*3* AMAZING Post-Mech Ranger Weapons! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.11)

Hey hey welcome back everybody to the Terraria Master Ranger playthrough if you didn’t catch the last episode we went ahead and we took down the remainder of the mechanical bosses we have taken down all three and that means we are now free to move onto the jungly jungle and hopefully planta before we

Get on to taking down planta or at least hopefully taking down planta we need to go ahead and gear ourselves up a little bit you may notice I’ve got some coconuts here for minor improvements to startat we’ve got ourselves mining potions for 25% increased mining speed and finally speed lunker potions so we

Can get ourselves a bunch of chloride that’s what we’re going to start off doing in today’s episode I’m going for the Ranger chlorite armor now in the commentary of the last episode it was suggested that I actually try out the flamethrower it has been a very very

Long time since I’ve gone ahead and used the bog standard flamethrower I know I’ve used the elf melter a good amount in the past but not the regular Flame thrower we need 20 Souls of fright 20 iron or lead bars and finally some illegal gun parts so unfortunately we

Won’t be able to do that right now because we don’t have nighttime upon us right now it’s daytime so what we’re going to do is we’re going to use the daytime to try and grab ourselves as much chlorop FY as humanly possible so while we make our way over to the jungly

Jungle I do of course want to say a huge thank you for all of your lovely support throughout this series so far I really appreciate it of course if you want to continue you supporting this series and the videos here on the channel do be sure to head down beneath the video and

Spend a second to drop a like hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content and if you do want to go one further with your support you can check out my range of Apex

Gaming PCs at python gb.com slpc or if you’re more in the market for some Terraria merch head on over to Terraria shop and use code python for 15% off your order so here we go coconut mining potion speel lunker ladies and gentlemen with our beautiful pick oh good grief no

No no no no no no no no no I am not dying to a tortoise IM immediately after using my bleeding potions if this game thinks it can get away with doing that kind of stuff to me oh man does I have another thing coming so yeah hopefully

This won’t take too long and the thing is even when we do create ourselves the chlori armor we have the option later on I think to uncraft the Chlor armor get the chlorified bars back and be able to make ourselves shroomite armor shroomite armor I’m pretty sure requires you to

Have taken down planta so yeah once planta is down I think we’ll know what we’re going to be going for next so then here we go chifi we’ve got ourselves 95 that’s not a bad start if you ask me obviously the more the better I usually

Go for the goal of around 400 or because it’s just a good amount to go for and as much as I know that it is kind of Overkill to get that amount for just chlorified armor guys we’re going to be wanting to create ourselves all of the different variants of shroomite armor

Right so yeah makes sense to get all of the resources now no a right that is it I’m so tired of doing that now the magic mirror there is a reason I don’t normally have it on my hot bar ah sometimes I’ll over scroll past the pickaxe and wind up

Accidentally choosing the magic mirror and using that in place the pickaxe I’m sure that’s a relatable issue that some of you folks would have had happened to you in the past at least at some point right one of the more unfortunate things about going mining now as opposed to

Leaving the world to do its thing for a little bit before going mining here is the fact that we don’t have a great deal of Life Roots just yet they just haven’t had a chance to spawn in so yeah we’re definitely going to have to come back

Here at some point later on in the series hopefully not too much later because you know 500 health being able to take more damage before dying it’s probably a good thing to go for right so here’s what I’m thinking folks maybe we go for another jungle trip slash a life

Route hunting trip a little bit later in the series maybe when we get to the point where we might want to be taking down the dookie Boy The Duke fish one L maybe we go for a jungle hunting trip then but now though I’m determined to get myself chlorified armor because I

Love chlorified armor the additional damage that the little Floating Leaf thing above your armor does it can make a world of difference like really it can hey I mean there’s not no life fruits around there’s just not a lot of them at the moment so yeah any that we can find

Yeah I’m going to take him and another life that’s number three I figured I might as well use the remainder of my speelunker potion so I’m not like wasting it right so that’s why I’ve gone quite a bit beyond 400 chlorite here I mean who knows there might be some other

Stuff that we might want to make out of the chlorite here ah very good there’s one final life ruit just on my right hand side there there we go might as well grab this little bit of chlori and then we’re going to head back home with a whopping f

557 chlorified there we are 420 Health 557 chlori or let’s go ahead and transform it all into bads shall we just how many are we going to get1 that’s possibly the most amount of chlorified bars I’ve ever had that’s kind of crazy actually all right what do

We got going on there it is 13 defense 16% increase range damage 20% chance to save ammo not too too bad what about this with the plate maale we get 18 defense 5% increased flat damage and 7% increased flat Critical Strike chance nice all right this is too bad actually

And of course we’ve got the trousers here 13 defense 8% increased flat crit chance and 5% increased movement speed yeah boy all right this is not going to be a bad amount of Defense hey we’ve got 56 we now have 57 okay that’s only an increase of one but yeah we’ve got some

Decent stuff going for this chlorified armor especially that little damage crystal that’s floating above us right now it’s not too bad all right let’s check out the damage profiles though we got 83 with the repeater 43 with the mega shark that’s with the frost armor with chlorop FY we’ve got 80 with the

Repeater and 42 with the mega shark huh believe it or not the frost armor has more damage Buffs going for it that is an interesting one so then the hallowed repeater 80 damage 25% crit chance versus the chlorified shot bow 49 range damage and 23% crit chance oh doesn’t this shoot out three

Arrows at once though pretty sure it does I could be wrong that is a terrible reforge holy crap holy you know what I’m going to do just for once in my life I’m going to do something for free that is right I’m actually going to uncraft this

Thing if I can I should be able to right yeah look at that I just realized we’ve got 57 chlorified bars we could totally speedrun this make this Superior we might want something better let’s make another one annoying crap what’s this one Superior again what about this one a

Regular one now we chuck all four into the Shimmer we get our bars back and we keep this thing rolling hey guys check this out on the left hand side I can only assume that a bunch of gem critters have spawned in theyve wound up chucking themselves into

The Shimmer and now there’s a whole bunch of gems on the left hand side there oh no way that is absolutely hilarious yeah there it is 56 range damage 28% crit chance that’s not too bad going my friends all right so the rest of them can be uncrafted once again

Get ourselves our bars back yeah all right we’re done down here folks beautiful oh wait wait wait wait wait the gems the gems let’s not forget the gems we can’t forget the gems look at them there’s so many of them wow I mean as nice as the hall repeater

Is with its crazy damage I mean three times 56 plus all of the ammo damage as well this is going to be a formidable weapon like truly it is ah annoyingly we spent so long doing all of that uncrafting and crafting that actually a brand new day has come around once again

So yeah we’re going to sleep this day away real quick and once night time rolls around we’ll get ourselves an illegal gun parts and then we can get the flamethrower what do we think cursed arrows against planta I think that would be a really really good way to go say if the

Flamethrower isn’t doing a great deal of damage to planta we can simply switch on over to the chlorified shot boat although actually if we’re using a shot bow uh can’t we whip out the magic quiver that we got earlier in the series I think that’ be a really really good

Idea where is it there it is oh yes we’ve got 10% increased Arrow damage and greatly increases Arrow speed and then we’ve got a 20% chance not to consume arrows so we’re going to have ourselves a good amount of ammo conservation going for us here we are 3,000 wooden arrows

Oh right I left the Anvil down here well now that’s not a very good idea is it oh thank goodness for the pylon system we have going for us you know what I just had an idea what if we were to try to upgrade this magic quiver into

That one quiver that also gives you flame damage ah okay so more specifically it says light wooden arrows a blade so yeah my cursed arrows would not also do burn damage as far as I can tell from that description uh we do have enemies are less likely to Target you

With this one but I mean to be honest not either of these are probably all that good for us right now yeah menacing magic quiver oo that’s going to be quite nice isn’t it my friends so then with the menacing prefix the shot bow now does 62

Range damage and the cursed arrows now do 25 range damage wait what hang on a minute hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on now I could be wrong here folks but I’m pretty sure 10% of 24 is 2.4 so why does the magic quiver not increase

The damage of My Arrows by at least two that makes no sense to me okay well if someone could shed some light on that one I would very much appreciate it because right now I must admit I’m very very confused because honestly right now I might argue that the magic quiver is

Not all that useful I mean yeah it just doesn’t seem all that great I mean yeah it is an increase of damage but only by very very minor amount I’m was tempted to put back on the mag illuminent for the superior movement all right night time is here so

Here we are the illegal gun parts excellent so now we can head back home we can start whipping out these other bits and Bobs that we need there it is the bog standard flamethrower coming in at 51 range damage 23% crit chance ignores 15 points of enemy defense I

Didn’t know that part about the flamethrower ah maybe that’s why you folks have been recommending it to me maybe it’s sort of a Hidden Gem hey check it out look what’s being collected on my left again I feel like in a future sort of normal let’splay series on this game I

Should set up my permanent base around the Shimmer oh right I don’t mean to do that I can’t even use me magic mirror oh yeah look at them there they are ah little gem Critters topaz bunny amethyst squirrel all of their Brethren are just getting destroyed by the Shimmer on the left hand

Side oh no all of you cousins wait wait wait I’ve just realized something can I not do the same with the mega shark here get ourselves some free unreal I mean yeah it’s going to take some time don’t get me wrong but it’s still going to be for

Free I think I’ve finally been enlightened my friends to the Shimmer reforge trick yeah just yeah it’s one of those other things that relies on irng but I mean doesn’t cost anything so why not now we’re being super productive uncrafting and recrating everything and basically we stop once we spot a little

Bit of onreal on the old uh text pickup there for now though nothing yeah that’s the flamethrower sorted out 58 range damage 28% crit chance now for the oh wow backto back unreal holy crap holy oh look at these beautiful weapons here I know I know this is supposed to

Be a planta episode but I really do kind of want to give this lot a go so maybe we go for the queen slim maroon only from there we might be able to better determine what weapon it is we should be using against planta right so ah big

Brain we’re going into this being all nice and prepared with some prior knowledge as to how good these weapons are all right let’s start off with the shotbow because why not right where is she oh she’s just TP down here all right come on then Sunny

Jimbo oh yeah look at that damage though got to love it my friends God I love it even in second phase yeah this is still relatively straightforward isn’t it 9,000 Health 8 7 6 5 4 3 yeah I mean look at the amount of projectiles on my screen right now it

Doesn’t even matter because she’s dead good if I’m being honest I think I’m most interested to see how the flamethrower is going to perform especially since it’s unreal as well here she comes all right where you at you are over the left hand side no more to the point she’s in the floor

Okay let’s see what we can do here shall we oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hang on a minute ladies and gentlemen have we been sleeping on this weapon this whole time I mean I know that it was buffed in the 1.4

Update but uh this is kind of crazy all right let’s see what we’re capable of doing in second phase though yeah slamming on the floor are we getting frustrated waed are we Queeny things are getting hot around here huh yeah they are 5,000 4 3 2 1

Hang on a minute ladies and gentlemen I think we may have been sleeping on this weapon wow all right and well if I’m honest I’m pretty sure I know how this is going to go but I’m going to do it anyway just for the sake of using all three weapons

Ladies and gentlemen I give you the mega shark with explosive ammo we may switch to Crystal bullets not too long from now because it does do a lot of damage I mean there’s no denying that the reason I’ve been using the explosive ammo was mostly for the early hard bow bosses oh

Yeah I must admit this is still pretty satisfying though oh yeah 8 7 six I mean I’ll be honest I don’t think this is as good as the flamethrower in terms of DPS but then again we’re not using the best kind of ammo are we so maybe this isn’t that

Much of a fair test I guess but anyways there we are taken out of the game nice and easy like I don’t think there’s any surprises there I think the big surprise was indeed the flamethrower and hey better still we got ourselves a whole bunch of gel for flamethrower ammo from

All of the queen slime cronies look at it it’s all over the floor all right very good hey look at that we’ got a a burger for major improvements to alls St got to love it folks so then ladies and gentlemen don’t know about you folks but

I think it is time do we have any mining potions we don’t weirdly all right well I’m sure we can change that need list to say we need these so we could dig ourselves out a decently sized Arena at the very least and then yeah just some

Basics here and I think we’ll be ready to go for the go of planta today folks I think I like to go for this area down here only this is a very large open area already we just need to sort of expand it a bit and box it off so ladies and

Gentlemen we’re just about there with our Arena here I’ve got all of the various bits and Bobs from my central World Arena as well we’ve got a garden gnome ammo box just got to light this thing up fully enclose it and then I believe we will just about be ready

There is obviously an optional step I could could take which is going ahead and getting rid of all of the background RS at that point you’re pretty much guaranteeing yourself a planta Victory but I don’t know I feel like my load out is looking pretty solid I think and I

Maybe getting ahead of myself when I say this I think we may be able to do this without having to get rid of the background walls I mean I guess there’s only really one way to find out eh so on a scale of 1 to 10 how ready are we

Feeling uh I don’t know enough to actually start this thing ah planta has actually spawned at the arena that is less than I do I need to actually get in here there we are all right here we go folks we’re going to try the flamethrower against plantaria

Here we’re going to see what we can do already needing a health potion which is a little bit concerning perhaps but hey we’re still doing kind of all right so far I would suggest 33 ,000 I think where the flamethrower is really going to shine is second phase got a whole

Bunch of grabados to take out and hopefully the flamethrower is going to make quick work of them ah I still have the shield of Kulu Dash Which is less than ideal although with that said I don’t know man not actually doing overly oh no we are doing quite bad actually

One more hit and I’m dead one more hit and I’m dead one more hit and I’m dead oh man goodness me how are we surviving we’re not surviving we’re dead I think we hit the age old problem my Arena I don’t think is big enough whether it’s not wide enough or

Whether it’s not high enough I don’t really know see that’s quite unfortunate actually because now we don’t have any planta bulbs nearby ah I wish they would do away with having to wait for certain things to respawn in terms of being able to take on bosses I hate that I really

Do oh dear oh dear oh dear I mean I’ll be honest I still genuinely believe that the flamethrower is the way to go it was absolutely tering that guy a new one let’s be honest here what I think we’re going to do is we’re going to head down

To the underground Hall I think we’re going to grab ourselves a bunch of crystals we’re going to get ourselves some Crystal bullets and we’re going to do this the old fashion wave I think first phase with the Chlor ofy shot bow or the mega shark and then second phase

With the Flav thr how does that sound excellent crystals crystals everywhere oh yeah I feel like Crush Bandicoot right now collected all these crystals keep forgetting to pick up my Anvil also I think I forgot to pick up all the the gems on my second reforge run oh my

God now we need some musk balls to transform into Crystal bullet 3,900 Crystal bullets oh man the damage the damage is just going to be never ending another life Fruit very good oh another one even still 435 health I guess while we’re waiting for a planta B

We can go for the goal of getting rid of the walls I mean why not there less areas for planta to grab onto the better things are going to be a solar eclipse is happening how inappropriate I don’t need that right now see if he gave it to me after planta

Then yeah I might be a little bit more excited because of the prospect of getting ourselves a nail gun but sadly we can’t get that right now so a solo eclipse is pretty much useless to us well it’s taken some time but here we are finally we have all of the

Background walls rided now we have the task of trying to light this place up a bit there we are right have we been lucky enough to have a plantable spawn nearby is uh no of course not well we’re kind of in a bit of a bugers mudle here in which case aren’t

We I think ladies and gentlemen we’re actually going to wind up wrapping up the episode here but hey we have the preparations done to be able to take down planta in the next episode but yeah we’ve still done plenty of stuff in today’s episode we’ve got ourselves glorify armor we’ve got ourselves the

Shop Bow we’ve got ourselves unreal everything with the flamethrower as as well and we’ve actually given them a bit of a go against some dudes well I say a dude Queen slime alas so yeah we’ not done too bad my friends thank you so much for watching if you guys have

Enjoyed today’s episode and of course you’re excited for the next one do be sure to hit that like rating beneath the video I’d really appreciate it hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content if you guys

Have any hints tips or suggestions regarding planta coming up then of course head down to the comments area let me know your suggestions but for now thanks for watching have a fantastic rest of your day thanks for all of your lovely support and I’ll see you guys in the next one bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – Today, I create and showcase THREE incredible post-Mech Terraria Ranger weapons… one of which I’ve slept on for MANY years! Enjoy!
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This is Episode 11 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariaplaythrough


  1. Python are you planning on doing a main LP when 1.4.5 comes out because I would love to see you do so. Also, I would like to see some more fishing in your next LP! Anyways, I’m enjoying this series so far.

  2. I cant seem to defeat the destroyer before my game crashes, but i am playing on revengence mode on calamity, so i think ima have to upgrade from a macintosh to a macintosh-ssd. And i sadly dont have money to buy your computers from apex

  3. Concerning the overscrolling while going for the pickaxe, my solution is to not have my pickaxe on the bar at all. Clears up slots up there, and using shift when hovering over blocks to auto-select the pickaxe has always seemed effective. Keep my weapon selected, push shift when I need to mine, and my weapon is always available when I'm done.

  4. I think your arena is big enough. All you need is to take off shield of Cthulhu. But you already have a large open area above the arena so it should be ez to make it bigger (and that always help xD)

  5. I think the reason of whhy the quiver only added +1 instead of +2 is because of how the game rounds certain numbers according to general DPS. Because remember that the arrows shoot faster, so your general DPS improves a lot. If you make the Shroomite armor, please try the arrow helmet with the quiver and the eventide (the damage is ridiculous), also the rocket helmet + the Snowman Cannon is a beast.

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