Mikey vs JJ Family: NOOB vs PRO: ROCKET HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

Our friends Mikey and JJ are in big trouble now me and my brother Milo must make rocket houses to take meisen into space and escape the flesh eating zombies that are after them can we make real working rocket houses before the sun goes down and the zombies attack

Marky’s family is in danger don’t worry Mary I’ll build you an escape what are you building that escape out of Milo well I’m using mud mud that’s a terrible idea they’re never going to survive don’t worry JJ’s family I’m going to build out of something way better ion

Blocks my rocket needs to be really really powerful if I want to be able to take off and I’m not building mine out of mud ion is so strong so if I build a super strong Pro rocket it is sure to work Milo I’m a little worried your

Rocket will not take off because it’s made out of mud I don’t have time to think about that chip I have to build the best rocket in the world I guess I have to build an even better rocket then to make sure that if if yours does not

Work I can keep everybody on my rocket that’s why I’m building the engines out of iron blocks I have four engines on the bottom of my rocket these are going to launch us all the way into space we can go around the moon or to Mars or

Even to another galaxy hey chip that’s rude my rocket is totally going to work m is a really good building block you just don’t understand I don’t think so Milo really good building blocks are things like obsidian which is what I’m using for the very base of the rocket

This is one of the strongest blocks even though it’s pretty heavy we’ll totally use it in our rocket our engines will be powerful enough to lift off anything so we’ll still make it all the way to space to space Oh my gosh I can’t wait to go

To space and also to protect Mikey and his family yeah me too I definitely need to protect JJ and his whole family how are you going to protect Mikey and his family if you make a rocket out of mud that seems pretty dangerous Milo no chip

I’m welcome it’s made out of mud sticks together really well cuz mud is pretty sticky and it’s going to fly super duper High uh yeah I do not think that will happen Milo you need to do what I’m doing and build an epic bottom layer to

Your rocket this is where you will have all the storage right next to your engines by keeping everybody at the very front of the rocket you get the best possible view of outer space and can make sure you don’t run into anything bad like aliens or something oh my gosh

Chip I totally didn’t think about the aliens if I see an alien I’m pretty much going to punch it in the face well Milo we need to focus on a lot more than aliens right now if you see a zombie do not punch it in the face because then

You might get infected by the zombie virus and no one will know how to take off your mud rocket not even me I really think you should not be building out of mud because it could cause a lot of danger W that sounds like a really bad

Situation okay don’t worry chip I will make my rocket really easy to fly bye okay good idea Milo I’m going to start making the actual living area of my rocket this is going to be where we can go inside when we’re in the middle of space it’s going to be a huge storage

Area with a big elevator going up and down the very middle of the rocket this will make it as easy as possible for us to go up and down and anywhere we need to go it’ll especially come in handy in case we need to escape a bunch of

Zombies CH you know what what is it Mila well if you turn into a zombie I’m pretty much Gonna Fly your rocket and I’m gonna Zoom it really fast what Milo you can’t leave me here on the earth with all the zombies that’s terrible what about JJ’s family would you leave

Him behind as well no way me and JJ are besties I’ll totally take JJ and Mikey in your rocket to a race around the Galaxy what so you just leave me behind Milo that’s terrible on my rocket I’m going to have a zombie jail where if you

Get infected you can come on as well to make sure that we can cure you once we find a cure but I don’t want to go to jail that’s really Rudd hey I guess it’s also really rude to become a zombie so you got to pick your battles Milo that’s

True I’m pretty much just a little bit freaking out right now yeah me too I do not want those zombies to arrive and we do not have much time the Sun will not stay up in the sky forever Milo which means that we won’t be safe forever I

Feel like those zombies are going to come any minute time can fly when you’re focusing on building so we need to make sure we are very very careful I got to Bel so fast right now and I’m kind of running behind yeah I think I’m running

Behind as well but not as much as you Milo what even are you building that doesn’t look like a rocket at all just trust the process chip I know you’re going to be really jealous of what I build when I’m done with it I don’t know

How I can trust the process if you’re already building out of mud that’s a really bad idea Milo mud is not the best choice to make a rocket out of and why is your rocket the shape of a UFO um well pretty much this is how I thought

Rockets were shaped what Milo you’ve been watching way too many Alien movies Rockets are shaped just like the Rockets from NASA that fire astronauts all the way into space Oh well chip I don’t have time to change it now I’m going to have to keep going with this epic idea oh

Gosh Milo if your UFO does not work you could be in real trouble and Mikey’s family too I have a feeling I’m going to need to save everybody before before Milo gets totally stuck on the earth with those zombies if I make my rocket big enough and pro enough I can fit

Everybody on it I just have to make sure I do not build too many things because if I do we will not be able to take off let’s try to make this storage area as smart as we possibly can we definitely need chests all on this wall and we need

Them on this wall too these sections of the rocket are perfect okay this is looking really good so far I’ll just add some more chests here now we just need to think about what we can bring inside the chests I think I totally know we need to find the lightest food and I

Think dried kelp weighs almost nothing as well as bread bread is mostly air the more our food weighs the less we can bring on and the harder it will be to fly I think we should only take a couple pieces of each food item that way once

We reach a new planet we can start a farm with it but we do not want to take too many because that would weigh us down let’s add one of each of the different farmable food items into this chest this way we can keep it nice and

Safe I also want to fill this chest entirely with dried kelp this will weigh almost nothing so it won’t keep us grounded perfect now let’s put bread all in this chest and that’s amazing now in these other chests we need to grab some wooden tools I know they’re not the best

But they barely weigh anything so if we add wooden tools inside all of these chests we help make sure that we really lighten our load that’s part of my big plan to make sure we escape as quick as possible another big part of my plan is

A huge elevator in the middle first I need to build the deep slate a little bit further down like this and then I can place more on the bottom to protect it I also need to grab Soul Sand and Crimson signs the soul sand is very

Important and so are the signs as well let’s add some more iron blocks just like this and place the signs on the edge these signs will stop the water from flowing everywhere once I place all the water down that is we can’t make this elevator too crazy otherwise it

Would get really heavy Milo what are you doing your rocket looks even crazier than the last time I saw it yeah crazy awesome um I would probably just go with crazy I really think I should be building a rocket for both of us we don’t have time to build two different

Ones if you’re going to make one that’s this weird hi it’s not weird you’re going to make me cry you keep being so rud sorry Milo I don’t mean to make you cry okay okay you can keep building that rocket but if it doesn’t work I at least

Want to make sure I have something for you guys would you be mad if I built a chamber for Mikey’s family to come in an emergency yes because CU it means that you don’t trust me to build a good rocket okay Milo I guess I’m just going

To have to trust you to build a good rocket but if I look back again and see that your rocket is not becoming better then I will be forced to build an emergency escape for Mikey and his family don’t need to do that chip I’m doing a really good job really Milo

You’re building your rocket out of mud yeah mud is a good block I already told you this just because you didn’t go to block School hey I only went to normal school which is way better than block School block school isn’t even real block school is totally real I went

There for 3 years Milo that was just you sitting alone in your bedroom singing songs that was not school that was pretty much school also who made you the school expert uh the principal when I was promoted to head boy oh Milo I really think you should be listening to

Me right now I just want to make sure you are safe I only care about protecting you from the zombies that are coming one thing about me right now is I’m not going to listen to you oh gosh okay I just have to focus on making this

Rocket then that’s why I’m building a big bedroom area on this level by making sure that the entire bedroom is in one big dormatory we make sure everybody can keep an eye on each other if we had lots of secret little bedrooms and lots of hideaways on my rocket ship then the

Zombies could sneak on board and hide in them waiting for the perfect moment to strike and infect the entire crew what if we are the last population of the Earth and we let the zombies under our rocket and they infect us that would be a disaster it would not only destroy us

But Mikey and JJ’s family too that’s why every single thing that I building this rocket needs to be really really open we can’t have any areas where a zombie could hide I think that’s where the elevator really comes in on a staircase the stairs wrap around and it can be

Really really easy to accidentally not see a zombie standing right above you that would be terrible I do not want to see Mikey or JJ’s family hurt by zombies like that elevators are also aot lot lighter than stairs because it’s just water and not a bunch of stone and

Concrete or iron the only iron here is in the walls of the elevator which are to make sure that the inside of the rocket is stable and will not crack apart on itself have you built any support inside your rocket Milo yeah and it’s all made from mud mud Milo mud is

Slippery and Squishy it is not going to support anything if you trying to take off with a rocket made out of mud it’s just going to explode or melt or something else really bad not this mod this mod has some Mangrove roots in it so that means it’s really strong oh my

Gosh Milo so your entire rocket is being held together by mud and twigs yeah exactly oh no Milo that’s really bad I know I said I would trust Milo but I really don’t looking at his rocket and hearing him talk about it I really do not think it will get any better that’s

Why I need to make this bedroom twice as big let me get an orange bed for me a blue bed for Milo and a red bed for JJ’s family I can not let Milo know this but I’m also getting a lime bed from Mikey’s family he is not doing enough to protect

Them so I have to do it myself I’ll put the beds in a corner where Milo will not see very easily if we hide them as much as possible we make sure Milo does not get angry Milo can get really really angry when we do not trust him and right

Now I really don’t I’m only doing what I have to to save everyone that’s why I need to put Mikey and his family’s beds right back here we can put JJ’s ones on this side okay yeah yes this looks way better than I was thinking now we can

Make my bed over here and we need to hide Milo’s bed as well maybe we can put Milo’s bed in the back too and put JJ’s bed up the front this way if Milo looks through the front of the ship all he will see is red and orange making him

Think that Mikey and his family do not have spots here hopefully this is enough to make him think that I trust him let’s also put bedside cabinets on these walls as well as some over here next to the beds I’ll give myself one as well too oh

This looks awesome hey hey Milo my bedroom is coming along so well right now yeah I bet it is Bozo hey I’m not a bozo look with a bozo know how to decorate an entire bedroom using carpets well you might call that decoration but that’s not what I call it what do you

Call it Milo ugly what Milo it’s not called ugly it’s called decorating I disagree I don’t think it looks very good hey I think it looks awesome it’s meant to look like the fire that comes off of a Rocket’s engines and it’s also meant to look like a shooting star

Through space we’re going to see so many different galaxies with this now that I’m in the back I’m going to place green and light blue carpets this is so that Milo and Mikey’s family has their own area to enjoy the green and blue is the color of the earth which is exactly

Where they’ll be stuck if this rocket doesn’t work and they don’t come on board wait why is there water I didn’t place that down hey wait what’s happening why is there water on the side of my ship I did not put that there I better unplug it immediately I I need to

Figure out how that water got here it couldn’t have been me and it definitely couldn’t have been Mikey or JJ’s family but hey Milo did I just see you looking at me what no yeah I think I did Milo you can’t be doing stuff like that you

Can’t be pranking me we need to focus on Surviving I don’t know what you’re talking about oh my gosh okay you’re never going to admit to what you did so I think this is basically how I organized it if I forget even one part of this the pattern won’t be the same

And I’ll never stop thinking about it until the end of the universe which could come sooner than I think if we don’t get this rocket up and running luckily somehow Milo did not see this green and blue carpet at the back when he came to prank me that is a big relief

If he actually saw it we’d be in a lot of trouble I better add more things to distract him if he ever does come back in here let me get some quartz blocks to add some decorations to the walls we’ll put the quartz blocks right along here

Yep I think that looks perfect now let’s put a painting inside and wo that looks so cool it’s exactly what we’re going to do if we have to fight any zombies that might break onto this ship I really hope they do not break into this though if

They do I will be so angry wo look the fire and the white looks just like our rocket ship it kind of looks like a meteor shooting down from a Dusty space flight onto the surface of the Moon oh yeah that looks perfect this is awesome

I need to make a room that’s a little bit tougher than a bedroom though a storage room and a bedroom will not be enough to protect us from zombies I’m going to make my rocket a little bit thinner towards the top I think one of the rooms that we definitely need to

Make is an armor room armor will absolutely help stop the zombies from being able to attack us armor is very important in the fight against the undead I think having an armor and weapons room could provide us a very good chance to survive these zombies Milo are you building an armor and

Weapons room on your rocket no I just finished building a really cozy bedroom what Milo are you only building a bedroom on your rocket no I’m going to build other things as well I just don’t really want to tell you so you don’t copy me what Milo why would I copy you

You’ve already made a really silly mistake of building out of dirt and hey wouldn’t you want me to survive well yes but just as long as you’re not copying me oh Milo you are so crazy sometimes okay fine I won’t copy you but I don’t know how you’re going to fit anything

Else in that rocket it is very tiny and I’m afraid you might not have enough space don’t worry chip I’m a Master of Disguise you don’t think this is going to be a very good rocket but I’ve got lots of good things in here that you

Just don’t know about um I guess that’s right but Milo I’d be really careful if I was you don’t add too many things otherwise your rocket could be way too heavy I don’t know what engines you built but if you want a heavy rocket to take off your engines should be at least

As strong as mine oh um my rocket doesn’t really use engines what my what does your rocket use well it uses magnetic power magnetic power like magnets and stuff yeah cuz I really am good at them what you’re good at magnets Milo that does not make much sense at

All well it makes sense to me all right okay I really hope it makes sense to the laws of physics so that your UFO rocket thingy can actually fly if it does not fly you’ll be stuck here wait did you just say the loss of physics does that

Mean that there’s physics police uh uh I think I have to lie to Milo if I tell him there’s a physics police he might actually take this building seriously and realize his rocket needs to work uh yeah Milo there’s totally a physics police you really need to make sure your

Rocket will fly otherwise once you get bitten by zombies they’ll arrest you totally oh no I do not want to be a criminal I will make sure these magnets work really well I know he’s still building using magnets but at least it’s an improvement as long as Milo can make

His rocket fly I’ll be happy I just really hope he gets it working in time before I worry about that too much though I need to make this armor and weapons room let’s use the same orange glass that we used in the room below I think this looks awesome and we

Definitely need a bunch of armor stands I need to remember not to make it too heavy though that means that netherite and diamond armor as well as iron armor are way too heavy we can only use leather and chain meal uh that is such a newbie armet but I guess there’s nothing

More Pro than surviving so really we’re kind of doing the most Pro thing of all this also really does kind of look like an astronaut suit wait a second if I grab a crafting table and some white dye we might actually be able to use this to

Dye the armor the color of a space suit oh I’m really hopeful that this will work and look it totally is working the leather is being transformed into space suit ready material oh no I totally need a leather helmet there we go now I can make this into white color as well

Perfect Look at that now we can just replace this old gross normal leather with it perfect I’ll get rid of that and that and now watch and learn boom it now looks like a proper spacit we can replace the same amount on this armor stand over here let’s add a leather cap

And a leather tunic perfect this is so amazing I think this is the next best thing after iron armor we better make sure we do the same on every side because remember we are not telling Milo but we need to build enough for everybody that includes me Milo and the

Six people in Mikey and JJ’s families we cannot leave anyone behind especially not the kids in the family they would not be able to survive the zombie apocalypse on their own now it is time to grab chests to make the weapons for the weapon room I know I used wooden

Tools earlier to make them light but these tools can be made out of none other than netherite these need to be so powerful and I will also grab a bow and a bunch of arrows not regular arrows though these are spectral arrows which are crafted with glow stone they sparkle

Which can help light our way through the darkness of space I’ll give every single chest Two bows and two swords this way there is plenty of equipment for everybody to fight with okay I just need to make sure I do not mess this up if I

Forget any of the equipment that we need for this space flight we could be stuck or Worse stranded in space with no ability to fight or protect ourselves I even left a bow behind I’m so clumsy right now worrying about everyone has really gotten to my head Milo I’m

Freaking out about about this please tell me something that might put my nerves at ease wow the good news is my Rocket’s looking really good I even made a zero gravity bounce room really Milo let me come check and um I think I just got a glimpse of it but Milo what is

This why is the top floor of your rocket covered in smiling froggy chairs well because everyone needs a place to sit um and Milo why do you have a candle room aren’t candles really dangerous around Rocket Fuel well that’s the bedroom actually what a bedroom Milo you need to

Save oxygen candles would just burn it and make everybody lose oxygen quicker this is space remember Milo don’t worry chip I have a plan for everything oh goodness I really hope you’re right Milo I need to finish my rocket before I focus on how broken yours is mine bucket

Is not broken I’m really happy with the state of the weapons and armor room it is now time to make the control room this is where we will pilot the rocket from to make sure that nothing ever gets past this is where we will pilot the

Rocket from so we have to make sure we build it really really big it’s where I will spend most of my time and if Mikey’s family needs to come on my ship it’s where they’ll spend most of their time too I can’t tell Milo though instead I’m going to tell him about how

Awesome this room is going to be so he might even decide to send everybody over here himself if he doesn’t I might have to do something to his ship so that he panics and orders everyone onto my ship in a last minute decision I just have to

Be careful I don’t want to do it too soon after visiting his ship because then he will be suspicious that I have corrupted it somehow I need to wait until the time is right but who knows how long that could take I just have to make sure I do it before the zombies

Arrive hey Milo my rocket control room is looking so awesome it’s going to be the biggest room of them all well that’s a great idea I think it’s awesome to have a really big control room mine’s pretty big too what Milo your control room is smaller than even just one level

Of my rocket ship mine is obviously bigger I can see yours from here and it’s about as big as my hand Milo that’s because if you look from your rocket ship your hand looks huge yeah well that’s just what I think oh Milo you’re so crazy don’t worry you’ll see exactly

How big my rocket ship is when it takes off without a single worry it is going to be so powerful thanks to my four quadruple engines they will shoot pure fire that will launch us really really high up that sounds amazing can I come and have a look at them uh yeah just

Don’t come inside I cannot let Milo come inside the rocket because if he does he will definitely see the green and blue that I’ve made I think I might even need to block this area off yeah I think that’s a good idea I just need to remember to remove the blocks before we

Take off if we take off and the blocks are left there that’ll be a disaster because Mikey and JJ’s family will not be able to sleep Let’s Escape this rocket and go down to show Milo the engines these engines are pretty big Milo and they’re going to get pretty hot

When the rocket fires are you sure you want to be so close to them W these are really cool chip you have done such a good job building this rocket thanks I’ve also made it really really big it is so much bigger than your one which

Will be really helpful cuz the bigger it is the more oxygen we can take with us to space yeah but mine is small which means it doesn’t use a lot of energy true I guess that’s right I really hope you’re correct Milo and that your rocket does end up going well thanks for

Letting me look look at your rocket I’ve got some good ideas really okay Milo good luck with your ideas I really hope they work out for you that would be the best option for everybody now I just need to finish off this roof this control room is going to be pretty

Tricky to build I need to build the control panel as well as seats for everybody to sit on not a single soul will be left behind I’m going to put some orange glass on this wall as well this way we have a great View and I

Might even expand it all the way around that’s pretty important here let’s add an orange window on every single side of this rocket ship if we miss one we’ll have a blind spot that the zombies could totally attack us from before we even fly away I really hope the zombies do

Not have a zombie spaceship that would be really bad hey champ yes Smet if the zombies had a spaceship doesn’t that technically mean they aliens yeah it technically would mean that they aliens alien zombies is not something I want to deal with maybe I can build some kind of

Defense system on my ship to make sure that no zombie aliens actually make it to us wait so aliens are just zombies oh now I’m freaking out I think I might need a defense system too if you’re stranded on the ground you will definitely need a defense system Milo

All right I’m going to build one now good luck I really hope this works out I’m building a defense system as well it’s going to be pretty powerful my control panel is already so big it goes halfway around the entire level I’m putting lots of different Redstone Parts

On it this helps make sure that anything we want to do we have already coded into the machine it makes it a lot easier my autopilot will really help me fly and let me focus more on taking care of everyone on board this control panel is

Looking pretty good but we still need to add some buttons as well as some levers as well this way we can actually control the direction we’re going in and make sure we’re not just floating off into space without a care that would be really bad this control room is looking

Pretty good but I need to add some more chairs this way everybody can come in here and be safe if they need to we need to be able to retreat in case the zombies come oh goodness I do not want to tell Milo that I’m building with blue

And green again okay I better just put these at the back where he might not see them we’ll have three green chairs and one blue chair just like this hopefully this is pretty sneaky and he doesn’t notice to make sure he doesn’t see we can put orange and red ones right in

Front that kind of blocks the view of them if you look at it from the right angle I just really hope Milo does not get suspicious and come to check out this rocket at least before it’s time to take off but now that I’ve done the

Control room we totally need to work on the wings of the rocket the wings of very important they will help us fly and steer through space just like this perfect we need to make them go all the way down just like a NASA rocket wood I

Think they need to go about this many blocks out perfect let’s also build them in a triangle shape going right upwards oh yeah this is looking so good already I want to make sure it connects up to the right spot and uh-oh it defin definitely does not I think we might

Have to make a sacrifice we have to build These Wings going over the glass they’re going to make our view slightly worse but it’s at the expense of better steering if we can’t steer this rocket ship properly we will go hurdling towards the zombies or maybe a star or

Even a meteor shower that would be terrible we’ totally get hit to Pieces I’m not letting that happen just because we want a good view is no excuse to get caught in a meteor shower that’s why the wings are the most important things to build right now I also have to make sure

We build the exact same shape on the other side if the wings are not the same on both ends of my rocket then only one of them will work properly that is really bad because it means the rocket will be lopsided and it will tilt really far in One Direction that’s the worst

Thing that can happen when you’re trying to fly straight okay this Wing system is looking pretty good now I just need to make the nose of the ship so that we can actually take off I really hope I have enough time to do this I need to make

Sure I make this thing tall and pointy enough it needs to look just like a real rocket especially if I want it to work as well as it needs to these zombies need to be totally crushed by it I just need to make sure I build this thing so

Well I think I really could I’m such a pro I can basically build anything really well I built airplanes helicopters even airships before I’m basically a monster at getting my builds to take off and fly this rocket is totally going to work this should probably be tall enough yeah that looks

Awesome now I can actually start making this curve slightly inwards it needs to look just like a real rocket and real rockets have a very specific shape if I do not build this shape correctly it probably won’t fly luckily I am so confident in my ability to make this

Rocket that I totally bet it will we can add this here and oh yeah this already looks so good I’m really excited to see this thing totally take off it definitely will I spent a lot of time working on my rocket design and I am certain that this rocket will absolutely

Fly I got that done way quicker than I thought I would this leaves me so much extra time time that I can use to totally prank Milo I’ve just thought of the funniest one possible let me get all this out of my inventory so I can properly prepare for this epic prank

This is an alien spawn egg and if I sneak down over to Milo’s UFO I should be able to spawn it but I don’t want him to see me and I don’t want Mike or JJ’s family to tell on me if they do he will get so mad he destroys my rocket and

Will never be able to escape I need to find a way to sneak around I think I can go through the village these Villages and these animals would never tell on me Milo’s made his UFO really really good at seeing so I have to think of a way to

Get past it I think now’s a good time to go over but I should probably check just to make sure he will not find me uh hey Milo what are you doing right now um I’m pretty much building a bathroom on the other out of my UFO just in case anyone

Knows to go to the toilet during the flight what Milo that’s so silly okay this is perfect if Milo was building a toilet on the other side of this UFO then we can go inside and spawn aliens I just have to sneak in through a place he

Would not see me luckily this seems like a good spot oh goodness I hope he didn’t hear that but let’s just quickly spawn the aliens and wao it’s totally working let’s block it off before they escape and oh no some of them are escaping let’s quickly leave is and need to ditch

The evidence and head back to my ship this side entrance should be a good sneaky spot to get in okay we’ll put the glass back and uh I’ll just pretend that I’m fixing the controls this way we can actually see the aliens and look at Milo trying to get them inside and my

Toilet’s done I’m really loving the way that it looks in hey who is that guy it says he’s an alien what is he doing inside of my spaceship come here you boo oh no monkey did you see any more aliens better check inside and I don’t see any

Yet but there’s some funny noises going on around here let me check going to go upstairs and what the oh my gosh there’s aliens everywhere Che uh what is it Milo there’s aliens in my spaceship oh my gosh they breaking my arm stand I don’t

Know what to do oh poor Milo I think you should probably deal with that alien infest station oh gosh I’m freaking out there’s one more left and oh no come here buddy I got him wow I’m impressed you took them out so easily good job Milo yeah I’m actually really good at

Fighting with my bow and arrow but if any more aliens come around here I’m going to be pretty upset no aliens are coming around now just me I want to check out your UFO Milo I think it’s time that we check out each other’s Rockets to make sure that they will

Definitely fly yeah well let’s have a look around here I got my chest with all my cool stuff in them feel free to take a look if you want wo these chests actually have really good equipment but it seems pretty heavy to have a chest full of gold apples well I don’t really

Need to consider weight in my UFO because it’s the strongest thing in the universe and this is my control panel did you just say the strongest thing in the universe yeah the strongest thing ever Milo that is definitely not right but hey at least the control panels kind

Of fun yeah they’re really good now please stop touching them oh sorry Milo I just don’t think this UFO will work so I thought they were just toys all right then come on to the next part we’re going downstairs where I’ve got some awesome decorations and some really

Comfortable catches wo this is crazy I don’t think everybody’s going to want to stare at these things for hours going through space why they’re really pretty and they super entertaining uh I guess you’re right Milo I’m a little worried wored that Mikey’s family will not want

To be on this and that it won’t take off but I think it looks kind of cool so far what’s in here this is the n gravity bouncing room oh wow I certainly feel a lot of gravity right now Milo well you w when you’re up in the stratosphere yeah

Sure and what’s in here well this is the bedroom of course this is where Mikey Mikey’s baby and Mikey’s wife are going to sleep wo that’s awesome I really like this place I don’t think your UFO will fly though you haven’t shown me any engines yeah I told you it works with

Magnets and the magnet to roll in the Woodwork and stuff what woodwork your woodwork is Twigs Milo yeah that’s still wood right and you haven’t even said the best part yet uh what’s the best part well see all of these little buttons uh yeah what do the buttons do it’s my

Defense mechanism because inside there’s a lot of TNT so when I’m flying around I’m pretty much going to be blowing out everything up and no more aliens are going to infiltrate my UFO uh Milo are you sure it’s safe to have TNT dispenses this close to the ground what happens if

One of those buttons is accidentally pressed right now well don’t worry chip that’s not going to happen until I’m flying up in the air yeah good luck with flying up in the air you should probably come over here and look at what a real rocket ship looks like what is that

Supposed to mean mine is pretty much a real rocket ship and wo this is is looking pretty amazing thanks Milo it’ll also definitely fly this is the bedroom where everybody can stay uh-oh I almost revealed to Milo that when I said everybody I meant Mikey’s family and him

I can’t let him know that I really hope I have not hidden any more clues around this rocket ship uh hey Milo now let’s swim down the elevator uh-oh I don’t really know if you can let me quickly fix that I need to add magma blocks so

That it doesn’t just rocket you up into the sky CH you rocket ship is faulty not anymore Milo now if you go on the left side you’ll go right on down all right that was actually really good thanks Milo this is the chest room but most of

The chests are not filled yet that way they can be as light as possible it needs to be if we want to take off into space yeah your whole rocket ship is pretty big and heavy yeah I needed to work on that but luckily I think it’ll

Totally take off now I really want to show you the next room which is the armor and weapons room wow this is clean I’m really likeing the vibe up here thanks Milo there’s eight sets of armor because oh no there are eight sets of armor I really need to help convince

Milo that that is not for him or Mikey’s family uh there’s eight sets of armor because of the zombies we’re adopting the zombies you’re adopting I didn’t know you were adopting zombies oh no I’ve just said a ridiculous lie and I now need to keep up the LIE oh goodness

Yep we’re adopting eight uh four zombies four zombies chip that’s a really bad idea I don’t know why you would do something like that yeah just don’t think about it let’s go up to the next level up here is the control room where I have oh no those are really exposing

Colors of seats I need to block this off quick before Milo sees wow my UFO is looking real good from up here yeah it totally is I love it too I’m looking right now really yeah look at me turning around and looking wow oh yeah you like

It as well see I told you it would turn out great yeah it definitely did now Milo I definitely think you should head on out come on down this elevator and I’ll let you out the front door all right I’m pretty excited to go back to

My place I hope there’s no little alens there yeah me too I do not want any aliens as well and uh-oh Milo the sun is about to set we need to quickly add any finishing touches to our rocket and our UFO before we have to leave from the

Zombies oh my gosh all right I’m going to do some final defenses me too I need to quickly finish the final pots of this build luckily I have added everything I want to and now I only have to remove pots like all this iron I placed H why

Am I so sneaky I do this every time now I need to check if there’s anything in here okay I don’t think I added anything but this floor is very important I need to remove all of this deep slate that I added it could be really really bad if I

Leave that here and nobody can access the spare bedrooms that I’ve made wait a minute uh-oh Milo the Sun is setting and the zomb are going to come out at any minute oh my gosh we need to get the families into our places right now yeah come on JJ’s family get inside this

Rocket right away come on guys we need to get up and into the rocket ship we don’t have much time the sun is already set and I can feel the zombies about to come hey Milo I can’t believe your rocket ship is so easy to get to yeah

That’s right everyone’s inside my ship already safe and sound I don’t know Milo if your ship cannot fly no one will be safe and sound except me and JJ’s family stop doubting me my ship is definitely flying all right everybody’s inside safe and sound and wo that is a lot of

Zombies all right everybody Buckle in get ready for takeoff wo look it’s totally working it is now launching I’m so excited all right everybody launch in 10 9 wait oh goodness I really hope we haven’t left anything behind good luck Milo this engine’s really loud okay chip what’s go

We did it everyone we are now in space look how high we are if we just break this wall wao hi down there chip help me what’s wrong Milo why aren’t you taking off chip I am still on Earth my UFO won’t start I totally forgot to build

The magnets right now I am completely surrounded by zombies help me CH oh no this is terrible I have no choice but to save Milo and Mikey’s family buckle up every everybody we are going back down okay I think everyone should be safe we’ve totally landed and Milo there are

More zombies than ever before I need to come down and Save You by going to my armor and weapons room oh my gosh please be quick they’re really going to get me and Mikey’s family oh no all of my armor is gone it must have been destroyed

During the takeoff sequence I need to be very very careful I cannot take any damage right now I just need to find a way to get out of here and wo there are so many zombies take that and that wait this isn’t working I think I need to

Distract them so that Milo and Mikey’s family can make a break for it okay here goes nothing and here I go Milo I’m running away you need to take this moment to get you and Mikey’s family onto my ship evacuate now Chip run chip this is really bad okay Mikey you got to

Follow me wo there are so many zombies and baby zombies oh goodness I’ve already been hit once I cannot take any more damage I might lose everything I did not have enough time to grab any food from my ship so I better be really careful that I do not take much more

Damage take that baby zombies and that and that oh goodness I might be running out of arrows soon and these baby zombies just keep getting closer ouch wow there are so many zombies on that Hill it looks like it’s made out of pure zombies oh goodness I really need to

Find a way back to my ship and fast Milo have you made it on yeah P you get on to the rocket ship we need to go up the stairs quick we don’t have much time the relaunch sequence is almost about to reactivate if we don’t head up there now

We will totally never have a chance to make it again you mean these dead oh wait you’re going too fast for me oh no Milo you have to hurry I can hold up these zombies but not much longer oh this is terrible quickly Milo I’m going

As quick as I can they’re trying to get me as well I’m really scared right now yeah I’m scared too oh no if I get hit many more times by these baby zombies I am toast oh no I’m on half a heart I cannot let myself get hit even one more

Time take that baby zombies and that oh goodness come on this has to work and yes we got them all right Milo let’s get Mikey’s family on the ship right now okay all right we made it all on safe and sound CH if I found out earlier that

You had made seeds for me and Mikey’s family I would have been pretty angry but now I’m just reli thanks Milo you can thank me later when we’re up in the air for now we need to relaunch let’s do it look we totally made it we are now

All safe and sound in space all right we survived the zombie attacks with our amazing spaceship yeah good job everyone wooo yay

Maizen are in big trouble and now Milo and Chip must make Rocket Houses to get them to safety! But what happens when the sun goes down and the Zombie attack??

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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