I’m Done with Minecraft…

I’ve been playing Minecraft for 10 years and my current Minecraft world is 3 years old and I feel like i’ I’ve done everything in it from every armor trim to collecting every mob to building a Bedrock Farm you name it I’ve done it or so I thought because this video is how

To 100% Minecraft and we are going to see what you actually have to do to do everything in Minecraft and if you want to do everything in real life you need to get my Blockhead yes this is available on Blockheads website The Links at the top of the description it’s

Very very cool it’s got removable sunglasses too and they are only on sale for a limited time once they’re gone I’m never doing him again so don’t miss your chance now I shall say how to 100% Minecraft Minecraft is a Sandbox game meaning that you’re supposed to be able

To do anything with the tools it gives you that’s cool that’s also very cool is that breaking okay doing that stuff on the uh on the T scen was cool I mean playing Minecraft until there’s absolutely nothing new you can do I’m obviously not going to be doing

Everything myself you’ll see why later so oh every every alatri combination with every leather kind of combination and never wanted to do anything but play Minecraft forever you know what I bet is good about this video it’s going to be one of those ones where normally in Minecraft

You think you’ve run out of things to do but this is going to prove there’s always going to be something to do video gets absolutely insane so I’d appreciate it if you’d subscribe starting off our adventure we’ll play through the game and kill the dragon I forgot to mention

That is also a professional speedrunner so he managed to be the game in only 10 minutes the next step is to beat all of Minecraft love smile a normal player would probably call this 100% in Minecraft but Proto St is no ordinary player luckily while getting all the Minecraft advancements you also complete

Plenty of other smaller challenges like eating every food type and visiting every biome I wasn’t able to find any speedruns for getting all the advancements in Minecraft 1.20 but people have completed some in earlier versions and there’s nobody wait a second nobody’s done a speedrun of every

Advancement in 1.20 you’re joking me I don’t believe this that’s a world record just there for the taking I should I should do that sometime when I’ve got 20 hours to burn although recp did a video of getting every advancement in 6 hours I don’t know if you actually complet

Deleted it I should I should probably watch it although I don’t think he did it in the L he did it in 1.16 didn’t he some point I actually want to watch that but yeah I can’t believe no one’s done every advancement 1.20 speed like I I

Reckon I could actually do you know what that’s a future video maybe let me know if you want me to do it anyway let Contin that sets our current total time to 4 hours and 10 minutes and wraps up what an average player would call completing Minecraft while you’re up

There collecting advanc I mean that’s pretty quick most players will not do it in that time strongholds and light their portals assuming it takes around 15 minutes per portal which seems about right then that adds just around 32 hours to our time the next step that is

Crazy actually to fill in activate every single End Portal in Minecraft you know what I’m I’m going to write that down I think that’s a cool idea I might get a lot of ideas for Minecraft from this video who knows to do everything in Minecraft we’ll need to collect every

Possible Block in the game sure that for each block you pick it up break it and place it in order to do every action you can with them Mar one I mean I mean kind of you can do that but there’s some blocks you couldn’t actually mind to do

Like some you can get but you can’t mine you know like Bedrock or something like that made a video where they collect every block in the game and it took them just over 19 hours since Proto Steve is perfect we can expect a couple hours to be shaved

Off without all of the dying no sense I’m adding 15 hours to the total time we’re eventually also going to have to collect every so you get every block but you haven’t got all the illegal blocks does that come into it or are we just like saying you have to stay in one

Point swey and do what’s known to be possible you know because it it’s it’s not known how to get you know command blocks and Bedrock blocks and stuff like that in 1.20 it’s it’s known in 1.12 but not anyway I wonder if that that comes

Into it I in the game and a good place to start would be with potion andal if to 100% it you have to do this in every single version all the way up in Minecraft as well yeah there’s a anyway let’s just 35 different potions being able to be made into their

Lingering and splash counterparts we need to brew up a total of 135 potions it takes 20 seconds to a lot of it to get everything s it’s a lot to get every sing in Minecraft is it and we can expect this collection to be done in just about

3,660 seconds or just over an hour not too bad this is where the difficulty starts to ramp up though since we have to collect every item that means we need every bucket of tropical fish that might not seem like too big of a task Until you realize that the game has 2,700

Variants of that would be a hard one it’s hard to get an exact number on how long this would take but since you’d have to go out and look for every unique combination I estimated that you could catch a new type of fish every 4 minutes

Or so in total that would add 180 hours wow and you think about has anybody even attempted this because to keep track of every single one and imagine like you get 2,680 of them and then every fish you’re like I think I’ve got that one have I

Got that one you have to check every single time that’d be so hard I mean you can make a tropical fish farm but it would still it would be tricky yeah to there’s going to be a point where you’re going to be like have I got them all I

Don’t know I I re you know I could make tropical fish now nearly spent 10 full you know what I’m writing that idea down as well I’m just might just be crazy enough to attempt it in this world in terms of Minecraft items there’s one that practically beats all others in

Terms of variation armor more specifically we’re going to be making a lot of armor in this world starting with every single color of leather armor if you didn’t know you can stack dyes on a leather armor to create an this that you can do that to be exact you can make 5.7

Million different colors of armor and crafting all these colors on each piece you’d end up with nearly 23 million unique items you need 400,000 double chests to store all of your color combination assuming that it takes 10 seconds to create one piece this task would take you

63,000 this going be one that I’m never going to attemp years of non-stop playing to our so many combinations that’s not even including the time it would take to get 550 million pieces of leather I don’t think the 550 million pieces of leather is actually as hard as

You think because I I mean I built a hoglin farm that gets like 400,000 an hour so you think about that it’s like 100 hours which in the grand scheme of things 100 hours of AFK for leather is not long at all so I I don’t think

That’s too bad but that’s not really our problem taking a break from item collecting we’re now going to do something unimaginable reaching the maximum XP level in Minecraft Java Edition the highest level you can go up to is 236,000 did he say 236 million cuz that’s an eight what’s the answer we

Want to know any so this is the highest XP level you can go up to2 if you try to go any higher your XP bar literally vanishes oh that’s so cool I I wonder how long it would take you to get there using the God particle

Farm I built like literally the max that the anyway let’s see what he says to get to this level we’re going to have to create some sort of Mega farm that allows us to get the maximum amount of XP per second the way XP is gathered is

Through XP orbs which can only be collected at a rate of 10 orbs per second there are 11 different sizes of orbs depending on on how much xp they hold the largest one of these has the nickname the God particle which can hold up to

3 XP I think I made my video after this I haven’t seen it before but need to collect of 256 quadrillion XP points so assuming that you’ve created some sort of Mega farm that allows you to collect 10 God particles per second which has never been done before it would still

Take well well well well you my good friend should do your research cuz cubic meter did it ages ago maybe I popularized it a little bit more recently I mean cubic meter’s got 724 th000 and mine’s on $882,000 I mean I will get to millon it’s not been out

That long so yeah I mean he’s got a lot of views anyway but yeah considering the research that’s gone to this I’m surprised that he didn’t know or maybe he doesn’t class it as a as a a legitimate thing I don’t know but anyway we’ve done it which is is is crazy you

24,800 years within the time that it took Proto Steve to get to this level the Earth’s a 2 4,800 years well I guess I will never reach the max level in Minecraft that is that’s sad that is sad the the newest max level number anyway tilt mirror meaning that summer will become winter

And winter will become summer the Sahara Desert will have turned into a lust jungle and it’s predicted that a super volcanic eruption will cover the Earth in 1 trillion tons of volcanic rock possibly ending human civilization but F Steve doesn’t care as he’s only at the

Start of his journey wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait so we’ve got this all right 24,000 years there is things within Minecraft that some would describe as unnatural did that sound like Palpatine there anyway what I mean is there’s a there’s a there’s a thing

In Minecraft you can do called tick warp which is a a part of carpet which a lot of people do when they’re running farms and stuff like that um so if you use that which can and you had like a super computer that could speed Minecraft up

To let’s say I I don’t I don’t know if this one exists but maybe like a 100 time probably is you could get one 100 times faster and you were mining at the at the faster speed and collecting XP so you you sped Minecraft up Suddenly instead of 24,000

Years I mean you speed it up by 100 times 240 years but if you could if you could speed it up by like I don’t know 10,000 times the speed which I think computers will be able to do at some point like in 10 years time or something

The computers be so much more powerful than they are now so I think maybe you could get to the XP level if you used the the tick warp feature in Minecraft in in carpet I reckon then maybe it could be done in a world but obviously you’re like well is that is

That cheating or not some would say it is some would say it is but just just putting that idea out there yet Chunk in the Minecraft world and I don’t mean just loading them in O I like this visiting every chunk okay is going to have to physically be within every Chunk

In the world every Minecraft world is 60 million blocks in I wonder if anybody’s actually loaded in every single chunk Chunk in a world not not visited every chunk but like loaded them all in so like so they exist how big would the world file size be it be massive chunk

Is 16 by 16 the length of the world is 3 Mill would you the, chunks the only way I can really think of to visit every chunk would be by using an elytra which travels at a speed of 33.5 blocks per second so to travel from one side of the

World to the other it would take 20 days of non-stop flying it’s now time to repeat that Journey 3 million more times fly all the way in One Direction over a chunk fly all the way back that strategy it would take an insane 213,000 years to see the entire world

However while testing I found a strategy that could cut that time in half by zigzagging on the edge of each chunk you can effectively visit two chunks at once meaning it would only take 16,000 saves way loads of time yeah so Proto Ste takes flight on his journey as he loads

More and more chunks the Earth enters a new Ice Age Niagara Falls erodes into Lake Erie and ceases to exist nearly all constellations in our night sky have drifted so far apart as to no longer be recognizable 100,000 years later he reaches the final Chunk in the corner of

The world he builds a Nether and embarks for another 100,000 he’s going to do the ne every Chunk in and finally the end forgot about the other dimension 4,289 ad by and and they’re still making new new updates to the we added another diamond mention that’s the same size as

The over World Imagine that that would bean anyway now it’s safe to assume that if humans are still around none of them have heard of Minecraft let alone much of anything from our generation Proto Steve can now rest assured that he will no doubt become the first and only

Player to ever complete everything in Minecraft the game tracks nearly every action you take as statistics from times you mind I’m going toone to number of deaths from Dolphin yes you can actually die from a dolphin since Minecraft is coded in Java the highest number it can

Store is about 2.1 billion however you can actually go higher than that in your statistics kind after reaching the max integer your statistics will start going into the negative up until they reach zero and the cycle continues therefore the highest number that Minecraft can technically track is1 let’s break down

The times it takes to max your statistics out starting off with General statistics wait wait wait I want to just know what those numbers are 2.1 billion so youve got to get to like 4.3 billion to get to minus one how is he there are a total of 7 categories and

Assuming second to up you can expect to be spending over 10,000 years on this section alone next up is the mob’s T every time and every time you’ve been killed by one this section is probably the hardest ATT track the killed part is pretty easy there are 76

Mobs those kill I was figuring this part out I found it pretty funny that you can actually be killed by a snow golem using the setup if the Golem shoots a fireball through Lava it can ignite TNT which counts as a kill that’s cool anyways that if you have the right Contraption

Setup you could probably die to most mobs every 3 seconds that adds a little over 18,000 years to the total which at this point is like a day’s work for Proto figuring out kill counts is more complicated though the Elder Guardian and piglin brutes can only be killed a

Certain number of times since they only spawn in the world with structures so you don’t have to worry about those for the rest I estimated how I mean I mean in all in like 1.2 you can you can jup mobs through portals so maybe maybe that

Could you could do it in like 1.12 so I don’t know if it still works but yeah I think by the time 372,000 years has passed Steve might have worked out how to do it in 1.20 which will be like an ancient version by then it’ll be on

Minecraft 5 by then never mind Minecraft 2 kill them based on the fastest Farms out there things that are easily better farmed like pigs and Guardians I just assigned 1 second while mobs that appear frequently in the wild were given 3 to 5 Seconds the hardest however is the

Wandering Trader it takes at 20 ingame minutes for them and their llamas account for four fifths of the total time it takes to max out this statistic my estimate for maxing out your mob statistics is a walk 25,000 years which don’t get me wrong is an unfathomably long time but

Doesn’t even compare to the items tab here you can find every block and item in the game with the number of times you’ve mined placed Dr up and brok comp it’s going to take longer than the age of the universe to do this I’m starting to think it’s possible that

Yeah you need longer than the edge of the universe we could run a simulation a billion times the speed blocks in total all of which I tediously marked as breakable placeable and craftable I then went through each of their Wiki pages to get their break times and calculated the fastest time

You can break each of them using a haste 2 efficiency 5 netherite pick this is going to be super important like for the breaking one yeah it is just Place break Place break like you can use the same block over and over again K you you

Don’t have to worry about that too much but it’s still still a long time finally I estimated that it takes about half a second to place each block a second to craft a quar second to drop and half a second to pick up oh but are we are we

Are we are we crafting and placing and stuff new ones I don’t know if these calculations are right because if you mine it you pick it up and you place it so that’s like two of them gone already but may maybe the half a second to drop

From the mine to picking up his half a second maybe I don’t know he’s done the MTH not me while it might not take a whole second to craft something like a stick a beacon or netherite block would take infinitely more time I did the same

Thing for each of the items I originally assumed and crafting every block 4 billion times would be the longest amount of time but it turns out that all of that is vastly overshadowed by breaking your tools and armor something like a neite plate can take forever to

Break so doing it 4 billion times is obviously going to take a lifetime adding that’s I calculated that it would take Proto Steve drum roll please 1,612 years to complete wow due to a one asteroid hitting I the thing is I think like breaking your armor you can make it

Faster than just standing by a cactus which she was doing yeah you know it can break faster if you I don’t know had something with higher damage hitting you over and over again and then you had like a uh a raid uh like a witch throwing heal potions at a ravager to

Try and heal it over and over again they throw if there loads of them they throw loads and loads and then you stand and you collect them all and then that that heals you so you can like take maybe like a warden’s hit over and over again you’d probably break your armor pretty

Quick doing that did he factor that in I don’t know could shave off you know uh 100,000 years or something just just an idea the Earth approximately 600,000 years ago the computer running prot Steve’s Minecraft is sent barreling into the universe after spending 1 and a half Milli years a single mcra

Just way in all reality we haven’t done anything that really messes with the world’s terrain except for now to tr everything in the game there can be nothing left to do or to see don’t tell me you got to break every block is to meticulously destroy every single you

Know it just gets crazier and crazier left but void just like with visiting every chunk I’m not going to bother with the time it would take to repair all of your tools I first coded a script that takes a world file and scans every chunk

Loaded to make a list of all the blocks they contain clever by the way this wasn’t an easy task I had to learn how to decode Minecraft’s chunk format and read some binary but eventually I got clever guy all that was left to do was

Load in a bunch of chunks and see what blocks they had this was the result ignoring the 7.2 billion blocks of air we get something pretty expected deep slate was first at 43% stone at 33% water at 6 for some reason I thought grass and dirt would be

The most common but obviously yeah deep SL way I made for Block breing time and distri hey already got a spreadsheet for this isn’t that great World adding it all up gives us 3 3.1 billion years billion no okay so by the time Proto is done destroying the world

There’s a very high chance that humans are long gone and the Earth has become an uninhabitable magma Planet flying through space but I wonder what the Earth would look like in 31 billion years even though he’s broken every block the world isn’t an empty void like promise oh he hasn’t broke the Bedrock

Yet St don’t do it it’s not worth it so it’s time toak the big guns I found a tutorial on how to make them machine to break bedrock and to figure out how long it takes to break all of the bedrock in the world I first need to find the time

To break one so I think I have to place obsidian here trap door here TNT right here and the Piston goes right there so I flick this lever oh God okay my game game freed okay I think fixed that issue and I even have a timer now right yeah

Yeah but there machines that will do the Bedrock breaking for you okay don’t don’t don’t worry guys all right you don’t have to do it one by one click this this is inaccurate calculation yeah it’s not 100% of the time mate you did it wrong so I think

The problem fck I wasn’t clicking fast enough but Pro Steve can click very fast all right here go start that like that okay now hold down Z here we go and oh I think that worked yeah like it now I just have to get really fast okay is

Speed it to click the thing no hold a go I’d like I’d like to say I’m I’m a little bit faster at this um but yeah there’s machines that you can use to break bedrock I want to see what the was really dream music initiated oh no that would have been sub

10 if it just broke here we go start timer boom boom Oh my God I’m so fast I’m so good I like the setup I like the speed here we go oh my eight seconds that’s pretty good and it worked okay I think spent this much time playing Minecraft be F 4 billion

Years meaning that this task alone would take longer than Breaking every block in the world I rep all the calculations from the Overworld and found that destroying all of the other dimensions including the bedrock in the nether would bring our total time to 10.7 yeah because you got the top and

The bottom of the ne engulfed by our son as it becomes a full scale red giant there are only two more tasks that Proto Steve needs to complete in order to be crowned at the first the game going to be by the end of this task Proto Steve will have collected every

Possible combination of armor and what does that look like well do you want a greenish blue pair of leather boots with a red wayfinder armor trim enchanted with Unbreaking 2 dep Strider 1 cursive binding and blast protection 3 no every combination of enchants as well as colors material oh no

No this is going to be unfathomable I can’t say the word it’s going to be very high and is there even enough diamonds in the world is there even enough materials in a Minecraft world to do this you mine every single diamond in the world is there is there enough to do

It for every single combination have you work that out blue cubed H is it even you know because if you’ve collected every single Diamond but it’s like well I I I mind every diamond or but I didn’t get the maximum out of four diamonds every time all right well you need to do

RNG manipulations so get the maximum amount of resources per one but that’s only 1.2 just but yeah you know what is there even enough diamonds to make all the armor that’s because we have every single combination of enchantments on every type of armor with every type of

Arm looks amazing by the way five quadrillion variants assuming that it only takes you 30 seconds to make each of these variations you’re looking at spending 5 billion years crafting upgrading and enchanting tools armor and weapons for the ultimate collection imag spending billi yes Proto Steve is faced

With one final challenge a task so timec consuming that our current models of Dark Matter predict that the universe will end before it can be completed the task in question oh no banners there are a total of 89 quadrillion different combinations of banners you can make you

Could fill an entire layer of a Minecraft world 60 million blocks wide and 60 million blocks long full of chest and that still wouldn’t be enough to contain all of those combinations assuming that it only takes you 10 seconds to make one pattern you’re looking at spending 256 billion years making banners and

It’s not even going to be this quick everything’s going to take longer is itan scientists estimate that the expansion of the universe will tear subatomic particles infinitely far apart from each other marking the end of the universe but if the universe still exists who said that we were 100% a

Single Minecraft world no just read the title we’re 100% in Minecraft which Proto Steve will have to repeat all of these tasks on every single Minecraft catapulting our total time to 4.7 nonillion years that’s four followed by 30 Z if it still exists the universe has long become a dark freezing

Graveyard of dead stars and Proto steeve drifting forever into nothing shuts down finally satisfied I can’t believe that I absolutely can’t believe that don’t let me ever ever hear anyone say that you have run out of things to do in Minecraft because you’ve got enough you’ve got 20 billion in fact more than

That you’ve got yeah you know what just just just buy my Blockhead that’s that’s that’s all I’m asking

GET MY BLOCKHEAD BEFORE ITS TO LATE: https://blockheadz.store/products/sb737

Have I done everything in Minecraft already?

Check out my merch! – https://sb737.store

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If you own any clips in this video and have a problem with SB reacting to your clips, please email Callum @ dcmedia.tv thanks


  1. Actually with the auto crafter making all the leather amour is possible, with a good hoglin farm to take all the lether and flower farms to get the dyes and to store it you can use shulker loaders. It is very much possible in 1.21 since you can parallelize the crafting.

  2. Bro you can make the max exp level in Minecraft if you make your exp farm more bigger than ever . Although it will take lots of time but you can reach till there . Thankyou 😊😊

  3. There is so much more to do:
    You can place every block and fill the entire world

    You can do all of this again in every version of minecraft

    You can die every possible way

  4. This could get longer if you do it with every minecraft skin on every version and after breaking every single block you could place it all back on every single account and then keep replacing the world until you get to max height you could also drain the ocean and replace it with more blocks get every block in the game 1000 times then you must visit every country in the world and do it there finaly build every possible structure out of every block possible actually im not done then you want to destroy every structure possible now you need to get every potion and put every single one on every single mob get all advancements on every single version after rebuilding the overworld you should rebuild the nether and then the end on every single version now this is a lot but there could be more done now you must do this at every possible time like 1:49.045837 AM and do this for every second kill every mob in every possible way possible now your going to want to get every death message then build every farm possible now this would take a while now you must break I block of coal on the coordinates of 4197 217 1837 on the seed 27482947294920374829 now you must be standing on a quartz pillar block with netherite helmet with half durability with a light blue dyed leather chest plate with diamond leggins on chainmail boots with unbreaking 2 and thorns 3 on every piece of armour

  5. Don't think ayone has ever loaded in all chunks in a minecraft world. look at 2b2t they have like 15 terra worldfile and stil alot of the world has never been loaded.

  6. Now you do everything he said with all skins, all different settings in every name combination a world can have with every seed on every version

  7. the moment he asked for that greenish pair of greenish leather boots at the end, my soul melted into an infinitely deep pit of unfathomability

    edit* repeating all those tasks on every seed. l play Egg lnc, & l haven't even heard of nunillion ( p.s: I want to write about how absolutely drained this video makes me feel, but I can't do it)

  8. Oh hoho, you forgot make every combonation of world, in every seed, with all block states possible

    chest filled with shulker boxes full of 0-64 of many different banners, armor, tools, blocks, etc

    Every possible command block

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