People in the city participated in Survivor. And Survivor 2024 begins! Blue team on the right. Red team on the left. And Mr. Acun is coming towards the island in a cool manner again. Do you think the blue team will be the winner of Survivor 2024? Or the red team?

Hello friends. How are you? Acun Abi, we are very good! Beautiful! Survivor will be difficult this year. So be aware! We’ll bring Ronaldinho or something! Acun Abi, bring whoever you want. Look at our team! You gave Yasin Obuz! Just look at the opposing team! There is turabi!

So do you think this is fair? What do you want, brother? Tell me! You make trouble every day! What do you want, brother! Acun Abi, no. You got me wrong. Acun Abi, I guess the poor team was scared. Look, they’ve already started making excuses. Anyway, friends. As you know!

Survivor is the most difficult competition in the world. To stay on your islands, we give you one chest in each of the 2 archipelagos. These chests contain a limited amount of food that will help you survive. You need to spend these foods cautiously. Because Survivor will last a very long time.

If you don’t spend the food in these chests carefully, you will starve! Mr. Acun, what foods are in limited quantities in these boxes? Kayseri Ravioli. Adana Wrap. Inegöl meatballs. Antep Baklava. Bursa Alexander. Then… Izmir Bomba. Then Çanakkale Seramik. Baklava, pastries, buns. It’s great! Anyway, friends.

Now I am sending you off to your islands. Don’t forget to eat your meals economically. Come on, see you later! Poor! We need to eat these meals economically. We’ve been barbecuing since day one. We completely emptied the inside of the chest. Nothing will happen, Rich. Well, I’m hungry as a wolf.

Miray, come on my love. Hasn’t it happened yet? Ok Fakir. It’s cooking, almost there! You start! We will come when these are cooked. Poor, this is ridiculous what we’re doing. Look! We’ve been eating our fill from day one. We will remain hungry the other days.

Rich is telling the truth! We may stay hungry on other days. We don’t stay. Do not worry! We will find a way! Yes friends. We finally arrived at our island! I’m hiding this food crate in here! We need to use the food it contains cautiously. Yes Kerem. You’re right bro!

We have to win this competition no matter what. There is a major renovation going on in our city. That’s why we participated in the competition while this renovation in our city was continuing. Anyway. Look, Turabi is working. Come on! Let’s work too. Let’s get ready for the competition.

Yes, come on, walk. Let’s prepare for the competitions. 1 2 Turabi! Make us work too. 2 Of course I can run it. Come on jump! We have to be fast in competitions to win. That’s it! Well done. We will be the winners of Survivor! Work is starting soon! Let’s continue the work!

Turabi, okay. We are listening to you! You will make us work. And this is how we will be able to pass the tracks. Elimination game. It’s competition time! The one who passes this track wins the competition. Be ready. I’m starting the contest! Kerem VS Fakir. We ate that much. So if you said.

Look at this! How will I run now? This is it. They ate their meal. We will definitely win this competition. One person from the losing team will be eliminated. Do not forget this! And get started! This is it! Started. I ate too much! I can’t even move.

Kerem is currently leading the competition. He jumped off the trampoline now. Come on Fakir. Come on! The poor person jumped off the trampoline now! Both of them will cross the street by holding on. After reaching the other side, it’s the wheels’ turn. Now it’s the wheels’ turn.

They will either go through the wheel or spin around it 3 times! Kerem also passed through the 2nd wheel. The poor are still on the 1st wheel. Kerem has already finished it. Poor 1st wheel barely passed. Kerem even passed the last part. The balance part. Now it’s time for shooting.

1. He threw the ax and broke it. In the balance part. I don’t want to be defeated. At work! I’ve already come to shoot. Kerem needs to break 4 windows here. He broke the second one too! And he broke the 3rd. Fakir has just arrived at the launch site.

And Kerem broke the 4th window. Won! The guy finished the contest before I even shot. The blue team took the lead 1-0. Now it’s Zengin and Kemal’s turn. And get started! They both started racing, but now the blue team is slightly ahead. Kemal is running! Now on the trampoline!

Kemal passed the trampoline superbly! Let’s see if Zengin can jump. No. He couldn’t jump! Come on Rich. Come on! Rich will try again now. He went up the stairs. And! Let’s see if he can jump. Yes. This time he jumped. Kemal went through the last tire until he passed the rich trampoline.

Now Zengin has barely reached the part where the tires are! Kemal also passed the balance part. Now he will take the shots. Let’s see if he can break the blue glasses. Kemal missed the first one. He broke it with his 2nd shot. Yes! Now he broke another glass with his 3rd shot.

Last 2 glasses left. The rich are still on the tires. Now Zengin has passed the balance part. But he fell. And is Kemal taking his last shot? Yes! Kemal won. So the blue team! At this rate, one person from the red team will be eliminated.

I can’t be! We shouldn’t have eaten so much. Aslı VS Miray Now women are competing. Miray and Asli. Come on Miray. Come on my love! We are already 2-0 behind. And start. Aslı set off quickly. Miray is going behind.

It was bad for the red team that they ate the food. Because they are always behind. Asli jumped from the trampoline. And Miray jumped too. But Asli is very fast! Now it has reached the tires. Let’s see if he can pass the tires. Passed through tire 1.

Now it passes through the 2nd tire. Miray just passed the 1st tire. And Aslı passed the 3rd tire. Now the balance zone! Miray is moving very close to Aslı. Asli finished. He started shooting! And he hit the 1st! Meanwhile, Miray passed the balance zone. He also starts shooting.

Let’s see if he can beat Asli. Miray hit the 1st. And he scores the 2nd. But in the meantime, Aslı broke the 4th window! And it was 3-0. We can now say that it is the last game for the red team.

Because if he loses this, he will not have the chance to convert it. Now it is Turabi and Yasin’s turn to compete. If the blue team wins this too, one person from the red team will be eliminated at the evening’s council. And the competition has begun. Turabi started ahead. Too fast.

Yasin goes after him, but Turabi is incredibly fast! Look at this! How’s it going? Now it’s the tires’ turn. Turabi did not go through the tires. As if giving your opponent a chance! It rotates around the tires 3 times. We are counting this too. Now on the 3rd tire.

And it revolves around it 3 times. Yasin is still on the trampoline. Still trying to pass! And now it has passed. No! But now he fell into muddy water. Yasin was covered in mud. Meanwhile, Turabi has already started shooting. And the winner of the competition was revealed. It’s clear.

Meanwhile, Yasin is in the balance section. He fell to the ground again! He was coming from the wrong region anyway. He had to go from the red zone. And Turabi broke the last glass! It was 4-0. The red team no longer has a chance to turn the contest around!

At the council in the evening, one person from the red team will say goodbye to the island. Acun Abi, this is unfair! Is it unfair? What part is unfair, Fakir? We have Yasin in our team. There is Turabi in your team. Stop! What are you doing!

Look at this! Turabi is racing so well. Also look at Yasin’s type. Does something like this happen? What happened, Fakir? Couldn’t you feed it? What happened? Stop! Don’t do it. What happened! Artist. Get out of here, Kerem, Commissioner! Turabi, look at me! Come here. Come! What are you doing? What are you doing!

I will tear off your hair and head. Is it ok? How can you beat us! I’m telling you, wait. Stop! Do not fight! What are you doing! Why are you fighting? Mr. Acun, don’t you see? This is unfair. What’s unfair? You gave this to our team! Turabi is on the blue team!

So if Turabi was in our team, we would have won. When you see it, you’ll think you won the other competitions! We will see you all at the council tonight! Now you can go to your islands. You will pay the price for this fight! Poor, come on! Let’s build that boat now!

Kerems, we need to go to the island. We will take our revenge on them. Look, don’t do it! Mr. Acun was already very angry. If you do that, he’ll go crazy. He goes crazy! Miray, nothing will happen. Don’t worry! Whatever Acun does, I only like it.

I will make that Turabi pay for this! Don’t talk, snot! Poor, this has happened. Come on! We can go now. Kerem Commissars Island is not too far anyway. Right here! Let’s go here right now. Come on! Hold on tight. We are going!

I will make that Turabi pay for what he did to me. Stop! Don’t do it. Poor, my love! Please come back. You stay there. We’re coming in 5 minutes. Are you crazy? What are you doing? They are literally going to fight. Come on Rich! Drive faster.

OK, I’m doing my best. Not long now! Mr. Acun will really go crazy this time. They are officially going to invade the island. Here we come. Come on guys. Quick! Let’s make them pay for what they did to us. They are there! Attack. Come here! What’s happening! Come here!

Poor, stop! What are you doing? Come on! Hit me again. Come on! Age! I’m your… What happened! You weren’t expecting this, were you! Come on! Beat me like you did in the morning. What is going on there? What’s happening! Quickly land the helicopter on that island. What are they doing!

Distressed bastards! What are you doing! Poor! What are you doing here? Acun Abi, we came to take revenge! I see it for the first time in Survivor history. Have you come to invade the island? Are you a gang?

Brother Acun, we saw that they were attacking us from behind. There’s nothing can be done. We attacked too! Come on from there! Turbo Turabi! How quickly you forgot what you did in the morning! Your I… Your job! We will see you all in the evening. We will see you all! Island council.

Look at these. How they stare. Poor, leave it now. At work! Acun Bey also came. Yes. I am here! Look at me! What’s happening to you! On whose island are you acting as an artist? Why are you fighting! What do you want! Tell me what you want. What do you want!

What do you want? What do you want! You make a scene every day. What do you want! No. Acun Abi, you misunderstood! So we don’t want anything. The other team looked like they wanted some beating. What are you saying! You actually want to be beaten. Enough! I eliminate you all!

Go away from the man! There is no Survivor! Go ahead! Am I going to mess with you! You are all eliminated. Is it ok? No contest! I’m eliminating you all. I am fed up! You’ve been fighting about everything since you arrived!

Yes. We have come to the end of Survivor. See you in the next Survivor episodes. Goodbye. Latest video Next video

Bu videoda Survivor yarışmasına katılıp yarışıyoruz. Zor parkuru geçip Ada hayatında hayatta kalmaya çalışıyoruz desem bile inanmayın.. Çünkü bu survivor izlediğiniz hiçbir Survivor yarışmasına benzemiyor 😂

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