An Introduction of Terraria Classes for Beginners!

Hello friend are you new to Terraria and wondering what all this talk about classes is about well look no further this video will cover all you need to know about classes in Terraria from what it means how to pick a class the pros and cons of choosing one to specialize

In and an introduction to each class so you can see which one you want to try out I’m zzu corn and I aim to entertain you encourage you and offer you a place to go home so subscribe now and join the zuu corn family let’s begin when people talk about classes in

Terraria they usually refer to the voluntary decision to use a certain type of weapon during their playthroughs you’ll be relieved to hear that there are no real classes or jobs like in other games and you’re free to use whatever weapon you craft or find with

No drawbacks at all if you want to use the sword you found in the ice biome then switch to a bow and arrow for flying enemies you absolutely can do so some people enjoy this freedom and use a variety of weapons throughout the the game adapting to whatever challenge is

In their way in a sense these people are choosing to be a jack of all trades and there’s nothing wrong with that in fact I’d recommend you to play this way if it’s your very first time it’s great to experience and try out all sorts of weapons you come across so in summary

Strictly speaking there is no such thing as a class in Terraria but since you’re not forced into choosing a specialization why do people still do it why limit yourself to say only m magic weapons what’s the benefit well the answer lies in the fact that weapons are

Not the only part of your build other essential components include armor sets and accessories some types of armors provide bonuses for specific weapon types for example the molten armor set made from hellstone bars provides bonuses for melee weapons it boosts your melee damage melee speed and melee Critical Strike chance the obsidian

Armor on the other hand increases your summon damage it gives you an additional summon slot slot and boost your Whip’s range damage and speed later on you also have various choices for the same armor set for example the hollowed armor set has various helmets with each one providing a different set bonus overall

Accessories are similar and might even be more specialized in some cases the magic quiver for example boosts damage and speed for arrows specifically and not the other range subtypes like bullets while the yo-yo bag provides unique benefits for yo-yos only which are a subset of the melee group because

Terrarians have limited slots for armors and accessories is usually more efficient to optimize for the weapon type you like the most so in terrara it is somewhat true that a jack of all trades is a master of none but is it often times better than a master of one

In this game not really other than freedom and versatility one illustrative example I can offer you is the mix of melee and Magic weapons say you love the cool swords in Center area and you’ve got a set of melee armor right now you’re super super strong and destroy

Everything that stands in your path but you come across a magic weapon that you kind of want to use too right off the bat you’ll start to realize that Mana might be an issue even if you increase it to the default maximum things might still feel a little sluggish yet if you

Start changing your build into a hybrid one your swords May no longer pack the same punch as before compare this to someone else who is a full on Mage with Mage accessories this terrarian would have Mana even higher than the default Max with increased Mana regen increased magic damage increase Mana efficiency

And so on perhaps it would be wiser to just stick with your melee builds for maximum damage output of course this is more significant in some situations than others if you just want to use an extra summon for that tiny Boos in damage then there are probably no downsides to that

If you just want a range weapon to deal with the annoying flying enemies then that’s no problem too but just know that trying to go fullon half half hybrid between two classes won’t be as efficient in general there are some hybrid armor sets out there but they’re

Not really an endgame thing but if all you want to do is have fun then go ahead that’s the most important thing after all play the game how you want to play it so having heard about the benefits of choosing a main class to stick to maybe

You’re now interested in the types of classes and subcategories in the the game maybe you want to see what’s cool so you can try it out for yourself that’s great cuz I’ll now briefly cover all the class types so you can make an informed decision firstly we have the

Melee or warrior class Warriors are tanky fighters who get up close and personal to enemies dishing out High close range damage with a unique arsenal of weapons from swords flails flying knives and even yo-yos you’re clearly Rel logic’s favorite poster child generally melee armors and accessories focus on swing speed and melee damage

And also make your character slightly tankier compared to the others melee weapons Spain from a plethora of Swords to some flying and throwing weapons like the light dis or Shadow flame knife to some flails like the Flareon or D of power and even to yo-yos which are a

Special subset in itself all of them benefit from melee stat boosts and certain ways but yo-yos in particular require a different accessory load out yo-yos follow your cursor and the yo-yo accessories enhance this by providing a counterweight to protect you longer string length and thus longer range and

Can even outright double the yo-yo damage so if you want to be Rel logic’s favorite child equipped with all sorts of different unique weapons try out the melee class in hint the best weapon in the game is classified as a melee weapon although it does destroy everything

Regardless of whatever class you play so maybe that’s not so convincing next we have the range class Rangers are fast firing individuals who rain down hordes of projectiles on the enemy from afar with free rign to constantly dish out damage while staying mobile and safe Rangers offer flexibility like no other

Class the range class has armors that boost your range damage and critical strike chance unique to the range weapon type is the attribute to conserve ammo because most range weapons require ammo to fire some armors and accessories give you a set percentage chance to not consume ammo for example if there is a

20% ammo conservation chance it means on average you only use up eight bullets out of every 10 shots since you’ll be firing tons and tons of projectiles from hundreds to thousands of them this can go a really long way especially for the more expensive crafted bullets Rangers

Also have three main archetypes we have the bows the guns and the rocket launchers bows use arrows as their ammo and have a few specific accessories one of the most important ones being the magic quiver which I’ve already mentioned this accessory doubles the speed of arrows which helps to

Compensate for poor aiming since arrows do have weight and are affected by gravity guns on the other hand use bullets which pretty much travel Straight Ahead however the catch here is that different guns have different firing speeds and bullet spreads which makes aiming quite difficult sometimes

For example the chain gun is one of the fastest firing guns gun in the game but it has a very erratic bullet spread lastly the rocket launchers use Rockets as their ammo but these are unlocked pretty late into the game these are special and have the ability to destroy blocks sometimes but regardless

Of which archetype you choose if you like being a high damaging character who kills enemies from afar the ranger might be the class for you next we have the Mage or magic class Mages are players with the most unique group of weapons dishing out high damage while micromanaging their Mana levels

Almost all magic weapons have some unique feature be it projectile firing style or damage overtime attributes there are weapons that fire projectiles that bounce around the room projectiles that split apart after connecting with an enemy or wall weapons that summon projectiles from the sky projectiles from the ground Rapid Fire projectiles

And even a freaking laser beam it’s safe to say that you won’t ever be board playing a mage in Terraria however the catch for being so versatile is that these magic weapons all require Mana which regenerates naturally over time so you can’t really go ham the same

Way as you can for melee or range weapons but there is a way around this though through an accessory called the Mana flow which will automatically drink Mana potions for you however the downside is that regenerating Mana this way also reduces your magic damage output so you have to decide if it’s a

The compromise that you’re willing to make Mages are also comparatively squishy but they have absurd levels of damage output to make up for it so if you want to have the most unique and varied experiences in Terraria and dish out tons of damage while being a glass

Cannon and you’re kind of okay with Mana management then Mage is just for you lastly we have the Summoner class Summoners command minions from a horde of bees to imps to a group of bats or Flying Swords or even ghost tiger or Celestial Dragon these players leave

Most of the work to their familiars but can also deal loads of damage by whipping the enemy into submission boosting their minion damage further in the process Summoner armors boost summon and whip damage but also increase the total minion count a player can have by default players can only summon one

Minion but this can go up to 11 if you really really want to push it for most minions this just increases the number of friends that you can have for others every additional summon strengthens the minion increasing its speed and damage special ones like the Stardust Dragon Gets an additional damaging segment with

Each minion slot which boosts its damage exponentially different whips also have special effects like damage over time minion damage amplification or even special projectiles that deal bonus damage unfortunately though Summoners are also the squishiest of the lot which makes it slightly more challenging to whip your enemies at close range but

That’s okay because different summons deal damage differently which makes some better than others in different situations depending on who your opponent is no matter the foe you’ll be able to find a suitable familiar if you feel like you need a couple of in-game friends to do everything for you while you stand still

And AFK then Summoner is the class for you that covers all you need to know for classes in Terraria like I said you don’t actually have to choose one you can use them in any way you want it’s okay if your damage output isn’t the highest it can be because what matters

Is that you have fun but if you do want to try out a specific class though let me know down in the comments which one you’re most excited to try if you enjoyed the video make sure to subscribe and hit the Bell icon for more informative tutorials and other fun

Stuff this has been zuu corn have a nice day and have a great week ahead bye-bye n

We commonly hear about ‘classes’ in Terraria, but what does that actually mean? MUST you pick a class in Terraria 1.4? What are the differences between each class? This video will introduce the concept of classes in Terraria and cover all 4 main types, which are namely the Melee or Warrior Class, the Ranger or Archer class, the Mage or Magic Class, and the Summoner class.

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PC Specs:
Intel Core i7 9700F (No integrated graphics)
Zotac Gaming RTX 2070 Super 8GB VRAM
2 X 16GB DDR4 3600MHz RAM

Recorded with OBS, Edited with Davinci Resolve 18

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