How to Build a Modern Roller Coaster in Minecraft

Our friends Mikey and JJ have challenged us to build a modern roller coaster in Minecraft but with a Twist the winner gets whatever is inside this Diamond Vault and the losers they get to open the dirt Vault what’s inside let’s find out we’re already leaving we better stop

Building we can use orange and blue blocks to make our epic roller coaster better than they ever can we have to build the best one possible if we want to win the Diamond Vault I’m really going to use a lot of blur concrete cuz that’s pretty much my favorite color

Yeah it totally is and orange is mine if we use our favorite colors we’ll be so inspired to build the best roller coaster ever I think at this point the roller coaster can go upwards we need it to be really really tall everyone loves super tall roller coasters Mary and JJ’s

Roller coaster is not going to compare with ours no way especially not if we make it go all the way to the height limit that would really show them what the I don’t even know how high the hyp woman is it’s 318 blocks really really

Tall all the way from the bottom of the world right to the top of it and we might not go all the way there but we can get pretty far this roller coaster needs to have lots of awesome things we can use iron blocks to make this next

Part of our roller coaster super epic and futuristic well chip that sounds a little bit too confusing for me so maybe I’ll build the wooden section where you get on the roller coaster hey that’s a great idea Milo if you get working on that then everyone will be able to get

Right on our roller coaster and totally go on the best ride of their lives Mikey and JJ are going to love it oh yeah boy this iron section is going to be really really cool iron is so sturdy and very very powerful it’s so strong it means

Our roller coaster will never fall over which is something we definitely need to be careful about especially with how tall it is already here I want to have this roller coaster slowly curve into a turn we can add a couple blocks here to make it ease into it I don’t want to

Hurt anybody on our roller coaster they’re going to have way too much fun to be saw once they go into this part though they’re going to start the Turning which will turn them all the way around until they go in the opposite direction not many roller coasters do

Awesome stuff like that so we’re basically ahead of the pack already unless Mikey and JJ have done something super awesome like that we already have a huge Advantage yeah and Markey and JJ are pretty good at building so we have to try really hard yeah that’s right

Milo they are really good at building if we do not try our absolute hardest then we won’t even stand a chance and we’ll never get an opportunity to win and see what’s in the Diamond Vault I really don’t want to be the loser who has to

Open the dirt Vault that would be so embarrassing imagine you open the dirt Vault and there’s just more dirt inside and that’s exactly why we are I’m not going to lose this no way I think it’s time to make a new section I’ve already done orange and blue stripes as well as

An iron block section maybe if we do a zebra pattern of orange and then blue it will look really really awesome as well and not to mention the fact that we can absolutely keep curving this thing upwards it’s going to go so high up that when we finally drop this roller coaster

Down it is going to break the sound barrier the sound barrier what the I can’t believe we’re building a roller coaster that good yeah me neither and wow Milo this wooden section looks really cool already everyone can totally line up on it to get on the roller

Coaster that’s right now I just sort of need to block off the roller coaster so nobody gets on without my permission uh Milo be careful of the block at the end though we need to Loop the roller coaster back up to the beginning so maybe don’t put fences at the very start

Well I’m going to keep it there for now so Nobody Breaks in yeah good idea I do not want people breaking onto our roller coaster because then they could sabotage it I also do not want to keep building using only orange blue and iron I think we need something a little cooler like

Gold gold chip this is going to be really expensive yeah we’ll be able to afford it though when everyone in the world comes to ride on our epic roller coaster we also will be rich from what we find in the Diamond Vault yeah because when we open that diamond Vault

I’m going to buy so many bird seeds but Milo we will only win the Diamond Vault if we do cool awesome things and that’s why I think we should make the first drop of our roller coaster what oh my gosh chip I don’t want to go down a drop

What do you mean Milo everybody loves big drops on roller coasters they are so epic and really awesome they’re the best part of it I’m not me I will not be riding this roller coaster if it’s too scary hey it’s not going to be too scary Milo don’t even worry because this drop

Already ends it’s not going to be very long we’ll save that for the final drop we have to make sure we slowly ease into it otherwise everyone who rides on our roller coaster will be so shocked at how quick it is yeah even though I don’t really like this drop it’s actually kind

Of boring what Milo what’s boring about it well it has no rings of fire of course oh rings of fire that’s a great idea let me grab some logs to actually make those rings out out of we also need flint and steel if we want to light it

On fire to make these Rings really burn well chip I really think we should actually use some Netherrack Netherrack but Milo Netherrack can only be lit from one side if we made the Ring of Netherrack it would look like this but if we made the ring out of wood we would

Be able to light it on every single side so that it could look like this WOW CH that’s actually really cool I did not know that was a thing thanks Milo I’m glad I could teach you some something it is really important that we all learn don’t break too many of the blocks

Though I want to make sure that we still have some ring left let’s make the ring curve around just like this when Mikey and JJ go on our roller coaster they’re going to be like what the what yeah they’re totally going to say that they’re also going to be cheering and

Screaming they’re going to love this roller coaster so much that they will definitely rank it higher this roller coaster will absolutely win us this competition and help us see what’s in the Diamond Vault it’s Absolut no way the Mikey and JJ roller coaster Has Wings of Fire no way they wouldn’t have

Added something cool like that they probably just made a bunch of little ups and downs I totally think that’s the sort of stuff they do they are so good at building but I think we’re really good at making roller coasters yeah our imagination is much better yeah totally

All right I’m almost done lighting this entire ring on fire it looks so cool already I can’t wait to see it fully done but while I do this my Milo this roller coaster is currently just floating in midair that does not make much sense so we definitely need support

Beams otherwise it would fall down and look really silly well don’t worry I’ll just tell the roller coaster that I support it uh that’s really nice of you Milo but I think we should also build support beams we can make them out of spruce logs we’re already using it for

The rings of fire so if we make them out of the same thing it’ll look so cool but chip I just had a really scary idea what is what if the support beams catch on fire because it Spruce LS and then our whole roller coaster Falls over don’t worry I

Will get bottles of water to Splash on them this way it will make it really nice and cool it also makes it nice and wet so the fire has a lot of trouble spreading how many support beam should I do H I think one every 10 blocks I can

Even show you where I think the best spots will be maybe one here and one there as well that’s a very good idea because that was a r a bit confused that’s okay Milo don’t worry I will always be here to answer any questions that’s great thank you you’re welcome

Milo W this is already going so well once we make all these roller coaster support beams I say it is time for us to make the next section I have a really good idea as to what we can make it what’s it going to be let me guess a

Chicken FL uh no Milo it is not going to be a chicken farm it’s going to be a little bit cooler than that Cor and a chicken farm H let me think maybe it’s a bad seed Farm what no Milo it’s not a farm okay I’ll start building it and

Then you can keep guessing this next part of the tunnel is going to use black concrete we are going to be on a traveling adventure through a very special type of area I really think you will definitely know what it is once I’m done with it Milo wow I’m really excited

To see doing all this support Beam work is pretty hurting my arms a lot oh I’m sorry Milo I really don’t want you to hurt your arms don’t worry you can help me make this now really F I got a couple left I just finished them I guess yeah I

Guess so thanks Milo we do not want the roller coaster to fall over after all yeah I but look the first ring of this concrete area is already complete it is going to look so cool it’s going to be a little tricky to make though black

Concrete is really hard to see around so we have to make sure we do it properly Milo if we just make black concrete and don’t look where we’re building we could make a huge mess and not even realize it until it’s too late with Mikey and JJ

Riding on our roller coaster that would be so bad yeah I’m glad you agree we really need to make sure we build this roller coaster as professionally as we can we need to be the real pros because then Mikey and JJ will be the noobs and

They’ll have to vote us the winners yeah we’re the pros and they’re the noobs yeah at at least we think so I have not seen what their roller coaster looks like so if it is better than ours we could actually lose this thing and have to stay with this stinky dirt Vault yuck

I don’t want that at all neither do I that’s why we really have to make sure everything we add to this roller coaster is super cool that’s why this black section is really important I also have a really really cool plan for what we can put inside it this gold section is

Not going to be the only thing that goes inside this cool black tunnel I have a very very cool idea about what I can make this into are you ready to see it Milo yeah I’m really ready all right this is the cool painting stick and if I

Just paint the side of this tunnel in these colors wo we can add a white stripe going all the way around when you go through this roller coaster you will see the white stripe and it will look like it’s spiraling all around you it’s like a FL optical illusion um Milo do

You mean optical illusion um I don’t really really know what that word means honestly it basically means an illusion that you can see I do not know what a flop toal illusion is well I can definitely see this one yeah everyone that rides our roller coaster will be

Able to totally see this one it is so awesome and cool and the quicker you go through the roller coaster it will feel like the illusion is really spiraling around you CH this is really good but what comes next what comes next is so

Cool I think I might blow your mind if I even try to explain oh my gosh please don’t blow my mind I really need it for all my maths okay Milo I don’t think I’ve ever seen you do maths but maybe if I don’t blow your mind you’ll learn

That’s why I’m not going to tell you what I’m building here you’ll have to guess but I think you can do it Milo all right I’m going to get so ready you’re going to build a shop no I am not building a shop instead I need to grab

Some light blue terra cotta and some cyan terra cotta I also think I need to grab some gray concrete I am building a big big structure I need to make sure I don’t mess it up though it needs to look absolutely perfect first I need to add

Some gray right over here and I need to build it in a very specific shape I do not think you’re going to be able to guess this one Milo why because it’s a really crazy creature why because it lives under the sea and can eat people why maybe it gets hungry sometimes at

The bottom of the ocean it can get pretty cold down there why because there is no Sun at the bottom of the ocean and the Sun is what keeps things really warm up here on the surface why because the surface is so close to space which is

Kind of what that other tunnel looked like maybe we should build a space tunnel sometime in the roller coaster Milo say why if you’re a doofus why hey you tricked me that was too easy Milo you could have given me a challenge at least oh stop it I’m trying my best yeah

I I know you are Milo you’re not really a doofus I just wanted you to stop saying the word why yeah well I was trying to figure stuff out of right yeah okay I guess that makes sense but look the shape of this creature is really starting to come together I need to

Build the bottom of it out just a little bit more this needs to look so cool because the real creature is based on also looks so cool it just looks like a weird volcano it’s not a volcano Milo trust me on that one if this was what

Volcanoes looked like we would all be absolute toast everyone would be afraid of volcanoes yeah volcanoes already a scary chip what do you mean they’re pretty scary but not as scary as this creature is it has the most teeth out of anything in the entire ocean oh than you

Please tell me what it is okay I will I am building a shark this is a drawer that we are going to dive right inside it’s going to take us to an underwater section a shark chip you know I’m really scared of shark shars this is so

Terrifying yeah I know you are scared of sharks Milo but that’s why this part is going to be so cool I just need to make sure I make it look like a shock and not like a whale I wonder if Mikey and JJ are scar of shars I hope they are cuz

That means we’ll win the Diamond Vault yeah although we don’t want them to be too scared of our roller coaster if they’re too scared they won’t ride it and that would mean we don’t even get a chance to win the Diamond Vault they would win because wouldn’t be able to go

In our roller coaster at all wow that’s a really good point well maybe we should make the shark a little bit cute like me uh okay Milo when I finish making this shark if you want to make it cute then go ahead yeah that’s a great idea I’m

Awesome at making things cute because I just put googly eyes on them what Milo if you put googly eyes on this shock would’t that just make it look really silly yeah silly and funny oh Milo I don’t want this roller coaster to be silly or funny Mone I want it to be

Super cool and kind of freaky yeah well you’re doing a good job at that already hey what’s that supposed to mean well it’s just a pretty scary roller coaster little guys like me get scared on this kind of thing yeah but luckily Mikey and JJ are not little guys they’re basically

Pros now and they can handle any roller coaster they go on that’s why I’m so sure they’ll totally love this one well Mark’s kind of a little guy we go to the little guy club together a little guy club we just talk about lots of little guy things and how our brothers are

Sometimes mean hey I’m not mean at all I’m so nice that’s why we’re making this roller coaster together wait a second I just had a great idea for teeth I am going to use smooth quartz and smooth quartz stairs that way we can make them really really spiky that’s so smart I

Was going to say that we should use drip St but it doesn’t really go in that direction does it no you cannot play dripstone sideways if you could that would be so impressive that I’m sure that would win you the competition all by itself wow at least these teeth

Aren’t too pointy in Shar I think they are pretty pointy already though Milo I certainly would not want to get stuck in these Jaws oh my gosh what if the roller coaster breaks while it’s going down this part oh that would be terrifying but it’s not possible Milo I’ve already

Thought about it if it breaks during this part you’ll just keep falling because it’s already a drop section what the chip you’re a genius thanks Milo I totally am now instead of Nether wart block which is so gross I’m going to be placing pink wool inside this part of

The Shar it’s going to be the shark’s mouth and I think it looks pretty cool already I don’t know if sharks have much tongues but they have multiple rows of teeth if we build more and more teeth inside this mouth it will look just like

A real shock yeah and if for some reason you fall and hit the shark’s mouth it’ll be a pretty soft Landing yeah unless you fall on the teeth that would be really bad y that is a bad situation luckily I don’t think we will this roller coaster

Will be so wellmade that no one will fall out of it ever it’s never going to break down unless someone tries to tamper with it let’s take a look back and see the amazing roller coaster we’ve built so far mil it look so good CH yeah

And there’s so much more space we can use to wait a minute minute Mikey why are you spying on us hey Mikey get back here you bzo yeah and stay out oh I can’t believe Mikey was spying on us Milo we need to get even more creative

If Mikey and JJ are copying us yeah I’m really mad we need to get whatever’s inside that Diamond Vault by any means necessary let’s beat them with our epic for coaster yeah I wonder what could be in the Diamond Vault yeah if Mikey is spying on us it must be something really

Good yeah so we need to build something really good that way we’ll deserve what’s in the Diamond Vault which is why we need to build a huge underground underwater Abyss section this is so crazy how do you even come up with all of these ideas I don’t know I just think

Of them all myself it’s pretty awesome but this is going to take a while to M Milo I think we need another solution rather than just digging by ourselves well what can we do well I have a pretty cool block that I like to use in situations like these and it is called

TNT what TNT but isn’t that really dangerous yes but only if you’re not an expert Pro like me I know how to use it so that it’s not deadly we just have to make sure we kind of block it off so it doesn’t hurt the rest of our build a

Chip about that uh-oh I think this shock might have a little bit of a toothache yeah you you blow up some of its teeth actually oopsy daisies I did not mean to do that let’s quickly put these teeth back before we lose too much time thanks

For adding a bunch of Gum as well Milo yeah that’s okay I’m trying my best to help so we can win yeah good idea I’m going to light a lot more TNT down here I think once we reach the underwater Abyss section after the Sharky drop we

Can totally go in the opposite direction back towards the start of the roller coaster it’s important that we go back in this direction otherwise if our roller coaster keeps going straight it’ll eventually lead to somewhere totally different and Mikey and JJ won’t even know where the rest of the roller

Coaster is if they can’t see the entire thing all at once they’ll think it’s way smaller than it really is and they’ll probably try to rank our build lower which would be really really bad it might make us lose and force us to have to take the dirt Vault we’ve already

Seen that Mikey and JJ will do anything to win even if it means cheating by spying on us we have to show them that even though Mikey thinks he might have gotten some ideas they’ll have no clue what awesome stuff we’re building next especially if we make it underground

That’s what this TNT is for by using it to clear out a huge area we make sure that no one can spy on us wow Milo you’re doing a great job clearing the area but wao this TNT is blowing up so much space yeah that TNT really hurt my

Ears sorry Milo well you don’t have to worry about it anymore now we just have to fix the shock that broke and continue building this part of the roller coaster all the way down I do not think anybody wants to be eaten by a shark though so when they realize that they actually

Haven’t been eaten and they’re really safe they’ll be so happy and grateful I wouldn’t be grateful if I got dropped down here yeah that’s totally fair I wouldn’t want to be dropped down here either so I guess we’re both on the same page I just need to add a bunch more

Pink wool now it’ll really look like you are get eaten by this show Shar once we add these final few blocks of pink wool we’ll actually be ready to start building the underwater Abyss that’s going to be so insane I can’t wait to see what you think of for it yeah me too

I already have some pretty cool ideas now if I to get started on building this underground Abyss I need to replace a lot of this dirt with some cool Sandstone they do not have dirt at the bottom of the ocean it’s just a sea of sand like an underwater desert it is

Really cool so I need to replace all this dirt with Sandstone luckily this magic stick totally lets me do that how awesome is this Milo me too yeah Milo one time when I was at the bottom of the ocean I made friends with an octopus what that’s crazy how did you do that

Didn’t it try to attack you with its tentacles well no we just shook hands and I kept walking across the bottom of the ocean wait how did you walk across the bottom of the ocean don’t you have to swim when you’re in the ocean well that’s a really a good point maybe it

Was actually a dream I’ve been having some crazy nightmares lately really I’ve had a couple nightmares but they’ve only been about losing these build competitions to Mikey and JJ and about not getting to see what’s in the Diamond Vault it’s a really scary nightmare but I keep having it that’s why I’m so

Motivated to win don’t worry chip we’re totally going to win this especially if I’m involved yeah totally having you here will really really help us and I think making an awesome roller coaster just like this one will really help too yeah what are we going to call that

Roller coaster that is a really really good question I think we should call it the Shak omatic rip rcer fire twist to 3,000 what that’s an epic name I can’t believe you just came up with that thanks Milo I’m pretty proud of it myself I think now that this roller

Coaster has reached the section where it becomes the abyss ride we should totally stop building this out of prismarine it is a block that is only found at the bottom of the ocean so it will really look like it comes from under the sea prismarine is so cool it actually slowly

Changes colors over time so every time you ride on this roller coaster it will look slightly different it is so cool it goes from greeny to Bluey and then to a little bit purpley all the way back to a green color it is very very awesome

That’s also why I totally want to use it for this ride I think once you reach the water section of this ride it should slowly sink you deeper and deeper down into the water it already looks like it’s doing that but I think we can make

It go a little further just like this then once you’re at the very bottom of the Abyss ocean cave you can continue going forward it needs to look epic though I think we can add a bunch of sea life around here but first we need to

Add this prismarine so that we can start making water in here we need to get this prismarine done before the water arrives otherwise it’ll be really difficult to build in here and it’ll slow us down lots that would not help us win which is the main goal right now I just really

Want to win this competition so I can see what’s in the Diamond Vault I really hope Mikey and JJ do not win it I just know that if they do win it’ll be the best thing ever and we will not have gotten to see it yeah and plus they

Probably won’t use what’s in the Diamond Vault for anything good yeah definitely they’ll probably waste it I know especially Mikey will he can be kind of silly so if he wastes our Precious Diamond Vault materials I will be so so sad me and Mikey had a big fight last

Week what why did you fight with Mikey he’s such a nice guy well because I stole his toothpaste and I was using it to paint a picture and then he started shouting at me wait a minute Milo you stole his toothpaste and he got mad

About it and you think he’s the bad guy hey he is the bad guy I didn’t know that it was his toothpaste I thought it was maybe your tooth toothpaste hey you can’t steal my toothpaste well I’m going to keep doing it oh my goodness that’s

Gross uh I guess I just have to focus on the good things that we have like this awesome water wand that I can use to summon water everywhere CH I just realized something what is it Milo FR Marine changes color yeah I was talking about that earlier didn’t you hear no I

Was not listening to you hey what were you doing instead Milo H just other little decorative things H Milo it’s not something silly is it we need to take this competition seriously if we want to win I am the most serious guy in the world okay I don’t think that’s true at

All but I’m happy that you’re at least trying I feel like a mermaid right now and I’m really loving it yeah totally I think you can be the best mermaid ever once we finish making this ocean section until we finish this part though Milo you don’t get to be a mermaid because we

Need to get building CH can I put some Carl around yeah that’s actually a really good idea Milo I think the more Coral we put the more this will feel like the bottom of the ocean I just have to clear out some of the air bubbles

That have appeared at the very top of this cave oh yeah boy I’m going to make this look epic wow this place looks so cool now that all the water has been properly added I think I need to make some kelp as well deep oceans have lots

Of kelp because it’s the perfect place for sea creatures to hide in the more kelp we add the cooler this underwater section will look I am so glad that I managed to invent underwater rail Cuts so that we can totally make a roller coaster that goes underwater without it

Breaking yeah it’s a really smart invention I was so surprised when you told me hey why were you surprised I invent smart things all the time yeah but I just didn’t know the mine carts would go underwater yeah they totally can if I put my mind to something I can totally

Do it that’s why I put my mind to winning this competition it means we have a really good chance of beating Mikey and JJ and getting what’s in that Diamond Vault CHF could you put your mind to stopping my beake uh Milo I think that would stop if you just

Brushed your teeth instead of stealing other people’s toothbrushes to sing in the shower yeah but I don’t know how to brush my teeth cuz nobody taught me okay I’ll teach you just stop using my toothbrush to sing in the shower oh toothbrush in my mind to use Milo if you

Brush your teeth you’ll have your own toothbrush what really yeah that’s kind of how brushing your teeth works is that what the Tooth Fairy does she gives you toothbrush uh yeah yep yes really yeah Milo I think you should probably test it out I’m going to test it out right now

I’m almost done placing all the kelp that I think we need it needs to be super tall and super green if we want to impress Mikey and JJ of course I wish we could use this kelp for food as well kelp is absolutely gross to me though I

Try to like it I really really do cuz I need to eat more vegetables but G this one is just gross I like her personally what does it remind you of bird seeds or something yeah it does and also it reminds me of sushi which I really like

True Sushi is pretty good I just like the sushi that uses seaweed not random it’s a kelp I don’t think I’ve ever had kelp seaweed but pretty much kelp is seaweed chip hey okay sorry Milo I guess I don’t know my ocean facts as well as I

Thought I did but what I do know is that this kelp section is totally done it now looks awesome when you come down into this underwater Abyss I think we now need to make a really cool section let’s make an underwater Abyss cave a cave oh yeah that works perfectly yeah we can

Use dripstone blocks and dripstone spikes to make awesome stellig mites that rise out of the water and we can also make underwater vents they’re basically volcanoes that you can only find at the bottom of the sea well I don’t really want any volcanoes around here cuz they could ruin everything yeah

I guess that is true we’ll have to be really careful with how we add them but don’t worry Milo you can trust me I’m going to make them the perfect way we need to make sure that they blend really well with the spikes if this underwater cave section of our roller coaster is

Too scary then everybody will try to get off which is not safe to do in the underwater section they’ll totally drown under here which is really really bad and we do not want that at all so we can’t make it too terrifying maybe there’s something silly that we can add

Onto here that might make it less scary can you think of anything silly that lives in the water in Minecraft yeah I can think of one thing really what is it Milo CH hey I don’t live in the water I thought you were going to say something

Like sea pickles or something not me that was really funny I totally got you I guess you totally did get me that was a really good one Milo I’m actually kind of proud oh I can think of a real silly thing that lives in the water too really

Like sea pickles no like a squid oh that is actually a really good idea why don’t you spawn some squids around Milo or better yet glow squid I can even help you spawn them down to make sure that we spawn the perfect amount yeah that sounds like a great idea glow squids are

Totally awesome they’re brand new and they have awesome particles coming off of them wow it really does feel like an underwater cave now it’s super pretty yeah they totally are I hope the squids don’t get in the way of the mine yeah that would be a bit of a disaster I

Really hope so too I really hope they don’t either I’m going to make this prismarine bit go a little bit further back right now I’m worried that it will not be good enough to stop the roller coasters what if they fall too fast down the shock section and they need to be

Caught off the back if Mikey and JJ gets stuck off of our roller coaster down here in the abyss they will never forgive us for almost drowning them but now that we built so much of the Abyss I think at the very end here here we need

To add a very very cool addition a Soul Sand launcher this will launch every single roller coaster that goes inside it all the way up to the surface we can dig a really really high space this way we can go way further than this roller coaster has ever gone before wow this

Thing shot me right up in the sky yeah that’s what it’s designed for and with the more water we place an area that we clear out the further it can shoot you up there why don’t you keep digging this hole all the way up while I keep adding

Quartz to the sides this way it is nice and neat and nobody will get stuck on the sides like that squid did that sounds like a great idea thanks Milo the higher we can make this thing the cooler our roller coaster will be and the higher chances we have of beating Mikey

And JJ they are really difficult to beat because they are such expert Builders me and JJ studied in build school together and he was always top of our class I managed to overtake him in building university City but he could have always gotten better than me again I need to

Make sure that did not happen and we can only do that by building the best roller coaster out of all of us Milo look great now I’m feeling really nervous that we’re going to lose hey don’t be nervous Milo there is absolutely no reason to wo I accidentally blocked off a piece of

Water that could have been really bad but look the water is shooting up this section wo it even came bursting up the top that is awesome let’s block off this area with some smooth quartz blocks we don’t want the water totally escaping that would be really bad if the water

Got everywhere it would be so messy that it would ruin the look of our roller coaster and nobody would want to go on because all their feet would get wet even trying to walk to it yeah I do not like that no and I don’t think the

People whose feet would be wet would like it very much either that’s why it’s very important that we block off all the water that might drip out uh-oh just like that I can’t believe I almost let that get really bad luckily I managed to totally stop it now it is time that we

Extend this pole all the way up it’s so tall I can barely even see the top Milo and wait a minute does that shark look different than it did before um I don’t know what you’re talking about uh Milo our shark has googly eyes on it well I

Don’t know anything about that Milo you said you always put googly eyes on things to make them look silly well yeah I guess I put googly eyes on the shock cuz I just wanted him to look nice Shar H sharks shouldn’t look nice Milo sharks should look scary and I think I know

Exactly how to turn this silly little googly eye into a really scary thing I just need to make sure I do this correctly I don’t want to mess it up because if I do that would really waste a lot of our time I think if I add a

Couple more blocks here it should make the Shark look really really angry like it’s about to open its jaw and swallow everyone who comes near hole well yeah he does look really creepy now yeah thanks Milo that is exactly what I was going for I am so happy that it totally

Worked now I just have to make sure I do the same thing on both sides we can’t have only half of a scary shock that would be ridiculous no instead we need to have a completely scary shock that way we give ourselves the best chance of winning chip this bubble elevator is

Amazing I’m having a go at it right now really Milo wait how high are you going well I’m at the top now and the view is amazing wao wait a second I’ll be right there I think I have to see this for myself I’ll just place the final few

Blocks on the shark and wa you really are at the top Milo that is so cool all right Milo it’s time to work on the next part of our roller coaster yeah let’s go but wait oh no chip I totally forgot that I left my spider Teddy down in the

Water oh no we have to go get it come on Milo let’s go get it together we do not want to leave important items like that behind W I forgot how awesome this cave was but where did you put it Milo oh I don’t know um oh look it’s here where oh

It is down here quick Milo you need to grab it so we can go back up and continue building our roller coaster I got a chip this is really good yeah it totally is wait Milo did you just hear an explosion oh no I that car Stu wait a

Second we need to go see what it was and hey Mikey and J are blowing up the start of our build what are they doing hey come back here Mikey and JJ’s staying here oh look he’s running away as well this is terrible they’re totally sabotaging us get out of here you guys

Are the worst they totally are Milo they know they can’t beat us just by building well they have to cheat by breaking our roller coaster and spying on us B just ruined my beautiful platform I’m going to have to rebuild it now don’t worry Milo we will will get our revenge when

We beat them and we get whatever is inside of that Diamond Vault okay I think this platform is basically repaired we just have to fill in this giant hole in the ground I can’t believe they would do that but luckily because of our awesome teamwork we’ve already

Filled it totally in we can now just replace this one pillar that they broke and continue building the final part of our roller coaster this is how we win Milo let’s go now for this final part we are going to do a chip and Milo themed section it’s important that I build this

Part really properly otherwise we could have a big disaster okay I need to place these water buckets really properly I do not want to get them wrong at all now when the mine Cuts go to the top they’ll float along this side until they reach this angle W this is really cool thanks

Milo I totally agree now the orange po can go all the way along here first there will be a chip theme section where it shows everything that I like in all all of my favorite builds and foods and things to do then we can totally have a

Milo section followed by a giant cookie and bird seed themed drop what oh gosh this is my favorite part thanks Milo me too I really like it as well okay I think the chip section is pretty tall now I just need to turn this around so

We can start on the Milo section as well the Milo section is totally going to be the best bit of this whole roller coaster yeah it will I think you’re probably going to want this to be made out of light blue concrete is that right Milo well obviously yeah I had a feeling

And that’s why I’m totally doing it out of those blocks if I used a different block I know you would be really really mad yeah I’d probably punch something hey that’s not nice you should never punch things Milo well sometimes when I get really angry I punch the wall what

Milo you should probably not be doing that that is really bad and very dangerous okay yeah if really it does hurt my hands sometimes so I’m going to stop yeah good idea Milo but what sort of things do you love and want to put inside the Milo section of this roller

Coaster well obviously I love B seeds yeah and what else do you love Milo I like writing signs and my favorite word is perpendicular what that’s a word that even I’ve never heard before okay I guess you can write that Milo but don’t be surprised if no one riding on this

Roller coaster knows what it means oh I think it just means when something’s purple or something uh yeah probably totally that’s so silly all right and then the Milo section will turn into a giant drop this drop will go so far down and we can even build a big Milo head on

It what a big head of my head that’s going to be epic yeah it totally will but now I think we should start on the chip section it needs to be really awesome let me grab some item frames and some cookies cookies are my favorite

Thing so I just need to put them inside the item frames to show everyone that I love cookies yeah that’s a really good idea they’re going to know all about you yeah they totally will let me just add one here and one here as well perfect

These look so awesome I wonder what else I can add oh I know I love netherite armor it is my favorite kind of armor so we need to have a bunch of arands just like this we can have them along the sides of the roller coaster this way it

Looks like they’re guarding the way upwards no matter how slow or fast you go they will be there to protect you with their netherite awesomess when Mikey and JJ come along this roller coaster they’re going to be really excited yeah they definitely will I’m going to be excited going along it too

It already looks awesome and I love these armor stands wo I can’t wait to check it all out again when we actually have to add the roller coaster tracks yeah it’s going to be so really good yeah totally and I just need to add one

More thing that I love oh I know exactly what I can add let me grab an item frame so I can properly frame this item that I will get I love swords netherite swords iron swords and diamond swords any kind there is I love them all the same so let

Me grab a bunch of these different types of swords and put them all around I definitely want to use mostly diamond and netherite swords though they are the most powerful I also need to make sure that the swords are pointing in a really cool direction if every sword is

Pointing in the way that the roller coaster is facing it looks like the swords are guiding you on where to go as long as you follow the swords you will be totally right wow they even curve around I love this so much now onto the Milo section I’m going to put some item

Frames right on this wall but what should I put inside them Milo well obviously bir SE are fast that’s my most important snack oh good idea I’ll even help you Milo now there are so many bird seeds in these item frames and then this section is going to be a lot of blue

Diamond armor okay and I know you also love to build with hay bales for some reason so we can totally add them hanging off the sides yeah do some hayy Bales for sure thanks Milo I totally will wao this already looks so epic now I can add a bunch more along these sides

Just like this thanks for helping me chip I’m really loving this section me too I love both sections the chip pot and the Milo pot are definitely my favorite parts of this whole roller coaster this really is a chip and Milo roller coaster isn’t it yeah and it

Wouldn’t be a chip and Miler roller coaster without one final part I think you’re really going to love it but it might take me a second to make so you cannot peek at what I am building until it’s properly done okay Milo all right I want PE thanks I really appreciate it h

I think I need to build what I need to build just like this it’s a little tricky but this is something I see all day every day so I know exactly how to build it and what it looks like it’s really really funny looking but in a

Really cool guy way so it’s no problem for me to build let me also think about what else I can add in oh I know it looks kind of like this it also has a bunch of black shapes right around here oh yeah I cannot wait to see this fully

Come together now I just have to build the whites around the eyes for this oh yeah it’s really looking like what I want it to it looks kind of familiar don’t you think Milo what I thought you told me not to walk oh yeah that’s right

You can look in a couple seconds I am almost done I’m going so fast because we need to be fast if we want to beat Mikey and JJ well I’m nervous now I want to know what you’re building don’t worry Milo it’ll all be revealed very very

Soon it’s so awesome you’re going to love what I’m making here get ready Milo to Feast your eyes on the giant Milo head that I have made W CH this is really amazing it looks just like me thank you and you can see it when you’re on the roller coaster and when you’re

Looking at the roller coaster from all the way down here we just need to make sure that this roller coaster properly lines up I do not want anybody on this thing to be totally thrown off the side yep I really love this so much I am so

Happy right now me too Milo we just need to build one final part at the very bottom here this is how anybody that rides on our roller coaster will connect back up to the beginning oh yeah I totally forgot we needed to connect it this part can also be Milo themed just

So that they get a little bit more Milo at the end of the roller coaster yeah they’re going to want so much my exactly and now I can just curve it this way before finally looping it back in this is so exciting now all we have to do is

Add the rails into the roller coaster and it’s ready for Mikey and JJ to ride yeah let’s go in order to get rails we need to place detector rails and powered rails on this roller coaster I have a pretty important thing we need to build

Here though we need to make it go up just like this we also have to have a bunch of powered rails on the sides these will only work at the push of a button let me grab some Redstone torches as well as the button that we’ll need we

Can put the redstone torch right over here and we can totally put the button on this side this way it’ll work perfectly we can even add a little platform coming right out with buttons on both sides this way no matter what direction anybody is sitting it will

Totally work wait Milo that’s not how all roller coasters work you also need to add Redstone torches along different parts of it that way the roller coaster charge can spread and the tracks can actually properly go well I’m going to do the roller coaster track and you can

Help me put down the little things uh Milo you’re going kind of slow on the roller coaster track why don’t you let me do it okay thanks Milo wow we’re going so quickly now I think we need to add a couple more power rails here and

There but it is looking so cool let me add pots here as well okay now we can continue on the big rail section right up here it’s going to go so high up and it is important that we use powered rails and not some other kind of rails

Because powered rails are the quickest by far let’s also make it go right down like this we have to use a lot of rails to make sure we don’t build this wrong if we do mess this up it could spell real trouble for us but luckily I don’t

Think we will we’ve gotten really really good at building so I think we’ll totally make it awesome now we just need to have these rails keep going down I keep messing this up uh-oh if I do not figure out a way to make these rails work in the direction I want them to

This roller coaster will be doomed and it will never work because people won’t be able to go through wow we’ve already passed the loop of fire and the big drop and we’ve gotten into the illusion section now coming up is the awesome drop into the mouth of the shark wow

That looks so cool I just need to add a little bit of something something here and now we drop down into the mouth of the shark where we can continue adding these powered rails on this side though we will not be able to use regular torches to power them because Redstone

Torches are destroyed under the water instead we will need to use the even more powerful redstone blocks all right I’ll use some redstone blocks thanks Milo I totally will as well we have to build them in a very specific order just like this if we mess these rails up

We’ll have to start all the way from the bottom placing rails on steep angles like this can be really confusing and tricky but now we can continue these rails all the way down here through the abyss it looks so awesome I just know everybody that rides on this part of the

Roller coaster is going to absolutely love it now roller coasters do not go as fast through water so we have to add a lot more of the powered rail bits even on the test of turns otherwise the carts could stop which would be a real disaster if a cart stops before it

Reaches the air again we would lose the person inside which we really do not want okay perfect now the mine Cuts will go shooting up this bubble area all the way up to the top it is pretty far but it’s also not a very long ride because

Of how effective our bubble columns are now the rest of the roller coaster track will go this way and we can use torches again good job Milo you already had them before I even mentioned it yeah I’m on the bow today yeah totally and we can

Even continue this going right up to the top now that we’ve hit these item frames we definitely have to make it turn and it can turn all the way until we hit the Milo section again W the Milo section’s looking cool yeah I agree I’m really

Excited to go through it and I’m excited to see Mikey and JJ go through it I bet they totally going to love it and it’ll really help us win and now the roller coaster drops all the way down to the the beginning W that is a pretty intense

Drop let’s make sure it connects up to the beginning though by placing all these roller coaster tracks right over here we can link them around this way and perfect now the roller coaster is an actual complete loop I think I should just add one block here that way if any

Of the mine carts go in the wrong direction they will hit this block before they go way too far this is really cool chip I love our roller coaster me too but I don’t think we have much time to celebrate the time is now

Up and Mikey and JJ are going to have to judge it themselves oh my gosh it’s time waa Mikey and JJ’s roller coaster is epic I’m really liking it actually look they’re already waiting for us hey they’re really impatient all right Milo we should get in and press the button to

Go we’re going wow this roller coaster is epic but uh-oh Mikey didn’t make it I guess they probably haven’t made it very well yeah we St and right for doing all those there crazy things to have roller coaster um what it’s pushing me backwards hey this roller coaster is

Really weirdly made I don’t think they thought this through very much they definitely didn’t look they don’t even have Redstone torches no they don’t but watch out Milo I’m coming through hey not fa sorry Milo you can catch up to me if you can but this whole roller coaster

Is broken look this pot doesn’t even have a track who even built this they spent too much time spying on us they didn’t even complete their roller coaster yeah this is lame let’s just go to the highest point of this roller coaster and test out their biggest drop

Yeah that sounds like a pretty good idea hopefully that works yeah hopefully I think we get to it by going up here this seems like the right way to go I can’t believe Mikey and JJ would make a roller coaster that doesn’t even work properly that is really weird at least that gives

Us an advantage Milo yeah we might actually win and get to open the Diamond Vault yeah totally okay I think we just need to try out this big drop and wao okay this pot is actually really really fun but hey I’m stuck yeah me too this

Roller coaster is a bust yeah it does not work properly at all I think we need to show them what a real roller coaster looks like let’s go who’s ready to take this roller coaster for a spin I think they’re so excited Milo I’m really ready

Let’s go let’s do it wo it’s already going so fast and hey Milo you going to catch up to us it’s all right I’m catching up wow this roller Costa is epic I’m right behind Mikey and JJ and Milo’s catching up too this is great we’re going up really high wow we made

It to the F drop section and wo we’re really falling wo Milo got left behind uh-oh I guess our roller coaster doesn’t work as well as I thought but you know what I think it’s still pretty cool well we at least it’s better than Mikey and JJ’s yeah totally at least our roller

Coaster Works uh-oh I hope I didn’t get stranded in the ocean wait I totally did let me put the mine cart back on the tracks and wao we’re zooming through yeah look I’m falling right behind you this is epic wow the Minecarts are shooting up the super cool tunnel I’ll

Go right up as well wow this is incredible I can’t believe our roller coaster is working so well Milo I cannot wait to to see Mary and JJ’s reaction at the end wow they’re loving it look they’re going up the Milo section and wow they’re each going down

The mega drop I think it is our turn to go down now as well let’s go wow look at them down there this is awesome and they’ll come to a nice slow stop at the very end of the roller coaster just like we started I’m lovely

Wow I think we did such a good job we totally did I think we also won the roller coaster competition Milo we’re better at building roller coasters and don’t forget we get to open the Diamond Vault what the this is the best day ever look the Diamond Vault is

Amazing what’s inside it though hey you live me behind the door look we got all the golden apples we could have a one yeah we could but hey Mikey and JJ could you let us out of here I think we’re stuck behind these doors oh no this is s

Look they helped us out but now it’s time for us to help them in the dirt Vault I think you guys totally got this yeah why don’t you see what’s inside oh my goodness it’s a bunch of zombies Mikey and JJ lost the competition and now they got to fight

That zombie oh no

Milo and Chip are going head to head with Maizen in todays Roller Coaster Build Challenge! But what happens when Mikey and JJ get caught cheating?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. Love love love love love yyyyyoooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😊😢😮🎉😂❤

  2. My dogs 🥰 have always had a very good time waching your videos❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😂😢😢😢😢😢😢🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😮😮😮😮😮😅😅😅😅😅😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤love you to

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