Co-Op Stardew Valley w/ @AmanogawaShiina

Now oh let’s getzy oh yeah yeah come in come in come on in oh my God hey hey hey hey this looks like we’re doing some some some bad things you know oh no I used the water pale that sounded like something else um but

My God that’s what she did yeah guys she used the water B oh no man that’s crazy no that’s crazy mood yeah so I’ve been crafting bomb I been farming to craft bombs up the because I need to bomb my way to Victory oh my God for the mine yeah to make it

All the way to uh what do you call it level 100 I have to bomb my way down cuz you have to do it in one night oh my God oh my God Shea guess what guess what I I gave Sebastian the bouquet and he’s labeled my boyfriend

Now yeah oh my God I have a boyfriend absolutely crazy I know right I think it’s kind of illegal but it should be okay yeah is it illegal yeah yeah yeah imagine you know vtubers having boyfriends right you know we can’t have that yeah yeah we can’t have

Those yeah I thought you me he was like younger you know even after becoming Sebastian’s girlfriend he doesn’t say anything different to me so sad he’s just he’s just them boy yeah you know even after we’re we’re all lovey d being together our dialogue is still the same really day after

Day a man that’s the thing right if you go after looks that’s what it is oh man God chat’s like day one how you doing honey day two how you doing honey day three how you doing honey more bombs more bombs more bombs I now have 74

Bombs 74 balls yeah get in there 1 two three four five 6 seven Hearts Let’s Go o all right one more something unlocked he has so much RZ I have so much RZ we’re just giving this man beer pizza and peppers I swear to God and that’s some nice Riz you know

Sometimes it’s all guys need in their lives okay time to get more wood there yay all right he’s really depressed she’s like going to a saloon tonight what else is there to do I’m like oh dang you could talk to people or play video games or something play video

Games ah great idea I feel like I’ve only gotten Dum since I started being a vtuber uh okay V tubing makes us Dumber but you know the games don’t make us Dumber ah how do I touch tackle she’s like how do I tackle this haha get it get

Okay so I got a secret note okay one of those secret notes and and it was like it pointed to this bush behind the river and I we we we couldn’t I couldn’t read the analog clock you know cuz it’s been a while and there’s like a clock on the

Note and I was like wait what the it’s it’s at 12:40 mhm so I it up and I stood there at 1:40 and I was like uh I don’t know it just says stand by behind this bush so I’m going to stand behind this bush until 12:40 are they even going to

Show up that’s a weird time to me I know right I’m wrestling the bush oh oh they didn’t say anything well one of them was the mayor one of them is a lady who sells us our animals isn’t the mayor married what SC hand they were in the bush together

Apparently if you go to marne’s bedroom you’ll find his his underwear no that’s where it was the entire time okay Shea you want to go get you want to go get the underwear yeah he’s looking for that oh my God that’s nasty oh my god did you get that did you

Get the quest that the mayor asked for the truffle oil yeah gee I why he needs truffle oil huh fam it must be for cooking we don’t want to know what our neighbors are up to do we I mean it’s good to know what your neighbors are

Doing you know how they’re doing how they’re doing yes maybe not how they’re doing it but how how they’re doing right oh God can I pick it up oh no uhoh my eyes just again let me in no let me in let me in or or ORS or or

Or or not huh get it huh or not I’m losing it people I’m literally just the maker of bombs you know if y’all need anything to uh you know make it through your day a little quicker you know I can do that for you oh no yeah maybe light it up a

Little light yeah light it up a little bit yeah that’s my catch is your life will be lit why should I even go on tell me why I shouldn’t roll off this Cliff right now because Shea loves you yeah I’ve been feeding you Pizza the final oh my god did you do it

You do it yes no not yet not yet I’m walking there it’s the final Riz down let’s go oh my God the final rist down oh my god let’s go all right Shane take this oh he’s like you want get more you want to get more serious I feel the same

Way yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re going to watch TV together okay I I I guess I guess I guess so yeah oh it’s Netflix and chill never mind yeah oh yeah no I huh I hop into M and fancy bed y I’m holding corn seeds I forgot to put back that’s so cute

Oh my God oh my God sheina sheina sheina I I just I I just checked the I got the the the the I looked into people’s trash okay today uh-huh oh what’ you find I found two geodes two geod and a scorpion fish a scor what’s a scorpion F no idea

But it’s minus 125 Health if you eat it oops oh oh uh oh what why did you do that I what the hell is that my crap oh my God oh my God oh my super fish super fish yeah I got your number

No I don’t no I don’t no I don’t no I don’t got him stupid fish stupid chub Sebastian did you see that I fish right in front of you did you see me catch a fish yeah did you see me okay he wasn’t looking I believe go find your man to

Give him a give him a tulip give him something right oh you have to give him two things a week you know that’s that’s good too much effort I don’t want to but but you’re happiness Mima I’m happy just fine with me and my vegetables that is true wait and me

Right and and me right right right yeah right absolutely Texas is subsidizing people who plant tulips what what I’ll plant these tulips on D off you

Watch along as Sayu explores the world of Stardew with the likes of @AmanogawaShiina !
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