This Is Minecraft’s Funniest Update

Do you remember that video a while back where we played around with a mod that changes your size? Hello there. You think you’re safe? Goodbye! Uh, yeah. Me neither. But it turns out Mojang added funny features into the game themselves in the form of attribute modifiers. These essentially let you change things

Like your speed, interaction distance, and height with a simple command. And you can apply them to pretty much any mob. So naturally I decided to grab the two crazy guys from that other video. And we made another one just like it using the new features from the Minecraft snapshots. Oh, uh, hey buddy.

Um, sorry, but you were added a little too late to the game for this recording session. Uh, we still love you though. But before we attribute modify ourselves in-game, I’m gonna attribute modify my browsing experience with Opera GX. Thanks to Opera GX for sponsoring this video. Are you tired of the boring,

One-size-fits-all browser experience that keeps wanting to set itself as the default browser for some reason? Then you should be using Opera GX, a browser that’s intentionally designed to not be boring. Opera gives you the ability to choose from an unlimited supply of mods that allow you to change things like the

Colors of your browser. Check that out. Very nice. Different colors. Your home base’s wallpaper. Check that out. Also check that one out. That one’s animated. You can change the background music. Wow. Also the keyboard sounds. Hear that? And even the opening and closing sounds of tabs. Watch this. Ready? Ready? Ready? Ready? Click.

I closed it. You can toggle mods on and off in the mods menu here on the sidebar and you can mix and match mod features from different mods. Tired of the mix you have now? Find another one that fits your style in the GX store. This one I’ve been using during this

Segment is called Minecraft and honestly, it’s a vibe. There’s a couple of Minecraft ones. Kind of fun. I personally legitimately use Opera GX as my daily driver and something I found myself using more than I thought is their generative AI integration. Over here on the sidebar, you can set up

Chat GPT and Chat Sonic for easy access to AI chat features. I use this a ton for rewording things like YouTube video titles and for inspiration on thumbnails. It’s super handy. It’s just like right there. I could just I just click it and then it’s done.

Plus, if I go ahead and just like highlight this text here, you can see that Opera has smart AI prompts integrated throughout the browser. So you can just highlight things and get some like extra info or have the text like quickly summarized and explained to you, which is really cool.

I actually didn’t know that you could do that. On top of all of that, Opera GX also has features like GX control where you can limit the browser’s CPU or RAM usage while gaming. And full compatibility with other browser extensions that you might be using already, all of which you can easily

Import with the Quick Import tool. If any of that sounds useful or fun to you, head on down to the link in my description or in the pinned comment down below to try Opera GX for free. Thanks again to Opera GX for sponsoring this video. And now it’s time for more of

Minecraft’s hilarious features. Whoa. Welcome to the new update, boys. We got a lot of things to cover that you’ve never seen before. Never once. Never seen. Oh. Are you ready? Are you ready for this? We got a lot of things. I told you a few of the things that we’re

Going to mess with today. But the biggest one and by biggest, I mean, literally biggest one is this. Quickly! Punch his ankles! Break his ankles! I was just going to say punch him, but geez. Lana Del Rey that one time. Base set one thousand. I like how we both

Thought of the same thing. I just want to point out a flaw here. I like the fact that we’re so tall yet we get stopped by a single block. Yeah, we have to hop over that. I feel so slow, though, like a treadmill. And now I am tiny.

Hello up there! Oh my gosh. This is weird. Hey, I can see you. Your name plate is bigger than you. Hold on. Oh, hey, how are you? How’s it going? Let me. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, no. Please, please. This is it. This is it for me.

Isn’t this wholesome just two brothers playing at the beach, burying each other. In the sand. Oh, oh. Anyway, uh… size! Let’s do jump strength base set one hundred. My people need me. Oh, oh, It didn’t let me. This feels oddly reminiscent of that- This feels oddly reminiscent of that one

That last video that we were in when we were messing around with this stuff. Yeah. Except that didn’t happen as much. To space! Oh, my gosh. Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. I’m going to do my bit now. Brave jump. What? I didn’t even leave. Brave jump. What? It won’t let me-

Oh, that’s one small step for man. One giant leap for knarf kind. Oh, it didn’t work. Yeet. Oh, it’s still not working. Zero point zero. WOOOOOOAAAAHHH [pain] What if I do the jump strength and gravity at the same time? What happens? Yeet. Oh, he’s he’s gone. Yeah, he’s he’s like, yeah.

Hold on. Let me use my telescope. And we are soaring at 14 million feet. Oh, we got there. We’re just flying. Here he comes! Like Mary Poppins, he’s coming down very slowly. That’s for all my British people here. They’ll get that one. Wait, Mary Poppins isn’t just a British thing.

She’s British. All right. Deal with it. Move on in here and. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…. Fall damage multiplier set to 40. Let’s go. Wow, you got some sensitive legs there, pal. I know my my my ankles are here. Ankles. Hmmm someone was punching your ankles earlier. I wonder. BREAK HIS ANKLES! Oh, yeah, that’s right.

You. Earlier. That wasn’t that wasn’t that couldn’t have been that couldn’t be. Are you sure about that? Come here Knarfy! Wait. I don’t have a knockback attack, knockback attribute apparen- My gravity is just… ready? Oh, my gosh. Wait, wait. Idea, wait, idea. Wait. TP Cammaganza here. One hund- thous- One thousand here.

Ready? Oh, geez. See ya! He’s a thousand blocks up. Oh, there he is. That was like, oh, my gosh, that did like half my health. Entity interaction range? How are you do- You can’t get me from there. Oh, my gosh. How are you doing that? It’s so far away. He’s too powerful!

I don’t like this game. Zombie reinforcements. Oh, oh, dude, wait. Oh, I have an idea. Cam, I’m scared. Hey, man, how’s it going? Maybe it’s not working? Maybe it’s like we got to kill. We got to do that. Maybe it’s I think it’s working. All right. The maximum is just one. I see.

Oh, that’s a baby zombie. That’s a baby zombie. I didn’t mean to do this! Die, die, die, die, die. Did it just kill you? Shut up. I’ve only got one thing to say to that Knarfy, if you want to know what it is? What? Oh, my God, there’s so many. Spawn reinforcements.

Do it. Spawn them, please. Please, spawn them. [Knarfy anger noises] We now know what Knarfy’s weakness is. Zombies. All right. So good to know. That doesn’t work. Bye. All right, here we go. Bye. See ya. Oh- It’s like he does a little run up like a cartoon character.

So he sorta just goes, dee dee dee dee dee. WHOOOO! Oh, there we go. How attack on Titan would end if I was writing it. Check this out. We actually have new tuff blocks. So much castle potential. It just looks so good. It looks good. It looks– that’s sand. It looks so good!

That’s not tuff. I want to get rid of this. [EXPLOSION] There’s also new copper stuff like this grate. It’s pretty great. Oh, that sounds great. There’s also copper doors. There’s also trap doors. There’s also chiseled copper. All the blocks sound very nice. Yeah. There’s a couple other things that we

Will see more of later. But this is one of them. I love that sound, though. Did you hear that? Yeah. OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK. And then there’s also this one. Let’s hear the sound on this one, too. Ready? Ready? That tickles my brain. Wait, hold on, hold on. Wait, hold on.

Did you hear that? Look, it’s got ambience. Oh, yeah. It makes me wonder how much– editor’s going to cut out of us just listening to the sounds. A lot of it. All right, I got a feature. You ready? Yeah. You know what’s bad? I almost forgot about the armadillo. I know, right?

I know. The baby. You just want to pick it up and then launch it as far as you can. There’s one more feature relating to those. Check out the collar on the wolf. There’s a little- It’s a little nicer now. A little more pixels on it. And then you can also skin

Armadillos and put it on the wolf. That’s cool. It’s also more resistant to TNT. Oh, my gosh. These guys ran over here. Yeah, they swimming. That was a bug. OK, they weren’t walking. No, it’s a feature. It’s a feature. It’s a feature. It’s not a bug. It’s a feature, I’m sure.

I’ve got another great feature for you guys. You ready? Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it. No pressure. Wait for it. Thank you, Cam. You’re welcome. Whoa! Big boi! Oh, his legs. What the heck? He straight up just was like– Fella really did say Skedadle Bro really said

[mr krabs walking sound] You ready for the best feature of the entire update, I think, so far, at least from what we’ve seen? Not that. That’s– no. No, that is– No, I agree. I agree, Cam. Best update. What? What indeed? Look at the guy in the background. Here comes the boy.

Ooh, looking fancy. There you go. Look at this. Look at this swaggy. I’m ready. Ready for my– my expedition. Are you ready? I really want to kick you as far as I can. Can you get off the smithing table? You’re kind of in the way. It’s me, your tiny, Knarfy tour guide.

Welcome to the trial chamb- I hate my own voice. What? Yeah! Into the trial chamber. Into the trial chamber. Nothing could possibly go wrong. Cue adventure music. Oh, god. Here we go. [attack sounds] Oh, your dog’s attacking me. I’m sorry. I’m going to have to kill your dog. Oh, no.

I got three keys. OK, so the keys are handy. I got armor. Look at that. It’s dead dog’s armor. Oh. How dare you. This way. Let’s go. Here we go, baby. Oh, we got spiders. We got spiders, baby. Wait, I have a plan. They’ll never see me this way. I’ve got it.

I’m on a mission! Oh, my god. Destroy them all!! [screaming] Charge! Attack! Hi-yah! Hi-yah! Hi-yah! Hi-yah! Hi-yah! Hi-yah! [Heavy Breathing] [LAUGHTER] Hey, there. I’m ready to take down– I, uh, I can’t fit. Well, that sounds like a you problem there, mate. Awwww. All right, boys, over here. Right here is something

That I would like you to see. This is the vault. You need a key for this. So put a key in there. There you go. You’ll notice that you get items out of it. But Ferit doesn’t yet. Wow, a lot of items. The cool thing is now, if

You try to put a key in, it doesn’t work anymore. Because you already put a key in. But if Ferit puts a key in. I’m waiting for the– I’m just– It has to be a perfect moment, all right? I’m mentally preparing myself for this, OK? Don’t rush me! Don’t rush me! Um, yep.

It would help if I didn’t have my shield in my hand. There we go. It works for him! You have many arrows in your head. I just want to point that out. I do. So this is one room. How many are there? A few. Wait, I’m going to show Cam another feature.

Come here, Cam. Come. OK. Come, come, come. Come, come, come. You should use your ender pearl. Or you could just fail the jump. That’s perfectly fine. Watch this. Watch this. Oh, it’s brighter. Yeah! That’s all I wanted to show you. Here we go. A new room. WOAH! Hello. Hey, hey, hey, yah.

Hey, yah. Oh, we got skeletons too. Oh my gosh, there’s so many spiders! There’s so many spiders! No! Become one with the spiders, I guess. I am– I am spider. You guys, I’m also a spider. It didn’t work. I killed them all. Guys, I’m lost. Hi, lost. I’m Knarfy. Oh. I hate you.

There’s strays over there, hey, guys? There’s probably more than one. Stray, hey, stray. Hey, stray. Hey, stray. The weak voice, hey, stray. Hey, stray. Killing it, stray. You’re killing it. Swag. Oh, yeah, there’s more. Oh, yeah, there’s more. Oh. It’s fine. I got you covered. I’m sure those strays have got you

Covered too in arrows. But, you know, that’s fine. Yup, I am very much covered in arrows. Can I shoot these? You can shoot them. You can shoot. That’s so cool. It feels like Zelda. AHH! It’s breeze time. Here we go. We got a lot of breezes. Whoa. OK, launch. OK, OK.

I’m on fire. Also, don’t shoot them with the breeze. Oh, my gosh, he flew up there. Jeez. OK, so we got the new feature, by the way. We got wind charges. Do you guys have any wind charges? I have three. I got four. OK, sick! Haha! I one-up on you.

So these are cool. Yeah, you can go high with them… All right, I got one more thing for you both. Are you ready? I’m going to clear my inventory. I’m going to use this win– ah. And then you do this, and then you do this, and then you do that.

And to infinity and beyond. Hit the button. Whoa. I want to fly too. WHEEEEEE! [LAUGHTER] Everybody, lau- [LAUGHTER] Bye!! One final thing. Are you ready for this? Here’s the plan. Here’s the plan. You ready? I’m just going to– oh, wait. Hi Cam. Don’t mind me. Just doing uh- Everybody, hop in.

Three, two, one. Bye. WOAH! Let’s go, Cam. Let’s go to the moon. To the moon. Lets go eat the moon! All right, ready? I heard it’s made out of cheese. Three, two, one. Goodbye. Oh, it just launched them all into the– oh, there they go. That’s one small step for

Man, one giant leap for Cam and Ferit! Goodbye. Oh, it didn’t– it’s still not– it still didn’t work. I need to replace this. Goodbye. Whoa. What the– Did you just– did you just– oh. Here we go. Whoa. Stay on your side. And now– No. OH! Why am I always the one?

He’s the chosen one. Whoa. I went up, but then I came back down. Are you in survival mode? I’ve been in– I went in survival mode before. I’m in creative- Oh. Oh, I think it– Go on that gold block, shift all the way to the edge. And then three, two, one. Bye.

Go ahead and flip that lever. I’ll see you later. Bye. Thanx for watching! Also go get OperaGX via the link 🙂 – Subtitle Knarf

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Minecraft’s newest snapshots add a lot of hilarious features in the forms of new Attribute Modifiers, mobs, items, and structures! Check out the newest updates while we figure out the weirdest things we can do with them!

Check out the snapshots we played with in this video here:


Mods Used for this Video:
▶ Simple Voice Chat:
▶ WI Zoom:

Spyglass “What” Resource Pack is part of Vanilla Tweaks!
(Direct Pack Download ▶

Edited by Eddie
Finalized by Knarfy

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#knarfy #minecraft #update


  1. Knarfy, see this pattern? previously, there was horse.jump_strength and now it's generic.jump_strength. player.entity_interaction_range means that only players can use it, and zombie.spawn_reinforcements means that only zombies can. See the pattern? You were trying to give yourself spawn reinforcements, but it doesnt work if it says zombie. before the attribute name.

  2. I'm pretty sure if a zombie has the Spawn Reinforcements attribute, it calls nearby zombies to it when it gets hit. It doesn't actually spawn more zombies. Also, great video 🙂

  3. Admit it Knarfy, you are only accepting opera GX sponsors for the money and that it freaking sucks 🍑, maybe check the terms and conditions on how low quality and short the sponsor segment can be and stick with that. Deal?
    And to any other people reading this comment, here is a sponsor skip for you 2:36

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