Lanky box boxy is moving away in Minecraft oh no bloxy is moving away will we be able to save boxy or will the monsters take him away forever let’s find out hmm I’m getting kinda hungry oh Donuts Huh who’s at the door I’m coming hello boxy hello officer you’re being banned from the city for destruction of property you could be kidding I didn’t mean to I’m sorry you thought the wood factory on fire oh no that is irresponsible oh wait but are you well

Who is that the door boxy foxy it’s terrible I’m getting banned from the city what what well you see I was riding my go-kart one day and I crashed into the wood factory I didn’t know what to do but then the wood caught on fire and it started

Catching on fire some more and and it wouldn’t stop everything happened so quickly and then I I ran away oh foxy no I’m sorry foxy that was irresponsible boxy we’re gonna have to go over and tell Adam and Justin and you’re gonna have to tell them yourself boxy I’m so disappointed

Uh you’re right I’m sorry foxy I didn’t mean for this to happen I’ll have to tell Adam and Justin what I did I know you’re nervous but you have to tell them huh Wow I crashed this is nuts like peanut butter Adam what I got banned wait what I crashed into the wood factory it’s okay there might be a way to say foxy how do we do this if foxy does Good Deeds maybe the officer would change his

Mind okay here we go guys okay I’m ready Foxy’s gonna plant a tree okay this tree is gonna go right over there whoa great job yeah uh everyone should plant a tree to save the environment a boxing oh what is that Foxy look out look over there what bruh

Sorry but good news I have a new idea oh there’s so many of these oh okay I can do this these holes are dangerous for tires that’s why foxy is gonna pick them right up isn’t that right boxing uh yeah these holes are gonna be nice and fixed by the

Time I’m done with them you got this dude yeah yeah I got them here we go guys we all believe in you let’s go oh let’s go foxy Great job yeah and another hole we’re gonna fix these super quick let’s go it’s gonna be like so safe go go go go go go go go I’m going I can only fix these so fast uh the cars will appreciate it you’re crushing it man yeah

Only a few more to go and then we’ll have a safe road all right all done they’re all fixed guys I fixed the road now it’s gonna be safe for all the cars okay nice remember we gotta keep our roads safe for everyone I wonder what we’re going to do next to

Help foxy huh what’s that do you guys see that huh look over there oh no oh no I can’t I can’t actually what do we do we do uh I have an idea we could build a ladder this is crazy uh I’ll be right back I’m gonna grab materials look a

Police officer is now watching I’m back I have them we’re gonna get you down Mr Kitty all right all right we’re almost done and then you’ll be nice and safe here we go whoa go go go go go come here kitty kitty it’s okay boxy’s

Got you look at you down nice and safe them he’s got he’s got your safe now Kitty great job good job foxy I did it that was close look over there huh is that the police officer did he see it foxy I was watching yay he saw

Do you think he’ll let me stay in the city now you did really good boxy so I hope so hello Mr police officer foxy has done really good things today uh I hope I’ve saved a kitty and patched up a road I believe I saw that you saw yay you could

Get unburned from the city if you were to save it from zombies but only if I fight mutant zombies yes mutant zombies that seems really scary but I don’t want to get banned from the city and I’m Really Brave foxy is one of the bravest he can fight those zombies off yeah I

Can do it I’m really proud of you boxy here I hope you find equipment to do so There’s the equipment boxy we all believe in you yeah thanks guys all right be careful boxy and stay go I’m gonna make sure to defeat all those zombies they don’t stand a chance go go go go go I’m going I’m going this is a little hard oh man you got this dude

I got this this Obstacle of course is no match for me great job all right one two one two halfway there one two huh You got this box thanks foxy I’m almost there all right okay boxy we could do this we have to get unbanned from the city go boxy go good job all right jump ah just up these stairs whoa there’s so many of them it’s okay we got this yeah take that zombie and then

I gotta get to the edge oh wait oh coins yeah you’re no match for me left yeah we defeated those zombies there’s still some more to go come on foxy we could do it great job oh it’s a big one how are we gonna defeat him huh okay it’s okay

Boxy you can do it ah I don’t know if I could do it no we can take that oh ouch okay there take that zombie gotcha oh I got it I got the mutant zombie whoa I’m huh oh no all right yeah hey oh did we defeat it this time I don’t know

Oh he’s back oh this is gonna be hard oh he’s getting up again oh boxy think think foxy ow yeah I defeated him this time him let’s go back and tell everyone the good news that I defeated the mutant zombies guys I’m back great job I need

I need to do it foxy I did it I’m not bad let’s go this is so lit guys I think this calls for a donut party yay this is so lit oh boxy thank you I knew you could do it yeah I did it hooray


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