Decorating My Shops in Stardew Valley

Welcome everyone I’m so happy to have you here I’m kobby and today we’re going to be um kind of decorating some of the outside of our farm I reorganized the layout here and there and kind of everywhere so I did not decorate yet though now I do have Robin building a

New barn in this area where I’m going to have like what I’m going to call stores and I it’s not done yet so we’re just going to kind of work around her but it does take up the amount of space it’s always going to take up so I think

We’ll be able to decorate no problem I do want to change the color of the barns just keep that in mind I haven’t done it quite yet but I did change the color of the barns around my house so why don’t I just take a few

Things with me before we go I’m going to gather a few things from my pockets here and there and I’ll meet you down towards um the area where we’re going to decorate all right so I’ve pretty much filled my pockets but I do need to empty

Them a little bit so I’m just going to take a couple things out that I don’t need okay our pockets are completely full of things I do think I have too much wood so why don’t I just put one pile of wood back okay that’s

Fine nice now we only have a couple more days left until the next season happens so I’m glad that we have our um Farm mapped out okay so what are we doing down here we we’ve got this area oh my gosh our shed is done already

A oh look how cute it is so I actually want another one already so this is one of our sheds this is a second one which we are going to redo the layout of this one too totally going to redo it and this one is done boom

Cafe so you know what I should do to actually indicate that this one is the one that’s done is I could put a cup of coffee to show that it’s the cafe and another one I want like a cup of beer which will show that it tops you

Know so I’m not sure how I want to decorate this area but I’m wondering maybe if I should do instead of uh a pathway like this maybe oops I’ll do brick maybe I’ll do brick I probably need more huh okay what do I need to make it

Though brick floor I need clay and stone so I definitely don’t have enough let’s just see how it looks then oops oh you know should I have known that was going to happen I don’t know but maybe I could put the sign on top of this instead oh yeah look like

That cuz I kind of want this to feel more like a City Vibe oops wait why can’t I pick up the sign maybe I need a different tool do I not have enough pocket space is that why interesting okay so I do have these scarecrows that I want to empty out of

My pockets why don’t we drop these off I kind of wanted to put them around my junimo Huts so like one here another one on this corner and a top like here as well maybe this one then I can do oops woo doing that the long way huh oops where’d it go okay

Here maybe this one and I am going to have to use the snow snowman again no down further yes and one more Mouse okay looking great all right so let’s go back down look at all these beautiful areas okay so that floor is not right is

It should I change that maybe I should pick up all the signs too okay there it goes it was already picked up that’s why it was already floating so I only have 13 pieces of these left I just want to know what it will look like

Please okay so here’s the thing I don’t have enough stone that was like all the stone that I own so I think we’re going to have to go on a little side quest to get more Stone which means we’re going to get some bombs and we’re going to go in some

Caves that’s what it means I think on the way we’re going to go to Robin and we’re going to get her going with the shed that I want down here so let’s go inside and get oh no we have enough wood yeah we need our bombs though so

Let’s go inside and get our bombs keep them down in this chest here they are and I probably should get a little bit of food huh yeah I should also place this oblisk for now so that the next time I go down I can um get uh to my

Home in the area where we’re decorating a little bit faster okay let’s roll we’re going to worry about Stones Stones so we could just start on the beginner floor the mines amazing 4or zero four five okay so I’m just going to gather some Stone in my

Mines and see um if we can start making some some flooring or I should have gotten some clay to go along with this huh yeah so I’m just going to take a little bit of time to collect some Stone and then I could use it to make some

Clay so we’ll meet back at my farm when I have enough Stone okay I think I’ve officially gotten enough Stone Stone so I think I just need to empty my pockets a tiny bit before I move forward because I don’t have enough room to make more things yes

See so I’m going to take some stuff out put it away and we will get it going okay I can put this I like to put my um my geod in here it uh makes more things for me I might just sell most of the rest of

This I need some clay so let me get my clay Supply to take it all I will definitely not need it all ooh I like having this so close should have moved this a long time ago I recently moved my storage bin closer to me it’s really

Nice we should also meet with um what’s his name um the the wizard soon that way I can get ready for uh I can move a few more things cuz I have that Silo kind of just floating in the middle okay so I’m going to make some more of this floor brick

Floor okay that’s fine probably made way too many but let’s see how we like it over here cuz I think it might be kind of nice we can do something cool and like plant trees in the middle of these just ordinary trees probably not fruit trees but let’s just fill the whole

Surface area first like we’re going to need more pieces of bricks yeah I knew it we’re almost done we have 10 pieces left oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh we’re going to run out ah okay let’s make some more so we didn’t make too many to begin with uh okay

And I might put some up the sides like in the alleyway but I don’t know it might be kind of cool to change up the flooring okay I think I’ll put it about here so this is the part I’m thinking about too like should I put it around here I don’t

Know let me get more though cuz I I do want to see what it looks like maybe just 15 it’s probably too many huh okay so that’s what this looks like if I cover this whole surface area and now I’m thinking I can take a piece out like

Here and maybe here and like plant some trees perhaps or they might look better like so I can go around here how might that look are they they’re in the way huh it might be better if they were like here kind of over a little bit more right

Oops okay let me put some more of the floor back so don’t want to get too confused about where the trees are and where they aren’t okay so I think these might be in way right here huh and then one more I could get out like

Here okay so then how would that look maybe you know what I need them like down further more like here or even here I don’t know I’m getting confused now oops okay let’s let’s experiment I think maybe maybe I won’t put them up so high it’s getting

Late all right it’s going to be Springtime soon so we’re going to have to um change up some stuff soon huh okay I’m going to put that piece here I’m going to put this one here I think that’ll look okay right I could have like four trees there

That’ll be cool it’ll be all uniform it’ll be great yeah and then I’ll have this like walking area all right so here’s the thing we need to prepare for spring so we’re going to have to get a lot of seeds and plant them over in these areas

For next season season so tomorrow we’re going to have to get a bunch of seeds from Pierre all right now can we make it to bed ah we didn’t make it so if you want to see me prepare for spring of year 7 we’re going to move to

Another video and then I’ll be back here to finish decorating for spring of year 7 and we’ll probably start on day two welcome back everybody it is now the third instead of the second as I predicted we have planted a lot of crops and a lot of trees and different things

To prepare for this season if you would like to see a detailed version of what I did please go check out that video it is um me starting the new year it’s very exciting year seven but for now now I’m just going to move along with our

Decorating for over here so look at everybody all of our animals are outside super happy I am meant to clean up this area last time but I didn’t quite get down here so I’m just going to do it today woo I should probably put some like a

Pathway down here that way I don’t have to get in the way so much oops didn’t mean to chop that down oh this is the tree that wasn’t able to grow it’s because this weed is in the way okay so let me put that there and now it should be able to

Grow okay I think this is a weed too okay and now they can come out all my animals were trapped inside I hope my ducks can swim that’s my hope is that they can swim okay look at these rocks just chilling in the middle here

So H what I kind of want to have happen you know I don’t know if the trees will look that good right where I’m keeping them now what I think might look good instead is if I do a little something else here okay I I broke way too many pieces

Off so you can’t really see the vision but I’m thinking that instead I’m putting one there I put one over here okay let me fill these up and I have one here too and then pieces around it that I fill with like plants or a fence maybe around the tree that grows

Maybe so let’s see do I have any seeds in my pocket that I just already came across I have an acorn that’s that’s about it can I get anything else maybe I should get more where should I go let me get some more seeds should I sell some stuff how about

I sell how about I sell these couple things okay now let’s go home and I’m going to get what did I need to get another one of we’ll know once we’re inside I’m sure what was it I don’t remember okay but I could put a couple more things away I

Have so many seeds that I don’t need like in here okay I got oh okay I remember what I needed sorry about that okay I need like some more Acorn seeds just get a few a few dozen okay and I guess I don’t need these anymore

I’ll keep the brick floor though I might need some of that do I have enough sticks with me 70 not a ton not a ton okay o I should chop this down should I one seed and then I’ll go over here my poor tree not growing so I could put one right

Here acorn and then here too and then maybe we can even fill this Edge the same way cuz I can have four and maybe they could all be like little fences around them or something I can even do a different one than usual oh no they’re not spaced out the same what

Happened they’re not the same oh no cuz these have more between the has these have three one two three and this one doesn’t I have to do this how will that look not good not good wow I didn’t even notice I have to be like that like one

Right there okay so I probably won’t be able to do ones on the sides just in the middle and I think they will still grow if there’s stuff right next to it so let’s see I was thinking about putting a different type of fence but I don’t really have materials in my pocket

To even make them I can do an iron fence which might be kind of cool and I also want to change the design of all three of these buildings so we have a lot to do everybody we have a lot to do all right so first things first let me go

Home and I’m going to see if I have any iron fence already yeah I have five what do I need to make it an iron bar guess I could get some more iron bar I’m not sure if I’ll like it so I might take some stone fence with me

Too yeah I’ll take some oops I accidentally went went zooming home okay so here’s the stone one and I should probably take some pieces of stone with me huh and maybe some more wood okay that’s probably good did I place this yet oh you know what I need is I had all

Of my decorative items in here and I had put my pocket put them away I guess I don’t need some of that flooring now though okay we’re definitely going to drop off quite a few things though as we go down here this time oh I just love how everything is

Looking though my farm has come such a long way all right so I want to see what this iron fence will look like around the tree I think it’ll look cool actually yeah I think it is looking cool just two two bundles okay iron fence and you know what might

Even look better with it is if it had grass around it too yeah should I do that okay let me add that and it will stay all the time until winter and then I’d have to redo it all right let’s see what it looks like if I just layer the whole thing like

This oops forgot that I had to be kind of precise with that all right that looks beautiful so I’m not actually going to know if the tree is growing for quite a while though it’s kind of hard to see it like I can’t see it at all in

Fact I could just break open the front piece though I guess like that okay I love it though so we’re going to do this grass around here too and I I swear I think these seeds will grow oh but you know what I should do before I seal myself

Incompletely I should add this speed grow to the trees okay what can I put away I can put away this wall I need to put these somewhere around my farm cuz I like getting the batteries okay that’s good oh I need to place the obisk oh yeah I forgot the thing I came

In for these tree fertilizer it takes half the time for the tree to grow it’s super helpful okay so I’m I’m pretty sure the trees can grow with objects around them cuz that one has one right next to it I didn’t even plant it there but I

Might leave it there actually it’s kind of cool okay okay I added the tree fertilizer and now I could add the fence so I’m going to have to break that fence down on the other side just so I can add some tree fertilizer right here let’s add it

Yes okay I think that is looking pretty good so I’m going to put my catalog out here and we’re going to start decorating the other outside areas of this starting tomorrow so let’s zoom on home and get into bed before we owe anybody else money cuz we keep having to owe people

Money because we’re not going to bed on time usually Harvey you know I married Harvey for a while and then I didn’t have to pay him that was pretty nice oh look at all that stuff we made woo day four of spring year seven it’s a new

Day I need to empty some stuff out of my pockets so I’ll probably empty out some of these things and then we’ll get back to going to our little bottom corner where we can get a lot of like uh more furniture outdoor sitting kind of items

That fit um with like sort of a city aesthetic I think I think that’ll look nice okay I think I’ve dropped off enough items that when I go back down I can get some furniture stuff and not be hoarded you know oh look at all my

Chickens I got some blue ones all my ducks hopefully they go swimming I think you get find your way down the little pathway guys nice look my trees are growing already you can kind of see them in the middle okay so we’re going to need some benches I think and maybe some

Tables I also wish that there was like a fountain or something I could put in the middle I’m going to put the furniture catalog over here actually so I’m going to get a couple tables I think from my um Furniture catalog and see how they come

Together okay so I got a few things and I want to see how this will look I’m I think where’s my tea shop going to be maybe I’ll make this my tea shop so then well maybe not that one cuz I was thinking I could have a chair and a bench outside of

It maybe like this maybe I could even turn this so it’s more towards the table like that and I can have one on the other side too oh my gosh and then maybe they all have like their own theme tables in front of in front of here that might be kind of

Cool and then I also have this out here and I was like oh I could put a bench somewhere like maybe over here I don’t know like here and then I have this table and then maybe I could add another bench or some chairs around it or

Something I don’t know will that be nice let’s focus on the other chairs for now and then I also need to redesign the buildings see I pick a new color I’m GNA put this down I keep forgetting to do that okay let me get a couple more chairs so I want another

Mahogany okay I’m going to get a couple chairs that I think are going to fit the theme of each of these and then we’ll meet back okay I think I have a themed idea now the cafe I think I’m going to do actually I think I’m going to do the

Shop with the white so this table and stuff I’m going to move over now I’m going to put this one here swap yeah so I can make my tea shop like a lighter cute color and then I’ll do the opposite on this side like this and I believe I got another tea

Table right there I can probably just get the plant that I took over here and this other table right here oops here and then this one will be for like the tavern SL bar right like here so I also need some street lights I’m just remembering um let’s

See I was looking at these before what do I need oh I need battery packs o I don’t have that with me so I like this plant here do I have more plants I don’t all right so I need to get the chairs that I want for this T side and

Then also the chairs I want for the like bar side I think the T side I’ll get these lighter ones and then the bar side I’ll get these darker chairs and I’ll probably have them all positioned pretty similarly I kind of like it like this on the right side and then

Kind of a mirrored image on the left maybe I can even put like a cup of beer or like plates of food on the tables I never really try that in the last tea chair there we go okay I think that’s going to look nice especially if we get

More plants and some items for the table especially the lamps you know I’m realizing that I’m going to need to get some batteries huh but I think first things first I’ll get a few plants for this area and probably put them on like either side of these um maybe not that first one

Though because the oops wow look at that cuz the gate this would be in the way but I can put other other plants and things around Boop just one more probably okay that’s looking pretty good I definitely need to change these themes though of the houses The Sheds they’re looking so

Bad um I do like this bench here these lighter ones and then I want the street lights so I’m going to get a longer bench to kind of fit that other side I think the Birch one I don’t really use the Birch one too much so I kind of like that I’m

Using it here inner or outer edge better whatever okay so I’m going to go and get some batteries what do you think let’s go through here go through all of our animals I should put some plants in here I should have them as the retaining soil so I never have to water

Them that’d be cute what do my rabbit’s foot go I feel like I’m always swapping my rabbit’s foot on accident oh I forgot about the stool can I even place this outside I can maybe I should use the stool at the bar instead I’ll probably try that okay what

Did I come in here for let me just toss out a couple of these things while I’m in my inventory okay I came in for my battery pack here they are and that means I could make these so there’s two different lamps I could make a wooden lamp and an iron lamp let’s

Actually go down because I already have iron in my pocket I might as well leave it there we could zoom over fast okay so let’s stand in the middle here Envision this everybody what do we want the iron lamp or the wooden lamp I think the iron not there but

There yeah oh we took the floor up with us there we go we blended it seamlessly there’s the iron lamp I think that looks really nice now we have this beautiful thing in the middle but it does still seem like we should have something else over here I’m

Not sure if it should be more like another table and chair or not but before we move on to that I have a couple other things in mind I want to move this chair and see if the stool is better I think that might be because

It’s like this one’s going to be the bar and I was planning on putting these signs out here what do we think should we still put the signs here maybe we’ll put them lower down look at that it’s a sign of a sign maybe we’ll kind of put them in the

Middle on the bottom to sort of indicate like which shop is witch in a cool way down here down low no not there here yeah maybe like that okay so that means for this one this one’s done right yeah that means we could put like a cup of coffee at the

Front of this one mhm cuz that’s the cafe and this one’s going to be like the tea room and then this one like the bar so where should we go cuz the C might be cool to put like over here like there maybe and then like a planter there and then what

Else like maybe a little bit of a fence just cuz I’m like an L shape Maybe maybe that’s too much probably just take that bit out oops I don’t know is that good then I can put a plant here in general and I kind of wanted a

Lamp like I have down here let’s get two and I could put one here oops like that but maybe I need the fence on the top too like that maybe that’s good so let’s put something in here then I don’t have the quick seeds anymore the quick quick cooking I don’t I forget

What you call it speed grow okay so maybe that looks okay I don’t know and then I could put the same sort of thing on the other side so that means this would go in the middle couple pieces of wood on either side like the fence slant

Post a little bit of the fence on the bottom too why not kind of opposite oops a little too far there that means we’re going to have to pick up the bottom the brick and replace it again so annoying okay and we can fill this one with a tulip I

Guess CU we can change the other one with a jazz seed and this one with the Tulip sure water it and what item should we put over here we could put another Keg on this side but I feel like we should do something different maybe we’ll get a preserves

Jar maybe a preserves jar not sure what we want but I think it looks okay it’s kind of random in the middle but I wanted something to fill that space let’s see what do we want nothing from there I think I’ll take one preserves jar any other signs that we think we

Should get maybe a campfire for the middle maybe I don’t think we want any other flooring and we could add some torches I don’t think we’re going to want some torches so I probably won’t but maybe we could take some lightning rods maybe that’ll look nice down there or

Something maybe maybe we’ll get surprised and a lightning rod will just look super awesome down here okay but for now we’re going to put The Preserve jar here no we went on the inside kind of want it mirrored and then I guess we can get another plant make it similar something small cute

Oops I’ll probably just take this little house plant and then maybe in the middle we could add the campfire like over here add that and then maybe put the lightning rod oh did I get one lightning rod oh okay I should have gotten more I put more another lightning rod on either corner

Lightning rods are super nice for the summertime okay why don’t I get a couple more lightning rods and then I could get a couple items that I I could label the signs with so one of them I think I should get is a beer I wonder if I have any beer with

Me so I’ll get two lightning rods and let’s see do have any tea leaves in here okay so I’m going to get a beer I know I have one over here and some tea cuz I just wanted to kind of match with appearance where are they okay here’s a

Beer here’s a cup of tea and I could Mark the door like that let’s see all right oh we only got two oops oopsies okay soz I was thinking about doing the Four Corners you know all right so I need to label this this will be like the beer room and this

One will be like the tea room and I think I will add one more here so tomorrow is definitely going to be our last day working on this isn’t that amazing I think it’s looking pretty good all right let me get one more of these lightning

Rods and then might as well just put some of this flooring away I think we’re good on that I can put my drinks away too and then we’ll go to bed get these two out of my hands so tomorrow we’re going to go to Robin’s place and then um we’ll be able to

Change the color of the buildings and then I think we’ll be good in that area there might be some more things that we want to add later on down the road but I think for now this will be good to kind of get us settled in what the place

Looks like right now and I don’t want to add too many more things I think okay so I’m going to use this to go down oh yeah and I got to water these huh oh well that’s going to make it tricky isn’t it there we go let do a little extended

Reach let me place this get out of my hands and then I could water again there we go all right is there anything else I wanted to change about the tables I think I like all of the tables here I like this bottom place I thinking maybe even the bottom I’m

Adding something too but I just don’t quite know what I want to add yet so I think this area looks good nothing else I want to add right now so I’m probably going to pick this up and I oops going to say I think I’ll

Take this totem put it in the corner a little bit more like right here okay nice all right well while we’re waiting for Robin to open why don’t we get some things from our ducks and we could put um we could get a little bit of money I think cuz we have

Not been making money while we’ve been decorating have we I don’t have to wait for too long because Robins opens at 900 a.m. so I’m just going to go to my duck barn and then I’m also going to go over here to my Chicken Barn my chicken coop get all my duck

Eggs my chicken eggs I mean I have so many 14 14 regular eggs I should probably put them all away huh like in here then I can come get the rest later I prefer to have them make mayo than to just sell the eggs if I have

Extra and they don’t fit all in my Mayo makers okay that’s probably fine and then I can go over here and sell some stuff I’ll probably sell all the mayonnaise and all the feathers but keep most everything else oh I guess I can get rid of this graab foot too

Okay I think now is a good enough time to go to Robins it is 8:30 8:40 now whoa look at all this truffle my pigs really leave a lot of truffle don’t they I got to decorate this area down where this Barn is wow that Barn is finished already oops I should actually

Go this way I don’t need to talk to Pier I need to talk to Robin oops that’s the desert hey everybody the desert’s looking messy that’s not where we wanted to go don’t look at that don’t look at that we’re going here all right we’re going to talk to

Robin it’ll be great and then we’ll decorate well we’ll actually change the colors that’s what I mean oops I went out okay Robin construct farm buildings and then we can paint buildings through here wow look at everything oh some of our crops are ready to be done

Nice all right I’m going to paint I think my tea shop first it’s like the building the paint I want it to look nice and bright and light I want my tea shop to look like lighter colored I think but not so like bright toned I’m trying to do like a a lighter

Toned cute color to go with my blue I mean my like white chairs okay I’m just going to leave it like that for now um and then I want to paint oh can I not paint this shed do I need to upgrade it first is that what’s happening this building cannot be

Painted fine okay let me paint this one then maybe I’ll I’ll fit this one with the green theme Green Building and then the roof maybe I’ll keep keep brown and then the trim I’ll do like another green that doesn’t look too bad t- looks kind of cool

Now okay I think I leave I will leave these buildings the way they are I can’t change this one I guess I got to upgrade it all right let’s see can I upgrade move build paint oh Big Shed doubles the size of a shed okay so I need 300 Stone so it

Looks like if I want to um start building that other shed up I need 300 pieces of stone which I do not have so you know what real quick I am going to get 300 pieces of stone that way I can change the colors of that let’s see how many stones do I

Have as is 159 I think I get 300 easy I’m going to get some more stone that way we can talk to Robin and um upgrade our building and then we’ll be able to also paint the outside of it and it’ll be great all right so I think this is how

Our place is going to stay for now we will need to upgrade our barn on the right in order to change the color of it but I think the color that it is isn’t too bad so far so thank you so much for visiting my channel and staying until

The end of the video I hope that you enjoyed watching as much as I enjoyed playing and I’ll see you on Tuesday or Friday for the next video

Welcome everyone!

I have three sheds that need decor,
so let’s go build and give them more.

A cafe, tea shop, and a bar,
I’ve got just one built so far.

We’ll build them all just wait and see,
how’ll they’ll come together and be.


About the Game

Stardew Valley for Nintendo Switch
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Check Out My Other Videos

Winter Farm Redesign in Stardew Valley:
Redoing My Farm Layout in Stardew Valley:

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TV: TCL Roku:
Computer: Macbook Pro (15-inch, 2017), Version 10.15.7:
Headphones: Shure SRH440:
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