I Found a GIRLS ONLY Server in Minecraft!

What goes down on a girls only minecraft server today we’re gonna sneak into three of the top girls only servers what strange new mysteries will we uncover and most importantly will i be able to fool them with my voice and girly looks welcome to girl land girl only minecraft

Server no boys allowed look okay this person’s name is mushroom warrior i can’t be the only boy on this server what the heck is this why do we not see anybody yet okay oh who is that melsha okay this is getting way too weird man oh wait i see other

People check out this clothing store i made wait what they made a clothing store oh my gosh michelle please stop placing blocks here i’m trying to finish something oh how do they not see me can someone help me put together my store okay what are these girls doing i think they’re

Building some kind of random store inside of here is this the clothing store she made this doesn’t even look good at all i thought girls were supposed to be like really good at building in minecraft i don’t know about you guys but my wife brianna when we do

Our building videos she’s so good at building a minecraft and i feel like these girls are not the best at building this is looking like uh this looks like something i could build i just don’t want to get too close to them if you know oh yeah let’s not get too close to

Them okay so here’s what i’m thinking i think we need to out build the girls on the server and then once we do that we reveal that we’re actually a boy i bet they will get so mad we could even blow up their stuff that might be a little

Bit mean but we totally control them or prank them like we could blow it up and then we could fix it you know what i mean like obviously i would never really hurt somebody’s minecraft server they worked really hard on but i could prank the girls actually maybe we should try

To chat with them ooh that could be dangerous it could be really dangerous but i think we’ve got to do it hey everyone uh oh this is weird oh oh no no no no no no hey what are you doing here i’m just you know i just found a minecraft server on

A public server website i’m not doing anything weird oh no there’s an admin on the server you’re not a girl are you this is a girls only server boys can’t be here how did they find out so fast ew i think there’s a boy on this server

Don’t you dare say that to me winter storm five i am the coolest boy ever okay maybe not the coolest boy ever but i feel like i’m pretty cool okay and right now i’m starting to get really weird vibes like they’re kind of all standing they’re staring at me and

They’re holding pink blocks and flowers are they gonna attack me with those okay we gotta chat to these girls what is wrong with being a boy can’t i still play i mean boys like to play minecraft with girls too okay there should be nothing wrong with this you have to leave now

You can’t see our stuff okay i’m not gonna leak your stuff actually i am because i’m filming it on youtube yeah there can’t be any boys on the server it’s not allowed we want to be alone here get out who let him in the server you guys have a public server address

Why are you getting mad at me we have to be really careful here with what we say because there’s an admin i think it’s this person right here this girl is an admin on the server so if we say anything wrong she could technically ban

Us from the server forever or kick us or even something worse she could make me look girly forget that man i’m playing anyways oh yeah oh they’re gonna get so mad when they see this they’re gonna get so mad joe please ban him he won’t leave no no

Don’t ban me don’t ban me what are they doing no no i just got banned i wasn’t even on the server for like five minutes or whatever and i got banned so maybe logging in with a boy skin was probably not the smartest thing i’ve ever done i think what we have to

Do is we have to go back but with a girl skin this time that way they’ll have no clue i’m actually a boy and not only are we gonna need a girly minecraft skin but we’re also going to need a new minecraft account i’ve got the perfect idea guys we can

Use brianna’s minecraft skin guys look i’m a girl okay i know it’s not the best girl skin it’s alex from minecraft but this still is a girl’s skin you cannot argue that it is not and i was able to nickname myself on the server as tbnr girl which means there’s no way the

Girls are going to catch me this time oh they’re messaging in the chat again i can’t believe boys are trying to join our server again obviously they are talking about me by the way how do they even find our server i don’t know maybe because it’s public for everybody to

Join you don’t even need a password or need to be whitelisted i don’t understand why they keep coming it’s not funny okay personally i think it’s really funny do you guys think this is funny if you think this is funny smash like down below and they have no idea

Right now that they’re actually talking about me while i’m on the server okay let’s see if it works hey i’m a girl can i play this is the big moment guys oh oh they’re coming here oh hi welcome to our server it’s girls only yeah i know it’s very obvious by the

Name of the minecraft server yeah there’s no boys here look i love girls i’m married to one and i love my mom and sister but these girls are kind of being mean not just anyone can join though well yeah that’s why i’m a girl playing minecraft on a girl only server okay we

Just have to be really careful what we say here we can’t say the wrong thing or we might get banned again good because i am totally a girl i mean just look at my name oh hopefully this works yes you can play with us but you have to pass our test

Wait there’s a test oh no i did not study for any test good luck you’re going to need it we have to make sure you’re not an annoying boy what boys are not annoying okay i mean like yeah we’re kind of annoying but we’re not that annoying do you guys

Think we could pass the test i mean i’m a little bit stressed right now i’ve really never been that good at taking tests so i don’t know if we’re gonna do the best on this test all we have to do is probably get a passing grade which is

Like a seat so let’s do this test man i can totally pass the test let’s go dude come on come on oh i really hope the test is easy though please make the test easy peasy lemons are squeezy okay i can take us to the maze let’s go wait what there’s a maze

What the heck they just teleported me to like a super girly girly mountain here in minecraft where the heck are we oh there’s a lot of girls here follow me to the maze i’ll watch you go through it oh i do not know if i want to go through

This maze with a bunch of girly girls i already felt the pressure doing the test as it is good luck you’re going to need it oh no how difficult are these questions we have to make sure you’re not an annoying boy i’m not an annoying boy okay see my

Name is tv and our girl the first one is really easy yeah we will know if you’re really a girl okay question one how long does it take to put on makeup i am married to a girl brianna my beautiful wife and i will tell you this i don’t

Think i’ve ever seen her do her makeup in 5 or 15 minutes it usually takes her an hour at least don’t tell brianna i said that okay it takes a long time to look beautiful okay girls are beautiful without makeup as well but i know that

Girls like to get ready and they like to play with makeup it’s something they have fun with it’s like me i have fun playing with video games and computer stuff okay i totally get it but i’m also not a girl so i don’t put makeup on so i

Don’t know exactly how long it takes i just have to answer based off my wife i really feel like it’s gotta be forever it has to be forever did we get it right did we get it right i have no idea if we got it right

Oh we got it right question two is ahead let’s go guys oh what tv nar girl answered question one oh how did you mess that up i really don’t think it can be a girl if she thinks that’s right we’ll give you another try don’t mess up look i’m just telling you

I have seen my wife do her makeup and it takes way longer than five minutes okay can you girls watching this video right now tell me if it takes you only five minutes through your makeup i feel like it takes way longer than that and once

Again i got no problem with that but it’s just the facts okay it’s the facts of the facts and the facts well now we know the answer is five to fifteen minutes so we’re just going to go ahead and answer this one oh my gosh tbnr girl answered question one correctly yay you

Got it right good job i knew you could do it okay well they’re kind of sweet they’re like being really nice and encouraging so i appreciate that encouraging is very important but at the same time they were kind of mean to me when i got the first question wrong so i

Don’t know how i feel about that what is this next question oh no okay she just teleported did you guys see that this one is so obvious everyone knows this do girls fart okay this is a loaded question because my wife and every girl on the planet will

Say that they don’t fart but we all know that the human body has to release gas okay so what do i do do i answer no do i answer yes this is such a loaded question okay girls do fart all right don’t judge me don’t hate but it’s true and the girls

On this minecraft server know it hopefully this doesn’t kill me come on up of course i knew it gosh dang it i gotta start answering these questions more like a girl i’m thinking too much like a boy right now oh and here they are in the chat again

Well you messed up again how did you get it wrong again maybe it’s cause i’m not a girl did you ever think about that well actually we don’t want them to think like that because then they probably ban us again so this is probably a good thing and there’s the

Admin again mouthing off ha ha how don’t you know this ah this is ridiculous i’m just saying i have heard my wife toot a couple of times okay it’s something to be ashamed of it’s a regular bodily function so here’s the deal guys there’s no way i can get through this by myself

I need brianna’s help once we get through this door on to the next question i’m going to have to call in for backup guys i mean look at them again they they’re for some reason now they’re being nice to me and congratulating me but we all know if i

Answer this incorrectly they are going to get very upset and i think they’re starting to think that i’m a boy because i’ve already gotten two of the questions wrong call brianna okay bree so i’m on a girls only minecraft server and i’m really stumped on a question

You cannot be on an all group server that’s just not okay yeah yeah okay whatever brie i just need to know where do you apply primer is it on your face or only your cheeks preston i cannot believe you were asking me this question i feel like i’m a traitor to

All girls if i give you the answer yeah but you’re my wife so you’re technically obligated to do it by legally buy legally i’ll tell you that it goes on your face okay perfect thank you love you bye can’t believe we answered that question for us all over your face

Let’s go we got it right oh it’s so nice being married to a whammon haha you’re on a roll now now they’re complimenting me guys let’s go we just have to get the next few right otherwise we might get kicked out of the server you definitely won’t know

This if you were a boy yeah no way a boy could know this oh oh what is a spoolie brush to use for blending foundation or eyebrow shaping tool um i did a video with my wife a couple of years ago where we did each other’s

Makeup and i know the exact answer to this question it’s an eyebrow shaping tool let’s go man it is so easy doing these quizzes yeah look at them oh my gosh you’re doing so good now good job apparently i’m getting really close to being done i’m so excited

Wait this is the last question oh dude i feel like kind of underprepared dad gummy they got to stop teleporting to me like that it’s giving me a mini heart attack this is the last question you can do it just focus it’s like they want me to be a girl on their server

Question five which finger should you use to apply eye cream it doesn’t matter or the index finger can you apply eye cream with any finger i mean it’s just cream technically i use moisturizer on my face how do you guys think i look like i’m 12 when i’m

Actually 25 because i use moisturizer but usually i just like pour it in my hand and just rub a dub dub scrub in the tub i don’t have to worry about what finger it goes on everything is riding on this answer if we answer it correctly we will be

Allowed probably forever on this girl server for the rest of our lives but if we answer it incorrectly then we’re going to get banned again and i just can’t handle that pressure i’m just going to close my eyes any mini money preston styles.com merch pick up prestage styles fire hoodie by its toes

And you are it it doesn’t matter i feel like that’s the right answer come on come on this is gonna be it right oh i didn’t get a message in the chat i didn’t get a message in the chat why is there a blank sign right here oh no does

That mean i failed oh no oh no no no no no no where am i falling no wait do you mean our girl has completed the maze she’s on fire well dumb wearing fire merch i’m always on fire with my fire merch congrats you made it yes

You passed the test you can see our secret castle oh my gosh i didn’t think you would make it well thanks a lot kitten ricks well you got them all right yeah i told you berry muffin i’m the master is this the portal to their castle because this is flipping awesome hey ladies

Why don’t they have so much good gear on congrats you passed our maze and you can see our hideout let’s go oh look at them walking in the single file line this is actually very impressive i uh i’m kind of scared all right well i think it’s time to

Follow these ladies look at this castle this is probably one of the biggest castles i’ve ever seen in minecraft and i had no idea it was going to be a girly castle this is so cool man oh oh look at the inside this is looking beautiful okay they’re just gonna do

Their i guess they’re just gonna go do their own thing or whatever okay since you’re one of us now you can have creative this is exactly what we were looking for guys once we have creative mode we can grab the tnt and blow up the castle we

Have to do it really fast though we have creative mode let’s grab the tnt and a flint and steel of course yes and let’s go all right we’re gonna place it everywhere as fast as we can yes tnt everywhere oh no oh no the admin’s noticing it who’s placing tnt says the

Admin oh it’s definitely not me it looks like it’s the new one tv and our girl please stop or we’ll have to ban you yeah you know i’m not really worried about that let’s go oh this is gonna blow it up sky high baby oh we need more we need more we

Need more keep the tnt going we must click even faster they’re getting so mad in the chat oh come on come on and the admins afk one of the girls in the chat just said one of the admins is afk this is perfect this is exactly what

We wanted yes come on come on come on let’s keep going we haven’t blown up enough of the castle yet guys i know it’s not the most kind thing to do oh no the admins back no no no no no it wasn’t me it wasn’t me it wasn’t me

Yeah i probably deserved to get banned leave a like if you think i did but this time i have a new disguise so there’s no way admin joanna underscore xx is gonna ban me although i’m a little nervous because if they realize i’m a boy again

They might ban me again or put me in prison oh no you are a previously banned player we have lifted all bands recently do not break the rules thank god kitten rick’s today’s been a little weird for me not much to do i’m ready to work on my

Master project what are these girls talking about man why don’t we just ask the girls on their server a little question by the way if you guys think we have the best disguise make sure you guys subscribe for the channel let’s get it how are you beautiful woman

Doing today i feel like that’s a nice compliment girls like to compliment each other right by calling each other beautiful or cute oh frick guys i just realized my name is the same as last time maybe they’ve forgotten maybe they don’t remember what my old nickname was hi i’m

Having a good day what about you me too everything is great oh no guys this is the admin from last episode that banned me life at the top is tough i’ve been working a lot today okay this is right what i’m about to ask them i probably shouldn’t ask so i’m

Going to put diglett on the microphone so that way he can help encourage me did you guys rebuild the girls only castle yet oh that though dude that is i don’t know why i asked that question they’re gonna know it’s me for sure what do you mean what do you mean what

Are you how would you know about that are you a boy no no no no i’m not a boy i am not a boy i just i just uh oh oh no dude i might have blown my cover no my name is jb and our girl and i am not a

Boy come on guys tv and our girl it’s literally the best sneakiest name in the entire planet there’s no way they’re gonna guess who it is oh no wait it looks like you were banned before oh no she pulled up the band logs are you the

Same person i banned for blowing up our castle no oh my gosh they’re realizing i gotta get out of here guys this is bad she just said ban him no no no no no no no no no no no no no guys i promise i

Will do anything to make up for it i’ve come to make amends i’m atoning for my sins ladies and gentlemen oh my gosh it’s like i’m at church again wait the admin said really you want to make up for what you did well yes i wouldn’t just say that

Duh no he cannot possibly pay us back for that damage of course i can well let’s at least hear him out and see what he might do okay god bless this admin for being actually a good person just give me a chance guys i will give you

Free fire merch and fix the castle i feel like that’s pretty good they get free fire merch and i fixed the castle i mean come on it’s a win-win situation right would you do it for free fire merch i mean you guys would agree to free fire merch right okay we’re going

To head to vent some frustrations you have to go into the liar gage and we get to throw snowballs at you wait okay so they’re sending me to prison what a girl’s only prison what the heck dude i can’t even keep up with their messages

It is the only way for us to begin to forgive you yeah let’s throw snowballs at him for blowing up our castle yo these girls are savage if you’re a girl and you’re watching this would you do this to me i need you to comment down below

Oh what the oh my gosh they teleported me to the cage this is the prison no they’re literally everywhere around me no they’re throwing snowballs at me don’t do any bullies why are they throwing snowballs at me guys i don’t deserve this i’m a lava creature on the inside i can’t believe

We trusted you before what makes you think we want you back on our server again because i’m preston you should just log out okay people are now bullying me even a mod dude people are so mean you were so rude when you blew up our castle well yeah okay i agree

With that that’s enough i think he gets it thank god they finally stopped my feelings were getting really hurt guys now it’s time for him to prove that he can come back and be a nice person i promise i can thank you jonah i don’t

Even know how to pronounce oh my gosh i misspelled thank you i said van you jonah well now she might not forgive me oh they want me back to the lobby okay you made it through the snowball attack now on to see if you can really be

Trusted oh my gosh no i want to retrieve my super secret ring a boy logged on and hid it from me will you agree to help return it what is jonah getting married or something yes i will i mean really at this point guys we have no other choice

The only choice that we have is for you guys watching this video right now to subscribe uh winter storm’s messaging wow he’s going to get forgiveness is he going to be the first boy allowed to play on our server well if i go through these trials and find jonah’s ring i

Feel like i deserve okay only time will tell that would be hard for him to accomplish oh no i’ll show you where i last saw the thief that took my ring right there he ran through that opening if you can bring back my ring there

Might be hope for you okay what am i like some kind of detective now so this boy went into the girls cafeteria or something and then just sprinted into a door all right well let’s go down here and see what kind of nonsense what what what okay i just teleported what the

Heck um wait yo i just got teleported but i don’t know how to get back okay we better really find this ring oh i got a private message from the admin he definitely went this way try to get to the other side of the parkour course okay why

Doesn’t meanwhile we just got berry muffin talking about unicorn search in the mountains or nether like i can’t and then this person misspells kingdom i’m done joanna’s lucky that parkour is literally my strongest suit in minecraft it was if it was anything like crafting or building something we

Would be out of luck but thankfully i’m actually really good at parkour i don’t know when this happened or why this happened but i just love minecraft popcorn if you love minecraft parkour smack is the locket button okay you really hate parkour niggling because you don’t have any legs so you

Can’t jump don’t be the rude diglett tpa to feel my pain for my cactus farm uh no thank you ugh i hate cats you take that baxzilla angel how dare you say that about my favorite plant in the entire world oh dude i’m so triggered i have half of mine to blow up

Their server again except for the fact that i lost creative mode because i blew up their uh girl castle in the last episode so yeah probably not gonna try to do that again at least not until i’m in their good graces plus blowing up their castle

Again i think brianna would uh she might make me sleep outside if we do that so let’s not do that yeah oh yeah look at this dude like honestly okay big little slime drop here oh that’s still so easy come on man what is this parkour for children

Oh my gosh literally i’m telling you guys this is too easy oh and watch it child’s pray all right boys and squirrels look at this literally the easiest quad jumps of my entire life you think i’m gonna miss these guys if i missed these you could literally have my

Youtube channel as we speak but i’m not gonna miss them because of the divine parkour skills i have as i miss a ladder jump yikes finally we are here okay what wait wait a second this dropper looks really familiar i feel like we’ve done this before jonah says he must be trying

To throw you off you’ve got to figure out where he went this person’s name is gucci what okay this dropper is no problem if you are a master at droppers you will make this 100 percent of the time see i told you guys 100 of the time

Now what kind of nonsense are they talking about christmas is the best season okay i like christmas but everybody knows thanksgiving is the best i feel like i just started to flame more in the comments this is not the end you are not done click this button to send

Yourself back to the top the real ending is found by bouncing off a slime block wait i have played this before wait a second i remember doing this i think this is from a dropper map off of the forms so if i remember correctly wait a second i’m remembering it now ladies and

Gentlemen you have to drop down here onto the orange hold your w key and somewhere it’s up there that’s where it is that is the secret entrance see that’s gotta be it oh yes yes yes i knew it i knew it i’m so glad i remembered

That oh great now where the heck are we looks like some kind of village this must be his hideout you’ve been following that bad person who hid my ring the ring must be hidden here somewhere okay what ring are we talking about she hasn’t even give me a

Description is it a diamond ring is it an emerald ring is it a ruby ring does it even really exist i just don’t know where it would be hidden like there’s so many places here and if this guy is as bad as she says he is what if he attacks

Me i literally have no weapons nothing i mean it could be in the chimney there to smoke oh wait does this villager have it nope no rings wait a chest okay really a diamond in there but no ring seems legit here’s the problem i’ve gotta think like a thief i’m not a thief

I don’t know if i’ve ever stolen anything in my entire life how do you think like a thief i need you guys to help me no why would i check the southwest tower i literally just checked this tower what makes you think it’s going to be up there

Oh really okay well i’m gonna go check that out i can’t wait to prove you wrong diglett and literally get a hundred thousand v bucks you are going to regret that with all of your non-existent arm and legs and see diglett Can i take a loan on the v bucks i don’t have 750 right now that’s gonna hold them off for now i don’t know how much longer diglett will be able to be you know held off because he’s probably gonna win his money soon but at least we found the lost ring

Jonah here is your ring i can’t believe it took me that long to find it to be honest okay she just said you actually got it back like she assumed i wasn’t going to get it back come on that did you get mrs gucci and your title tried

So hard more like was at the gucci store and couldn’t find time to find it yeah well didn’t take me very long because i’m a wizard okay what else do you want berry muffin okay these girls are going on and on and on i just want to hear

From jonah since you helped me with this do you think you could help me redecorate our mall i am the worst designer in history and look at them they’re literally complaining he gets the help why i mean if you want to take the job sure because i don’t even want

To do it but i know i got it because i blew up their castle fine i’ll help joan i hope you know what you’re getting yourself into like this is gonna be bad oh my she wants me to give it authentic girly choices like is this the test

Really because i’m going to fail i want you to check out the interior for now and give me some changes we can make if it checks out i’ll schedule the renovations i don’t know sure can i have magenta terracotta i don’t even know if i spelled that right hopefully i did now

For these floors should we keep them as prismarine bricks or just magenta terracotta honestly i don’t really like either so i’m going to say perper cause like perper just looks good i don’t know for all i know she could hate it and ban me oh my wait What is she using world edit dude i’ve never seen world that it looked that cool honestly i think it looks pretty good i’m not gonna lie wow she rejected my purple blocks and it’s just using what is this light blue concrete well why are you gonna ask for my opinion if you

Ain’t even gonna take it what about the inside roof what should we make it i don’t know just pink everybody loves pink i’m a guy and i love pink oh wait i’m pretty sure i said pink and she’s changing it to prismarine whatever dude oh

Okay now i get it she was confused she thought i was talking about the upstairs roof being pink but i was talking about the inside but okay i’m going to just say pink again because i do think that the roof should be pink we want it to

Look as girly as possible there we go sorry just a miscommunication between joanna and i or jonna i don’t even know how to pronounce her name i didn’t even get to see it being finished she teleported me back why you do this oh what the heck up and teleport it again

What is this desk of knowledge we’ve re-ramped the quiz in the maze and we’re going to change the signs but we want to make sure the questions are good dude i already did this in the last episode i do not want to do this again jonah i

Want you to try and complete my new quiz for the maze it’s only five questions oh no okay i’ll try it i mean honestly i did win last time at their questions so i mean i feel like i can do it again what is contouring oh my gosh isn’t that makeup terminology um

Makeup ah maybe it’s not makeup maybe it’s like that might also be a fancy word for interior decorating interior decorating oh dude no no i’m gonna i’m not that’s that can’t be it but it’s gotta be it oh it means using makeup to enhance your i was literally gonna say

Makeup and then i went against my best judgment why what does exfoliation do i i’m pretty sure that’s for your skin health right does it like remove old skin and promote new skin or is exfoliating when you do a conditioner on your hair twice i think that’s what it is using conditioner

In your hair twice that’s gotta be it don’t tell me i’m wrong again i can’t take another wrong answer jonah oh boy exfoliation is when you get rid of the old skin i knew it dude why am i answering all of these incorrectly i gotta just start going with my gut

Feeling would you shop for more than 12 hours if you could okay obviously we know the answer this one yes of course i’m a girl and i love shopping well to be honest as a guy i love shopping too so i don’t think it really matters if you’re a girl or a guy

Because shopping’s just fun any girl would say yes maybe that one was too easy for you to figure out oh yeah why yo okay what is the best time of day i don’t know i mean okay so if i’m a girl maybe golden hour for selfies you

Know when the sun is almost down it’s like the perfect time for photos golden hour for selfies i mean that’s like that’s gotta be the best time of day yeah it’s it’s not hot it’s good time for photos selfies you can post stuff on instagram go follow me on instagram real tbnr

Frags wow how’d i get you with that one it was supposed to be the easiest one you didn’t even tell me what the answer was jonah you pleb what would you wear to your bff’s birthday party okay dude i’m done i don’t know maybe maybe it’s like i mean okay your favorite socks

Right like i know when i have a big day i say a prayer and then i wear my lucky socks they’re more blessed obviously you wear your best clothes so you look at me okay okay jonah this this whole system is rigged i felt like you were the best

Person to test since you beat it last time jonah don’t you dare insult me don’t you dare do it she’s teleported me back to spawn for some reason congrats on all your progress today you’ve done such a good job thanks thanks thanks jonah i don’t feel like i have jonah

Said she’s going to allow me to play on the server for as long as i want um okay i did not expect that okay and now gucci’s saying that’s really cool the first boy allowed on the server since when do you want to know why we try to keep boys out

I mean yeah i do but this is kind of i’m kind of creeped out yes what is the reason i need to know what is it jonah give it to me jonah we just are nervous we like to have time to chat amongst ourselves and not worry if the boys are

Going to make fun of us there was never a big secret we just wanted to have fun are you kidding me that’s the big secret if you are a girl watching this right now tell me if that’s actually the big secret about girls only minecraft servers and if you’re a boy watching

This what the heck i am so confused i guess i’ll just never understand how jonah and most of other girls think god just a plan man do you see this right here that is the secret base entrance in order to get there i’m gonna have to sneak past all

Of these girls oh my god dude look how close rebecca’s coming oh she’s coming right this way dude oh my god oh we are so close oh my god dude they’re everywhere they’re literally everywhere oh okay sarah is literally right next to us this is the closest we’ve ever been to

Getting spotted do rebecca see us okay Oh my god okay this is getting way too close for comfort time to get the invisibility potion oh i’m slurping this up right now supergirl 64 has logged into the server [Laughter] if you want to see more 100 days episodes make sure you leave a like on

This video hi super how can we be sure boys won’t get into the secret base don’t worry girls if a new player is entering the space they must answer questions only girls would know we won’t have to worry about any voice entering nothing in their furnaces this is quite

Odd this is only day number one 99 more days to go wait there’s an elevator going down listen i’m doing this for you guys i’m going into the elevator here we go okay it is now day number two are we sure there’s no girls around because like i’m kind of nervous right now

The last time i did this i got kicked out i got banned okay oh my gosh wait what is this wait what is this no there’s a save for the i don’t know what the code is all right we’re gonna just try something us boys have got to stick

Together one two three and correct that comment i thought it was i thought you told me the passcode was one two three four all right no worries listen i did bring this it’s a hacking tool used for beating security systems come on all right we can do this we can do this all

Right here we go we just got to connect the red wires together boom boom yeah it’s like looking good looking good looking good looking good come on come on yes one more boom sauce let’s go baby you gotta love that sound man it’s like the achievement

Sound it’s so good success oh wait why are there girls in here wait a second i did not see their name tags before hey did you hear about the new store in town i think they look cute we should check it out why are they in here they were

Not how did they get in here oh hide quick what did you hear that by the door no no you didn’t hear anything are they coming out to find oh my god they’re coming out okay please do not check behind this door do not check behind this door sarah

Don’t you do it this is like what i’m doing hide and seek in real life for a video and i’m like actually terrified that was by far the most terrifying experience i’ve had on the girls only server by far we need to be careful why was i okay

Never again we are only going to be spying from safe places not dangerous places dadgummit that was terrifying that is so scary all right beautiful people it is day nine on the girls only server if we’re gonna survive this we have to get a disguise oh look at them over there wait

They noticed me they go run run no no no oh if they get close to me they’re gonna be able to see my name tag and ban me from the server and i’m not gonna let that happen are they still chasing me look at the chat they’re like where’d

That person go i couldn’t see let’s keep looking all right finally the super ultra mall all right listen i know katie is a girl but trust me she’s gonna give us the hookups can i have a disguise please always politeness okay i i can’t i haven’t i had to ask twice

Okay wait two minutes until the girls find us we have to collect these four items to make the disguise what are these i’ve never seen these and i’ve never seen these before this is gonna be perfect ladies and gentlemen if you are not already subscribed to the channel

Please go ahead and do so so i do not get found because we are also about to hit 10 million subscribers on the channel and that would be so sick by the way i think i just found everything i needed um why is there water underneath that is

That they got diamond blocks this is the fanciest small i’ve ever seen they got diamond blocks underneath okay katie hello oh my god wait why do i have blonde hair i mean wouldn’t it stay brunette maybe oh do they see the the resemblance i thought i saw someone

New hello i’ve never seen you around here are you new to the server what do i say do i say yes yeah pretty new um um why am i going through you already i think i saw a boy on this server have you seen one by chance

Nope never oh they’re asking me if i’m a girl yes i’m a girl what should we call you i think username is a mouthful so maybe uh call me preston that’s a really cute name welcome to the server preston why gee thank you also sarah you are greying incredibly early i

Can’t tell if this is just like an older woman which there’s nothing wrong with that okay ain’t nothing wrong with that you understand me i’m just saying if sarah’s like 17 18 19 20 she’s getting grazed pretty fast i mean also louise these kind of look like the moms of the

Server am i wrong like let me know in the comments but i think these look like the two moms at the server okay sarah louise have a good one i need to go shop more i’ll be back later what do i sound like a dying smoker goodness gracious welcome it is now day

28 on the girls only minecraft server we are fully disguised as you can tell please do not screenshot this and send it to me on twitter and instagram my twitter’s at preston my instagram is that press and plays yeah totally don’t do that so i’m a little worried okay if you’re wondering

Why i’m worried i found out that supergirl 64 is the admin of the server meaning she has the capabilities to ban us and do whatever she pleases it’s dangerous as a girl though you won’t mind taking a quiz right actually oh no they want me to take a quiz i love quizzes

I don’t love quizzes i don’t love courses no okay listen i’ve been married for almost three years to this beautiful woman brianna plays i can do this oh boy what does exfoliation do opens poor removes dry skin cells remove dry skin cells okay please follow along with me in the

Comments this is terrifying how often should you replace your mascara tube okay i don’t know this one three hours three weeks or three months this is the problem how often does my wife buy mascara i don’t really pay attention to these things this is why you should pay

Attention to your wife and or girlfriend and or mom and or sister i’m gonna say three months three weeks sounds yes because three weeks sounds too soon right and three hours yeah definitely too soon what did beyonce name her eldest daughter please tell me it’s blue ivy it just

Sounds like blue ivy yes what is primer used for it’s gotta be creating a smooth surface oh my goodness okay please we are on a tear right now i feel like if i get one of these wrong they’re gonna ban me from the server do you understand me yeah you understand the consequences

Here baby all right which of these songs are not by rihanna praying umbrella diamonds probably praying right i don’t know yes oh my gosh congratulations preston you passed the quiz there’s no way boys would know any of that little do they know i’m married to a female and most of

These answers came from her yeah you ain’t gonna ban me today supergirl 64. that’s what you get from tony baloney day 44 on a girls only minecraft server louise is asking me do you have a house on the server no i do not sad face no low key though i need

One i can’t be spending another 56 days on this server if we don’t even have a house do you know how hard it is to go 44 days on a minecraft server without a house it’s really hard get back in got punched in the face by noob oh this

Is a great opportunity yes please finally somebody’s talking since oh i all right we’re going to follow the beaut that girl just walked through the door wow these girls walk incredibly fast can’t even keep no wonder why they’re so slim and trim look they sprint everywhere

Oh are we going oh no no we gotta go in that what if it knows i’m a boy okay who closed the march oh we’re fine oh welcome to dude this is called the block shop wait wait if this is a girl only server why is michael out is it

Because mike is old and retired i think it’s because mike is retired i like pretty blocks that’s like the most non-girly thing to say i think you pretty block oh you got a theme pack unlocked what oh my gosh it’s actually called the pretty pack a pack of beautiful minecraft blocked okay

Now go and build behind louise’s house we’ll come to raid your house once you’re done okay that just sounds very pressured look at this this person right here this this big big person this beautiful person louise is about to raid our house i’m kind of scared bill challen oh my

God three minutes to build a house okay what’s in the pretty pack oh this is actually look at this look at all these pretty blocks okay hold on i have a secret crafting recipe okay listen let’s listen this is going to sound wild but put purple look at this

Hey look at this okay so if you combine paper blue dye in the pretty pack you get a blueprint for a house just go blame me look at this oh whoa whoa wait a second i don’t know is this girly enough this kind of looks like my oh

This oh okay hold on hold on on the inside we do have a uh a cake that’s not supposed to happen um this is pretty girly right here but the rest of the house i gotta say it kind of looks like my house it’s got all

The orange colors and the fire logo and stuff like that at least we got the little pink refrigerator all right what do we think guys we have a minute and a half do you think this is gonna pass i mean the pretty pack i didn’t get any other blocks they didn’t

Give me any pink blocks so i think we’re in the clear all right ladies come take a gander what do you think oh whoa whoa whoa what is that hold on er or what are you like a walrus it doesn’t strike me as girly that’s why i was bro

I bought the pretty pack it’s not my fault the pretty pack came with orange people can like whatever colors they like whether they’re a boy or girl what do you mean this looks gorgeous well done preston yeah that’s where i thought see sarah and louise my girls but the one bad thing is

Supergirl 64 has the admin power and if she doesn’t like it dude if this one doesn’t like it a three out of ten sarah gives me a seven okay what about you louise louie’s the law are you lost what are you gonna give me what you gonna give me huh come

On louise she gives me a nine let’s free king go that’s actually not bad don’t mind supergirl 64. sometimes she’s just angry maybe she’s hangry she guys yeah y’all should feed her everybody gets hangry but my wife especially okay if you don’t feed your wife she will get angry angry is when

You’re angry and hungry at the same time day 67 of being on a girl only server and we’re at the arcade why are we here at the arcade what did i just put this on and then oh part oh this is bad if we were doing a parkour

Mini game are they going to get upset if i like oh i’m smoking them literally they are getting the smoke oh my gosh they are getting the smoke right now i haven’t even put on the fire merch.com hydro dipped hat oh that was close sarah

Oh we have oh what is this oh it’s a sh what a throwing game oh this is so difficult ah i don’t like this game please don’t miss oh i’m very stressed yes okay what is this gathering game started gather nine unique flowers and make a flower crown

Okay all right so they’ve all got to be unique then right so we want to actually we can just scoop up as many flowers as we want by doing this oh orange tulip we need that one do we have this white one i don’t know there’s so many different

Flowers in this world wait do i wait wait wait boom i think we’ve got everything i really should know all the different flowers in minecraft i’ve been playing this game for so huh yes the flower crown do i can i yo this is actually kind of sick looking

Wait do i okay press the button to complete the gauntlet preston wins why did i get damaged there i literally lost health what the heck usually only boys are so good at games what do you mean yes i got lucky maybe i should give her the flower crown

Will you be happy if i give you this flower crown if i present this to you no okay we’re killing it guys we’re doing great day 83 oh no what did she say they’re saying mall day no no no they want to do a cooking battle have you ever seen me

Try to cook in our real life videos on the real life channel it’s terrible it’s bad it’s real bad okay we gotta play along with it though okay it sounds fun oh dear press the butt okay this is gonna be a disaster i can’t even get this barrier blocked over here bro okay

Master chef challenge and first challenge is to make a pink cake okay we need to milk the cows and then dye it with us pink that is this oh my gosh we literally get pink milk oh okay this isn’t so bad you know that wasn’t too difficult look at that pink

Milk okay what’s next the golden egg task oh dear lord why did it have to be amazing oh my gosh we got angry we got angry chuckles the chicken chasing us available at breemerch.com why are you doing this to me stop it you angry little chicken all right there’s no one

Okay 100 of these chickens are hacking oh my freaking gosh they must be all girl chickens oh they’re hens oh there it is give me the golden egg i got the golden egg just stay away chicken city can’t wait i got your egg baby i got your wig wait

Sparkling wheat task get the wheat why is the wheat in the water i don’t think this exists is this a girl’s only server wheat or something this is weird okay i’m just gonna take all the wheat i can okay all right all right now oh we have to craft the

Cake okay the recipe very simple three pink milk sugar golden egg and milk wait sparkling wheat okay oh dude i’m gonna get messed up right now please tell me it’s simple please tell me it’s this yes how could i forget this i mean to be fair like a cake would taste pretty bad

If you didn’t have sugar inside of it that makes a lot of sense in the pink girly oh yes it has been completed they all finished before me girls are usually faster at baking that’s not true it’s for everybody male or females can bake you’ve watched the great british the

Great british the great british bake off tons of dudes tons of girls yeah uh okay we gotta make an excuse that’s clever um i forgot where the golden egg was i mean to be fair i didn’t have angry chickens attacking me that was kind of difficult oh no they’re not responding i don’t

Like this oh this is bad beautiful people we have finally done it day 100 on the girls only minecraft server oh no what does she want we’re going to the gladiator arena to test our pvp skills this sounds like a bait but what if it’s not i need to take the risk oh

Okay girlfriend i always wanted to say that i can’t say girlfriend without it sounding a little strange okay oh okay wait wait look at this look at this throne this is obscene that she gets this massive throne oh and we have louise and sarah the two moms honestly

The grandma and the mom of the server are going to battle um you guys should be careful i mean those are real swords so just be be careful i’m going to say louise is going to win this dang it louise i had 100 mine coins on you what

The heck okay so do i like fight the winner oh oh she gave me a stone sword i’m not going to use it though no chair wait what is this oh my wait what the admin role i’ve been promoted to server admin let’s freaking go wait this has

Got to be a bait right is this does it actually work wait i can actually go into game mode creative wait so i like should i should i do this should i should you know say like listen i don’t like to grief but i feel like

Like just a little bit of this a little bit of that you know what i’m saying yeah boy yeah oh look at all this look at that wait it’s not exploding oh no you think i’m stupid enough to give you an admin roll wait what no no no don’t do it oh she’s

Got i’m frozen i’m literally i can’t move no don’t do this no no stop don’t do this no no smited by the admin are you kidding me are you kidding me no no it doesn’t end here ladies and gentlemen i am going to get back on that

Server and spend another 100 days if it’s the last thing i do and if you want to see me do that let me know in the comments have a fantastic day preston out

I Found a GIRLS ONLY Server in Minecraft! with PrestonPlayz 👊

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Aphmau – Stay Away From APHMAU.EXE In Minecraft!

InquisitorMaster – The Squad REACTS To SATISFYING TikToks!

Crainer – The Easiest Golf Map Was Actually A TROLL! (Golf It)


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