Terraria – INFERNUM ft. Adrian EP. 3: THE FEMUR BREAKERS

Hello everybody waffle time here and welcome back to episode three of our epic gamer infernum series last episode we took on a variety of bosses including the fabled EDM Master crabulon which while he had new Antics we weren’t scared of it all have to be like low but

He chases after you man oh my God as well as Queen Bee who stood no chance against our foul smelling gamer prowess dude what the is it it’s suon spiritual ancestor be we managed to take out the brain of Lulu and the giant clam as well giving

Us access to many new weapons and much more gear we desperately desperately need to make any sort of progression in this treacherous hair yanking difficulty we have much more progress to make many more bosses to experience baldness over in our early 20s and no more time to

Waste so let’s Jump Right In shall we that was a Prett that was a pretty good run though oh my God we were doing so good dude Shadow potion okay all right I got the perforator spawn I need some potions Diggity Doo I actually never really fight the perforators might be a

Little ro we’re going to see how it goes dude ready I’m so ready sum them up oh my damn all right bastard oh my God there’s so many projectiles what the hell s’s getting low I am super low dude I’m dead this is odd watch out the arena

For the ier oh my God there’s a giant [ __ ] worm Adrien yeah it does it tends to do that what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] he’s so fast dude it’s not good to kill the worm you’re going to kill oh thank Christ oh oh dear Lord oh what the

Hell I’m going slap him from the back give it back shots dude oh my God no worm Forest why this have to [Laughter] happen is please dear Mother of God oh good lord oh please oh oh one second I just dodged right into

It [ __ ] my life why did I do that I have no more money for potions me too I think we got a raw dog in God where did dude we we left our Buffs at the jungle I think that’s why we’re losing the sand dollar is an excellent this thing sucks

Bro what are you talking about this thing [ __ ] sucks we should make a longer Arena that’s what I’m thinking too dude running in a straight line that was helpful D I’ll try and expand like just the top one out I think it’s fine I think we if we bounce back and forth it’

Be a little bit better that way yeah I’m ready to go I’m ready too I ain’t got nothing to lose no more dude Big Time Rush baby uh uh Make It Count I’m going to die holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my Lord when go big time can this word [ __ ] go oh

God hey hey my strike dude my life I think is going to summon another one oh just oh just [ __ ] great oh fantastic I’ll take care of it I am not taking care of it getting my ass reamed right now dude this is so bad there’s just so

Many projecti I want to turn off my wallpaper okay we’re doing good on the worm dude I’m almost ready for another heal me too oh [ __ ] me oh my God what the [ __ ] what is this oh I died go everywhere oh what did I die to dude I’m

Taking off my background everything is so disorientated oh Jesus dude that definitely that won’t that went better that went better yeah yeah you know not bad not bad oh I need money what do you think is the easiest boss to grind out aquatic Scourge if we take him on like

Three four times or something like that yeah let’s do that I bet you we get some money dude I just want feral claws man just come back keep running coward do it again all right nice to nice to know you let’s do it it again stop with the hoot and Nanny dude

Just come back hooting Nanny all right you think that’s good or should we do one more oh wait the witch doctor I can get a can get a flask M hell yeah I got like a plat from that dude dude me too after getting our brains removed and

Getting a full labotomy by every single boss we attempted to take on Adrian and I decided that some grinding for potions and reforges was much warranted we took on the desert Scourge several more times as an easy source of cash money then plotted what was to come next we wanted

To take out Skeletron as soon as we possibly could but with that battle going as well as trying to have a conversation with someone who’s addicted to Twitter it seemed we had no choice but to take out the perforators first in order to use their Loot on the bone

Master himself we finished grinding then started on our last minute preparations for the next battle oh my God oh my God oh my God how are we feeling right now I’m feeling good I think I can beat the perforators now I got potions is the goblin tinkerer around somewhere oh yeah

He’s somewhere all right just got to find the little bastard nice [ __ ] it plus 50 15 damage I’ll take that come back dude enough I might make more of those hellstone creases oh yeah sure cuz this [ __ ] sand this thing ain’t cutting it sand dollar [ __ ] yeah

Kick his ass Adrian kick his ass he’s kicking my ass man he’s throwing sand balls in my mouth we never eaten sand before dude come on feral CLA yeah I got them dude dude that’s what’s that is what’s up dude this biome is [ __ ] nuts time to make a [ __ ] ton of these

All right I got 5,000 that should be enough what Jesus all right man if you if you’re say so do you want to do this [ __ ] at daytime is it better to do it at day or night I think night was better cuz projectiles were yellow for me yeah

You’re right it might be good do you got the uh summon yeah I do buff up boom I got mad Buffs too I’m ready for this [ __ ] is there any reason there’s so many [ __ ] mobs here dude I know they sound we should have had less platforms oh my God I’m getting cream

Pied we’re doing hell of damage though yeah [ __ ] going handle the worm fast dude look at a goddamn oh my God it’s dead already already gone Let’s Go activate the rage let’s get it I’m Mr Rage I’m Mr Rage oh he’s trying to cream on me dude not cool he’s going to summon

A worm he’s going to summon a worm you going to let him cream on you like that no not anymore I’m taking back my dignity I’ll handle the worm I’ll handle the worm it’s good boom got his ass you don’t mess with me like that only I can

That’s right only I can cream myself oh my God he creamed on me again not cool dude this this is not cool man ow almost got him dude we almost got him got get this last worm I’m soak in the [ __ ] worm and damage dude oh my God

It’s dead we got the what oh it’s pissed oh my God he’s going ham bone bro I’m heading over to you what is it doing oh my God it’s s’s under tailing me right now oh it’s dead oh [ __ ] yeah that’s what I’m talking about whoa hey hey hey

Oh what’s that about dude try Skeletron at home while our Buffs are yeah dude yeah let’s cope let me open his bag see what I got oh my God I got a true melee thing great man I got two balls here you go oh very cool tooth balls what the

[ __ ] it’s limited oh I can make more tooth balls real quick hold on I’m going to make a [ __ ] ton of tooth balls right now it’s almost uh daytime by the way or not almost daytime but night’s coming all right bet I’m ready oh I got 33 gold

Oh [ __ ] me I have 25 what the hell what is that about my body is a temple and I am ready oh we should have brought a buff stations over huh dude we don’t even need it so easy all right man get infernal Crist my God D like two [ __ ] me Walky slashed

There goes the NPCs again [ __ ] me how dude I don’t know how to dodge this man it’s so it’s like we need wings for this dude this is [ __ ] horrendous saying man I think we do bro after this we can get wings by the way how do we

Get wings it’s called Skyline wings from aerialite ore I dropped 25 gold I thought you just put that [ __ ] back that’s what I said What in went into not oh god dude I feel like you feel like what I don’t know I just saw my

Thought I I can D I put my money in my bank man oh my God where you at over here I’m on the outside oh it’s a smart way to go I’m [ __ ] so close to Doom I mean I’ll try to take Agra but the more closer I get the more damage is

Me his random attacks it’s true it’s all good honestly I can just bite the bullet like I’ll just soak him in as much damage as I can and then you just you know keep your health full why is he standing still dude oh dude it’s almost

Daytime dog I don’t know oh my God he’s getting pissed this could be it for a real one I died dude we’re doing so good too what the [ __ ] oh daytime oh that’s so stupid dude it’s okay it’s okay we got time we have an entire day to go get

Some new orb let’s do it gravitation potion up all right I’ll head to the right if you want to head to the left there was one like right above us wasn’t there I think I found it heading over to the right what is this ore it’s like

Yellow and I can’t mine it is that the aerialite I can’t seem to mine it how do we how do we mine it I’m just finding hell little floating meteor Islands I found like a yellow ore but I can’t mine it at all I can’t mine it either it’s

Supposed to be like blue isn’t it yeah what is this island oh it’s a corruption Island uh you can TP to me there’s a ton here okay you know what you could gather that [ __ ] up I’ll try and find another one that we were [ __ ] loaded oh I

Just got a ton I’m just 117 do you think we got enough for us both to get wings I think so I mean I got like 206 all right got 300 now how the hell are you finding this [ __ ] I can’t find none I don’t know there’s like one island with like a

Million of them I’m not complaining another island with [ __ ] yellow dude what’s the deal I want blue I’m all the way at the beach there’s none I got to put up our little statues hell yeah baby the Aros speec armor is that better than what we have make sure to get them

Skyline wings oh we need feathers I am on it oh dude it’s going to be so much easier now that we have Wing oh God I bet you already got the wings yeah I had enough feathers earlier you like my Salmons dude I don’t even know what they

Do dude they’re spazzing out on you m where the [ __ ] the harpies at here’s one what Harpy oh cool didn’t even drop a feather it’s made of feathers all right I got two feathers I got uh I got five make that three feathers ooh dude uh search up the feather Crown you might

Want to get that it’s pretty good feather Crown okay I’ll check that out things are spawning crazy here brother oh hell yeah I think we’re good on feathers now really yeah I have 22 Christ I only have seven eight all right well I have 25 now I think we’re good

Brother oh thank God that was a kind of a ruthless little grind we had to do there how exciting how invigorating and fun very exciting are you making Aros speec armor yeah I already made one there should be enough to uh for you to make your armor and then make your wings

And then search up the crown boom got that [ __ ] oh it’s so good okay and what are the uh what are the wings called again uh Skyline gotcha feather Crown we just need a Golden Crown and I can make that [ __ ] oh my God I know you’re doing this [ __ ] on purpose

Bro oh my God Jesus Christ I can’t I can’t dude I can’t I can’t even make a joke cuz I’m going to laugh Midway losing our [ __ ] right now dude oh dude you look sick with that helmet on thanks dog yeah man yeah it’s almost night time dude are you

Try to [ __ ] fight this uh I need to get an item really quickly oh what item you going for what’s that stuff like from the labs oh dude I I’ve gotten so much [ __ ] from the labs check the do we have a charger I don’t think so we got

The [ __ ] batteries but we didn’t get the goddamn charger oh my God woohoo I got to go to the lab Yi dude the wings are going to be a [ __ ] game changer holy [ __ ] dude they’re they’re they’re already amazing this is insane I got some charging stations head

On home I’ll try and check for charging stations up in this one no harpies don’t spawn now don’t act like you [ __ ] need it anymore dude I got two two more charging stations all right what are we waiting on getting my gear do we have

The uh the stuff uh like all the buff stations I’m going to go get them very interesting white are you a top or are you a bottom L’s got me right in his trap if I say I’m a top that’s something Kira would do but if I say I’m a bottom

That means I have to take it in the ass and that’s exactly what Kira would say ell you’re playing a damn good game so [ __ ] what’s the choice light uh I’d have to say I’m a top h he fell right for it I’m gonna summon the boss if we keep

Talking like this dude all right we’re wasting precious daylight dog what the hell dude oh oh sorry no I’m ready dude dude I got like I got dogs man what did that even mean wait they’re so ass those Dum frog things [ __ ] jumping around down there yeah dude they’re ass

Man oh my god dude this is so [ __ ] hard when you get caught in it and like this is meant to be like a single play your boss fight you know oh God stop it okay I got it oh no oh no oh [ __ ] taking him to the

[ __ ] Moon get his ass oh my God oh my God chilling right outside trying to get to we’re getting him getting him all right [ __ ] dude I could have dodged it those are the most infuriating ones right there I’ll be fine I’m I’m I’m back in like three we’re good

Dude oh [ __ ] undertale come on piss for brains s’s undertale let me see what you got you don’t got nothing on us [ __ ] dude we got him I’m dying oh what the [ __ ] oh no he’s going to go super mode oh my God what happened oh oh my

God that scared me so [ __ ] bad oh dudee that’s hilar holy that was hilarious oh my God Jes SC the [ __ ] out of me they knew what they were doing when they did that bro that [ __ ] was so scary hey we go to the dungeon now man

We get you AAL what I’m doing that’s what I’m doing can’t wait with Adrian and I not only defeating the perforators and the rage inducing bullet helitron as well as fracking the sky islands for that juicy juicy Aral light to make better gear that about does it for this

Episode make absolutely sure to check out Adrienne’s perspective over on his channel to witness The Full Experience of our death by infernum thank you all so much for tuning in to episode 3 of our infernum series if you enjoyed this video please be sure to drop a like And

Subscribe for more content like this as well as leave a comment down in the comment section below to let me know your thoughts on this video also if you’d like be sure to follow my Instagram and Twitter for future video and stream updates as well as my

Facebook page where you can watch all the videos that get demonetized instantly on my YouTube channel all those links are in the description for your convenience thank you all so much again for watching and I’ll be seeing all of you disgusting ly difficult dungeon Guardians in episode 4 Waffle Time bone busting Edition


Hello and welcome to EPISODE 3 of our first time CALAMITY INFERNUM EXPERIENCE. Today, Adrian and I really get into the nitty gritty of Calamity, handling two very important bosses while we’re at it. We take on the flying meatball Perforators, dreaming of putting them on a slow roast, potentially served in a KBBQ setting. We yet again get taken to the BONE ZONE by Skeletron, so we clench our teeth until they turn to dust while upgrading our gear to Aerialite, then take on the flying bone man Skeletron once more. Check out Adrian’s perspective for MORE!
Thank you all so much for watching! If you enjoyed, please be sure to drop a like and subscribe for more content like this, as well as leave a comment to let me know your thoughts on this video! If you guys want more, please do let me know below! Also if you’d like, follow the Instagram and Twitter for future stream and video updates!
#terraria #mod #rage

All credit to DMDOKURO and PinpinNeon for the BANGER TUNES!

Check out ADRIAN’S perspective:

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  1. the reason some of the ore is yellow is because in multiplayer calamity has trouble syncing the ore blocks changing for some reason, the way to fix this is to wait like 20 minutes or just exit and rejoin the server

  2. waffle i didnt fully watch the video yet so just ignore it if you know but you can break the orange stuff with bombs and it will drop aerialite also make the aerialite rouge daggers

  3. Yo Waffle if you're using fargo's mutant mod you can just buy 30 pots of one kind and you will have the buff forever. It also works if the pots are in a piggy bank.

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