Cottage Starter Base! | Minecraft SOS | Ep.1

Welcome to a brand new series called Minecraft SOS now this is mainly a hardcore series however of course there’s a Twist there’s always a Twist if you die in this series you leave behind a gravestone and this gravestone has a timer and the only way for you to

Come back alive is for someone to throw a fate coin on that gravestone now we all start with a fake coin each however it’s completely up to you if you want to bring that person back to life or not there’ll be many other ways to get fake kinds throughout this series including

Challenges and achievements so make sure to subscribe and leave a like and comment if you’re excited and let’s get into it I know what you’re thinking Joel 2 Series at one time you’re crazy yes I am but I’m not going to say no to another SMP with my friends however most

People have been on and recorded their episode already meaning no one’s online right now and um it’s getting dark I don’t know whose base this is but I’m going to sleep in their bed if they have one sausage why do you have no bed oh dear oh dear it’s dark oh thank goodness

People are online now I didn’t have to sleep let’s get ourselves sorted with some basic stone tools and there seems to be nothing but Forest around so I think I might live in a forest there’s snow just over above me but there’s quite a cute little spot here which I

Think if we cleared out some of these trees this could be quite a nice place to settle down now while we clear out some of these trees let me explain my plan for this series now every two weeks we get challenges like I said in the

Intro and my plan to balance this with hermitcraft is to not go too crazy on the building in this series instead focus on building in hermitcraft and more focus on the challenges because I’m very competitive I want to win so my plan is to go for a very cutesy sort of

Quaint Vibe on here I’m thinking Cottage core which also poses a challenge for me cuz I love to build things big so building smaller and more cutesy maybe a bit of a challenge we’ll see how it goes I’m going to end up building a mega base

Aren’t I no I won’t don’t do it Joel don’t do it gosh why are there so many trees all right that’s a nice little clearing we’ve got here it’s looking very quaint I think we should probably work on getting some iron now of course this is Hardcore we don’t want to die

Which means I’m not going to prioritize building or anything we need armor we need tools we need food so let’s do it in that order let’s see how much iron is in this Cave oh gosh is that a baby zombie ruiner of Hardcore worlds not today idiot and the answer to how much iron I could find in the cave is 37 hello Oliver hello Hello Joel it’s me I see you’ve got a sword no need for that now what you mean I’m not going to

Hit you we’re all friends here aren’t we we are all friend oh that’s a lovely axe as well thank you it does more damage than the sword what it does if you can crit I can I was just watching from over there as you uh put some things in your

I I saw you had a furnace going do you not have a furnace Ollie you’ve been online for about 6 days longer than me I’ve been I’ve been doing other things more important things take a look at these you got any ores in there perhaps you’d want to trade for some you don’t

Have any ores mate I’ve just got iron I’m not going to give you my iron I literally just spend 20 minutes getting this yeah I have one iron bar for your stupid pink petals how about no right literally not doing a one for one anymore I’ve got

One I can bone meal these damn it inflation’s got me again a you silly man as if you haven’t got any iron yet I’ve been deep in the Cherry Blossom business I thought it’d be a more tradable resource why are you trying to trade just go mining man it’s basic Minecraft

It’s hardcore I’m scared oh okay fair enough scared I’m forget no one you’re not as good at me as me at Minecraft didn’t see me hiding in the bushes though over there when you were just walking past well I’m not looking out for weirdos I’m looking out for mobs

That make noise you you hurt me you cloned me hey hey just getting some seeds lad don’t worry I got seeds you want trade seed how many seeds have you got 64 seeds I’ll give you an iron ingot for 64 seeds quite a good deal yeah I

Think I’ll trade you that perfect I need that for my f you know what you have two make yourself a pickaxe lad a good doing business with you you are a poor boy I can’t believe I’ve just given Ollie free gold oh that’s stupid but at least I can

Still make myself a pickaxe and then let’s get some armor look at me all geared up already apart from the stone sword I probably have enough iron to make myself the rest of the tools however I’ve just seen this mountain over here above the cave I can’t believe

I didn’t see this before and I do wonder if someone has raided it yet because if not there’s going to be a lot of iron up here and I’ve already spotted some quick let’s mine it all Oh it’s glorious look at it all oh and there’s calite as well oh I can use this for my build who on Earth has built a massive diorite circle of all blocks to build a massive circle out of what on Earth is this it’s like coal cave why is

There so much coal there’s even more and more might just take it all oh yeah full iron tools baby and we’ve also got like over a stack of iron smelting are we rich am I the richest on This Server I might be now let’s move on to getting

Some food first I place some blocks for a quick estimate of where my house is going to be then H some ground to the left of it planted all the seeds that Ollie just gave me then went and got some Birch leaves and some Spruce leaves

And then we’re going to use these to make a sort of little bushy edge around this Farm I’ve picked up a load of eggs from somewhere let’s play Egg Roulette can we get two chickens one I hate chickens now seeing as I’m going for this sort of cottage

Sort of core Vibe I’m an old man okay I want to get a load of leafy stuff I can’t explain it just you know cutesy stuff and one of those cutesy things I found in Minecraft are glowberries and obviously there’s a few ways you can find glowberries either in a Mossy cave

Which I think might be the easiest or I believe they come in mind shafts as well that was very easy I’ve been looking around for aelia trees and there’s just an open cave right here it has lovely creepers in it as well which reminds me I should probably make a shield

Shouldn’t I that’s probably safe it is Hardcore after all look at all this lovely moss and glowberries this is perfect this is exactly what I’m looking for and there’s an axel thank You what on Earth guys come on oh my God gosh that was not good that was quite scary why is there so many creepers in here also I might have to turn this animation mod off it’s really throwing me off look at them they’re so

Weird I don’t like it why are they still exploding well that was very successful we got a load of stuff Egg Roulette yeah we got our chickens and that is food sorted we’ve got armor we’ve got tools we’ve got fields of Wheat and now we’ve got food the end of the episode

Goodbye only joking of course it’s not the end of the episode I haven’t played with fp’s texture pack in a while I’m pretty sure this isn’t done but this might be done yeah wheat lovely I’m just going to leave our axotal in a hole for now because I need my buckets of water

But you know what I’m ready to get started on building this house and I have absolutely zero plan for it I just want it to be cute that’s all and of course for a base you need materials how about a cheek material Gathering Montage wow how fun was that I hope it was fun anyway I think we can get building now and no we’re not doing a time lapse cuz this is going to take a while to build as I have no idea what I’m building kind

Of I have some idea okay I have an idea of the blocks I want to use okay so we’re going to start off by building a little porch I want this Cottage to have a little porch and then on this porch let’s make ourselves a little Arch

Lovely and behind this Arch we can put some calite that’s cute and then I want to use some jungle and some Spruce Wood here as well as these bricks and some mud bricks to make a sort of stripy pattern adding some texture in with some regular planks and leaving space for a

Window and let’s do this on the other side as well and luckily I don’t have to move this chest with everything in it which is nice Al we’re going to throw in some dripstone as well as I just think it looks cool that’s looking okay except

It looks a bit weird and Tall but I know how to fix that let’s make a sort of bed here to put some flowers in we’ll do this on each side and we can fill it with some coarse dirt lovely next let’s work on the roof which I’m going to use

Spruce stairs for but also bring out the porch a bit more with some trap doors which will be propped up with some Oak fences and then let’s use some trap doors to decorate this window here trying something different normally I put the slab on the bottom but let’s put

It on the top because I’m crazy and I’m going to decorate as we go just so we can get a Vibe for this and I was originally going to put a dark oak door but I clicked the of bamboo and I think a bamboo doll actually looks really cute

There and in fact we can use bamboo for the window as well we put it there or there though that’s the question I think it looks a bit brighter that way let’s put it that way and then let’s work out what kind of roof we want on here I

Don’t want it to be just a straight stair roof so let’s go one two three and then an extra and then we’ll start going back down yeah I like that shape I think that looks cool although I think it needs to be split up a little bit I’m

Liking that a lot let’s put a 2X two window on this side and you know what let’s use more bamboo as I like how much it looked before I have got nowhere near enough Spruce Wood I planted a tree over there but it’s not grown yet I might

Have to go get some more all right we got nearly another stack let’s see how far this gets us all right let’s add a little planter on underneath this double window that’s looking nice and I actually made some glazed orange terra cotta as I wanted to add a bit of a pop

Of color and I think here would be the perfect spot and then some more calite on the top with some Spruce logs to finish it off that’s looking really cute now we’re going to add a another little layer to the house here like so and make

A little window like that perfect and at some point I want to decorate this with aelia leaves please give me oh my gosh it took my last bone meal thank goodness but I want some FL flowering leaves as well as the regular ones as they’re just

So vibrant and in fact let’s place them down now to show you what I’m going for here we want this to look like nice and cute and overgrown going all the way up to the roof and this is where the glowberries are going to come in as well

We’re going to let these grow in hope some glowberries form on those ones but these look really cute and like overgrown just a shame you can’t place them on leaves really I do have a little bit of bone meal which I’m going to use to just bone Mill a couple of them to

Give it a bit of you know extra color but this is coming together quite nicely to be honest I’m liking it let’s get the rest of the walls finished as at the moment it’s looking a bit empty all right walls are all in we’ve not got any

Windows on the back I’m not sure whether if I should or not I’m thinking no and then I can just put like some trees behind it we’ve got enough windows on the other walls now for the roof we’re going to be using some of these waxed weather cut copper blocks oh I didn’t

Mean to make six 16 of those I need to make more stairs I was just about to say I am struggling to find beehives and get stuff so that’s quite annoying but the other block we’re going to use is some mossy cobblestone wait oh I’ve just made

18 slabs I don’t need slabs either what am I doing I don’t okay well I guess about able to double these up as blocks but the plan is to make a very sort of overgrown roof using lots of moss as well as these these cut copper stairs oh

But I’m already G down to one this is not good but let’s have a look how that’s looking at least yeah I like I like a lot let’s also add in a chimney on the back with some campfires of course because we’re not cutting Corners here ow

Ow ow ow and if you squint and imagine the rest of the roof is done it’s looking very good isn’t it it’s looking very cute I’m happy with this this is a cottage now I’m not going to show me placing the rest of the roof CU it’s

Going to be really boring we have to wait for a beehive to give me honey oh dear so let me just cut to it being done by doing a really crazy transition whoa it’s everything’s moving so quickly and voila look at it look at it in a time

Lapse look at it should we add a shaders time lapse in next let’s do it bam shaders time lapse do you like that oh yeah it’s looking good I’ve added in so many flowers here this thing’s a bit chaotic but I’m loving it and I think it looks really really cute especially of

All the greenery we’ve got going on here and the inside is is let’s just let’s just close that door for now shall we and that’s because I want to improve this path here I’m thinking of adding a pondon on this side to put my axotal in

And I’m not sure what to do on this side yet but I’m thinking Pond here I need to put pond in right now so let’s get a load of mud here to make some packed mud and let’s also get some Granite walls as I want this Pond to be like within my

Garden if that makes sense I want a cute little Garden at the front of this house so I think if I put like a nice little entrance into the house here we can sort of run this wall around like so and then for the path itself we’re going to use

Some of this packed mud along with some dripstone and throw in some coarse dirt as well and we’re just literally placing this completely randomly and then along the side of it we’re going to have a few zelia bushes like so and a few pink petals maybe and let’s throw in like a

Large flower or two like so as well cute and for this Pond we’re going to line it with some slabs and some stairs in hopes the Axel lles don’t escape and we’ll raise some of these up as well so it doesn’t look just random as heck and

Then let’s dig out the pond here and I’m pretty sure axotal can’t escape from there which makes this a functioning pond I need to replace that dirt with like Cobblestone at some point though cuz I think it’ll look better I’ve also placed some sugar cane along here next

To This Little Pond just cuz I don’t want to grow sugarcane there in fact let’s just neaten up the bottom of this now otherwise I will definitely forget in the future much better and let’s finish off by just adding in a few leaves that is looking very nice indeed

Oh yes we’ve got Farm we’ve got a pond with axotal we’ve got a house we’ve just got to ignore all this because it’s ugly and look at this instead and I think that is a great place to wrap up episode one guys thank you so much for watching

I’m very excited to get into the challenges we’re going to have in this series make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe if you’re new and I shall see you another time goodbye

Today we start a new hardcore series with a unique premise! It’s like regular hardcore, except if we die, we can be brought back to life with a ‘Fate coin.’ We will be competing in events every 2 weeks to gain other coins and more! Subscribe if you’re new 😀

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  1. Ur new stuff sucks!… I like it when u are building stuff… this new stuff where u just talk and play is not the same and I'm very disappointed in u!….

  2. NEW SERIES!! 😀
    Great video as always <33
    I doubt you'll see this among the hundred of comments but I just wanted to say that the style you went for with your base is EXACTLY the one I'm trying to nail in my survival world and this gave me a lot of inspiration- so thank you!!!

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