I Built a Working Dungeon in Minecraft Hardcore

So I came across this picture on Pinterest of a Dungeon Crawler Concept in Minecraft which made me think can you build a working dungeon in survival and yes you can so today I’ll build a 100% working Dungeon Crawler with redstone puzzle rooms blue different mob levels and obviously a boss fight all without

Creative in my hardcore world and before you ask yes I will make a download for this dungeon if we reach M let’s say 20K likes so make sure to hit the like button so you get to try this dungeon 2o all right every big project starts with choosing the right

Location I think right here should work so let’s make a flat surface first cuz I need to build the dungeon’s floor at least two blocks above the surface so we have a clean area to build all the Redstone later now I’ve buil circles squares and hexagons before and to add a

Bit of challenge to this build I decided to make dungeon and octagon which itself was no problem to build but later on in finding a working layout and decorating the whole dungeon but now while I still flat in the area let me tell you about the fstep plan of this video now Step

One is the preparation I’m doing right now step two is all about finding the right layout for the dungeon this is crucial to make the dungeon actually work in the end step three is where the Redstone comes in since with the layout done comes all the door locations step

Four is what took the longest decorating and in step five I put all the loot and mobs into the dungeon to make it challenging so let’s quickly finish step one oo all right I haven’t mind sand for quite a while cuz I totally underestimated how long this will take

Uh I just spent 2 hours mining sand and now we got to get tons of stone braks because we will need to fill in this hole with stone braks we need the foundation of the dungeon and I’m pretty sure yeah that that’s definitely not enough oh let’s grab that we have the

Rockets with us okay time to go back home which uh I forgot which direction I have to go and I’m pretty sure I’ve used all my stone which yeah I did so let’s just go to our cobblestone generator take that push that and now I’m going just grab all that

Cobblestone and put all that into the Super smelter um okay it’s full wait that should do and let’s also go and grab coal from this Farm turn all that into coal blocks and into the superm and the super SM is doing its thing I think I’mma also go

Turn that off for now and M some Stone manually I spent quite a while farming Stone and also managed to break two pickaxes while doing so luckily none of them were my netherite one so after grabbing a bunch of Sher boxes full of stone as well as even more form smelting

Cobblestone I flew back to the project and repaired my stuff on the way just to realize on the Rival I still need to light up the area below the dungeon so back to the guardian Farm I went crafted some Sealing lanterns and lit up the area before finally building the dungeon’s

Floor oh boy I totally underestimated how big this is it just took six full shka boxes just to make the base plate of this dungeon and I don’t even build the walls yet but yeah speaking of walls we got to build the layout now and then make it nine blocks tall that that’s

That’s going to be fun yeah let’s quickly do that now like I said already the layout is the most crucial thing about the dungeon to make it work in the end so I obviously buil the basic dungeon in the creative world first so I won’t waste any time figuring out the

Working layout in survival all right and just like that we have the layout set we just have to make it nine blocks tall and you’ve probably also saw that there is something like a double wall in the center room right here which is basically just to make this room

Weatherproof since obviously we need a boss for a dungeon and fighting a warden in a room this big um yeah it’s it’s just impossible and to make the way then not destroy the whole dungeon we need to surround the bus room in obsidian so let’s just quickly head

Home and get some of that actually let’s also get some coordinates so we can make a nether portal to travel faster to the project coordinates should be right here let’s hope this works nice now we just need to fill in this with obsidian obviously not forget about

Below even though I already spent a couple pickaxes mining stone I ran out of it at some point but the smelter has already filled up the storage again and I AFK Farm some more breaking another pickaxe in the process but eventually I had enough Stone to finish the

Ws all right and just like that we have all the walls done but now I need to grab some colored wool to Mark like where the main path is so I exactly know how to do all the Redstone to make this dungeon actually work let me just

Quickly head back home see you and right here we should get all the wood we need and what about our Redstone Supply oh that’s not good guess we got to AFK The Raid Farm get some Redstone but let’s first use some of the wool to Mark

The main road there we go the Red Room marks the correct way to the boss room and and now we just need to figure out where we’ll put doors which got to be unlocked so for example we start right here usually the main road goes right

There but let’s just say to unlock this door you have to flick a lever in this room but there’s a door right here too and to unlock this door you have to go into this room and to unlock this door you then have to go into this room

I think that makes it easier to understand okay let’s repeat that one more if you want to unlock this door you have to get into this door but to get into this door you have to get to this room which doesn’t have any door and that’s what I will do for the whole

Dungeon now and then we can start building the Redstone all right time to get some Redstone let’s go I AFK for about 30 minutes when I once again had to prove all my luck see this Farm is not 100% V proof so I usually stay in front of my PC chilling on my phone and talking with

Friends on Discord just as I decide to go to the bathroom vexa spawned and they even popped my totem I don’t remember how close it was since I wasn’t recording with OBS but I just came back in time to not die funny thing is there was a bunch of redstone in the storage

Left from earli AFK sessions so I didn’t even had to AFK the farm so after this close call I crafted a bunch of different Redstone stuff and went back to the project all right we got a bunch of rest and stuff let’s just start figuring out making the first door wait we actually

Need some gravity blocks too let’s just use sand for this all right we got the first door right here which can be unlocked over here so this one has to be unlocked first I think first of all we need a piston right here like that which actually has to be

Activated and now we need Need and if we now click this lever this piston should be down yeah which it is okay and if we now add signs onto this extended piston and the sand on top of the signs like that obviously these doors will get decorated as well if we now flick this

Lever the door is opening you now know the basic principle of how the dungeon works and obviously I didn’t use levers only to unlock the doors even with the limited Redstone knowledge I have I created different puzzles to unlock the doors I won’t show you how any of them

Work right now but at the end of the video there will be a dungeon playthrough 2 hours later and with all the Redstone done it was time to start making the rooms look like actual rooms now I almost lost my sanity decorating all the walls with just stone bricks

Slabs and stairs it took me 4 hours to make the walls not look flat and make the rooms look like actual rooms but the hardest part of all was definitely trying to make every room a little different I didn’t want every room to look the same but eventually I was done

I never thought this would take this long but 4 hours later placing only stone bricks and I’ve got at least the walls decorated but oh boy this still looks a bit plain so so we’re going to add some crack bricks as well as Mossy bricks to this dungeon which will

Probably take another 2 to 3 hours so yeah let’s quickly head back home and the stone should be done smelting let’s first turn all that into some bricks cuz I think there’s no way turning them yeah there’s no way turning them into crack bricks with the stone cutter we have to

Put them into the smelter actually make a few more which we’re going to turn into Mossy do we have Moss blocks we do definitely need more though so of some bone meal I went to get some more Moss to craft the mossy Stone breaks half an

Hour later and I had about a sh box each and also decided to make some Mossy for decoration before I went back to the project and start the painful work of replacing stone bricks 2 hours of work for a barely noticeable difference well at least from above when walking through the dunge you

Can see the difference I’ll let you decide if it was worth the 2 hours or not all right it is no Monday I’ve been on a party over the weekend which is probably why my voice is still a little rough but I don’t care anyways today’s mission is to probably spend another 4

Hours decorating this whole dungeon at least decorating the whole dungeon is some work with a little more variety than just placing stone braks for before hour straight so yeah let’s quickly head back home and grab a bunch of materials to decorate the dungeon and I’m talking bookshelves screws torches lanterns leather wool for

Carpet we don’t care all right final stretch of building the actual dungeon starting with two chests at the dungeon’s entrance where you get the loot to start the dungeon but since obviously you need at least a sword to start the dungeon and I totally underestimated how long this will take I

Once again had to come up with many different ideas to make not every room look the same it took another 4 hours and when I ran out of ideas I made the final part of the dungeon a little desert themed since overall this dungeon is in the desert now I won’t show any

Details or much of the building process here I don’t want to spoil here are some of my favorite rooms All right the final thing we need to do is to head in all the doors for which we need some gravity blocks and I think gr concrete powder fits the most or maybe even light gray but do we have the color for that we do have light gray and we do

Have gray as well but do we have gravel yeah we we [Applause] Don’t I think I prefer the dark Gray all right and just like that all the walls I mean all the doors are done and as always I made way too many concrete powder which means we can now add all the mobs and loot into the dungeon and to make them not despawn we

Need you guess that name tags so let’s grab some emeralds from our raid farm and give our void trading friends a quick visit yeah he’s got a point anyways give me them name packs all right I probably got a little carried away white trading is just a

Great thing but I don’t think I will put that many mobs in the dungeon now we also need to make all the loot for the dungeon but I actually think I’m not just use all these gears and once again made way too many Shak boxes now the plan to get the mobs

Into the dungeon is by building a mob farm above the dungeon with a mob collection area below from which I can then grab the Mobs with mine cards and bring them to a dispenser where they will get the helmet because that way I not only save them from burning when

Working in daylight but also I only get mobs which are able to pick up items which is exactly what I want so I just build a platform above the dungeon with the mob collection area some water and rails and the most simple mob farm above just an AFK spot missing and it’s not

Working don’t ask me why but the mobs inside the mob farm for some reason didn’t want to move at all they were absolutely stuck in place so I just tear down the mob farm and build a better one all right this should work now so after

I got back down from the AFK spot of the new mob farm this happened as soon as the skeletons saw me they shot arrows but instead of hitting me they hit the creepers and I forgot to turn on the water again so we got some damage this situation made me remember

That a bow would be quite handy handling all the mobs but I um I lost my bow so I made the new one and used my most over the top enchantment table to enchant it it feels like I’ve done this before anyways but with the new bow now

I could finally start getting my first zombies you want to know why this video took so long this is why never would I thought that this process is dead time consuming and for some reason the zombie spawn rate was absurdly low I mean look at that there’s

Just one single zombie in there maybe it’s because we’re in a desert and they usually only spawn husks not zombies but it took forever to get a bunch of zombies now to exactly know where to put all the mobs I did a little bit of planning first dividing the dungeon into

Four sections with different mob levels because I rather that make the dungeon a little too hard instead of too easy section one will only be regular zombies with the iron helmet and the wooden sword in section two all the zombies will have full iron armor and iron

Swords in section three they will get half iron and half diamond armor and in the final section there will mostly be skeletons wearing full diamond so let’s get some rails going and bring the zombies into the dungeon hello [Applause] there oh [Applause] No all right first section done let’s get some iron armor on that Guys another section done time for some diamond Armor halfway through the third section I had to make a really bad Discovery the zombies are dying so after quick research I found out helmets use durability at daytime when worn by a zombie so before continuing I actually decided to close off the dungeon’s roof losing almost all zombies in the process

At least I managed to save all the diamond gear I’ve already used so another 2 hours getting zombies later and I could repeat the process of getting the zombies into the dungeon all right now finally all the zombies are in place just need to add the skeletons but luckily these guys are

Nowhere near as absurdly rare as the zombies side in the desert turn here we go and okay we go that was a pretty smooth Landing all right just to make this clear for you I’ve been up there for what about 30 seconds and look at the amount of

Skeletons we’ve got and there’s not a single zombie in there so now you know how long I’ve been doing this to get uh all the zombies yeah anyways let’s get the skeletons wait do they do they even wear do they even wear helmets aha wait why why are they all here how

Did they end up I didn’t place any okay how did what I’m so confused now the skeletons turned out to be way more annoying because well they have both yeah no sh so I brought them one at a time and not collecting like 20 skeletons first but surely still not

Without any trouble oh not good okay luckily there was only one one section of the dungeon I wanted to put skeletons in so this didn’t take anywhere near as long as the zombies just that guy yeah he took a little longer than the other ones pH I’m finally done putting all the mobs

Inside the dungeon never would I ever thought that this will take this long it was a painful process but yeah I I I am done I am finally done now it’s time to clean up things I mean look at all the Shaker boxes we have right here and

Obviously we don’t want the giant mop buff a dungeon so let’s just quickly get rid of this by using the power of editing so let’s get into this corner and boom wait I should probably wait for daytime and boom there we go that’s cleaned up all right so let’s just

Quickly finish the boss room starting by building a dome on top to make the boss room a little more impressive and obviously making it Wither prooof by adding obsidian on top before heading inside and adding some big pillars on the walls and ceiling overall trying to

Make the boss room stand out a little more after walking through the whole dungeon I think I’ll pause right here and reveal the final boss room at the end of the video all right the dungeon and its function is now finally complete the only thing left to do is to make it

Actually look good from the outside too because that thing is uh hella ugly so just like I already did at the entrance right here I’m must just go around and add some pillars some stairs some walls and slabs and on the roof I think I’m going rebuild the desert yep that’s the

Plan so let’s Go covering the obsidian ball in stone wasn’t the best idea it’s somehow turned out really bad but after adding some dunes and sand on top it somehow turned turned out let’s say okay just fixing all the terrain spots where the dungeon is flying before doing what marks the

End of every big project cleaning up the project Sher boxes all right time to actually play the dungeon you can either watch this part or skip it if you don’t want to get spoiled but I would recommend watching at least the boss fight so yeah let’s just put our items

Into this chest let’s not forget about our armor and yep I’m also putting the totem inside let’s get our loot get some food stone sword and a helmet let’s hope to not die cuz otherwise I have to start a new Hardcore Season which I wouldn’t mind eat that to be honest now let’s

Go wait I forgot about the shaders all right first part of the dungeon just some easy zombies okay we only have seven carrots oh hey buddy now we go through the library Okay okay okay oh Oh you dead that’s it six levers in this room without any indication on which combination is correct I’m just going to say it’s two levers you got to find out the correct combination for yourself but now it’s time to fight the Boss And that’s it the Wither didn’t even make anywhere near as much damage as I was thinking he would the obsidian was absolutely unnecessary once again if you want to play this dungeon for yourself make sure to hit the like button I’ll put the download link in the description

Once we reach 20K likes I would never recommend doing this too except in Creative this took way too long and was absolutely painful German potato over and out [Applause] Bye-bye

I built a 100% working dungeon crawler in hardcore minecraft

DOWNLOAD: 20,000 likes

★ Join The Channel ★

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/92wjHmayRT
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tbchdyt/

★ Credits ★
》 Music from Epidemic Sounds
》QUMU: https://www.youtube.com/c/qumumusic


  1. Hi ich komme auch aus Deutschland, lebe dort auch und es wäre wirklich cool wenn du auch mal ein video nur auf deutsch machst mit englischen Untertitel damit die Zuschauer auch mal Deutch lernen

    Hey like this comment when you want to lern german (pls) 😊

  2. Just so you know- obsidian walls aren't witherproof, as blue skulls fired from wither can break them, along with wither colliding with them (I thought you would've known since you probably use an obsidian farm, for which withers breaking obby is a key mechanic)

  3. Hey TBC, I don't know if you will see this but your discord server is glitching pretty bad, well I don't know if it is even a glitch or if someone did this. Most of the channels of your server have disappeared and now we only have 2 channels to talk with everyone. Obviously, everyone on the server is freaking out and worried that the server will delete so please help this issue! Please see this!

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