If You Run, Minecraft Gets More Scary…

If you run Minecraft gets more scary with over 100 different levels of scariness can we outrun the things hunting us or will we die trying if you run Minecraft’s going to get more scary so don’t run kly kly what’s wrong with you you not it’s fine she just she just

One shot a villager how did you just do that wait guys I swear I didn’t mean to kill him wait that was an accident if anything you are the scary thing here Kip yeah if anything goes wrong I’m just going to let you guys know it was 100%

Her get out of here villager You’re Not Safe yeah carefully no guys come on oh guys too much of AIT I think I think kipley running might have already messed up this seed what are you talking about what’s going on what is that structure over there that wasn’t there before

Slowly walking I mean just some stone bricks right no in a normal village wait yeah what is that here I’ll be there in five business wait we got to slowly walk over there come on yeah what are we looking at that over there what is is

That oh my goodness yeah that is not natural kiple what did you do that wasn’t there before I’m so sorry oh my heyo you see what I’m it’s a graveyard okay uh let me do we even want to go looking at it look at this villager oh

Wait guys q k PS uh I think these are AR Graves all right PS we will miss you that’s you that’s you right there no no no cop it wait where does that lead you guys just do oh it goes straight down did no one look at this handprint

Like even there I I think so this hand is as big as my face anything in here wait who was here is there no loot okay is this under all the graves how do we even get down here be careful we could we could cobweb clutch should do you

Have cob have cob we have no tools nothing we’re going to if there is something down there we’re going to die we have nothing that is very true that is very true okay where’s where’s the nearest tree oh right here I’m get some food I’m going to get some wood it’s so

Hard not to run Peppa stop running guys guys guys I need to run I need to run there’s a headless villager chasing me where from C him C him I got him I got him I got him I got I got him I got

Him wait how okay this is from all of us running I did have to run but you know I had to survive what is that he’s a headless villager are you killing him you got him what did he drop where where did his head go yeah wait who’s stole

His head it’s also getting wait pepper did Pepper take a villager’s head pepper I wouldn’t put it past him no he’s he’s trying to he’s running by riding a horse pepper that still counts uh SBI is going to get us all killed I hope you have uh

Cobwebs or some left there still there should still be some in the chest I think Peppa has some I’ve got enough bread we need to investigate whatever pepp do you have cobwebs I found the saddle I think that’s still classes running you’ve made this scary we just

Saw a head villager we are going to die because of you oh no it’s my fault all right I I I know how to solve this I’m going a horse clutch oh my God it’s going dark as well we need to we need to go head down we’re going can’t go down

Doesn’t fit we have do you have cobwebs I have three cobwebs left yes cobwebs one of us just needs to clutch I’ll do it all right got this going down if I don’t make it it been nice night take a cobweb just in case and I’m going okay

Oh he cob whed oh he did it it’s very dark down here though okay just be warned it is Pitch Black my yo what’s with all these dripstone this was a oh I didn’t even see them this was a normal seed before we start running kly this is all your fault you

Ran and you have caused a lot of trouble no surely just my little there cweb that’s the last my there is no way back out of here now guys yeah maybe we should have stayed up there but at least there’s no mobs here okay so I’m actually really scared yeah wait yeah we

Don’t have any torches or anything anything no but there’s at least some light it kind of looks ominous and SB there’s blood oh my goodness where that’s not even Redstone that’s like I thought it was coal at first okay yo someone needs to fix this guy he’s going

To get us killed and it leads down here where does it go oh oh my goodness W no one moov no one moved what why is the dripstone falling by itself okay this all start cuz kiple ran I hope you all know maybe we have to put down maybe a

Normal village it was a normal village until you did this there’s got to be someone mining it up top there’s no way do you see anyone I don’t see anything I just see blood everywhere we go oh my God careful careful don’t stand on the dripstone W cave it’s

Everywhere okay guys we keep moving do we oh what is that down there there light that why there’s no torch what is it where does that that is weird oh uh wait where’s the light coming from oh my what is that face what the heck is that

That is the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen yo the Cave’s happy to see us oh no see I saw almost die oh oh my goodness don’t don’t stand still that’s all I can say hey he just ran you saying we should run we might need we might need start

Running cuz what is this wait if we stand under the smiley face no dripstone should fall on us right cuz I well in I feel like the smiley face is the reason dripstone is falling on us dripstone yo who put that smiley face there is there anything around here no

Diamonds nothing oh my God guys it’s literally everywhere it is everywhere even the smiley face it’s not safe I’m running I’ve got to run I’ve got to run is it a dead end i i i a lot of running guys wa oh my goodness what is that I I

Need to stop running but I have to run where did did that come from it was over there somewhere I think creature was that it’s falling okay we need we need shelter we need shelter what was it came from the smiley face get over here you’re going to die

I’m just I’m just seeing where the sound came from like that’s going to help dead you’re going to run back here and make it even scarier okay it D’s done I just watched that in 4k guys we should not be down here okay okay we need to get out of here

Where’s the exit who has the exit that’s where the exit do we dig out I don’t think we’re going to find the way out at all guys we follow the way back I’m like there is I’m there’s no way out group group up group up group up I can’t see

Anything pepper I see pepp hle up everyone come together what’s happening to you guys oh my goodness what the where where on Earth am I oh my yo we what is this place we was at the cave we walking on red whoa uhuh is this guys all I’m saying is blame kipley for

Whatever happens Sor the original Runner yeah now it’s all G you can’t come through it I’m sorry oh no and why is it a dead end can we open it why is this a giant door yeah okay huge wait you guys got tools wait wait careful careful

Careful no no no no no no no stop breaking stop break watching us what on Earth is that guys yo why is why is a block blinking at me yo something’s watching me something’s watching what is that purple it’s purple purple ice is that Enderman what is that

No that’s not an end wait it’s floating it’s coming towards us it’s a St it’s actually moving real quick guys guys everybody go f it it yo wait okay there’s no way out other side is bedrock guys guys I’m got a plan all right I’ll go in distract

Him you find a way oh he’s just breathing here oh I’ll I’ll distract him you find a way out okay okay here we go I don’t think this going to work I’ve distracted there we go he’s he’s looking at me out these statues smacking him what is wrong with these

Statues yo chair they’re at me I got him I killed him I hey yo what is wrong with these guys what are you doing over there pepper are you crazy I it looked powerful so I felt like I should come up here let’s not make who’s ever thrown

That is angry all right let’s just get off the throne what these she’s protecting no they like blink like look at this what can I at us guys herob what the oh oh right there right there he just hit me he hit me he hit me

Y still no I’m still here I’m still here if herob Bri’s protecting this place what is it hiding I don’t understand what the blinking blocks are can I break them there’s a chest right here with a book you can what what does it say what

Does it say I hold the minion over the Overworld mobs oh okay whoever thr this is controls the entire Overworld mobs uh I don’t like that want that c book burn that we don’t want I don’t want to cause any you know anything but I found somebody’s eyes e oh why are you

Holding that why yeah I I I look guys all I know is what’s this wait what over here oh it like slows you when you walking it wait really oh yeah oh yeah is it like Soul Sanders no what is it kly you’re just running everywhere that’s it that’s it that’s it

Maybe we strategically kill her off yeah I will run away what is oh there’s something in there there’s something in there oh oh it’s just a oh it’s just a normal skeleton Deck Down gold armor we get him I mean I’ve got I’ve got an axe

I’d take him maybe he’ll drop his armor we do it get him oh yes you guys are running oh oh oh we run to get him yo yo he’s strategic yeah we did run though guys I I don’t want to allow me but I did all right I I

Approached very slowly yeah well we’d have been dead if we had approached at your speed wait they’re blinking thats and look at the no look at the candles every Banner is red except that one yeah why is that one’s got the weird eyes too is there something behind here maybe oh

Yeah build up someone here yeah I got some dirt maybe uh should I just break in or you do there is something guys got who k smoke what did you find what is this I don’t want to go down there guys I CH you take okay just a camp okay

Don’t no don’t break the light that’s all we have that’s all we had wait Pepper’s actually throwing man I’m turning wa I can turn one light into four lights look see four lights okay now we have torches here go that’s going to help that’s actually such big and

There’s another door here where does it lead there’s there’s buttons we press them press the button all right I’m breaking down the door another Corridor oh wait a second what in the prison there’s a villager got a head or yeah y I never saw this headless

Villager you guys speak of so yeah bro get out of there free guys look one 23 are these the are these like the specimens yeah this might be an experiment get out of here bro is here the ones on the right are empty why is nothing unless something escaped and if

They’re missing where are they that’s what I’m thinking right and why they named 30 because the book said there was someone who rules over this and he’s trying to create a army for the Overworld there’s creepers in this cage whoa guys guys guys right behind

Us wait he looks very happy to see me he’s getting closer no he’s fine it’s on Qui it’s on quiff it’s a dead end wait is it following quiff no he’s what wait wait where did he go going oh what’s that noise yo he looks very scar in the

Dark is he going to hit me no guys get me out of it help me help me do something move move you’re not anything I’m I thought I was going to die there I couldn’t move and I was being poisoned I don’t want to be down

Here wait there’s a creeper in with the Villagers careful oh oh w w he eyes yo what’s chasing me what’s chasing me guys what is that that’s not a normal villager I’m I need to run I need to run I need to run get him get

Him on the hallway we killed him we killed him we got him we got him we got him I know W wo wo wo wo wo I can’t catch up guys guys I got I got it you’re all going to die it says in the chat what does that mean yeah uh

You killed it I think he’s the one that died okay that’s right we need to figure out a way out of here and the only thing I can think of is there’s a lot of mobs what it involves us getting XP like killing all the mobs we all get the

Level six and maybe that open something you just want to slaughter all the things in here we can do it we have to try or maybe something to do with the the lamps yeah why isn’t every cell lit up what if we yeah let’s just grab the

Lanterns right here here you can have them quiff just take all of them okay we have to try some otherwise we’re just stuck in here sprinting now huh listen it’s already look things things cannot get any scarier than this okay you already kiple you ruined just have to

Get out of here as quick as possible who what is that what’s in 10 wait wait what the it’s on it’s like a light source though it’s like a little firefly come here wait the essence of darkness is this villager okay wait Peppa he’s just standing in the corner oh okay okay okay

Guess he’s just normal he was just staring in the corner in the darkness why am I holding the lanterns we don’t want it we have to give them to somebody y you’re trying to get me killed how many wait how many lanterns do you have total I have 17 wait guys there’s a

Light source there in 17 oh we plac is oh did we I hope it’s one of ours 17 oh there’s a piston in here yeah yeah I’m mining I’m mining what do we do oh there a button oh it’s just a button I don’t think we have any better

Options how did you survive that oh fig it out oh why did we send him down I’m coming down Qui I’m not leaving you behind bro oh my safe it’s just ladders where does this lead oh oh we’re back out God what guys I see in the water wait the

Cow the cow’s trying to run away from me I just saw a h I just saw a h po wait did that just spawn it just spawned right this second as soon as SB Ran hey let’s not don’t blame this bro you just run and that just spawned touch it if I

Were you yo and why why is this guy running away look the cow’s running away from me this the same Village or is this a different village we’ll find out by going in this chest no it’s a new Village I pickax in there oh blacksmith oh nice there’s a bunker guys a bunker

That says leave wait I don’t even know what you’re staring at what my render distance is not that high oh I see it wait wait guys guys guys I need your help I need your help cursed cow cursed cow yo I so guys I I killed the cow for food

And it became a Herobrine um no look at these cows is one if the if the cows are fake is the Iron Golem fake guys in that cave right there hello there’s a bunch of up ahead what is that guys her her her oh over there

Literally in front of me don’t move do you see the thing right above you in the cave what are you guys yeah look up there kiple there’s herob he’s yo I’m so blind uh he just yo that is not Herobrine are we looking at the same

Thing herob is right there in front of you why is it staring look I’m not afraid of you sir yeah get out of here where he going get out of here wait man it’s barking a herob wait where is he going he’s leading you he’s leading you to the

Black thing no he’s trying to make you guys run that’s what it is oh we make this run oh stop get out and leave that’s an invitation let’s go on in h is this like be careful I changed my mind do we not want to go inside yeah go slow no one from

You guys running to break lanterns I hope it was worth it hey y you saw the running first this is one that happened this was completely normal ew the zombie just gave me his brain oh my chest here you go I don’t want that wait I got a

Corrupt wait what’s in the chest guys weird that this is so close that’s about to be us that’s about to be you i’ I’m not staying in there oh my goodness guys what did you find don’t come in here don’t come what are you looking at me

For y guys let us in what type of Bunker is this people are dead wait did something Escape yeah what was in the bunker bunkers are supposed to keep things out and there’s no loot other than cobwebs let’s get out again guys do you think we

Should get out I now the smart thing would be to get out but I’m just going to mine this real quick and but but it’s wrong right we have to find out what’s going on hallway guys guys what is that noise no I’m kind of it’s something down

A isn’t it the AC just kicked on hopefully no that’s weird that’s not nor bro Into the Bunker there’s fire there could be something hiding behind gravel we have to be careful I see a lot of fire yeah I’m checking Each corner wait what is this

Guys no one steep in the fire the Herobrine oh my good guys who who just pushed me to the fire what is that what oh my goodness I think that explains what happens to the happen to the bunker no but what caused it and why were people dead inside the bunker

Though like they didn’t even survive what is that thing it’s flying up towards us that’s like an guys guys guys hide hide hide hide hide oh I’m I’m kind of running uh there’s a Sher right there guys there’s a Sher down here I need blocks I need

Blocks I need to find out what’s inside the Shuler guys I found a Shuler Shuler in the Overworld yes just one Shuler right here yo how do I get over there I only have wood I’ll come around yo guys I need blocks yo has no one k at you

Can’t kill him wait I’m going to mine my string for bow or my cobweb for get a bow okay I made it I’ve made it you’re on fire you’re literally on fire I I know I know I’m coming I’m coming bro I feel like it’s F last forever oh

There we go are you good what in the Sher box there’s terot cards the fool what the heck the devil and death those don’t sound very good oh I they give you oh you got him nice you killed him I’ll let you have the loot oh they give you abilities but there’s

Stuff that comes with it look I’m going to put them back inside um okay what do these mean does anyone understand tarot cards what does this predict for us they’re usually used to what predict someone’s life are we the fools and we’re going to meet the devil who will

Lead to our deaths that’s all I can realize yeah that sounds about right that sounds real fun uh deal 20% more damage to living mobs yep yoink I’m taking death I think we get out of here while we can this was a normal seed there was nothing to worry about now

We’ve got someone trying to take over the Overworld and this sheep that’s running from SB wait sheepy sheep is making ground I mean it’s it’s fast feel like we need a better plan I don’t know what we’re going to do but it’s going to be dark again soon and we’re going to be

In trouble again we have no gear we have nothing we have mobs running away from us oh hey a forest this would be like perfect to build a house in look how these blocks are placed well that is weird guys there there is something here and it looks someone’s definitely died here I’m

Nearly out of food as well guys wait is this part of the bunker I don’t know about you guys but I don’t know if I want to go down uh well oh oh okay I’m going this way okay did you did you CL that with a CB whip no I took the

Damage oh my goodness there is there is cops everywhere why is there so many people down here that are dead yeah wait why are so many people that died what is he looking at wait there’s a bunch of levers and buttons over here really like a control room careful well you don’t

Know they do yeah this why blow up the entire thing oh uh something killed everything here you guys hear that or no I just heard a girl say um oh there’s a lot of blood down there wait pepper what are you doing oh oh whoa you crazy wait I know

Guys are we sure these buttons don’t do anything there’s a chest I well guys I think we should split up and look for Clues uh guys what is Omega protocol weapon x23 that sounds like Omega Mega L and we should leave this entire area that’s the activation log wait this was

From February 22nd 2024 wait that was a couple days ago something escaped out of here yeah uh klyy something escaped from uh 173 and a lot of scientists are actually dead this is getting bad oh my God I by flies 11 escaped 13 escap we should be looking for 23 that’s what the

Book said weapon book says 23 wait did 23 kill everyone we we need to go this way yeah that’s only we hav’t behind why did you just open the door oh this looks like a mental Asylum uh there’s more dead bodies uh do you guys even want to enter that I mean we

Can happily just leave don’t put this on mey man you go in there first all right do we know which way we came from food food okay food oh oh yes this is what we needed we definitely ran towards this so that was really bad but I feel like

Something is going to kill us right here if we walk into the wrong room SP are you okay looks oh H there’s more dead scientists guys uh guys this room’s new really I don’t like how we split up it oh kly what are you doing kly stop

Running I’ve got running why did you leave the group kly wherever you did anger something and look in this chest there’s a bunch of redstone I picked up another book maintain absolute lockdown on subject 74 what is subject 74 wait is it the thing that killed everything it

Got Dark Turn Off the Lights nope I have Darkness infinitely what is going on so do I pepper that down there wait that’s no coming up the stairs get out get out get out get out get out through the through the through the through the door through the door oh

My goodness oh my goodness oh okay okay oh no he can follow it’s up here just quick quick quick through the door I can’t see anything yo SB SB in here SB let’s get go let go oh no keep running running everyone inside the door everyone inside the door I’m running I’m

Running I’m running he’s in he’s in run run run run run run just run back run back run back run back what is down here everyone come I’m in what is that noise guys did anyone even go inside here no a villager mhm wait no this villager

Had hair who he has the entire world in his stomach does he need saving uh maybe he’s trapped no I we should let anything out man oh what’s in here oh guys oh 074 this is the Su this is the SCP laboratory we were so stupid so wait is

That guy 74 it must be and this guy died what does it say 074 controls the pror Do Not Touch what oh no who touch something lock down initiated that wasn’t me what does that mean what does the lock down mean I uh the bars are gone what bars oh he’s bar

Gone he he can get out W yo he’s chasing us he’s chasing us he’s chasing us the button’s gone the butt gone wait he just changed that wasn’t what we saw wait is the earth guy in there yo guys run run run run run run

Run run run run run R run get out chasing Yoo yo keep moving keep moving keep moving keep going the jump on the server things okay I don’t think he he’s too stupid go break break break break break we got to go we got to go get out of get out of

Get out of me he’s chasing us he’s chasing us break break break break break gra okay yeah yeah yeah run run run run he’s right after us he’s right after us he’s right after us wait Doone know where the exit is I don’t know I don’t know where the ex is

Way it was this one go go go a what was that oh that’s just the G guy oh God no no no no Jes guys fills okay we need to kind of leave oh I’m trying so much this might be super risky I got a bow I got a bow

Things are you running run run run run run oh why is there Darkness I don’t know where I am I can’t run guys he’s ask me I can’t Sprint or anything get away from me no’s going to die he’s going to kill me get out guys get out of

The wall get out of the wall I’ve almost escaped I’ve almost escaped are you out yet yeah yeah I’m out oh my yo yo yo yo yo yo yo we need to leave we need to leave yo where is your staircase you just abandoned us I

Just had to run what is a creeper doing here what is going on guys okay I see him he’s I’m I’m out I’m out I’m I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving guys I’m seeing creeper skeletons oh what is w w WOD oh yes they do with no animation

Guys look at the village is that UFO a sheep with wings what oh dear we kind of need to leave this area ASAP what’s crawling what’s crawling on the floor what is that oh there’s something over there as well to the right wait it almost looks like a person get out of

Guys there’s something on the ground another yo yo yo yo yo Yoo where did come from T to me guys what’s going on we’ve run way too much there’s one thing I’ve realized the safest thing might be a forest cuz the mobs are just everywhere in open space a forest not

Great no the we can have cover we can hide we have shelter we’re in the open here we’re just not safe yeah exactly see nothing is spawning here guys uh herob is oh you hadly that was like not the smartest thing that you ever done in your life

I’m I’m so sorry I was such bad timing I see a gate what does this say do not cross that that is one th% the siren head that we saw the other day wait wait where is it coming from what maybe we should run away we

Have to we have to run I see him right there where oh that that means we SP run run run run where you guys go get out of here get out chasing me guys guys guys I can’t Sprint I’ve run out of hunger oh take some food take some food Forest

Guys where did the entrance go wait guys there’s a hand just there’s a hand what you mean there’s a hand two guys what is this where’s we guys it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming we crossed something and it just spe run it’s going after me guys

Save why is it after you I’m get there’s another SB died SB left he’s officially dead guys what do we do this is this is not the normal Forest why are the trees like this yeah I didn’t expect it for I didn’t expect anything like this to

Happen wait does the eyes not see us oh huh no he sees me I think it sees you no no no I’m hiding behind I’m hiding behind oh I do not like that noise oh are these guys about to do what I think they’re about to do are they they’re

Going to attack you they’re going to attack you I haven’t hit you they have white eyes they have white eyes that’s herob Brian Pigman guys there’s something slowly walking towards me what is that what is why is he walking like that God off hide hide hide hide hide hide

Hide I don’t think he sees us I think he just he from The Voice the bigman are coming get in the tree get in the tree I’m trying I’m trying wait there’s something down here wait guys what does that sound hello guys what wait a second

What where are we no wait we were just in a we were just in the forest where did it take us wait where are we now I hear fire there’s a village on fire with a red tree right there wait that’s not an Enderman over there what are you

Talking about oh wait yeah I thought that was an Enderman that is not I heard something wait just disappeared oh that’s not a good sign guys he’s back there yo yo he’s walking it’s going this way know he seems slower in the water wait where

Where did he go that thing is not okay I don’t want to stay in this Village anymore I’m I’m leaving bro I’m killing these fish and I’m heading out yeah that might be the smartest thing I’m going to head this way and uh see you guys later

You wait I swear I just saw something here please not that guy again very quiet guys do not make a sound do not run he’s going to hear us if we’re too loud don’t run yo yo I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running I saw his feet I saw his

Feet yo yo my brother my brother chill my brother chill you don’t need to do this me and you are friends me and you are what did I just find there’s a witch on a broomstick going after quiff I know I F I found something guys I found a clock and it’s

Pointing at 3:00 what do you mean oh my why did you hit me herob Brien I didn’t do anything to you wait it is a clock wait there’s a sign 3: oh guys I think we need we need we need some sort of survival base wait

What do you mean the clock says 3:00 meaning we might only have one other day left we need some sort of protection what’s going to happen at 3:00 uh I don’t know maybe we die oh my wait what did the sign say over there there’s a

Sign in the in the one dungeon thing there was 33 cells as well is that I just saved your life oh kly what quip uh no no no good what is this oh wait ow wait there’s a Podium here let me double check it real quick was

There was there a book here I don’t know there’s no book I just dug down I told this looks like a summoning Ritual from all we ran SB was the first to die and I don’t think it’s going to be the last we yeah there’s a clock above us and now

Weird summoning Circle underneath the clock I don’t I don’t like that I do not like that at all oh maybe it’s to do with wait do I still have death uh pepper has my tarot card oh yeah yeah oh this is the eye of the devil right here

Okay maybe we put the devil on there or maybe we put all the tarot cards on there what what are we trying to summon I don’t think we should put the devil in the middle of the summoning Circle I don’t think that’s a good idea wait I i’

For some reason I’ve activated them all okay I don’t know I’m going to throw all threee there put I’m back away from that that’s cursed oh wait maybe it has something to do with this Lantern like it’s the only one not on wait you’re right it wasn’t on

Oh I was right it was a terot c that we found and there a diamond that’s not burning wait that’s good though that means we have diamonds that’s good right yeah we have loot yo this is the best summoning Circle ever Peppa disappeared no he didn’t he’s he’s literally staring

At us right what do you mean no I kid you not he was right there why are you just eily in the corner but oh no no no no dang dang are we going to die are we going to die place a torch use your torch oh my I

One yo did you see what pepper just did to us pepper did that check all the holes see any of the holes pepper are you okay yo I don’t know where he went I only know one thing and I’m going to leave I’m not trying to die do you know the way

Back uh I think it’s this way the village was actually this close all along I’m so sick of villages man I feel like I’ve seen more than enough in my lifetime this Village is cursed man I don’t know why we keep coming back here not a great what’s up guys where’d you

Go what where you were withow the entire time wait no you guys left over there chasing some guy and then I don’t know I just started working on a base you’re lying to us Peppa you are lying I saw you right next to me you disapp what no

Wait Peppa was never talking while we were down there of course I mean I was here what I’m so confus did you was there wait so you’re saying I was with you guys yes you dropped sand on us attempting to murder us okay well obviously I didn’t do that but I I do

Have a base for us honestly we need it cuz we found a lot of stuff tonight at 3:00 a.m. is going to be the worst night that we’ve ever had and we potentially will die we gave all the tarot cards the they run out of energy meaning that the

The actual tarot reading is going to come true okay we just we just we just added defense to Peppa’s base and we live in it until night turns anybody got drip Stone I oh I have like 30 here that’s a very small idea the sun’s saying that’s all I’m going to tell you

Guys the sun is saying so we need to be very careful and very fast I’m make a roof got work faster if I make the roof we should be good what kly did you find something uh I just realized I’m infected and it’s got a countdown oh no

Since when I don’t know I just noticed it okay no pepper you don’t leave all right pepper it’s night time Peppa Peppa Peppa pepper pepper right there right there what is that get in the house safe base inside inside inside torch up so mobs don’t spawn oh is he gone did it

Fall in the pit I think it did wait he’s right here what’s up bro you aree he fell oh yo the trap’s working oh he’s dead nice did he drop anything good no but wait why is he the only mob spawning at night it’s eily silent so technically

I don’t think it’s oh that that guy’s back in the woods oh we just stay here you know just in this small base guys this is not good at all it’s no longer safe I told you 300 a.m. wo there’s Devils there’s demons oh Peppa

Our BAS is not going to qu who is that guys it’s going to keep soing oh my oh this one oh no guys they can come in we need a door we have a door yo who opened up the top guys oh they’re coming through the top

What hide you quick Papa the siren head is summoning a bunch of monsters no I think there’s enough already why see the fool the devil’s death the Devils of Spawn I told you 3:00 a.m. it’s now 3:00 a.m. this night a huge ho has appeared somewhere my gosh uh you

Might want to see this what is that who are you oh kly are you seeing outside yeah I’m seeing outside what and you guys said my base wouldn’t hold up well there villager parasites it’s like a giant FLH thing I can’t even see how outside I don’t know what to do here I

Really don’t there’s no way we can escape this remember me you hear the hows of nearby hordes what do you mean a hor remember me what are you doing whoo are these yo there’s no way he survives that quick he’s sacrificing himself to escape kipley the house is not there’s

Nothing left of the house kiple there’s nothing left run who is that oh my no no no no no wow I was killed by the devil

►If You Run, Minecraft Gets More Scary…
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If You Run, Minecraft Gets More Scary… If You Take Damage, Minecraft Gets More Scary… If You Scream, This Minecraft Seed Gets More Scary…We Survived The Scariest Minecraft Seed… Why I Snuck Into The Scariest Minecraft Server… Testing scary minecraft myths, So I Stole Her Hearts… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

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