’s all good, I was loading  a menu I think is what did it. – Oh no I crashed! – Really? – Yeah, that’s gonna kick you out isn’t it?

– Yeah I’m just gonna go to  my title and I’ll just wait. – Okay. Oh no Did we lose everything? Spawning the monsters caused my game to crash  halfway through it, but it gets even worse. Leap and I hadn’t slept to save our progress. What a dagger. I lost everything

– It was a lot harder than I would’ve expected. Especially being able to use cheats and all. I kinda was focused on the pillars thinking  they would give more percentage points but   when I re-looked at it they only give 1 each so  I literally spent like 5 minutes trying to get  

1 percentage point when I could just do  that by casting my fishing rod into the   water with instant cast on and just  getting a bunch of fish rapidly. – Let me know when you wanna slept,  I just don’t know what I’ve shipped  

And what I haven’t, and I’ve  shipped most of it I think. Okay, I’m just not 100% sure what I’m missing. – Once you’re done doing that, it’s going  to be a really annoying process but you’ve   gotta level up everything  single one of your skills. – Okay.

– And you have to do stone at a  time to be ready to just spam V. – Alright, so all of the items are shipped. – So you go V, and then you go skills – V, player, and then it’s… – Oh man, okay got it. – It’s the most annoying thing.

– One hiccup on my end was that  I accidentally reset all my skill   levels o I lost a few minutes there as  getting to level 10 is time-consuming, and I could’ve used that time to craft more  things helping to bring our percentage up higher.

Skills, oh they’re all back at zero what the heck? That’s why everything was gone, why did it reset? What the heck? – Maybe you can buy the golden clock if  you have all the heart with the wizard.

– In theory I could get the gold clock  and all the obelisks right now, in theory. We’re just gonna surround our house with them. – Fish caught, catch every fish. Can I just look that up? – The problem is we have to  skip seasons, but we can.

– Can I just like, look it up  though and add it to my inventory? – I think you have to go catch them. I don’t know try. Because it’ll show as a fish that you- – Yeah okay it doesn’t work, that’s okay. Everything is shipped now.

– Okay cool, what do you want to work on next. – I guess I can do the recipes. I mostly focused on the shipping and whatnot,  I thought about doing the cooking but then I   completely forgot you need the Queen  of Sauce recipes to even do that. We need the recipes.

– Oh no okay don’t worry about  it then there’s just no time. I would go try to give people gifts then – We should’ve focsed on the easier stuff more. The stuff that the mods could’ve helped  us but we didn’t know what the mods could  

Help us out with and so we really fell  short on this challenge because of that. I think if we had done the monster  hunter achievement goals and whatnot   we could’ve gotten a lot more points,  but after we finished I kinda felt bad. – We have like literally 30 seconds left.

So whatever you can do, do. Okay, that was 30 minutes. – Good gravy that is so hard to do. – I think compared to others, we definitely  weren’t in last place, but I do think that   we definitely not at the top so I’m curious  to see how we compare to other competitors.

– I knew pretty much everyone would get  the easy ones like the obelisks and the   golden clock and friendship, so it was super  important for my to get monster slayer hero,   which is by far the hardest one to achieve. I think we’re just sort of like, prodigies.

– I think we might be in goober mode. The only real hiccup we had is that we didn’t  understand how the monster spawner mod worked   at first, so we just spam clicked in monsters  to kill until Seanie finally figured how you  

Could just spawn in a billion monsters at once,  so it was a hiccup but it wasn’t catastrophic. We worked around it. – Oh wait hold on hold on, I think I  figured it out, I think I figured it out. Okay you go craft, okay you go craft.

I think I got this figured out. Oh I did it! Okay. – Nice! Oh my God I’m so proud of you. – Thank you! With barely any time left I was  worried I wouldn’t be able to make it. I was typing as fast as I  could and I was freaking out.

Oh my God. One more thing to go. 50 seconds. I got this. Magma sprites. Okay ew just gotta kill all these Magma Sprites. Okay that’s the last thing. Nice! – Are we done? – I think we got them all. – Luckily with less than a minute to spare,  

I killed the last of the enemies  and because the monster slayer hero. I think I got them all just verifying. Nice I got them all! – How much time is there left? – Like 20 seconds. – Okay. Wow. – Oh my gosh that was so stressful. I had to do so much typing.

I honestly think that me and Therm  did really well in this challenge. I was really satisfied with our performance. – It was honestly easier than I expected. There were a few that we just couldn’t do, like  the recipes one just wasn’t really realistic. The cooking part wasn’t really realistic because  

We couldn’t watch Wueen of  Sauce in a timely manner. We probably could’ve skipped to a bunch  of sundays but we didn’t wanna have to   deal with like, cutscenes and letters  so I’m pretty happy with what we did. – Once I finished with monsters, I joined  him in completing any unfinished tasks,  

And I thought we worked pretty well together. Although, I did forget to turn  on one hit kills for the monsters   so it took a little longer than I could have. Oh this is about to be a nightmare. Serpent.

Dang of them flew so far away, now  they’re all coming back one at a time. – We’ve got no-clip – But it’s like, out of game bounds – Why didn’t you turn on one-hit kill? – What? I thought that was, it’s in  players I thought that was like,

Why would that be player one-hit kill? Why would that kill me in one hit? Yeah. Hey, it’s okay, most of them except for this  one and the mummies have been one-hit kill. – Honestly I’m worried that we didn’t do well. We had to reset the day due to some issues.

I didn’t even notice that the task  for the star drop was every single   stardrop not just a portion of them  until after the event was completed. There’s so much that could be improved  on, and the whole day reset really hurt. I just hope we aren’t last. – No! Cutscene, cutscenes why. Robin!

Please be- No! Cutscenes! Stop! I can’t skip this cutscene! Oh man, I was gonna go buy all the Robin recipes  so that we can craft it with stone and wood,   and I’m stuck in a cutscene I can’t skip. Five… Four… Three… Two… One… – And call it. Okay, well. GG

I think we did fairly well compared to the other  competitors, and it actually kind of surprised me. – I just threw half of our  time away because I’m an idiot. No excuses though, we just gotta claw our way  back and pray to Yoba we aren’t last place. – That was pretty brutal.

Because we had only saved once to that point. We had a really good rhythm going though,   so we booted back up with like half the  time we expected and got back to work. Even with that crash, I felt pretty  confident that we would not be in last.

We really, really were doing quite well. But my hopes of a golden mask, y’know,  pretty much gone at this point. – No Marnie I don’t want the cat! – Alright we got about ten minutes left. – Okay. I can definitely finish up the monsters.

– I guess I’m gonna go back to getting items. I still think that we worked really well together,   and I think compared to everyone  else, we’ll probably do okay. It was a little nerve-wracking and honestly  it got a little silent and tense, we didn’t  

Talk much after our initial planning, like  I wasn’t upset, I don’t think he was upset,   it was just kind of an unfortunate situation,  but I still think we did pretty decently. – Lichat kinda just spawned in a bunch of the  items for the shipping and friendship stuff, so we  

Got a bunch of free percentage points there while  I tried to do the monster eradication goal which, I may or may not have messed up. I couldn’t figure out which enemies I still  needed to kill, so I went to the adventurer’s  

Guild, just check the board real quick, and I  noticed that I only needed one and I was like “I think that last one is Pepper Rexes” So I go outside, and I kill a few, and I notice   that I didn’t get the kill credit for  it, and I’m like “huh, that’s weird.”

So I go outside and kill even more. And I still didn’t get ht skill credit for it. So I spawned in like 2000 of them, just  immediately after and I killed them all again,   and I still don’t have the Pepper Rexes  reward yet, so I’m like “This is bugged.”

So I go into skull caverns looking for  a Pepper Rex to kill just to make sure   this isn’t bugged and I had to kill them manually, so I go find one and then I go back to  the board and it’s still not filled in. And then I realize… Oh

I was just looking at the wrong one. Oh I messed up I thought that was Pepper Rexes. Oh it was skeletons! Yeah we’re done, yeah that’s 30 minutes. Oh I completely messed up, I  thought that was Pepper Rexes. How many did I end up killing? The poor dinos, I killed 1314. Yeah.

There was a lot of dead dinos. A lot. Great job everyone. Having done this challenge myself in the past, it was really fun to see what  strategies your team had. Your scores were really close,  so let’s see how you all placed. The team that did the worst during this challenge,  

And who will be receiving an  extra vote for the elimination, with 40% perfection, Brookelle and partyarlie. – I wasn’t even surprised, I  kinda felt like this was expected,   I had a feeling we were gonna lose this challenge. – I was beyond shocked, I wasn’t  expecting us to be in last.

I know we didn’t do great but I just  wasn’t expecting to be in last place. With 52%, in fourth place, is Brandigan and Leapalot. – We’re not last place! We’re not last place! Woohoo! Despite our best efforts and me literally throwing  this challenge, Leap and I were able to throw  

Our pixelated bodies out from the fiery depths of  humiliation and into the cool flowing breeze of… second to last place. With 53%, in third place, is Haboo and Lichatton. – Overall I am a little  disappointed with my performance. We still got a very high placement,  

But obviously, with how the Trials have  been going, if we’re not first, we’re last. And with 54% in second place is, King Nooblit and Matt, but with 63% perfection, SeanieDew and Therm are the  winners of the Golden Masks! –   I would say I’m shocked but we’re  kinda gods, so I’m not really shocked.

Seriously though, I don’t actually know how to  feel about this, because it’s definitely really   rewarding to actually win a challenge, it  feels great, it’s nice to know that we’re   good at something, and like, we didn’t just  win, we won by a lot, we kinda crushed it,  

But at the same time that kinda freaks me out,  because we’ve been kinda cruising this whole time,   and I feel like the other competitors as  a team that really isn’t a threat at all,   and I’m worried that now that we’ve won a  challenge, they might start thinking we’re  

More of a threat than they thought, which might  get us a few more votes, which really scares me. – While I was really proud of me and  Therm for doing well in the challenge,   I really, really, really wish we hadn’t won.

I think both me and Therm were hoping  to just float under everyone’s radar,   but by winning we kinda put a target on our back. I knew that there was no way we could  get voted out because of our alliances,   so winning might’ve actually been a bad thing.

Might be too good at Stardew Valley. Congratulations guys, you are  safe from elimination this week, and will make the sole decision to send  one of the teams into the elimination. The rest of you, it’s time to  vote, so head on up to the summit.

– So here’s where things get  a little bit, I don’t know… shifty? Obviously, this isn’t survivor, there aren’t  cameras following us around everywhere and   reporting everything we do which means  being sneaky is just a little bit easier. Seanie Dew, Therm, Brandigan  and I are voting together.

At the end fo this round,  Seanie Dew and Therm were safe. They won the challenge and had golden masks,   that meant that they were picking one  half of the elimination challenge. Brnadigan and I would vote for Lichat  if they were in the elimination,  

It’d be up to Sean and Therm  to pick their challenges. If somehow though, Brandigan and I were in the  elimination, we were hoping not to face them, So yeah, there was a little bit of an uneasy  power dynamic there because Sean and Therm  

Could kinda do whatever they wanted as winners but  y’know, I think we have a good thing going here,   I trust those guys, I’m sure they’re  gonna do y’know, what we talked about. – Okay so after Leap and I consulted Seanie and  Therm, the vote for us was to stick to the plan.

We kill the Batman. Except, we don’t kill, we just  put them in the elimination   round and instead of Batman it’s Haboo. So, i guess Lichat is Robin in this analogy? I don’t know, either way,  we gotta shoot our shot so  

My vote is for Habituate and Lichat in hopes  of taking one of the strongest duos out. I’m really just happy we aren’t last. As always, I had to vote for Haboo. This guy literally knows more than the wiki. Like actually, he’s literally  corrected the wiki several times. How do I compete against that?

– We decided to vote for Haboo, ’cause can’t have  Haboo in the challenge anymore, he’s too skilled. No more Haboo. Please and thanks. – Honestly, it didn’t really  matter who we vote for. People are gonna vote for team Haboo and  Lichat, so our vote is pretty useless.

– Y’know, our vote doesn’t matter, so we kinda  just threw a vote at Brooke and wait a minute- Z? Why are still doing this? Everybody’s just gonna vote for us. Like why? Please. Just get it over with. – Okay, is anybody not voting  for Haboo and Lichat this week?

Okay perfect, so we’ll just ski the summit and  we’ll go right to Seanie and Therm’s thing. Now unfortunately, partyarlie has told me  that she’s having some serious technical   difficulties right now, and so she’s actually  going to be out for the rest of the episode.

In the event her team is  selected for the elimination,   our friend BlaDe is willing to fill in for her. – Hi. I’m BlaDe. I am best known for breaking and protecting  RNG, and for my speed runs and challenge runs. I’ve completed the missing bundle on summer 4,  

Year 1, and have married Haley  on the 17th of spring, year 1. – Seanie and Therm, as winners of the Golden  masks, you are solely responsible for deciding   who will play against Haboo and  Lichatton in this elimination. Who would you like to send in?

– I forgot that when you win, you have to  publicly put someone into the voting chamber   in front of everybody. I just thought that you go immunity and the  bottom two got put into the elimination. This made things a little sticky. Before I even had a second to think about it,  

All of my alliances are starting  to phone me at the same time. Brandigan and Leapalot call me straight away  on Discord, and while I’m trying to have a   conversation with them, Arlie starts messaging  me, and then Brookelle, and then KingNooblit.

I’m freaking out a million people  are pinging me all at the same time,   they’re all trying to talk to me and I’m  just trying to figure out what the heck we   should do because we’re gonna have to put  somebody out in front of everybody else. But then…we have a saving grace.

A light from a tunnel far away. Z tells us that since Arlie was  having technical difficulties,   that BlaDe would the subbing in for her, and  BlaDe is one of the best Stardew players I know,   and one of the few people that I  would trust to take out Haboo’s team.

Far larger than that, it gives us an  actually plausible out to break our   alliance with Brooke and Arlie and  put them into the elimination round. Brooke starts to call me so I have to tell  Bran and Leap that I have to take a poop,  

And I hop on a call with her, and I tell her  that I’m gonna put her and BlaDe into elimination   so that they can knock out Haboo and we  could all continue on, alliances ablazing. She seemed a little hesitant at  first, but in the end, she ended up  

Thanking me for coming up with  this plan and trusting her. Thanking me, for voting her out. I feel pretty bad about having  to lie to everyone but honestly,   having all these alliances is exhausting. If Arlie and Brooke go, it’s really  not the end of the world for me.

I do feel bad because they are my friends, but I  mean you gotta do what you gotta do in the Trials. We’re putting Brooke and Arlie/BlaDe  into the elimination round. – I assume that Seanie and Therm  chose Brooke and Arlie to bring me in,  

Thinking it was the best chance to  knock Haboo and Lichat out of the game. I had a bit of pressure on me. – And so it will be Haboo and Lichatton vs  Brookelle and BlaDe filling in for partyarlie. I hope you’re good with word puzzles,  

Because for this elimination, you’ll  be playing in “The Scrambled Scramble.” When the challenge starts, I’m going to  send you all the same list of 11 words,   but all of the letters are mixed up. You’re going to need to first  figure out what that word is,  

And then find that object somewhere within  Stardew Valley and bring it back to the farm. Between the two of you, each team is only  allowed to pick up one of each object. There’s at least two of everything,   so this way one team won’t be left  unable to get some of the items.

Whichever team is able to retrieve all 11 items  first, bring them back to the farm, put them in   their own chest, and make the chest color white  first, will be the winner of the challenge. Good luck. – I love word scrambles let’s go!

But in all seriousness, putting me up  against my Stardew wife, this saddens me. It means the journey ends for one of us tonight – Lichat is very good at word problems, like very  good, she kinda does a lot of them on her stream.

I just go fast, so we kinda make a  terrifying duo here if she figures   out how to unscramble the words and  I go run around and be a dipsh**. – I was super scared, only because I know  that Lichat does words on stream every time  

She takes a break, and she’s an actual queen  at deciphering words, and I’m the worst at it. Honestly didn’t feel like I was gonna do too well,   but I was feeling hopeful at the same time  because BlaDe is such a good Stardewer. Okay so do you have any sort of plan by chance?

– Plan? Um, find out what the items are and go get them. – Okay. Screw it, I think that we need to quickly read it   as quickly as possible and try to  split it up my map sides maybe?

Like you go on one side of the map, I go on the  other side of the map instead of like, trying to   waste the time running around. This is stress. stress, stress, stress.

– Yeah so if you can just figure them I’ll copy  and paste the list in our chat and then you just   start listing them out, I’ll identify them. Just keep them in order. Just identify them don’t  worry about walking around. – Yeah that sounds like a good plan.

If you see any of them just go for it,   let me know what it is, communication’s  going to be an important thing. Haboo and Lichat, Brooke and  BlaDe, here’s the list of items, in Three… Two… One… – Brooke was a bit confused  about the challenge at first,  

Not realizing that all the clues were scrambled. – What is I don’t know, oh  they’re all mixed up, s**t. – Yep, that’s the idea. Three is “clam”. – Clam okay I’ll run to the beach yep. – Joja Cola? – Joja Cola okay clam, joja cola got it.

– I’m gonna go to Joja Mart. – Man these are tough. Holy Jeez. I was trying to figure out the  separate of the banks of words. I was trying to figure out of there were any  tricks, if there were multiple words involved. What where these words? communication would be the key,  

If either of us found a word, I’d try to  keep track and continue untangling as we go. – As soon as the game started, I kinda just named  three or four right off the bat – I saw clam,  

I saw dandelion, and I saw horseradish, so I just  made my way through the bus stop and the beach – We got clam and joja cola immediately. Brooke worked out Sea Urchin  when getting the clam. – Oh! Sea Urchin! Clam and sea urchin!  Sea urchin’s the very last one.

So I can get a clam and a sea urchin. – Basic window. – Okay so I have a clam and a sea urchin. – I’m getting a joja cola. Basic window is 6. – Um, let’s see. – What the one with two J’s? Joja cola. – Okay. -One’s void egg.

– Is there a coop? Find the coop and go into the coop  there should be a void egg in there. – Void egg was the next one we  unscrambled so I checked the coop   only to figure out it was not there. Haboo headed over to the  sewer to buy the void egg.

Once we figured out void egg, the  word separations made more sense. – Okay I’ve got a joja cola. Dandelion is 4. – Okay I can grab that. – I’m going to Robin’s now for a basic window. We slowly worked out basic window  and dandelion without too much issue.

Horseradish, void egg, spring  onion, were already relatively easy. So, we need to sort out 1, 7 and 10. I’ve got three; Joja cola,  horseradish and basic window. – I have a clam, sea urchin, void egg and  I’m getting the spring onion right now. – Roe? something roe. – Does what-his-name sell roe?

– Willy? No, there’d have to  be a fish pond on the farm. – I got the spring onion. Oh is it fruit? There’s different berries  and there’s a pomegranate, there’s a cherry,   there’s a peach, peach? Apricot? I’m seeing money being spent so  we must be missing something,  

It must be something we buy, is it coffee?  No there’s something that we need to buy. – I’ve bought two things already, I’ve  both a joja cola and a basic window. – I think something is ore. – Iron ore. – I immediately headed down to  get the iron ore from Clint,  

And then over to Joja Mart for the Joja cola. I realized once there the Joja  mart was the abandoned warehouse. Where else can you buy Joja cola? Oh the bar, Gus, Gus, I’m good. – Go into the saloon, there should be a  vending machine on the righthand side.

– Yeah that’s where I’m going. – Something ore, it’s not copper ore, of course it’s iron ore. – What does this next one mean? Sea! It’s a sea urchin! Okay, that makes sense. – We got a majority of them pretty quick  but we struggled with mainly three. – Onion! Spring onion!

It’s a spring onion! – Are you near there? I’m in mountains. – I’m not but I’m gonna head  down that way and grab that. – What has two W’s? – Wait, window? Is is a type of window? – Maybe. It’s a window, that’s a window. Yeah that’s window.

– Wait it’s a house window, it’s basic. It’s basic window. – It’s basic window? Okay so I’ll go grab the window. Oh oh! Vinegar! – I got it, I got it. Go turn things in and double check we have ten.

– We could not for the life of us work  out what “revaign” and “morserob” was – My idea was to go to different shops and read  off the different item to help decipher what may   or may not be there like once you see it, it  kinda helps the brain to unscramble it better.

Seeds? Could any of these be seeds? Tulips, jazz? No. Sugar, wheat, rice, oil, vineagar, Flooring catalogue, could it  be something in the catalogue. – Vinegar. – Vinegar, thank you. Got it. – So now it’s just 10, it’s just the last one.

– Haboo got the vinegar from Pierre’s and  I realized we’re still missing one. I did   a quick cross-reference of our list to  find “morserob” was out missing one. – You got dandelion? – I’m looking for it right now, I have a fricking  daffodil not a dandelion because I’m an idiot.

– You got it? Okay. What’s the last one we’re missing? – Ten. – Okay. – Ten is the only thing we’re missing. We only had one left to work out. – Is that sombereo? Could that be one – No there’s an “m” in it. Oh wait no. – I’m walking down already.

– I passed Haboo in the forest  as he was racing down south. That should have alerted me to something. I completely forgot about being  able to buy hats from the hat mouse. – I’m pretty sure that’s what it is. That’s so random. Where do you get a sombrero?

– I think they already bought it. I want you to check the chest. I feel like we’re just about to  lose by the skin of our teeth. – Where do you get a sombrero from? – Hat mouse, I just bought it. – Oh you got it? – Yeah. – Okay cool.

– You buy it from hat mouse. – I was crossing my fingers and hoping   that Brooke and Arlie would not come  back only to take it all away from us. We had this, we had the last word we had  sombrero, I was just waiting on Haboo to get back.

– Something that what-his-name can sell, the- – Dwarf? – The dwarf, I’m gonna check the scarf right now. Oh Lichat, they won. – Oh God. Congratulations Haboo and Lichatton, you have  won your second elimination challenge this week, which means you’ll once again be  returning to the Stardew Valley Trials.

Brooke and Arlie, unfortunately your  time in the Trials has come to an end. It was great having you, and you will be missed. – It was a blow when Haboo and  Lichat finished successfully. I did my best to keep Brooke and  Arlie in, but it wasn’t enough.

I would never have worked out sombrero. I may know a lot and I mean a lot,   about the game code and RNG, but I know very  little about decoration and customization items. Sombrero doesn’t make me Speedy Gonzales,   and I don’t find that opening 1577  skull cancers treasure room chests

I wasn’t available when the Trials began,  so I was glad to be involved today. All the best to the remaining competitors, I  will be cheering for everyone form the sidelines. – I had a feeling that BlaDe would do a lot better  than me the it came to a scrabble challenge so I  

Knew that Brooke was in good hands but I just put  a lot of pressure on her not being there and I   do feel really bad about that, so I’m honestly  not surprised we lost, but more so I just feel  

Really really bad that I feel like we lost  because of me because I couldn’t be there. Thank you so much Z for asking me to be apart  of the Stardew Valley Trials, it has bene truly   an honor, especially as a huge survivor fan, good  luck to all the remaining members in the Trials.

A big shoutout to Seanie and Therm,  I’m gonna be rooting for y’all,   I love y’all, I adore y’all, and y’all got this. – I feel bad for Sean and Therm because  they were kinda depending on me and BlaDe  

And we didn’t do it unfortunately so it  do be like that sometimes it really do. I am so, so happy to have been apart of the  Stardew Valley Trials, I met so many amazing   friends, wishing everyone the best of luck  so, thank you so much I really appreciate it.

– Haboo and I work well together, I  think that win was super well-deserved. But I’m super sad that I can’t keep going  on this adventure with my bestie Brookelle. -Thankfully we did win. It was very, very relieving that  we survived yet another week.

The amount of elimination challenges that we  have been put in already, oh boy. I can’t wait. – This week was a ton of fun. I feel like Brandigan and I are really  hitting our stride as a team, and a little   subterfuge/espionage of a secret alliance is just  

So juicy and so classic and I  can’t wait for next week, but also, I’m terrified. – Leap and I continue to fly under the radar  so I’d say we’re in a good spot for now. I’m happy to have Therm and  Seanie on our sides too. I just hope that it lasts.

What if they a switcharoo and betray us? Am I being paranoid? I don’t think my heart can handle it. I guess we’ll see. – Okay Seanie and I are feeling incredibly guilty   because we just single-handedly caused Brooke  and Arlie’s elimination, they deserved better. So that was a huge bummer.

But, if nothing else, this week has shown us just   how important it is to get taboo and Lichat  out of this competition as soon as we can. – Becoming an evil mastermind is honestly a  lot more work than I thought it was gonna be,  

And I think that I might be  in a little over my head. This was like, really stressful. Or is that just what I want you to think? No but seriously I feel really bad about  Arlie and Brookelle getting voted out. We definitely made a huge mistake.

There’s a million other things we should’ve done. That was really dumb of us. Thank you all for another great  week of the Stardew Valley Trials. Next week is a big one, so I hope that secrets  aren’t the only thing you’re good at hiding. I’ll see you soon.


14 competitors, countless challenges, and one massive cash prize. For eight weeks, Stardew Valley’s biggest content creators will need to fight for power, struggle for survival, all while making friends and enemies along the way.

In the third episode, the five remaining duos fight for the golden masks in what might be the most unique challenge in the whole series. Who will be in power this week?

The prize pool for the Stardew Valley Trials is crowd funded! If you would like to contribute, use the GoFundMe below. 100% of the donations go into the prize pool.

Special thanks to BlaDe for filling in this episode!






Lee (atwentysomethingloser)


Matt McCleskey



Seanie Dew






Huge thanks to SoupRS for the inspiration for this series! I’m a huge fan of his Gielinor Games, you can watch them here:

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