I Survived 100 Days as AVATAR in Minecraft

Just a couple of days ago the Avatar The Last Airbender show was released on Netflix and as a massive fan of the original show you know I had to add the Avatar into Minecraft that’s not all though because I also added in all four of the elements from the show fire earth

Water and air and now I have to use those elements to survive until day 100 though it is not going to be that simple because as the Avatar there are three firebenders who are trying to hunt me down and stop me and seeing as I only

Have five hearts of HP that’s going to be really easy for them so the second I leave this rock they’re allowed to attack me so I’m staying on this rock for just like 2 more seconds so that way I can show you my avatar upgrade menu

Where I can work to unlock all four elements that the Avatar would have so yeah if we’re going to have any chance of surviving against these fire Benders we’re going to need some sort of bending power so let’s start by getting tectonic uppercut the first of the earthbending

Powers now I don’t know exactly what it does but I’m hoping it gives me the ability to survive okay now let’s get ready to leave this rock the second I leave it they’re going to attack me in 3 2 1 go go go go go go go he’s moving’s

Oh oh God the fire Benders oh oh my gosh they just like exploded everything around me I’m so glad they missed let’s just go this way into the jungle because right now we’re a baby Bender And as Ang the baby Bender we can go ahead and hide

In one high gaps so I can fit under little areas like this to hide where’d he go where oh he’s in the forest me I see him go go go go go go let’s go over here oh get away they’re like oh my God everything’s on fire behind me oh they

Bloop everything behind me oh my God no I’m stuck in a hole bro let’s go this way we need to get some wood let’s get underneath this tree and now let’s go and let’s put some dirt down and let’s let’s get these logs oh Avatar hold on

Wait they’re right there I got to be super careful do you guys see them I’m going this way oh God I’m so scared we just need to get three logs one two three it’s got to be somewhere around here he can’t have gotten far now grab

Some logs turn them into planks there we go okay now what we’re going to do make some sticks make ourselves a wooden pickaxe now let’s dig down get some Stone they’re all around me right now oh he’s mining he got Stone Age okay I got Stone we got to put down a cobblestone

Right here and now we have to break this with my empty hand okay when I break this this is going to be the first Quest gone come on dude we can’t let him progress to too much he’s going to get ahead of us here we go we got a quest

Gun okay boom first Quest oh I see a crafting table he’s right here oh my God he saw the crafting table right as I broke it no way here’s your Fireball oh God Fireball coming in oh I see it I see it back there oh jeez oh jeez we’re

Going down we’re going down we’re going down right here they can’t get me they can’t get me stay on him we can’t lose him again I think he went into this cave dude you sure about that where’d he go he must have gone away okay they’re going past they’re going past there’s my

Chance okay here we go ready okay and we’re out I don’t see the fire Benders okay this is my chance we need to find a village really quickly okay we found some bamboo this is what I need I need a village oh he’s over here in the jungle

I see him oh God never mind go go go go go he’s over here in the jungle go this way go this way go this way o oh he’s up here okay we need to get to a village we need to get to a village oh we got water

Up ahead this is going to be huge I don’t see them coming oh no there they are okay put down the crafting table turn this into planks there we go please let this make a boat still oh it’s different kind of wood it doesn’t count

Oh no okay hold up I missed go this way go this way go this way he’s on the other side of this I can’t get to him okay go go go go Dive underwat Dive underw I need more logs I need more logs okay they’re coming in they’re coming in

They’re coming in there we go turn that into planks put this down he’s right there go get him go get him there we go made myself a huge go go go go go yes yes oh they’re they’re trying to shoot me with Fireballs oh they missed they missed they missed oh that one

Might hit that one might hit turn turn oh okay they missed they missed they missed just go this way just go this way they’re starting to cut down trees they’re making boats and coming this way oh they’re in boats they have boats okay we got to hurry up and keep going this

Way okay we’re at land we’re at land we’re at land okay let’s just go up here yes a village I see roofs of houses oh my God yes we can do the trade with a villager Quest okay we just need to find a villager that will trade do you trade

NOP you have a job something really basic that we can trade with I don’t even care who there’s a house here oh wait wait there’s a cartographer right down here what do you trade what do you trade for paper for one Emerald oh I could do that when we landed we landed

In a desert initially there’s going to definitely be some sugarcane there that we can turn into paper but what if the fire Benders are back there oh God this might or might not be worth it we’ll find out in a sec let’s just grab some

Hay Bal so we have food that’s going to be huge there we go now we should make some bread wonk then we have bread now let’s head over to the desert okay here’s the desert let’s see if there’s any sugarcane it beong the water oh

There is there’s a bunch out there o no the fire Benders oh no okay they’re coming this way hold on I can kind of Juke them here let’s go down the hill this way just don’t let them see us oh they might see me they might see me oh

Oh he’s here he’s here they see me they see me they see me go this way oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh go down here go down here did I just Dro My sand I just dropped my sand he’s going back to the coast oh God they’re on my back they’re

On my back they’re on my back keep going this way get back here Avatar go along the coast just keep grabbing the sugarcan keep grabing the sugarcan oh my God there’s so much I lost him in the water they trying to Fireball me hurt a lot they hurt themselves they hurt

Themselves with their Fireball grabbing it all I’m grabbing it all I’m grabbing all of it I’m grabbing all of it keep it keep now watch us ready oh Avatar up boat in water he’s taking a boat he’s taking a boat oh he has a boat I have our boats I have our

Boats hold on they got boats they’re going to follow me they’re going to follow me we just got to trade with that villager let’s go back to the Village to our crafting table and turn this sugar cane into paper I’m not even going to worry about my boat let’s go let’s go

Let’s go let’s go oh we got to make it into this Village I need my first bending power they’re right behind me oh my gosh I have no hunger it’s right there they’re running out of hunger it’s exactly what I was hoping would happen boom make a ton of paper we got the

Paper let’s get back to our villager friend and who lives in the middle of this swamp perfect he’s still down here now we trade him paper for an emerald boom We traded with a villager second Quest completeing just check the houses let him check the houses we’re going to

Get these hay bals now we just need to kill a fire bender so we need to make a sword so let’s actually go back over here real quick let’s grab some Stone from this cave now just grabb a log from right here let’s turn that log into a

Crafting table and now we’re going to do is make a stone sword and now we just have to kill one of the fire bers oh they’re here they’re here they’re here I see them oh my God she’s done she was super low on HP yes okay now let’s

Unlock our first Earth bending power tectonic uppercut let’s see what this does I have no idea what this does it’s in my inventory right here let’s goly make more bread while they’re coming over I see them I see them over there by the crafting table get back here a go

This way go this way let’s just get these oh Fireball okay good thing we have all the extra bread now he’s right there he’s right there let’s Earth Bend him ready no you’re oh the Earth bending we just threw the Earth at him and he

Died oh gosh okay we need to get out of here where are you okay hide in this Leaf we can get him with the Earth bending ability if he comes over Dude I didn’t even see what it was here he is ready oh oh oh my

God yes he’s done that’s all three of them dead that’s all three of them dead we need to get out of here we just need to get out of here but I really want this bread first okay we’ll grab this bread first then we’re leaving perfect we got all the hay bales

And now let’s let’s bail out of here and let’s go build a base where baby Yang is going to be safe after escaping the firebenders it was time to work on our first avatar base which I finished up on day eight welcome your faces to Ang’s

First base the ABA base 1.0 I totally did not come up with that on the spot but anyway this base is really really simple we got our main survival area here a couple crafting tables in the middle a lava generator off to the side and then just my bed and my main

Entrance now I won’t lie the main entrance is actually really cool you just jump in this water right here where you find yourself inside of a village house so yeah literally unless you come inside this house you are not finding my base so let’s put back down and we’re

Back home and now that we’re back home it’s time to get another element unlocked so let’s unlock the fire element so we can fight fire with fire against the fire vendors anyway you get the idea we’re going to work on the flame on ability also wait a minute

Isn’t flame on the thing the Fantastic 4 guy says flame on come on come on come on flame on so to actually unlock our first firebending power we’re going to need to stand in fire for a total of 60 seconds start a raid and fail that raid and then

Loot a goat horn from a Pillager chest at a Pillager Tower okay so let’s just start by grabbing an iron ingot from our chest and combining it with this Flint in our inventory to make a flint and steel now we have to survive 60 seconds standing in fire so let’s start a fire

Right here we should probably honestly have water nearby hold up let’s just go steal some water from somewhere this will work and now let’s just quickly make an infinite water source next to this fire so we have a place to cool off in when we get there okay here we go

Ready so uh I stood in fire for a little bit there and it only gave me 7 seconds I guarantee you that was more than 7 seconds maybe it’s cuz I’m not standing directly in the fire maybe that’s the issue maybe I got to stand like deep in

There oh that’s it we got to be deep in the fire okay now we’ll heal up that’s 16 seconds okay cool we’re at 30 out 60 meaning we’re halfway there boom there we go and now we’ve stood in fire for 60 seconds which is our first fire Quest completed and now

It’s time to work on the second quest which is to loot a goat horn from a Pillager tower now I’m not going to lie I have no idea where to find a Pillager Tower so we’re just going to keep looking around the world till we find

One and so I went off to search for a Pillager Tower and I found one pretty fast but it didn’t have a goat horn in it because it turns out only 50% of Pillager Towers have goat horns but even worse than that while I was there the

Fire bender showed up okay perfect I found a Pillager Tower there’s a lot of pillagers here though oh goodness get away okay I should be able to fit in this one high G I don’t okay go in the front door let’s block it off now let’s

Go up to the top we just need a good goat horn in the chest that’s up here please be a goat Horn of course there’s no goat horn okay that’s really not good whatever we’ll take all the stuff in the chest and now we got to go find a

Different Pillager Tower and hopefully this one has a goat horn okay I was about to just leap off this I just realized that’s a terrible idea let’s just go down the normal way dude the air bender the Avatar he’s over here oh God the fire bers are here going back up oh

My God they’re after me they must to see my name play oh he just his own teammate up how did kill you okay this ability is not in range I need to get close if I’m going to use it dude why are the villagers looking at me there I hit him

Okay let’s keep using the Earth bending to try and stay alive it’s really only I have to beat them ready boom he’s gone oh you’re dead as soon as I get up there okay the realizer is coming up now watch this BK oh my God this Earth bending is

So overpowered and thank goodness too cuz uh we need to go find another Pillager tower now after that battle I simply started searching for a new Pillager Tower cuz that one didn’t have the goat horn that we needed oh Pillager Tower huge okay now we just got to hope

That this one has a goat horn inside cuz like I said before it’s a 50/50 chance if this has a goat horn in it or not uh guys we can talk about this thank God you guys aim stinks there we go let’s go check out

This place come on get to the top let’s make it so they can’t follow okay we’re clear yes we got a goat horn and two smithing templates perfect now that we have the goat horn that’s another Quest completed okay now that we actually have the goat horn there’s only one Quest

Left to do and it requires us to start and fail a Raid inside of a village so to do that we need to get the bad Omen effect which we’re actually in the right place to do that and all you have to do is keep killing it until one spawns with

A banner in its hand oh betterman betterman betterman boom and now we get voluntary Exile and bad Omen if if I enter a village it’ll start a raid which is what I need to do except instead of winning that raid I need to let all the villagers just die

But we’ll do that in a sec let’s just go find a village that isn’t anywhere near my base cuz if I go home right now I’m going to start a raid there on accident okay perfect I found a village right up ahead this is the perfect place to start

A raid now I’m guessing I can fail the raid simply by killing all the villagers myself but I first have to actually start this thing okay here we go the raid’s beginning now let’s just start taking out all of the villagers so we fail this thing like this guy right here

Where you going oh the Golem did not like that ooh oh I heard another Village oh it’s a nitwit oh he’s done oh my God they’re all in this building okay let’s just murder all these ones now there we go he’s dead defeat raid defeat we killed all the villagers the pillagers

Have W which is kind of unfortunate however let’s unlock our new Firepower and now let’s try it out okay when I use it I’m suddenly on fire oh my God I’m literally burning what happens do it set you on fire if I hit you it does oh

That’s huge so apparently now that I’m on fire I set everyone else on fire when I hit them oh and apparently it also knocks them back with knock back too so that’s kind of cool okay so with our first fire bender power unlocked there’s something I actually have to tell you

And it’s honestly it’s probably something you were wondering anyway so let’s talk about it you probably noticed that my first earthbending power and my first fire power are only okay and that’s because I’m not actually a fire bender or Earth Bender yet I just kind

Of know a bending power in each you see in each category there’s a bender like right here is an air bender right here is the Earth Bender right here is the water bender and over here is the fire bender now when I actually unlock each bending form and unlock that element

Only then will I unlock the full strength of every Power in that category so because the fire bender is unlocked so much farther into this challenge my fir powers are going to stay weakest the longest I hope that makes sense now anyway let’s actually unlock our first

Bender which is the air bender meaning all my air powers will get stronger now to actually unlock the air bender I need a lot of different stuff I need 50 ra B 50 raw pork chops One Soul speed enchantment book and 10 diamonds so uh it’s time for something I haven’t done

In a long time if you’re an OG viewer you definitely know what’s about to happen animal killing montage okay we officially have all the meat we need to finish up this Quest and now there’s only two things left to do we need a soul speed enchantment book and

10 diamonds so let’s start by heading to the Nether and getting a soul speed book so uh right now we don’t even have a Nether Portals so uh that’s not happening now we actually don’t have any diamonds right now and we need a diamond pickaxe so let’s just look for some

Diamonds to start mining real quick ah here we go here’s some diamonds two more to go oh oh my oh hold on a minute I just found this area with a ton of diamonds look at this there’s at least 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 diamonds that I can see hold

On we just got to be really careful cuz it’s touching lava now it’s safe wrap that in total that’s 10 diamonds you know the amount we need for this Quest so at this point let’s just go find three more and we won’t have to do any more diamond mining like literally this

Is going to be so fast there’s one just right up here let’s just build up to it and boom and boom right over here the last couple we need boom now our diamonds are safe and now we have all the diamonds we need for not only our

Quest but also to make a diamond pickaxe so let’s go ahead and let’s take two sticks and grab three diamonds and there we go we got ourselves a diamond pickaxe now let’s go back down to that cave and let’s get some obsidian there we go we

Just put some water down right here make a ton of obsidian and we get mining okay there we go we got Ted obsidian so now just Caro an area right here to actually build us a nether portal which will then fill all that with obsidian and there we go nether portal

We just need to light it so let’s grab our flint and steel from our inventory and give it a light and now we have to go to the Nether and find a soul speed enchantment book to the nether okay now that we’re actually in the nether we

Just have to find a Bastion cuz that’s the best place to find Soul speed books let’s just start looking and see what we can find willing to bet you there’s one over we’re going to go this way boom see I told you to be Bastion this way right

There in the distance I found a Bastion okay we just need to look for a soul speed book okay we’re in we got to be very careful here oh my God the chests are all right here check this one okay I don’t see a soul speed book in this one

That’s okay some gold leggings look let’s put the gold leggings on cuz that should make them ignore us okay now let’s check this chest okay we have an ancient debris and a block of iron but again nothing else we need let’s go down here I don’t know I I don’t think he’s

Attacked me cuz I have gold leggings on but I’m not positive if that’s why I’m also really nervous cuz he he could kill me in like one hit hold on let’s go up here oh there’s a chest right there hold on get over to it oh my God it’s right

Here we have a book yes we got soul speed oh my God that’s so huge we officially have everything we need to be an air bender we just have to go home and get the diamonds from the chest okay so we’re back from the Nether and now we

Can officially say goodbye to Baby Yang and officially become an air bender the first of the bending powers that we’re going to unlock air oh my God Ang is actually so cool now but most importantly you’re going to see now if I eat this piece of bread that I now have

15 total hearts of HP so now things aren’t going to onshot us and then on top of that I also got strength one speed one and jump one for officially becoming an air bender but anyway now that we are an air bender let’s work on our last tier one upgrade which is a

Water ability and to unlock our first water ability is kind of a pain first I need to swim with a dolphin for 10 seconds with dolphin’s gra then I need to pick up both a puffer fish and an axel lottle inside of a bucket and then

I need to kill 10 Ender now I won’t lie this one is super easy to unlock so I’m setting a challenge for myself I’m going to try and get this full upgrade done in a single day okay editor put the timer on the screen here we go and going okay

I’m going I’m going okay first things first let’s make a boat and then let’s head to a warm ocean where we’re going to be able to find ourselves a diamond so let’s just grab some of these logs here over to our crafting table let’s make ourselves a boat okay now let’s get

Going okay we’re definitely in a warm ocean cuz I see tropical fish and I see a few Coral but I don’t see any Dolphins here we need to find a dolphin okay I’m just going to keep going this way there’s got to be a dolphin somewhere

Okay I see a warm ocean ruin right here this could be dolphin no I did see one right here right here here come here dolphin dolphin give me dolphin’s Grace 1 Let’s Stay Together three 4 yes 8 9 10 yes good job dolphin okay perfect the

First Quest is now complete now we just got to go ahead and bucket an axel lottle and a puffer fish so let’s go let’s take the two buckets from our inventory and fill them with water now so now while we’re in a warm ocean let’s see if we can find ourselves a puffer

Fish okay some of the coral that I saw earlier is up ahead let’s go over here and let’s grab ourselves a puffer fish okay here we go we’re at the coral reef we’re at the coral reef let’s dive in we just need to find a puffer I just saw

One wait I just got poisoned wait what from where oh there he is there he is there he is I’m literally drowning because of you oh my gosh get back here your M yes we got him we bucketed a fish okay next we have to go find a lush cave

And bucket an axel lottle and then we simply go to the Nether and kill 10 Endermen though this is getting tight that sun is definitely starting to go down now okay I’m pretty sure this is a lush cave I see the pink trees down here these little pink bushes which usually

Means Lush cave oh yeah yeah yeah look we got glowberries right here now we got to find an axel lottle check out these little water patches Axel Axel lottle yes we have an axel lottle let’s just go back to the surface all we have to do

Now is kill 10 Enderman and we’ll finish this quest in a day and the challenge will be complete oh I fell no no it’s night time outside meaning I definitely already failed okay well whatever challenge failed so let’s just go into The Nether and let’s just kill the 10

Enderman okay perfect I found my first Enderman oh I actually found two let’s get to work and there we go the quest is now complete we can unlock our tier one water jet boost bending power now I have no idea what this will do so let’s just

Try it oh it like did a little squirt wait what what if I hold it oh my God I can like Propel myself around with water that’s so awesome and actually now that I have that I don’t take any fall damage either that’s huge now let’s just use

This to get home and then we can start working on our tier 2 upgrades Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters there we go oh oh this bad you’re not getting through that Avatar they’re guarding my base oh God and a gas and a gas in a gas

Oh he’s below me he’s below me gas are shooting here go this way go this way he can water bend in the ne what okay go up here break this block here we go where’d he go oh he’s climbing up here he’s climbing up here we go we can make it I

See him I see him we got to make it over to our portal come on yes go in go in go in go in go in no I think he’s going yes we got through we got through we need to block that off through blocks hopefully I can just whack them

When they come in here come on oh they’re dying wait they’re dying what’s going on through their perspective I have no idea let’s go through no way oh wait I’m out of bread hold on do I have more bread in my chest I also don’t have my bending attack wait

I have a bending attack no dude I’m stuck I’m stuck oh they’re back they keep coming back hold on oh they’re getting craned in here oh my God yes I can’t get out they’re stuck in the portal they’re stuck in the portal that’s huge I can’t hit them I can’t hit

Them let me get the yes I can’t yes okay they’re gone they’re gone honestly it might be worth packing up the base while they’re coming cuz they’re definitely going to be here in a sec I guarantee they’re going to be back at that nether portal let’s start grabbing all our

Essentials and just moving it to other chests elsewhere so let’s take these turn these into a bunch of wooden planks let’s make ourselves an absolute boatload of chests that’ll be enough and now let’s just start storing our stuff away from the base so we can come back

And grab it later right here okay we can go out here okay so let’s go down here and we start hiding the chest down here at the bottom of the cave we’re just going to start putting chests ready boom okay now let’s just store up all our

Stuff we’re going to start drowning here in a sec that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay okay now swim back up swim back up swim back up now start just moving all the stuff from our chest over we got this come on okay got all the essentials officially hidden okay I’m going to

Start filling this in and making this as thick as I can oh God wait they’re here they’re here what huh let’s get on he blocked us off we can’t do anything in here that’s okay I just break through where is he where is he nice oh I

Suffocated myself I myself I put myself on the ground okay one’s dead one’s dead dude where is he definitely must have oh okay here we go ready they’re getting close dude boom one one one one let’s get the other one with ating away oh no

No no no please I gra is this I can suffocate him in the ceiling look at this dude he’s now suffocating oh I got out I got out oh wait he got out wait what uh let’s use Earth bending on him let’s see if this works yeah you got him

Oh no it worked oh wa the fire Benders might be stronger than me but with all my different bending Powers I’m actually standing a fighting chance here now they could still actually come back through this nether portal so let’s just grab our stuff and let’s start moving quickly

Well with that base found I definitely have to build another Avatar base somewhere far far away to keep the firebenders off my tail and so I did just that and finished the base on day 30 okay so here is our brand new Avatar base and uh yeah yes I live underground

But what makes this basee really cool is I actually built it above a little water pool right here so that way this base would feel like a mix of an earth style base meets like a water style base anyway you get the idea all our survival

Stuff can be found right here beds right here and our lava generators or enchanting table are over here this base really doesn’t have much and we have to keep unlocking new bending Powers because we just finished up all our tier one upgrades so now it’s time to unlock

All the tier 2 bending and since fire Benders are the strongest let’s start by unlocking a fire move called Inferno Nova now to unlock Inferno Nova is actually pretty easy to do all we need to do is collect two music discs six blaze rods and 32 magma blocks and it

Turns out two of those things are in the nether so let’s actually go back down to the base real quick and let’s head to the nether instead okay we’re in the nether okay perfect right next to our nether portal is a bunch of magma so we’re just going to start digging this

Magma out right here and there we go just like that we have all 32 magma blocks we need and now we just have to go click six blaze rods okay perfect I found another Fortress so now let’s just get inside and let’s go kill some blazes okay there’s literally a blaze spawner

Right here there we go okay there we go that’s two blaze rods whoop Dodge that r in fact wait can I grab you oh oh oh he can still shoot me oh god um get over there okay perfect we have all the blaze rods we’re going to need now let’s run

Well I got everything I need from the nether let’s get out of here okay so now that we have all the magma and blaze rods from the nether we just have to get two more music discs which you can really find music discs in a million different places including the nether

Ancient cities and of course M shafts now there is this abandoned M shaft right here that’s below my base but the only problem is I’ve never really gotten into it so I guess let’s do it we have ender pearls let’s throw past the lava there we go now let’s start seeing if we

Can find any chests oh that’s a spawner break that oh is it a spawner oh we could definitely get a music disc here okay this is huge okay I like this I like this do I have any torches on me I’d like to not break this okay whatever

We’ll break it music disc yes we got one we got cat we just need one more music disc in the other chest come on give me a music disc no didn’t have a music disc that’s okay we got a bunch of other stuff though now we just got to find one

More H we found another spawner another spawner that’s huge yep we got one destroy that come on give me a music disc nope and this one yes we got the yellow one we got the yellow music disc 13 and there we go we officially got all

The music discs we need and can already unlock Inferno Nova our brand new ability so let’s do it and now let’s use that ability to get out of this cave let’s try it out here we go oh oh oh my God this is literally like the ability

The fire Benders were using on me during the intro and then I get fire resistance for a little bit too that’s huge I cannot wait to use that against the fire Benders okay so now that we’ve unlocked a brand new fire ability that’s honestly really cool looking it’s time to unlock

Yet another bending ability well their next being a water bending ability called Mist Mirage cloak basically I create a bunch of mist making it impossible for anyone but me to see anything tactically unlock it though I need to get 12 seagrass two tropical fish buckets and eight wool of different

Colors and I’m not going to lie the seagrass is definitely the easiest part so let’s start there all we need to do is go into this chest here and grab two iron and turn those iron into a pair of shears and now we simply take these

Shears to the bottom of the ocean and break some seagrass that’s not working oh it glitched and we can then collect it though I just realized that’s not seagrass that is literally ke so seagrass is the stuff at the bottom that’s like this this is seagrass right

Here these two tall ones so that’s what I actually need to be collecting here with this Shear so let’s grab a bunch of that stuff and perfect just like that we have 15 sear grass which is all we needed now while we’re already at a warm

Ocean all we need to do is take these two buckets and capture two tropical fish to get a second Quest done with tropical fishies where are you oh I think I see oh there’s a bunch over here come here tropical fish there’s one

Right in front of me I can get him I can get him yes we got him okay one more we got to get one more tropical fish one of you guys come here there we go we got him to the service and there we go and

Now that’s two quests done on a single day and now we just need to get wool specifically eight different colors of wool meaning we got to put a little thought into this in fact we can literally just go over here to a pair of sheep and start collecting some of the

Wool we’re going to need so let’s Shear that guy let’s Shear this guy and then let’s Shear this guy down here finally let’s Shear this guy right here and in total we now have nine wool but you’re going to notice that doesn’t complete the quest because we only have two

Different colors so now we need to start dying that wool okay now let’s just go over this way there should be a PLS biome geish I’m going to ender pearl oh perfect here it is now we can go ahead and start getting some of these flowers together let’s grab this blue flower

Here that’s going to give us a blue dye which we can then combine with one wool to get one blue wool then we can go over here to this yellow flower turn that into yellow dye and combine that with another wool to get a yellow wool now

Let just quickly get some extra white wool and now we need to look for a flower that is a different color than yellow white and blue come on where are all like the red flowers why are they all yellow and blue oh I see a pink one

Up there can these be turned into dye they can magenta Dy boom that gets us a magenta wool okay so right now we have five different kinds of wool white gray yellow pink and blue now we literally just need a few more flowers and boom right there oh those are pig I thought

Those were going to be red flowers boom I found a red flower come here yes now we turn that into red dye and we now have a red wool okay we only need two more colors and actually one of the colors we can get simply diving in the

Water here and now we just got to look for some squids get over here squid boys back wait a minute I could just grab the squid with my air bending and just put him on land what are you going to do you can’t get away from me and there we go

We can take his ink sack turn that in the black Dy and that’s going to get us a black wool and now we just need one more color I just can’t figure out which color I’m missing oh wait wait a minute duh it’s literally right there green dye

So let’s just grab one of these cactuses and let’s throw it inside of our furnace real quick Tada and that should be the last color we need some green wool and now just like that you can see we have this full Quest complete in just a few

Days and now we have the Mist Mirage cloak an ability that does this okay yeah for me it’s just a bunch of particles but if anyone else steps in this they become blind and can’t see anything in front of them but I can still see them so we’ll see what that

Does next time I encounter the fire Benders but for now we got two new bending powers and I’m honestly just going to keep rolling at it because we’re making great times so next let’s actually become an Earth bender and not only unlock a new bending power with our

Hand here but this will also make all our earthbending powers stronger as if I’ve mastered them so let’s become an Earth Bender which to do that we need to use an anvil Until It Breaks we need to hit five Hunters with our tectonic uppercut and we need to loot a

Suspicious sand inside of a desert temple now since I actually live in a desert that I haven’t really explored I should probably explore this and double check to see if there’s any desert temples here but it doesn’t really matter because before we even find a

Temple we need to make a brush with a stick a copper Ingot and a feather now luckily we already have all that stuff we need we got the copper right there we got a stick right here and we got some feathers right here so let’s just throw

That copper in smell real quick and now let’s just simply make a brush and now let’s go look for a desert temple oh there is one right up there right on this hill we found one let’s go okay we’re inside the temple the suspicious sand should be somewhere in this patch

Of sand right here right here here it is and we got a pottery Shard let’s go boom first Quest complete okay so now that we brushed up a desert temple to get that Pottery Shard the next Quest we have to complete is break making an anvil which

I think is easy let’s first make an anvil by making three blocks of iron like this sticking them on top and then sticking four iron ingots below to get an anvil now to actually destroy this Anvil you think I’d have to use it a bunch but there’s actually an easier way

I can literally just do this and when it drops it takes damage so all I have to do is keep doing that till it gets all cracked and then I can use it till it breaks see it’s cracked oh now it’s super cracked so let’s just start

Grabbing a bunch of our old iron tools and let’s see if we can use those and start repairing them or something yeah yeah yeah yeah yes we’ll just do like one Freddy at a time how are you still not broken now let’s also rename this thing Le diamond

Pickaxe or L diamond pick there we go how are you still alive how is this thing not broken oh my goodness okay this time I found the solution a bunch of damaged Stone swords and a bunch of cobblestone if this doesn’t break the Anvil I don’t know what will this going

To use up every level I have I think it broke oh it broke oh thank goodness we did it we broke an anvil it just took a million stone swords and and now there’s only one Quest left to do because now it’s time to take on the firebenders

Once again and hit them five times with our Earth bending power tectonic uh tectonic uppercut yeah that’s the one on days 37 to 38 I simply went searching for the Firebender base and I couldn’t find it and the reason is because they decided to live at spawn inside of the

Firebender ship I didn’t even realize they could live at spawn shouldn’t that be against the rules or something wait what I think I just saw someone at spawn are they living at spawn there’s one of the fire Benders they’re literally living at spawn I don’t think they see

Me hold on let’s just go this way and go use our water bending to we get in the forest we’re going to sneak up on that ship and hit them five times with our Earth bending ability it’s all we got to do okay let’s actually use our water bending ability to actually put

Ourselves on top of the ship let’s get as close as we can there’s two on the top of the ship right now what is that big cage wait what is that opa oh my god that’s literally Opa wait a minute they’ve captured opa oh I definitely am

Going in now hold on Opa I’m coming I’m not going to make it okay I’m just going to hope they didn’t see me there let’s go to this side let’s go to this side ah there we are okay nice okay they definitely didn’t see me if this is out

They reacting wait what do I hear let’s go this way let’s go around the back let’s go around the back of the ship there we go boom we’re on the ship I’m officially on which could be think we did a pretty good job like on this so

Far considering it’s not our our final base it’s like it’s pretty what is this okay I hit one I used my Earth bending and I hit one dude I I just fell through no oh my God where is he okay they have no idea how I’m doing this let’s do it

Again keep dying is that the Avatar where is he where is he let’s go here wait I can’t see him me neither just getting hit by nothing oh God five there we go perfect got him okay now let’s unlock the comity he’s above us he’s

Above us oh they see me let’s go up here how he get up there okay there we go get down here Avatar okay let’s unlock the Earth Bender so now we have 20 hearts of HP and a new bending attack though I don’t know what this does let’s see what

This does okay one of them’s climbing one of them’s climbing up okay watch this the second he climbs this ladder I’m going to get him with a new bending attack here we go new bending attack oh got him oh my God it dug a hole in the

Wall oh that’s huge oh I can right click anything I’m coming up there buddy please do no I can break any block with this betting ability wait oh my God I can take chunks of their base hold on hold on look I took their balcony and now they’re suffocating oh

My gosh okay let’s use the water let’s jump down here and let’s get Opa now okay let’s grab our lay diamond pick let’s break the ceiling I’m coming Opa uh he’s he’s still up top I just they don’t realize I’m not up top okay let’s

Hop on this how do I hop on Opa do I need an empty hand oh he’s getting Opa he’s getting opa oh I’m getting him go go haa go we’re getting out of here Opa this way go this way this way I’m not even going to worry about testing the

Earth Bender too much because we now have Opa okay so we’re back home at the base and it’s night time but before I actually go inside we need to build Opa a place where he can sit because uh he doesn’t fit in my current base so we

Need to build him a little space out here real fast so I figured this cave isn’t a bad idea and since I have a new ability where I can move blocks and then get rid of them I’m just going to do that and dig him out a little hole okay

Now let’s take Opa let’s hop on now we land Opa in the hole so he can’t be seen there we go okay now Opa you sit in this hole well I go back to the base or oppa when I get down here just teleport to me

So apparently as it turns out oppa will just teleport to me so um I built him a hole for absolutely nothing so I guess Opa can live in the base after all anyway now that appa’s here and we’re officially an earthbender there’s only one more power that we can unlock for

The tier 2 bending and that’s the tier 2 air ability which is this one right here aerok kinetic pull I can basically pull a player into the air and drop them from the sky so let’s unlock that all I need is 32 string one lead and I need to

Break four mob spawners so let’s start by breaking some mob spawners by heading to the nether where they’re most common APPA get I’m trying to take a shot get out of your APPA blocked my shot okay I did not for his big butt to get in the way anyway let’s go let’s start

Exploring the nether real fast and let’s make our way back to the nether fortress so that way we can destroy some of those Blaze Spawners okay perfect here’s the first spawner here that’s one Blaze spawner down now let’s go ahead do a second one that’s awkward I ran out of

Hard drive space to keep recording and it stopped at some point but luckily for me I found it pretty quick so here we are in day 43 looking for a swamp and we found this Mangrove swamp but uh that’s not what we need so let’s hop on top of

Opa and now let’s go find a swamp oh wait a minute right here on the edge of the mangrove there’s a real swamp right here this is perfect now we just have to wait for that that sun to start setting and we’ll kill some slimes for their

Slime balls Oh I thought that was a slime it’s literally just a creeper that yes slime I see one right there look at that little guy okay perfect let’s take out this slime kill all his little slime friends and now we have some slime balls now we’re going to need four additional

String on top of that to make a lead so since it’s night time outside let’s actually just find some spiders to kill real quick oh there’s actually more slimes over here too hey now we have 10 slime balls now OA yip yip let’s go find ourselves some spiders okay I see a

Spider right there we’re going in okay there we go now we have all the extra string we need so let’s hop onaa and let’s get y Yip back to our base all we do is take four string like this put the slime ball in the middle and we get a

Lead which means this Quest is officially done and we have our new airbending power aerok kinetic pull okay let’s try this oh God okay probably not the ability to use against creepers I’m almost strong enough to call myself the Avatar well I mean I guess I don’t

Become the Avatar till I unlock all the Benders but we’re halfway there so from here it’s now time to work on our tier three bending where we can unlock an ability called seismic sense the aerial Cyclone cage I can become a full water bender and I can get the flame serpent

Ability so let’s start by working on the flame serpent simply cuz that sounds coolest did to actually unlock that fire serpent I’m going to need two totems of undying one heart of the sea and one smithing temp I think there’s an entrance right here what was that yeah

This is his base no no no I definitely just heard the hunters if they’re coming I need to grab my extra food okay for real I definitely heard them sneak up sneak up definitely looks like something they don’t even realize they don’t even realize hello oh the Avatar The Avatar

What no no no no come here no no okay he’s done oh Fireball missed get back here Avatar oh actually go in here go back in here go back in here yeah I’m good I’m good where’d he go let’s just jump into his base then any of these

Blocks here I see him I killed one I killed one his base is down here his base is definitely down here wait what he got past me I didn’t even see him Jump by wait what get away from me Avatar don’t let him find the entrance

Go I’m going to the base I can block this off Cherry planks dude over here over here oh wait they’re back there’s Cherry planks they’re back already I see them I see them breaking in Avatar go this way go this way go this way oh

There he is there he is dud this place is massive no careful careful I see his chest oh he’s on me kill the spider kill the spider oh I think I got his chest yes my chests are okay oh that was so close but oh my God they blew up like

Half the base okay before they come back let’s scrub all the essentials and all the stuff in our chests and unfortunately let’s move it to a new base because the Avatar is no longer safe here we have to rebuild our base already it barely even lasted 10 days

This is getting tough we’re definitely going to need some new bending powers to compete with that cuz officially the fire Benders are stronger than me again I think okay welcome your faces to the brand new Avatar the Last air bender base now something I just realized I can

Actually switch between Earth Bender to air bender and back and forth and as I unlock more Benders I’m going to be able to change between all four of them to get bonuses and only when I’m the Avatar will I get the bonuses of all four at

Once anyway let me show you the new base it is as basic as basic gets down here is the lava generator and access to the cave and then we Supply have our survival area with our beds furnaces chest crafting table and our enchanting table and then right down here we have

Our nether portal so yeah overall this base has pretty much everything we need and I even made it look like an air Temple cuz you know air temples are on top of mountain mountains so I built this base on top of a mountain it actually looks kind of natural and if we

Go over into this biome over here real quick it still looks natural so it’s very hard to actually see this base cuz of how high up it is which makes this the perfect base for the Avatar and now let’s keep becoming the Avatar because we are running out of time so like I

Said let’s work on Unlocking The Flame serpent upgrade where we just have to get two totems of undying one heart of the sea and one smithing template and in fact I believe I already have some smithing templates yeah I got two Sentry armor trims right here so all we need is

Some totems of undying and a heart of the sea and let’s start by getting the totems just because I know how to do that one the fastest first we need to jump off our base and make our way to the desert now that we’re in the desert

We just need to go around collecting all this sugar canane you see because there’s literally sugarcane everywhere okay perfect that’s all the sugarcane we need and now we just need to grab a stack of sand we’re literally inside of a desert full of sand oh let’s just start grabbing

Some and there we go 64 sand which is all we need and now we just need to head back home and start putting all the stuff together we need to get a woodland Explorer map which will get us to those totems of dying we need okay so first

Things first let’s take this sugar cane let’s turn it into paper and let’s make ourselves a cartography table oh and also let’s throw our sand inside our furnace to start smelting and now we wait for that sand to finish up let’s just go ahead and get all the other

Stuff we’ll need which is like these emeralds right here and these two compasses I’m making right here so now let’s just grab our glass which is not even close to done actually and let’s just wait for it to finish up tomorrow daytime and now let’s go trade for a

Woodland Explorer map okay so there’s this Village right here this will work we just need to find a villager without a job become a cartographer yes so let’s just trade with him give him a bunch of paper for emeralds like this now we can trade them all of our glass panes and

Now we can get the Woodland Explorer map to get the totems of undying we need and now let’s just go ahead to the Woodland Mansion which is somewhere in this direction oh we’re loading in oh there it is perfect okay let’s go down here let’s get some totems shall we there’s

Nooker right there there we go we got him oh we got him we got him we got him there we go there three totems of undying okay here we here’s the fourth one nice we got him okay we officially killed all the evokers in this place

Let’s get out of here leave me alone okay now what we need is a heart of the sea they’re really easy to get in fact if I remember there’s literally a sunken ship right up here it’s literally right next to me actually I was close there’s

A chest here nothing good I don’t think this is going to have it okay yep that shipwreck is a died let’s go find another one all another shipwreck this is the back half this is the right one okay we get a bunch of ores in this

Chest and there should be a chest right here boom I see it that should give us the map yep Berry treasure map there we go and now let’s follow this Berry treasure map all the way to the x that marks the spot we’re close it’s somewhere in this little beach could be

Under this sand maybe oh it is it’s literally right here and boom we got a heart of the sea and that means we can unlock the upgrade because we have two smithing templates right at home so now we can unlock the flame serpent ability and since there’s still some sun left

Let’s try it or that’s what I would say but this ability you’ll see when I try to use it says player not found meaning I can’t use this one unless I’m dealing with the fire Benders okay so we have a really small problem it is day 57 and

I’m Still rocking iron armor it’s like my third set that honestly has to change because there is no excuse to still have iron armor on day 57 so let’s change that by unlocking our next Avatar bending power which is the earth bending power seismic sense this will allow me

To see all the ores around me within 50 blocks so yeah I’m basically hacking with an x-ray hack except it’s it’s not hacking because I’m literally the Avatar so let’s go and let’s unlock seismic sense since all we need is 20 obsidian three fire resistance potions and one

Load Stone now I’m going to start with the easiest of that group which is literally just the obsidian so let’s just go ahead and let’s grab a bucket of puffer fish right here there you go you’re free ow you jerk that’s it that puffer fish is done get over here

Ow no way he just made me waste the totem no way okay anyway let’s just go get some obsidian I I don’t even want to talk about what I just did okay and there we go we got 20 obsidian meaning quest one is completed okay so now that we actually have the

Obsidian now it’s time to go to the nether because we need to get some ancient debris if we want to make a load Stone you know the next item we need to unlock size make sense now if you don’t know to make a load Stone you need a

Netherite Ingot to put in the center surrounded by a bunch of cut stone and I already have a netherite scrap and two ancient debris back at home so all we need is one more ancient debris so I guess let’s just dig to the bottom of

The world real fast and let’s see if we can go find one yes ancient debris we got one and now that we have the ancient debris let’s go home and let’s make a load Stone okay so like I said now that we can make another right inot we just need

To get chiseled stone bricks and to get those we’re going to have to take some Cobblestone and start smelting it inside of our furnaces so let’s quickly grab back all of our buckets and now let’s go fill them with lava so we can get some

Energy and now we just put the lava back inside each furnace to start smelting the stone and let’s bring it over here to our crafting table where we can then turn it into stone brick and we take that stone brick and throw it in the stone cutter to make some chiseled stone

Brick and now inside of a crafting table we put the netherite Ingot surrounded with with all that stone brick and we get ourselves one load Stone which with the load Stone unlocked all we need now is three potions of fire resistance but uh to do that we’re going to actually

Have to head to the Nether and find a new nether fortress because we destroyed all the Blaze Spawners in our current one and we’re going to need blaze rods if we want to make some potions okay so let’s just start navigating this nether real fast and let’s see if we can find

Ourselves another Fortress and boom we made it okay we’re at a new Fortress now we just got to find some Blaze spawning now that we’re here let’s get to work let’s grab all of these Nether Warts which we’ll need to make an awkward potion okay perfect here’s a blaz

Spawner hold up hold up hold up let’s go back a little bit let’s swap for our Shield okay that’s four blaze rods that should definitely be enough so now there’s only one more thing we need from the Nether and that’s to kill a magma cume for its magma cream now we actually

Saw a Magma Cube earlier and there was a bunch of yeah literally like right there so let’s just start killing those guys okay cool we got one magma cream so now let’s just get out of the nether okay my footage corrupted again but went a little something like this after leaving

The nether I went ahead and made the three fire resistance potions which was pretty easy to do and then I had my or finder ability so I use that ability to then mine up a bunch of diamonds and get myself full diamond armor and a diamond sword and now you’re fully caught up

There you go anyway now that we do have diamond armor I feel a lot better taking on the fire Benders which Speaking of I haven’t seen them in a while yeah I’m not going to worry about it but what I am going to worry about is unlocking our

Next upgrade the aerial Cyclone cage which is an ability that allows us to trap the firebenders inside of a thing of air now to unlock this ability I just have to pull the fire Benders towards me five times using our air kinetic pull ability then we just have to obtain

Zombie doctor and finally we need to get 30 levels of XP now it’ll automatically update when I gain a level but I’m currently level 20 26 about to become level 27 so all I need to do is kill a few more mobs to get to level 30 okay we

Can just fight these cave spiders right here since there’s a spawner and if we fight them on repeat we should get a bunch of XP okay perfect and there we go we are officially level 30 out of 30 which means the first Quest is complete so now

It’s time to get the zombie doctor advancement and we can get this advancement by simply finding an igloo and carrying a zombie villager underneath but to do that I actually have to find an igloo and I don’t think I’ve seen a snow biome yet so uh let’s

Get looking so I spent the next few days looking for an igloo and I had no idea what I was about to find oh we found some ice that definitely could lead to a snow biome yeah yeah yeah there’s a full snow biome over there there we go we’re

On the ice now we just got to go look for an igloo no way wait this is an igloo I found an igloo but specifically I found an igloo that’s glitched and kind of like in the sky and I can clearly see a tunnel below it which

Means this is the tunnel we need to get zombie doctor hold up oh my God okay so I just break this we go over here into the chest we grab the golden apple and then we grab the splash potion of weakness right here and then we simply

Splash him with the potion of weakness right clicking with the Apple now he shakes and we simply wait for to return back to normal and there we go we got zombie doctor which is the second Quest completed and now we just have to take on the fire Benders and hit them five

Times with our AO kinetic pull ability so let’s head out and see if we can find the hunters this is it right oh he’s here he’s here he’s here oh God I’m SP the C fire Benders fire Benders Spa in cage oh God if they capture me in that

Cage I lose so I can’t be caught in that we got you now buddy nowh to run oh it didn’t work they’re trying to hit me with fire stay back oh oh they have me caught GG y n p d nfg they’re bringing me the cage they’re bringing me the cage

Uh go go go I’m not sure if it’s worth to fight them cuz if they can capture me that thing I literally lose there’s some dirt nice we got one oh we need to pull them towards us five times right let’s use it again okay there we go did it

Again boom teleported one what there we go we need to do one more time One More Time Boom he should die fall damage no we live you doing let’s switch to air bender and now let’s grab him and now let’s pull him underground please put me

Down I’m dying there he goes he’s done and just like that the Avatar has taken them out and now we can unlock our new ability the aerial Cyclone C cage which uh probably would have been useful against you know their fire cage but whatever I’m sure it’s fine in fact to

Use the Ability all we got to do is hit this though you’re going to notice something the ability is currently red which means the ability won’t work cuz there’s no players nearby that it will work on so uh that’s not too helpful right now well let’s take this time to

Actually get out of here because I do not want to get trapped in that cage behind me so let’s just go home for now okay now last but certainly not least let’s become a water bender which means after we unlock this there’s only one more element we have to unlock to become

The full strength Avatar okay so to actually become a water bender we need to get the return turn to Sender advancement which means blasting a gas with its own Fireball then we just need to rename a bucketed axel lottle in an anvil and dry a sponge in a furnace so

Let’s start by heading to the Nether and getting the Return to Sender advancement first okay let’s just go find ourselves a gas real quick okay we found a gas but this gas just won’t shoot Fireballs at me for whatever reason attack me thank goodness and there we go Return to

Sender complete now let’s head back to the Overworld let’s grab our bucket of aelott that we already have and now we just got to rename this guy inside of an anvil which uh I don’t have oh my God I have exactly enough to make one one Anvil okay we’ll put that Anvil right

There throw our bucket of Axel in and we’re going to name him squishy and there we go now we named a bucket of aelott just like that well that was really easy and it might be that way cuz the last part of this Quest is just well

Annoying so we’re just going to wait for the sun to go down for now and tomorrow we’re getting wet in fact before we go there’s actually some stuff we’re going to need and yes I’m purposely being vague so you don’t know where we’re going though I’m sure a lot of you know

Okay so first things first let’s grab ourselves a bunch of wood like this and let’s go and let’s make ourselves a boatload of doors now let’s go ahead and get rid of this water in this bucket and then grab all our other buckets and now we have seven total buckets and now

We’ll go up to a cow like this and get a bunch of milk and now the sun is officially setting so let’s go to bed and tomorrow we head to a water Monument now to actually get there we just have to go up to this cartographer right here

And give him a compass and some emeralds to get ourselves an ocean Explorer map and now using this map we can clearly see that the ocean Monument is somewhere to my Northeast which is in this direction into the swamp over here so uh let’s just keep following this map until

We make it to this water monument and then we just have to steal a sponge the map’s starting to generate we’re getting close oh yeah this Monument’s going to be right past that shipwreck I bet you okay yep it should be right here there

It is is I can see it in the distance we got mining fatigue that’s okay we’ll drink milk before we get to the sponges we’re just going to build a platform on top to give us some safety real fast okay now we have cover on all sides and

Now we just got to get a sponge and that’s where our doors come in so we can breathe underwater so let’s just dive down and try to find the sponge room first now let’s just go through the main entrance one more time oh right above me

Sponges at the entrance boom we got one yes now let’s get out of here we just go down here let’s get to our Cobblestone area and now honestly we can get out of here so let’s use our water ability and let’s get outle now all we have to do is

Dry a sponge in a furnace like this and that will be our final quest completed where we will officially become a water bed boom we got a sponge let’s grabb it and there we go we are officially a water bender which means now there is only one more Bender to unlock to become

The chosen one which is of course the fire bender but before we do that I got to see what my new bending ability does so let’s go to our bending attack which is this little hand here and when I right click it will test our new ability

Okay so it looks like it’s just shooting water particles everywhere it doesn’t seem like it’s doing anything let’s try to use it on this creeper over here maybe that’ll give us some like Insight on what it does it just murdered him I hit him and he’s taking damage is he

Drowning I could make people drown in air with my water bending ability that’s so cool and now it’s night let’s go up here and let’s go to bed okay so now that we’re officially a water bender there’s only four more bending upgrades to go the hurricane Havoc the Toof slam

The tidal wave torrent and of course the Firebender now I could start with the fire bender and just become the chosen one but what fun is that let’s actually start with an ability I want to use which has got to be this air tornado hurricane Havoc now to actually unlock

That I’m going to have to get 16 shulker shells now to get shulker shells I’m going to have to go to the end which means starting by going to the Nether and now that we’re here all we have to do is go get some blaze rods and end end

Pearls to make a bunch of Eyes of Ender okay now let’s go ahead and let’s go kill these blazes right here okay there we go we got eight blaze rods and now we just need to get 16 ender pearls okay perfect I found a fresh Bastion that I haven’t looted yet

Hey there’s another Fortress too but anyway let’s just go ahead and let’s get inside here and collect all the gold blocks okay yeah there’s a ton of gold blocks now let’s just grab these Gold Blocks check the chest we got three more and now we have 16 blocks of gold and

Now we just need to head to the back of this structure to grab all the gold blocks around the back so in total we now have 26 blocks of gold okay we got four piglins currently trapped uh I gave him just nine ingots to start now we’re

Going to throw them the rest and now we just wait for them to finish trading and then we collect all the ender pearls oh I think they’re done okay so in total with all that we got 18 total ender pearls so now all we need to do is head

To the end okay so now that we’re home let’s just go up to our crafting table turn these blaze rods into blaze powder and let’s combine that together along side of our ender pearls to get 69 of Ender and now all we have to do is throw

Off an Eye of Ender to find out which direction the end portal is going to be in and it’s this way so now we just simply keep going this way until we find it okay we’ve gotone about 1,000 blocks so far let’s throw off our first one

Just to make sure we’re still going in the right direction we are okay let’s just go over the giant hole okay never mind that’s not what I expected to happen and I was going to say let’s throw off another one so let’s just throw off our next one did that just go

Down wait the stronghold is right below us no way it is I was right we got to find the Portal real fast portal room wait it’s already broken oh he’s here oh wait what oh got you you’re not getting away Avatar oh grab the ice there we we

Got it oh go oh we need to get out of here take straight up we officially made it to the end now we just got to take out this dragon go up here just destroy the first one there we go oh gosh they’re really on my tail hold on I can

Fire Sur them oh look at it’s that are so annoying oh Avatar come here go back this way now we just got to get to this cage here we go bnk they’re all gone yes okay the crystals are out okay now we just have to stand in dragon’s breath

For what like 15 seconds or something like that is another one we have to do that’s the last thing we have to do so let’s wait for the dragon to actually shoot a fireball up here and we can do it up here okay here’s the one climbing

Watch this going to hit him up to me and I hit him off in fact let’s just take off the other two now they’re all dead okay we need to just keep killing them till we can get more dragons breath so as they come in we’ll just need to shoot

Him with every range attack we got he’s right here he’s right here oh I can’t see I’m blind okay he’s done no way he stopped the dragon’s breath at 1 second left I just need one more second yes now we just got to kill this Dragon keep

Getting with this keep getting him with this oh he’s on the dragon I hear him I hear him I hear him I hear him come on we got him we got him we got him we got him we got him no we got him my range he

Got him my range he’s done he’s done one hit yes okay now we need to get that dragon egg okay the others are coming in let’s blind them here they come here they come here they come can’t let him have it let’s TP that where’d that go I

Don’t know where it went oh they’re Fireball it’s right there she should be no yes we got her we got her we got her dig underneath one break that get the egg no we got the egg there we go we got it we got it we got it huge now we need

To get to the other end we need to get to the other end oh I’m blind there we go the snake should get her get her snake ah you didn’t see the fire snake coming goodby a lot of damage she’s dead she’s dead she’s dead now let’s just go

Up here and let’s go to the outer end it took a bit longer than usual but we found the elytra ship in the outer end on day 78 okay perfect we found an nend City and right there is an elytra ship now we don’t need to kill any more

Shulkers we’ve already killed the four shulkers that we need and we have all the shulker shells we need to unlock hurricane have so I’m just going to ignore you guys and simply focus on that ship okay now let’s just start building up now we just jet up here like this and

Now we have to go down into the ship and grab the elytra that’s right down here there we go and now just go to the front of the ship and let’s grab this dragon head there we go now we have the dragon head and now with that in hand we’ve

Officially completed every single quest in the end so I’m leaving cuz I hate it here okay so we’re home and now that we’re done in the end there’s literally only a few more things we need to do and we will literally become the Avatar well I guess I am the Avatar since I’m

Technically using all four elements but you know what I mean to unlock the chosen one final Avatar form that’s right here in the center that you really can’t miss cuz it’s a giant button it’s literally like right there in front of you anyway it’s time to become that and

There’s literally only a few more quest to go to finish up the one we’re currently on you can see in the upper left hand corner I just need to kill an Elder Guardian and to be honest I already know where a water Monument is

So uh we might as well do it okay so let’s just get that one done with to start all we need to do is grab a bunch of doors real quick to bring we us so we have air that amount of doors should do so now let’s just go kill an Elder

Guardian okay we’re at the ship right past this ship should be the Elder Guardians in fact I can see my little Stone thing from ear so just go in here put down this door for air there we go oh wait I breathe underwater now I forgot I’m literally a water bender this

Is my element got one there we go he’s gone done Elder Guardian dead and now that that Elder Guardian is dead we can unlock tidal wave torrent our final water bending ability that does this now if you watched our last video you’re like that’s the same wave attack

You had last time but it’s not I promise you this ability is totally different and way stronger than our last one anyway let’s go ahead and let’s just get out of here before we get killed by Guardians and then let’s just unlock our last three bending Powers okay now on

Day 80 we can pretty much finish becoming the Avatar and no I’m not even being phous because inside of our chest we actually already have an Explorer map is this it here no that’s very treasure ah here we go Ocean explor map in Woodland so let’s grab our Ocean

Explorer map real quick and now with that in my hand I only need two God apples to finish hurricane Havoc then for top slam all I need is one Beacon and finally to become a fire bender I just need to pop my totem of undying and suffocate the fire benders with my flame

Serpent so literally we are almost done so let’s do something we actually haven’t done this video let’s go to an ancient city and let’s get ourselves two God apples there’s no way this cave doesn’t lead me to an ancient city there’s so many Diamonds oh it is one

It’s an ancient city oh this is huge hold on now we just need two God apples okay here’s a chest no God apples but we did get some bottles of enchanting and a diamond ho but if you didn’t know the diamond ho is really good at cleaning up

Skull here we go chest no God apples we did get some protection for pants oh we set have a streer quick Qui quick quick check it out nothing in this one and nothing in this one dang so far all Duds there should be a chest right here once

Again it’s a dud and there’s nothing another chest up here oh we got a ward armor trim and three God apples that’s literally all the god apples we needed meaning I’m free from this ancient city and I am definitely getting out of here okay so now that we have two enchanted

Golden apples we can unlock our final air ability now which is called hurricane Havoc now I would use this ability at my base but it would destroy it so um let’s destroy this Village instead uh oh my god oh it’s sucking up the whole world oh that’s Insanity oh

I’m so sorry oh my God that throws all the BL oh look what it did to the Village the village is all torn up to shreds oh that is absolutely insane in fact let’s do it again yay goodbye Village well that ability is amazing and now that we actually have that ability

There’s only two more things to unlock Toof slam and becoming a fire bender however for Toof slam we literally just have to get a beacon so uh let’s do it cuz it’s easy like for real we just have to go into the nether okay now to get a

Beacon we just have to head to a uh Fortress real quick and start killing a bunch of wither skeletons for their skulls and once we get three we can summon the wither who will give us his wither star to make a beacon all right so let’s just run around this area for a

Bunch and kill these wither skeletons okay there we go three Wither Skeleton skulls and now all we need to do is grab some Soul Sand and then battle a Wither inside of the end why was I about to say inside of the end I’m I’m just battling a Wither sometimes I

Really question myself am I saying okay I’m ready to fight this wither and I found a private island to do it on so that way the Wither wouldn’t bug anyone else not that there’s really anyone else to bug besides the fire Benders but you know what I mean let’s just go ahead and

Do it away from our base so our base doesn’t get affected okay there we go the W’s officially spawned now we just need to go ahead and kill this guy with our water bending Powers here we go boom there we go the Wither is dead and I now

Have the nether star which means we can make a beacon okay so now we you have to make a beacon which if you didn’t know it can be made with three obsidian five glass and the nether star but you should know that if you’ve been watching my

Videos now I should already have the glass we need or at least sand okay well we’ll let that sand smelt for a sec and now we can go ahead and make ourselves a beacon by simply doing this putting the nether star in the middle and surrounding it with some glass to make a

Beacon and with the beacon in hand we can unlock Toof slam our final Earth bending ability and now literally there’s only one more thing to unlock the fire bender which means after that the actual Avatar but uh since it’s still sunny out today let’s try on top

Slam okay so this is where we just fought the warden let’s just go ahead and let’s try this ability so I hit nine oh oh wao that was so cool wait what I want to see that again except in F5 this time that’s so awesome let’s get out of

Here let’s head on home because now all we have to do is become a Firebender which means it’s time to battle the fire Benders once again and so I went out searching for their new base and honestly I’m not sure why it took so long to find because it turned out that

Their base was huge like really really huge you’ll see what I mean in a sec oh my God wait what is that a fire temple there’s no way they built that that is insane wait what how did they get that for real wait the sun’s starting to set

I just found their base and oh my God it’s huge they either legit built this fire temple or they spawned it in and I’m going to go with probably spawned it in because there’s no way they built this oh I see their names they’re definitely here now first things first I

Need to get two kills with fire Serpent and I need to have my totem popped so let’s take off our armor till it pops and then in the meantime let’s try to kill two of them with fire serpent let’s just get close enough from the outside

Okay I’m going to use fire serpent like right here I think this is a good spot to use it here we go ready dude look at that I just noticed oh that’s so annoying oh oh no why am I burning wait I didn’t they’re confused they’re confused they’re confused they’re

Confused they’re confused well it’s killing me wait wait where is this it’s the Avatar they know I’m here they know I’m here they know I’m here where are you I can’t see him oh I’m dying I’m dying dude I’m dying dude keep firing him through the wall keep getting him

Through the wall I’m literally going to die and I don’t even see him okay one’s dead one’s dead oh my gosh I’m so low come on she’s suffocating yes die die die die die um we got to get this kill yes yes okay we suffocated two of them

With our fire serpent okay all we need to do now is pop our totem of undying okay let’s sneak in okay that’s Survival they have another portal here where is he okay climb up here they’re all here be around here they’re coming they’re coming okay here we go we need to have

Our totem I don’t see him on the roof okay I threw down another fire serpent oh he’s up here he’s up here they saw me wait what did they see me oh he’s at the beds he’s at the beds oh he sees me I

Got him I got him I got him okay that hurt I need okay there’s a totem that’s the totem totem popped his totem popped he’s almost dead okay go this way put some water right here that should flow the difference put the armor on now now let’s go over here let’s break through

This wall get outside now we just have to become a fire bender ooh we got to be careful there’s lots of mobs here go go over here go over here okay they’re far away let’s go let’s unlock the fire bender boom and now we’re a fire bender

But uh that’s really not the important part because now that we’re a fire bender we can become the chosen one Avatar but first things first let’s try our new bending ability let’s see what this does oh he’s on me he’s on me there

We go oh he has a fire whip he has a fire whip fire bender there we go boom we got him with the fire we got him with the fire keep back with our fire B oh we got her come on we can get her we can

Get her yes go get over here Avatar oh I can spam this oh my gosh it’s like a machine gun this is so maybe it works oh my God the fire bender is broken yeah you’re all going to bur bur yeah see you later oh let’s become the Avatar let’s

Do it we’re officially the Avatar oh no wait no we’re not how do I become the Avatar it doesn’t have a button assigned to it look at it oh my gosh this is not good okay if they try to get to me we’ll just Fireball them they’re here they’re

Here I just figured out I had to go through my control RS it’s period okay with the click of a button I am now the Avatar and there they are the firebenders okay now the real fight begins now we can only stay in this form

For a little bit of time so we got to be really careful but of course this is where I get to have fun so let’s start by destroying this fire temple the best way I ow ooh that actually kind of hurt the best way I know how to destroy them

Is with a tornado so uh let’s just put a tornado inside their base okay we’ll put a tornado near their base they’re getting smited while they’re in it too oh my god well that was great now what happens if I do this inside of their base this is going to be so devastating

For them watch this ready it’s in the base it’s in the base look at this oh my gosh the whole Fire temple is getting destroyed by a tornado okay here we go we’ll do a wave real quick and then we’ll put another tornado no not again and now I’m out of

Here while they deal with uh that so after battling at the fire temple I simply waited for the firebenders to make their final move and uh we actually have to be kind of careful because they not only have fireballs and fire whips but they they also have those fire

Chains that can capture me inside of a cage that they can spawn in if I get caught in that it’s game over even if I am the Avatar okay and we’re done with our pet dragon he’s so ugly oh my God we got the dragon head his ugly little like

Body with two legs and then two on the back and then a big tail which looks like a cat tail but you know what we we did it we made him let’s get an aerial shot of him with opa oh Avatar who who hunter hunter hunter hunter hunter

Hunter okay we got to land we got to go into avatar for him we I’m spawning a cage on him I’m spawning a cage boom there we go we’re Avatar we’re Avatar my base oh my god oh we’re low on health wait why are we low on HP when I change

An avatar my health is automatically set lowered so that’s not good get back here no there we go one’s down let’s keep trucking rocks at them boom second one down no third one down boom they’re all gone nice I’m keeping you alive Dragon don’t you worry oh wait there’s a cage

We got to be super careful there we go stay near that oh he got me again get back in here okay we need to become a fire bender so that fire stops affecting us hold on oh we technically are a fire bender bringing closer so I can chain

Him oh I got him I got him oh they got me chained u i n c l q o z b c j p o j a w r we’re out we’re out we’re out we’re we’re out that was close that was close you know what there’s a ton of cages

Around we need to destroy them all oh there’s one right here let’s put a tornado on this one okay that’ll take out that cage stay around the tornado that’ll suck him in that’ll suck him in we need to get another tornado going to destroy all the cages there’s another

Cage right here get back here Avatar Opa I hope you don’t get sucked into this I really hope I’m sorry APPA if you got sucked into the oppaa I don’t think I saved APPA okay no opa’s right there boom we can now fly again we can now fly again and let’s

Some another tornado on us right there there we go get that okay cool they’re dying we’re keeping them at Bay with this where are they coming from somewhere over here right yeah right there right there right there keep destroying this mountain their base is definitely here tornado

No and now while they’re stuck in that tornado let’s get them with some water where are they spawning though I can’t figure it out for the life of me I heard one of them oh he just got spited it’s right here it’s right here oh there it is

He don’t you dare that is right on the beds that is right on their beds yes we’re in we’re in we’re in they’re all gone now let’s go turn into the Avatar again bro we can’t even spawn yes it’s over are you guys quitting is this official dude that’s the worst

Ability so we can’t even move what do you expect us to do like there’s nothing you can do against that I can literally make infinite tornadoes though oh my dude I I I quit I quit I’m out that’s it it’s over it’s over nothing what to do

Well you know what I’m going to make you say everyone say it the Avatar wins the Avatar wins the Avatar wins thanks for watching

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►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as AVATAR in Minecraft


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  1. dude its fake! at minute 38 Ryguyrocky had a one ancient debris, he goes back to his base, theres a cut, and then he has one netherite ingot, which is made from 5 ancient debris!
    and dont tell me that he got more, cause
    at 38:06 he got one ancient debris,
    and at 38:21 he got one netherite ingot!
    check it for yourself if you dont belive me!

  2. good night love I hope you’re feeling well today and that 😢😢for me to go back home to work today and have my first dose tomorrow I can’t believe I’m not feeling good today and I’m not even feeling well today and I’m so sorry for my mom and her loss and I’m sorry that she had a bad choice but she did have a bad

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