I Built Every Item Duper in Minecraft Hardcore

Since the beginning of Minecraft duplicating has been in every single update and in 1.20 it’s exactly the same sand dupers rail dupers carpet dupers TNT dupers and methods to duplicate whatever you want are all possible and today I’m going to build every single one of them in my hardcore World some of

These are used by everyone and some of these are viewed as cheating so please don’t accuse me of cheating in the comments because for most of these machines I’ll just end up destroying the items using a cactus now the first of the dupers that we’re going to be making

Is the TNT duper and as the video progresses the dupers are going to get more and more op and more and more useful as for the TNT duper this is used by loads of players including myself for various farms and World eaters the glitch to do this has been in the game

For years and for whatever reason Mojang have chosen not to patch it and we’re going to use this to solve one of my biggest problems I I just never have enough wood I do have this manual Tree Farm which requires mining with an axe but it’s quite slow and inefficient so

We’re going to build a massive tree farm that will get me loads and loads of wood and will also include a TNT duper it doesn’t require that many items so I’m going to get busy gathering everything that I need and that is every single item that I’m

Going to need and I also discovered a feature on YouTube ladies and gentlemen that I never knew existed you know that button underneath this video that begins with S I can’t say it but I just want you to have a look at it right now because when I say the word subscribe it

Should go rain which I did not know was a thing and then if you’re new and actually press the Subscribe button a load more rainbow sparkles come out which which I never knew it looks very very cool and if you new here you should wait wait for the Sparkles you should

Subscribe yeah I’m having way too much fun with that new feature anyway this is where we’re going to build the tree farm with the TNT duper and this is a type of TNT duper that I’ve never built before in fact I never knew the design for it

Existed so it’s pretty cool and it’s very very simple which in my opinion makes it even better that is enough of an area successfully flattened and now I can actually begin building this water is going to be quite an important thing but we’re in a bit of a snowy area so to

Make sure that it doesn’t freeze I’m going to add some signs now we’re going to start using scaffolding to add some obsidian and some dirt next I’m going to dig the collection system it is very very simple indeed this water will push the items along here and then in this

Position we’re just going to dig up a little bit so we can swim up and then we’re going to extend this up to be quite a bit more and by quite a bit more I mean I mean this tall yeah not not not too crazy is it so let’s go and add some

Kelp all the way up and this bit is complete did you know this you can actually Place carpet on top of water how cool is that now I’m going to place a load of scaffolding and I could climb to the top but I’m going to fly and get

Some sleep while I’m up there and up here we’re going to build the system that connects to the TNT duper so this piston is going to nudge the falling TNT to the side if it’s needed it depends on the type of tree we’re growing and now

We go up a little bit more and this is where the te TNT duper is going to be built so I’ll get down the TNT add a piston facing into it and then we’re going to have some iron blocks around because we need to hold in some water

Here comes the snow but that’s not going to stop me I’m going to add this bit of redstone to complete the TNT duper it is very very simple isn’t it told you I wasn’t joking and now I need to build a collection system to gather up all the

Wood these signs and the trap door are going to hold the water in place I break that look at it’s perfect now to add a bit more Redstone once I place this Redstone Dust you’ll you’ll see that the TNT duper is working it is raining down

On the obsidian and to turn the machine off I’m just going to flick this lever and technically this Farm will work fine now it it’ll get me all the wood that I need so to test out the farm I’ve got my saplings I’ve got a bunch of bone meal

And I can just stand here whilst I keep using the farm this Farm is fairly efficient and from those six stacks of bone meal I’ve got a grand total of 5 and 1 half stacks of wood not bad but I don’t want to have to manually replenish

My bone meal no we’re going to make a machine so it automatically does that it just requires a very small amount of redstone items which can be added right here basically this dropper will keep dispensing items such as this bone meal and then the pressure plate will stop it

Dispensing so that if there’s items here it doesn’t cause an overflow and I can also turn the machine off with that lab these three double chests are all getting filled to the brim with bone meal and I shall now switch the farm on I’m ready for an hour to see just how

Much wood I end up with plenty of time has passed and as you can see I’ve got loads and loads and loads of stuff in these chests had to keep throwing away all the apples and the saplings to make space so I’m going to load up my

Inventory and then load up these Sher boxes next I’m going to once again gather up a load of building blocks because I’m also going to want to build one that can Farm These nether trees and now have everything right here and I can get busy building Tree Farm Number what

On Earth is that goat doing it’s actually lost its mind I have never seen this before why why is it doing that it is it is completely broken there you go you are you back to noral now all right you kind of know what you’re doing but

You you’re really not having a good day anyway I’ll just get focused on building this tree farm and that is that done and i’ next like to add an auto sorting system to both of these storages that is the first one done the second one is also finished

I just need to load it up with all the correct items I’ve just got to loaded up with bone mail then I need a way to replace the fungus that I planted a similar way to the Bone mail but as you can see I’ve only got two of each so

Right here I’m going to build a nice little square with five pistons on each side blocks on top with some Redstone a dispenser in the middle which is going to have bone maal in it like that and then whatever I want to get I just put

That on top so at the moment I’m going to get some Crimson fungi I can hook up the Redstone and then the farm is done you can see if I flick this look at that they’re already coming in so so fast and I can just go ahead grab all of them and

Turn all these roots that I’m not going going to use into bone meal with the composter no efficiency is lost and right next to it I’m going to build one for the Warped variant as well and if I actually connected this to the dispenser it would work I also need to build

Another one of these right here that is instead going to dispense fungus to me and with that I can now switch on the farm and fully test it out more than enough time has passed so let’s go over here and switch off the machine and the wood stocks are now looking pretty good

And next on the list I’m going to build something that I said i’ never do I’m going to build a sand Farm yes a farm that will duplicate sand gravel and concrete powder why am I doing this well first of all I get loads and loads of

Comments of people telling me to build one and finally Mojang have known about the bug for ages and they still haven’t patched it kind of like was the case for the TNT juper I’ve now successfully collected up all the items that I’m going to need and now I can head to the

End to start the building process and you’re also about to see why I didn’t repair this part of my Endor because we’re going to be using some T and put all of my resources into this chest and then I’ll grab the necessary items to break bedrock next I’m going to build

The setup right here and I’ve also used obsidian to protect as much of this building as possible that is the first bit of Bedrock broken thankfully none of these blocks got destroyed and so now I can work on the other bits there we go all five have been done and now I’ve

Just got to spend a bit of time mining up 100 pieces of obsidian and that is the last of them gone and I’m next going to place blocks over the top of the otle so that I don’t accidentally walk through and then add some Pistons along here next I’ll grab every single item

For the build so that I can begin adding everything in a big part of this build is going to be observers looking at scaffolding you can see all of them extend and you can see even more why I wasn’t trying to fix everything okay well I don’t know what just happened

There I messed up the scaffolding and didn’t Place one where they was supposed to be but now it it should be fine so this is how the redstone’s going to look I’m now going to repeat the same thing kind of across here for more timings so again a load of scaffolding going along

With more observers and pistons right here and it is done we can remove the dirt then I can add some walls like so and then if I add some sand this is the block that is going to get duked I I could do this with concrete powder I

Could do whatever I want really gravel’s another one that works this doesn’t work with things like dragon eggs and anvils or suspicious sand for that matter either we can test it all out by flicking this lever and see it in action so yeah look at that and it’s pushing

Them through fantastic okay we don’t want to run it for too long instead let’s head through and check it out on the other side so it looks like this is the world spawn because this is where all of the sand dropped I did kind of stupidly leave my compass in the end so

Just give me one moment to head back to the end and grab the items that are left behind yep according to the compass this is definitely the spot this is the space that it’s going to take up I could build it really high in the sky so it’s out

The way the TNT is going to come here I don’t think it should destroy anything probably my famous last words so let’s place down some mud which will break any gravity block that falls onto it and then I can build a platform more mud also needs to be here as well as three

Composters and then I can build a wall around the edge to hold in the water Pistons are going to be what push the blocks along now to add some Redstone to connect to the Pistons and you’ll be able to see now how placing a block makes all the Pistons extend because the

Wall updates The Observer I’m now building the trusty TNT juper yep all of these seem to have TNT dupers don’t they I’ve just got to attach this to the Redstone clock that I made right here here and now I need water lots of water to water log every single leaf block I’m

Now ready to add the water that will flow all of the items to the middle we’re just going to have ice and I’m adding a slab so they don’t freeze over and now I’m building the collection system which does require quite a few Hoppers I’ll probably make an auto

Sorted to go with it as well don’t ask where these beds are from only the ogs will remember this episode you know I’ll properly sort that in a second let’s test this out so from the end I can flick this lever to send the sand through and then the the game will send

A copy of the gravity block through the portal and it will pop out here getting destroyed thanks to gravity it gets me about 45,000 sand per hour and if I change this to be concrete powder instead it turns it into concrete that can then be blown up and collected up by

The Hoppers so yeah that’s the general gist of how it all works it’s very very cool indeed it’s actually another of En x4’s designs they’re very very cool what it does as you can see we’ve got loads of stuff coming through but if I want to actually Auto sort all the items that

Come through I’m going to need to improve the design and it’s actually going to work in a very similar way to the tree farm sorting systems except this time I’m going to attach a shulker box loader as well so I’ll get busy and get to work collecting up all of the

Items every single needed item is right here and I’m actually going to build this entire storage underground just cuz it’ll it look a bit better if it’s hidden and I thought it could also be a great opportunity to connect it to this Mega base you can see we’ve got the

Honey farm that way we’ve got the reverse nether portal this way so in this direction I can Mark out the entire area of the room right here repair my pickaxe and if I make it so that I only have stone blocks on my hot bar and I

Then mine this block right here and break it you will see that the entire room is now mined out it’s also going to be annoying to keep all these blocks here whilst I’m trying to build so I’m I’m going to let them despawn I dropping off all these items right here and

Because those items are in spawn chunks there’s still loaded their despawn timer will still be going and whilst I wait I can once again repair my tools all of the items have now gone and on a side note ladies and gentlemen do you ever feel like you’re being watched because I

Kind of do I feel like he’s been watching me for the entire video yes I’ve teamed up with Blockheads to release this fell doesn’t he look amazing he’s a permanent part of the setup and if you also want to make him a permanent part of your setup you can get

Him at Blockheads do store it’s now on sale for just two more weeks the timer is ticking so do not miss your chance because once that timer is over he is gone forever and right now I’m building the floor of the giant collection system I’m trying to make it so the room looks

Really nice as well rather than just have Redstone you know we can have some nice aesthetic blocks too such as every color of concrete for the floor and more iron blocks and sea lanterns for all of the walls part of the system is also going to require a massive row of Jackal

Lanterns that goes all the way around the outside and then I can start adding all of the chests and also all of The Hoppers right right here I’m going to build all of the shulker Box loaders which involves note blocks droppers observers and a load of other Redstone

Components all these redstones here to break the shulkers when needed and we’re also going to need a big long row of dispensers to place the new Shuler boxes these chests are going to be what I fill up with empty Shuler boxes so that everything stays fully stocked and then

I can start building all of the Redstone for the item filters and each of these Hoppers is going to need to have the different items in that I want to sort so that’s going to require a bit of a trip home to get those items I’m going

To need seven stacks of rename blocks to act as the filters and then all the different colors of concrete next I can place the items into each and every one of these and the reason I need six hoppers for each color is because so many items are produced from this Farm

One hopper ju just wouldn’t be able to take it all in and technically I could get away with just having five of The Hoppers but I’m I’m doing six just to be safe since I don’t want any of the items to be wasted mission to fill in every

Single one has has now been accomplished and the items are going to be pushed along this ice highway but I think I’m also going to make the entire roof of this room so also be made out of ice this glass is going to hold all of the

Water in place the honey blocks will align the items so they are sliding on the ice but also Over The Hoppers and the walls will make sure the items don’t get blocked and the water still cannot Escape finally any excess items will end up in this fire and the glass above will

Protect everything all of these chests now need to be emptied and what can actually do is mine this up and send it into the system and I also have to dig a tunnel right here which will eventually connect up to this water I just need a few more resources such as ice trap

Doors and glass there we go the transportation is complete I’m going to fill the machine up with Shuler boxes and with that fully done I can now set off the farm and get loads and loads of gravity blocks I’ve been ruing this machine with various different types of

Blocks for quite some time if I just head through here you’ll see that nothing is broken on this side and if we head into the collection room we have loads and loads and loads of Sher boxes of every single type of concrete and just look at all the gravel that I’ve

Got didn’t really understand one that much but this is absolutely fantastic I now do not have to worry about any of these which really will make my life easier especially when I’m doing massive builds in the future and so with the gravity block Factory now out of the way

I can begin building the carpet and rail dupers both of these machines are fairly similar which is why I’ve grouped them together and because I have an iron farm that gets me all the iron I could possibly need and a gold farm that that does the same thing as well as a raid

Farm that gets me plenty of red stone etc etc I’m not going to keep any of the Rails that I get instead I’m going to put them into lava and the same goes for the carpets as well because I already have a massive sheep farm that gets me

All the wool that I could possibly need now both of these little dupers are two of the most simple machines that you could ever ever make and because it’s so simple I’m also going to grab quite a few resources to make it look nice as

Well the rail juper is also going to be set up so it gets you one of every type of rail as well because I think that’ll make it feel even more complete the carpet juper is also going to require a dead coral fan we have one there I’ve

Only just got enough inventory space to fit every single item and when it comes to actually building this I I reckon we build it somewhere near the tree farm you know have a bit of a a district of uh of juper kind of farms in this area

Reckon right here is a nice little spot for it so let’s start digging out the floor and I’m going to begin with the rail duper which involves placing Redstone in these trenches that I’ve dug and we’re going to have torches along here and blocks on top and we’re

Basically going to repeat the same thing four times because it’s it’s going to be the same rail duper four times but each of the different variants next I’ll add redstone on top and pistons connected to each one that are all going to extend in front of these I’m going to add two

Slime and then around this I can start adding all the obsidian there you go now you can see how it’s boxed in and where every rail is going to be placed is going to be an observer so we’ll get these down and then on top of each one

Let’s do it so we’re going to have a a normal rail there powered here and then detector and activator in those two spots as I said before I also want to destroy all the rails created which is why we are going to add lava so we’re

Going to do one well one piece next to every single Observer like that and then I can bring this glass up a bit higher so the rails can’t go anywhere else except in the lava that’s that’s the thinking behind it anyway now to add even more obsidian above the slimes I I

Can’t really add anything else unless it’s an immovable block like obsidian or glaze terra cotta would have worked and finally I’ll add a black concrete roof to top off the build then I’ll show you in action you’ll see how simple is it’s basically just a piston extending and

And going back and that that duplicates the rails that is the build done if I come down here we conf flick this Le and as you can see the rails keep popping off but they stay there as well and it’s basically The Observers are constantly activating the Pistons pushing inwards

And outwards as they get get updated and this instant movement causes the rails to duplicate it’s a bit weird I don’t know why it happens like that but it’s it’s cool as well I love how they’re just all burning in it’s very very satisfying to watch you can see right

Now the Torches are off so the Pistons can retract which is why those observers can keep moving but if I flick this lever the Torches switched back on the Pistons are now all extended and they cannot retract which is what stops the machine so yeah it’s very cool you could

Change this lava to instead be Hoppers if you did want to pick up the rails and I am now going to build a carpet duper next to it it’s going to be very similar but there is going to be some differences as well for example this machine is quite wide cuz it’s basically

Four rail dupers next to each other whereas this is just going to be one carpet duper that’s quite tall and One Carpet duper can do four carpets we’re going to start with an observer here and a piston a sticky one for that matter oh right there as you can see it extends

And then we need to get out our slime and place it here in fact we need to be on top of it because it needs to stack up all the way up to this level five high then we can use this dead coral horn fan and this is what he going to do

The duping kind of works similar to how a lot of TNT dupers work not how the ones I built up there work but how a lot of them do and then we need to add carpets that go all the way up like so and this is effectively it for the

Machine I can show you a quick iteration of it look at that look at it whoa look at the carpets go flinging everywhere anyway we don’t really want all these it’s one thing making a sand and gravel Factory but I don’t know carpets and rails yeah I I don’t need it all right

Guys look I was throwing them away don’t don’t you worry I’ll even get a bucket of lava and burn them yep there is there is absolutely nothing to see here and speaking of burning I can actually have the trench here it’s very annoying that snowing I was going to add string to

This so it doesn’t ruin the build but let’s just get this all down first so we’re going to have lava there and then we’re going to have glass all the way around so we can see what is going on inside it and as you’d expect on the

Sides we’re going to have obsidian again because they are next to slime blocks and and we can’t have a block that the Slime can push that’s the machine done and I’ll add a bit more black concrete up here just to fully top it up off and

Then in these gaps that I’ve left around the edge I’m going to add white concrete just as an extra thing you can’t really see it because of the snow but but don’t worry once I’ve added all the St in fact we don’t want to we don’t want under

There we just want it like this and yeah I’ve got the choice to either add a glass platform at build height so that no snow can come down or cover it in string I can’t be able to build up 300 blocks whatever it’s going to be 200 so

Instead I’m going to just quickly mine up this head downstairs and grab plenty of string then I can cover the whole thing up I think the lava is stopping any snow from being able to form here but it can form on the white concrete and also on these bits here and there

You have it everything’s done I can also sleep to get rid of this snow and after sleeping I wake up next to my Blocker in Minecraft and I also have that guy still watching me in real life too but like I’m surrounded by them anyway you can

Now see when we flick this lever right here look at it go it is making all of the carpets for me and burning them at the same time it’s just very very satisfying to watch isn’t it isn’t it very cool and once again you can put

Hoppers at the bottom if you want to actually collect them and everything and and I can have this one running as well my rail dupers look at that rail dupers carpet dupers just destroying items for absolutely no reason but hey in my opinion it looks cool and sometimes if

Something looks cool it’s it’s worth doing but you know what the next duper we’re going to make the final duper is way cooler than these it’s a little bit more complex but it is worth it because it allows you to get much much better stuff I personally won’t be keeping the

Items that I get from this because I I just feel like it is a little bit too cheaty but if you decide to use any dupers in your world that is always your choice like Everyone’s entitled to choose what to do in their world and that’s what makes Minecraft so great

I’ve now chosen that I’m going to allow myself to make a factory that gets me loads of gravity blocks I’ve chosen that I’m allow myself to use TNT jup like originally my world I didn’t allow either of those and maybe one day I’ll allow myself to use Rail and carpet

Dupers who knows they might be patched by then but most importantly I need to focus on this next juper that is going to allow me to get infinite netherite it doesn’t require a crazy amount of items but what it does include is a way to blow up NE netherite which as you can

See should be impossible you can’t you can’t blow up netherite with TNT well in theory you can’t but we’re going to use a very clever trick that is going to make it possible every needed item is either in here or in my inventory although I do also actually need to grab

Four netherite blocks just temporarily so that I can actually use the machine and incidentally the place where we’re going to build this is actually where my God Particle Farm is and also where my rare block collection’s at which is is pretty cool isn’t it now I do plan to

Build this out there but it’s raining and I am on a quest to become the player with the most XP levels out of anybody and granted I do have a long way to go but the only way to get there is to keep Gathering XP so if I go ahead and hold

Right click hold left click keep mining this yes this is my God Particle farm and as you can see it gets me a lot of XP very very fast in fact it gets me xp faster than the player can process it I I don’t know why I don’t if it’s a bit

Of lag that’s caused that but I’m kind of curious to know if I change this to instead just be a haste one Beacon does it go at a better speed so the player can process all of the XP well we’re about to find out we’ll just use it a

Little bit have we got a buildup okay we we got a buildup again not as much but still a buildup if we just disable the beacon completely and use it with no haste it seems to also cause a buildup well I always say the bigger the buildup the

Better like it’s not causing me any lag so I might as well just carry on with haste two as I have been before and then I’m going to spend a load of time getting as much xp as possible and that is 12,000 levels fantastic I’ll I’ll just

Mine that up place that and then the rest of these can be returned to that chest I’m going to get the totem back out and yeah 12,01 I’m happy with that so now I can focus on doing this build I’m going to start this with a blue ice

Highway that has borders of glass and this is what is going to transport the netherite blocks and as a slight side point which I thought was cool this machine will actually get 288,000 netherite ingots per hour which is kind of crazy it’s just a shame that I’ll be

Putting all of them into a cactus the cactus will be right here and as you can see the water will flow to it nicely I can chook an item into that collection water look how it goes all the way around it goes up there around and into the cactus and with the collection

System out of the way I’m going to focus on getting the update suppressors onto these four quartz blocks this is quite easy to do and I’ve shown it quite a lot in other videos and it basically involves tricking the game into think there’s still a Le turn here when

There’s actually a Sher box it causes a weird error so if we just open that up break this and then instead put an empty Sher box I need to make sure it’s empty put that in its place we can’t open it cuz the game thinks it’s a Le turn but

This is now an update suppressor an update suppressor I need to move one block in this direction because it’s in the wrong place there we go and now I can create the update suppressor shers that are going to be crucial for this duper there we go that is mission

Accomplished they’re all in place and if I place a block here you can see it just stays has 60 inventory I can place another one it’s 59 it stays but if I instead also add comparators to this side as well now when I place a block

And I click on it it goes back to 59 I can do that again it goes back to 59 so this is now an active duplicator but we don’t want to dup anything boring no we want to be using it to dup the netherite and we also need a machine that can

Destroy netherite with TNT which is you know a a little bit of a complicated thing so I have to make sure that that is factored into the design but first I need to create a system with pistons that will push the netherite in this direction just to explain what’s going

To be going on these Pistons are going to constantly extend blocks upwards and then these Pistons will push them that way to where TNT will be dropped but the Pistons have to extend at a specific moment so the TNT can break the netherite blocks so this is going to be

Connected up with a bunch of repeaters and I’m also going to need another piece of sand I’ll I’ll explain why if I just have this Redstone connect to those Pistons they will extend for quite a few ticks but if instead I Place sand then the sand will’ll make it so that this is

Only activated for a split second for just for one tick and the shorter the amount of time these Pistons are extended the more blocks that can be placed and pushed upward you you’ll you’ll soon see how it all works but trust me this bit of sand is very

Important now we need to make the little TNT blast chamber it starts with a little obsidian platform there which I I don’t know if it’s super necessary but then it gets built up higher with an obsidian wall and the TNT is going to be dispensed right here and pushed Along by

Water so if I have an open fence gate that’s going to stop the water from FL going down but the TNT can pass through we’re also going to water log this with a slab the TNT will go here and slowly because of the Soul Sand will get moved

Across this clock will make it so that there’s regular TNT being dispensed and the way you break netherite blocks is by pushing them with a piston as they get blown up allow me to demonstrate if you place 10 repeaters down all on full tick delay followed by one at the end on a

Single tick and dispense TNT on the tick before that if the Piston pushes the TNT just as it blows up it blows up the netherite because in the single tick that the block is being pushed its blast resistance gets set to zero so that’s what I’ve utilize here there are 10

Repeaters all in a row connected to those Pistons followed by the 11th repeater on just a single tick I’m going to add a bit of a wall to this as well cuz you can you can just see too much at the moment can’t you let’s do it yeah

I’m I’m liking how that’s looking let’s also grab all of the TNT which can go into this dispenser yeah I could use a TNT duper but for this this particular time you know I’m I’m not going to use one it’s it it’s fine with a dispenser

And I can show you this in action so I flick this those keep extending and notice what happens here as that blows up those Pistons extend and you see and it it does it really really fast okay that’s only for a split second is those extending thanks to that piston and sand

And if I start placing netherite blocks as you can see because of the update suppression it is duping them and they are going to get blown up okay let’s let let me make it so you can see this a little bit better so placing them netherite next to the update suppressors

Causes it to duplicate these Pistons then push the blocks across and the TNT explodes just as the blocks are moved so that the items drop downwards get collected up and destroyed by the cactus and as you can see the TNT is separated by the water and the Soul Sand which

Make it move very very slowly so that it explodes just as it hits the obsidian and the Piston with the sand is causing the Redstone to only be activated for a single tick it’s not really much of a view for the play though it’s is all I

Can really see is the netherite over there going onto the cactus which if you ask me is pretty cool I’m going to start putting red concrete through you can see it works with any block the reason I’m doing red concrete is because I don’t want them to be loads of netherite all

The way up there so this will just ensure that there’s no netherite left although there is four blocks up here that are acting as kind of blockers they need to go as you can see they they do drop the items as I mine them but I’m

I’m not going to pick them up instead I can just place down any other block because they’re at the Pistons push limit so that the red concrete will do I found this to be quite a fun video I wanted to make sure that I didn’t benefit for any dupers that I didn’t

Want to I mean for me the sand duper and TNT duper as I’ve said earlier is kind of okay but I’m certainly not going to use General item dupers in my world like the one to get Lo of netherite now that for me is just a step too far and kind

Of takes away from Minecraft a little bit but I still thought it was cool to Showcase and then just destroy the items I’ll also repair my netherite beacon and remember if you’d like access to the cool Contraptions I’ve made like that netherite duper or anything else in the

World my patreon is links in the description and you can download the world there if you want to see how I managed to infinitely Farm bed and get all of these items click the video that is on screen right now or if you’d like to know how I built this XP farm that

Gets me 89 million XP per hour and has got me to level 12,000 click the other video which is on your screen right now

Buy my NEW BlockHead here! https://blockheadz.store/products/sb737

►89,000,000 XP/Hour Farm: https://youtu.be/C9h-OJ2GJZg

►Download My World Here! https://www.patreon.com/sb737?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator
►Or play the world on my server!
JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg
BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132

please follow these thanks
►Twitter: https://twitter.com/sb_737
►Discord Server: https://discord.gg/xjFUEuFnXB
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realsb737
►SB737 Merch: https://sb737.store

In this Minecraft video I survive over 8311 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

More 100 Days Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

Tree farm: https://youtu.be/6xe4I4EqnFw?si=8NwWndzzp5DwzDAL
Concrete Factory: https://youtu.be/BkZz7jNSE7c?si=1ouwtcUgwfIW9S4s
Rail Duper: https://youtu.be/1VeLp_N9Vuo?si=X2JzsmJJuhHk0lBW
Carpet Duper: https://youtu.be/c2G5UmLijRQ?si=TvU2ieWxa8qitAbJ

0:00 TNT Duper
6:55 Sand Farm
15:22 Carpet and Rail Duper
21:49 Netherite Duper


  1. I play on bedrock. There are plenty of dupe glitches and that's how I get all of my bedrock for my wither cages for obsidian farms and wood farms since we don't get tnt dupers.

  2. Day 136 1st god apple
    Day 806 2nd and 3rd god apple
    Day 895 4th god apple
    Day 902 5th god apple
    Day 1149 6th god apple
    Day 1262 7th god apple
    Day 1327 8th god apple
    Day 1412 9th god apple
    Day 1502 10th god apple
    Day 1507 11th god apple
    Day 1603 12th god apple
    Day 1704 13th god apple
    Day 1802 14th god apple
    Day 2003 15th god apple
    Day 2084 16th god apple
    Day 2103 17th god apple
    Day 2273 18th god apple
    Day 2276 19th god apple
    Day 2303 20th god apple
    Day 2368 21st god apple
    Day 2403 22nd god apple
    Day 2425 23rd god apple
    Day 2604 24th god apple
    Day 2697 25th god apple
    Day 2718 26th god apple
    Day 2828 27th god apple
    Day 2830 28th god apple
    Day 2905 29th and 30th god apple
    Day 2908 31st god apple
    Day 3002 32nd god apple
    Day 3118 33rd god apple
    Day 3204 34th god apple
    Day 3304 35th god apple
    Day 3402 36th god apple
    Day 3405 37th god apple
    Day 3502 38th god apple
    Day 3503 39th god apple
    Day 3605 40th god apple
    Day 3704 41st and 42nd god apple*
    Day 3709 43rd god apple
    Day 3820 44th god apple
    Day 3857 45th god apple
    Day 3910 46th god apple
    Day 4004 47th god apple
    Day 4026 48th and 49th god apple*
    Day 4027 50th and 51st god apple (yay)
    Day 4067 52nd god apple
    Day 4080 53rd and 54th god apple
    Day 4081 55th, 56th, AND 57th god apple
    Day 4103 58th god apple
    Day 4105 59th and 60th god apple
    Day 4156 61st god apple
    Day 4161 62nd, 63rd, 64th*, 65th, and 66th god apple
    Day 4209 67th, 68th, 69th, and 70th god apple
    Day 4210 71st, 72nd, 73rd, 74th, 75th, 76th god apple
    Day 4211 77th, 78th, 79th, 80th, 81st, 82nd, 83rd, and 84th god apple
    Day 4306 85th, and 86th god apple
    Day 4308 87th, 88th, and 89th god apple
    Day 4403 90th, 91st, 92nd, 93rd, and 94th god apple
    Day 4405 95th, 96th, and 97th god apple
    Day 4491 98th, and 99th god apple
    Day 4602 100th GOD APPLE YAY!!! And 101st god apple
    Day 4609 102nd god apple
    Day 4703 103rd, 104th, 105th, 106th, and 107th god apple
    Day 4704 108th god apple
    Day 4803 109th, 110th, 111th, 112th and 113th, god apple
    Day 4925 114th god apple
    Day 5212 115th, 116th, and 117th god apple
    Day 5313 118th, 119th, 120th, 121st, 122nd, 123rd, 124th god apple
    Day 5214 125th, and 126th god apple
    Day 5303 127th, 128th, 129th, 130th, 131th, 132nd, 133rd god apple
    Day 5304 134th, 135th, 136th, and 137th god apple
    Day 5338 138th god apple
    Day 5402 139th, 140th, 141st, 142nd, and 143rd god apple
    Day 5403 144th, 145th, 146th, and 147th god apple
    Day 5404 148th, 149th, 150th, and 151st god apple
    Day 6556 152nd, 153rd, 154th, and 155th god apple
    Day 6558 156th, 157th, and 158th god apple
    Day 6561* 159th, 160th, and 161st god apple
    Day 6565* 162nd, 163rd, 164th, 165th, 166th, 167th, 168th, 169th, and 170th god apple'
    Day 6567* 171st, 172nd, and 173rd god apple
    Day 6570* 174th, and 175th god apple
    Day 6572* 176th, 177th, and 178th god apple
    Day 6575* 179th, and 180th god apple
    Day 6576* 181st, 182nd, and 183rd god apple
    Day 6578* 184th god apple
    Day 7804 185th god apple, I am not counting the other two because he doesnt obtain them on day 7804
    Day 7864 186th, 187th, 188th, 189th, 190th, and 191st god apple
    Day 7865-7875, why did i do this to myself
    70 more god apples, cuz the first 6 dont count cuz they were day 7864
    11 days, 70 god apples… Lets just do an average like this
    Day 7865 192nd, 193rd, 194th, 195th, 196th, 197th, 198th god apple
    Day 7866 199th, 200th 🎉😐, 201st, 202nd, 203rd, and 204th god apple
    Day 7867 205th, 206th, 207th, 208th, 209th, 210th, and 211th god apple
    Day 7868 212th, 213th, 214th, 215th, 216th, and 217th god apple
    Day 7869 218th, 219th, 220th, 221st, 222nd, 223rd and 224th god apple
    Day 7870 225th, 226th, 227th, 228th, 229th, and 230th god apple
    Day 7871 231st, 232nd, 233rd, 234th, 235th, 236th, and 237th god apple
    Day 7872 238th, 239th, 240th, 241st, 242nd, and 243rd god apple
    Day 7873 244th, 245th, 246th, 247th, 248th, and 249th god apple
    Day 7874 250th, 251st, 252nd, 253rd, 254th, and 255th god apple
    Day 7875 256th, 257th, 258th, 259th, 260th, and 261st god apple

  3. If tree farming is starting to get really slow there's a data pack in vanilla tweaks that destroys the whole tree (ITS AN EXPEREIMENT) and this could simplify a tree farm.

  4. 10:24 villagers i think it was like 700 days or smthn, I've been watching this series the whole way and i don't want to see it end, but i don't want to see you get burned out either and it could be cool to start anew! love all ya content never stop

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