I Got The Worlds Best Minecraft Armor

Most people think protection for netherite armor is the best and I’m not going to lie it’s it’s pretty good but after surviving a super long time in my hardcore world I don’t want to take any chances losing it it’ll be sad so I did some research and found a ton of ways

How you can make your armor a lot better coming basically Invincible from the basics to crazy stuff line having illegal gamebreaking en chance infinite water breathing RAR armor Trim Design and even fully working self teleportation I am not kidding and I’m going to grind through all the steps to

Make it so I have the best armor set possible and don’t lose my world all right I just crafted regular diamond armor and the very first step we need to do is to get illegal gamebreaking enchants on this thing which means literally having every single protection enchant fire projectile blast feather

Falling and normal protection so you can literally never never die you might think that’s not possible since spinecraft doesn’t allow you to have multiple protection en chants as you can see it just doesn’t work well there’s actually one secret way to bypass it and it’s very very simple first we need to

Get all five of the protection enchant books and the best way to do that is by trading with villagers so let’s trap this guy in a Box craft a Lecter so he gets a librarian Job And Trades enchanted books and he’s currently selling Fortune 2 which is not what we

Need but we’ll just break and replace his lecturn which resets his trades until we get one of the five books we need this might take a while yo okay we got fire protection 4 actually didn’t take as long as I expected but one down four more to go and yes if you were

Wondering I brought these villagers from my villager bur I do not cheat took me 7 minutes and 51 seconds to get feather falling 4 4 minutes and 53 seconds for protection 4 8 minutes and 43 seconds for oh my gosh I almost just broke the lecturn blast Protection full holy that

Would have been bad if I broke that I’m actually getting insanely lucky with these trades like this should be taking me a lot longer I’m not going to lie my hand is starting to hurt now but we just need projectile 4 please don’t take me super long to

Get yo after a while we now have them all fire protection feather falling protection blast protection and projectile protection oh my God and to buy all these books for each piece of the armor it’s going to take a lot of emeralds so luckily to get emeralds I

Just need to head over to my iron farm grab a ton of iron cuz I have a literal arm of blacksmith villagers like look at this this is a whole Army that trades a single piece of iron for one Emerald which if you think about it I basically

Have unlimited emeralds all right and let’s craft a bunch of books as well and buy all the protection enchanted books no no oh my gosh I just realized all the trades I got are gone oh my gosh I forgot to buy from them and lock their trades

A all right we don’t talk about what just uh happened but I got all the trades again bought all of the enchanted books which took a very very long time but now with all the protection enchanted books the last couple of things we need is a ton of anvils you

Will see why later all the other enchanted books we’ll put on the armor like Unbreaking mending dep Strider aqua affinity you know all the basics we can’t forget and lastly we need a ton of experience levels so we can combine all the books onto the armor and we not only

Need 50 or 100 or 200 but over 300 experience levels I currently have 30 yeah that is the nowhere close luckily on my XP farm video oh what the why is there a piglin here anyways I built this giant gold XP farm which I’m pretty sure

Is one of the fastest XP Farms you can possibly build like the XP just keeps on coming and well I guess I’m just going to AFK at this farm for a couple hours until we at 300 levels and I’ll be right back all right we finally got it that

Literally took 8 hours of afking oh my but we now should have everything we need we can finally start adding all these book enchantments onto this armor making it have a legal enchants and like I showed at the start of this video Minecraft only allows one protection

Enchant per piece of armor but while we’re searching I found out there’s actually one secret way how to bypasses around 3 years ago Minecraft used to allow you to create armor like this for a single game version 1.14 before it was patched soon later so if we just

Downgrade our Ro to 1.14 we can quickly put all the book enchantments on our armor then update our world back to the current version 1.20 sounds easy right well it’s not because if one thing goes wrong the whole entire world can corrupt and paste like random chunks everywhere

And I do not want that to happen but I’m going to risk it because this illegal armor is actually very overpowered and uh we’ll be very worth it all right I got everything we should need in my inventory let’s fly super far away in the nether because when we downgrade the

Area we log back onto will be resetted and I kind of don’t want my base to be deleted that would be very bad all right this should be far enough I’ve been flying for a while build a portal and before we go into it let me put

Everything we won’t need inside of this chest since netherite didn’t exist back in 1.14 and if I had it on me it would be deleted and I’m not going to lie I’m I’m a little bit scared if you if you couldn’t already tell but we are ready

Let’s quit and launch the game in 1.14 oh my gosh this loading screen looks so different I’m logging in let’s hope my whole world isn’t corrupted oh oh I think it worked as you can tell the chunks got resetted we’re now in a desert oh look a desert temple but let’s

Do what we’re here for and enchant all the books onto the armor I guess let’s start with the helmet and there is a specific order how you’re supposed to put the enchants on the armor because if you don’t it’ll become too expensive you can’t do it and I’m following a tutorial

On YouTube on how to do this first we’ll start off with Unbreaking three all right and now we just have them all combined on two books and if I did this correctly it should work so put this on oh my gosh and put on this oh my

Yo oh oh my gosh okay uh I should have brought a bed look at this helmet okay you can’t lie this just looks insane all right and now let’s enchant the leggings yo the chest plate and boots and there we go the pants is missing Swift sneak as you can tell this book

Was supposed to be it but it is empty so I guess we got a rare item now to go back we just got to leave join back on a 1.20 and if I did it correct we should be back in all right we’re in for some reason

There’s just a bunch of animals swimming in the ocean now but if we build a portal again and go through it all our stuff is here okay okay oh oh my God okay gas can you chill out bro I just got back and our base is not deleted

Okay good that would have been very very bad let’s quickly test out how good this armor actually is I actually haven’t tested it yet all right here’s one creeper let’s see how much damage it Does oh bro if I was wearing the old crappy armor I would have popped a totem look at this these mobs can’t even do damage to me they hurt them oh oh wait this is actually insane bro this zombie has an enchanted iron sword and he can’t even do

Damage and the first the five steps of making the best armor possible is completed but it’s not finished yet though it’s just going to get more and more better just wait for the teleportation yeah you you’ll see and the Second Step Up is upgrading it and putting the rarest armor Trim Design on

It let’s really quickly get netherite for it and I’ll just steal some ancient debris from my diamond Factory mining machines cuz I don’t use them anymore all right and there we go we got the netherite we need now for the rarest armor trim oh oh my God I swear I

Crashed right there like 50 thousand times in the past if you don’t already know in Minecraft’s latest update they added armor trims where you can customize and design your armor well out of the 11 different patterns there’s one that is the rarest to find it can only

Be found in ancient cities nope it is not in there they have a literal 1% chance of spawning in all these chests and yes I’m not even kidding nope okay we got two enchanted golden apples but not the armor trim but there’s a reason why it’s so rare it

Makes armor look really really good so that’s why we need it oh oh that’s not even it what the heck is the ward armor trim I don’t want the ward armor trim okay yeah this is actually going to take a while where’s that armor trim at let’s

See how fast I can get it I’m just going to speedrun and open all the chest until I find it all right I went to another ancient city since the other one didn’t have it let’s hope this one does bro hopefully I don’t have to go to like

Five ancient cities until I find one I’m spawning warden’s left and right I can’t even see where I’m going oh oh my gosh bro this thing is so rare guys there are so many wardens in this ancient city now yeah yes bro that actually didn’t take as

Long that took like maximum 30 minutes well that was perfect because there’s so many wardens in this ancient city and if I stay there for another 5 minutes I will probably die all right I’m leaving all right let’s go back home I’m pretty sure once you have one armor trim you

Can duplicate it you need a ton of diamonds and you just go like bang wait what bang how the heck do you do this oh okay you need Cobo Stone deep slay as well I’m so stupid all right there we go bang all right we got all the armor

Trims but before we put it on the armor let’s turn it into netherite bang bang bang oh yeah to put on the armor trim we need to pick what color we want I think Emerald is green gold is yellow diamonds is blue lapis is the darker blue

Amethyst charge there’s a lot of choices so I just quickly got all of them and let’s see how they look okay we got Emerald first oh my gosh wa this is actually sick we got gold diamond oh wait this actually might be my favorite lapis okay this this actually sucks

Whoever puts lapis on their armor bro you you’re stupid oh my gosh iron is even worse n that makes your armor look like iron NE just makes your armor look black which actually kind of looks sick Redstone okay a solid red popper is ugly and lastly amethyst okay it’s either

Netherite or amethyst and I don’t know what to pick okay screw it let’s just do netherite let’s hope this doesn’t look bad because if it does I I waste the netherite all right three two yeah I can’t tell if this looks bad or looks good okay with the electro on

It it looks pretty clean I’m not going to lie it’s only right if we use netherite because we’re trying to make the best armor set possible we can’t use Redstone or anything like that okay okay it’s night time now and this armor is actually looking sick when it’s dark and

Everything it’s just oh oh it’s it’s it’s so clean but the second step is completed the armor has a legal enchance and the rarest armor trims with netherite also really quickly while searching for the armor Trim in the ancient cities I found another Swift

Sneak 3 book and I’m going to put it on the leggings bam but you’re now probably wondering what’s the next step CU we already did everything we could to make the best armor set right no to have the best armor set possible in Minecraft there’s way more like all the side armor

Pieces and the first one you’re not going to believe me what is leather boots yep cuz when you’re wearing leather boots they actually prevent you from sinking in powdered snow as you can tell I am I’m not sinking right now but if I remove them um yeah I sink and I

Will start to freeze the death because you know that that that’s a possibility and let’s Max enchant this thing and put the rarest armor trim on it I also put Frost Walker to on it so when you come across water you can just put it on and

Hey oh okay that didn’t work yo it protects you from powdered snow and water there we go the second armor piece is a classic gold leggings so when you go in the Nether and put them on no piglins will attack you see if I take it right off it he will get

Mad yeah oh my God same as the other one let’s Max enchant this thing and put the armor trim on it oh my gosh bro this green looks actually good and to get the last special armor piece you’re going to need some seagrass and breed two turtles

Cuz it is a turtle shell helmet that gives you water breathing while wearing it and to make it you need five scoots which is dropped by baby turtles when they grow up and this is where the turtle later eggs so let’s craft up some fences and build like a little wall so

They can’t get out when they hatch and now we just wait for them to hatch and grow up so uh this this might take a While all right I breeded the turtles more and got more eggs one finally hatched after 40 minutes baby turtles are so small wait can it fit through the fence okay no I can’t but to speed up the process of the baby turtle growing I’m just going to feed it a bunch of

Seagrass cuz uh I don’t have time for this oh my gosh bro he ate a full sack and didn’t even grow okay while I was getting more sea grass he grew but here is the scoop all right one of five to go now let me do the same thing and get the

Other four and craft the helmet oh yeah I’m not even kidding this took 2 hours to get for some reason turtle eggs take forever to hatch I was just sitting there waiting but now with this helmet on you probably notice I have a effect thing on the top right

Corner of my screen and that’s because we now have infinite water breathing so we can never drown cuz that’s a really big problem like I almost drown in my hardcore world like every 2 hours and it’s really bad let’s Max enchant it and put an armor trim this isn’t as

Effective as the other side gear but it sure does look the best like it’s like having a bull on your head but there we go we got all the side gear for all different scenarios it’s a little bit Overkill but that’s the point that’s that’s literally the point okay and now

There’s two steps left we need to do and before we work on making us literally be able to teleport we need to get the extras and what I mean by that is getting a fully Enchanted Shield because I you know you you always need one of these Enchanted flint and steel

Enchanted golden apples and let me place a load stone at my base connect a compass to it so I always know how to get back home Enchanted shears and of course two Trident One with loyalty 3 so when it’s thunderstorming I can get mob heads and do that Thunder stuff and the

Other one with RI hide 3 so when it’s raining I can uh travel super fast with my elytra and speaking of traveling if we head over to where I tested every travel method in Minecraft yes I tested every single one let’s grab the world’s fastest horse that took me forever to

Get like look at this this is just broken like Minecraft why did you make a horse this Fast but of course he can’t swim which is a stupid part let’s put diamond armor on him and now whenever my elytra breaks I can just use this horse water and lava emergency Rock Rockets a lot of anvils leads and some TNT because we all know

TNT is super handy and let’s head over to my giant vending machine that I built last video and get some golden apples because this machine actually produces unlimited golden apples yes I know yeah yes yes I’m flexing on you right now okay I went to the bathroom and I got

Way too much uh let me just craft them bang and also while we’re here let’s get emergency normal food and of course I’m going to pick golden carrots because uh why yeah all right and now we just wait here for a while so bam all right there

We go this Ving machine is actually super useful I’m so thankful that I built it all right and the last couple of things is a beacon with all the iron blocks you need to make it fully charged a fully enchanted bow with arrows and of course I can’t forget my favorite horn

Cuz it just sounds the best and there we go we now have a shulker box full of everything we’ll ever need if we need it so now I’ll just carry the shulker Box everywhere I go like let’s say I really need a pair of shares I got it bro what

The heck is this horse doing holy crap you got to relax all right the last step to making this armor is the ability to teleport yes you you heard me right while researching for this video when I found out this was possible I uh I my mind was blown with possibilities I’m

Not going to lie and it is actually very very simple and I don’t understand why nobody has like abused it or used it or made a video about it or anything it’s that good but let’s just hope it works because I haven’t actually tested it yet from the video I’m watching the

Material materials you’ll need is just some Redstone Redstone torches redstone blocks two dispensers and a dropper a fishing rod which is actually one of the main components that will make this work lava building blocks and all the other basic stuff and the last thing we need

Are some ender pearls all right and we now should have all the materials we need let’s build the machine right here in the middle of the field the first step is to dig a seven block deep hole just like this for water down at the top

And then at the very bottom of it oh what what the heck there’s a cave um Place Soul Sand down and fill it all up with kelp and then break the kelp which makes the water bubbly for some reason and as you can see I can’t swim down it

And it just pushes me up and when you throw ender pearl down in it it will keep it up floating and won’t teleport you now we just got to build a machine that will activate this ender pearl teleporting me here whenever I want to at my command and no it’s not just going

To be Redstone connected up to the trap door no that is just that’s just lame I’ll be able to teleport here whenever I want we’ll just place a dropper right here a wood pressure plate a trap door connected to it and Redstone going 16 blocks out this probably doesn’t make

Any sense right now but you’ll see just wait just wait and just off the Redstone we’ll build a nether portal which will be a chunk loader a redstone block right here with two blocks on top of this block place a dispenser with a hopper going into it a powered rail a detector

Rail two normal rails and then on this Edge we’ll place a lava bucket and now we’ll go inside the Nether and build the same exact thing just like that and now oh hey hey hey BR just sprinted in the portal but anyways now when we place

A mine cart on this rail it’ll go through the Nether and then come back through go through the Nether and come back through go through the basically what this does is load the chunks cuz when the mine cart goes to the portal the game loads these chunks it’s a chunk

Loader now we’ll connect it to the Redstone line just like this and because this isn’t powered it turns it off and there we go the teleporting Ma machine is finished I’ll show you how it works and let’s hope it actually works because I haven’t tested it yet so all you have

To do is put ender pearls inside this dropper and with your fishing rod reel it onto this wood pressure plate just like that the dropper will give you an ender pearl and the trap door will open you need to put the fishing rod in your left hand so it stays reeled and throw

The ender pearl into the water just like that and now we just have to very carefully walk over to the nether portal without breaking the line and go through it okay okay I I think I think it worked the fishing rod doesn’t look like it’s

Still reeled but it is now what you want to do is put it in your inventory like that not in your hot bar in your inventory if you put it in your hot bar I think that breaks it but bam you’re you’re finished now you can do whatever

You want look in your chest uh say hi to your drowning dog and whenever you want to be teleported back to the area where you built the machine all you have to do is just take the fishing rod put it in your hot bar and reel it

Oh my yo and we’re teleported bro I was scared it wasn’t going to work because the video I followed was in one down 16 yeah this is actually very overpowered like let’s say you’re about to die in the nether fighting mobs oh oh my God oh

My gosh I’m going to die oh you take out your fishing rod bam oh it doesn’t work in another dang it okay it only works when you’re in the overrule so uh keep that in mind it’s still very very overpowered like let’s say your Electro breaks r randomly and

You’re about to fall to your death what do you do oh you take out fishing rod bang nah you guys understand the possibilities with this little device I don’t think you guys understand you don’t even have to be close to death to use it like let’s say you’re finished

Mining and you got what you need instead of walking back to your base like a a stupid loser all you got to do is uh put out your fishing rod and Bam it’s that easy and I have the perfect idea how to use this machine I just built a bunker

Super far away from Spawn and let’s connect it up with the machine and now just throw that in there just go through the portal and now whenever I’m in a sticky situation about to die I can just pull it oh okay I probably would have died there but just like that I’m teleported

In my personal bunker that is everything I need but just like that we got the world’s best armor and also the best looking armor the best of the best side gear a shulker box to carry around with extra stuff a fishing rod that literally teleports us to a bunker like think

About that for a second that’s that’s crazy but after all that I don’t think we need to worry about losing this world anytime soon wait why did my Electro bre oh oh my God ah I’m just kidding you really thought I died nah bro I’m just going to

Go to my bunk really quick grab a extra totem and uh yeah I’ll see you guys in the next video

Creating the most insane armor possible, so I don’t ever lose my Minecraft world

This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES is inspired by Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, and Sandiction! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT! aCookiegod also with his hardcore Minecraft videos This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better!

#minecraft #hardcore #but


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