I Built THE WORLD’S BIGGEST ZOO in Minecraft 1.19 Hardcore (#68)

I love animals and I love Minecraft so naturally I love animals in Minecraft but so many of these cute creatures are actually really hard to find if only there was some centralized place to see all these animals in a safe and contained environment oh wait there is

So today I’m gonna build a gigantic Zoo filled up with all different diverse Minecraft Mobs living in their natural habitat and we’re gonna do all of this in Minecraft hardcore so first off I want to find a place to build this Zoo maybe out here in this big open field

This might be the best it’s gonna be a really big project and on that note let’s begin terraforming Excuse me stupid legislation I have a permit I’m allowed to build here I got permission from the state I hate government especially in a kid’s game oh is a giant cave here that’s annoying why don’t we just expand out this way yeah that’s a little bit easier Wait BRB I think this thing might come in handy today and much better uh uh I didn’t bring any ingots with me yeah BRB I’ll take one of you and Kaboom and back to work we go okay about one hour later and that is a lot of flat

Land well minus the giant cave below me that’s kind of annoying right there but no matter I’ll fix that later but let’s carry on and start making this Zoo so my plan is to make a bunch of giant squares next to each other and each Square will contain a different animal habitat then

We can make a bunch of Roads around the squares and there we go we have a zoo the plan is totally foolproof let me just go grab some materials oh gosh far safe all right it’s a new year it’s a new me I gotta stop making a mess of

This chest room I’m cleaning up around here and by cleaning I mean hiding all these shulker boxes in this closet I’m Never Gonna Change I’m just too lazy ignoring that let me just grab some Stone I probably could use some more and what do you know this stupid giant cave

Actually comes in handy thank you and let’s just try making one of the habitats and we gotta make sure it’s nice and big so the animals aren’t cramped what the heck is going on that was weird but okay we carry on and sure yeah that’ll work not too big not too

Small I think it’s actually a perfect size well I guess the animals will be the judge but uh let’s later on for now we keep building I think we need about 20 of these things oh it’s doing it again my world is cursed out like this

Don’t do that again and as I build these things please subscribe and hit the bell I would really appreciate that so I carried on filling up the entire field with these habitat outlines all right hopefully that’s enough squares and worse comes to worse we can add some

More later now we just gotta fill in all this empty space between the blocks with Pathways or roads and I think I have a good idea for it we’re gonna use some some uh well I want to use coarse dirt but it appears we’re totally out well

How does one craft coarse dirt gravel and dirt well I can do that oh well maybe I can’t do that BRB hello ocean floor oh look good anchor and a dolphin taking my loot get away from me ah super dolphin what the heck oh oh I’m drowning I’m drowning ah being stupid hurts

Sometimes let’s lay down some of this and we’re gonna mix in a little bit of brown concrete powder for some extra texture looking good now I gotta do this about 30 or 40 more times so Abracadabra I’m a magician but so far this thing is perfect it actually looks like a pathway

That you’d see at a real life zoo and I hope you guys like it too because this whole thing took me about two or three hours and there were a few hiccups along the way why are you guys here stop it oh man okay I hate this yeah I had a little bit

Of gamer rage there but okay with the main outline of the zoo out of the way I think it’s time to put some real animals in there so as we already discussed every single square is going to contain one kind of zoo animal things like lion Lions giraffes or elephants

Elephant well Minecraft has none of those mobs we’ll be okay first off I say we get the basic Minecraft Mobs you got your pigs you got your cows and you got your chickens well maybe not chickens after all my best friend Broderick is actually a chicken scientist hello Broderick how

You doing uh I think he’s busy with scientist stuff it’s okay brother I’m also too busy for friendship right now oh man but carrying on I probably need to get some leads which I think would be up here or yes sir and hopefully I can find some cows and pigs around here oh

What is that oh it’s a villager I don’t think I want you in my Zoo oh one Pig check and one cow oh it’s a horse oh wait there’s a cowlick behind him you almost fooled me but I’m the smartest YouTuber ever yeah probably not but I’m

Smarter than a horse yeah probably not all right guys big jump ready one two three go you got it you got it uh stupid animals but okay I guess the pigs will go in here please do not fall in the cave and the cow can go somewhere over

There I guess right here will suffice now get on in here Mr Cow thank you very much alright sweet probably want to get you a friend hello there Madame I got a hot date for you and cow meet lady cow all right you guys have fun just keep it

Appropriate this is a Minecraft video um weird but now here comes the really fun part we’re not trapping all these random mobs in these stupid little squares we’re gonna build each animal its own unique habitat kinda like a small biome but a lot cooler except for the pigs I’m

Thinking we use some muddy blocks cause pigs love playing in the mud maybe spring go in some clumps of podzilla too uh can you please get out of there thank you why can’t all pigs be that polite and maybe the rest of the spots can be

Just normal grass what do you pigs say wait where are the pigs oh my gosh no did they fall down pigs where are you you’re not a pig well I guess in a way you are a pig if you get the joke you’re an OG Minecraft fan no don’t do it don’t

Join your brethren I love you I support you thank you I’m actually so confused oh wait wait a second peekaboo what do you guys I’m making you a zoo do you not want to be in the zoo kids look away have some of their meat here

Ly cool looking Pig Pen floor I just want to add some crops in here and I think it’d be cool if these pigs actually had a place to eat and drink so right here we’re gonna throw it on some troughs of water for them and I can

Throw some food over here I don’t know if pigs eat hay I think they do I don’t know but you guys want to diet now so enjoy your hay and would you look at that it’s raining these pigs need some protection so for almost every animal I

Want to make them a little shelter so if it is wet outside they have a place to go and they can stay safe what just I just heard I heard a pig die and it was my favorite one I told him don’t crawl into small holes anymore I tried to warn

Them so far I’m not getting a good feeling about this Zoo but it’s too late to stop now so why don’t we go and that looks good to me oh thank goodness this Village has extra paid actors for me and I promise this is the last set of pigs

No more dying except you I’m the king but anyways after finishing up the pig habitat I built the cows an amazing grassy pasture um hello there what’s up buddy happy new year and this year I’m making it my goal to not have these guys despawn anymore

Me and you are friends now oh oh no he despawned so much for my New Year’s resolution but okay I’m liking this grassy pasture for the cows I just think the walls are a little bit stupid so I’m actually gonna break these out and replace them with a nice mix of Cobble

And mossy Cobble now I’ll just throw some fences on top and that looks significantly better hey what are you guys doing here it’s a zoo not a dummy convention ah burn they don’t call me farzi the insult Master for nothing well nobody calls me that but they will now

But enough fooling around we got a lot of work to do today on we go now obviously our goal is to fill up the entire zoo with different animals so I think our best option is to travel around the world and collect animals based on the biomes they live in and

What better place to start off than the jungle biome so I’m thinking I definitely want some parrot come on buddy live with me yes now follow me this way oh I also would love some ocelots how do I tame you though can I just like grab them

Don’t come here I got him yes I got him and let me just get these guys a couple of friends perfect now what other jungle mob do I want oh I got it we need some panda bears let me just drop these guys off first to save some headaches for

Myself and now we’re off so I’m looking for a bamboo jungle actually let me check my Ender Chest because I have a book in here and it’s called my coordinate Journal it’s pretty self-explanatory aha bamboo forest well that makes things a lot easier and looky

Here we have a big fat panda bear hello my jolly good friend you’re gonna come with me right oh I can’t lead him oh man I’m so sad and apparently so are you you need a tissue brother uh so how can I do this wait your boy is Big Brain if I put

Him in a boat I think that’ll work come on don’t fail me now Minecraft it worked I had no faith there but it worked all right so I guess I just get in the boat and we just go back this way this is gonna be really hard and I gotta get two

Pandas oh my gosh well wish me luck bro I tried to break this melon in front of me and I killed them all right take two but yeah this Panda thing was a real emotional roller coaster for me and after I finally got the panda home one

Of my pigs got struck by lightning what are the odds that would happen while I was gone oh my gosh I hate this project well I can’t complain too much because after all we finally have all our jungle mobs um where’s the ocelot oh my gosh he

Must have despawned I actually hate this project so much note to self never forget the name tags not gonna make that mistake twice all right about two hours later and we have two new cats with name tags I hope I spelled that right and I also got a

Second Panda though I think this one’s broken he can’t really get up right now but now it’s time to make our jungle mobs of jungle habitats and considering I spent the last few hours in the jungle I think I know what blocks to you we’re gonna plant some small jungle trees well

That one’s bigger than I wanted but whatever I’m not gonna be too picky we’ll throw down some giant bamboo plant and maybe we’ll use some mossy cobblestone to make some like Boulders oh yeah I like that oh my gosh they made a baby hello there little one oh you’re

So cute oh my gosh it’s raining and they’re taking shelter I love this Zoo already but one thing I really want to do is have every single habitat a little bit example pandas normally live in bamboo forests so maybe I give them some extra puzzles maybe the parents can have extra

Big trees because they can fly yeah I like that and we’ll give the cats a giant River now they can catch fish out of it as their food source well I hope they don’t actually kill the fish because that’d be annoying for me perhaps you guys can try our vegan diet

I think we’re good here but all jokes aside this is exactly what I wanted every single habitat feels unique and special and a few hours later all our jungle habitats are complete on to the next batch of animals what’s going on as a matter of fact we should take a pit

Stop to heal up my gear Thank goodness for villagers well carrying on our next batch of animals will actually be desert deserts ah come here yeah yeah friends this seems cruel but you’ll thank me later um I don’t think any other mobs live in the desert but there are some that live by the beach like turtles and like

Tropical fish that’ll do just fine okay we got our rabbits we have some turtle eggs which might take about a hatch but oh well it’s the easiest way to do this and of course I have a whole bunch of fish in my inventory I still can’t believe there’s no other desert

Mobs in Minecraft well not counting those stupid desert zombie things but that does not count no Hostile Mobs allowed but okay let’s get focused we’re gonna need a whole bunch of sand but the important part is what we do with the sand for example the rabbits are from

The desert so it’s totally fine to cover the entire ground in sand and I can toss in some cacti and some dead bushes and there we go a good looking desert please just don’t jump into the cactus that’s all I ask of you I don’t trust these

Guys as a matter of fact why don’t two of you stay here just in case we gotta repopulate okay cool but now for a mob like the turtle I don’t need all sand they probably want a good amount of water so what I’m gonna do is make a

Little and the island in the middle and a mini ocean alongside the island and what do turtles eat seagrass and this turtle habitat is complete well minus the actual Turtles themselves excuse me can you guys please spawn I see you chipping away at it but be faster you

Guys are kind of killing the vibe right now and if you’re wondering why there’s fences around the place it’s because mobs love to trample the egg so hopefully that will protect them oh snap I forgot about the fish habitat this should be easy and that’s about it for the fishing

Habitat I just gotta fix the walls really quick oh that’s wildly annoying I didn’t think that one through and all done and somehow after all that I still have no turtles yet well I’d even waste time making a pen for them oh great now it’s raining I hate the rain

Oh the Panda’s scared as a matter of fact I should go sleep I don’t want this happening again wow nice well we are making some really good progress on the zoo right now but before we carry on I gotta take care of something really important last episode I said if the

Video got 10 000 likes I would try to fight every single nether mob without using a totem or armor and you guys absolutely smashed it so without further Ado we got some business to take care of okay so here are the 10 mobs I need to

Defeat let me just take off my armor and my totem and all right here we go I’m scared oh I see some piglets okay piglet down see ya zombie pigland’s tough because they’re all gonna charge me but I gotta do it ah no stay away get back

Throw those guys creep me out aha Enderman hey buddy I just gotta kill you for a challenge no hard feelings oh he died he died he died yes Magma Cube Check wow oh I’m sorry the only passive mob here The Strider sorry buddy you’re dead all right we’re halfway done

But now here comes the difficult mobs aha that’s what I’m looking for the nether fortress all right we’re here all the right there please die die die die die die die he’s dead he’s dead okay cool oh boy a lot of mobs there it’s fine I’ll murder you all but you you’re

The one I want oh yeah okay what’s left yes oh what a shot oh Glenn and last but not least we gotta find ourselves a piglet brute command all right die die die die you’re gone okay we did it now get out of here please but that being said if

This video gets 10 000 likes I’ll survive a whole day in a lush cave with no items on me this will either be really fun or really sad so like the video but anyways I carried on getting more mobs for my zoo I grabbed some bees

Some frogs and even some mushrooms oh I forgot I have the brown mushrooms too that’s awesome yes you’re coming with me the fact I’m gonna have both kinds makes my Zeus so much cooler and still no turtles are they ever gonna even hatch I’m starting to doubt it but ignoring

That let’s get to the frog habitat so frogs tend to spawn in these muddy mangrove swamps so if I borrow some of this oh and some of these then we can make our own little Mangrove swamp and I absolutely love these mangrove trees they look so cool in this exhibit oh and

I just realized I am out of cobblestone so I can’t do the walls right now I’m over 3 000 days in this world and somehow I still run out of stone and somehow you guys still call me a professional Minecrafter I don’t see it that’s more like it put carrying on I

Built my bee friends a beautiful little flower for us and I built the mushrooms their own little Mushroom Island I just realized I’ve already passed over a hundred days on this episode this project has been massive but don’t you worry I still have a ton of cool ideas

For example I think we need some kind of barricade so people can’t just walk in the zoo for free if you want to get in you gotta pay one Diamond so let’s pop down here to my iron farm hello there beautiful how you doing and let’s Smackdown a giant iron wall so nobody

Can sneak into my Zoo all right looking good looking good now we have an entrance on each of the four sides right in the middle and that also means I gotta make a little staircase to get in and perfect oh you know what else

I wanted do I kind of want to make some giant watchtowers in all the corners so I can oversee the entire Zoo thereby increasing security so let’s grab a little bit of spruce wood complimentary of my tree Factory thank you very much and let’s see what the master can come

Up with just for clarification I’m the master but you guys already knew that I swear I just heard a frog go Splat are we good here I’m keeping my eye on you guys but all right here are the watchtowers and look at them they look really good it kind of looks like a prison almost but it’s still cool oh my

Gosh now that I mention it it does look like a prison why’d I have to bring that up the stupid zoo is ruined for me now but well we’re on the topic of improving the zoo why don’t we add some lights around the place too and maybe some

Light in the animal exhibits too I think glowstone will do the trick but getting back on track I continued filling up the zoo with new animals I got some cold weather mobs like polar bears and goats you guys can live in a nice snowy Tundra

Good and you guys can live on a Snowy Mountain Perfection and I also found some horses and foxes so I had to throw them in I’ve gone through a lot of Mossy Cobble today so I’m pretty happy to see this right now ah what the heck you guys

Are taking my blocks so the horses can probably just live in one of these big open planes biomes there’s not too much to it but it does get the job done and for The Foxes I’m thinking we make one of those cool puzzle forests but you guys still gotta stay tied up because

You can probably jump out of here sorry but I don’t make the rules well I guess in this zoo I do but shut up and there we go probably my favorite biome yet and if you’re wondering where my totem went I may have had an off-camera creeper

Incident yeah but I survived at least for now oh and by the way I’d really appreciate it if you guys joined my Discord server the Link’s in the description okay so I have good news and bad news the good news is we are down to

Our last zoo exhibit but the bad news is I don’t know what to put in there I’m kind of a lot of ideas here I mean squids probably not uh bats would be cool but that doesn’t really seem possible sorry guys oh two for one well

It looks like I gotta ask the smartest guy I know oh Broderick how you doing buddy I need your help what mob should I put in my Zoo oh gosh that’s genius thank you Broderick oh by the way I haven’t checked your Journal recently do you

Have any new chapters for me 9 10 11 12 13. aha we got a new chapter oh Broderick well Broderick if you want to have more fun you’ve come to the right world you got my number call me up he has no idea I’m the king of disco breaks speaking of disco break

Foreign This year well let’s get back to our Axolotl Adventure so we gotta find a lush cave because that’s where they spot aha Bingo nothing screams Lush cave like a giant azalea tree axolotl’s I’m coming uh any day now maybe not that day maybe a different day well okay I don’t think there’s any

Axolotls in here oh but there’s diamonds yeah farzi stay focused oh but there’s more diamonds and more over there ah don’t judge me and look what I found a white Axolotl I kind of want to get all the colors for axolotls so we got pink brown yellow what’s the last color oh

Wait a second we’re missing the blue Axolotl which only has a .083 chance of appearing and if you’re bad at math those are very very bad odds I might just skip the blue one sorry but all right let’s make these axolotls a nice big Lush cave

Okay I just had a panic attack because I didn’t see any of these axolotls for some reason they all like clumping up in this one corner which is kind of weird but I don’t judge but there we go that is my fully completed zoo in Minecraft

Make sure to like subscribe to all the good stuff and I’ll talk to you guys next time so until then goodbye

Today I built a giant zoo, containing hundreds of mobs and their own unique biome habitats in Minecraft 1.19 Hardcore! This project is one of my favorite Minecraft builds of all time! And after completing the zoo, I tried to defeat every mob in the Nether without using any armor or a totem!

Watch The Whole Hardcore Series HERE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6gJkISajekAYxbVRE8bHuJKolT_PW8rc

Seed: 564902244069520138

Vlog Channel: https://www.youtube.com/NickFarzy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FarzyMC
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Discord Server: https://discord.gg/farzymc
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Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY9l-w7ePGbLWkXXzJki1DA

My Merch: https://farzy-merch.creator-spring.com
Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/farzy
Become A Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVtz3s3FUxVxBgPl2OWtIJQ/join

For business inquiries, use this email: farzy@thestation.io

#Minecraft #Hardcore #LetsPlay


  1. I am drunk can you please help me eat it’s actually her husks and I actually love your videos you wanna come to my house and I’ll I have a girlfriend like just like you and I kiss it every day Sosamann humongous

  2. Pharmacy, pharmacy, you don't know for a proprietor for anything. And I'm tell me how to get on your world button. I'm not gonna be in hardcore i'm gonna being created the set up myself

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