Hermitcraft S10#3: Exterior Be Finishing

All right three okay two one go who whoa what oh because the the boat has the floaty physics that’s right oh we got all the way up to 500 oh my goodness that’s so cool thought you did disappeared so hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft oh boy

Okay so my place here is getting more and more messy every single day and I haven’t even really started farming anything majorly yet and I just get more and more boxes down and I got to start cleaning this up cuz this is going to get worse and become a bigger problem

The longer I leave it so we’re going to head into the end I think try find some shaer boxes clean up this mess I think there’s going to be an elytra Wing at the stronghold if I understand correctly so I’m I’m going to make some Rockets just in case that’s true I’m

Going to make some ender eyes see if I can find it naturally here and uh just figure out where we need to go I guess it’s that way respawn the dragon four crystals elytra hunting this will help please return for next tmit yes there’s actually some in here that’s great so

I’m going to set my spawn here so that when I come through I can drop off the wings again but I’m definitely taking these with me all right I’m going Southeast South Southeast everybody that’s the winning ticket no I forgot about the world border oh

No oh I’m an idiot it’s a baby baby City better than nothing oh it’s an active one we’re going to get some stuff oh Spire that’s right you get the templates in here now diamonds another baby this is my third one and they’re all so

Tiny yeah so I think probably all in all I spent 2 hours or so rating end fortresses and nothing really out of the ordinary happened I did have a couple close calls because I don’t have full protection armor all right we’re back from end rating and there’s pretty much

Everything we got here of course the big thing being the shulker shells we got three stacks we got five elytras and a bunch of tools that are actually fairly decent here I tried to put the the better ones on the left here but yeah some these are quite good I’m probably

Going to use them hello big boat boy this for you oh it’s from Joel EO I asked him about his banners the other day hello Etho I have taken two stacks of gunpowder because I need to try and kill people as it’s getting embarrassing now he’s he’s failed so many times I noticed

You’re building in a similar style as me obsessed much oh no no don’t you turn that on me he’s obsessed with me everybody that that’s right even though I watch his uh hardcore world every day because it keeps coming up on auto replay for me uh so thought I would offer

Some banners I’ve been using in return if you use them make sure to think of me whenever you look at them net kisses Joel a isn’t that nice yeah let’s give uh Joel’s banners here a try cuz uh we had these plain red ones hanging which I

Like having banners here I just think we need something on them and uh Joel has these like cool characters on his which I think might match our our theme here pretty well they’re supposed to look like uh letters right yeah I like that that’s cool aha yeah so next up here we

Head into the nether to start working on a little Wither Skeleton Farm not like the full-blown deal with the Wither roses and the piglins or any of that I just wanted to lay out the platforms and try to increase the spawning area at that Fortress for anybody that wants to

Use it they don’t have to wait around as long and I thought it’d be a good project for the troop to get done because that Fortress was also getting chewed up a lot getting destroyed and I was worried we were going to lose like where the intersections were and stuff I

Wanted to get it laid out before it was too late there cuz we have an insanely lucky seed this time like the Fortress is right in the middle of a Soul Sand Valley that means you don’t need to waste the day or whatever spawn proofing the nether laying down slabs and buttons

And all that stuff it’s kind of all done for us already and as I was working on it you know it seemed good I was about done and it’s like oh boy this is insanely dangerous I almost died so many times and I realized I can’t just leave

It like this or you know some hermit’s going to come along use it get killed lose all their stuff and I I would be responsible kind of for that so I figured I got to get some beacons down here for the resistance for the the regen just to make sure they’re okay

When they actually use it also another reason I wanted to do this project was because I didn’t have an experience Farm on the server anywhere I needed to repair my tools this is a great way of getting levels and also I was running low on Bones so I could get bones doing

This and it it worked out very well actually oh snap okay if anything I think this area got more messy since I got Sher box is not better but trust me I’ve been organizing like crazy here and it should get cleaned up pretty soon uh I forgot to

Show you this too this is kind of cool I took a 4×4 map area around our house uh kind of like a screenshot in time I I locked the map so they’re not going to change and back on February 12th this is uh this is what it looked like I’m

Hoping every month I’ll remember to do this so we can kind of see how the area changes and develops over time so that’s our house up there we got a cub fan down over here Tango his building over there is just right over here and then pearls across

The water with the red building you just barely see the wheat from it over there I have been working on the Ender Chest just kind of getting stuff organized I don’t have a lot of most things so we’re missing stuff and also like a lot of

Things is is like got five mushrooms in for example one warp fungus not like full stacks of stuff uh-huh so we’re pretty far from having the completed thing here but doing this also allows me to empty a lot of the random stuff out of my chests there so those are looking

Much more empty we don’t have any wool really I didn’t do any of the aqua KET stuff so none of the coral or ice I don’t have any of that stuff and we are also missing concrete cuz I don’t have much gravel or sand just yet oh that’s not good well

Actually oh like really really um oh you don’t have any slabs do you I can make slabs I just want to see if we can get like a that’s interesting you can make you can use signs as kind of like something thicker than a slab but yes

Yes like the in between yeah yeah dud that’s pretty that looks pretty that’s pretty fancy I like that people are going to see that it’s like that’s not possible in Minecraft no it is yes it is with beat ups it is this might be pushing it for you a little bit I don’t

Want to push you too hard mhm you thinking about texturing the floor I know it’s coming I know it’s coming I’m saying let’s say let’s say the theory is or the idea is I want pink Petals on the ground that is the priority MH if that is the priority you

Could potentially put it over packed mud which would blend good with this yeah and then so it doesn’t look weird like why is there packed mud here for no reason you kind of you know blob it in in certain areas around randomly yes yeah I know what you mean it’s a give

And take this is like my my standard to do it like a solid fill like this and yeah but I can texture too like I know how to texture yeah yeah yeah oh I know you can I I know I know that too much is uncomfortable mhm right I I don’t know

What it is like I like it when you do it sure yeah but it can be too much yeah like I like the clean looking builds too that’s kind of what I go for yep it’s good but yeah you can you can get pretty clean looking texture too if

You do it right yeah yeah yeah it’s more for advanced a hsl type People I’m holding back bebs I could do I could do what you do too I just can’t be bothered I got to do my Redstone and stuff you know yeah that’s true I’m too busy hooking up my pointless Farm here to Redstone to get the Advan texturing out

That’s right that’s right I got a little bit of texture in here look at this you do yeah yeah look at this I could throw some granite in here I could do all kinds of things you know you sure could and you know it yeah that’s good that

That’s good I think I might replace these with h copper that’s a good idea there’s a lot of places where we’ve used Spruce trap doors in our build where it’s kind of like a safe Choice like it looks fine but it doesn’t add any like new color to the build it’s brown on

Brown in a lot of cases I like that more is that the right color though or do we want to go even Greener I think I like the green ones the most but they kind of stood out when you looked at it from a distance so these ones blend in a little

Bit better we’re going to go with them instead got them on the back here as well and here because we got the pink in the background these green ones will look a little bit better I think they do stand out quite a bit but I think I like

That okay so I just hooked up our three little farm plots here to some Redstone it’s kind of gimmicky I don’t know if I would actually use these for farming cuz it’s not really enough space but it’s also kind of cool to get it actually functioning in our garden here so just

For now I put a button on the ground to do it let’s give it a try aha so the problem is we got to manually replant it unless we got some villagers in here I guess they could do it for us nothing really to the Redstone

Here but I’ll show it just in case you’re curious we got the sticky pistons with Target blocks underneath and then the button is just right above here now I had another idea here I think maybe we should change the oak trap doors we’re using for Windows like uh I’m sure

There’s something better we can use now that we have the coop we could also maybe go cherry wood or jungle wood would probably be a good choice as well anything is better than oak here I think so if we do cherry it really matches the pink right uh I also

Think for the background here we should probably instead of just having more Oak trap doors I think we either want to go for like light blue glass if we want to see-through window right you get a little bit of blue shining through a little bit of contrast

Um or if we want to block out the windows I think a good choice would be the Warped wood strip it like that and then it’s like a solid contrast color behind could be cool as well that’s the Cherry trap doors the blue copper green

Copper oh I think this is my favorite so far oh this is tricky the jungle ones look pretty good too uhhuh yeah so I decided to go for the jungle trap doors they were very similar I think and uh the jungle ones are much cheaper so

That’s what we went with uh my goal this episode is is to get the rest of this house done like we still got uh this section all missing this all over here this probably needs to be changed I don’t think I’m going to have a staircase going down anymore so we got

To figure out what we’re doing here today this is one of those things that I’m not entirely sure about that I’ve always kind of struggled with like how much repetition is too much in a build how much is not enough or even like mirroring in a build or flow you know

Like for example if you were to draw a line down vertically here this side and this side are basically identical I I mirrored them right which is nice because that saves a lot of time when you’re designing something if you can just copy it uh but at the same time you

Know we got little variations we got the blue shingles on this side and this side we got the jungle leav so it almost feels a little bit different right um but repetition is also nice I think it’s much like um with music you know we we like patterns and things and I think

That’s true visually as well like in music we like beats and repeating rhythms and stuff right um but you know like a trance song might be a little bit too repetitive you know it might be a boring beat and then Jazz might be on the other Spectrum where it’s like

Almost too much it’s overwhelming where there’s not enough repetition um you know you got to find the middle ground I think with visual stuff as well I was just having a conversation with my people about repetition in building oh that was a great conversation what what were we saying um

Like I feel like it’s a balancing act right if you have too much repetition it’s it can make something look boring but if there’s not enough I think that’s a problem too right become necessarily call it a problem depends yeah if you have enough so you’re saying if I have

Three corners on my house and the fourth one’s not there that’s fine no okay see now see now that’s where it works that’s the situation I was talking about problem you need a you don’t need the repetition on the fourth quarter that’s too too much repetition Pearl

Come on that’s a big problem curve it’s fine it’s fine how about a curve I like a curve a curve would fit curve with a nice little like tower on the side yeah there we go that could be something I almost got out of having to build this today I I just about

Justified it uh but I better get to it here yeah so my general feeling is you know as long as each side of my building has something unique about it I’m okay with a little bit of repetition beyond that and uh I I think it’s fine I want

Each side to feel a little bit different from each other is the big thing which I think we’re doing okay with so far so I’m thinking we take this slice over here and we repeat it over on this side cuz it’s almost like we’re building a

Box here like we have that framed in and this framed in so why don’t we just you know repeat it copy it doot like this put this on top over on this side and the beauty of that ah this is the trick with repetition um because that’s on one

Side of the building and the other one will be on the other side you’ll never see them together right so you don’t even know they’re repeating I’m just I’m just cheating now so I think that’s the plan here uh I got my stuff here uh let’s start marking

This out and get to building all right so that post will go right around here I think right yeah okay let’s do it oh Snappers all right well check it out everybody we got the exterior on this thing pretty much all finished up now it might need a

Little bit polishing here and there maybe we’ll try our hand at some texturing as well but for the most part I think this is how it’s going to be and I’m pretty happy with it actually I think it turned out pretty cool so we’ve added quite a bit onto this actually

Like everything from this post to the left all this over here is brand new and that’s actually a good chunk of the front here like that’s another third onto the front so it got quite a bit wider which I think is fine um thankfully we do have a little bit of

Depth here like I didn’t plan this at all but that part sticks out a good five to 10 blocks compared to this new stuff we added on uh if I planned it out better I probably would want even more depth to it but uh it’s fine I think as

It is so we we got our box built here I did like a red ceiling here I tried out these trap doors mixed in maybe a little weird maybe we’ll get rid of those I’m not sure again we’ll probably want to get some frog lights for these instead of

Glowstone once we once we can texture the floor um this I can texture easy beehive stuff is a lot harder to texture I find though uh we’ll see we’ll see what happens with that um but yeah we kind of copied another one of those window things over here actually let’s

Go into free cam mode it’ll be a little easier to see things here yeah so this is another window thing but I made it quite a bit wider so it’s a it’s a little bit more beefy a little bit more interesting maybe but I might change this as well

I’m not sure if we’re going to keep it like that and then uh yeah so we got to this part right we built all this first and then up to this post and then on the other side the tricky part about this Patchwork style I do is when you have to

Meet the two ends of the Build Together thankfully you know we got it fairly close there but we still had this little Gap to Bridge and I decided just to do something flexible like a garden down here I think that turned out kind of cool right it’s a little different than

Other stuff we’ve done I like this little curve we got in the path as well I think that’s a nice organic shape yeah and then for the top part here we ended up doing a little balcony I thought that was a good idea because those are also

Very flexible you can make them kind of wide or narrow or whatever you want right so we just filled in the rest of the space with that and uh we ended up getting a pretty cozy little balcony here there was enough room for our chair

So I can look out and see any visitors coming I can I can yell at the llamas to get off my lawn you know all kinds of stuff right it’s pretty cool uh uhuh so that’s the build all done pretty much and as you know I’m an

Expert at Ru so obviously I got oh oh oh uhoh oh dear breaking news everybody a horrible crime has just been committed on the hermitcraft server no somebody took my Corners off my portal again unfortunately the perpetrator has left us very few Clues onto who committed

This crime and it’s going to be up to our topnotch investigative skills to figure out who did it I I think it’s iskal I’m just going to assume this is isel’s bamboo I’m going to take it even though it’s right by Ren dogs can we talk for a

Moment can we just we have a little conversation here yeah okay so you’ve messed up with my portal you know I was having a zip of coffee I know Ren ratted you out it’s all over SK what what did he say wait wait this is interesting what did he say he told me

You’re the one that did it oh this guy this guy what you got to say for yourself someid well well first of all I totally did and and also true is that Ren was with me and in on it and laughing I also have to admit that Ren

Didn’t WR you out you fell for the oldest trick in the book but what in fact did you just I approached Ren for to ratch you out cuz I I figured it was you and he didn’t rat you out I also kind of accused him of doing it as well and he feigned

Innocence you know so you just ran it ran out actually o this is this is this is the though this is psychological uh yeah that’s kind of the the dead give away from me besides it being your your style is you use Granite you use Nether and all the calling signs I

Needed to know it was you sure luck though cracks another case anyways I did do a couple other little things around our place here uh probably the most important ones are down below if I can find it here oh look out coming through coming through yeah down below here

Everybody check this out this is going to be a project for next episode just little thing but I did find a double cave spider spawner underneath our base got the water all set up got it mined out here and all that it’s pretty much ready to go we just need to add the

Killing chamber onto this and some kind of elevator so I’ll try to do that for next episode then I can actually repair my tools this is the longest I’ve gone in a season without getting an XP farm uh it’s very it’s a very different way of

Playing I I got to say I’ve mostly just been repairing with my furnace XP you know and then uh down by the cave spiders I also built this like quick and dirty experiment here I wanted to see like how much B we’re going to need um

Like before it’s like oh yeah I have unlimited wood for making chests and stuff so I set this up this is 64 plants this very simple bamboo Farm here where it’s like a a chain of Hoppers running underneath the mud so then when the bamboo falls on the the mud here The

Hoppers bring it over to the autoc crafter HOH kind of messing up yeah we got an autoc crafter here so that’s making uh bamboo blocks for us and when the bamboo grows up to The Observers it it detects it does a bud power to the Pistons and

Then the Note Blocks or power rails here or you could also use activator rails get a update to the piston and tell it to extend and breaks the bamboo and yeah that’s all there is to it so after running this for a while I have figured

Out we probably need to go bigger and I don’t think I want to copy this design any bigger cuz the more Hoppers you add the more laggy it is but you know I’m getting a decent amount of bamboo from it so it’ll last us a little while

Before we need to upgrade aha but I saved the best for last this episode everybody I want to show you the really cool project I’ve been working on with pearl and Tango they invited me to help them out with a mail Network which the idea is we’re trying to make it so

Hermits can send packages to each other like from Base to Base they send each other messages or items to each other even if it crosses unloaded chunks we want to be able to deliver packages to each other within you know under 2 minutes or so and we found a way to do

It which is really neat um so Pearl she’s doing like the building aspect of this and tango and I have been doing like the Redstone aspect designing it trying to troubleshoot work out like how to do it and so far it’s been going really good so I want to show you a

Little bit of that are these bar stools yeah take a seat seat watch wow that’s pretty that’s clever I am impressed thank you if only I could actually sit on it but that’s that’s the small thing a little Pokey in the middle but otherwise it’s pretty good I would really love to start

Up a postal service I’m just wondering if that’s something that you two might be interested in helping me establish on the server and get going you know absolutely what what do you think J you think we pull it off we I think so yeah

I think we could do it yeah man thing or two two Redstone mins like yourself do you think we can pull some magic to to kind of do something fancy I could build us a little like postmaster building and everything like that have a a place for

The company to operate from and you know sometimes sometimes packages go missing you know and they got to blame somebody and uh it would be good if we had a head of the company no we will not have someone’s got to take no yeah not someone got to SK 10%

Of the packages too and keep the stuff inside you know what I’m saying if either way I can pull this off we’ll be able to uh deliver packages anywhere on the server from anywhere on the server that would be so cool and then mailboxes would be used yes it would be so cool

Not a fan of ladders huh Tango oh no you did use ladders okay I was about to say we’re making an L shape right yes yes we’re making an L shape that’s going to go like this way in a long Direction and this way in a long Direction and

This is the point where the two lines meet right this is the bend in the L yeah okay and uh just check in the chunk borders is this like the middle of the Chunk on both oh I don’t know I don’t know we can yeah we can adjust that as

Necessary we probably want that too right you’re absolutely right yeah so we’ll assess that go go go go oh that’s getting down a better Rock excellent um yeah maybe we should have put a little more but it’s we’re fine this one I didn’t hit any lava pockets

On so I think it’ll be a little smoother oh this is perfect yeah there’s a little bit m this one’s a lot shorter too yeah that’s it that’s the end done okay I mean that’s that’s the bulk of the work now we got to clean it all up and put a

Little platform down so we can actually work down here right yeah get our tunnels get a workstation that’s right we got to fix our ladder back out of here or we’re never leaving we’re stranded down here going be decked out too where you never leave the cave

Otherwise exactly hey I’m used to that I’m ready for that oh look at the mess I made oh dang oh no oh sorry H yeah but it didn’t help it’s still dark and I’m being chased by a child good guy good guy T trying to help try to help scar

Out oh my God now I’m being a pincer like BBS would say pincer move now now there’s a spider I’m in Green’s vertical M shaft now I’m sad it didn’t give me a message on my end that anything happened did you die you didn’t die he just a bunch of

Here I just blew up a bunch of stuff it’s fine it’s fine you know as a man who only slept three times in season 9 I thought maybe you’d get back into the sleeping game three times is that for real no that’s not true oh I feel like

It was yeah so we dug out an area down below at the bottom of the nether where at like Y8 down here yeah Y8 we slapped it all out to make it nice and neat did our best to spawn proof most of it I think it’s pretty good yeah how do we

Even explain this okay so we’re we’re sending mail right Tango yes are we sending mail so the player and and we’ll show some of this later hopefully when we build some of the actual mailboxes in people’s bases but the idea is that they can send whatever they want in a shulker box

Right they can put something in a shulker box they put a stamp along with it the stamp determines where it’s going so like I’ll give like a shulker of sand and then I’ll take an ethos stamp and put it alongside it and hit the send button yeah and then that shulker box

Will arrive at your base a little note will go off ding Ding and you’ll get you’ll see the whole Sher Mar right there don’t don’t you sleep again Tango so this is our Dynamic chunk loading system every time you go by here you hear those clicks going off it’s sending

An item through that portal which is instantly being rebounded the other way but what that does is it loads a 3X3 area of chunks around so a mineart with no one even in the nether can safely travel as far as we want down this track that’s right cuz we’re going to be

Sending our our mail with storage mine carts on the track we’re riding right now and if there was no one here they would go to an unloaded chunk and just stop right and just stop and be very very sad yeah yeah so we need the portal

Chunk loaders to to keep it going right so then the idea is the stamp we’re going to have all these little like Junctions off this line we’re writing right now that will filter out the stamp and say oh this is you know whatever this is Mumbo stamp and then it’ll

Divert the mine cart and go off like a little detour toward his personal mailbox all right Tango I’m I’m putting down the storage mine cart I’m loading in my message and this time I’m going to use the power rail excellent it’s it’s gone it’s on it’s on its way should be

About now show me myart uh oh show show me oh yeah same exact spot okay there’s got to be an issue here if this one works it loads this chunk but if you think it stopped here that means this one’s not working well I can tell you the reason reason why

Tango oh no did you find it already I found it already so you’ll notice where the detector rail is and where your Redstone is Tango some things aren’t lining up here one of these things is not like the other a the good news is that’s an easy

Fix that is an easy fix yep ah off by one yeah it’s bound to happen with how many uh things we’ve said yeah we had to do 30 of these things I’m loading in your message excellent I’ve sent it on its way should be at at your door in 40

Seconds this is good though Tango you know we we showed a couple fails on purpose just to show how difficult this is to actually achieve if we were just perfect the first time you know it wouldn’t look authentic yeah I get please work please work please work please work please work any

Moment waiting for it you’re making me nervous Tango oh dear God it’s peak time peak time okay well that’s good it made it that far that’s a good sign it’s progress definitely progress oh oh oh oh no this this is I want to see this might

Be my fault no yes come on what is it why are using dispensers he figured it out so I as I was saying those up I had droppers and dispensers in my hand and I must have mixed them up once so yeah uh might have used some dispensers instead

Of uh droppers at one point on the advice of Tango not by mistake on my of course of course yes no I messed up this great we’re both we’re both messing up okay it’s on his way yeah all right cool oh you just sent it okay 35 kind of feel

Like you should get it by now should be arriving now there it is oh yeah just so up yes hello Tango oh we just sent a message so 1200 1200 BLS just to confirm I’m atus 880 right now and you are yeah I’m at 443 that is insanely exciting okay I might

Be smiling from ear to ear right now oh so that means we can send messages across bases now we just have to start hooking up to the bases right yeah all right everybody so this is going to be a little bit difficult for me but I’m going to try explain how the

Mail system works we’re just going to go step by step with this and as long as that I don’t get too bogged down in the detail and I give you a little demonstration here I think you’ll get the gist of it so you might have saw

This thing in our our base this is the mail box so each base is going to have one of these mailboxes uh is the idea this is like the default unit you can decorate it make it look nicer I haven’t got around to doing that just yet but uh

Yeah there’s just a little bit of redstone to it so the purpose of this thing is to send and receive packages so you’ll have a stamp collection here currently these are the only two people with mailboxes myself and Scar so what you do is you load up your message in

The Sher box so you can put whatever you want in here you can put notes you can put items I can send scar some stone for example I think bundles actually work in Chalker boxes as well and then you stick your finished thing um this is what

We’re sending him by the way we might be able to get some diamonds off of him you guys go know the Nigerian prince scam uhhuh going to do a a little mimic of that anyways so you put your shulker box there and then you choose your

Destination so I want to send this scar right not Etho so let’s get scar you put one stamp into here now this is a smart unit as well so if it’s missing a stamp or if the shulker box is empty when you press the button nothing should happen

It doesn’t send it so it makes sure you’re actually doing this correctly for the most part uh but now that we have items in the Shuler and a stamp we hit the button and it’ll send it okay so that goes down below here there’s a lot more to this

Unfortunately so yeah you see there’s a long two elevator shafts one for going down one for going up here so it goes down to this Hopper the stamp and the shulker Box land in this Hopper and then we detect that we tell it to send out a

Mine cart and that mine cart Waits here for a bit and then the items get loaded in the mine cart and it goes off into our portal and to that the rail Loop we saw earlier in the episode so this is also a bit of a smart system as well we

Try to recycle the mine cart so this is the receiving line coming in this way it breaks up the cactus and then the Shocker box gets unloaded here and shoots up the water column to our mailbox which we receive in this Barrel you can receive multiple packages in

This you don’t know who it’s from actually unless they actually tell you with a note or if they name the Shuler box from Etho for example then you would know but otherwise it’s kind of anonymous I’m hoping most people will actually label their packages so you know where it’s coming from uh down

Below again okay down we go so yeah those come up the water elevator to the barrel and then we will craft a new mine cart if it’s running low if this this dispenser has like I think just one or two and it’ll automatically craft a new one

Using the autocrafters so we can store a bunch bunch of extras there because you got to think if someone’s sending more mail than they’re receiving eventually they’ll run out of mine carts even if we are recycling them I’ll give you a quick little walk around here in case you’re

Crazy and you’re going to try copy this Redstone uh good luck it’s a little bit hard to see it I got to say but you know I’ve I’ve seen people do crazy things uhhuh this is a sticky piston here Observer clock kind of thing and yeah so

That’s kind of the whole unit now you might be wondering why did we separate these two units like why is this down here in the mailbox up above and the reason is because we wanted to have as little of footprint as possible in the hermit’s bases like this is kind of the

Minimum thing they need for interacting with the mail system and then all this extra stuff down here is just for packaging the Chalker box and the stamp into a mine cart and we can hide that down underneath their base where it’s out of the way that way um the other big

Question people have is why are we going down to like why 13 with our portal here why aren’t we putting it like on the nether roof or something right well the big reason is cuz like if we were trying trying to deliver a message to a Hermit using the nether roof for our

System uh that’s up at like y 130 or whatever so they would have a portal floating above their base somewhere if we were to link it up properly and uh they probably wouldn’t like that so that’s why we’re doing it down at the bottom of the world it’s kind of out of

The way that way um so yeah our our package gets sent down this line let’s follow it now so that storage mine cart has the stamp inside that says Scar and it also has his shocker box we send it down our our Loop here always going clockwise we don’t want some of them

Going clockwise some going counterclockwise cuz then they’ll run into each other and stop each other uh if we always go clockwise even if like multiple Hermits are sending a package at the same time it’s very unlikely they would ever collide with each other and cause a problem um yeah we send it down

Our Loop here and then eventually it gets to Scar’s Junction over here right here is a hopper item filter thing with a scar stamp inside so once it gets that we send a redstone signal to this Junction we tell it to switch so that the mine cart instead of going straight

It will turn here to Scar’s portal and uh that’s how we tell it where to go now in order for all of this to work we also need chunk loaders running in the nether here that’s what all these portals are in the middle so again we’ll

Just look at the Redstone real quick I’m not going to explain it all but uh yeah basically every time you send or every time an item goes through a portal it will refresh a 3X3 area chunks for 15 seconds I believe so what we do is we send an

Item out of this dropper into the portal and then on the other side we got much the same thing here where it sends it back yeah so the item we sent gets picked up by this Hopper and then we send it back through here shoots out this way again we’re in

The Overworld right now these portals over here are always lit in the Overworld but they’re down at the bottom of the world so it’s unlikely a Hermit will ever link to them but then we shoot the item back and it gets picked up and recycled so we

Never run out of items that way and there’s always a couple in here uh for loading the the portals we break the portals afterwards so that it’s very unlikely a Hermit would ever accidentally link down and get stuck in our our system here it’s not like they’re not running unless we need them

Kind of thing and I think that’s a a good way of uh making sure there’s less problems uh but anyways we want to do that for each of the branches we add on to this as well like scars portal should shut off um when we’re not using it we just haven’t

Done that yet one big problem we encountered while doing this is um if we send a mine cart somewhere and it gets there in less than 15 seconds there’s a countdown timer on all entities where they can’t go through a portal again until those 15 seconds are up so what

Was happening is we would send a mine cart it got here in 15 seconds or less it would not go through the portal and it would kind of just freeze and get stuck on top of the portal block here and never go through so to solve that we

Added a way of breaking the mine cart it unloads it first with this Hopper gets the Shocker box out of it then we break it at the cactus then we place the mine cart again with this dispenser and then we load it again with the hopper here

And the shulker Box goes inside and by doing that we get rid of the countdown timer on the mine cart and it’s a brand new Minecart that will go through the portal even if it hasn’t been 15 seconds which is a pretty cool trick a little complicated right yeah

Anyways that uh Minecart made it its way over to Scar’s portal here goes down the receiving line hits the cactus recycles the mine cart into here and then uh we shoot the Shocker box up the bubble column here and it goes up to his mailbox hopefully there’s no spoilers

Here and yeah look at that so it’s it’s h sitting and waiting for him right here yep yep so hopefully you got something out of that anyways it’s a it’s a bit of a crazy system Honestly though I had a ton of fun making this thing I think Tango did

As well it was it was fun working with him on this project it’s not often you get weird Redstone projects like this where you got to you know solve a lot of things and figure it out so it’s cool to do something a bit different compared to

Like Farm building which is often very similar to each other every Farm you build you know um uh-huh anyways that’s it for this one guys hopefully you enjoyed it until the next episode you take care you have a wonderful day bye-bye have you seen the mail building it’s sick

Pdst that sounds like a diagnosis doesn’t that just say post oh it’s an oh yeah you’re right oh my God that’s what I meant the post office

Today we head into the End for shulker boxes so that we can start dealing with the endless mess brewing. We build a basic Wither Skeleton farm. We finish up the exterior building of our starter home. Then we join up with Tango and Pearl to work on a Mail System Network for the server.

Hermitcraft Website: http://www.hermitcraft.com

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/EthoLP
TwitchTV: http://www.twitch.tv/ethotv/

#hermitcraft #etho #minecraft


  1. A more technical description of design is perhaps something like this. "Repetition feeds satisfaction from recognition. Variation feeds curiosity from exploring."
    Generally, both values bring most people happiness. So providing at least a little of both is a good option.
    But some people value one experience more than the other and that is what makes the deciding factor. Who you are building for can also matter.
    I personally value patterns a lot more than I do exploring. So I actually dislike common techniques like color variations in the floor and walls.
    This is what puts a deciding factor on which people will grab the attention on what type of viewer. While I recognize the other Hermit's talents, not all of their builds are for me.

  2. Etho, did you and Tango test it, if multiple hermits sends packages at there same time? Wouldnt the minecarts collide? Or that is what i imagine what would happen

  3. On the topic of repetitive patterns, I find the 80/20 rule works quite well to make sure it's not overwhelming, but also not boring. 80% of cool colors and 20% of warm ones, 80% of repeated patterns and 20% of unique and detailed spots, 80% minor texturing and 20% bold and detailed textures etc (the reverse logic works as well to create very busy and overwhelming environments). It's something I learned from character design, but I think it works great in helping to bring attention to a focal point in your build

  4. I really want to know what happens if you hook someone with a fishing rod, you get fishing rod launched, then launch them on the way up. Would it even work?

  5. After hearing you talk about building a Railcraft-inspired ticketing minecart system for years, it's amazing to finally see it come to fruition in such a useful and widespread application on Hermitcraft.

    I'd love to see the postal system replace a central shopping district this season, – imagine hermits sending an order and payment via the post service and receiving their items directly to their base, that would be so cool!

  6. Etho, as kids in school we learn how to label an envelope for post. Would it be good to have a four signs across the top of the mail box unit, that way you could have the instructions line up with the devices you made, maybe something like
    Sign 1
    How to send mail
    1. Label a shulker box with the senders name and place missal inside
    Sign 2
    2. Put a stamp with receivers hand below.
    Sign 3
    3. Place mail shulker in hole below
    Sign 4
    4. Press this button

    Skip a spot

    Sign 5
    Mail is received here.
    Something like that.

  7. Walking through the redstone you and Tango did was so interesting! Makes me want to learn more about how redstone works. Thank you for showing it out to us 🙂

  8. Great work on the mail system! can i make a suggestion: go the extra mile and dig out the netherack around it and build a simple decorative shell? this will look nicer, and also help protect the system from accidentally getting blast mined out by some hermit trying to mine ancient debris..
    I know no-one will usually be down here, but I also assume the system will break now and again, and need repairs, and if the system has a nice box around it, a bit of breathing space and a nice floor and walls, then it will look nicer on all future videos when you do any repair work.. you don't have to go as far as doc and place all the redstone on diamond ore, but you should be proud of this system, and not treat the wiring as something to just bury in a dirty tunnel…

  9. What I am slowly realizing is Etho has turned his "interior only" bases inside out, now there's exterior only and all the functions are outside. Now the inside of the building looks strange.

  10. As a designer, yes. Our brains like pattern, but in the interiors industry we really try to go for subconscious patterns. Eg. Finishes that connect throughout, repetition in certain spaces. I personally try to avoid symmetry because it doesn’t help/enhance designs and in some ways can be quite unnerving to the eye. ✌🏻 I really love the garden area in your base because it references similar finishes while still keeping a ‘messy’ element of greenery. It’s setting a rule and then breaking it with purpose👌🏻

  11. I love the explanation of the mail system! Stuff like that is what makes these videos so entertaining. It's both genius redstone design and encourages the hermits to interact. Has the same feeling as the OG nether hub on MindCrack

  12. i love the conversation on repetition versus asymmetry!! especially connecting it back to music, something i enjoy analyzing even moreso than design. keep up the great builds king <3

  13. Honestly I think one of the best videos of yours I’ve seen in a while. I’m personally really interested in when you build and would love to see you focus on building this season and keeping some redstone off camera like you have been just showing function. It’s very fun to see this style of video.

  14. Etho. You are a genuine artist. That you doubt yourself and you are sometimes so critical of your work is the proof of the fact. We the audience have for the most part, trusted your creative vision ever since we said goodbye to Chocolate Island. You're on the right track.

    But I will say. I think Cyan HARDENED CLAY is a good block and anyone telling you otherwise needs to be pranked with a giant cube of it.

  15. Once in the Nether, how do you filter the mine cart so that it knows to go right to the designated hermit’s portal? Does the system use item filters for the stamps? How do you read the stamps while the cart is moving? Does the cart check every portal until it gets to it’s destination? So many questions so little answers

  16. On the stamps, what happens if someone sends with an improper stamp? Will that somehow be filtered off and sent to the post office for redirection?

  17. You should make it so only the owner of the stamp has them and then they give them out to people they want to, kinda like giving you address to someone you know?

  18. You should make it so only the owner of the stamp has them and then they give them out to people they want to, kinda like giving you address to someone you know?

  19. Could you rename the shulkers from the originating locations to correspond to that location so people would know where the package came from? Sort of like a return address.

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